Trekking Fagaras Ridge - Ep 1

  • Опубликовано: 25 июл 2018
    Trail Checkpoints: Turnul Rosu Monastery - Chica Pietrelor - Chica Fedelesului - Tataru Peak - Saua Apa Cumpanita (first water source of the ridge)
    Altitude difference: 1223 m
    Dificulty: Easy
    Duration: Turnul Rosu - Chica Pietrelor (4-5h)
    Chica Pietrelor - Saua Cumpanita (1h 30min)
    In Day 1 of our 4 day trip we trekked from Turnu Rosu Monestery, through Valea Caselor, towards the first peak of the ridge Chica Pietrelor. From there we went over Chica Fedelesului to Tataru Peak and descended in to Saua Cumpanita.
    Once we ware equipped we began our warm up routine for the trek ahead.
    We started the trail by serving blackberries as appetizers while listening to the water flow symphony.
    As we advanced through Valea Caselor we ware overwhelmed by the beauty of the deciduous forest and its waterways.
    We kept going on the red cross marking and after 30 minutes we reached the first glade that gave us a clear overview of the surrounding area.
    After re-entering the forest we started looking for wild edibles, and once we paid close attention to the forests floor, we began finding wild porcini mushrooms.
    On our way out of the forest, blueberry bushes and spontaneous flora decorated the sides of the trail with random precision.
    As we got into sub alpine territory the clouds started gathering around the ridge.
    From the hill side we could see the river Olt, that has a tremendeous width in this area and looks more like the Danube seen from Macin.
    After slowly walking uphill on the endless grass slope we finally reached Chica Pietrelor. From here the marking changes from red cross to red tape.
    We continued towards Suru, and on the way we took a look back at the first peak of the ridge.
    Spirits ware high and so ware our hopes for good weather in the days to come.
    On the slobe going up Chica Fedelesului we witnessed a timeless pastoral scene. It`s a common sight in these parts.
    As we passed the ridge we closed in on Suru peak, but it still looked pretty far away. Suddenly we became shrouded in a cloud and out of nowhere, a large herd of wild horses appeared.
    What we saw resembled a description from Mazeppa, a poem by Lord Byron:
    With flowing tail and flying mane,
    Wide nostrils never stretched by pain,
    Mouth bloodless to bit or rein,
    And feet that iron never shod,
    And flanks unscar'd by spur or rod,
    A thousand horses - wild & free -
    Like waves that follow o'er the sea,
    Came thickly thundering on.
    But we`re no wild horses and after climbing Tataru Peak, instead of going around it, we reached Saua Cumpanita where we decided to pitch our tent.
    I cleaned the mushrooms because tonight we will be serving a gourmet meal: porcini with cream sauce.
    All we need is to sautee a small challote in olive oil, add the mushrooms, let them simmer, then add low fat cream and a splash of white wine, and cook until the sauce forms.
    The warmth of the meal and the dropping temperatures made us turn in early.
    Tomorrow there are no certainties, there is only adventure.

Комментарии • 7

  • @HenryGothie
    @HenryGothie 5 лет назад

    foarte misto! felicitari pentru tot canalul!

  • @idandan2
    @idandan2 5 лет назад

    Very good video . Thank you for sharing your journey

    • @CetateanulCarpatin
      @CetateanulCarpatin  5 лет назад

      Thanks man, if you are planning on visiting Romania, drop me a line, i`d be happy to help you with info. :)

  • @DoiViezuri
    @DoiViezuri 6 лет назад

    Like wooow, amazing video! We are gonna use the information from it to make our plans for our Fagaras ridge hiking trip. Genial, faci o treaba foarte buna, ne-a placut super mult. Si noi o sa incercam sa facem creasta Fagarasului la mijloc de august si asteptam cu entuziasm seria ta de vidouri cu traversarea crestei.

    • @CetateanulCarpatin
      @CetateanulCarpatin  6 лет назад +1

      Multumesc! Citind despre planurile voastre mi-am dat seama ca inca ma mananca talpile. O faceti pe toata sau veti parcurge doar un segment?

    • @DoiViezuri
      @DoiViezuri 6 лет назад

      Intentionam sa o facem in totalitatea lungimii ei, de la Turnu Rosu pana la Zarnesti si avem 6-8 zile disponibile. Suntem constienti ca o sa fie treaba grea, rucsac greu, posibil vreme prielnica. Pe baza experientei tale ai avea pt noi ceva sfaturi / ponturi ?

    • @CetateanulCarpatin
      @CetateanulCarpatin  6 лет назад +1

      Cred ca este destul de important pentru o calatorie de atatea zile trebuie sa tii sub control greutatea rucsacului. Pentru mine una dintre cele mai eficiente metode de a alege si rationaliza mancarea astfel incat sa cari in jur de 130 calorii / 30 de grame. Mesele pe care le-am pregatit au in medie 200 g. Spre exemplu pentru micul dejun folosesc un mix de granola + seminte de chia + seminte bostan + nuca + fructe deshidratate + lapte praf + scortisoara + seminte decorticate de canepa / sau praf. Doar adaugi apa si ai o bomba calorica care te va tine satul foarte mult timp.
      Mai exista problema apei. Daca consumi mese ultrausoare [granola, seminte, pseudo cereale (quinoa, bulgur, amaranth), pemmican, etc.) care necesita hidratare din belsug vei avea nevoie de destul de multa apa. In general incercam sa campam langa izvoare, insa tura asta singurul izvor la care am campat a fost in Saua Apa Cumpanita. Mai sunt izvoare la Avrig, Saua Cleopatrei, Caltun, Balea.
      Daca aveti rucsaci foarte voluminosi cred ca ar fi bine sa evitati traversarea Custurii Saratii spre Negoiu si sa alegeti ruta alternativa. Pana in Saua Cleopatrei nu imi aduc aminte sa fi vazut vreun lant, dar sunt destule pasaje expuse.
      Daca nu detineti deja folii de supravietuire, sunt un must have, pe mine m-au salvat dupa ce mi-am perforat in mai multe locuri pantalonii frecandu-ma de stanci si am ajuns ud la cort.
      In rest pregatiti-va de vreme ca-n Patagonia, abrupt cat vezi cu ochii si la sfarsitul calatoriei cateva kilograme in minus. :)