Download and play Warhammer 40,000 Tacticus for free today: Use the code “HELLOJAN" to get 2,000 gold, 50 Blackstones Available until Feb 1st.
idc if the owner is running toward us yelling, if a dog is aggressively charging me, it's getting shot... please people, control your animals, if you can't, get something that you CAN control...
2:00 The dog owners had no business hiring a dog sitter if they’re going to have a stupid sign like this and forget to lock their dogs up. There’s nothing cute or funny having a “crazy dogs” sign.
Am Not from US but pretty sure cops can't kill pets without proper order from court or higher ups otherwise why would they wait for the order from court to euthanize them they could have killed the dogs on the spot.
@@warrax111 but he's responsible. The text is proof he knew they weren't locked up and what they wrote as aa warning for others on the window is proof they're aware the dogs are crazy.
Yep, it’s not always the owner. Too many stories of pits, in particular, who were not neglected or abused suddenly turning on their owners or member of the household. With any breed, you’ve got to know what they were bred for to know what instinct it’ll likely have, whether it’ to guard livestock, herd, hunting, track, for war, etc.
It's a well known fact pits do not have a off switch , once they focus on something or someone , you always hear the owners say oh he's a family pet , loves kids , never done anything like this before " until they do " then it's too late . Most young guys have them to look tough with no knowledge on training any dog let alone a pit bull .
The dogs saw the first girl as an they should have. The owners should be held responsible, but the dogs were doing the job of a guard dog, again as they should have been. A very sad and completely avoidable situation.
As they should have? So dogs can’t differentiate a threatening person from a non threatening person? I guess Thts why they attack so many children and so many delivery workers. They have no business being in society attacking innocent ppl and children like tht. Why didn’t they just bark her out of the house? Why try to kill her she’s tiny.
It's once in a 100 type of thing...dogs are scientifically known to be way more loyal tha cats...And cat won't stop a burglary😂..and cops use dogs too...
Your cat will only pretend as your pet when you're feeding them, try to starve them and after a couple of days they will abandon you and won't see them again.
I'm an owner of a Pit/ Lab mix. I was scared when I realized what she was. The Pit bull term also needs to be clear; it is a general term of multiple breeds ranging from a bull dog, some claim boxer as well, to a Staphie. I took Bella starting at 8 weeks old and socialized her with kids, other dogs, and different races of humans. She's going on 7 yrs next month and although carry dangerous dog breed insurance; she's never bit anyone. Same cannot be said for our Chow Chows.I take Bella camping with me. She loves everyone, but it's up to us to learn their body language and remain the Alpha in our pack.
@ericcollins8940 It’s good to be aware. There have been two recent stories where a beloved family pet for years who had been gentle since a puppy, out of nowhere attacked the infant in the family. Both times there were other children who had been raised in the home and the dog had always been gentle with them, and all of a sudden in the blink of an eye , the baby wasn’t crying or anything , one baby boy was snatched from his mums arms. It’s just not worth the risk in my opinion. Everyone thinks their dog is the exception and gentle and I’m Sure they are right up until they aren’t. There are of course times the owners abuse them and turn them vicious , but the fact is that there is something about the breeds , even those with partial heritage. Either way I don’t think it matters whose fault it is, dog or owner, it’s a huge risk and I’ve heard far too many people say the dog was always gentle and always care for and suddenly snapped.
@carlyisnot I understand. Also keep in mind, which can be almost impossible to find out; When the dog, any breed is inbred it can cause issues with their brains. I've seen it with my mom's 8 month old pitbull/bull mastiff. Her eyes would go blood shot and I had to put her down. Even if the dog isn't inbred there will always be the chance just like humans. Personally I've never had any issues with Bella and chances I will are extremely low. Yes when dogs get older they can also change when they start losing their hearing and sight. I had a Keshond and she got more aggressive towards her end years. Keeshonds aren't aggressive breeds at all. I trust Bella more than any Chihuahua though.
True… My sister has a Lab/Pitbull mix he is very overprotective. When she has to make a Vet visit she has to sedate him each and every time because he is very aggressive towards people.
@Michelle_8344 I can't say Bella don't have a protective bone in her body. You could, if not for the Chows, walk right in my home uninvited. She's be loving on you and even hugs. Next it's play ball with me. I done a fake attack on the roommate to see if the Chows would go after me, no. Bella was right in my face fast. She is my dog, but you don't fight in the house. The Chows ignored it, but think if I kept it up Bella would of bit me and the Chows would've done a sneak attack. I wasn't willing to push it that far.
This story was in 2023. We use to live in a neighbourhood with a house across the street with the owner having 2 pit bull cross and they didn’t control their animals one single bit, they would roam the streets and even came to our front lawn biting other cats and people, they were so vicious that they had to call the animal control and raise the fence because on how vicious they were. My mother and I have been having a fear of dogs ever since they roamed the streets. Luckily they moved out of the house and it is now abandoned Edit: we also moved out of the house around the same time they abandoned their house
Lucky they didn’t attack, there was a child pulled from a bike and killed by a neighbours three pit bulls. The owner blamed the girls father “he knew our dogs get out and shouldn’t let his daughter out on her bike !” Horrible.
I'm fairly certain that any species that isn't human isn't understanding, LET ALONE adhering to humanities laws for them. Soo, yeah waiting for the dog to lose interest is at least a tactic to save your body or life...
@ my friend, don’t wait for nothing u stab or shoot the damn dog, if the thing doesn’t lose interest u can be dead, he’s basically saying be willing to sacrifice ur life. In this whole video he didn’t once recommend harming the dog, I wonder why.
You didn't know my old black cat Circe'. She was a trained guardian animal. She really F**d up a few break in intruders, , she got rid of them li g before police arrived ( trail of blood down the sidewalk) & foolish roommates trying to rip off my valuables. I would know, because they'd be all tore up , from the floor up. The Asians bred & trained cats as guardian animals over 10,000 years ago.
Bullcrap!! My neighbour had a huge ginger tom who attacked anyone walking past the fence. His favourite pastime was hiding in a small tree then jumping on someone's back where he could reach necks and ears with his teeth and claws. God he tore us up.....
@@zimegratisdemocritos Cats can be pretty territorial & brutal too. I loved my cats. I had wolf- dogs too. 25% dog. They acted nothing like dogs at all. Quite the opposite.
and people always say oh my dog is a big softy, wouldn't hurt anyone. Also often have not one big one of these vicious breeds but often two! Yeah right! Also leaving babies and toddlers around them I can't believe it!
There is absolutely no way to predict a dog's way to knw when their instincts kick in for a new unfamiliar person....i hv seen a sweetest well behaved dog lunge at a puppy....prayers for full recovery for this brave girl
Its crazy how a bite to the wrist can immobilize the entire arm, no function left and you cant do much from there, gotta act fast in that type of situation. Unfortunately its clear a small handful if breeds are dangerous. But i believe with proper nurture starting as babies this can be changed. Must be babies tho and into a proper household where the owner is the clear alpha. Must be able to discipline the dog and not let it roam free bc then these attacks happen
Talk about lousy owners. They should never hired a pet sitter. Those dogs, used to being left in their kennels when the owners are gone were left in a stressful situation. After getting the text that the dogs weren't in their kennels as she was told they would be should have told the owners that she will not be able to take care of the dogs. Especially since only meeting them once and no idea what they were like. Anxious animals are dangerous. At first, I believe the dogs were being protective of the house and then escalated and became a frenzy. This was a result of irresponsible, neglectful, and stupid owners and a pet sitter who was irresponsible and didn't take the time to really get to know the dogs and, for give me, not intellegent and or confident and experienced enough to say no after getting that text. Unfortunately the dogs never had a chance. What they ended up doing was horrendous and turned them into dangerous animals. Obviously putting them down was the only option they had.😢
People that get attacked badly enough make me tingle all over! Why proceed through the door nonchalantly, when she was warned?! Why would the owner(s) have dogs like this, when they have to include a warning for those dogs that a comedian might include in their act?! It's like having a loaded gunn and leaving it out in the open: you're left thinking is today the day that the worst happens...
I live in the Netherlands, and we had a Turkish Kangal at home-really a sweet animal, but very watchful. In the end, we gave him away and found a farm to be a better place for him.
This happens with pure bred dogs. My dogs are mixed bred, and they are just lovely dogs. My mixed Podengo dog sleeps next to my rescued cats. I rescued him from a shelter.
Why own dogs just to make them become nightmares to society? I witnessed quite a few cases of how Pitbulls attacked and killed smaller dogs, yet their owners said: "It was their nature, it was in their blood to do such thing". Bullshit
People do forget that there are dogs out there that are protection red dogs for an example the bully and Masters and some shepherds are used in protection you have to be cautious of coming to their home in their property is there an instinct that has been bred into them over many years of constant breeding we will kick in especially if they see you as a threat in most cases it is a bad owner a dog is a commitment it's like a kid one that stays five its entire life you have to properly socialize and properly trained or you will not have a good dog
That makes no sense, if it can’t differentiate between a threatening and a non threatening person, then what’s the use? It’s not protecting it’s just endangering the general public, including the ppl who live there especially if children are in the home. Dogs are trash. Plain and simple. Why didn’t the dogs just bark and rush after her I’m sure she would have left why maul her? Trash breed.
I have a neighbor who owns, was attacked & killed in our neighborhood public park, by his 3 XL bullies!!!! THREE!!!! This happened just before Christmas 2024 😖😖😖
Fiatal koromban a barátnőmmel sokat bringáztunk, nagy távokat is megtéve. Egyik alkalommal már éppen hazafele tartottunk, s már közeledtünk a falunkhoz, de még jó néhány kilométer volt vissza. A táj egyik oldalán a végtelen mező, a másik oldalán meg egy kisebb fás terület, ha emlékeim nem csalnak, a mögött egy tanya húzódott. Ahogy a betonúton kényelmesen és kissé elfáradva kerekeztünk, egyszer csak szinte a semmiből egy 8-9 kutyából álló falka kutya éktelen ugatással támadva rontott ránk. Az volt a szerencsénk, hogy nagyon jó erőben voltunk (a sok biciklizésnek hála) és fel tudtunk annyira gyorsítani, hogy a kutyák apránként lemaradtak, pedig éreztük, hogy a lábunknal csattogtatják a fogaikat.... nagyon félelmetes volt, főleg, hogy egyszer még össze is mentünk a barátnőmmel nagy igyekezetünkben! (összeakadt a kormányunk, amikor elsőre megijedtünk). Végül sikerült lehagynunk a vad (szerintem tanyasi) kutyákat és a szívünk a torkunkban dobogott aznap, amikor végül biztonságosan bekerekeztünk az első lakott területre. Soha azelőtt nem volt ilyen veszélyes "élményünk", nem gondoltuk volna, hogy bárhol is megtámadhatnak, főleg nem állatok! - de onnantól kezdve óvatosabbak voltunk, már nem mertünk kietlen helyekre menni. Szerintem ha akkor a kutyák le tudtak volna szedni a biciklinkről, vagy elvágódtunk volna, amikor összeakadt a kormányunk... hát, nem tudom, mi lett volna a vége, mert senki nem járt rajtunk kívül arrafele, a tanya, ahonnan a kutyák esetleg jöhettek messze volt, ki tudja, egyáltalán otthon volt-e valaki, pontosan nem is tudtuk, hogy egyáltalán lakik-e ott valaki?!? Még azt tudnám elképzelni, hogy akkor esetleg - ha meg is harapkodtak volna a kutyák - valahogy felállunk és a bringánkat magunk körül forgatva ütöttük volna le őket... biztosra persze nem tudhatom, hogy erre képesek lettünk-e volna, bár valameddig lehet, hiszen az életünkről lett volna szó, na de aztán... Szerencsénk volt. Sajnálom azokat, akiknek ez nem adatott meg.
The intellectual moment, when the owner explained to their dogs, that the person getting into their first order home while they were gone, is not an intruder but " a dog sitter" did fail, I guess. I mean, humans kept dogs to guard their propperty since thousand of years. It should be made public, but the dogs already know.
Let me clarify something. Breeds that get a reputation for being "aggressive" or "dangerous" or other such buzz words are also the breeds egotistical idiots who refuse to train their dog also get. BECAUSE of the reputation of the breed. The very kind of people that cause dogs to act agressive are the kind if people who go looking for these breeds. They want the ego trip they want that sort of reputation. Unfortunately this also causes more attacks, and increases that very reputation. One of the absolute best breeds for search and rescue is the pitbull. Its also the most likely to be banned. The dog thats most likely to turn agressive due to its bad breeding are actually spaniels. They have a tendency towards neurological disorders. But nobodys banning them. One of the most aggressive and least tolerant dogs out there and the top of almost every list is the chihuahua, followed by or following the dashhound. Theyre also some of the least likely to have basic manners and training because theyre small. And yes, they CAN cause damage. My brother lost a finger to a chihuahua running loose in the neighborhood. But god forbid we put a restriction on a small dog. Nm that most responsible breeders of small animals wont let them go to any house with a terrier in it BECAUSE they were bred to KILL small creatures. Its why theyre refered to as ratters among other things. Again. Its the OWNERS responsibility to ensure their animal is behaved and can be controlled. And ffs get rid of the backyard breeders. Theyre half the reason so many breeds have neurological issues.
Doesnt matter if the dogs trained or not..instinct prevails . These pitbulls are BAD news. I dont care if its yhe sweetest fay it will attack because someior someone will trigger its instinct. They are bred to fight!
Heb vanaf 8 jaar Duitse herders mechelse herders, Engelse bully ,nog nóóit extra gebeten, mijn honden ,groeien op met kleine kinderen die hun voeren, ligt eraan waar je opgroeide, Rene and his litle dog Hildy from Holland Nederland,❤❤
I’m very surprised the pit bull yes I said pit bull not bully is not getting the blame for this because 99% of the time they do and it don’t be put bulls doing the damage in actuality it be the bully
So she saw the dogs once and then came to the house alone without the owners and got in !!? An adult pitbull and an adult GSP... i feel sorry for that young girl but some people dosent understand how dogs work. I have a corso that is sweet to people but once he is home and u come alone trying to get in he will definitely eat you (ITS HIS JOB) when dogs are in the house they act different because its there territory as they see it. Even a human will shoot you if u come to their house after they meet you only once at the grocerie store...
People who say Pitbulls are not dangerous are delusional. Every dog, every single one, was bred for a purpose. And for Pitbulls it was for fighting. This is more than obvious!
It's not a little, dogs kill thousands of innocent people each year and it's the same breeds. America needs to put humans above evil dog breeds. Pitbull's are not nice dogs, one almost bit my pregnant belly, why? The owner was walking him in the busy downtown area without a leash. Then screamed at us who were just minding our own business and headed for work to get his stupid dog. I have had grown people try to get their dog to bite me when again I was minding my business taking a walk. People in America are irresponsible with dangerous breeds and it shouldn't be allowed. Please stop downplaying this, it's a very serious issue. Animals do know right from wrong!
Germany shepherds not pitbulls.Thats why we say any dog can be aggressive and idiot owners must face the lawsuit as possible if you can't handle even a cat how can you choose a power working dog. If you want protective dogs why not teach them to know their limits.
aw come on now it's not just pitbulls not all pitbulls hurt people i blame the owners my female and male pitbull passed away but they were friendly I will say probably if someone tried to hurt me they would probably take up for me but I would do the same for them my friend has a Boston terrier he is small dog but has bitten a handful of people even me and I'll tell you why the owner don't make this dog mind he lets the dog do whatever just today on my way home i saw a teenager a guy running from a dog it was what sociaty would call a family dog i can't think of the type of dog it is is was just like the dog Marley if u ever saw that movie so let's don't say pitbull cause every big dog could possibly attack someone you have to teach ur dog just like you do ur children and speaking of children killing people what would label that
I don't particularly enjoy how much this person seems to be pinning behaviour specifically on breeds. I have seen a golden retriever do SERIOUS damage to a tiny dog, and most chihuahuas I have encountered are 5 times more aggressive than any pitbull I know. the couple dog attacks I've known of in my life by friends/family were not pits or shepherds, or even near those. animals are animals, but at the end of the day the behaviour most times comes from the owners. sometimes they are raised to be violent, oftentimes the owners lack of confidence can be the dogs undoing. many, MANY more factors. we can't keep putting "this breed is bad and you should be afraid of them!" in people's heads. pitbulls and german shepherds are big babies if you treat them lovingly. be kinder to dogs, and be more critical of dog owners 🐕
Chihuahuas are just annoying little shits. If you ever seen a German shepherd/bull dog mix those things are dangerous and a person would have almost no chance against it unless they had a blade or fa.
I used to watch my bosses German Shepard and pit bull mix. That thing was huge and scary it actually broke its chain and fatally attacked another big dog by crashing it's neck and breaking it. And it wasn't treated bad. Those little dogs might leave a small bite and are annoying but don't threaten a person or another animals life.
Goldens and chihuahuas aren’t meant to be fighting powerful dogs. Most goldens can be rehabilitated from bad behaviour and small dogs bites are way less damaging. But these bigger dogs with certain genetics are prone to have issues in certain areas by default.
Dogs have instincts purposely introduced by selective breeding. Pit bulls are bread for agression, power and pain endurance. Terrible combination of instincts for a house pet. Some may be docile for a time but no telling when the instinct may be triggered.
this is why u dont get dogs. yea, 'mans best friend' will RIP U TO PIECES even though you've known it 4 years. not all dogs r mean, but all can bite and all are significanlt dangerous
All dogs hating people her 😂 seriously studies shows that big dogs bite more ? Ehhh NO. The difference is that you won't go to the hospital or call the police if a shitzu bites you. THAT'S the difference. My dogs never bit anyone except an intruder who came into my house. My dogs were trained, and they were the best friends i ever had and would chose them over a lot of human beings. A dog is not evil but humans are. THAT'S the other difference. Owners don't train their dogs. Mines always had a muzzle and a leash in public and never let outside alone. I got bit by one who was left unattended in a park without a leash. The owner called their dog back and gave him a treat after asking me if he bit me. That's an example of a bad owner.
Jesus loves you so much. John : 16 For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son whosever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Call on him and you shall be saved for he is the truth the way and the life no one get to the father except through him.
@YAH-1 I'm not going to argue with you about my beliefs but you are telling me what I experienced from accepting Jesus in my life is false, like the peace and love. And that's just not nice or kind to say. I'll pray for you, Jesus loves you still.
Is it not true that if enough people that are overweight want to lose weight they can just give her that way and they can fix her face just enough that she can feel okay....
@@user-digitalfarmgirl I agree that poster's posting is confusing. I think he/she means that fat people can get liposuction or even remove some excess skin off their body and then inject it in Jacqueline's face to heal up the wounds. I don't think that will work but I think that's what the poster is saying.
So the dogs thought you were breaking into their house and you're surprised you got effed up by it it was an occupational hazard Damn looking at it before and after pictures looks like a dog made an improvement people like you that say I care more about the dog than I do the human that's wrong I care more about human life unless it's morons like you any job you do comes with its own inherent risk walking dogs comes with this particular risk what she should have done the minute she heard the dogs were not put up was to refused to enter the residents unless and until they were put up any moron does something stupid in any profession and gets themselves hurt should not be getting felt sorry for. Ask yourself this if they are able to outlaw dog breeds that will stand up for you and protect your house who would benefit from that just ask yourself that and you'll have the answer to why they want the dogs banned in the first place there is no bad dogs only bad owners
should she have declined and just left the dogs to their own accord, since the owner didn't hold up to their end of the deal? for the record, I'm kind of inclined to say yes, but people who put animals above people, like yourself, would have found a problem with that as well... I can hear it now, "she accepted the offer, and then she just left those poor little puppies to starve until the owner was able cancel all their plans and come home"... there is no winning with people who put animal life above human life...
@@PureBlood0420 first off I don't put animal life above human life I put animal life above idiot life like yours. In my opinion I would have told them since you didn't put the dogs up I don't know these dogs considering the breed I'm not going in there and let the chips fall where they may
Simple, stay at distance, never look am directly in the eyes, i have no empathy for this woman sorry , she could see the signs if she learned a bit more about animals, she ignored the signes on the door herself... sorry not sorry 🤷♀️ Why blurring the face? To get more empathy? Even more sad 🤷♀️ She let the dogs get killed while she is still Alive, with a good owner the dogs were just fine... Thanks for finding yourself more important than the dogs... i hate ppl like this lady... r.i.p doggys :(
I'd like to hear your new take on it, after that has happened to you Would you be saying the same bull crap you just did now? You'd expect others to have sympathy for you.
I have a Cane Corsoe & i raised him with plenty of love & respect his natural abilities...When i walk him people immediately cross the street with fear. At the dog park....i get ladies all the time ask me what breed is my dog & they naturally curious....i tell them hes friendly you could pet him & we have great conversations....sometimes it leads to me having dates.....My point is if you train your dog with love & protect the family the right way.....they could never attack aggressively.....The owners should be at questioned...... 🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮
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Use the code “HELLOJAN" to get 2,000 gold, 50 Blackstones Available until Feb 1st.
idc if the owner is running toward us yelling, if a dog is aggressively charging me, it's getting shot... please people, control your animals, if you can't, get something that you CAN control...
People are wannabe lion tamers with their bloodsport breeds. They don't want regular dogs.
AGREED.If an owner can't control their dogs stop them with extreme prejudice. Shalom.
Do people need to control their cats or rabbits? No, it’s dogs.
2:00 The dog owners had no business hiring a dog sitter if they’re going to have a stupid sign like this and forget to lock their dogs up. There’s nothing cute or funny having a “crazy dogs” sign.
People have no business owning dogs
2:48 so two dogs, are holding two police officers back, while the police officers are holding SHOTGUNS... riiight...
Yet a police officer shots a black man for assault whiles he's standing armless. This is B. S
Am Not from US but pretty sure cops can't kill pets without proper order from court or higher ups otherwise why would they wait for the order from court to euthanize them they could have killed the dogs on the spot.
My thoughts as well
Keystone cops.
Why is the owner not behind bars for not locking up the doors for the pet sitter's safety?
because they couldn't prove him intention.
without intention, it's just accident.
otherwise, it would be
@@warrax111 but he's responsible. The text is proof he knew they weren't locked up and what they wrote as aa warning for others on the window is proof they're aware the dogs are crazy.
Yep, it’s not always the owner. Too many stories of pits, in particular, who were not neglected or abused suddenly turning on their owners or member of the household. With any breed, you’ve got to know what they were bred for to know what instinct it’ll likely have, whether it’ to guard livestock, herd, hunting, track, for war, etc.
So they waited thirty seven minutes before making entry, wtf!!
Exactly my thoughts too.
I think they were paramedics rather than police, therefore unarmed.
Uvalde cops
It's a well known fact pits do not have a off switch , once they focus on something or someone , you always hear the owners say oh he's a family pet , loves kids , never done anything like this before " until they do " then it's too late . Most young guys have them to look tough with no knowledge on training any dog let alone a pit bull .
The dogs saw the first girl as an they should have. The owners should be held responsible, but the dogs were doing the job of a guard dog, again as they should have been. A very sad and completely avoidable situation.
As someone that looks after dogs, I’d NEVER look after a dog I wasn’t well acquainted with.
Guard dogs are useless
@@nancymesekvictim blaming territory
As they should have? So dogs can’t differentiate a threatening person from a non threatening person? I guess Thts why they attack so many children and so many delivery workers. They have no business being in society attacking innocent ppl and children like tht. Why didn’t they just bark her out of the house? Why try to kill her she’s tiny.
It’s the breed. No business having them in communities.
This is why I’m a cat person.
It's once in a 100 type of thing...dogs are scientifically known to be way more loyal tha cats...And cat won't stop a burglary😂..and cops use dogs too...
Pffft pussy
It's the owner's fault, not the dogs.
Your cat will only pretend as your pet when you're feeding them, try to starve them and after a couple of days they will abandon you and won't see them again.
Cats kill babies trying to get milk they smell on yhe babies breath
I hope the owner was sued.
I'm an owner of a Pit/ Lab mix. I was scared when I realized what she was. The Pit bull term also needs to be clear; it is a general term of multiple breeds ranging from a bull dog, some claim boxer as well, to a Staphie. I took Bella starting at 8 weeks old and socialized her with kids, other dogs, and different races of humans. She's going on 7 yrs next month and although carry dangerous dog breed insurance; she's never bit anyone. Same cannot be said for our Chow Chows.I take Bella camping with me. She loves everyone, but it's up to us to learn their body language and remain the Alpha in our pack.
It’s good to be aware. There have been two recent stories where a beloved family pet for years who had been gentle since a puppy, out of nowhere attacked the infant in the family. Both times there were other children who had been raised in the home and the dog had always been gentle with them, and all of a sudden in the blink of an eye , the baby wasn’t crying or anything , one baby boy was snatched from his mums arms. It’s just not worth the risk in my opinion. Everyone thinks their dog is the exception and gentle and I’m
Sure they are right up until they aren’t. There are of course times the owners abuse them and turn them vicious , but the fact is that there is something about the breeds , even those with partial heritage. Either way I don’t think it matters whose fault it is, dog or owner, it’s a huge risk and I’ve heard far too many people say the dog was always gentle and always care for and suddenly snapped.
@carlyisnot I understand. Also keep in mind, which can be almost impossible to find out; When the dog, any breed is inbred it can cause issues with their brains. I've seen it with my mom's 8 month old pitbull/bull mastiff. Her eyes would go blood shot and I had to put her down. Even if the dog isn't inbred there will always be the chance just like humans. Personally I've never had any issues with Bella and chances I will are extremely low. Yes when dogs get older they can also change when they start losing their hearing and sight. I had a Keshond and she got more aggressive towards her end years. Keeshonds aren't aggressive breeds at all. I trust Bella more than any Chihuahua though.
True… My sister has a Lab/Pitbull mix he is very overprotective. When she has to make a Vet visit she has to sedate him each and every time because he is very aggressive towards people.
@Michelle_8344 I can't say Bella don't have a protective bone in her body. You could, if not for the Chows, walk right in my home uninvited. She's be loving on you and even hugs. Next it's play ball with me. I done a fake attack on the roommate to see if the Chows would go after me, no. Bella was right in my face fast. She is my dog, but you don't fight in the house. The Chows ignored it, but think if I kept it up Bella would of bit me and the Chows would've done a sneak attack. I wasn't willing to push it that far.
Labrador pit
This story was in 2023. We use to live in a neighbourhood with a house across the street with the owner having 2 pit bull cross and they didn’t control their animals one single bit, they would roam the streets and even came to our front lawn biting other cats and people, they were so vicious that they had to call the animal control and raise the fence because on how vicious they were. My mother and I have been having a fear of dogs ever since they roamed the streets. Luckily they moved out of the house and it is now abandoned
Edit: we also moved out of the house around the same time they abandoned their house
Lucky they didn’t attack, there was a child pulled from a bike and killed by a neighbours three pit bulls. The owner blamed the girls father “he knew our dogs get out and shouldn’t let his daughter out on her bike !” Horrible.
Wait for the dog to lose interest? So dogs have a right to just attack us?
I'm fairly certain that any species that isn't human isn't understanding, LET ALONE adhering to humanities laws for them. Soo, yeah waiting for the dog to lose interest is at least a tactic to save your body or life...
@ my friend, don’t wait for nothing u stab or shoot the damn dog, if the thing doesn’t lose interest u can be dead, he’s basically saying be willing to sacrifice ur life. In this whole video he didn’t once recommend harming the dog, I wonder why.
The owner must support her from now on. Especially financially. Because it’s not fair for her.
A cat never does that 😿💞
My cat saved a kitten that a full grown lab was harassing. He walked straight to the dog and scratched up it's nose and chased it away.
You didn't know my old black cat Circe'. She was a trained guardian animal. She really F**d up a few break in intruders, , she got rid of them li g before police arrived ( trail of blood down the sidewalk) & foolish roommates trying to rip off my valuables. I would know, because they'd be all tore up , from the floor up. The Asians bred & trained cats as guardian animals over 10,000 years ago.
Yeah the cat even feeds the intruders😂
Bullcrap!! My neighbour had a huge ginger tom who attacked anyone walking past the fence. His favourite pastime was hiding in a small tree then jumping on someone's back where he could reach necks and ears with his teeth and claws. God he tore us up.....
@@zimegratisdemocritos Cats can be pretty territorial & brutal too. I loved my cats.
I had wolf- dogs too.
25% dog. They acted nothing like dogs at all. Quite the opposite.
The first one was all owners fault. They attacked an intruder. The dogs were suposed to be created
and people always say oh my dog is a big softy, wouldn't hurt anyone. Also often have not one big one of these vicious breeds but often two! Yeah right! Also leaving babies and toddlers around them I can't believe it!
There is absolutely no way to predict a dog's way to knw when their instincts kick in for a new unfamiliar person....i hv seen a sweetest well behaved dog lunge at a puppy....prayers for full recovery for this brave girl
Its crazy how a bite to the wrist can immobilize the entire arm, no function left and you cant do much from there, gotta act fast in that type of situation. Unfortunately its clear a small handful if breeds are dangerous. But i believe with proper nurture starting as babies this can be changed. Must be babies tho and into a proper household where the owner is the clear alpha. Must be able to discipline the dog and not let it roam free bc then these attacks happen
Thank u to my dad for teaching me how to be scared of dogs. Now i know why😊
Talk about lousy owners. They should never hired a pet sitter. Those dogs, used to being left in their kennels when the owners are gone were left in a stressful situation.
After getting the text that the dogs weren't in their kennels as she was told they would be should have told the owners that she will not be able to take care of the dogs. Especially since only meeting them once and no idea what they were like. Anxious animals are dangerous. At first, I believe the dogs were being protective of the house and then escalated and became a frenzy. This was a result of irresponsible, neglectful, and stupid owners and a pet sitter who was irresponsible and didn't take the time to really get to know the dogs and, for give me, not intellegent and or confident and experienced enough to say no after getting that text. Unfortunately the dogs never had a chance. What they ended up doing was horrendous and turned them into dangerous animals. Obviously putting them down was the only option they had.😢
thanks for this video
People that get attacked badly enough make me tingle all over! Why proceed through the door nonchalantly, when she was warned?! Why would the owner(s) have dogs like this, when they have to include a warning for those dogs that a comedian might include in their act?! It's like having a loaded gunn and leaving it out in the open: you're left thinking is today the day that the worst happens...
I live in the Netherlands, and we had a Turkish Kangal at home-really a sweet animal, but very watchful. In the end, we gave him away and found a farm to be a better place for him.
Yeah like here in the Netherlands it’s so small, what kind of house were you living in
This happens with pure bred dogs. My dogs are mixed bred, and they are just lovely dogs. My mixed Podengo dog sleeps next to my rescued cats. I rescued him from a shelter.
Why own dogs just to make them become nightmares to society? I witnessed quite a few cases of how Pitbulls attacked and killed smaller dogs, yet their owners said: "It was their nature, it was in their blood to do such thing". Bullshit
Those policeman...
waiting 37 minutes, instead take care of the dogs
Judge: just dispatch them.
WHAT the heck were policemen doing?
All of my animals have defended me from vicious dogs & even more vicious people.
Which one was more vicious.. Dogs or people
Absolutely horrific omg 😲😭
And idiots went ahead and started to mix breeds to make XL Bully's... HUMANS...
People do forget that there are dogs out there that are protection red dogs for an example the bully and Masters and some shepherds are used in protection you have to be cautious of coming to their home in their property is there an instinct that has been bred into them over many years of constant breeding we will kick in especially if they see you as a threat in most cases it is a bad owner a dog is a commitment it's like a kid one that stays five its entire life you have to properly socialize and properly trained or you will not have a good dog
That makes no sense, if it can’t differentiate between a threatening and a non threatening person, then what’s the use? It’s not protecting it’s just endangering the general public, including the ppl who live there especially if children are in the home. Dogs are trash. Plain and simple. Why didn’t the dogs just bark and rush after her I’m sure she would have left why maul her? Trash breed.
I nearly lost my hand by a dog of one of those breeds when I was seven. I understand just how scary that situation actually is
I’ve been bitten by two aggressive Jack Russell dogs. The second one was being looked after by a friend and man it was misbehaved.
I have a neighbor who owns, was attacked & killed in our neighborhood public park, by his 3 XL bullies!!!! THREE!!!! This happened just before Christmas 2024 😖😖😖
What idiot just lets someone come into their house without being there and doing a proper introduction to the dogs?
Here’s the number one predictor: breed/type
Fiatal koromban a barátnőmmel sokat bringáztunk, nagy távokat is megtéve. Egyik alkalommal már éppen hazafele tartottunk, s már közeledtünk a falunkhoz, de még jó néhány kilométer volt vissza. A táj egyik oldalán a végtelen mező, a másik oldalán meg egy kisebb fás terület, ha emlékeim nem csalnak, a mögött egy tanya húzódott. Ahogy a betonúton kényelmesen és kissé elfáradva kerekeztünk, egyszer csak szinte a semmiből egy 8-9 kutyából álló falka kutya éktelen ugatással támadva rontott ránk. Az volt a szerencsénk, hogy nagyon jó erőben voltunk (a sok biciklizésnek hála) és fel tudtunk annyira gyorsítani, hogy a kutyák apránként lemaradtak, pedig éreztük, hogy a lábunknal csattogtatják a fogaikat.... nagyon félelmetes volt, főleg, hogy egyszer még össze is mentünk a barátnőmmel nagy igyekezetünkben! (összeakadt a kormányunk, amikor elsőre megijedtünk). Végül sikerült lehagynunk a vad (szerintem tanyasi) kutyákat és a szívünk a torkunkban dobogott aznap, amikor végül biztonságosan bekerekeztünk az első lakott területre. Soha azelőtt nem volt ilyen veszélyes "élményünk", nem gondoltuk volna, hogy bárhol is megtámadhatnak, főleg nem állatok! - de onnantól kezdve óvatosabbak voltunk, már nem mertünk kietlen helyekre menni.
Szerintem ha akkor a kutyák le tudtak volna szedni a biciklinkről, vagy elvágódtunk volna, amikor összeakadt a kormányunk... hát, nem tudom, mi lett volna a vége, mert senki nem járt rajtunk kívül arrafele, a tanya, ahonnan a kutyák esetleg jöhettek messze volt, ki tudja, egyáltalán otthon volt-e valaki, pontosan nem is tudtuk, hogy egyáltalán lakik-e ott valaki?!? Még azt tudnám elképzelni, hogy akkor esetleg - ha meg is harapkodtak volna a kutyák - valahogy felállunk és a bringánkat magunk körül forgatva ütöttük volna le őket... biztosra persze nem tudhatom, hogy erre képesek lettünk-e volna, bár valameddig lehet, hiszen az életünkről lett volna szó, na de aztán...
Szerencsénk volt. Sajnálom azokat, akiknek ez nem adatott meg.
Oh is it. Hmmm
The intellectual moment, when the owner explained to their dogs, that the person getting into their first order home while they were gone, is not an intruder but " a dog sitter" did fail, I guess. I mean, humans kept dogs to guard their propperty since thousand of years. It should be made public, but the dogs already know.
Owner owner owner !!!!!!!!!
Let me clarify something. Breeds that get a reputation for being "aggressive" or "dangerous" or other such buzz words are also the breeds egotistical idiots who refuse to train their dog also get. BECAUSE of the reputation of the breed. The very kind of people that cause dogs to act agressive are the kind if people who go looking for these breeds. They want the ego trip they want that sort of reputation. Unfortunately this also causes more attacks, and increases that very reputation.
One of the absolute best breeds for search and rescue is the pitbull. Its also the most likely to be banned.
The dog thats most likely to turn agressive due to its bad breeding are actually spaniels. They have a tendency towards neurological disorders. But nobodys banning them.
One of the most aggressive and least tolerant dogs out there and the top of almost every list is the chihuahua, followed by or following the dashhound. Theyre also some of the least likely to have basic manners and training because theyre small. And yes, they CAN cause damage. My brother lost a finger to a chihuahua running loose in the neighborhood. But god forbid we put a restriction on a small dog. Nm that most responsible breeders of small animals wont let them go to any house with a terrier in it BECAUSE they were bred to KILL small creatures. Its why theyre refered to as ratters among other things.
Again. Its the OWNERS responsibility to ensure their animal is behaved and can be controlled. And ffs get rid of the backyard breeders. Theyre half the reason so many breeds have neurological issues.
Doesnt matter if the dogs trained or not..instinct prevails . These pitbulls are BAD news. I dont care if its yhe sweetest fay it will attack because someior someone will trigger its instinct. They are bred to fight!
Why on earth you would have pitbull some people will learn in the hard way. Such animals you can’t predict their behavior.
There. Ant. No. Dog. Will. Live. If. Attacks. Me.
Wow, 800 bites.
Poor thing almost lost her life😢
Im blind and live alone
My dogs protect me all the time. Dogs are just like people
Sad moment 😢😩💔
Heb vanaf 8 jaar Duitse herders mechelse herders, Engelse bully ,nog nóóit extra gebeten, mijn honden ,groeien op met kleine kinderen die hun voeren, ligt eraan waar je opgroeide, Rene and his litle dog Hildy from Holland Nederland,❤❤
Ps ben 60jaar ❤
Oh no😭😭😭
I’m very surprised the pit bull yes I said pit bull not bully is not getting the blame for this because 99% of the time they do and it don’t be put bulls doing the damage in actuality it be the bully
13:45 they were lucky... that dog was SUPER SMALL for that breed...
So she saw the dogs once and then came to the house alone without the owners and got in !!? An adult pitbull and an adult GSP... i feel sorry for that young girl but some people dosent understand how dogs work. I have a corso that is sweet to people but once he is home and u come alone trying to get in he will definitely eat you (ITS HIS JOB) when dogs are in the house they act different because its there territory as they see it. Even a human will shoot you if u come to their house after they meet you only once at the grocerie store...
People who say Pitbulls are not dangerous are delusional. Every dog, every single one, was bred for a purpose. And for Pitbulls it was for fighting. This is more than obvious!
It's not a little, dogs kill thousands of innocent people each year and it's the same breeds. America needs to put humans above evil dog breeds. Pitbull's are not nice dogs, one almost bit my pregnant belly, why? The owner was walking him in the busy downtown area without a leash. Then screamed at us who were just minding our own business and headed for work to get his stupid dog. I have had grown people try to get their dog to bite me when again I was minding my business taking a walk. People in America are irresponsible with dangerous breeds and it shouldn't be allowed. Please stop downplaying this, it's a very serious issue. Animals do know right from wrong!
First- and I’m so sorry for the people who got attacked, hopefully their ok❤
That's why i have an aquarium 🐠🐠🐠❤
You’re saying the dogs felt threatened without their owners?
I have owned bulldogs they have no problems with people, but will protect..I have a very sweet female
Why are the police afraid of entering even though they can’t hear a victim crying in pain ,. Brave men?
Kangal you can run
Few law makers oppose ( on what grounds) ❓
So wtf does a game ad have to do with dangerous dog attacks??
Noo game
Germany shepherds not pitbulls.Thats why we say any dog can be aggressive and idiot owners must face the lawsuit as possible if you can't handle even a cat how can you choose a power working dog. If you want protective dogs why not teach them to know their limits.
It gave me a bloody nose
I been bit by a puppy
And did the puppy die😊
aw come on now it's not just pitbulls not all pitbulls hurt people i blame the owners my female and male pitbull passed away but they were friendly I will say probably if someone tried to hurt me they would probably take up for me but I would do the same for them my friend has a Boston terrier he is small dog but has bitten a handful of people even me and I'll tell you why the owner don't make this dog mind he lets the dog do whatever just today on my way home i saw a teenager a guy running from a dog it was what sociaty would call a family dog i can't think of the type of dog it is is was just like the dog Marley if u ever saw that movie so let's don't say pitbull cause every big dog could possibly attack someone you have to teach ur dog just like you do ur children and speaking of children killing people what would label that
I am thankful ,that my parents denied a pet dog.
Stop saying pitbulls because 90 percent or not bullys damn American bullys thats what they are or mutts not pitbulls
Black part 42
I don't particularly enjoy how much this person seems to be pinning behaviour specifically on breeds.
I have seen a golden retriever do SERIOUS damage to a tiny dog, and most chihuahuas I have encountered are 5 times more aggressive than any pitbull I know. the couple dog attacks I've known of in my life by friends/family were not pits or shepherds, or even near those.
animals are animals, but at the end of the day the behaviour most times comes from the owners. sometimes they are raised to be violent, oftentimes the owners lack of confidence can be the dogs undoing. many, MANY more factors.
we can't keep putting "this breed is bad and you should be afraid of them!" in people's heads. pitbulls and german shepherds are big babies if you treat them lovingly.
be kinder to dogs, and be more critical of dog owners 🐕
Chihuahuas are just annoying little shits. If you ever seen a German shepherd/bull dog mix those things are dangerous and a person would have almost no chance against it unless they had a blade or fa.
I used to watch my bosses German Shepard and pit bull mix. That thing was huge and scary it actually broke its chain and fatally attacked another big dog by crashing it's neck and breaking it. And it wasn't treated bad. Those little dogs might leave a small bite and are annoying but don't threaten a person or another animals life.
Goldens and chihuahuas aren’t meant to be fighting powerful dogs. Most goldens can be rehabilitated from bad behaviour and small dogs bites are way less damaging. But these bigger dogs with certain genetics are prone to have issues in certain areas by default.
Dogs have instincts purposely introduced by selective breeding. Pit bulls are bread for agression, power and pain endurance. Terrible combination of instincts for a house pet. Some may be docile for a time but no telling when the instinct may be triggered.
Statistics clearly show that pitbulls are the most dangerous dogs. Everyone should realise that and ban those ugly things
It’s Warhammer 40K not 40000…if you’re going to promote something be versed in how to pronounce it properly.
Seeing Phil Shill 🤮
Intelligente friend 67
Bigger dogs are the most dangerous since they are likely to attack but thats still falls responsibility to the owner to train them
My second mom has a pitbull his name is bubba he's really friendly
My first mom was a cat
this is why u dont get dogs. yea, 'mans best friend' will RIP U TO PIECES even though you've known it 4 years. not all dogs r mean, but all can bite and all are significanlt dangerous
Enthusiastic baby 85
The lady at the start had me in stitches just like her 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
All dogs hating people her 😂 seriously studies shows that big dogs bite more ? Ehhh NO. The difference is that you won't go to the hospital or call the police if a shitzu bites you. THAT'S the difference. My dogs never bit anyone except an intruder who came into my house.
My dogs were trained, and they were the best friends i ever had and would chose them over a lot of human beings. A dog is not evil but humans are. THAT'S the other difference.
Owners don't train their dogs. Mines always had a muzzle and a leash in public and never let outside alone. I got bit by one who was left unattended in a park without a leash. The owner called their dog back and gave him a treat after asking me if he bit me. That's an example of a bad owner.
That's a pretty big difference though.
You are Beautiful!
There's five dog attacks in Castle hayne 2 I know Josh I know two Simon
Poor Jacqueline I wish Jesus was there to protect her like how he protected Daniel from the lions
Where was he? Having a tea break?
JC can't Save you 🙄
@@lilithowl it's through prayers 🛐 Christianity speaking
If I dog sat, I would have a serious dagger on me at all times, but this girl was likely too small to wield something like that.
First to like and comment
Never been bitten by a 🐕. Not like there weren't opportunities for them to .
Then you are lucky. As you can clearly see in the video not everyone has this luxury
Jesus loves you so much. John : 16 For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son whosever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Call on him and you shall be saved for he is the truth the way and the life no one get to the father except through him.
Oh Plz 🙄
@YAH-1 What happened, and why do you have a problem with me sharing the truth just like what my father said? Why can't you scroll past?
@@M.ChildofGod B/C it's a Lie 🤥 now you can stroll pass..
@YAH-1 I'm not going to argue with you about my beliefs but you are telling me what I experienced from accepting Jesus in my life is false, like the peace and love. And that's just not nice or kind to say. I'll pray for you, Jesus loves you still.
@YAH-1 And I should scroll pass?, let me remind you. You are commenting under my comment not me commenting under yours.
O g
Is it not true that if enough people that are overweight want to lose weight they can just give her that way and they can fix her face just enough that she can feel okay....
Whaaat? Yo no entiendo Las palabras de usted.
@@user-digitalfarmgirl I agree that poster's posting is confusing. I think he/she means that fat people can get liposuction or even remove some excess skin off their body and then inject it in Jacqueline's face to heal up the wounds. I don't think that will work but I think that's what the poster is saying.
You obviously don’t have a medical background.
So the dogs thought you were breaking into their house and you're surprised you got effed up by it it was an occupational hazard
Damn looking at it before and after pictures looks like a dog made an improvement people like you that say I care more about the dog than I do the human that's wrong I care more about human life unless it's morons like you any job you do comes with its own inherent risk walking dogs comes with this particular risk what she should have done the minute she heard the dogs were not put up was to refused to enter the residents unless and until they were put up any moron does something stupid in any profession and gets themselves hurt should not be getting felt sorry for.
Ask yourself this if they are able to outlaw dog breeds that will stand up for you and protect your house who would benefit from that just ask yourself that and you'll have the answer to why they want the dogs banned in the first place there is no bad dogs only bad owners
Yikes you must love never getting laid huh
should she have declined and just left the dogs to their own accord, since the owner didn't hold up to their end of the deal? for the record, I'm kind of inclined to say yes, but people who put animals above people, like yourself, would have found a problem with that as well... I can hear it now, "she accepted the offer, and then she just left those poor little puppies to starve until the owner was able cancel all their plans and come home"... there is no winning with people who put animal life above human life...
@@PureBlood0420 first off I don't put animal life above human life I put animal life above idiot life like yours. In my opinion I would have told them since you didn't put the dogs up I don't know these dogs considering the breed I'm not going in there and let the chips fall where they may
No winning with insensitive comments like this
@@user-digitalfarmgirl it's not insensitive I'm tired of coddling the week
Simple, stay at distance, never look am directly in the eyes, i have no empathy for this woman sorry , she could see the signs if she learned a bit more about animals, she ignored the signes on the door herself... sorry not sorry 🤷♀️
Why blurring the face? To get more empathy? Even more sad 🤷♀️
She let the dogs get killed while she is still Alive, with a good owner the dogs were just fine...
Thanks for finding yourself more important than the dogs... i hate ppl like this lady... r.i.p doggys :(
No empathy? Even if it was completely her fault, not feeling empathy for her is disgusting.
Congratulations you got my attention and you win troll of the year now **** off!!
Psychopathy is characterized by lack of empathy.
I'd like to hear your new take on it, after that has happened to you
Would you be saying the same bull crap you just did now?
You'd expect others to have sympathy for you.
There's no 7 dog talks on the Hood 2 I know d
Dog attacks happen in gasoline 2
Live off the bar for calling I know RJ
I have a Cane Corsoe & i raised him with plenty of love & respect his natural abilities...When i walk him people immediately cross the street with fear. At the dog park....i get ladies all the time ask me what breed is my dog & they naturally curious....i tell them hes friendly you could pet him & we have great conversations....sometimes it leads to me having dates.....My point is if you train your dog with love & protect the family the right way.....they could never attack aggressively.....The owners should be at questioned......
She got a bite from a German shepherd on Simon