Fredrick's cross with a marble.

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @randallsummers6551
    @randallsummers6551 5 лет назад +3

    Thanks Gary. I saw where I have been making my mistake. I'm going to be using Gem stones in the center from here in the NC mountains. I like how you textured the face too. Once again thanks for showing me how to do it the right way!! Take care and God bless!

  • @carlyeckert4670
    @carlyeckert4670 4 года назад +2

    I know absolutely nothing about being a blacksmith but I am ADDICTED to these foraging videos. Especially since you're doing a voice over to explain what you are doing and why you're doing it. Love em Gary!

  • @jgclark45
    @jgclark45 5 лет назад +1

    I watched you make one of these a few years back and I have been making them ever since. Thank you Gary!

  • @killerkane1957
    @killerkane1957 5 лет назад +1

    Oh my I have made many of them! No marble, fullered cross from “hole”, cupped stand. Used various patina colors and heat blued the base. Placed two spacers of hammered copper washers between cross and base. Beautiful!

  • @stevefarley7014
    @stevefarley7014 5 лет назад +1

    Gary, great job as usual. Your vocabulary or slang is great for us yanks. The cross is the smallest I’ve seen. Your surface finish is outstanding and understated. A lot of wannabes like me would kill to get that peended glossy look that you have there. A video on that finish alone or on surface finish in general would be nice if you make something for beginners.

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад

      No secret to it just a wire brush on an angle grinder!

  • @GWIRailroad
    @GWIRailroad 5 лет назад

    Wow!! That is really great!! Very nicely done. Thank You Wayne

  • @tropifiori
    @tropifiori 5 лет назад

    That came out very nicely.
    In ancient times gems were not faceted (cabuchons) ,so the marble looks good.

  • @bentoombs
    @bentoombs 5 лет назад +1

    Nice job. Those are fun to unfold. 🔨On!!

  • @duaneaubuchon9453
    @duaneaubuchon9453 5 лет назад +1

    Very cool looking cross sir!!

  • @richardbryant7972
    @richardbryant7972 5 лет назад

    Very nicely done and a new twist I haven’t tried thanks for video great as always

  • @TufStockdogs
    @TufStockdogs 5 лет назад

    Very nice job I am going back to try it again thank you I think I have healed enough for this and I think my TBI has healed enough to keep trying this stuff I use as my therapy

  • @OrionsAnvil
    @OrionsAnvil 5 лет назад

    Well done!

  • @scarface-39
    @scarface-39 5 лет назад

    Pretty neat! I’ve never seen one made like that!

  • @reginabivona1282
    @reginabivona1282 3 года назад

    you are a' fiddler at heart'!!!!

  • @garyd7217
    @garyd7217 5 лет назад

    nice job GARY

  • @jamesstanlake4064
    @jamesstanlake4064 5 лет назад

    Nice project.

  • @sammanno3303
    @sammanno3303 5 лет назад

    Looks Great,Have You Ever Done a basket Twist with a Marble in the Center.Nice Christmas Gift.

  • @marty01957
    @marty01957 5 лет назад

    Great job, Gary! Gonna have to try that! I subscribed.

  • @hayward434
    @hayward434 5 лет назад +1

    Very nice cross. It came out great. Have you ever tried a quartrafoil?

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад +1

      If i knew what one was I might try it!

  • @Hangarable
    @Hangarable 5 лет назад +1

    Hey gary, never seen that type of scribe divider youre using in the beginning. Do you remember where you got it, or the name/ brand?

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад +1

      Check out my Amazon links, I think you will find one listed there.

  • @drason69
    @drason69 5 лет назад

    Nice work Sir! I have a request, though. How about doing one, with a "hot seated" marble? Where the marble is placed, in an under sized hole, and allowed to melt into the hole of the cross, and left to anneal on the fire, until it's cool enough to handle? I've heard of the method, but have no guidance in doing so. Thanks ⚒️😀

  • @matttaimuty5397
    @matttaimuty5397 5 лет назад

    Could the hole be made smaller with less overlap? Or no hole eith no overlap? Just a depression from a ballpen to create a pocket for the marble?
    Great video as usual.

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад +1

      Matt Taimuty yes, absolutely, the overlap is the key to hole size or no hole. If you watch the first video I did of this that’s what I did.

    • @messylaura
      @messylaura 5 лет назад

      i was thinking about closing up the hole, i suppose you could heat up the center ( forge and cool the tips) then hit it on the ends so it upsets the center to close up the hole
      ( or you could just weld it shut )

  • @davidmurray9193
    @davidmurray9193 5 лет назад +1

    Be cool for you to get your metal fillings, mix with another metal and make something pattern welded 😁😁😁😁

  • @messylaura
    @messylaura 5 лет назад

    be handy if you gave us metric as well as bugger sizes.
    so there is no magic involved, ie letting the cross cool around the stone to hold it firm etc?

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад +2

      Are you that young that you don't know both? No magic on this one just a drop of superglue!

    • @messylaura
      @messylaura 5 лет назад

      @@garyhuston no i'm that old i can't be arsed to work it out

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад +1

      I find myself thinking in both at the same time, I mix and match them all the time!

    • @messylaura
      @messylaura 5 лет назад

      @@garyhuston mind you i suppose we should be happy you not barleycorn and cubits :P
      btw Gary had anymore intreasting wildlife caught in your cameras?

    • @danielcrawford7315
      @danielcrawford7315 5 лет назад

      @@garyhuston same here. Initially because we have SAE and metric bolts here, but far more so as I've been going through the "RUclips University" for blacksmithing . At 1st it was a conscious effort but now it's kinda the norm thinking in both at the same time. Lol tbh I used to be really resistant to the metric system but now it's not soooo bad.
      🙏be blessed and merry Christ Mass and happy new year's
      Crawford out 🧙‍♂️

  • @swdweeb
    @swdweeb 5 лет назад

    Struggled with the measurements?? Probably because you used those bloody imperial units 😃 Looks great as always.

  • @notasbignow1
    @notasbignow1 5 лет назад

    Hi Gary how much are those I really would love two one for my late mother and father's grave and one the other for my late father in law grave thanks Gary wish you all the very best for 2020, I really appreciate your help and I really enjoyed this video amazing as usual 😊😊

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад

      They are for sale on my Etsy shop

  • @manuelurdaneta8649
    @manuelurdaneta8649 3 года назад

    Will it be possible to heat the cross with the marble until it melts and fill the hole?

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  3 года назад

      Yes, but it’s difficult to stop it falling right through, I’ve tried it a few times with little success.

    • @davidstevens5908
      @davidstevens5908 Год назад

      I've done that, it works but don't get it too hot.

  • @ronthacker211
    @ronthacker211 5 лет назад

    could you melt the glass into the hole?

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад +1

      No idea! I don’t know anything about glass!

    • @ajnunya6649
      @ajnunya6649 5 лет назад

      Yes you can

  • @joejoyce9519
    @joejoyce9519 5 лет назад

    Very nice. Would like one I can mount a gemstone in as per video. Can you do?

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад

      I can easily make one with an empty hole but what size do you want?

    • @joejoyce9519
      @joejoyce9519 5 лет назад

      Gary Huston can you do same size as the video please? Hole same size as per the one you did for the Marcel. Does that make sense?

    • @garyhuston
      @garyhuston  5 лет назад

      @@joejoyce9519 OK, email me your email address and we can sort out when and where to ship to.

    • @joejoyce9519
      @joejoyce9519 5 лет назад

      Gary Huston my email address is

    • @joejoyce9519
      @joejoyce9519 5 лет назад

      Received today Gary. Speedy and efficient service. Very impressed with the work. Thank you.

  • @macp1962ful
    @macp1962ful 2 года назад


  • @ajnunya6649
    @ajnunya6649 5 лет назад

    I made one with a marble once however I melted the marble into it

  • @kevg3320
    @kevg3320 7 месяцев назад

    I'm not so keen on this. In my opinion, enlarging the hole for the stone/marble loses the flow of the transition from when the cuts are opened up, which I think is what makes the cross look special. However, nicely done though, (eventually!! 😉).

  • @renerachid1075
    @renerachid1075 5 лет назад
