Mouthwashing | Trapped in a Spaceship Surviving Off Of Listerine

  • Опубликовано: 23 окт 2024

Комментарии • 122

  • @Wuhmy
    @Wuhmy 20 часов назад +17

    Thanks for streaming this game for us, Shiori. This was genuinely such an amazing game and had so many cool deep messages. Curly best boy and best captain (of course he's blonde too for Shiori )

  • @ServingPizzzzas
    @ServingPizzzzas 20 часов назад +31

    Thank you so much for playing, Shiori! I’m glad you were able to play it blind. You were really cooking with your theories. You deduced the twist pretty quickly actually with Jimmy. Must be the hat, you’ve been wearing alongside your 3D model~
    But yeah I’m very glad you really liked the game!! Ngl I kinda expected you to cry more, but you tanked it innit, just like good ol Curly.
    WrongOrgan for sure cooked with this one. This indie game is godlike~
    Easily one of the best psychological horror games ever and only for $12 too. This was such a phenomenal; experience.
    The imagery, cinematography, story beats in this game were so surreal. This entire game was like watching a horror movie. I’ve already seen like t3 playthroughs of this, yet this game still hits every time. After playing How Fish is Made, it really introduced me to what kinda game this will be. One of the most unnerving parts of the game is the Polle Horse sequences. In the background, you can hear the faint cries of a baby. Those so many cool details in this game, I couldn’t catch them all.
    --- Yapping Rant time here -----
    One of the saddest moments for me was Anya saying "I have to believe our worst moments dont make us monsters” presumably sometime after Jimmy abused her. She was scared of him, but still wanted to believe that he could be redeemed and become the father for their child. It’s also hinted, she got SA when she murmured about the sleeping rooms not having locks.
    Once more, Jimmy never had a "guilt sequence" for Anya. He had ones for Daisuke, Swansea, and the baby. Yet Anya's death was barely a second thought.
    Another part that made me really sad was the realization of why Anya couldn’t give Curly his pills. It’s because it was physical violation of another person by forcefully inserting something into them. Having to force the pill down his throat and hearing him gag, probably triggered her trauma.
    Thinking back on Jimmy’s manipulative choice of words and overtly mean tone, really shows how horrible he is. The absolute ego on him to paint himself as fixing and saving them, like he is so high and mighty. The fact that he tries to frame himself as a tortured hero rather than take responsibility truly disgusts me. It deeply made my blood boil as Anya’s situation really did hit very close to home for me. The very fact that he self-kaput at the end of the game upset me alot. Not once, did he ever take responsibility for his actions.
    As you can tell, I vehemently dislike Jimmy, but he is a wonderful protagonist. His character is easily one of the most fascinating I’ve ever seen.
    Oh yeah another thing about the use of horses. In Greek mythology, horses are a symbol of fertility and ummm “grape”. So that could be referring to how Jimmy answered Anya’s question about being attracted to horses during the Psych Evaluation.
    ---- it’s over now -----
    Sorry for all the yapping and making these super long comments. I just have a lot to say about that whole thing. Anyway, thank you so much for the stream and working hard on that totally awesome Halloween edit. As always have a goodnight, Shiori. Don’t drink listerine or rubber alcohol~

  • @Drek492
    @Drek492 12 часов назад +6

    I love Swansea last monologue because it puts a different perspective on addiction that former addicts usually aren't really allowed to give. Drugs are fun and they can absolutely make life worth living, and for some people they're also the only solution to this miserable society that we live in.
    Swansea says it himself, he did everything modern society asked of him and he still felt miserable and jaded, maybe there was something wrong within him or maybe there's something wrong with hypercapitalistic societies like is hinted in the game with all the Polle posters.
    Anyway I really liked the game and I love how many themes it has despite only being 3 hours long

  • @MisterVeeg
    @MisterVeeg 20 часов назад +9

    I'd seen enough of the game to know we'd be in for A Time, but this still managed to be a fair bit darker than expected. Cheers for making it through

  • @PewterCityGymLeaderBrock
    @PewterCityGymLeaderBrock 20 часов назад +10

    Really love plot driven games such as this one, they always manage to pull me in and make me become invested over the entire course of the game, and Shiori always chooses some absolute bangers of this kind of game to play on stream. Always incredibly enjoyable how engaging with the Novelites Shiori is during these games, she always asks us questions during the story to get us all thinking and wanting to know what will happen next and what the eventual outcome of the plot will end up being. I know other Holomen have expressed in the past that story driven games can be a little difficult to stream, but I feel like Shiori ALWAYS gets the atmosphere of these games down to a T the way she gets all of chat engaged with the stories.

  • @phillegacy5136
    @phillegacy5136 20 часов назад +41

    This game was something. I wasn't expecting a good reason for the sabotage, but i wasn't expecting it to be basically jealousy and to erase your "mistakes." Everyone, especially Curly, was a good person. They just had the misfortune of being on the ship with Jimmy. Even at the end, he couldn't take responsibility and see things through to the end by shooting himself.

    • @MegamodeltaV2
      @MegamodeltaV2 16 часов назад +7

      Honestly Curly was too nice, him telling the crew early that they were fired is what sparked Jimmy. Also before the crash Curly knew what happened to Anya but because him and Jimmy are friends he was willing to work things out. Just too optimistic.

    • @brailianharvey-howard1207
      @brailianharvey-howard1207 11 часов назад

      @@phillegacy5136 he's definitely my favorite character because of that reason.

  • @ryuukinarukami4175
    @ryuukinarukami4175 18 часов назад +5

    WOW what an amazing game. It is so well written and made, it's actually insane!
    There's so many layers in this onions, I wouldn't even know where to start!
    First of all, I really enjoy how they told the story. It's told in such a way that leads you to fill in the blanks yourself, and doesn't just directly tell you what the characters has done.
    Especially with the timeline jumping back and forth! In my opinion, it wouldn't have been so impactful if they told it in a linear fashion. and every transition is cool too!
    One thing I want to point out is that in Curly's perspective, we see the ship in a peaceful and well managed state. While in Jimmy's, we see it slowly delves into chaos.
    The work they put on the visuals itself is amazing too! I always enjoy this style of games. Visual storytelling is on point with this one, especially with the gunshot wound on Swansea...
    The story itself is interesting... A true horror is to be find not in scary tales of monsters, but in the desperate mind of humans...
    Jimmy tries so hard to try to do anything just to feel like he's doing his responsibilities, when in fact he's just making everything worse and worse. Living in his own delusions even until the end, thinking that he did good.
    Curly is who he wants to see himself as, responsible and dependable.
    Interestingly, I just noticed about this, but Jimmy has these sections with every crew where he feels guilt for them. Everyone except for Anya, where he was just thinking about the baby... What a horrible person honestly.
    And finally, so many symbolism and double meanings! I like your interpretation of the mouthwash, because it's like "Washing the bad taste away from your mouth." But when you think about it, drinking them is actually harmful to you and can cause issues. So you could take it as it's better to actually face the problem rather than trying to go around and ignore it.
    The horses are interesting too... Is it something about horses being absolutely overworked? Or is it like a horse vs cars/motor vehicle, kind of like how they're the only spaceship left that's manually operated.
    I still wonder about what feeding Curly his own leg means though!
    Daisuke, Anya, Swansea, and especially Curly. They were all great persons that tried to do their best. But in such a desperate situation, you can only do so much.
    Thank you for the stream! I'm so glad that I could experience this blindy with you. The writing was absolutely stunning!
    I still can't believe that the dev also made How Fish is Made! I remember seeing that game long time ago and being really weirded out, because it IS weird and cool.
    Anyway, I just yapped a lot for this one. Thank you for reading through, and hope you have a nice rest for the night! Excited for tomorrow!
    33:47 New Shiori VFX just dropped! I love it LOL.

  • @renapper9962
    @renapper9962 12 часов назад +3

    Jimmy gets fired, and he acts like it's the end of the world. Three people die because of his actions. Jimmy's cruelty hits a new low when he leaves Curly alive but with no legs or arms, making him suffer even more. Curly, despite being a great guy, goes through a traumatizing ordeal. Honestly, I'd rather die than endure what he faced.

  • @Hizakurige.
    @Hizakurige. 12 часов назад +3

    You're too smart Shiori, you already got the twist in the beginning of the game I'll have to say, this game has the best utilization of gore, it's not for shock value, it's to make you feel like the protagonist, maybe the art style help in that aspect? This was a great game, these devs have a bright future ahead of them Thanks for the stream, it was a really good time

  • @jermy9938
    @jermy9938 20 часов назад +6

    Thank you for showing us this game Shiori! the story was very interesting and the fact that you had to do some dark actions yourself really solidified the horror aspect
    I need to go watch something lighter now

  • @simontheseventh
    @simontheseventh 20 часов назад +4

    Thank you for the stream! I went into Mouthwashing with high expectations, and even if I do have nitpicks about the narrative I HAVE TO admit it was genuinely very good. Dark, of course, but isn't that what horror is about? Exploring dark crevices of humanity?
    Jimmy is very hateable, but he does fit that role really well.
    I think it's definitely one of those stories that got much, much better as it went on, even ignoring the inevitable slowness of setup; the last hour or so was genuinely really good, with lots of memorable moments: Daisuke's death and Swansea's speech...
    I think it's fun how the latter ended up following the guideline you predicted, the standard trope of "unpleasant man is revealed to actually care", but remained interesting and intriguing nonetheless - it was a trope, but a very well-executed one.
    I also very much liked the gradual increase in psychodelic elements! How at some point, when we finally figure out how the "real" events transpired, the game stops focusing on them as much, instead letting us take a dive into Jimmy's head. I think those portions - more symbolic than direct - are what I enjoyed the most.
    Speaking of, I have to admit that the way you look for and interpret symbolism is genuinely one of the things that made me a Novelite in the first place! It's easy to just skim over it and leave it as "some symbolism I don't understand", and that's what a lot of people do - so as someone who genuinely loves examining such details, your appreciation for them makes me smile every time. In fact, I don't think I would've caught onto the "Mouthwash as something that 'removes the bad taste from your (Jimmy's) mouth'" if you hadn't brought it up; good catch! It ties back into the way the crew used it as alcohol, certainly; a comfortable distraction from reality.
    Honestly, I'm on the fence/still thinking about if that might be what the cannibalization of Curly's body might tie into, in the context of Jimmy's continued attitude towards him, how he idolizes him and is jealous all the same; how he wishes to see himself as Curly, in a way, despite all the things he did and all the pain he caused?
    Curly as a figure; as the brave captain who always tries his best, is his "mouthwash" - it's the persona he deluded himself into thinking he is against all odds, to choke down whatever guilt he may have had.
    The mention of going in circles during that one section was also really fun; I'd like to add to that by proposing an interpretation of the eyes that keep appearing as Jimmy's growing concern about his appearance; not even to the crew, but moreso in a "what would Curly think" way. By extension, his growing need to perceive himself as the "hero" of the story as well... all about that perception theme, represented by the eyes.
    Anyway! Game good, hope you enjoyed! The new effects were lovely and very cute. Looking forward to Squirrel with a Gun, as well as the watchalong tomorrow! I wonder if I'll be able to make it to the yapping stream too; I'll try my best to be there.

    • @cyb0nics
      @cyb0nics 7 часов назад +1

      Along with the amazing visual storytelling, the sound design was out of this world. Really made the impact of the scenes hit extremely hard.
      Also, this is one of my favorite uses of non-linear storytelling in recent memory. The execution of the transitions really sinks you in.

  • @Onigiriyaa2723
    @Onigiriyaa2723 20 часов назад +3

    Thank you for the wonderful stream Shiori! I really loved watching this game the story was really amazing with a bitter sweet ending

  • @Flaun7
    @Flaun7 20 часов назад +3

    This story. What the. Heck. The 360p PS2 blocky graphics really added to the mood as we descended into the end. Your commentary really made it easier to swallow! Thanks for the stream Shiori! I can never look at mouthwash the same again.

  • @Galahad_Knight
    @Galahad_Knight 15 часов назад +2

    A gripping story that was satisfying to piece together with everyone!

  • @UnknownSpartan
    @UnknownSpartan 18 часов назад +1

    Whew, this was a heavy game. I actually had to put down my work for a good ten minutes to regroup. While I'm not normally big on psychological horror, I actually quite enjoyed the story of this one, even if it's sad. But I guess that's what made it good.

  • @revelence9128
    @revelence9128 18 часов назад

    Thanks for playing this Shiori! You always introduce me to things I wouldn't normally pick up myself, so it's nice to be drawn into something new by someone who can always make it a fun experience

  • @brawlflowers
    @brawlflowers 20 часов назад +2

    Thanks for the stream Shiori. And thanks for sharing such an amazing game with us. I really wasn't sure what to expect going into Mouthwash, my only knowledge of it was only from when you mentioned excitement over it, and my only exposure to it was this stream. Now that I've experienced it, I can say that it was very much the worthwhile experience. I liked the characters, with the exception of Jimmy of course. Though if I must be honest I'm a bit decisive over my feelings towards him, which I'll get into. It really tackles that theme of responsibility, and everything surrounding the subject through the use of both Curly and Jimmy's character. Curly was an amazing character who always sought out to help others and see the best in people. And I know that Jimmy was meant to represent the exact opposite of that, always acting out of his own selfishness and see things in ways to better himself, only to realize that things aren't as simple as he imagined.
    As for Jimmy. I can safely say I don't like him, at all. Even with these, I guess for a lack of a better term, "defense" for the character I'll try to show, I probably don't consider him redeemable either. However, I feel I must say at the same time I'm somewhat conflicted on whether or not I would classify him as evil I guess. My overall opinion of him was that he was an arrogant fool who was too blinded by his ego to realize he was too stupid for a position he couldn't handle. despite that, I suppose there's just a part of me that hopes Jimmy did try to do the right thing at the end, which I think is subjective to feel. On the one hand, it definitely seems like Jimmy is trying to will to himself as some tragic hero who only let Curly live as a means to send himself off selfishly to feel like a good person, despite being the whole reason everything went to crap in the first place. But a part of me does think he wanted to at least _try_ to do the right thing at times. Like when he began to understand the amount of pressure that came from being the leader, and how once he realized it, he gave Curly the pain killers more gently. And how despite his awful leadership that got Daisuke gravely injured, and ultimately killed, he wanted to keep him alive. I don't think he's still a good person even after the fact, I don't think he had any regard for Anya throughout the whole story, but I'm not sure. But a part of me wants to believe that at the end, even if still selfishly motivated, there was still a semblance of humanity that came through him when he decided to let Curly in the pod. The ending of this game kind of reminds me partially of the ending in _I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream_ in a way. It's been a long while since I visited that story, but maybe I'll go back to revisit it and see if that comparison is valid. I guess overall I'm conflicted on this feeling, and I probably will be for a long time, but I can appreciate the game for making be this engaged in thought with it's message. That was my takeaway from the experience.
    Anyways, pardon my long rambles, I just was very engaged, and I'm glad I was able to discover this through you, and that you were able to find as much of a worthwhile experience with this game. I look forward to a more relaxed and sillier experience tomorrow with the Arctic eggs stream tomorrow, as well as the watch along with Advent. I hope you take care, and have a lovely rest of your night Shiori.

  • @TerrorReallyBites
    @TerrorReallyBites 19 часов назад

    The narrative of this game had me hooked. I love settings like this. Shiori's quick jokes really helped get through the tough themes. I'm so happy I got to catch this one live.

  • @MonochromaticLich
    @MonochromaticLich 6 часов назад

    I loved how invested you were in this game! I played this about 2 days before this and damn it really puts a lot of things into hindsight seeing it againThis games story is truly a marvel, its absolutely fantastic. The pacing is my favorite part of it with it basically being a slow build up towards the Jimmy reveal with some of these events like Daisukes whole injury and Swansea trying to break in sort of makes you feel a bit...insane? Like its a random recall of events and I like how its all presented
    If you were wondering about Anyas whole...thing with Jimmy, theres no direct sayings of it but the line "Why do you think they put a lock on the medical door but not on the sleeping quarters?" Along with her general distrust and fear of Jimmy sorta allows you to draw some conclusions about the guy. Its especially messed up with her because Jimmy seems to just have a general disregard for Anya. She never got her own guilt section in his little mind trip, he never takes her medical expertise seriously. And in that section with all the flying ID cards Anyas card is always covered up by somebody else's. More on Jimmy though the guy just kinda sucks huh? A selfish egomaniac who wants to supposedly "take responsibility" yet the whole darn reason the ship got crashed was because he couldn't. At every turn he ran away, represented by that whole vent section, he didn't turn his back on responsibility but he walked backwards, only pretending to take responsibility Even that final action of "saving Curly" was him trying to make himself feel better. He "fixed it" he "took responsibility" as if that makes up anything he did. Okay sorry for that little rant i just really don't like Jimmy
    Swanseas my favorite character in all of this tbh. Like you said hes rough around the edges but hes got...good intentions at heart. Daisuke was just a kid and he knew that, he tried to save that cryopod for him but then Jimmy did his Jimmy thing and that never came to be His whole monologue at the near end really gave me chills even the second time watching it, its just so real and the visuals in the background make it one of my favorite scenes in the game.
    Im not really one for horror games but this was truly an amazing experience. From the sound design, to the story telling, to how every scene was designed. Just impeccable
    Of course you like Curly though, how many times must it be a coincidence before its a liked aspect Artic Eggs will be a nice way to wash the disturbing taste out of your mouth(heh) Thank you for the stream, Shiori(Nice Halloween assets by the way. That zombie is great)

  • @IronCastleZ
    @IronCastleZ 19 часов назад +1

    Thank you for the stream! I can see why you were looking forward to this. The plot really draws you in, trying to figure out what went wrong. It really helps that every character are very human to the core, even that character. Each characters are driven by their own personal needs. I would love to go on an analysis for each character on what makes them tick, but that would be spoiling it for VOD gang, so I will refrain.

  • @Liyumu
    @Liyumu 20 часов назад +1

    Thank you for the fantastic stream, Shiori! I had never heard of this game before you put it on your schedule, but I have to say I loved it to bits! It was super well-written, and I didn't expect it to be this impressively made and captivating! I honestly couldn't take my eyes off the screen because of how invested I got, and the insight that you were able to provide only made the experience better!

  • @JamesWoods_490
    @JamesWoods_490 20 часов назад +1

    Thanks for the Fun Stream Shiori, this is first time for me to see but its very interesting trying to read in the characters and psychoanalyst them their psychological reference is sort of easy to understood tbh and how it reflect back at the character and everything surrounding it, its dark but yet sort of realistic seeing these character with their complexity sure brings a new POV of a person its a fun game, glad to watch you play the game and found a new character interest lol

  • @KassahroII
    @KassahroII 20 часов назад +1

    What an experience that was. A good but tragic story, great characters, fantastic art direction, and a way trippier atmosphere than I was expecting. I can't say I fully grasped everything, but there's a lot that stuck for sure and I can tell why you were so excited to stream this. I'll be sure to check out the developer's other game after this too! I'm glad I could experience this story along with you, thank you for the stream Shiori

  • @Kaizen_Zen56
    @Kaizen_Zen56 19 часов назад +2

    It was great getting to experience this masterpiece again with you. Much like a good movie, there was a lot I picked up on upon seeing it a second time
    It amazes me how much this game was able to get across in such a short time. Also, I can't fault you for looking deep into everything the game shows, usually games like this LOVE to riddle themselves with all kinds of obscure symbolism That's usually my favorite part of these games is interpreting my own meaning behind certain aspects of it.
    Anyway, excited for the streams tomorrow, take care Shiori!!

  • @Nokutaan
    @Nokutaan 20 часов назад +3

    Thank you for the stream, this game was very interesting, I love story-driven games like this. It's very emotionally heavy on me, but that's a positive thing! I like when fiction hits me emotionally, it makes me think and makes me feel well even if sad or hurt!
    Also very beautiful change of perspective and chopped timeline.
    I'm sorry about what everyone had to go through, but I hope Curly makes it in the end. No character was perfect, they all had flaws but they were not evil... Except for Jimmy.
    I feel a bit guilty because I usually try to be kind even to fictional characters... But it's true that I'm also very strict so no, Jimmy, I'm not going to forgive him for all the horrible things he did to his crewmates and friends, just to get away with an even more horrible and unspeakable thing he did to the nurse.
    Take care, thanks for the beautiful experience!

  • @YukikoGem
    @YukikoGem 20 часов назад +2

    Thank you for the stream today, I'm glad I stayed completely blind on the game until now-- Because it was an interesting, yet very unsettling and sad experience as well. I was so on edge the whole time that it felt like it's been longer than almost three hours!
    But even as much as it was hitting at my emotions, I'm glad I watched to the end. Have a good rest of the night Shiorin and everyone else too, and see you at tomorrow's stream!

  • @Uhstonishing
    @Uhstonishing 20 часов назад +1

    What an absolutely amazing game! I just love how the story is presented and how it all unfolded. I am happy that you got to play this out from beginning to end! Thank you for the stream, Shiori~n!

  • @carlosyee4988
    @carlosyee4988 19 часов назад +1

    Shiori finding hidden gems again. Such an interesting plot development and characters. The mix of reality and more interactive segments with a lot of symbolism gave it a cool touch, and the plot told through flashbacks made it more interesting. I was eating dinner, a bad timing when we reached the scene were Curly ate his leg very messed up, but still a good game, wish there was an epilogue tho. Gracias por el stream

  • @Firemind96
    @Firemind96 20 часов назад

    Thank you for introducing us to this game! I was going in blind just like you and I enjoyed the game and story from start to end. Quite the ending

  • @Dewm02
    @Dewm02 20 часов назад +1

    When I first learned about this game, I wasn't expecting such a messed up story, but I was absolutely blown away in the end.
    Watching this for a second time really helps putting some pieces together, and you notice some things you may have missed the first time around.
    I really loved everything about this (except Jimmy). The story was great and well written. The time skipping, although unusual, adds a lot to the story, and makes it better in a way that linear storytelling couldn't. And what I loved most of this was the characters. At first I wasn't so sure about Swansea, but he ended up being probably my favorite, and his ending speech was amazing, along with the background footage and music.
    One thing I couldn't figure out was the pony showing up in some sections. I'm sure it's related to the company, but I can't exactly figure out the meaning of it
    I can't praise this game enough. A pretty unique type of horror for sure.
    Glad to hear you liked the game, and I hope tomorrow's streams are a bit more cheery, www.

  • @Lashor_
    @Lashor_ 20 часов назад +2

    Thanks for the fun stream ! I stayed completely in the dark about this game so I can be surprised on everything and it did not disappoint . The dark theme kinda reminded me of the Nonary Games/Zero Escape series .
    This game’s story was really good and dark too, I liked the characters as well. Curly was too good of a dude and a great captain, poor man absolutely did not deserve what happened to him. Daisuke for some reason gave me a Yosuke vibe (from P4Golden) so I saw him as the bro of the game , him dying like that I didn’t think would happen … Swansea I didn’t have much of an opinion on , but overall he was a good character and I trusted him. Anya was nice, but dang I didn’t expect that pregnant twist and stuff . Jimmy I did not like . He caused all the problems and of course ended up being the villain . And all the horrid things he did to Curly is unforgivable, yet despite that Curly still tried to help him . That being said, it was pretty funny how sus you were of Jimmy since the beginning , great intuition lol.
    Oh, on a side note, I love your new assets like the flying ghosts and the turret shooting the zombie. They were hilarious . Thanks again for the great stream !

  • @xoraan14
    @xoraan14 20 часов назад +1

    Thanks for the stream of Mouthwashing, Shiori. It was a really good game and I enjoyed experiencing it with you. Without prior knowledge of the game I would have thought it'd be more spooky horror oriented, but it was very psychological. Some of the scenes jumping forward in time and showing character fates before the scene where things would happen were interesting. The ending being open ended and not showing us what happens with Curly is probably for the best too, leaves a very strong impression on ending.
    Rest well, enjoy the rest of your day and see you earlier than usual for some Arctic Eggs~

  • @IngramPlisken
    @IngramPlisken 20 часов назад +2

    Thank you for the Mouthwashing stream, Shiori! Holy moly, I'm so glad you were able to show us this game. This was definitely an instance where the game and the overarching narrative did such a great job of intermingling and playing off one another to pull off some great storytelling in a short period of time. A very dark and grim story for sure, but I think there are certainly many messages and meanings behind the narrative that give all of us pause to think.
    Speaking of which, I know you were joking about overthinking the symbolism in the game, but there's quite a good amount in the story. There's already the thing mentioned about hibiscus, but even the names themselves have some modicum of symbolism behind them. For example, Jimmy is short hand for Jacob, which has it's origins in the Bible as the "supplanter" (i.e. the story of Jacob in the Old Testament), Anya means mother in Hungarian, Swansea is a Welsh city that has a bay with several rivers feeding into it (an allusion to Swansea's alcoholism), etc.
    As always, thank you for all the hard work Shiorin~ Hope you have a great night!

  • @Solar_DB
    @Solar_DB 19 часов назад +1

    Thank you for putting this game on our radar, Shiori. It was an amazing game to experience blind and I'm glad that you were able to do the same here. Wrong Organ made a phenomenal game here and I'm looking forward to seeing more games from them if they have any in the works.
    None of the characters were perfect. They were humans with their own flaws taking the actions that they believed were for the best to survive and unfortunately those choices, mainly Jimmy's, snowballed to the point where things spiraled out of control and he basically doomed everyone. Speaking of Jimmy, there's actually an achievement you can get in the graveyard boss fight by letting him kaput 10 times to Swansea. There's no extra dialogue or scenes, but the achievement is called Good End, which was certainly a not so subtle way of telling the player that we weren't playing the hero.Another part I liked was the moment in the vents where Jimmy had to walk backwards to progress and he ultimately walked away from the big red note that said Responsibility, despite the game constantly telling him to Take Responsibility.
    I was a fan of how the game jumped around to different points of time leading up to and following the crash. It felt like a nice way of letting the player piece things together on their own while still leaving them questioning things, and you did an amazing job piecing the story together well before the big reveals.
    Thank you for the stream as always, Shiori. I would strongly recommend that you play How Fish is Made whenever you get the chance, regardless of if you're able to stream it or you play it on your own time. There's a free expansion/update included in the game and without going into any more detail than necessary, it does find a way to tie itself to Mouthwashing. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your night and we'll catch you for the next stream, Shiori.
    On another note before I forget. BRUH, holy heck the Halloween assets look so cool!The zombie with the sentry turret was such a creative idea and it was a unique approach to the Halloween theme in general! The bats flying across the screen were very cute as well and it's a fantastic way to bring in the Halloween spirit!Thank you very much for taking the time to make them, Shiori.

  • @avidhorizon6423
    @avidhorizon6423 9 часов назад +1

    A surprisingly good story, I feel like is is kind of a rarity to get psychological horror with really nicely written characters and a plot that manages to go beyond some vague barebones 20 minutes walking sim with the only plot being 'that's all in his head cause he is traumatized by *insert some over the top dark experience*' and instead provide a well paced dark story, relatable characters and some nice twists. Honestly I was originally planning to play the video in the background, but it quickly got me hooked and I ended up dropping my plans and watching the whole thing in one go.
    Also I agree that, well, captain eating parts did feel kinda out of place, like some pretty unneeded shock factor. And to me same applies to some very heavy implications that Anya's baby was made without a proper agreement on both sides. I think it would actually much more fitting if Anya and Jimmy hooked up without any R stuff, but then Jimmy would turn cold as soon as he found out that he was about to become dad. Feels like it would fit much better with the whole 'becoming monster in the darkest hour' and his twisted take on taking responsibility, cause as is - it kinda implies Jimmy's been a monster for quite a while, which makes his arc less compelling.
    Still a pretty great game, and a great stream, thank you for such a nice pick Shiori)

    • @cyb0nics
      @cyb0nics 8 часов назад +2

      I get where you're coming from. However, after looking back, I feel like the dark implications increase the magnitude of how badly Jimmy treated Anya and his crew in the beginning. After the crash, he was still being a genuine asshole. Using stern, unempathetic language and giving himself the role as captain to create a power dynamic that frankly didn't need to be there. It was all out of self-interest. Jimmy's moments of self reflection came months later, after everyone is morally broken. Months after his "mistakes." Which was way too late. That's why, personally, I don't mind it. Even if it didn't pertain to the ending as much.

    • @avidhorizon6423
      @avidhorizon6423 7 часов назад +1

      ​@@cyb0nics But that's exactly my point actually - the only thing it really does is increases the magnitude of how bad he is when the story does it perfectly fine without this detail. He is irredeemable either way, but I feel like with this nuance in tact it kinda pulls him closer to cartoonish type of evil.
      The way I see it, adjusting the whole assault subplot to unwanted child would've fitted much better for his arc. A guy with some tough past that finally seemed to start getting his life somewhat back on track, growing ambitious and getting envious of more successful and respected captain, and then in a matters of a few days all his accomplishments get effectively zeroed - his job is gone, and his little affair, or even just momentarily lust puts him in an unwanted position of a father (potentially with a woman he had no plans of being with and a jobless one now as well), so he is not even returning to where he was - he actually sinks even lower then that. And in this moment he lets his vices consume him as his real downfall begins
      But if we add assault then instead of a development from a somewhat relatable morally grey individual to monster - we pretty much start with an already irredeemable offender, that just broadens his lists of crimes as he goes along. Also losing job stops working as nicely as a breaking point - guy now has a very serious crime on him from the get go, with an undeniable proof, feels like career problems would be quite secondary. Does is stop working completely like this? No. But I feel like it takes away much more then it adds

    • @cyb0nics
      @cyb0nics 5 часов назад

      @@avidhorizon6423 I don't agree that it leans Jimmy towards "cartoonishly evil," due to the nature of the situation. Although, if the game presented it in the way you described, I would be content with it.
      If Curly was written differently, I think I would agree with you wholeheartedly. The scene with Curly & Jimmy outside the cockpit kept it captivating. Jimmy is unredeemable scum, but showing Curly's selflessness to this extreme jostles my emotions in a way where where I started to question Curly's priorities. He fell from a nice accommodating captain, to spineless and morally gray.

  • @nicodcruzgamescollection1217
    @nicodcruzgamescollection1217 20 часов назад +1

    Very dark but also a really good game along with its interesting story and characters! Really well-made! Thank you for the horror-filled fun stream shiori!

  • @Average_Sapling
    @Average_Sapling 18 часов назад

    This was a really great game I had no ideas what this game was about. It had such a great story and with such dark aspects of the story was great for the horror of it. The ending was bitter sweet

  • @_Crucesignatus_
    @_Crucesignatus_ 20 часов назад +1

    Thank you for the stream, Shiori! I had never heard of this game until now, and I must say that it was quite interesting, with an intriguing story-dark yet captivating. I particularly enjoyed how the game transitioned between the past and present to convey its narrative; at times, it felt like solving a puzzle having to piece together the mystery of what happened to the crew. Overall, I thought this was an excellent psychological horror game, and kudos to the developers for creating such amazing visuals as well. ~
    Have a blessed night, Shiori, and see you tomorrow for Arctic Eggs and the Advent movie watchalong.

  • @p1ckleman
    @p1ckleman 20 часов назад +1

    Thank you for the stream, Shiori!
    CURLY IS SUCH A GOOD BOI!!! HE'S SUCH A GOOD CAPTAIN!!! You can still save him, Shiori! Start the Inkwell space program, and we can save Curly!
    I really enjoyed this game. I played it before watching this stream, and I was fully immersed and spooked. It's a really dark horror game, and I enjoyed the story and its characters. Would definitely play another game like this again.
    Take care and rest well, Shiowi!

  • @Entereshia
    @Entereshia 20 часов назад +1

    ...and it all comes back to cannibalism!
    The game was great! Looking forward to more games like this in the future. But after finishing this game, I guess I wanna go back to How Fish is Made if anything said in the expansion has new meaning. And the biggest plot twist: Curly being blonde.
    Thanks for another "normal" stream!
    The double audio at the beginning started playing and I thought I had two tabs of this open wth...

  • @Erionn.
    @Erionn. 20 часов назад +1

    Thanks for the stream Shiori, this game was really enjoyable to watch

  • @Kreceir
    @Kreceir 20 часов назад

    Thank you for the fun stream Shiori!
    This game was such a trip, but am glad to experience it watching you play through it!

  • @KingOfDepravity
    @KingOfDepravity 20 часов назад +1

    A lot to glean from a tale like this, when someone is descending down into hell, those around said person tend to get ripped with them.
    I guess it says alot if I wasn’t bothered by the darkness of the human mind; very tragic story though…
    Thanks for sharing it with us, it was awesome🤘🏻
    May your evening be kalm, and you eat something yummy:3 goodnight Shiori

  • @feed799
    @feed799 20 часов назад

    Thank you for the stream Shiori. I'm happy that this game was picked up. I really enjoyed this and I'm glad I got to watch you play it

  • @Seino446
    @Seino446 20 часов назад

    Man, what a game. This was a first time experience for me too, it was a really captivating story. The atmosphere, foreshadowing, characters were all brilliant. It gave me chills and was quite jarring, disturbing and dark, in a good way! I’m really impressed by this game, thank you for letting us experience it with you!

  • @cyb0nics
    @cyb0nics 20 часов назад

    I love the pacing of this story. Holy moly. I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen! I'm glad you liked it!
    There's a similar linear narrative game that released earlier this year called Still Wakes The Deep! It's voice acting really shines. So if you're interested in playing something this again, I strongly recommend it!

  • @DoomDeer
    @DoomDeer 19 часов назад

    Thank you for the stream, beloved Archiver. It was very interesting, and dark. It was a very good story!

  • @krimsonkobra1412
    @krimsonkobra1412 20 часов назад +1

    Thank you for another fun stream. Seeing you so enthusiastic with the story make me excite to find out more too. Personally, I feel like you are very happy when you play this game and immerse in the story. I'll be very glad to hear if that's the case.
    Wish you have the best day/night. Be safe and healthy. Happy and successful. See you in your next stream/activity, Shiori.
    PS. This game somehow reminds me of the old PSX game called 'Echo Night'. Ah, the nostalgia...

  • @babywhale9033
    @babywhale9033 20 часов назад +1

    Well, this was something I don't know where to begin. Well, to start off, it was good because it was more focused on the story rather than the gameplay, which to my surprise, I loved. I still had a lot to dive into since, man, it was dark. Honestly, I felt bad for what Curly went through, but in the end, he did what any good captain would: be there for his crewmates to the very end, despite what Jimmy did. Man, such a sad yet dark tale, if I say so myself. Other than that, thanks, Shiori, for taking the time. Also, see you tomorrow! Sadly, I'll be VOD for the next stream, but you have my support no matter the cost. ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Recidivous
    @Recidivous 20 часов назад +1

    Weird hill to die on, Jimmy, but at least you're dead. And *_of course_* Curly was a blonde since Shiori loved him so much!
    Honestly, this was a great stream with an interesting story. I was thoroughly invested from start to finish.
    Anyway, my interpretation is thus:
    Curly told the crew that Pony Express went bankrupt. Jimmy, always being envious of Curly, didn't take this well. He forced himself on Anya before and was then told by her that she is pregnant. Because he has no prospects, he decides to cause the ship to crash but fails his murder-suicide attempt. Curly tries to save the ship, but is horribly injured in the attempt.
    Jimmy finally gets the chance to prove he's great and takes over as Captain, but he messes up at every attempt to "fix" things. Swansea discovered that one cryo pod is still working, and wanted Anya to take it after she told Swansea she's pregnant and that Jimmy forced himself on her before. However, Swansea didn't want Jimmy to know about the cryo pod.
    Unfortunately, Anya couldn't handle the stress of the situation anymore and overdoses. Daisuke, being a good boy, wants to try and save her, but he's horribly injured in the futile attempt. Because Jimmy used the actual alcoholic materials to knock out Swansea, Daisuke doesn't have the medical supplies necessary to disinfect his wound. Swansea is forced to mercy kill his apprentice. With Anya and Daisuke dead, the two people Swansea would have given the cryo pod to, Swansea has a mental breakdown and wants to kill Jimmy for all the terrible things he wrought. Unfortunately, Swansea fails.
    With everyone in the crew dead save for Jimmy and Curly, Jimmy falls to his psychoses. Unable to cope with the stress and refusing to ever take responsibility, Jimmy stuffs Curly in the cryo pod as selfish atonement and takes the easy way out.
    The theme in this game is about taking responsibility. Curly took too much responsibility onto himself, but he remained a positive portrayal. However, Jimmy never took responsibility for his actions and always shifted blame. Even in the end, he remains selfish but keeps making excuses himself that he _is_ taking responsibility.

  • @dardardarner
    @dardardarner 20 часов назад

    Thanks for the stream! Definitely a lot of heavy topics in this game but the story was still pretty well written. Glad to see you play it!

  • @KuroiNovella
    @KuroiNovella 20 часов назад +1

    That was an interesting game, I enjoyed how real the characters were, even the hateful Jimmy. Poor Curly, best boy.
    As for a certain part of the game... You can take Shiori out of The Forest, but you can't take The Forest away from Shiori it seems.

  • @mysticdonuts
    @mysticdonuts 20 часов назад

    That was quite the experience I don't know if I would of been able to handle it if I was alone but thanks for streaming this

  • @gemstonegynoid7475
    @gemstonegynoid7475 10 часов назад

    a manned freighter ship in an era where there is automated freighter ships. a cargo of sugary mouthwash when there already exists mouthwash without sugar that can actually be useful against germs. a spineless captain, and a co pilot who wants to own responsibility without doing the right things.

  • @pepeloni
    @pepeloni 20 часов назад

    Never heard of this game until now but was definitely a well told tragic story with an interesting cast of characters. Glad I got experience the game with you and the Novelites. Also, hoping the best for our boy Curly

  • @XP-kun
    @XP-kun 20 часов назад

    Tragic stories are always hard to watch but great to finish. Well done~

  • @gunmandoo
    @gunmandoo 12 часов назад +1

    This game was a tough one for me, it was just SO bleak. There aren't many characters in recent memory I hate more than Jimmy, and he's so realistically despicable. I think there are a lot of people who have the misfortune of knowing a Jimmy. If you're looking for another good, very dark, indie sci-fi horror game, I'd recommend SIGNALIS (I think Rissa would actually like that one too). That game led me to Hololive, since YT recommended Fauna's playthrough of it after I finished it earlier this year.

    • @cyb0nics
      @cyb0nics 9 часов назад

      I second Signalis!

    • @gunmandoo
      @gunmandoo 7 часов назад

      @@cyb0nics That game has been stuck in my head for almost a year. I needed a LOT of cute fan art to recover from it. As Nerissa would say, "It literally changed my life."

    • @cyb0nics
      @cyb0nics 5 часов назад

      ​@@gunmandooI'm not used to reading/playing in sci-fi settings so it was a bit of information overload (+ a bit of existentialism), but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. It was a lot of fun.

  • @Mission10
    @Mission10 19 часов назад

    My first impression of Mouthwashing was a Bodily Horror, such as The Dentist (1996), or Cosmic Horror, such as Event Horizon (1997)!
    However, throughout the story's progression, it became clear it was about Jimmy and his hallucinations.
    In the end, I didn't really like Mouthwashing... Due to its message about Narcissism and Delusion, which I relate to negatively.
    When you said there's a difference between acting out Selfishness and simply being Selfish, I was perplexed!
    I would like to know more about your perspective on this personality trait, Shiori.
    The important part is remembering the countermeasures against Sin, referenced from Veritasium.
    1. Be Nice
    2. Be Forgiving
    3. Be Retaliatory
    4. Be Clear
    My favorite scene was Swansea's Monologue! His appreciation for Daisuke's useless Ray of Sunshine reminds me of my younger self, especially the kid's Naiveness.
    I've wished for someone to provide me the guidance Swansea has given Daisuke, especially in Electronics. That sort of bond is worth Infinitum...
    But, that's enough Meloncholic Talk!
    I guess if my hands wrote this length of linguistic emotion... Then, it was indeed quite a Storytelling Novelty! (Get It?)
    Thank You, Shiori~
    Postscript! I liked your Zombie, Machine Gun, , and Bat Assets! 34:00
    For anyone who wants the her Dorky Scene! 2:02:20

  • @Mana_V3_
    @Mana_V3_ 20 часов назад

    Thanks for the stream Shiori, it was a pretty interesting story, it really was spooky and sad, really enjoyed it

  • @MrDarksol
    @MrDarksol 20 часов назад +1

    This game was all kinds of weird bizarre and strange. However the story was really gripping despite the weird energy it was giving out, the character growth was soild and the old school like graphic style makes the game pop even more. Also, Curly was a good blond man, Daisuke was a kid who tried, Swansea may have been rough but meant well, Anya was a sweetheart and Jimmy was just the absolute worse. I know most of the characters were probably just as bad and Jimmy you could argue he may ot may not have redeemed himself at the end, that doesn't excuse the fact that he did run away from a whole bunch of problems and that he did make things worse in the long run. In any case thanks for giving us some laughs Shiori in spite of the scares and now yoh have another blond to add to your collection. Fantastic stream as always❤❤❤❤!

    • @tropicturtle9021
      @tropicturtle9021 19 часов назад

      @@MrDarksol jimmy doesn’t even really redeem himself in my eyes cause he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and even when he does a ‘good’ thing it’s clearly for the sake of making him feel better about himself and trying to look like the hero. “I fixed it..”

    • @MrDarksol
      @MrDarksol 19 часов назад

      ​@@tropicturtle9021 Which was why I did say at the end of the day it didn't matter if he did redeem herself or not in the first place due to what he did in the long run.

  • @HKtraidon
    @HKtraidon 11 часов назад

    This was a fantastic horror game. The kind that sticks with you long after playing/watching it.
    The one thing I have to say, is that Curly made one mistake, though this is in no way his fault. He should have punished Jimmy for what happened to Anya. This is one of the rare few times where kindness and forgiveness was not the right answer. We have the benefit of hindsight though so I will never blame Curly for what happened.
    Suffer in hell Jimmy.

  • @saxwastaken
    @saxwastaken 19 часов назад

    Thank you for the stream!
    There were some details I missed when I played it that I only caught after you pointed them out today! It's seriously such a good game!
    Justice for Swansea!

  • @doctor_ocetist
    @doctor_ocetist 20 часов назад

    I had never heard of this game before, so this was a very interesting and engaging stream. Reminded me a lot of the Cat Lady and Burnhouse Lane streams, which I loved! Thanks for showing it to us (and warning us that it needed warnings), Shiori!

  • @Yaboogumi
    @Yaboogumi 20 часов назад

    Love these kinds of games! It's a perfect fit for Shiori's tastes.

  • @jaredvilla4642
    @jaredvilla4642 15 часов назад +1

    Congrats on beating Mouth washing, Shiori

  • @Kuro_Tokki
    @Kuro_Tokki 20 часов назад

    Thank you for the stream! Really liked the story for this game and the way it was delivered (despite it being dark)!
    9:09 has got to be my favorite part

  • @killercart
    @killercart 19 часов назад

    Congrats on finishing the game. This game was certainly something with what happened with the story. The story and the characters were interesting. But also very deep when it comes to its messages etc. Thanks for the stream, Shiori. See you next stream.

  • @Shioris_Jacket
    @Shioris_Jacket 20 часов назад +1

    Thanks for the stream! And I've gotten emotional through the last hour of the stream. Have a good rest and see ya tomorrow!

  • @Kene_Lyn
    @Kene_Lyn 20 часов назад

    This has been a really interesting stream, the games story is pretty cool with the time jumps and just watching you play the game make me feel really invested in the game also. you being silly in some parts were fun

  • @GurenSan
    @GurenSan 20 часов назад

    Thaks for the stream! I had a blast with the game's story and watching someone else play it is super fun.
    Curly was too much of a good boi to a fault, he didn't deserve this.

  • @Pride__
    @Pride__ 20 часов назад

    Man this game was weird as hell but just as interesting too, will definitely wishlist this for later. Shiori knows how to pick em.

  • @rodeohummer
    @rodeohummer 15 часов назад

    Thanks for the great vod shiori

  • @flashtirade
    @flashtirade 20 часов назад

    Sometimes the deepest, darkest depths of space are inside the ship.
    Thanks for the playthrough Shiori.

  • @Sonicmaster2008
    @Sonicmaster2008 18 часов назад

    Thanks for the stream Shiori! This game was really.. something but interesting. Hope you enjoyed the game Shiori!

  • @Crush1084
    @Crush1084 19 часов назад

    Once again with feeling everyone: EFF Jimmy! Guy made everything worse and was a selfish bastard till the end.
    Thanks for the stream Shiori. It's always a pleasure. Hopefully we can get like 50% less cannibalism tomorrow

  • @discordianchaos4329
    @discordianchaos4329 20 часов назад

    thanks for the chilling Mouthwashing streami had no idea what to expect but this was better than I thought it would beI felt legitimate dread during some of the moments in the gameCurly is best boy and best captain

  • @ikki_asura
    @ikki_asura 20 часов назад

    Interesting story, o7 to everyone except Jimmy.
    Also headpats to the wuffians that raided during an uhm... moment.
    Thanks for playing this Shiori and you'll never escaping the blonde allegations even further with Curly

  • @Zippo4-4
    @Zippo4-4 19 часов назад

    This game was... something. It's great; the theme, symbolisms and other metaphors were well done. I must talk about what I gathered from the story so spoilers ahead.
    Almost everyone of the crew is not a good person. Yes, even Curly. Anya applied to be the ship's medic, but either lied or did not take the psych evaluation for the position. She also avoided her duties and relinquished them to others. Swansea was an alcoholic, plain and simple. Honestly he was the only who was not delusional in the entire crew. He accepted his faith and was "riding the wave" of the events unfolding before him. Obviously, Jimmy is a vile individual. I don't need to state the obvious, partly because I do not want to work around the YT filters, but we all know what he did. But he also was a control freak, as he desperately tries to "fix" things his way and refused to adhere to others opinions. He snaps at others when things are not going his way. He was also jealous of Curly. Speaking of Curly, he is not in the clear. Based on the dialogue he had with Jimmy before the crash, Curly wanted to cover for Jimmy's crimes and sweep everything under the rug simply because Jimmy was his friend. Honestly, Daisuke was the only one who is innocent in the story. Sure he was a lackey, young man, but he was really not at fault with anything. A victim of circumstance I suppose.
    One more thing, I did not see you react to it, but I feel like you have missed the ending. Jimmy put Curly in a cryo pod, went off screen and we hear a loud bang. The company, "Pony Express" seems to be going under, therefore the company itself are not able to launch a rescue mission to save the crew. And as mentioned, most of the space freighters are automated, so if one does come across the our Curly's freighter, what can they do? Sorry to rain on your parade. I know you wanted a good/ happy ending for Curly, but not all things end happily, I'm afraid.
    Thanks for the stream

  • @LeMisterRai
    @LeMisterRai 20 часов назад

    That was an amazing game. I loved everyone's characters minus Jimmy. I also love how the storytelling jumps between perspectives. Have to admit it was kinda hard to watch for certain parts.
    Thank you for streaming this

  • @InternetMouse
    @InternetMouse 20 часов назад

    Holy Moly. I have to say Shiori. That game was trully something here. Man i feel so bad for curly. Curly is the real homie here. Mate deserves alot of Headpats here.
    Thanks shiori for playing this game. It was alot of fun watching you journey through this game. Have a great day my good Gothic friend Shiori novella ♥️ 🐀

  • @realn_c
    @realn_c 20 часов назад

    I admit, I was not at all expecting an ending like what we got here. This was definitely one of the darkest games I've seen, but the story was very good, so thank you for sharing this with us. o7 for Curly Have a good rest of your evening, Shiorin - see you next time!

  • @rokenji4446
    @rokenji4446 10 часов назад

    thank you for streaming shiori

  • @GuntanksInSpace
    @GuntanksInSpace 20 часов назад

    Crazy riveting, and very dark indeed. Fun stream, Shiorin!

  • @Arjuna_625
    @Arjuna_625 20 часов назад

    Such an amazing game and Curly.....yeah his best boy thank you for the fun stream Shiori rest well

  • @sana__6
    @sana__6 8 часов назад

    Ig luckily I hadn't spoiled myself at all on Mouthwashing beyond a brief look at the Steam description, and what I vaguely heard from prechat (unlike "deliberately" spoiling myself on a game I've been anticipating for months ). But idk what I was expecting from this game, bc it was very surreal, to say the least, not to mention legit creepy, and almost "skin-crawlingly" disturbing with both its design and story revelations I checked TVTropes to remind me of the events and I mean, I see there's a number of events and backstory (even before the crash) that help explain why Jimmy was the way he was (although ofc, that still doesn't excuse or justify what he did ). But..maybe it goes to show that negativity that poisoned his soul could also spread like a plague around others through his actions. So ig going by that storytelling logic, the stylistic choices of using body-horror type imagery like the hallway of Curly's eyes and that horse centipede thing really work Curly really was a nice guy for that matter, and was trying his best to be a good leader But idk if it's a bit contrarian, but I think a few others in chat align with me too, that Curly was maybe a bit too trusting or too believing in the goodness of at least Jimmy. If they were close as far as their positions were concerned, Captain and co-pilot up front in cockpit, I feel like Curly should have also seen at least some of Jimmy's darker side and been more wary of it. What a sad and twisted story it was.. Charitably, Jimmy should have been somewhere else like a controlled facility, separated from the crew and getting some serious help. Poor Curly and everyone else for that ill-omened situation I hope we as audience can just take it as a story and lesson then. Enough sadness tho I hope, hope you had a good sleep and rest, Shiori~

    • @VNRG1993
      @VNRG1993 5 часов назад +1

      you asked me for a comment in prechat, here it is xd

    • @sana__6
      @sana__6 4 часа назад

      @VNRG1993 ty, still
      not sure it's working tho

  • @Unknown-pq7kf
    @Unknown-pq7kf 20 часов назад

    That was a great story, thank you for the stream

  • @unclejoe1994
    @unclejoe1994 8 часов назад

    Thank you so much!

  • @DeepShaDoWSeaL
    @DeepShaDoWSeaL 14 часов назад +3

    start 1:13

  • @kamen.rider.decade
    @kamen.rider.decade 20 часов назад

    Thanks for the great Mouthwashing stream, boss Rest well and have a pleasant evening!

  • @Just_Some_Guy_with_a_Mustache
    @Just_Some_Guy_with_a_Mustache 19 часов назад

    Dental hygienists sure are getting more aggressive nowadays...
    The narrative had all these plates to juggle but still managed to serve expertly.

  • @ZKP314
    @ZKP314 33 минуты назад

    I'll be frank-I expected you to play this, but I didn't expect *Subaru* of all people to do so too.
    Also, the following simultaneously spoils and doesn't spoil the plot of the game-
    "My 8 Million bottles of Mouthwash never arrived. Fuck Pony Express, their shipping sucks."

  • @WrenchMcCool8
    @WrenchMcCool8 20 часов назад

    A perfect game for Shiori.

  • @guilherme5094
    @guilherme5094 10 часов назад

    Thanks Shiorin!

  • @Flashchocobo
    @Flashchocobo 7 часов назад

    This has been a cannibalism week for Shiori huh?

  • @dairygecko
    @dairygecko 7 часов назад

    Don't be Jimmy, everyone hates Jimmy

  • @taidakazahaya
    @taidakazahaya 14 часов назад

    Wearing a nun's uniform feels great

  • @ツトム-b5t
    @ツトム-b5t 16 часов назад

    Thank you for the stream!

  • @remforrest
    @remforrest 20 часов назад

    Thanks for the stream Shiori

  • @BlackNWhiteClip
    @BlackNWhiteClip 20 часов назад

    Thaks for the stream!!!

  • @Rafear616
    @Rafear616 19 часов назад

    Great stream for a very disturbing game... Looking forward to something a bit lighter hearted