Not sure about the wire going around the pulley but being able to animate worm gears and whatnot you could probably get close enough to be representative of the wire. As for the pulleys, no problem. Hope you've already got your answer a year later though 😂
Dude that was an excellent no nonsense vid.
10 points
Wow amazing tutorial! 😜
how has no one noticed this
thank you so much fusion this was so confusing until you exsplained it 10/10👍
Brilliant stuff! Thank you!
Thanks man, it's really nice, I'm going to try in my projects.
Very easy to follow
What shorcut did you hit at 2:27 to rotate the gear?
How are you testing rotation of the gear with the mouse?
How do you create a animation after that (where it rotates automatically)?
How do you drive a gear without selecting joint gizmo?
Does this work on the personal/hobby version?
Hi, all. Anyone tired wire and pulley before. Is it doable?
Not sure about the wire going around the pulley but being able to animate worm gears and whatnot you could probably get close enough to be representative of the wire. As for the pulleys, no problem. Hope you've already got your answer a year later though 😂