Greetings from Boston, great to see a fellow "friend of Bill" supporting the community up there. My preferred shop is very similar, core products at a reasonable price without any fancy BS. My experience with smaller shops is much more personal, they remember my shoe size, the shapes I ride and seem to be in business because they love everything about skateboarding. Maybe I'm just old and nostalgic but those things matter to me. Keep up the good work!
Greetings from Boston, great to see a fellow "friend of Bill" supporting the community up there. My preferred shop is very similar, core products at a reasonable price without any fancy BS. My experience with smaller shops is much more personal, they remember my shoe size, the shapes I ride and seem to be in business because they love everything about skateboarding. Maybe I'm just old and nostalgic but those things matter to me. Keep up the good work!
Thank you!! I couldn’t agree more. Local shops are supposed to be a hub in the community. No attitude, no gatekeeping, and offer quality goods!
Nice looking shop there. Good luck!
Thank you!!!