🛤 The INTERNATIONALIZATION of Renfe Looks at DUBAI PARIS and Eastern Europe 🛤 AVE / Night Trains

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Renfe's plans involve extending its business beyond our borders in an important way and reaching more corners, such as the Arab Emirates, the United States or Asia, and especially and as soon as possible to Paris or some countries in Eastern Europe, such as Slovakia.
    Plans and details that I tell you in the video.
    ⚠ Your cheap train tickets at www.trenes.com/
    🔴Your trips on Renfe, Ouigo, Iryo Avlo and many European countries
    🕝In a few seconds and easily and safely.

Комментарии • 35

  • @viajandocontigo7888
    @viajandocontigo7888  5 месяцев назад +1

    ⚠ Tus billetes de tren baratos en www.trenes.com/
    🔴Tus viajes en Renfe, Ouigo, Iryo Avlo y muchos países Europeos
    🕝En pocos segundos y de forma Fácil y Segura.

  • @pizzaipinya2442
    @pizzaipinya2442 5 месяцев назад +11

    Francia tiene problemas con Renfe, con las operadoras de trenes nocturnos... No sé, si tienes problemas con todo el mundo, quizás el problema lo tienes tu, Francia...

    • @diegorita9539
      @diegorita9539 5 месяцев назад

      Francia se dedica a aprovecharse de su posicion y cortar cualquier comunicacion que puede entre españa y europa, conecta su capital con europa y ya no pasa ni dios.

  • @ivannipaidea970
    @ivannipaidea970 5 месяцев назад +7

    Ésto se llenará de gente diciendo
    "EEeeEEEhhh pero ssssssii aki no funsionan komo keeee se ban pa otrossh laos! Ke se preokupen por lo de aki primeroOOoo!!"
    sin entender la diferencia entre una obligación de servicio público y un servicio comercial, como se financia cada uno y que Renfe no recibe ninguna subvención o ayuda del Estado español en 3, 2, 1...

  • @KyrilPG
    @KyrilPG 5 месяцев назад +4

    Paris will remain pretty much a pipe dream, apart from a couple of trains a day, maybe. The line is saturated, and the French public complains about the lack of capacity as there's much more demand than offer.
    And one big problem is that many want to allocate slots to trains with the highest capacity, like the soon arriving TGV M and its 1480 seat maximum capacity. Many passengers liked the Trenitalia Frecciarossa product, for example, but weren't so happy to learn that these trains carry about 900 passengers when the Duplex carry well over 1000 and up to 1270.
    This creates a social class conflict, a very French thing, where the higher class offering bites into the number of cheaper seats more accessible to the wider public, especially during the massive holiday departures when millions try to get a seat at the same time.
    There's another issue : contrary to Spain, where high-speed trains mostly remain on the high-speed network, TGV's do continue on the conventional network to a myriad of destinations. Many of these secondary and "off the HSL" destinations are unprofitable, and SNCF Voyageurs covers the losses of these destinations by the profits earned on the primary, "on the HSL" and highly profitable destinations. Several, including politicians, are thinking it would be fair to require all competing operators to do the same by forcing them to also serve secondary unprofitable destinations.
    Because the increase in competition is threatening the existence of many services each day to secondary and unprofitable destinations, which infuriates local politicians that want their city to keep their vital link to Paris.
    Plus, SNCF Réseau, the infrastructure manager (which is different from the operator SNCF Voyageurs) is in the process of studying the implementation of a new CBTC autopilot system on the LGV Sud-Est to increase capacity by reducing headway between trains.
    It will be a high-speed version derived from NExTEO, the new CBTC signaling and centralized remote autopilot system implemented on Paris RER E that is due to enter service in May if I recall correctly.
    So, high-speed trains running on the Sud-Est LGV will eventually be required to be equipped with this autopilot system or will be barred from running. This system should increase capacity by between 2 and 4 trains per hour per track on the line.
    Right now, there's as low as 3 minutes between trains on the line during rush hour. But there's also the problem of saturation in Paris Gare de Lyon that's yet to be addressed.
    We're far from hearing the end of this saga...
    Sorry for the use of English, but my Spanish is too rusty for me to be able to write something intelligible.

    • @pizzaipinya2442
      @pizzaipinya2442 5 месяцев назад

      Don't worry for using English! I don't think I know the French network enough to talk about it, except for the unprofitable out of TGV services part.
      Every single European country with HSR uses HSR to finance its non-HSR services. For example, Spain does it too. In fact, there are loads of HSR trains in Spain that come out of HSR tracks to other destinations, the difference being that they're not marketed as HSR (AVE or AVLO) but as Alvia and Avant services, and they need to change the track gauge at some point.
      I'd say it's a reasonable fear: some people in Spain have pointed this out too. But when every country opens its network, the services that every national operator will be able to provide out of its borders will compensate, in my opinion, the not-so-big gains that may occur inside the country.
      And if France puts up this law making external operators serve unprofitable routes, I'm sorry but then I think Spain and other countries should do the same with Ouigo and all other SNCF services, it'd be unfair not to do that.
      Aaaaand finally, thanks for your comment! It's always nice to hear external perspectives :D

    • @KyrilPG
      @KyrilPG 4 месяца назад

      @@pizzaipinya2442 Yeah but there's a major difference between Spsin's and France's HSR markets.
      In Spain, when OuiGo and Iryo arrived, just like in Italy when NTV Italo arrived, it massively increased the offer and the number of passengers.
      It's impossible in many cases in France due to saturation.
      On the destinations and schedules that competitors want (that is an important nuance), other operators actually decrease the number of seats instead of increasing it like in Spain and Italy.
      There's a similar issue in Germany where the lines are saturated, even though the "serial" model of the German network creates yet another issue.
      In France, there's TGV and conventional, nothing in between. SNCF Voyageurs only covers unprofitable TGV services with profitable ones, not the conventional ones.
      The other issue is that many high profitability TGV services like Paris Lyon, become unprofitable on their continuing legs to secondary destinations.
      So it will be problematic if SNCF Voyageurs has to give up a Paris > Lyon > Chambéry slot, for example, operated with a 1000+ seat train, and give it to another operator that will only run Paris > Lyon (dropping the Lyon > Chambéry leg) with a 900 seat train.
      So in that case it ends up being worse than simply robbing Peter to pay Paul, and reducing the offer, on top of also reducing territory cohesion vital links. There's simply not enough room.
      Plus, on top of the LGV slot fares that SNCF Voyageurs pays to SNCF Réseau, it also is taxed a good portion of its earnings by SNCF Réseau, but neither Trenitalia or Renfe are, they only pay the fares.
      The cases of France and Germany are particular, as they both had very mature and saturated markets, with by far the highest passenger numbers, which was not the case for Italy and Spain that both had ample room on their networks and not yet mature networks.
      The model that was used in Italy and Spain isn't applicable as is in France and Germany, they will need a different model that corresponds to their specificity.
      The technical issue about the potential implementation of an autopilot system will also create frictions, because when that happens it will be mandatory.
      I've also heard some proposing that all operators use TGV M trains, or other types as long as the number of seats are similar (which doesn't currently exist).
      Because it's unacceptable that competition leads to a reduction of the number of available seats when there's already a lack that the population complains about.
      Trenitalia should soon begin to pay the same LGV slot toll fares as SNCF Voyageurs (minus the hefty earnings tax, of course), and we'll see how it goes.
      Cause in France, slot fares are very high, and only high capacity trains can really make a profit with such slot toll fares.

  • @MikeS29
    @MikeS29 5 месяцев назад +1

    Very good reporting, I love your channel. I'm especially interested in your videos about Malaga, but they are all great!

  • @migueljoserivera9030
    @migueljoserivera9030 5 месяцев назад +2

    Me interesa el proyecto del Báltico, sobre todo porque esos países exsoviéticos tienen un ancho de vía Ruso que, similar al Ibérico, es más ancho que el internacional en el resto de Europa, y se podría sacar provecho a la experiencia de renfe manejando una red donde están mezclados ambos anchos.

  • @Maquilisto
    @Maquilisto 5 месяцев назад +1

    Los trenes nocturnos como Sleeper o NightJet desde Barcelona acaban de ser descartados initinere por culpa de que los franceses hacen múltiples mantenimientos en la vía por la noche. Así que nada de nocturnos en el horizonte.

  • @Bloperu
    @Bloperu 5 месяцев назад +3

    3:40 paises bálticos, Eslovaquia?

    • @migueljoserivera9030
      @migueljoserivera9030 5 месяцев назад

      Son dos proyectos distintos, los agrupa al hablar de Europa del Este. Del mismo modo que agrupó el tema de la asesoría en Méjico con la de Canadá.

    • @cesarchoya6961
      @cesarchoya6961 5 месяцев назад

      Si pero cuando habla de paises Bálticos, mienta a Eslovaquia como si se tratase de uno de ellos, sin ninguna separación semantica al respecto. Por cierto Eslovaquia como Chequia se autodenominan de Centro Europa no del Este. El canal esta interesante porque rompe con en secretismo de informacion ferroviaria habido aqui, pero se le ve un poco las costuras cuando habla en materia internacional, o usa nombres de fuera de España. Como Magyar Wagon. Se llama así a la lengua y Cultura Hungara. La pronunciacion de palabras extranjeras es un poco de andar por casa.

  • @capamc
    @capamc 5 месяцев назад +1

    Está bien que salgan de nuestras fronteras, pero que no se olviden por eso de hacerlo bien en casa.

  • @FeRnAnDo1538
    @FeRnAnDo1538 4 месяца назад

    Si Renfe también opera fuera de españa, no ha llegado la hora de privatizarla?

    • @ivannipaidea970
      @ivannipaidea970 4 месяца назад

      Y lleva operando fuera de España desde los 60

  • @Ciber_King
    @Ciber_King 4 месяца назад

    A Francia le gusta el libre comercio hasta que les fastidia a ellos

  • @farruquin100
    @farruquin100 5 месяцев назад +4

    Renfe quiere hacer fuera lo que OUIGO hace en España. El AVE a la Meca es un agujero en las cuentas, pero casualmente no se dice nada de esto en este canal.

    • @ivannipaidea970
      @ivannipaidea970 5 месяцев назад +7

      Enséñame un documento que confirme lo que dices.
      Porque yo antes pensaba así pero me da que en los últimos años eso no es del todo así, o al menos no está nada claro

  • @danielgarciavalentin9098
    @danielgarciavalentin9098 5 месяцев назад +3

    No les vale cagarla en España que volver a recagarla en el extranjero

    • @ivannipaidea970
      @ivannipaidea970 5 месяцев назад +4

      Sigue siendo la empresa con mayor número de viajeros en alta velocidad y por mucha distancia. Y seguirá siéndolo.
      Así que tan "cagada" no será

    • @thierryrebillard6432
      @thierryrebillard6432 5 месяцев назад

      @@ivannipaidea970 Falso , Renfe alta velocidad 20 millones de pasajeros al año ...... SNCF/TGV (Francia) 120 millones de pasajeros al año.

    • @ivannipaidea970
      @ivannipaidea970 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@thierryrebillard6432 obviamente me refería dentro de España.
      La compañía estatal china transportará bastante más gente que la SNCF... 🤦‍♂️

  • @bbb7966
    @bbb7966 5 месяцев назад +2

    Puf a cuántos países va a llegar 😂😂, y media España está a dieta en lo ferroviario, totalmente incomunicados. Y el tren a París, desde dónde, desde Barcelona cómo siempre???, eso al resto del país le queda igual. Daba servicio a más ciudades el antiguo tren Hotel Madrid-París

    • @ivannipaidea970
      @ivannipaidea970 5 месяцев назад

      Ponme un ejemplo de esa media España incomunicada

    • @bbb7966
      @bbb7966 5 месяцев назад

      @@ivannipaidea970 muchos pueblos de Castilla y León por dónde pasan trenes y ya no para ninguno, o de 10 que pasan para 1

    • @ivannipaidea970
      @ivannipaidea970 5 месяцев назад

      @@bbb7966 CREO que te refieres a trenes de media distancia/ regionales.
      Si es así, eso es por decisión del gobierno, porque consideran que esas paradas las usa muy poquita gente y por no vale la pena parar.
      Si es así, a quién tienes que quejarte es al gobierno

    • @bbb7966
      @bbb7966 5 месяцев назад

      @@ivannipaidea970 ah gracias, lo haré

    • @gustavo_villaescusa
      @gustavo_villaescusa 5 месяцев назад +1

      @bbb7966 el tren nocturno de Barcelona a Paris le importa a mucha otra gente de España debido a una cosa llamada trasbordo, en la que te bajas de un tren y te subes a otro, es decir, le importa a todas las ciudades que estén conectadas con Barcelona.