Does God Still Expect The Sabbath Day to be Remembered? 🤔

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • This masterclass will cover The Sabbath Day as found in the fourth commandment. It will trace it’s history all the way from creation and then through the history of Israel into New Testament times. It will also look at the benefits for Christians today.
    The world has increasingly forgotten about God and His ways. How is that possible? The answer is found in a day, which is The Authentic Seal. #theSabbathDay
    This is the fifth episode in the AWR Masterclass series called Unlocking Bible Prophecies. You can follow the series and interact LIVE at:
    Ten years ago, Cami Oetman had a real encounter with God that would change her life forever. She was a successful entrepreneur at the time, and the transition wasn’t easy. However, the truth Cami will share in this series was so compelling that she knew every human being in the world should experience the love of Jesus as she had.
    Within three years, she had preached 350 Bible presentations. Today, as a vice president for Adventist World Radio, Cami travels the world documenting the miracles that take place when people give their hearts to Jesus.
    It may seem difficult to imagine yourself understanding Bible prophecy. Cami couldn’t either. She had spent two decades in the modeling world - in front of and behind the camera. She had also used her master’s degree in social work to care for hospice patients. She then started a successful retail business. But no one can predict how they will react when they have a real experience with God!
    Have you ever wondered why people would put a seal on a letter or document? What does it stand for?
    A seal bears the name, title and territory of its owner and conveys authority and ownership to the receiver of the message. In ancient times, wax seals were often used on contracts or treaties as an identifying mark of authority and authenticity. Did you know God uses a ‘seal’ to identify his followers and mark them for redemption? Surely, humans won’t receive a wax seal on their foreheads-so what is this seal?
    The Sabbath is a seal of commitment and relationship. By observing the Sabbath, God’s followers show they belong to Him. So, how do you observe the Sabbath and when is it?
    Humans are the only created beings that can discern right from wrong and the part of our brain that makes those choices is our prefrontal cortex which sits behind our foreheads. When we choose to “remember the Sabbath day” as it states in the fourth of ten commandments, we are choosing to be ‘sealed’ by God. The Sabbath exists to remind us who God is. He is Creator of Heaven and Earth.
    God said through the prophet Ezekiel “I gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between us, so they would know that I the Lord made them holy” (Ezekiel 20:12). God wants us to remember that He is our Creator and Redeemer.
    God created humans on the sixth day of creation-Friday. The very next day-Sabbath; He rested, blessed it and made it holy. God wants to spend valuable time with the creation He made in His image. This means He wants to spend time with you.
    Did you know the Sabbath has existed since the very first week of creation and it was not intended for only a select group of people? God created the Sabbath with the intention of spending time with all people. The Sabbath existed long before God gave the commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai; Paul and the Christian Gentiles were still keeping the Sabbath holy long after Jesus died on the cross.
    When God created the days of the week, each 24-hour period was marked by the rotation of the earth. The night portion preceded the day portion, which means that sunset is the first part of a new day. Each day of the week begins with the evening portion at sunset. So it makes sense that the Sabbath would begin Friday evening at sunset and continue until Saturday evening at sunset.
    What more can God do to emphasize the permanence and importance of His holy Sabbath day? He spoke it with His voice, wrote it with His finger, and sent His own beloved Son Jesus as our example to live by. The disciples taught it and God’s believers will keep it on the New Earth throughout all of eternity.
    When the Creator of the universe asks you to do something, it makes sense to follow His direction. Don’t you think? Especially when His motive for spending time with us is love.

Комментарии • 577

  • @sanctuary70
    @sanctuary70 4 года назад +19

    I've been persecuted since a child for this BEAUTIFUL TRUTH, but i felt GOD made me stronger. I was 6,then again at 10/11. Little did we KNOW the what the result would be! Years later , as my aunt died,she shared what my insistence on going to Church on the 7th Day Sabbath meant to her.
    As we spoke during the last days of her battle with leukemia, she brought me into her kitchen and uncovered her pots which contained ONLY vegetables!
    Much to my joy& hers she told me this,"I have been a Seventh-day Adventist for the last 8 months. I waited unendingly to study the Bible with your father. He never came." But if I recall correctly, this woman who'd been such a staunch Pentecostal most of her life ,but never attended church apologized to me,for beating me & not allowing me to attend Sabbath School.
    There was a physical &spiritual manifestation one afternoon when in plain daylight a light extremely white, like a sword came through the window and disappeared into the Bible at Exodus 20:8-11,which i held on my lap.My sister & aunt saw it also & instantly ceased in what Pentecostals call ," speaking in tongues."
    I told Dad, my Argentinian- born Asst.SDA Pastor & he insisted ,I MUST share in front of a revival Sabbath congregation of hundreds of brethren. I didn't want to.
    WHEN I came to the podium,I tried to speak ,but i cried uncontrollably. Not out of fear! I knew Dad was right , and as the brethren praised the Lord,and said Amen repeatedly- the calm came over me and to the glory of God's Holy NAME, He strengthened me without a prepared text and i was able to speak.
    There have been many dry runs. How i am alive I do not KNOW.
    This series with Cami Oetman are nothing short of inspiring to me .My so-called neighbors know I have no time on Friday,but to prepare for my time alone with God.
    I must admit Satan whispers on my ear," you're disfellowshipped! What's the point?" I can't help but think, but THIS IS THE SEAL! I JUST CAN'T SAY I'M AN UNMARRIED WOMAN! I think of my aunt,and how I long to see my Lord face to face; I'm addicted by a burden for souls & supporting OUR missions ! How many strangers has the Lord put in my way.
    I can see why Sister White calls Jesus," The One Altogether LOVELY.
    Chief of sinners, signing off.
    GOD BLESS this much needed series.⚖🔊🔊🔊🕊

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Betty your story is amazing and so inspiring. God truly manifest His love to you. He gave you such patience and faith. His grace abound so much, that He use you to be a light to your Aunt. I seen in you that the Lord will use you mightily in HIs work. Be part of this ministry by sharing this link And if you have prayer request? Don't hesitate to ask for and we'll be happy to pray for it. God bless you.

    • @sanctuary70
      @sanctuary70 4 года назад

      @@awrweb, You must understand that i'm not that young kid anymore.
      It's been on & off between the Lord & me for quite awhile.
      The problems are much larger& intimate than i can share in public .
      Suffice it it to say," that I've been there& done that," if you know what i mean. The adversary has tried awfully hard to keep me , especially since I was successful in the world of Music. I walked away from a top recording company several times & ALL it entails. And it is still hard for me to realize that the SDA Church i grew up in had been converted to the world I was trying to leave behind. And it gets very complicated to explain because what is wrong, is so much more than that. I know that the enemy relentlessly bothers me because i turned down his world to answer Jesus's call.
      BUT the Church also i felt let me down, so I didn't want to leave GOD & started doing missionary work in the NYC
      Train Stations for a couple of years and talk about watching & being smack in the middle of The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan! Everyday, I was putting my life at risk to help the homeless,distribute /sell our books& literature, talk to people non-stop, while playing Christ-centered music on my guitar ; mind you it was in the subways that I became famous for my secular music, but NOW the songs were different & people would gladly join in if they knew the hymn and that subway tunnel sometimes became an underground church...needless to say the police and the hip-hop crowd and most intolerant of all other musicians and the LGBT Community 's verbal abuse, physical abuse, ROBBED & one could sense in such a real, visible way the war between good and evil. I must say I must've entertained angels at times and I worked long hours,but I was happy inside and out. I would go to church occasionally and always keep the SABBATH...i still do. Until one day I was headed for work during Rush Hour as usual when i either collapsed/someone pushed me from behind down an entire stairwell at a train station and it was the day Nelson Mandela died.
      I checked myself out with my guitar & gear .
      I suffered a stroke don't recall when; it was my second one and that's when they discovered 2 heart conditions and so much has happened that I'm quite literally tired & on prescription meds & cannot really walk on my own. I wish i could afford a Seventh-day Adventist for a physician.
      Like I say , that's why I KNOW THAT JESUS EXISTS , but i get super DEPRESSED because I'm always alone. No one calls or visits from church .
      I was so encouraged by what Cami Oetman said about prayer-prayer is an act of war!" That is so true I find.
      So yes, i back-slide quite oftentimes. And i am a sinner!
      I long to be re-baptized, and I
      want to be READY for JESUS'S RETURN considering that I'm still handing out literature and books every chance I get. But I stay home alot due to chronic back pain . I've been in 2 major vehicular accidents. Yes , and that's not even the half of it all.
      I KNOW that my REDEEMER Liveth. But as I said to GOD- All I can give Thee is a train-wreck.
      I'll try to catch up with the series. I've been referring you to whomever I can on other sites & individuals.
      Happy SABBATH to all!
      There is one thing i would like & that is to be able to walk again and move out from between 2 gay couples that live directly above & below me which interfere in my life & management won't help.
      I'd like to sleep normal hours tearfully, get off meds & no more chronic back pain. I'd love to to the country but to severe health issues must be close to hospital.
      Psalm71:3"BE my strong refuge,to which I may resort continually ; You have given the COMMANDMENT to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress."

    • @preparingforhiscoming3745
      @preparingforhiscoming3745 4 года назад

      @@sanctuary70 Beautiful, you're on your way to heaven.
      In the time of TROUBLE He shall hide u in His Pavilion, in the seacret of His Tabernacle shall He hide u, He shall set your feet UPON a Rock, This is CHRIST JESUS. LETS CONTINUE TO TRUST HIM.
      we see that all His Promises are true and faithful. May He send His angel to assist u, and be your help.
      May JESUS HOLD you close to HIS HEART.
      God bless you.

  • @christinaingram8813
    @christinaingram8813 4 года назад +5

    To me Sabbath is the best day of the week. It is the day I look forward to. The day I get to forget about everything else and just relax and spend time with God. Even psychologists say that Humans need to rest, they need to take mental breaks and I think the Sabbath indeed is a gift from God, a day He made for us.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God! Our loving Heavenly Father wants us to be with Him every Sabbath. It is our connection to Him as it is the only day we are free from this world. We're blessed to have you with us, Christina. Invite your friends to join us at See you again dear, God bless

  • @dwaynewal-e8615
    @dwaynewal-e8615 4 года назад +49

    "Whenever in doubt with what to do, do what Jesus did." - Cami Oetman. 😇🙌🏾

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +3

      Thanks for watching Dwayne! Hope to see you on the next episodes.

    • @sbsb3591
      @sbsb3591 4 года назад +1

      I’ve heard the call of Jesus on my life. And I love Him who first loved me, and gave Himself for me. He is my Creator God, Lovely Lord of the Lords Day, the 7th day. It is the Lord who has the nail scars in His hands on our behalf, who also made the Sabbath day holy in the beginning. ❤️❤️❤️

    • @DavidAllen-nm7mc
      @DavidAllen-nm7mc 4 года назад

      Thank you miss Cami I have always felt in my heart that I should be observing the sabbath instead of the first day but I haven’t.. but I’m going to start.. I feel in my heart that it is right

    • @LVP777
      @LVP777 4 года назад

      @@edaguirre8952 its not ellen white , its the bible i cant depens that much but i disagree those you mentioned that it is because of ellen white your wrong. As you listen it is all from the bible she was reading. And also the bible itself reveal what should the right meaning of every word.

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      @@edaguirre8952 You do error not knowing nor understanding the scriptures. First of all the SDA church do not put EGW writings above the bible. Second the seventh day sabbath was not a shadow of things to come that was the ceremonial laws that were shadows and they were done away with at the death of Jesus and the ceremonial laws had sabbaths in them but they were not the seventh day sabbath they could fall on any day of the week altho some did fall on the seventh day sabbath and they were called a High Sabbath. Third Paul never keep nor taught that the Sabbath had been changed to the first day of the week. See Acts.25:8 & 28:17. Forth Paul met with the gentiles on the seventh day sabbath in Acts 13:44. You mis understand scriptures when you say that Paul in Acts 20:7 kept the first day of the week nd also in 1 Cor.16:2
      Where did you get all of your false information? from the Sunday preachers?
      Fifth the Mark of the Beast is Sunday keeping and no EGW didn't make it up, the Baptist and all of the other churches use to believe that the Mark of the Beast was Sunday keeping and that the RCC was the beast of Rev 13. Sixth, Death sleep is biblical and if you knew and understood scriptures you would know that and also Hell is not a place where God torments sinners thru out all of eternity no such place and again if you knew and understood scriptures you would know that. EGW was not the one who prophesied that the world would end in 1843-44 it was a Baptist Preacher named William Miller so blame you Baptist Sunday keepers for that not EGW. And no Jesus nor the disciples did not teach that it was OK to eat anything unclean, not biblical. and all of what you have said here is nothing but lies that you have heard the Sunday preachers teach, they love to bear false witness against the SDA church and that is exactly what it is false witness. You need to get out of the lying Sunday churches because they don't know nor understand the scriptures. God is calling his people out of the Sunday churches because of their false doctrines. Rev 18:4. Spiritual Babylon = false doctrines. If you knew or understood the scriptures you would know that what you wrote here is bearing false witness.

  • @shiramay3690
    @shiramay3690 4 года назад +22

    This is so clear😍 I love the way you explain everything. God Bless you more Adventist World Radio. I hope and pray that all my non-SDA friends take some time to watch all your uploaded videos so that their minds and hearts will be enlightened too. God is great for allowing this Radio/RUclips ministry to reach millions of people throughout the World.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Amen. Thank you very much Shira. It would be great if we could pray for your friends and mention them by name. Please share your prayer request to God bless you!

    • @FofXequalsYnot
      @FofXequalsYnot 4 года назад

      Shira May 🔥the clarity undeniably mocks any doubt on sabbath...🔥

  • @jrmallari4192
    @jrmallari4192 4 года назад +23

    It’s like a voice of an angel talking that was sent by God. Thank you for the Word of God and food for the soul.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Praise the LORD, Jr! We are blessed that you are fed. Would you mind sharing what made the most impact to you during this presentation?

    • @jrmallari4192
      @jrmallari4192 4 года назад +1

      Adventist World Radio the verses that you shared really targetted my mind and heart! That the Sabbath is undeniably the Seal of God. Thank you 😍

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Jr! thank you for your inspiring comment here. How are you? We hope that you are doing well. If you have any prayer requests and more bible studies we encourage you to register here at we want to hear more inspiring testimonies from you see you there.

    • @FofXequalsYnot
      @FofXequalsYnot 4 года назад

      Jr Mallari honestly

  • @bayanicarbonell6829
    @bayanicarbonell6829 4 года назад +40

    Please include in prayer that we all remained faithful to Him. Specially in observing Sabbath.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +2

      Amen. May the Holy Spirit be with us so that we will remain faithful in keeping the Sabbath. Thank you for comment, Bayani. If you have any more questions or prayer requests, just register at to send them in. Also, don't forget to share this series to your friends. Stay tuned and God bless!

    • @jizelf633
      @jizelf633 4 года назад +1

      Amen. Blessings

  • @alllthatinacan
    @alllthatinacan 4 года назад +7

    The Sabbath is a beautiful reminder that God is our creator and sanctifies us❤️🙏🏻

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Juli! indeed sabbath is also a remembrance of God as our creator. If you have prayer requests or questions please register here and we would like to pray for you and to have a bible study with you.

  • @Hwhsbcjdal73727
    @Hwhsbcjdal73727 4 года назад +25

    Jesus kept the Sabbath holy: Acts 17:2; Acts 18:4; 1 Peter 2:21; Acts 13:42-44. Amen!

  • @nathelwarcholik6510
    @nathelwarcholik6510 4 года назад +3

    That was clear and directly from the Bible! Thank you for sharing the message despite it being contrary to what the world and most of our friends think. Prophetic messages from God have seldom been popular. But by following God's way we are able to receive His abundant blessings.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hello Nethel. Its a pleasure to have you here with us. Thank you very much for you time. Indeed your right about "Prophetic messages from God have seldom been popular," that's why we would love to invite you and invite others as well to our Unlocking Bible Prophecy series. You can register for free in this site Inquiries, prayer requests and other services you need to serve and get closer to God are offered. Feel free to ask. God bless.

  • @cherrymaellegue3042
    @cherrymaellegue3042 4 года назад +7

    Thank you Lord, for not giving up on me! I am sooo blessed that I decided to follow and watch this seminar every night!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      God will never give up on you! Thank you for the continual support in watching Cami! If you have any Bible questions kindly visit God bless you!

  • @janewong2478
    @janewong2478 4 года назад +5

    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
    Jesus is above all things. Amen!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Thank you for your comment, Jane! Feel free to message us on our Facebook page or register at if you have any questions or prayer requests. Stay tuned, and God bless!

  • @edwardthomas58
    @edwardthomas58 4 года назад +7

    God bless AWR and Cami for this marvelous masterclass / Bible study. Great initiative, certainly born in the very heart of God.

    • @priscillaamorlariosa696
      @priscillaamorlariosa696 4 года назад

      Amen! Praise the Lord! Have you gone to we have so many resources there. Thank you! God bless! :-)

  • @Julio18ho
    @Julio18ho 4 года назад +3

    God be praised for this program! It makes us grow in wisdom and grace in the Word of God.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Thanks for tuning in with us Julio. Invite your friends to join us at for complete Bible Prophecy resources. See you again, Godbless

  • @dailydevotionalbiblereadin7056
    @dailydevotionalbiblereadin7056 4 года назад +13

    The 10 Commandments are still binding to this present generation. If you disagree, just imagine the kind of a world without the Law. Yes, chaotic and sinful as people have no standard of living the right kind of life.

    • @priscillaamorlariosa696
      @priscillaamorlariosa696 4 года назад

      Amen! Praise the Lord! Have you gone to we have so many resources there. Thank you! God bless! :-)

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Well said! Thank you for sharing your thoughts Juvy. You may also visit and share with your friends. See you again, Godbless

  • @thomasfrick4419
    @thomasfrick4419 4 года назад +9

    I love the Sabbath, it is the best invention ever! :) It's for free, not bound to a place or people who can enjoy it and we really need it to renew our strength..

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen, brother! God has seen this from the beginning. Indeed, God loves us. Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts about Sabbath, Thomas. We want to see you again here, invite your friends to join us at for the complete Bible Prophecy Series. God bless

  • @iscezbal8
    @iscezbal8 4 года назад +12

    Wanted to hold & see the scars of our LORD & SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST' hands...
    Praise GOD for the saving grace.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Us too Isagani! Glad you liked our videos! If you have Bible questions kindly visit us at and sign up for free! Also share this with your family and friends. God bless you!

    • @iscezbal8
      @iscezbal8 4 года назад

      @@awrweb yes will share the gospel by GOD's grace...

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Thank you and may God bless you abundantly, Isagani!

  • @GodwinJnr1
    @GodwinJnr1 4 года назад +6

    Thank you Jesus for the Sabbath!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God! and we thank you Jesus for the life. By the way Godwin we thank you so much for being here, we would like to invite you to register here at you can send prayer requests there and for more bible study. Stay tuned brother see you there!

  • @nomamangena6366
    @nomamangena6366 4 года назад +19

    The Sabbath is God's seal for us> Lord help me to keep your way!

    • @priscillaamorlariosa696
      @priscillaamorlariosa696 4 года назад +1

      Amen! Praise the Lord! Have you gone to we have so many resources there. Thank you! God bless! :-)

    • @brunomarian29
      @brunomarian29 3 года назад

      Keep the Holy Sabbath day. Amen.

  • @jeremyquinto9462
    @jeremyquinto9462 4 года назад +13

    Thank you Cami and AWR team! The story of the boy and his mother brought me to tears, very powerful illustration of GOD'S LOVE.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +2

      Praise be to God Jeremy! We hope to see you on the next episode! If you haven't registered yet, visit us at You can ask questions and join us in our online bible study. God bless you Jeremy!

  • @josephcharles2433
    @josephcharles2433 4 года назад +11

    Dear Cami I thank you so much for your lovely presentation. God bless you abundantly 💜🙏. I'm now so refreshed after having heard the word of God, through you. My heartfelt thanks to Adventist world radio.....🙏🙏

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Hi Joseph, Glad you like our videos! If you have any Bible questions or prayer request just visit God bless you!

  • @jovynjimenez5573
    @jovynjimenez5573 4 года назад +14

    Simple, understandable, and wonderful presentation. Praying for you, Cami. 🙌🙏🏻

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      All glory to God Evarcris. Thank you for your prayer it helps a lot. Specially for the Holy Spirit to move to those people who watch the video. Please continue to watch the rest of Cami's presentation until June 14 and share this link God bless you.

  • @lalam-pamonjena1949
    @lalam-pamonjena1949 4 года назад +14

    Thank you for the wonderful presentation! To God be the glory! Come Jesus, come! Maranatha

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Hello Lalam. Thank you for watching and God be praised. We invite you to join us on our Unlocking Bible Prophecy series with Cami Oetman.
      You can register (if you haven't yet) for free at this site
      If you have prayer request please feel free to tell us and we will pray for you.
      God bless, see you there!

    • @Lastgreatcall
      @Lastgreatcall 4 года назад +1


  • @nuksp733
    @nuksp733 4 года назад +2

    PTL for this mission series, what a blessing. Praying 🙏🏼 for the AWR team and yourself for strength, agility and protection as you contribute to the spread of GOD’s WORD 🤩👏🏻

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! thank you Nakutau. If you have prayer requests or questions please register here and we would like to pray for you and to have a bible study with you.

  • @Chinxolivagant
    @Chinxolivagant 4 года назад +2

    The alligator, boy, and mom story made me cry a river. Blessed in every episode! Praise God!🙏🙏🙏

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Glad it touch your heart. May God continually bless you!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      By the way, just feel free to message us if you have prayer request we would love to pray for you.

    • @UnlockingBibleProphecies
      @UnlockingBibleProphecies 3 года назад

      Hi. You may want to join us at Thank you and God bless.

  • @pedropanzardi7469
    @pedropanzardi7469 4 года назад +3

    Wow! God has blessed us with the wonderful gift of the Sabbath day to rest in him. To celebrate his awesome power and love as creator and Redeemer.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God PEDRO. If you have prayer requests or questions please register here and we would like to pray for you and to have a bible study with you.

  • @allforhim3026
    @allforhim3026 4 года назад +23

    Amen, praise God for a powerful message.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God indeed Ice Cubes! If you haven't registered yet just visit us at and join us in our online bible study. More blessing!

    • @Lastgreatcall
      @Lastgreatcall 4 года назад

      Amen indeed

  • @simplenggwapongelnido8976
    @simplenggwapongelnido8976 4 года назад +21

    Thank you Ma'am Cami
    I'm really blessed with your presentation, and thank you very much for using comprehensible illustrations
    God bless you 🙏

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hello Sherman, Thank you for watching our videos! Invite your family and friends to watch with you so they could be blessed too! Also visit if you have any Bible questions or prayer requests. God bless!

    • @annieliebenberg23
      @annieliebenberg23 4 года назад

      Thank you so much for this presentation. Only changed recently to from Sunday to Saturday to hold my sabbath. Cannot believe why I was so blind not to see it clearly

  • @roseofrome
    @roseofrome 4 года назад +3

    I thank God for the Sabbath day, as it brings joy and gladness after a week of busy-ness. It is really a blessing to everyone who observe it.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God! Hi rose! We're blessed to have you with us. Feel free to share and sign up at for free. Invite more friends to join us. See you again, Godbless

  • @JulieElizabethJE
    @JulieElizabethJE 4 года назад +5

    This Bible Prophecy series has blessed my life! I love how accurate it is and what we can see in the world today. Jesus is coming back soon and we must be ready. Thanks for these amazing Bible Prophecies and your commitment. A must watch for every believer.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Truly we are so blessed for your wonderful comment on our Bible series. Please include our team AWR and Cami in your prayers. Feel free to visit and share our link to your friends and help us in spreading the Gospel. See you again, God bless

  • @CastlevaniaDXC
    @CastlevaniaDXC 4 года назад +2

    One of the best subjects ever 🙌

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Hi there, Glad you liked our video! If you have any Prayer request or questions about the Bible feel free to ask! Also visit us at for more info. God bless you!

  • @yubakmakim2769
    @yubakmakim2769 4 года назад +7

    Glory to the almighty one. Would like to thank to the speaker Madam Cami and the entire team of AWR. Such a great speaker and the message are all true,fact and basic on the Holy Bible. Presentation and the example are so strong. The story about the Aligetor, mom and the son is the great made me emotional.
    Abundant love. He is great all the time. Praise to the Lord. Thank you so much! I'm blessed!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Thank you so much for your comment, Yubak! We are so glad to know that you were blessed by the message of this video. Let us continue praying for Cami and the entire UBP team. Also, we hope that you will take time to share this series to your friends and you will tune in to the rest of the episodes. If you have questions or prayer requests, you may send them in by registering at for free. Stay tuned, and God bless!

  • @pattimears200
    @pattimears200 4 года назад +2

    God opened my eyes some few years ago after attending a Sunday service church! He touched my heart to have a deep desire for His truth. I opened my heart willing to receive whatever it was as long as it came from Him!
    How could I trust my soul with man with so many teaching so many different ways? I have been praying for my family and loved ones eyes to be opened. They don’t understand my new learning. Please help me pray for their eyes to be opened and that I always be found doing Gods Will.. watching and praying! God bless you and this wonderful teaching!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Amen! Indeed we will pray for you Patti, trust in Jesus, we believe that God loves us all including your entire family. Kindly send us your prayer requests here at keep in touch and stay tuned okay? God bless you.

  • @romanlyngdoh3020
    @romanlyngdoh3020 4 года назад +69

    I want to have friends who are seventh day Adventist but in my society I rarely find them.please pray for me

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +11

      Hello Roman. Thank you for watching. It is interesting to know about your desire.
      We invite you to join us on our Unlocking Bible Prophecy series with Cami Oetman.
      You can register for free at this site
      Furthermore, I would love to pray for you. "Dear Lord, here is my brother Roman Lyngdoh who wanted to befriend with a Seventh-day Adventist yet the challenge is his environment. I pray that you bless him and keep him. Give him strength and comfort, and protection from day to day. Please grant this prayer for this we ask in Jesus' name. Amen"
      By the way Roman, what motivates you to look for an Adventist friend?

    • @romanlyngdoh3020
      @romanlyngdoh3020 4 года назад +9

      @@awrweb Thank you ma'am.i want to be friend with a seventh day Adventist became people from this church keep the Sabbath day holy

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +14

      Roman! You've got a friend here! indeed Jesus is our friend and He loves us equally let me pray for you now.
      Dear Heavenly Father, Lord, we would like to give you praises, and thanks for giving us blessings all the time. We praise you that you give us love and courage to study thy word, and here one of our friend the one that you loved, we pray for Roman, Lord, please give him a happy life with Jesus and with all of us here bind us with Your love and mercy and make us a light in our community so that they will also acknowledge you as the God of love. Thank You, Lord, for this wonderful opportunity to pray with Roman. In the loving name of Jesus our Savior, Amen.

    • @romanlyngdoh3020
      @romanlyngdoh3020 4 года назад +7

      @@awrweb thank you ma'am.may god bless you

    • @batistaryngngasohkhlet73
      @batistaryngngasohkhlet73 4 года назад +2

      Hello bro! Phi sah shaei?

  • @garygwanzura8731
    @garygwanzura8731 4 года назад +2

    Oh woow, God wants to spend an entire day with me. This is great news. I don't want anyone or anything to get in between God and I spending quality time together. Thank you for sharing this.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Indeed Gary. God always wants us to have time to study His words and talk to Him. Hope to see you in the next episodes.

  • @Khaemille
    @Khaemille 4 года назад +3

    I love every word of God that you clearly emphasized. God bless you Sister Cami.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      God bless you as well beautiful sister.

  • @emmanyholm9932
    @emmanyholm9932 4 года назад +7

    Thank you so much for this message. This is true.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen. We're glad that you took time to watch this video, Emma. We hope that you will share this series to your family and friends as well. If you have questions or prayer requests, feel free to send them in by registering at Stay tuned, and God bless!

  • @evs5439
    @evs5439 4 года назад +7

    To God be the Glory in Jesus name amen 🙏

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Edna, Thank you for watching our videos! Continue to watch Cami as she Unlocked Bible Prophecies at God bless!

  • @gamirmalcolm3854
    @gamirmalcolm3854 4 года назад +7

    It's so interesting that the sun and the moon determine our days, months and years! Really there is only one institution that marks our weekly cycle...that's the Sabbath! More than this weekly cycle, the our observance of the Sabbath marks us as God's people acknowledging Him as Creator, honours Christ's redemptive work and among other things, points to that Heavenly rest that we will enjoy when Christ returns 🙏 There is also physical, mental and social significance of Sabbath keeping!

    • @priscillaamorlariosa696
      @priscillaamorlariosa696 4 года назад +1

      Amen! Praise the Lord! Have you gone to we have so many resources there. Thank you! God bless! :-)

    • @preparingforhiscoming3745
      @preparingforhiscoming3745 4 года назад +1

      So beautiful.
      Am so exited for JESUS, i cannot explain.
      Have u listened to the sabbath songs that you can use to ring in the sabbath at the set of sun on Friday evenings? Go to RUclips type in Neville Peters, his song "HOLY TIME "
      Also temple made of fountains view academy.
      And the song entitled "
      REMEMBER. " by Sarah Draget.

    • @naturespeaksmusic7740
      @naturespeaksmusic7740 3 года назад


  • @emilebansah3
    @emilebansah3 4 года назад +8

    Oh my God!!! I can't wait to see that GREAT DAY. Madam please I want you to come to Ghana for your great teachings. The coming day of JESUS will be so GREAT.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Truly, we all can't wait for Jesus to come already. But while waiting, we should do our part by helping spread the Gospel. Thus, we invite you to share this series to your family and friends. Also, if you have any questions or prayer requests, just register at to send them in. Stay tuned, and God bless you, Emile!

    • @thevoiceofprophecytoday
      @thevoiceofprophecytoday 4 года назад

      @@awrweb Hey Emile, You need to Start Keeping the Sabbath in Ghana 🇬🇭 if You are not. This message is the Absolute Truth. Thumbs up 👍 if U agree. God's blessings

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Hi Emile, we appreciate for inviting Cami to come over to your place. God will surely give time for that. We appreciate you for connecting us also and for watching the Unlocking Bible Prophecy series atвидео.html. Can you share how God made an impact to your life through this message?

    • @emilebansah3
      @emilebansah3 4 года назад

      @@thevoiceofprophecytoday Thank you oo Gideon i hear and i will do it.

    • @preparingforhiscoming3745
      @preparingforhiscoming3745 4 года назад

      Oh how i wish all these God send messages were on dvd.

  • @pranitparmar6493
    @pranitparmar6493 4 года назад +3

    Excellent video presentation . Just loved it. I'm so glad that i watched it on the Sabbath Day :)

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Pranit, Thank you for watching our videos! If you have Bible questions or Prayer request just ask! Also visit us at and sign up for free! God bless you!

  • @hayatokinishi
    @hayatokinishi 4 года назад +10

    Amen. Thank you for telling the Truth ,it was so clear. Hope this reach many people. Godbless to you all 😊

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise the Lord Asjo. We love to hear your testimony on how the truth made an impact to your life.

  • @xiuxiulover
    @xiuxiulover 4 года назад +2

    Hello Cami, i'll pray for ur ministry. I'm sure God gonna bless you and the listeners of this channel that show us more of Word of God.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Thank you so much for your prayers, Karlos! We really appreciate you praying for Cami and for this ministry. God bless!

  • @joetyler6890
    @joetyler6890 4 года назад +4

    "Truth never leads you astray" Amen!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Well said Joe, and Jesus is the truth in John 14:6. Thank you for following us. We'd love to hear your testimony on how the message made an impact to your life? If you have a concern and prayer request feel free to share it with us, it is our joy to serve you. God bless.

    • @preparingforhiscoming3745
      @preparingforhiscoming3745 4 года назад

      Neville peters sabbath song, Holy Time, on RUclips.

  • @denisetroyer3132
    @denisetroyer3132 4 года назад +4

    Thanks for presenting this wonderful truth!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Thank you for your appreciation Denise. Please include us in your prayers. Share our link at to your family and friends to learn more about unlocking Bible Prophecy Series. See you again, God bless

  • @Lastgreatcall
    @Lastgreatcall 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for bringing this true biblical message so clearly, if we indeed love Jesus we will all keep His commandments and that includes keeping holy the Sabbath day

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      You're welcome Khumbulani. We are also grateful to know that are watching our videos and following the Bible truth. Stay tuned for our next episode and please share it with your friends and family too. God bless you!

  • @judyrodriguez6736
    @judyrodriguez6736 4 года назад +2


    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Thank you so much for watching this video, Judy. We hope that you'll take time to watch the other episodes of this series as well. Please invite your friends too, and if you have any prayer requests, feel free to send them in by messaging us on our Facebook page or by registering at Stay tuned, and God bless!

  • @pearlywhite9932
    @pearlywhite9932 4 года назад +4

    Amen! I am so blessed my grandparents and my parents is a Sabbath keeper. Until now we keeping the Sabbath Holy together! Tq AWR for the beutiful message! To God be the Glory!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Praise God! Pearly, God will sustain your entire family thanks God for the sabbath! by the way, we want you to know that we love to pray for all of us here if you have any prayer requests feel free to comment here or register here at Thank you and God bless all of you there.

  • @thussaysthelord269
    @thussaysthelord269 3 года назад +2

    The seal of God is a sign of ownership and protection for His people. Thank you for this awesome message!!!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  3 года назад

      Thank you Wise for watching this video. May God bless you as you learn more of His word. If you have prayer request and Bible questions, just feel free to visit the

    • @UnlockingBibleProphecies
      @UnlockingBibleProphecies 3 года назад

      Hi Wise Oduro. Thank you so much for having watched the series. Please join us at God bless.

  • @LouiseTBrown
    @LouiseTBrown 4 года назад +2

    Thank God for the Sabbath!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God! thank you for having you here. If you have prayer requests or questions please register here and we would like to pray for you and to have a bible study with you.

  • @edwardthomas58
    @edwardthomas58 4 года назад +2

    Given as the memorial to the creation, the Sabbath is God´s greatest gift to mankind, after His own Son, Jesus.

  • @ferjenfmfamilyministry8640
    @ferjenfmfamilyministry8640 4 года назад

    Wow!Amazing! It's A sign FOREVER not only for Israelites but for all generations for all Mankind!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Indeed Flaviano, God's warnings is for all of us. If you want to study more about God' word you can visit us at and join us in our online bible study. hope to see you on the next episodes.

  • @thedeefense2
    @thedeefense2 4 года назад +1

    I was already trying to keep the Sabbath. This video breathed new life into my understanding of it.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise the Lord Dee. Sure the Lord is so happy about your decision to keep His sabbath.

  • @rodneywalls6145
    @rodneywalls6145 4 года назад

    Have been a Seventh Day Adventist 27 yrs. Was raised Pentecost. Age 33 went to meetings, became Adventist . never look back. Always will be a Sabbath keeper. Tell other people when I can. Keep up the great work you are doing. It is very,very important. Rwalls Ky.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God! Thank for sharing your testimony with us. May God bless you more!

  • @robertbeacham6286
    @robertbeacham6286 3 года назад +1

    Camilia , I agree with you so much more than 110 percent !! Camilia , you are so much more than right more than 110 percent !!💋💋 Camilia , you have a Heavenly voice from Heaven !! Thank you ! 📖📖🙏🙏💕💕💋💋✝️✝️⛪️⛪️👼🏼👼🏼💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
    As a brother and sister in Christ I love you 💕!! Camilia , I love 💕 you !!

  • @gemylortega5001
    @gemylortega5001 4 года назад +1

    Amen! The Sabbath day is the seal of the living God. It is still relevant today. And in fact, that holy day will be kept throughout eternity. "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before Me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith the Lord. Isaiah 66:22,33 "I can't wait for that day."-Cami Oetman ..Me too Cami ❤🙏 May God bless you abundantly Cami and the entire AWR team. 😇

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Yes Gemyl, thank you so much for you additional inputs on the sabbath. Truly the sabbath is eternal as God is eternal.

  • @dr.ruatdiki_701
    @dr.ruatdiki_701 4 года назад +1

    Blessed sabbath from India...may God bless this channel more and more..praise the Lord.. !!!..

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Amen! We are so blessed to have you with us Dr.ruatdiki *_* . Share this link to your friends for a complete and updated Bible Prophecy Episode. See you again, Godbless

  • @terrytaylor8705
    @terrytaylor8705 4 года назад

    I Choose to Keep the Ten Commandments,and have been keeping the Sabbath Day as my day of Worship,in Jesus name Amen! Cami Prayers for you and your team and God Bless you all and keep you.Amen

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Thank you so much for your prayers, Terry! They mean a lot to us. May God bless you abundantly.

  • @youmustprophesyagain532
    @youmustprophesyagain532 4 года назад +2

    Praise God I have blessed by your message

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hello Saravan, Thank you for watching our videos! If you have any Prayer request or Bible questions, don't hesitate to ask! Also visit and sign up for free! God bless!

  • @moreenr
    @moreenr 4 года назад +5


    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Thank you for your comment, Moreen! We hope that you were blessed by the message of this video. Have a nice day!

  • @munenemutuma1765
    @munenemutuma1765 4 года назад +1

    Thank You Cami! May God pour out His Holy Spirit that people may believe the Truth and trust in Him. And also prepare us For the Second Coming. Amen! God bless this MInistry!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Let's praise God, Munene! Let's continue to pray for Cami and the team. God is working to each our hearts. May we all hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to us. Christ is soon to return. Let's be faithful until He comes! All the blessings!

  • @Hwhsbcjdal73727
    @Hwhsbcjdal73727 4 года назад

    Sabbath is truly a blessing that God has given us to reinforce our relationship with him, the people we love, and the world. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Yes, gpbarrantes. The Sabbath is a blessing for man. (Mar 2:27)

  • @gintama718
    @gintama718 4 года назад +5


    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Amen! Hi gintama718, we also encourage you to visit this link for more Bible related topics. Also, please invite your friends as well. God bless

  • @singinggoldfinch
    @singinggoldfinch 4 года назад +2

    Beautiful presentation! I’m thankful that I know this truth and I’m praying that many honest seekers will accept it and follow Jesus all the way.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! We're blessed to have you with us. Please continue to watch until the end and we hope that you continue seeking truth about God's word. Visit our website at and sign up for free. We answer Bible questions, Bible study and more. See you again Beth, God bless

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Oh by the way, would you like to share with us about yourself? if you don't mind.

    • @singinggoldfinch
      @singinggoldfinch 4 года назад

      Adventist World Radio I’m a SDA pastors wife in NC. I have taken the cellphone evangelism online class.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Oh I see. Thank you Beth for your ministry and may God will continue to bless you in using your cellphone as a tool for evangelism. To invite more friends to watch Cami's nightly presentation, you can share this link to all your friends and contacts. Blessings!

  • @pastorryanmartinez4887
    @pastorryanmartinez4887 4 года назад +5

    Thank you for this blessed message.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      We thank God, Ryan. He sustains and blesses His people. If you don't mind sharing, was there a specific phrase that touched your heart during this presentation?

  • @alicial1998
    @alicial1998 4 года назад +6

    This is an awesome message. thanks for the clarity

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Alicia, Glad you like our videos. If you have any Bible questions just go to and register for free. God bless!

  • @christomatthee5456
    @christomatthee5456 4 года назад +4

    Thanks a million, you make everything so easy to understand the truth according to the Bible. God bless you and your team.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise be to God! How Christo, how are you? we would like to inform you that we also want to pray for you. Feel free to comment here any prayer requests, and don't forget to register here if you're not yet registered

  • @genemaeedadis5507
    @genemaeedadis5507 4 года назад +2

    Praise the Lord for timely messages😍

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      To God be the glory! Thanks for watching, Amber. Make sure to register at so you can send in your questions or prayer requests. Share this series to your friends as well. Thank you, and God bless!

  • @memorysinkela8150
    @memorysinkela8150 4 года назад +3

    Thank you Father for this reminder. You are so loving.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Amen! Hi Memory, let us know if you have prayer requests okay? feel free to message us. God bless you.

  • @maryjoyedralin3047
    @maryjoyedralin3047 4 года назад +4

    Praying for this ministry. 🙏

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God Mary Joy! how are you? do you have something you want us to pray with? feel free to comment here on your prayer request. We would like also to encourage you to stay tuned and register here for you to be updated to the upcoming topics click here

  • @suningvitalis3754
    @suningvitalis3754 4 года назад +1

    im really blessed with all this episode but everyday satan want to destory me.. but deep down in my heart i want to follow Jesus. pray for me. everytime i watch this video, im crying.. i love Jesus.. pray for me tht Jesus will lead my way and turn me out from Satan. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @godfreypeters4314
    @godfreypeters4314 4 года назад +2

    The 7th day, the Sabbath is THE KEY

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Amen! Thanks for watching, Godfrey! Do you have any prayer requests? Feel free to message us on our Facebook page or register at to send them in. Stay tuned, and God bless!

  • @chriswillkanhimba7282
    @chriswillkanhimba7282 4 года назад +2

    Amen praise God we no longer have time let's the truth being told and it's the time God put his people his seal so that when the storm comes we will overcome through Jesus Christ.The bible is the only tool for greater happiness and truth .lm uplifted and lm growing in Christ each and every day lm going near and near to him till lm saved

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Chriswill, thank you for this inspiring comment. We will pray or you and feel free to comment here your prayer requests. Stay tuned and register here at God bless you.

  • @guiaokristercaleb2177
    @guiaokristercaleb2177 4 года назад +3


    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      God bless you, Caleb. May God use you mightily in the finishing of His work.

  • @robertbeacham6286
    @robertbeacham6286 4 года назад +2

    Camilia , you’re the very best !! Thank you so very much for the wonderful story !!📖📖👼🏼👼🏼✝️✝️ℹ️ℹ️💕💕💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God for that Robert. Thank you for being with us. God bless you!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Please subscribe to Cami Oetman's new You tube channel

  • @AmandaANEWSTART
    @AmandaANEWSTART 4 года назад +2

    Thx for this clear explanation Cami!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God! We are happy to hear that. Thank you for watching Amanda. Keep safe!

  • @James-zy5ry
    @James-zy5ry 4 года назад +4

    I have shared this topic with some of my nonsda contacts. Pray that it may yield successful results.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      That's good Jacques! We will be praying for you and the people you have reached! God bless you in your ministry!

  • @carolvassell8919
    @carolvassell8919 4 года назад +1

    I am decided with God help to keep the Sabbath now and forever true God's grace and thank you for your teaching God bless you

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Thank you Carol for watching it, God bless

  • @Samantha-dt8ut
    @Samantha-dt8ut 4 года назад

    Thank you so very much for taking the time out to be closer with GOD thank you for loving the Lord with all your heart, thank you for standing up for the Jesus, THANK YOU FOR THE COURAGE AND THE FAITH you have found..thank you for such wonderful, amazing, and reassuring presentation. I have started my journey with the Lord in 2012 I fell down so many times I am unable to count but one thing I am confident about is that I am not letting go of my faith and my love for the Lord. I Grew up in a Seventh Day Adventist home and yes I have visited other churches but one thing I can tell the world I have never even thought about converting to any other belief honestly I dont think there is anyone on the face of the earth who can convince me otherwise because the moment i start thinking about anything else something within just dont feel right. I DONT Kown my bible yet but I have been reading watching this presentation trust me its like you keep hitting the nail on the head over and over again. the foundation is critical in understanding GOD and what he expects of us we really cannot depend on a preacher or some other person's understanding and claim it as our own...yes if you ask most people why they observe Sunday or Saturday as a day of worship they mostly say because its customary or tradition; just following on. Thus I decided to research for teachings about the Sabbath because the Sabbath is so important to the LORD and in my own little understanding forever means forever and when we look at all the commandments one says Remember meaning its important not to forget your medication, your codes to your safe, like your telephone number, your pins, your name, your date of birth ...we all know what happens if we forget those ...and so for me, i want to inspire the world to remember not only the Sabbath but that God loves us, our souls are precious to him, he grace is everlasting and its greater than any sin, no matter where you have been or what you have done Jesus's blood covers it all. No matter how far behind we feel we are in our relationship with God, no matter the wrongs you may think he wont forgive his grace is a gift only turn it over to him and he will wash you whiter than snow. its better to fall and get up than stay down and defeated, its better to start later than never..the more you talk about GOD the stronger you will get..if you lose all your belongings and everything in this world there is a victory in Jesus and yes the enemy will come at everything you own and even your faith...but i am encouraging someone to hold on to Jesus no matter what.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Samantha, thank you much too for the wonderful message you gave. We're so grateful for it. God bless.

  • @kassahunretta8826
    @kassahunretta8826 3 года назад

    Beloved sister, faithful servant, of the living God, Thanks a million for the truth message you preach for million people as a testimonies to the dying world. Specifically for those rejected God and His moral law. I pray to join you and your group and to share the truth for unbelievers as it is in Jesus. Keep up good work and stay tuned for the LORD Jesus and His imminent soon return. Amen! K.Retta, the least of the saints and untimely born and untrained yet a child of God and saved by His divine grace like you all saints. Amen!
    Num 14:28, Deut 20:4 and ps32:8.Amen!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  3 года назад

      We praise the Lord Kassahun for God's message through this video. To God belongs the glory and honor and praises. He is really faithful and true to us even in this times of uncertainties. We hope to connect with you at If you have Prayer request, somebody from our team would personally pray for you and answer your Bible questions. Just always remember that God loves you so much and He died for you on the cross. May God bless you.

  • @joseantonio-uz2yp
    @joseantonio-uz2yp 3 года назад +1

    Cami Oetman es una gran bendición predicando El Evangelio Eterno. God bless.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  3 года назад

      Gracias por eso José. Continúe con nosotros para aprender más. ¡Dios te bendiga!

  • @kentsharpe5325
    @kentsharpe5325 4 года назад +1

    Praise the Lord for this program

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Hi Kent, how are you? if you have any prayer requests feel free to tell us by commenting here. Stay tuned and be updated on all the upcoming topics. Register here at God bless!
      Read Less

  • @jerinjoseph4364
    @jerinjoseph4364 3 года назад

    Thank you for clarifying my doubts about Sabbath timings. I really needed the correct information. I don't take this life for granted. I'm grateful for my lord. I thank God for you, AWR.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  3 года назад

      Your welcome Jerin and thank you for giving time to watch this video. We hope and pray that this video inspires you and helps you in your spiritual life. Blessings to you and to your family. We highly encourage you to get into the, and somebody would love to connect with you and listen to your concerns. If you have a prayer request, they will pray for you, and if you have Bible questions, they will answer for you through God’s word. We will be waiting for you there, friend. May God bless you.

  • @orvzjohnabanilla
    @orvzjohnabanilla 4 года назад

    Praise God for this presentation of the Sabbath. This presentation just firmed my resolve that the Sabbath is God's sign between Him and His people. More importantly, the Sabbath since creation has been observed by the Creator Himself... an absolute contrast with our lawmakers today (lawmakers today, they are the first ones to break the law), and to comprehend that when it was written, God wrote the word "Remember" as the first word of the fourth commandment, God really means that the Sabbath commandment continues through eternity.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Right Arconaj. We will live for eternity celebrating the sabbath for it is the memorial of God's creation. A reminder that He is our Maker and we are His creatures, who were made in His image. Thank you for your comment and keep us updated with what you have learned from our presentation. God bless you!

  • @thankyoujesus2323
    @thankyoujesus2323 4 года назад

    Thank you for doing this!! Bringing back to Jesus...... I always wondered how I could love so purely and I’m was so able to forgive so easily, it’s because he never left me. Now threw your teaching I’m learning truth not by a preacher and what He was taught, but by scripture! I’m excited to learn truth so I can be with my father forever💞

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Anna. Thank you for watching. Please join Pastor Chris Holland weekly
      Unlock the
      Bible with us
      Thank you and God bless!

  • @gemaempas7922
    @gemaempas7922 4 года назад +3

    have a wonderful day ❤ nice presentations very clear ,all can understand, sister cami please pray for my daughter that her day off well change to Saturday, and please pray for my mothers health she's diabetic, and she's 83yrs.old. 😍 thank you stay safe.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Father in Heaven, we pray for sister Gema's daughter that her day off will be changed to sabbath day so that she can spend her day with you Lord. Also Father we pray for her mother that Your healing hands will touch her, because we know that You are the greatest doctor. Thank you for listening to all our prayers, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

    • @leahfetizanan1218
      @leahfetizanan1218 4 года назад

      God bless you Cami. Very clear presentation on the Sabbath.

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 4 года назад

      Saturday sabbath *Is **_Only_** a “shadow” Of The **_Reality,_*
      So, “rest” *Eternally In The REAL Sabbath, The LORD JESUS CHRIST!*
      Grace And Peace, Gema . Will pray for you.
      *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed In God’s WORD Of Truth, As HE Says!:*
      *“Let ALL things be done Decently and In Order!” (1 Corinthians 14 : 40 KJB!)*
      *Now, The FIRST Order IS:* we are *Still In God's Age Of PURE GRACE And MERCY,*
      *According To "God's Revelation Of HIS MYSTERY" To Fill Up The Body Of CHRIST!*
      *When Finished, Then we "Leave In God's GREAT GRACE Departure,” to go HOME!*
      *{Which God Gave To HIS **_Chosen_** GRACE apostle, Paul! (Romans - Philemon KJB!)}*
      *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!) From **_"Things That DIFFER!":_*
      *_Only_** THEN "Begins" God's JUDGMENT/Wrath* shown to John In Revelation!
      And *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed In God's Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided!*
      to be continued in *”Preparation For JUDGMENT!...”*

  • @henrybaron6143
    @henrybaron6143 4 года назад +1

    Thank you lord for saving me, for my sins..... Please bring me with you in Heaven.......

  • @CharlesNwahiwe
    @CharlesNwahiwe 4 года назад +1

    Praise God for the truth about the sabbath!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Charles, Glad you liked our videos! If you have any Prayer request or Bible questions, don't hesitate to ask! Also visit and sign up for free! God bless!

  • @maureenmonteith2520
    @maureenmonteith2520 4 года назад

    I left the Pentecostal Church to become an Adventist..plz pray for my husband and siblings that they accept this great truth...No regrets. I wud do this all over again. Don't delay friends accept His Seal today. I attended that Church from a child and they said I was a curse for I wasn't speaking in tongues.. First time I attended the SDA. Church someone greeted me with a hug and told me that they at the right place.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Hi Maureen. Praise God! We will be in prayers for your husband and siblings. Would you like to join our virtual prayer enrichment group? God bless!

  • @albertlnonglait6017
    @albertlnonglait6017 4 года назад +5

    Thank you for this blessed message .. inspiring Amen and Amen

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Hi Albert, Thank you for watching our videos! If you have Bible questions just visit and register for free! Share this also with your family and friends so they could be blessed too! God bless you!

  • @johnansah-sasraku9324
    @johnansah-sasraku9324 4 года назад +3

    Crystal Clear!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God John! Get exclusive Bible Prophecy updates by visiting our website at . Invite more friends to join. See you, God bless

  • @georgevanschalkwyk454
    @georgevanschalkwyk454 4 года назад +1

    Thanks God for tru pasters amen

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад +1

      Amen! Thank you for engaging with our video george! Kindly visit and sign up on our website for updated Bible Prophecy episode. Feel free to share this link with your family and friends. See you again, God bless

  • @cynthiaarmstrong736
    @cynthiaarmstrong736 4 года назад

    I have decided to go back and keep God's command I have failed but this time is real because God have given me the strength to do right thank you Cami for your encouragement

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Cynthia! Heaven is rejoicing for your desire to choose God's way. We want to know if you have visited already?

  • @juranemogilgeous9162
    @juranemogilgeous9162 4 года назад +1

    I pray that God will continue to bless my dear sister here as she continued to share God lovely words. 👍💯📖📖

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Praise God. We would like you to know that we also love to pray for you. Feel free to message us at send us prayer requests there and our team will pray for you. See you there.

  • @sabrinathangkhiew8854
    @sabrinathangkhiew8854 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for enlightening me so much about Sabbath,learnt many new verses in the Bible.Praise God!!!God bless you!!!

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen! Thank you for watching it, Sabrina. We would like to invite you to join our Unlocking Bible Prophecy 2.0. Let's dig deeper again about Bible. Register for free at We will start our first episode today. See you, God bless.

  • @gordonp100
    @gordonp100 3 года назад +1

    Thank you Cami for your clear presentation of the Sabbath.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  3 года назад

      Thank you Gordon for you to watch this series. May God bless you. If you have prayer request and Bible questions, just feel free to visit the

    • @UnlockingBibleProphecies
      @UnlockingBibleProphecies 3 года назад

      Hi Gordon. May we invite you to join us at God bless.

  • @dinacabunoc8779
    @dinacabunoc8779 4 года назад +5

    Thank you so much Mam Cami
    I would love to have dvd copies of your lectures. It's really interesting and lessons-filled messages.
    Watching from the Philippines
    Thank you so much. God bless

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Thank you for your support Dina! You can visit our website for complete Bible prophecy Series sign up for free. Invite more friends to join. See you, Godbless

  • @ginadolores1298
    @ginadolores1298 4 года назад +1

    Amen and Amen.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God, Gina! Get exclusive Bible Prophecy updates by visiting our website at . Invite more friends to join. See you, God bless

  • @arliejoydamiles8376
    @arliejoydamiles8376 4 года назад +1

    Praise God for the wonderful and eye opener message

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Amen Arlie. Thank for watching! Hope to see you on the next episodes. God bless you.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Feel free to share our link at to learn more about Bible prophecy series. See you again Arlie Joy, God bless

  • @andriamitantsoaelian8791
    @andriamitantsoaelian8791 4 года назад

    Great presentation. Praise the Lord for this clear teaching of the Sabbath day as seal of God.

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Praise God! Thank you for watching! By the way, we want to invite you to visit this link for more interesting programs that would surely help your spiritual walk with God. Stay safe!

  • @carlynjaneyuson4966
    @carlynjaneyuson4966 4 года назад +2

    Amen... 🙏🙏🙏

    • @awrweb
      @awrweb  4 года назад

      Thank you for watching Carlyn! Please continue to watch until the end of our Bible Prophecy series and sign up for free at for Bible questions, prayer requests, and more. See you again, God bless