A Cooler That DOESN'T NEED ICE? 🤨 Oyster Tempo Cooler Review

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 412

  • @theoutdoorempire
    @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +11

    Check out the all new Oyster Tempo Cooler here! 👉 alnk.to/d3AtpKb (affiliate link, FYI)

    • @Bozemanjustin
      @Bozemanjustin Год назад +2

      10:44 lol it's so funny. You just said it was 100° day... But you don't have a drop of perspiration anywhere on you.
      I think it's a riot when I see that. Being born and raised in South Florida and never having built a snowman in my entire life, it perplexes me that it could be 100° out and you're not sweating
      As we sweat on Christmas morning

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      That's the arid West for ya! Dry heat is hot but if you sit still and in the shade you can bear it without sweating. I've been to Florida a handful of times and I can't take a breath without breaking a sweat 😅!

    • @Eduardo_Espinoza
      @Eduardo_Espinoza 3 месяца назад

      I still can't believe a place that doesn't need coolers, made the best cooler.

    • @Eduardo_Espinoza
      @Eduardo_Espinoza 3 месяца назад

      Great eye

  • @_Spacecraft
    @_Spacecraft Год назад +68

    $500 is tough to justify, but it’s a super pretty cooler. I kind of want to get one for weekend camping, instead of lugging around my 77qt. This channel is costing me a lot of money.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +3

      Haha 😂! Sorry, not sorry.

    • @alexgarcia3900
      @alexgarcia3900 24 дня назад

      Get a fridge cooler and an some sort of power source. 500dls is a lot of money, but id rather buy this over a yeti cooler. Yeti coolers are massive and give you very little room to work with.

  • @parryhooper
    @parryhooper Год назад +201

    I'm watching cooler reviews.. wtf

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +6

      Haha 😂. Welcome to my world.

    • @parryhooper
      @parryhooper Год назад +6

      @@theoutdoorempire I recently picked up a Orion cause of you. So thank you! It's been living in the back of my 4runner 24/7 this summer. It's always cool as I'm switching out ice packs every several days.

    • @Tallnerdyguy
      @Tallnerdyguy Год назад

      It's hot

    • @JonathanShidler
      @JonathanShidler Год назад +5

      "the very day I became old"

    • @s-c..
      @s-c.. Год назад +3

      Not just watching - now I want one 😂

  • @vincelicas2422
    @vincelicas2422 Год назад +5

    I just saw Huckberry’s video of this product the other day. They were promoting it because of course they were selling it on their website. I am so glad this showed up on my feed because I was really curious about it. Great video!

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +2

      Yep, I saw that one and thought, "Hey I did an actual review of that cooler over a month ago."

  • @dogishappy0
    @dogishappy0 Год назад +9

    I saw the title and was expecting a review on an electric cooler. I recently bought myself a Bouge RV electric cooler, and it was able to keep my food and drinks at 30 degrees F with zero difficulty. It can also function as a deep freezer and my ice cream won't melt even on the hottest day!
    I love not having do deal with ice packs or "thermal batteries" and doubt i will go back.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +3

      Very cool! Indeed an electric cooler doesn't need ice either. 😂

    • @OverlandOne
      @OverlandOne 7 месяцев назад

      I am traveling the US in my camper van and have been on the road a year. My no name chinese fridge/ freezer just quit working last week and my new Bourge RV fridge/freezer arrives at a buddies tomorow. I decided to go with them as they made my 720 watts of solar panels which have been working just great. Funny thing is my new brand name unit was about $60 cheaper than what I paid a year ago for the no name one that burned out. I hope yours has been working well for you. I went with the 24 quart size.

    • @dogishappy0
      @dogishappy0 7 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@OverlandOne my 6-month review of my 24q Bouge RV cooler is nothing but positive. Expense reports for my job are on a per-diem basis, so this thing paid for itself in less than the first month. Everything since then has been cash in my pocket!
      I've found 28 degrees to be the sweet spot for my cooler but this does result in the occasional slightly frozen pickle/tomato in my sandwich but liquids like soda and soup remain unfrozen somehow. The capacity holds more than enough food for 2 people for a 3-day weekend, and it practically sips power throughout the night.
      I still use a 600wh solar generator instead of my car battery and toss in 2 frozen water bottles just for the added peace of mind. This is just far more convenient than lugging it into the hotel room with me each night, and the cooler paid for the generator itself!

    • @OverlandOne
      @OverlandOne 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@dogishappy0 Awesome, thanks...that is good to hear.

  • @splashemoutlaundromat
    @splashemoutlaundromat 2 месяца назад +1

    I just ordered this cooler. Thanks for the review.

  • @javabean252
    @javabean252 Год назад +14

    I didn’t think I needed a cooler with all the others I have at my home. But… I think I have room for this one. Great job pulling this video together.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Thanks! It is a neat little cooler. Gets very cold with ice too as it turns out. And fast.

    • @kobayashimaru8114
      @kobayashimaru8114 Год назад

      You don't lol. It's definitely a want.

  • @S.L.1211
    @S.L.1211 Год назад +10

    DESIGN: 10/10 a product that will enhance the experience of using the gear. Aluminum interior: great idea due to its thermal conductivity. They could eventually anodize the exterior to different colours or come out with a titanium edition with titanium on the exterior for a more robust version to the aluminum. I have an expectation the lifetime should be 20 years on a cooler and I'm not sure about this one... looks super well built but I wonder how robust the vacuum is to being compromised if dented. PRICE: where I live in Canada, with the exchange rate and 13% sales tax in my province that thing as is, is $772. No way in hell I can justify that purchase. I can buy a lifetime of ice for that and use a cheap Coleman lol I won't enjoy the experience with the Coleman though.
    I have wondered why more haven't come out with a vacuum insulated panel cooler (these are very common in medical ultra low freezers). Or even use AeroGel instead of foam as the insulation (google aerogel - super insulating stuff used by NASA).

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Great input, thanks for sharing! Ya it's a neat concept. Will be interesting to see who else does it in coming years.

    • @brandonshaffer3940
      @brandonshaffer3940 5 месяцев назад

      You nailed it. Exactly. The aluminum is cool and all but titanium would justify the price. Titanium is 10x the cost of aluminum for material. Wonder how much itd actually add in cost for the total product. I'd pull if it were strong like that though and buy.

  • @michaelharris1455
    @michaelharris1455 Год назад +4

    Thank you for the nice review video; you're pleasent & personable, without being goofy, and there wasn't a bunch of fluff & nonsense.
    Looks like a great cooler, but afraid that at that price point, I'll go with a 12 volt fridge.
    Thanks again.

  • @eutanasio31
    @eutanasio31 4 месяца назад +3

    Question is why Yeti haven’t make a cooler like this 😕

  • @lambamthankyoumaam
    @lambamthankyoumaam Год назад +5

    Really great job, thanks for the review. It really would be useful to have an ice retention test.

  • @fredir3596
    @fredir3596 Год назад +6

    I like the concept and style but I’m too rough with my things. I’m sure I’d dent it on first use.
    I use an RTIC and an Iceco fridge. I bet I could fit it in my cooler to protect it😅

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      It'd be like the Russian nesting doll of coolers. 😂

    • @fredir3596
      @fredir3596 Год назад

      @@theoutdoorempire I’ll put my soft sided cooler in the ice less cooler!

  • @ying-chuanfoo3504
    @ying-chuanfoo3504 Год назад +4

    Good video mate. As far as I’m aware Oyster is not the only vacuum based cooler out there, I personally own a Daiwa ZSS 2700 that’s 6 sided vacuumed which seems similar to Oyster bar the weight. That Daiwa is really heavy to lug around even empty. I would love to give Oyster a shot, like you said how often you get to try a new cooler from Norway 😜. Keep it up mate.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      Interesting, I'll have to check out that Daiwa. Didn't know they made coolers. Thanks for the info.

    • @epg423
      @epg423 Год назад +1

      Daiwa? Hmm seems key. How about the qoolbox. Yeti v series is a nice on too. Been using it daily for years very nice. Did the dam coolers drop their release? Thats the only ones i know of

  • @coretmanus4688
    @coretmanus4688 Год назад +3

    Would be great if you could share the dimensions of the ice packs. I am curious on the thickness of those and how they will fit in my conventional freezer that has limited space. Good video, Thank you!

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +2

      I just measured them and they are 8" x 8" x 7/8". They fit perfectly side by side in the bottom of the Oyster Tempo with 36 cans stacked on top and you can still close the lid just perfectly.

  • @flybyguy1450
    @flybyguy1450 Год назад +5

    I have an igloo bmx 52 and would love to be able to replace it with something that has smaller external dimensions but has similar food/drink carrying capacity. I'd love to see a comparison test that's focused on the amount of consumables it can hold, meaning; Take the Oyster and place the 2 ice packs inside. From there, see how much food/drinks you can fit in it. Now, take that same food/drink load and place it in the smallest hard cooler you can (while staying close to the 2:1 ice:consumable ratio.) The rest is simple: monitor them both and see which keeps cool longer. Could even replicate real use conditions and open each cooler for 30 seconds or so every now and then just to see the effects that has.
    *And to be thorough, do the comparison again but use ice packs AND ice with both the Oyster and hard cooler. Just because the oyster doesn't NEED ice doesn't mean you cant add a little in if you were in say a camping scenario and wanted to give its chill a bump.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      Absolutely! That's great feedback I'm gonna try and put that together. Thanks for the input!

    • @andrewsbbq
      @andrewsbbq Год назад +2

      I have a BMX 52 as well, at 1/10 the cost I am more than happy with its performance. I added a gasket to the slot around the lid and it seals water tight.

    • @flybyguy1450
      @flybyguy1450 Год назад

      @@andrewsbbq I love mine as well. Affordable, durable, and carries just enough for a weekend of camping with my girlfriend. The problem is, my sedan is loaded to the brim with gear and the cooler is the single largest item. If I could drastically reduce the cooler size that would help me a ton! I doubt the Oyster would be a good replacement due to it's small size, but if it really doesn't need ice (or if you can simply add a little bit every few days) and can be almost entirely used for consumables, then the small size might actually work. Now, about that cost tho... $$$

    • @flybyguy1450
      @flybyguy1450 Год назад

      @@andrewsbbq bmx 52 is closer to 1/4 the price, btw

    • @andrewsbbq
      @andrewsbbq Год назад

      @@flybyguy1450 got mine on sale for $65 Canadian. Oyster is $800 but currently available for $670. Back when I bought it the regular price was only $120 and now they are $170-200 but still go on sale for $100

  • @simbadagr8
    @simbadagr8 Год назад +2

    Excellent review thank you. I really want this cooler. In Australia it's $792 AUD which is really expensive, but it looks perfect for beach/day trips and BBQ's which is all I want a cooler for. I really like that it looks much smaller than an equivalent internal capacity cooler. The comment about things rolling around loose inside and bashing on the side walls is a good one, but I bet that could be fixed by simply stuffing some reusable bags or a shirt/jumper in with the stuff. So keen, just got to justify the price in my head. Probably will treat myself one day if a bit of extra cash comes my way unexpectedly.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Ya, it's perfect for those day outings for sure! The compact size is great and I love how it gets cold so fast from room temp.

    • @datsun7023
      @datsun7023 7 месяцев назад

      Plus you can buy some arctic ice tundra series packs. One large and one medium they would perfectly fit at the bottom and those can freeze things so then you can have colder temps in this cooler

    • @aussiegruber86
      @aussiegruber86 9 дней назад

      Cheaper to buy a fridge or use uber eats to deliver groceries while camping

  • @RichardMolen
    @RichardMolen Год назад +2

    Can you share a link for the thermometer that you used in this video? Also, thank you for the detailed informal review of this cooler; I would like it if I could afford it.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Thanks for asking, I just added the link to the thermometer to the description.

  • @gmtz1986
    @gmtz1986 2 месяца назад

    I wouldn’t mind throwing out a couple of my coolers to make space for this one in my garage. I’ve got about 10 of them so far, a must-have in South Texas where temperatures often reach 110°F in the summers. $500 is pricey, though. I might consider it if they make an upgrade to include an exterior snap-on compartment to house the flexible strap or other miscellaneous items, like a bottle opener, eating utensils, etc.

  • @DistinctMason
    @DistinctMason 5 месяцев назад +2

    Would love to see a review of the new roadie 15 vs the tempo!

  • @morning_sounds
    @morning_sounds 5 месяцев назад

    We use 3-5 coolers per job and I’ve mostly switched everything to heavy duty coleman coolers. They hold cold all day. We precool them with ice packs and then rotate packs before heading out. Amazingly effective and durable. Not sure this tin can would hold up any better by the looks of it and would likely get battered pretty quick.

  • @kylebocanegra5948
    @kylebocanegra5948 Год назад +2

    Love your channel! Very high-quality videos and very informative.

  • @thetom12345678
    @thetom12345678 4 месяца назад +1

    Thanks for the review.
    Got a question. Loving your blouse with the fishes, where can i buy it?
    Keep up the great work and all the best.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  4 месяца назад

      I'm gonna tell my wife that. She hates that shirt.
      It's a Woolrich shirt and indeed, one of my favorites. I got it years ago at a discount store, so you might have to say your prayers daily and hit up every thrift store you see for the next decade to find the same one.

  • @chrisbynum4940
    @chrisbynum4940 Год назад +4

    I know it would be expensive, but I would like one that was half the size and used one of the ice packs. that would be a great size for a day cooler for one person. I'm also hoping you do a test with the ice packs and chilled drinks and food. That is probably a more realistic test of how it will be used.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +2

      That would be cool! And I think I can do what you're saying. Cheers.

  • @harryaiello7438
    @harryaiello7438 Год назад +5

    Great review and an interesting cooler. Need to compare it to something though. Kong is about the best for ice retention, throw in a Yeti for good measure. You will need to use the same ice blocks though and pre cool the roto molded ones. Pre cool the Oyster too.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +2

      Great input thanks! Though I'm a bit torn about ore cooling. It's sort of a key selling point with the Oyster that you don't need to and it's sort of a weakness of thick rotomolded coolers. So either the newfangled guy has to stoop to the roto norms or the rotos' weaknesses are exposed. 🤔

    • @kristerlile4627
      @kristerlile4627 Год назад +3

      ​@@theoutdoorempireI hear you, just do it both ways. Test w both pre chilled, and then both starting at room temp. I'd love to see that.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      @@kristerlile4627 Great idea!

  • @mogotsi_
    @mogotsi_ Месяц назад

    I like the noise the cooler makes when you open it. How many watts are the speakers?

  • @michaeldkmv
    @michaeldkmv Год назад +2

    Everything I wanted to see tested… the way I would have tested it. Thanks for saving me the work! Subscribed!

  • @landonhelman3207
    @landonhelman3207 Год назад +2

    Did you do any test with the ice packs and food/drinks ? If so how did that go ?

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Not yet. Just the ice packs by themselves. But I like what you're saying!

  • @pgiatrakis
    @pgiatrakis Год назад +2

    Beautiful !!!
    Great review !
    Thanks for the great channel.
    It’s as if Bang and Olufsen made a cooler. ❤❤
    Fantastic review.

  • @TimTurk-m5h
    @TimTurk-m5h Год назад +1

    Stumbling upon this cooler and your video, I did a little research and found a vacuum insulated panel plastic cooler 25 qt. and 35 qt. called the DAM 25 and Dam 35 sold in the USA. They are less expensive than the roto molded, have thinner walls, and are lighter so they aren't as bulky as the rotomold. It would be cool if you could get your hands on the 35 qt. and see how it compared to the Oyster and a similar sized roto-mold. Their website says they perform as well as a Yeti of a similar volume.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Very interesting find, thanks for sharing! I'll see if I can get a hold of one. That'd be an interesting test.

  • @VintageISO
    @VintageISO 3 месяца назад

    Late comment but awesome review. It's intriguing that their ice packs are made to be a little warmer. I wonder how the performance would be with Yeti packs that are intended to get super cold and stay there.

  • @SuzanneWho
    @SuzanneWho Год назад +1

    Is it beneficial to have the ice packs on top since cold air sinks? What if there was a little rack to hold the ice packs at rim level?
    When I use little ice packs I disburse them in between food/drinks - any reason not to? I also put some on the bottom as well as the top.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      I think your methodology is sound. I think putting ice packs only on top but not on bottom probably isn't great because they'll likely melt faster on top. But both sounds great.

    • @SuzanneWho
      @SuzanneWho Год назад

      @@theoutdoorempire Thanks. But even though this cooler is interesting, the price is ridiculous. It’s not like someone is pounding out the metal by hand. Automation is doing all the work!
      Too bad, cause it’s cute and efficient. Sigh.

  • @Lunarl4ndr
    @Lunarl4ndr Год назад +1

    Now if you get it polished to mirror finish will it stay even cooler by reflecting additional heat?

  • @jellocubez7
    @jellocubez7 Год назад +1

    How practical is having to choose between the handle or strap? Do you bring only one or the other and then regret it?

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +2

      I have favored the handle so far, but after this weekend's camping trip I noticing some dents and deformations on that handle as I anticipated. It's a little thin and not super tough when thrown in the truck alongside a bunch of other gear. I think I'll try the strap and might favor that in the long run.

  • @dante19x
    @dante19x Год назад +4

    Nice video with lots of data. I would love to see this test repeated with a bag of ice and the two included thermal batteries to see how long it can stay cold for in a food safe zone.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Great suggestion, thanks! I have used it with just ice cubes and it's fantastic. New ice challenge video in the works with this cooler in it.

    • @Derchlands
      @Derchlands Год назад

      I saw other channels do ice tests and it beat everything on the market. I'm getting really tempted to get this with my next bonus check. I am sick of buying Ice everyday with my cheap coolers and I hate how heavy yetis are

  • @heathen_7
    @heathen_7 Год назад +4

    Durability makes me nervous, especially at that price point. I can agree on the ice packs, we use them a lot in our smaller soft coolers and throw a few in the big one for back ups. We go without ice more and more frequently now on shorter trips

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +3

      Ya overall I think it'll take a beating, but it'll definitely be visible on this cooler.

    • @willcool713
      @willcool713 Год назад

      I want to know if you can use it as seating like any other cooler.

    • @healthy2202
      @healthy2202 Год назад

      I think I would be building foam frame to keep dings and scratches away. One bad move that puts a hole in it and the vacuum is gone and this is no longer the best cooler ever.

  • @luisj8970
    @luisj8970 Год назад +1

    How’s this any different from say a yeti roadie 24 with a yeti icepack? A side by side comparison with two thermometers would be nice

  • @DMF716
    @DMF716 Год назад +1

    I own the Dometic RC 3000. It runs on 12 voltz, 120 volts and PROPANE.

  • @alanpettibone
    @alanpettibone Год назад +2

    I love it. I’ve heard they are planning different temps for the “batteries” so it may be possible soon to keep your beverages as cold as you prefer without ice in the near future. I would like the cooler packs or “ batteries” myself.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      I saw that too, that'll be great!

    • @healthy2202
      @healthy2202 Год назад


    • @kobayashimaru8114
      @kobayashimaru8114 Год назад

      @@healthy2202 The company calls these ice packs "thermal batteries" lol. They have to make you feel good about spending the money on it.

    • @healthy2202
      @healthy2202 Год назад

      I'm waiting to hear about a murder charge because someone dented the cooler. . Wrap the thing in 1/2" high impact foam so you really can't tell right off that the vacuum cell that makes this work so well has been compromised. @@kobayashimaru8114

  • @berthogendoorn2133
    @berthogendoorn2133 Год назад +1

    I wonder how it would perform with actual frozen ice packs, your beverages would likely be very cool! Great review!

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      I have used straight ice and the beverages are delightfully cold!

  • @practicaldave
    @practicaldave 5 месяцев назад

    So the included ice packs to keep food at a safe temp and maybe a little ice to keep drinks chilled?

  • @justmejus
    @justmejus Год назад +1

    Thanks for the review! Looks great, albeit expensive. We got a glimpse of you sitting on the cooler at the very end. Is it sturdy enough to sit on? Is there a max weight limit? I'd be afraid to dent it somehow.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Ya I was nervous about sitting on it too haha! There is no weight limit advertised anywhere, but I'm 220 and it didn't dent or even flex on me as far as I could tell. It doesn't feel fragile at all.

    • @justmejus
      @justmejus Год назад

      @@theoutdoorempire Thanks for your response! I actually found the answer on their website. In their FAQ: What is the maximum weight I can place on top of the cooler? "The cooler can take loads of around 220-260lb (100-120kg) on the lid so there should be no problem using it as a seat."

  • @bondservantministriesinc.672
    @bondservantministriesinc.672 Год назад +1

    This was very informative, I think I’m going to get one for my day to day. Not sure how it would do after six months though. Soooo maybe you could do a six month review! Thanks for the video!!!

  • @WorldTravelerCA
    @WorldTravelerCA Год назад +8

    Thanks for review and doing it for us so we don’t have to waste 500$.
    If this cooler was also priced like competitive ones I can see me switching to it next time around, my Coleman does the job for me just fine today. It’s all about money what we can safe.
    500$ for this instead of Coleman same size cooler for 50$ is no brainer for me.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      Yep, it's all about how you wanna use it and where you like to put your money.

  • @danield-h1j
    @danield-h1j 5 месяцев назад +1

    Have you done an ice retention test on this compared to the other coolers you have tested?

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  5 месяцев назад

      Yes! Check out the 2024 best hard cooler 38 cooler ice challenge. It's in there.

  • @johnnysorrow954
    @johnnysorrow954 Год назад +2

    I know it says no ice but I’m curious how the temperature would be if the ice packs were left in the bottom?

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      That's basically what my first experiment in the video was, and it lasted 24 hours below 40F with no food inside. Packed with more (cold) food and the ice packs I'm sure it'd go longer with less air inside. Another experiment I shall do!

  • @MacSociety
    @MacSociety Год назад +1

    Wondering how many days this cooler, adding the two frozen batteries, can stay cool for? Your test you removed them so wonder if left in, how many days can it keep things inside around 40 degrees or close.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +2

      In this test I pulled them out less than an hour after the internal temp went over 40F. Almost 24 hours exactly. But I am curious too if it's actually filled with chilled food too and has more thermal mass to it how long it would last.

  • @unionwelder598
    @unionwelder598 4 месяца назад

    I want to know how good it does with equal ice packs vs yeti or rtic

  • @wisenber
    @wisenber 4 месяца назад

    How long does your basic Yeti keep drinks cool with ice packs instead of ice?
    The insertion of a unique variable doesn't really make for an apples to apples comparison.
    I tend to use ice packs instead of ice with my coolers anyway.

  • @RetirementFund750
    @RetirementFund750 Год назад +4

    I personally like ice because it holds everything in the cooler in place and keeps stuff from beating against everything else in the cooler. I can just imagine having this cooler in the back of an suv with a cooler can drinks in it and every turn you make they bang against the sides, that would drive me crazy lol.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      Interesting point. Ya if it's not chock full it'll rattle around for sure.

    • @healthy2202
      @healthy2202 Год назад

      I would still use ice, I may avoid it if the claims are true then i'll think different.

    • @Lunarl4ndr
      @Lunarl4ndr Год назад

      Then put ice in it? It isn't anti-ice. It's just highly efficient. Your beloved ice will stay rigid and whole longer.

  • @Sammy_Best
    @Sammy_Best Год назад +2

    What happens if you use ice in it? Only asking as this appears to use the fact that aluminum will reflect 95% of irradiated heat so without contact from the interior skin this works efficiently, but if you were to have ice and water contacting the interior skin it would transmit the heat inside at a greater rate.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      I've used it with ice now as well and it works great! It is in my backyard as I write this for a test and it has been 6 days and it still has ice.

    • @Sammy_Best
      @Sammy_Best Год назад +1

      @@theoutdoorempire Nice it still harnesses the Vacuum efficiency to isolate the exterior wall and reflect the heat.

  • @goldgeologist5320
    @goldgeologist5320 Год назад +1

    Why not build it out of stainless for more durability?
    Just a cooler vacuum bottle, correct? Is there not other options for vacuum boxes
    Ike this?

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      I imagine they wanted to use aluminum in part so it's lighter weight, and probably also because it comes from Norway which is a world leader in producing aluminum. So maybe it was a brand play?
      It's a bit different from a typical vacuum bottle because it also has insulation between the walls. I don't know of any others quite like this yet, but I suspect there will be some to follow if it catches on.

  • @Tallnerdyguy
    @Tallnerdyguy Год назад +1

    How does this compare to coleman steel belted??

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Not sure head to head, but I think the construction is different. I don't believe the Coleman is vacuum insulated, but I haven't looked into it yet. Maybe I can check that out.

  • @robligeti8353
    @robligeti8353 2 месяца назад

    It's a lovely cooler, but I'd be terrified to puncture it and lose the vacuum. Then I'd just have an expensive aluminum box. Does the aluminum feel thick and durable?

  • @ronvosick8253
    @ronvosick8253 Год назад +1

    Please do a head to head challenge of comparable size coolers and pre chill over 2-5 days filled to capacity. Thanks

  • @andreasvondergoltz9106
    @andreasvondergoltz9106 3 месяца назад

    What portable temperature gauge do you use in this video?

  • @dholtman5977
    @dholtman5977 Год назад +1

    Did you use it with ice? I like the concept of having a big cooler packed with ice and drinks and transfer small amounts each day into something you use that day. That way the big cooler stays closed more and stays colder longer. Thanks for the review!

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      Yes, I used it on a camping trip with ice for drinks. Held up all weekend just fine and still had ice and frigid temps when we got home.

  • @caragollo
    @caragollo 4 месяца назад +1

    How is it to compare to QOOL box?

  • @user-fn2rt6lb1o
    @user-fn2rt6lb1o 2 месяца назад

    Honestly thermos Stanley and Yeti should get in on this especially since they already do similar products.
    I honestly don’t mind it being a little bit heavier or dent resistant. Dents should be earned. Looking at a cooler with a lusty gaze shouldnt dent it lmao

  • @aubrey-g9d
    @aubrey-g9d Год назад +1

    The big question is what was the outside temperature, or did I miss that? It gets well above 100° here in the summer with the heat index reaching above 110°.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      It was high 90s or right around 100 when I did this as best as I can recall.

    • @aubrey-g9d
      @aubrey-g9d Год назад +1

      @@theoutdoorempire Thanks for the information. That is impressive for sure then.
      I wonder if there are any videos of an ice challenge with this cooler?
      No it doesn't "need ice", and that is the best part about the cooler, although it does need something frozen to maintain temperature for long periods, but with ice would it stay colder longer than other coolers?
      I could see using ice causing items to freeze. Often when I refill my cooler with in the mornings, and it still has ice in it, it will cause the already cold items, such as drinks, to freeze a bit. This is probably due to the rapid further cooling of already cold items.
      It would still be interesting to see a comparison of how long ice would stay frozen in this cooler versus other good performing coolers. An ice test would be pretty cool to see.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      Not yet to my knowledge, but I'm actually in the middle of an ice retention challenge right now and this cooler is in it! So I'll have a video out about that in a few weeks. Might want to turn on notifications if you don't wanna miss it. Cheers!

  • @jamesrevell6475
    @jamesrevell6475 Год назад +1

    I just want a metal cooler. Had a cheap one many years ago. It did better than the most expensive Yeti and was a fraction the weight. Not to mention that metal coolers don't keep odors the way plastic coolers do.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Great point! Honestly this is the first metal cooler I've ever really used and I can see the allure.

  • @melmendes4president348
    @melmendes4president348 Год назад +4

    This Ice chess looks amazing!! Imagine the results you'd get if you pre cooled it and filled it with ice. That would be a fun video.
    The only thing stopping me from buying this cooler is the price.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +2

      Ya that would be cool. Though the fact that it only takes an hour to go from super hot to super cold tells me pre-chilling isn't really necessary. But I'll keep that in mind for another test.

  • @Texas466
    @Texas466 3 месяца назад

    Will it hold if you sit on it for long? 🤔

  • @strikenryken
    @strikenryken 6 месяцев назад +1

    Have you done a test with cubed ice yet?

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  6 месяцев назад

      I have used it several times with ice now and it works great! Gets cold super fast and stays very cold. Haven't done any nerdy tests that way though.

  • @markemdee7311
    @markemdee7311 Год назад +2

    I use a cheap medium size cooler and use ice packs on top of the food, and then put that cooler inside a cheap large cooler, and use a kneeling pad under the large one if placed on metal.

  • @tjsumrall9134
    @tjsumrall9134 4 месяца назад +1

    My ozark trail takes a 10lb. Bag of ice on friday and dumps ice on sunday afternoon $120 bucks 60 qt. 5 yrs. Still going. Wont never spend that kind of money on a cooler buddy never !!!

  • @tueybooo
    @tueybooo 6 месяцев назад

    Would’ve loved to see the temperature over a few days instead of 24 hours, and tested against a control regular cooler with ice.

  • @doodlyboy15
    @doodlyboy15 Год назад +1

    I wish you would have done a few more runs with different items, like handful of frozen items and maybe slap a second thermometer on the lid so you can check temp change against ambient.

  • @zippolover5385
    @zippolover5385 Год назад +2

    Super cool Cooler!
    I would love to see how it would stack up against the yeti coolers that are around its size.
    Thanks for the review. Was looking forward to it since I seen your short on it.

  • @netposerx
    @netposerx 4 месяца назад +1

    Use it in a van? You can get a 12v fridge for $500 or less that doesn't require those ice packs that will eventually melt and thus you no longer have a cooler. Or you can constantly buy ice for it.

  • @NateJ0011
    @NateJ0011 4 месяца назад

    Does it get really hot on the outside of let out for to long?

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  4 месяца назад

      Yes, if in the sun. But the insulation still keeps it cold on the inside. Since it's metal, it cools down more quickly than plastic coolers, but that also means it heats up faster on the outside.

  • @side808
    @side808 Год назад +1

    Was the lid reversible?

  • @alexgarcia3900
    @alexgarcia3900 24 дня назад +1

    Good video bro, thank you

  • @ptn2452
    @ptn2452 Год назад +2

    Hard to justify with a few $40 Coleman’s I already have and buying ice is pretty much second nature when going out on trips. It’s covetable, though so I’ll probably let it sit on my wishlist.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Ya let it simmer a while til it's so hot you can't stand it and have to buy it or until it boils off and you don't care anymore.

  • @paDdywitha
    @paDdywitha Год назад +1

    Not sure if it would make much of a difference, but Id put the Thermal Batteries on top of the drinks instead of on the bottom. Thinking cool air falls.

  • @youngjet63
    @youngjet63 4 месяца назад

    Anyone else notice the spare parts section on their website is sold out…

  • @sluggodna
    @sluggodna Год назад +1

    I use a 46 dollar mini fridge from home Depot that can 12v.. Solar panel.. 4 18amp batteries.. I keep food, beer, and cheese , cold.. Use a fan in tent..
    One 100w solar panel. Put on car.
    $89 panel..
    $46 fridge.
    $79 batteries
    $25 two 12v motorcycle outlet.
    $12 fan.
    And, can charge phones all day.
    I looked into a solar ice box 1,000 bucks.
    Just a 12v cooler? 250+
    I have two mini fridge. Both can hot, or cold. I got my first mini from goodwill for $9.99

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      That is brilliant! I love that idea. I might have to try that myself.

  • @outlawtartan
    @outlawtartan Год назад +1

    I wold have wanted the same "day test" but with the "thermal batteries" in the bottom when you had your lunch and stuff to see the difference.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Ya, that certainly would have kept it colder. I wanted to see about the truly "no ice" claim since Oyster is pretty bold about that. I've also since tried it with regular ice and it works fantastically well that way too.

  • @kdlange6052
    @kdlange6052 5 месяцев назад +1

    So these tests are all pretty controlled. How about freeze the thermal batteries fill with chilled soda & beer and use it at an event camping or backyard party opening & closing as people retrieve a drink

  • @ikkoh82
    @ikkoh82 Год назад

    I like it, but for that price you could get a 12v fridge. I think your presentation was awesome man!

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Thanks! 👍 Ya a fridge could make sense depending on how you wanna use it.

  • @SecularGeek
    @SecularGeek Год назад +1

    I'd love to see it tested in camping conditions, with those "thermal batteries" frozen. Will it keep some raw chicken safely cold for three days?

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      The thermal batteries I have are rated for 39 deg F, fridge temps, not freezer temps. If the chicken is frozen going into the cooler with the thermal batteries I am confident it would stay safe for three days, though it might begin thawing in there. I've also used the ice packs with regular ice and it keeps things dang cold.

  • @alexgarcia3900
    @alexgarcia3900 24 дня назад +1

    For the money i think id rather get a fridge cooler. I need more research. I always bring my fridge while camping but sometimes i bring a big cooler too if its a toon of people joining. Or a small cooler full of ice. I was looking into just filling this with ice but 400dls is a lot of money for a cooler. Yeti cups are amazing but the coolers are massive and have no room so I'm not a big fan. Yeti coolers are absolute trash and id rather have something like this except the durability is questionable

  • @Adam_Newman
    @Adam_Newman 5 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome cooler

  • @frenchyroastify
    @frenchyroastify Год назад +1

    Nice, but a tough rubber shell would be great extra.

  • @bondservantministriesinc.672
    @bondservantministriesinc.672 Год назад +1

    14:57 thermal batteries you mean right! 😂😂

  • @jbullock57
    @jbullock57 Год назад +2

    Magellan has open from both sides top.

  • @fsp394
    @fsp394 Год назад +1

    i'd be curious to put in the 2 ice packs and 36 cans of room temp beverages.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Ya I dont think the room temperature cans will get that cold, but maybe?!

    • @fsp394
      @fsp394 Год назад

      i doubt it. It would be pushing the laws of thermodynamics (biggest word I used all week lol)

  • @OB17358
    @OB17358 3 месяца назад

    My Oyster arrived in three boxes. The strap/accessory box is UNDERNEATH the inner box that holds the cooler. Be sure to remove the inner box or you might miss the accessory box underneath like I did. How embarrassing.

  • @somebeachdetecting
    @somebeachdetecting Год назад +2

    I definitely get this cooler it's pretty awesome but the price tag is out of control it should be no more than $200 for that cooler. So unless they lower the price way down I will not be a buyer.. I can buy a lot of ice for 300 more dollars.

  • @willcool713
    @willcool713 Год назад +1

    Nobody has mentioned yet whether or not you can sit on it like a regular plastic cooler.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      I mention that near the end of this video, but I've sat on it and so far so good. I'm not petite either.

  • @dhjengr8756
    @dhjengr8756 3 месяца назад

    I can't find the dimensions of this. Anyone know height?

  • @richardhenry1969
    @richardhenry1969 Год назад +2

    I have A cooler doesn’t need ice it’s called a 12v refrigerator under $300 setpower 45liter
    My other cooler uses my dads ice packs that come with his medicine in the mail. Very thin ice packs. I also freeze a few water bottles. Gonna drink them anyway. Never paid that kinda money for a cooler ever.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад +1

      Thanks for sharing! And ya it ain't cheap. How do you like that Set Power? I've been curious about those.

    • @richardhenry1969
      @richardhenry1969 Год назад

      @@theoutdoorempire mine so far is amazing. But I've only had it for 2 months. It's definitely worth it's price. Mainly because it has the best warranty for its price range 3 years. Which is only behind iceco but half their price.
      I gotta add all kidding aside that is a very cool looking cooler. I'm probably a little jealous = reason for the first comment, an my type of humor

  • @alexhagen6475
    @alexhagen6475 День назад

    Made in my hometown!

  • @nolangabel5997
    @nolangabel5997 Год назад +1

    What brand is your Bluetooth thermo?

  • @tan3964
    @tan3964 Год назад +1

    great info, analysis, presentation and delivery. An A+ to show to ur kids :) Just sub as well. 👍

  • @OnizukaGTO
    @OnizukaGTO Год назад +2

    design is AAA. but the price really bumps that down to a C+. Way too expensive when i already own a few coolers already. When they start full production and price drops, i'll be getting one for sure!

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Ya it'll be interesting to see how this company and prices evolve.

  • @nategilka4386
    @nategilka4386 Год назад +1

    I don’t like this video because it makes me want to by this cooler.. and I have lots of coolers already… dang good video 😁

  • @stuart84632
    @stuart84632 Год назад +1

    Nice review

  • @danielwagner6290
    @danielwagner6290 11 месяцев назад +1

    All these expensive coolers should all come with a cable and lock and a secure way of locking it up on the cooler itself for $500. You won't get to enjoy the cooler when you can't turn your back on it or someone else will that didn't pay for it if you do forget to watch it. You could hire a guard to make sure it doesn't walk away so you could enjoy yourself. No $500 coolers don't interest me but it is a cool idea. Pun intended! I'll buy a coleman cooler any day. I still have a cheap Gotten 60 cooler and works great and still in action.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  11 месяцев назад +1

      I like your idea of including a lock and cable! And I hear ya on the Colemans. For the money, they're great.

  • @sloanNYC
    @sloanNYC Год назад +1

    Grea review. The product makes no sense to me though. You can get a really good bougeRV fridge/freezer with dual zone and run it off a single 100w solar panel for another $100 and still be less money even on sale... I keep super cold ice packs in the freezer for my other cooler which seem just as effective for quick daily use.

    • @theoutdoorempire
      @theoutdoorempire  Год назад

      Yep, it's a unique product that's certainly aimed at people who appreciate sleek design and aren't too price sensitive. I do love how compact it is though and how it gets cold so fast.

  • @brendafly5216
    @brendafly5216 Год назад +1

    Cool-o cooler! Who knew? I do like the design, but I don't know about the price! It sounds pretty effective, though!