Thanks for watching! So happy to finally release this. I hope you enjoy! For quality relocation services, check out Reelo: Or book a free consultation to look at your case:
All those "beautiful" young Ukrainian and Russian soldiers being murdered for "American Corporate Greed!" Shame again on you Roman! Don't worry you're never going back to Russia.
I was a scientist and a higher teacher at a Moscow university. Successful and somewhat illustrious career for the Russian teacher, I loved my job and made money with it, simply speaking. And then 2022 came. I told my students to stay away from the Russian propaganda. The higher-ups tried to hush me. So, I had terminated any contracts with Russian state institutions and resigned. Passed the interviews with some international companies as a Software/ML Engineer. Picked my favorite one, got relocated with all my stuff (from two apartments) free of charge. And now I’m in Europe. Working, living, donating for the good. Including you :) Thanks for your inspiring story, Roman. It'd be nice to meet you and have some good talk one day. Good luck!
So if all adequate people leave Russia, what do you think will happen there, it will change by itself ? Donating for the good, I hope you mean donating to Ukraine's defense, otherwise Russia will come to you in Europe, very soon. You're donating to a person making business of westerns' deny to Putin's Russia - why not, it's your choice. But if this person was willing to change something instead of just making big money from it, he would do also a channel in Russian to explain all that stuff to the russians up-there, because we here in the EU know it very well. But views from Russia are not monetized, so bad.
@@sunnybgbgYeah sadly there’s a lot of hypocrisy and not everything can be perfect. He could be doing fundraisers for Ukraine now that he is safe in Europe.
Dude, the feeling when you have a task that feels almost completely "impossible" and then conquering it through hard work and dedication is probably the best feeling in the world. It truly gives you confidence that you could do anything. Also, welcome to Europe! Glad you are here now
I emigrated twice. Once from the Netherlands to Ireland and then from Ireland to Germany. That required basically no paperwork at all and only cost me what it costs to move. Nothing else. Long live the EU, long live Schengen! People who are always putting down the EU have no idea how good they have it because of things like this.
Yes, a lot of people have no clue how much the E.U has done to make life better for most it's members. The E.U has it's flaws and problems, but many people just blame every problem and grievance on the E.U ,.They watch hours of anti-E.U content without taking 30 minutes to learn how the E.U actually functions.
I am lucky enough to have Irish and therefore EU citizenship. People who voted for brexit and gave that all up are insane to me. It's the greatest gift to be able to travel and live anywhere in Europe unimpeded.
ein Beitrag des Montages, 29. April 2024 Moin aus dem Lauenburgischen [/Elbe]! Welche Entfernung in der Luftlinie haben diese Wohnorte, jeweils zueinander? Wer wird der nächste Ministerpräsident des Königreiches der Niederlande? Wird die Dritte Polnische Republik, jemals den Großen Musikpreis der Eurovision gewinnen? Bei der EU Wahl könnten mehrere Gruppen irgendwo gewinnen, ... außer zum Beispiel dem Ökologen! 13 Gewählte für den PVV Wahlvorschlag (aus 31)? Liebe niederländische Reichsbürger, ist das euer Ernst? Wer wird der Fußballeuropameister der Herren, in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? Ein mögliches, BRD weites, Wochenendfahrverbot ab dem Sonnabend, 20. Juli 2024 wurde abgewendet, da der Deutsche Bundestag, das Klimaschutzgesetz beschloss! Zu den Olympischen Spielen in Paris könnte ich zu Fuß gehen! Dieses Vor-Gehen erhöht meine Möglichkeiten, bei den Paralympischen Spielen in Paris, als ein Athlet, für Deutschland, anzutreten!
Roman, thank you SO much for this video. I really appreciated watching it. I'm married to a Russian citizen and I'm having to help her battle through the long process of immigration in the UK. I'm very lucky to hold both British and Irish citizenship. Both of our children are very fortunate to inherit both of my citizenships, as well as my wife's Russian nationality. I have saved this video locally to my computer, which I will store on an external drive, along with a few other similarly related videos to show my children in the future what other people have to go through in order to have their freedom. They are both extremely lucky, and I want them to fully understand the privileged situation they're in. I also hope that when I become a grandfather in the future, that they pass all 3 of the nationalities that both me and their mother have given them, to their children. Should they be lucky enough to be in a relationship with someone who holds a fourth nationality that allows dual citizenship, I hope that they pass that down to them as well. The way I look at it, is a "Make love, not war" protest, taken rather literally. Roman, you are a hero and fully support everything you're doing. Take the money from my super thanks and enjoy a nice beer or something. You deserve it.
Just to let you know, Roman - because of your ad, I contacted Reelo and booked a consultation. I'm in a similar situation as you; I'm in Georgia and as nice as it is, it's next door to Russia, and I just can't abide that. I don't speak the language anyway. But whatever. I contacted Reelo on the strength of your ad, so there you go. I'll be sure to tell them that.
I can't imagine the stress for a Russian male living in Georgia, knowing that Russia could invade the country (Again!) at any time and possibly put you into Russian military service. Otherwise Georgia does seem to be a decent country.
@@jimthain8777 It really is a nice country but I want to get out of here for this very reason. I'm not Russian, but a war would mean that I would be asked, more probably forced, to leave. Best to do that on my own timeframe. This was a mistake I made a few years ago in China. I really don't want that to happen again.
I feel like maybe moving around to better and safer areas on this one planet we all share shouldn't be so damn complicated and expensive, but what do I know. I'm very happy for you, man!
It's so ridiculous how people criticize illegal immigrants when they make it hell for legal immigrants! There really needs to be better processes for people displaced by war and things to apply from a 3rd country.
yes because cultural integration isn't a thing and everyone moving to completely different place with language and culture unrelated to yours isn't going to cause any problems at all. And it's also easy for someone already on the safe side to think people from a traumatized region can just adapt to a new set of laws and morals even though they have had said traumatizing principles cemented into their minds. But sure if we show them enough rainbows and ponies and don't worry about the logistics everything will be fine! :)
@@BoB10bravo i potuno si upravu 👍👍👍. Onda se jos snima kako kupuje jedan kofer za par komada odjece, za 500 eura i izjavi kako ih je kupio tri. Ne moze biti odvratnije od toga. Neka hvala, ja cu i dalje donirati novce za ukrajinu i dronove, a ne nekome tko kupuje obican kofer za 500 eura.
Jos mu malo doniraj, pa ce moci kupiti jos jedan kofer od 500 eura. Strasno koliko ne razmisljate. Samo za ta dva ili tri kofera sto je kupio, moglo se kupiti minimalno 2 drona koja bi pomogla ukrajini da se obrani od agresora, ali neka placajte takvima kao sto je on, obican kofer za 500 eura 😏🤣🤣🤣🤣
Alaska once was a part of "Russian North America". It was sold for 7 200 000 US Dollars from the "Russian Empire" to the "United States of America". "THE EVIL EMPIRE" ... White & Blue & Red
Znaci savjest ce ti biti cista, ako mi doniras da si on kupi jos jedan kofer od 500 eura????? Vjerovatno imamo razlicite pojmove savjesti (imas svo pravo ovoga svijeta, sa svojim novcima raditi sto zelis) ali meni doniranje da bi si jedna bogata osoba kupila jos jedan kofer od 500 eura, nema veze sa savjesti, meni je savjest laksa kada doniram ukrajini za dronove. Jer jedan fpv dron je cca 700 eura, a ovaj je sebi od tvojih i tudjih donacija kupio par kofera sa cijenom od 500 eura po komadu. Pa dali stvarno nitko od vas nije to vidio?????. Bogatasi, mole ljude, da im doniraju i da budu jos bogatiji, dok ti isti ljudi misle kako su pomogli vec bogatoj osobi, a ne razmisle da pomognu onima kojima stvarno treba
I've followed you immediately after the war started, I think you made a couple of videos still from Russia. One could tell that you were in a dark place in 2022 and the beginning of 2023. I'm really happy for you now, both because you made it to Portugal and because you discovered that the world is not conspiring against you after all, but simply requires from you tons of patience (and money) to overcome the daunting bureaucratic obstacles. Well done and good luck in the future years!
Thanks for the immigration video. I am proud of you for persevering. Your journey has kept me captivated and it's been a thrill ride. Remember to eat your vegetables. Love from your San Francisco, CA, USA Babushka.
Pomogao si vec bogatoj osobi, da si kupi jos jedan kofer od 500 eura 🤣🤣🤣, da ga slucajno neko ne vidi sa koferom od 200 eura 🤣🤣🤣 a jojjj koji ste naivci 🤣🤣
Free to pay endless taxes, free to never own a home if your parents aren't rich, free to be bombarded with propaganda everywhere, free to follow lock down rules, free to be attacked by doctors and engineers, free to have a culture vacuum, free to be any sort of degenerate in public. Congratulations young genius!
As a Portguese viewer who's been watching you since about 2019, I was very happily surprised to see you've moved here! Best of luck in this new stage Roman :)
To mu doniras, pa da si kupi jos kofera od 500 eura 🤣🤣🤣. Vidis jedan fpv dron koji bi spasio ljudske zivote i pogotovo djecu u ukrajini kosta oko 700 eura, a ti slobodno za svoje novce imas pravo sam sebi objasniti dali je bitnije kofer za nekoga tko bec ima puno novaca ili su bitnija dijeca koja pate u ukrajini
We cannot have you being sent back to Russia. Moving anywhere is emotional. Changing countries is next level. So from me in Australia to you in Portugal, Good Luck!!!
im actually crying man. incredibly proud of you and every single immigrant who had to sacrifice their old life in order to stay true to their values and themselves and seek a better life. godspeed
I watch your videos on and off, I'm not from Europe or that part of the world. I live in the USA and am originally from Mexico 🇲🇽. Thanks from giving a look into your life and congrats on your accomplishment.
Congrats Roman. As a Swede with one of the best passports in the world i always been able to travel visafree anywere i want. I am a lucky guy that never realised how hard it could be to travel its absolutely sick that it has to be this way.
I am exhausted just listening to your story. I assume you had to travel lightly and live simple just out of necessity. This probably taught you a lot about yourself and what is really important to you. I hope you find the peace and serenity you are looking for, wherever that may be.
5 years agoI left my country of South Africa for a plethora of reasons . But mainly no electricity, insane violent crime. Being stressed even going to the supermarket to buy bread. Riots , corrupt government etc. Georgia took me in with her beautiful open arms. I travelled around asia. Then got stuck in Malaysia for 8 months (in the worst strict lockdown ever ) completely alone with no way home. Finally made it out to Istanbul then Georgia (had to pay a lot of money to get in due to CO-VID) . In 2021 I got a job offer to move to Estonia (EU) had to leave the Schengen zone after 2 years go back to Georgia (though that Istanbul airport) and eventually met my now wife. Yes even from thousands of miles away. You can make your dreams come true. Believe me I know the stress of applying for visas . Also being on the sort of undesirable list. Well done bro. Good luck on your life.
I feel the same about Bulgaria, which is a vastly worse country than Portugal, but thankfully in the EU, as my other passport is British, the other basket case of Europe
Well done young man. I'm a 64yr old English man, I did a lot of travelling alone when I was a young man. A lot of people have never been anywhere except when on holiday. It's completely different when you have to make a life for yourself, however it ia a buzz to be in a new country. I wish you much luck ✌️✌️✌️
My Greek friend had a pretty unpleasant bureaucratic experience getting British citizenship after living, studying and working in England for over ten years. Fortunately it was eventually resolved and they are now one of the few British citizens who still has the benefits of EU membership via their joint Greek citizenship.
This video made me cry a little. I desperately want to find a home. I've settled on a country, a supposedly easy country to move to, Paraguay. This inspired me. I don't have or make much money, either, so I know that I have a hard road ahead, but I'll do what I can, same as you. IF I can. That remains to be seen, but I'm sure you know that feeling. Wish me the luck that I wish you. Fingers crossed. 🤞
Congratulations and well done, Roman! Am so happy for you. You found the right people to get advice from, made a plan and executed it! May you now enjoy your freedom! Looking forward to all you do in the future - you will prosper. Love from Scotland
Wow! Its sad how many hoops you had to jump through. So thankful your in a better position. I've watched your content for awhile now. In my humble opinion, you are so deserving.❤
Congrats! I definitely feel you. I left Russia 5+ years ago and lived on temporary visas for all this time. It's not a very pleasant feeling. Recently, I got a Canadian residency. I'm so happy and relieved.
Roman, you are a really entertaining content creator and you have the sympathy of hundreds of thousands of people because you express yourself in a very down to earth and understandable way on your channel. Seeing you happy now is bringing a small joy to all of your fans because a lot of your videos over the past couple years were really sad. Congratulations and good luck! Personally, I hope that you will make videos traveling to different European countries and also as an American I would love to see you one day even maybe make a travel video about America because now it might be easier for you to maybe visit here eventually if you are interested in it! Good luck and God bless you and everything you stand for, you bring joy to thousands of people by uploading these videos and you show many people things and perspectives many of us wouldn't otherwise ever be exposed to! Have a wonderful time in your new life and remember always you have a positive impact on the world.
@@sollte1239 That's because Serbia is one of the few good countries Russians can go to, which is why Belgrade and Novi Sad are beyond overcrowded with them. The overcrowded visa-free countries like Georgia and Serbia usually have people against the regime in them.
Yay!!! Congratulations! I had 100% faith in you the whole time; with your brain, personality and good looks, I knew you would figure it out. There was a point in time that I was really worried about your mental health; but you persisted and look at you now! I'm so happy for you and I wish you nothing but success and happiness in your future.
Super happy you were able to move. I do hope that someday things change enough so you can return home to visit safely even if it never changes enough for you to want to return there to live. I think any country would be fortunate to have you live within their borders. ❤
What a journey and trial with a beautiful outcome. That took a lot of guts! You should feel very proud of this accomplishment! All I know is that all us viewers can now relax that you are clearly in freedom. Cheers!🥂
I’m not one to ever comment on videos but I have to say congratulations Roman. I am so happy for you! You’ve had a long road to get where you’re at and you’re so young. I think you’re very strong young man and that your videos are very inspiring, so keep up the good work you Deserve reward for all of the sacrifices and struggles that you had to go through in the last couple of years so congrats and good luck!
Delighted for you man :) What a stressful journey, leaving your home and family out of an instinct to survive, being unsure if Tbilisi would allow you to stay/keep re-entering long term, if they'd send you back to Russia..... and persisting with your goal for Europe............ it's really cool to see it work out for you! When your residency is finalised come to Ireland, me and my mates will show you around Dublin :)
NAH THAT MICROSOFT OFFICE HAT AT 22:50, i would LOVE to know the story behind that, roman please i beg you i need the lore where can i get one please👉👈
This brings back all the memories of the hassle and anguish i experienced when applying for a visa to germany. It was a struggle to gather the documents, prepare mentally for interviews, and to wait for news from the embassy. In the end, i got my visa just a couple of days before i was supposed to leave. Now that i live in germany, i can say that it‘s all been worth it, and i congratulate you, Roman, for sticking it out. I really hope that portugal works out for you.
Contributing towards your Portuguese lessons so you can eventually get a Portuguese citizenship. With your aptitude for languages, I’m sure you’ll be pretty fluent in it soon! Good luck and keep up the freedom dream!
Thanks for watching! So happy to finally release this. I hope you enjoy!
For quality relocation services, check out Reelo:
Or book a free consultation to look at your case:
All those "beautiful" young Ukrainian and Russian soldiers being murdered for "American Corporate Greed!" Shame again on you Roman! Don't worry you're never going back to Russia.
Браћа заувек!💪
Are you gonna start doing live streams and shit again.
Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Dear Roman :: Go to the local university. Hang around and find a tall black haired exotic GF.
I need to fantacise.
Congrats , now to take up surfing lmao
I was a scientist and a higher teacher at a Moscow university. Successful and somewhat illustrious career for the Russian teacher, I loved my job and made money with it, simply speaking. And then 2022 came. I told my students to stay away from the Russian propaganda. The higher-ups tried to hush me. So, I had terminated any contracts with Russian state institutions and resigned. Passed the interviews with some international companies as a Software/ML Engineer. Picked my favorite one, got relocated with all my stuff (from two apartments) free of charge. And now I’m in Europe. Working, living, donating for the good. Including you :) Thanks for your inspiring story, Roman. It'd be nice to meet you and have some good talk one day. Good luck!
Good job my dude! Would love to see a sit down between you and Roman some day and hear your story.
Russians ML/OPS engineers are badass
They werkin' it, mane...
*Edit* *UwU*
So if all adequate people leave Russia, what do you think will happen there, it will change by itself ? Donating for the good, I hope you mean donating to Ukraine's defense, otherwise Russia will come to you in Europe, very soon. You're donating to a person making business of westerns' deny to Putin's Russia - why not, it's your choice. But if this person was willing to change something instead of just making big money from it, he would do also a channel in Russian to explain all that stuff to the russians up-there, because we here in the EU know it very well. But views from Russia are not monetized, so bad.
@@sunnybgbgYeah sadly there’s a lot of hypocrisy and not everything can be perfect.
He could be doing fundraisers for Ukraine now that he is safe in Europe.
Dude, the feeling when you have a task that feels almost completely "impossible" and then conquering it through hard work and dedication is probably the best feeling in the world. It truly gives you confidence that you could do anything. Also, welcome to Europe! Glad you are here now
geometry dash
@@EStartive Geography dash
At least the Vogons didn't read poetry to you
No blood on my hands!
I emigrated twice. Once from the Netherlands to Ireland and then from Ireland to Germany.
That required basically no paperwork at all and only cost me what it costs to move. Nothing else. Long live the EU, long live Schengen! People who are always putting down the EU have no idea how good they have it because of things like this.
Yes, a lot of people have no clue how much the E.U has done to make life better for most it's members. The E.U has it's flaws and problems, but many people just blame every problem and grievance on the E.U ,.They watch hours of anti-E.U content without taking 30 minutes to learn how the E.U actually functions.
I love being an EU citizen
I am lucky enough to have Irish and therefore EU citizenship. People who voted for brexit and gave that all up are insane to me. It's the greatest gift to be able to travel and live anywhere in Europe unimpeded.
ein Beitrag des Montages, 29. April 2024
Moin aus dem Lauenburgischen [/Elbe]!
Welche Entfernung in der Luftlinie haben diese Wohnorte, jeweils zueinander?
Wer wird der nächste Ministerpräsident des Königreiches der Niederlande?
Wird die Dritte Polnische Republik, jemals den Großen Musikpreis der Eurovision gewinnen?
Bei der EU Wahl könnten mehrere Gruppen irgendwo gewinnen, ...
außer zum Beispiel dem Ökologen!
13 Gewählte für den PVV Wahlvorschlag (aus 31)?
Liebe niederländische Reichsbürger, ist das euer Ernst?
Wer wird der Fußballeuropameister der Herren, in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland?
Ein mögliches, BRD weites, Wochenendfahrverbot ab dem Sonnabend, 20. Juli 2024 wurde abgewendet,
da der Deutsche Bundestag, das Klimaschutzgesetz beschloss!
Zu den Olympischen Spielen in Paris könnte ich zu Fuß gehen!
Dieses Vor-Gehen erhöht meine Möglichkeiten,
bei den Paralympischen Spielen in Paris,
als ein Athlet, für Deutschland, anzutreten!
They could simply have given people European passaports and avoided all the thousands of rules and controls that you now have.
Roman, thank you SO much for this video. I really appreciated watching it. I'm married to a Russian citizen and I'm having to help her battle through the long process of immigration in the UK. I'm very lucky to hold both British and Irish citizenship. Both of our children are very fortunate to inherit both of my citizenships, as well as my wife's Russian nationality. I have saved this video locally to my computer, which I will store on an external drive, along with a few other similarly related videos to show my children in the future what other people have to go through in order to have their freedom. They are both extremely lucky, and I want them to fully understand the privileged situation they're in. I also hope that when I become a grandfather in the future, that they pass all 3 of the nationalities that both me and their mother have given them, to their children. Should they be lucky enough to be in a relationship with someone who holds a fourth nationality that allows dual citizenship, I hope that they pass that down to them as well. The way I look at it, is a "Make love, not war" protest, taken rather literally.
Roman, you are a hero and fully support everything you're doing. Take the money from my super thanks and enjoy a nice beer or something. You deserve it.
Can you have 3 citizenships at the same time? 🤔
@@dyawr Yes. I know this because me and my wife had to deal with the legal nonsense of three countries in order to make it happen.
@@PardonJulianAssangeNow So, one could have 10 if they wanted?
@@dyawrIf all 10 countries allow dual citizenship, then yes.
@@PardonJulianAssangeNow Interesting. Why do they call it "dual" & not "multiple" then. I wonder
Lol, you just guilt tripped me into doing my first ever Super Thanks! Good luck Roman, dont spend it on weed ;)
Only place for it, amigo. Only place for it.
Or he can spend it on weed, entertain us with philosophical thpughts on the universe, then get more monies.
Same 😂
Just to let you know, Roman - because of your ad, I contacted Reelo and booked a consultation. I'm in a similar situation as you; I'm in Georgia and as nice as it is, it's next door to Russia, and I just can't abide that. I don't speak the language anyway. But whatever. I contacted Reelo on the strength of your ad, so there you go. I'll be sure to tell them that.
Can you imagine what living in Estonia for 30 years must feel like then... Oh, I guess you do, you lived INSIDE Russia 😂😂😂 heeeee, a terrible joke
I can't imagine the stress for a Russian male living in Georgia, knowing that Russia could invade the country (Again!) at any time and possibly put you into Russian military service.
Otherwise Georgia does seem to be a decent country.
@@jimthain8777 It really is a nice country but I want to get out of here for this very reason. I'm not Russian, but a war would mean that I would be asked, more probably forced, to leave. Best to do that on my own timeframe. This was a mistake I made a few years ago in China. I really don't want that to happen again.
Best of luck man
@@annika9930 But isn't Estonia in NATO? Isn't that a deterrent?
I feel like maybe moving around to better and safer areas on this one planet we all share shouldn't be so damn complicated and expensive, but what do I know. I'm very happy for you, man!
It's so ridiculous how people criticize illegal immigrants when they make it hell for legal immigrants!
There really needs to be better processes for people displaced by war and things to apply from a 3rd country.
One reason. Illegal substances. People really like to bring them illegally to other countries.
Very nice
you cant run forever. also no country likes traitors
yes because cultural integration isn't a thing and everyone moving to completely different place with language and culture unrelated to yours isn't going to cause any problems at all. And it's also easy for someone already on the safe side to think people from a traumatized region can just adapt to a new set of laws and morals even though they have had said traumatizing principles cemented into their minds. But sure if we show them enough rainbows and ponies and don't worry about the logistics everything will be fine! :)
What a story! Hope things are easier in Portugal. Best of luck!
hes a rich youtuber has over a million subs here , you gave him money
@@BoB10bravo i potuno si upravu 👍👍👍. Onda se jos snima kako kupuje jedan kofer za par komada odjece, za 500 eura i izjavi kako ih je kupio tri. Ne moze biti odvratnije od toga. Neka hvala, ja cu i dalje donirati novce za ukrajinu i dronove, a ne nekome tko kupuje obican kofer za 500 eura.
Jos mu malo doniraj, pa ce moci kupiti jos jedan kofer od 500 eura. Strasno koliko ne razmisljate. Samo za ta dva ili tri kofera sto je kupio, moglo se kupiti minimalno 2 drona koja bi pomogla ukrajini da se obrani od agresora, ali neka placajte takvima kao sto je on, obican kofer za 500 eura 😏🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@BoB10 And that’s your business because…? Oh it’s not!
@@julieb750 ts a comment the same as any others on youtube. its public , anyone can reply to any comment . not my fault yo fancy a rich russian
Пиво за мой счет! Have a beer on me brother. Russian living in the United States. Immigration is not easy, glad you made it!
Alaska once was a part of "Russian North America".
It was sold for 7 200 000 US Dollars from the "Russian Empire" to the "United States of America".
"THE EVIL EMPIRE" ... White & Blue & Red
glad you guys escaped socialism
Welcome to America!
@@visualprefopen a history book 😂
Now my conscience shall be clean again. Thanks, Roman.
Nice 😅
Znaci savjest ce ti biti cista, ako mi doniras da si on kupi jos jedan kofer od 500 eura????? Vjerovatno imamo razlicite pojmove savjesti (imas svo pravo ovoga svijeta, sa svojim novcima raditi sto zelis) ali meni doniranje da bi si jedna bogata osoba kupila jos jedan kofer od 500 eura, nema veze sa savjesti, meni je savjest laksa kada doniram ukrajini za dronove. Jer jedan fpv dron je cca 700 eura, a ovaj je sebi od tvojih i tudjih donacija kupio par kofera sa cijenom od 500 eura po komadu. Pa dali stvarno nitko od vas nije to vidio?????. Bogatasi, mole ljude, da im doniraju i da budu jos bogatiji, dok ti isti ljudi misle kako su pomogli vec bogatoj osobi, a ne razmisle da pomognu onima kojima stvarno treba
I've followed you immediately after the war started, I think you made a couple of videos still from Russia. One could tell that you were in a dark place in 2022 and the beginning of 2023. I'm really happy for you now, both because you made it to Portugal and because you discovered that the world is not conspiring against you after all, but simply requires from you tons of patience (and money) to overcome the daunting bureaucratic obstacles. Well done and good luck in the future years!
Very nice
Have a nice days in beautiful Portugal
Thanks for the immigration video. I am proud of you for persevering. Your journey has kept me captivated and it's been a thrill ride. Remember to eat your vegetables. Love from your San Francisco, CA, USA Babushka.
No blood on my hands! All the best to you, Roman
Hopefully have a beer with you one day man! Hang in there!
We got you man.
W human ❤
Pomogao si vec bogatoj osobi, da si kupi jos jedan kofer od 500 eura 🤣🤣🤣, da ga slucajno neko ne vidi sa koferom od 200 eura 🤣🤣🤣 a jojjj koji ste naivci 🤣🤣
Welcome to the free world. I'm in Spain now after living 6 years in Moscow. I'm so glad I left Russia behind. I miss my dog and friends, though.
The EU is not the free world. I'm in Slovakia today and corrupt Police just tried to assault me today. I have videos of it.
You’re literally not even Russian lol
I hope you get your dog back 😢
Free to pay endless taxes,
free to never own a home if your parents aren't rich,
free to be bombarded with propaganda everywhere,
free to follow lock down rules,
free to be attacked by doctors and engineers,
free to have a culture vacuum,
free to be any sort of degenerate in public.
Congratulations young genius!
Слава Украине 🇺🇦
and russia is a terrorist state
This is my first ever super thanks on RUclips, I was saving it for the right person. Best regards my man
As a Portguese viewer who's been watching you since about 2019, I was very happily surprised to see you've moved here! Best of luck in this new stage Roman :)
Hope Europe is treating you well.
Portugal is wonderful!
Man went through a Kafkaesque process and came out alive. Good luck to those who try to follow in his footsteps.
Congrats on making it this far! Now start learning Portuguese, it will take time. Many online resources available. Equally important, enjoy life!
To mu doniras, pa da si kupi jos kofera od 500 eura 🤣🤣🤣. Vidis jedan fpv dron koji bi spasio ljudske zivote i pogotovo djecu u ukrajini kosta oko 700 eura, a ti slobodno za svoje novce imas pravo sam sebi objasniti dali je bitnije kofer za nekoga tko bec ima puno novaca ili su bitnija dijeca koja pate u ukrajini
Welcome to the EU! I am glad that you made it here. I hope you life will be easier from now on. Keep up the good work. I really enjoy your videos :)
Njemu je ocito zivot lagan, a ne tezak. Jer si mu upravo pomogao da si kupi jos jedan kofer od 500 eura. To ti nazivas teskim zivotom???
@@oskng ok, I hope he enjoys his 500 Euro suit case. Thats why I gave the money to him
30:53 Freedom is priceless. Congratulations Roman, I wish you success and happiness in the next chapter of your life in Lisbon, Portugal.
Lisbon, 1755
° tsunami
° earth quake
@@maikotter9945 Dude, nothing beats that crazy russian government. Way worse than any natural catastrophe.
Yayy, glad you are in EU now, all the best from Finland!
an inpiring story also, you are doing it not only for you roman! pls keep on and carry on!
Very nice
Congrats Roman, you did so far with your struggles. I’m happy for you.
We cannot have you being sent back to Russia. Moving anywhere is emotional. Changing countries is next level. So from me in Australia to you in Portugal, Good Luck!!!
3 humans per 1 square kilometer
This is very laughable!
Australia´s inhabitants did not even win against emubirds!
But in Cricket and in Rugby ... !
he's rich has been on youtube for ages has over 1 million subs here,
@@BoB10what do you earn with a million subs?
@@scarba a lot 20k to 100k
@@BoB10a year or month?
Very nice
An inspiring story and a much deserved reward. Rock on 😎
this guy has over a million subs hes been on youtube for a long time hes rich, he changed his bank to georga srussia wouldnt stop his account
Glad you made it Portugal Roman!
im actually crying man. incredibly proud of you and every single immigrant who had to sacrifice their old life in order to stay true to their values and themselves and seek a better life. godspeed
I watch your videos on and off, I'm not from Europe or that part of the world. I live in the USA and am originally from Mexico 🇲🇽.
Thanks from giving a look into your life and congrats on your accomplishment.
Dude ! 🖖
You are a diligent and focused man! You inspire me to look for better opportunities abroad! Thank you for your quality contenet!
Rooting for you man! Hard work is paying off!
Stay free brother 🇺🇸🫡 And Thank You Portugal 🇵🇹
Congrats Roman. As a Swede with one of the best passports in the world i always been able to travel visafree anywere i want. I am a lucky guy that never realised how hard it could be to travel its absolutely sick that it has to be this way.
Yes... We get punished for being born in a "poor" country 😂
Thank you Roman for your videos. Enjoy your new life, and keep going 😃👍
I am exhausted just listening to your story. I assume you had to travel lightly and live simple just out of necessity. This probably taught you a lot about yourself and what is really important to you. I hope you find the peace and serenity you are looking for, wherever that may be.
Eto toliko mu je tesko, pa kupuje i jos trazi od nas da mu kupujemo kofere od 500 eura 🤣🤣🤣
5 years agoI left my country of South Africa for a plethora of reasons . But mainly no electricity, insane violent crime. Being stressed even going to the supermarket to buy bread. Riots , corrupt government etc. Georgia took me in with her beautiful open arms. I travelled around asia. Then got stuck in Malaysia for 8 months (in the worst strict lockdown ever ) completely alone with no way home. Finally made it out to Istanbul then Georgia (had to pay a lot of money to get in due to CO-VID) . In 2021 I got a job offer to move to Estonia (EU) had to leave the Schengen zone after 2 years go back to Georgia (though that Istanbul airport) and eventually met my now wife. Yes even from thousands of miles away. You can make your dreams come true. Believe me I know the stress of applying for visas . Also being on the sort of undesirable list. Well done bro. Good luck on your life.
The new, oppressed minority of South Africa should be welcomed in the EU. Greetings from Sweden
How the STeAL-INdustry is doing in "Sakartwelo"?
I tell every decent person I meet from S.A. the same thing..Run, flee, get out and don't go back.
@@maikotter9945 Hm. MY comment was deleted
This russian guy is not to be trusted. All I'm saying
What a journey! Glad you’re sorted mate and all the very best for the future
To the journey.
hes a rich youtuber with over a million subs, why didn't you give the money to a charity
@@BoB10 why don't you mind your business
@@mzxeternal lol what a plonker you are, Take care of your Russian friend a coward who runs away from fighting for his country .
Well, as a Portuguese living abroad (in Estonia), I'm happy to see some people actually wanna move to Portugal rather than away from it 😂
I feel the same about Bulgaria, which is a vastly worse country than Portugal, but thankfully in the EU, as my other passport is British, the other basket case of Europe
Portugal is becoming too expensive for the Portuguese. lol
Americans moving in, Portuguese moving out. Portugal has become super expensive.
Survival of the richest
@@gncl7599 I agree dude.
Glad to see you made it!
My first ever super thanks! Greetings from the Netherlands 🧡
Well done young man. I'm a 64yr old English man, I did a lot of travelling alone when I was a young man. A lot of people have never been anywhere except when on holiday. It's completely different when you have to make a life for yourself, however it ia a buzz to be in a new country. I wish you much luck ✌️✌️✌️
Wish you nothing but the best brotha 🙌
Good luck! 😊😊
My Greek friend had a pretty unpleasant bureaucratic experience getting British citizenship after living, studying and working in England for over ten years. Fortunately it was eventually resolved and they are now one of the few British citizens who still has the benefits of EU membership via their joint Greek citizenship.
Man I wish we never left the EU, our politicians fucked the UK up big time leaving the continental union
Greece is in the EU. It should have been pretty straightforward with EU settlement status, waiting one year and then applying for British citizenship?
@@kiradotee you still need to do the life in the UK test and pay the hefty fee for naturalisation
Keep on being awesome Roman
This video made me cry a little. I desperately want to find a home. I've settled on a country, a supposedly easy country to move to, Paraguay. This inspired me. I don't have or make much money, either, so I know that I have a hard road ahead, but I'll do what I can, same as you. IF I can. That remains to be seen, but I'm sure you know that feeling. Wish me the luck that I wish you. Fingers crossed. 🤞
Good Luck!
Your story might be helping other people... well done...
Congratulations and well done, Roman! Am so happy for you. You found the right people to get advice from, made a plan and executed it! May you now enjoy your freedom! Looking forward to all you do in the future - you will prosper. Love from Scotland
Stay SAFE. ❤️ from The Netherlands 🇳🇱
Good luck!❤❤
Can’t wait for the American tour! 🔥
And be sure to visit Iowa. Iowa is beautiful and peaceful and pure. Come to Fairfield and see what small town (10,000 pop.) living is like.
Wow! Its sad how many hoops you had to jump through. So thankful your in a better position. I've watched your content for awhile now. In my humble opinion, you are so deserving.❤
Glad you made it there okay. :)
Enjoy Portugal!
to quote Drew Durnil (born in Alabama)
"Portugal is secretly Eastern Europe!"
The Estado Novo was Portugal´s fascist dictatorship!
@@maikotter9945 at a certain part most of Europe was fascist
My budget can't afford more than just giving you a view, but very happy you escaped.❤❤❤
Roman, congratulations. 🍾 I'm so glad that you acheived your dream of living in the EU/Schengen area. 🇵🇹
Welcome brat, greetz from netherlands!!
Congrats! I definitely feel you. I left Russia 5+ years ago and lived on temporary visas for all this time. It's not a very pleasant feeling. Recently, I got a Canadian residency. I'm so happy and relieved.
Bless you 🙏🏼❤️🔥
Canada is the best, congrats and good luck
How do you like Canada?
@@MargoM7248 its ok. Pretty boring and super expensive. The healthcare and housing crises are brutal. But otherwise a nice place to live.
Congrats for sticking through it, you're an inspiration and it's a commendable experience
Ive been cheering you on for a long time. Congrats from Canada
Having a glass of Port to celebrate your move to Portugal. Thanks for the video.
I'm so happy for you, Roman.
Best of luck with your new life Roman.
Roman, you are a really entertaining content creator and you have the sympathy of hundreds of thousands of people because you express yourself in a very down to earth and understandable way on your channel. Seeing you happy now is bringing a small joy to all of your fans because a lot of your videos over the past couple years were really sad. Congratulations and good luck! Personally, I hope that you will make videos traveling to different European countries and also as an American I would love to see you one day even maybe make a travel video about America because now it might be easier for you to maybe visit here eventually if you are interested in it! Good luck and God bless you and everything you stand for, you bring joy to thousands of people by uploading these videos and you show many people things and perspectives many of us wouldn't otherwise ever be exposed to! Have a wonderful time in your new life and remember always you have a positive impact on the world.
Hello from MAIK!
There can NEVER be >= 1 "God"!
"Errare humanum est!"
I'm super proud of you, man! It was obvious from your videos how depressed you were getting, so I'm glad that you can finally feel relieved.
Congratz and welcome to the free world Roman.
Here's a little something.
Very well done, Roman! You persisted, and I hope you will have a joyfull, happy and free life in Portugal. Greatings from the Netherlands🇳🇱
As a Serbian I'am happy to see (finally) some positive example of the "Serbo-Russian brotherhood"
Man, Roman was the best ambassador for Serbia maybe ever found
Yeah, Nikola Tesla was shockingly good, but i didn't even know he was Serbian . . .
Serbia is one of the few countries where Russians did not vote for Putin at the embassy at the recent Russian election.
@@sollte1239 That's because Serbia is one of the few good countries Russians can go to, which is why Belgrade and Novi Sad are beyond overcrowded with them. The overcrowded visa-free countries like Georgia and Serbia usually have people against the regime in them.
@@sollte1239 I think the supposedly anti-war candidate Davankov won in Prague and in Barcelona
@@briseboy Tesla was born in 1856, about 22 years before Serbia was founded as a country in 1878. Prior to that it was all part of Croatia.
Thanks for saving our boy, REELO!
Yay!!! Congratulations! I had 100% faith in you the whole time; with your brain, personality and good looks, I knew you would figure it out. There was a point in time that I was really worried about your mental health; but you persisted and look at you now! I'm so happy for you and I wish you nothing but success and happiness in your future.
Hey man, I’m so happy for you, and a bit jealous. Lisbon is an amazing city. Enjoy!!
Super happy you were able to move. I do hope that someday things change enough so you can return home to visit safely even if it never changes enough for you to want to return there to live. I think any country would be fortunate to have you live within their borders. ❤
What a journey and trial with a beautiful outcome. That took a lot of guts! You should feel very proud of this accomplishment! All I know is that all us viewers can now relax that you are clearly in freedom. Cheers!🥂
I’m not one to ever comment on videos but I have to say congratulations Roman. I am so happy for you! You’ve had a long road to get where you’re at and you’re so young. I think you’re very strong young man and that your videos are very inspiring, so keep up the good work you Deserve reward for all of the sacrifices and struggles that you had to go through in the last couple of years so congrats and good luck!
Good luck
Delighted for you man :) What a stressful journey, leaving your home and family out of an instinct to survive, being unsure if Tbilisi would allow you to stay/keep re-entering long term, if they'd send you back to Russia..... and persisting with your goal for Europe............ it's really cool to see it work out for you! When your residency is finalised come to Ireland, me and my mates will show you around Dublin :)
Great, this is the video I've been waiting for. Congrats on your good decisions and the successful journey to EU! 👍
Красава, Рома, удачи тебе!!!!
NAH THAT MICROSOFT OFFICE HAT AT 22:50, i would LOVE to know the story behind that, roman please i beg you i need the lore
where can i get one please👉👈
This brings back all the memories of the hassle and anguish i experienced when applying for a visa to germany. It was a struggle to gather the documents, prepare mentally for interviews, and to wait for news from the embassy. In the end, i got my visa just a couple of days before i was supposed to leave. Now that i live in germany, i can say that it‘s all been worth it, and i congratulate you, Roman, for sticking it out. I really hope that portugal works out for you.
I’m truly glad you came out the other side and free wish you all the best bro
Contributing towards your Portuguese lessons so you can eventually get a Portuguese citizenship. With your aptitude for languages, I’m sure you’ll be pretty fluent in it soon! Good luck and keep up the freedom dream!