Finland: How is the Country of Happiness Dealing With the Russian Threat?

  • Опубликовано: 21 мар 2023
  • It is a small country with endless winters and yet, for the fourth consecutive year, Finland has just been crowned the happiest country in the world according to the UN. A record! A priori, the recipe is rather simple: a good dose of confidence in the future and a pinch of wild nature with kilometers of forest. But the list of advantages of the Finnish way of life is actually very long: an education system among the best in the world, excellent social security, no insecurity or corruption and a country at the forefront in terms of Men and women equality. So is Finland really the happiest country in the world?
    Finland, a country of less than 6 million inhabitants, shares an immense border with Russia, 1,300 kilometers long. It is an obligatory point of passage for many truckers and the authorities record a lot of traffic there.
    So what does Finnish happiness look like?
    Director: Celine Missoffe
    Production date: 2022
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Комментарии • 1,6 тыс.

  • @Demons972
    @Demons972 10 месяцев назад +58

    Moved from Latin America to Finland about a year ago, i can say this country is the best i've been so far, everything runs like a clockwork pretty much, people is friendly, respectful, honest but very reserved no one would bother you, crime rate is one of the lowest in Europe, people really respect each other's property here you could leave your stuff unattended on a train, bus or at a bus or train station and when you come back is very likely that it would be there untouched, winter can be harsh tho specially the first one but if you plan to live here you need to become a true "Suomalainen" and embrace the harsh winter and darkness as for the language, well it is kind hard but not impossible after one year living here i understand more than i can talk but you gotta start somewhere i'm currently learning Finnish so i can apply for my Nationality i really want to stay and thrive here.

    • @user-gy3pq8sl7l
      @user-gy3pq8sl7l 7 месяцев назад

      It's like this in all of Scandinavia.

    • @vincenzostr4488
      @vincenzostr4488 7 месяцев назад +2

      It's very boring country. Latin America is much better. Finland it's all illusion of happiness

    • @Demons972
      @Demons972 7 месяцев назад +7

      @@vincenzostr4488 Might be boring but the quality of life is way better, crime rate is very low, is politically and economically stable compared to Latin America which is a political circus and the economy is on the floor, ud siga comiendo mielda halla mijo llore 🤣

    • @user-1rg9f2-g3l6d
      @user-1rg9f2-g3l6d 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@vincenzostr4488 Yeah, but in Latin America, people have to deal with corruption, bribery, mismanagement, cronyism. They can be irresponsible, undisciplined, disorganized. There's crime, poverty, inflation, to the point where millions have sacrificed their life savings to cross the Rio Grande.

    • @pen7759
      @pen7759 5 месяцев назад

      @@vincenzostr4488 Life is an illusion.

  • @companyjoe
    @companyjoe Год назад +57

    It is only natural that in a documentary like this you get to see the best sides of everything Finnish. Sure, it is relatively easy to live a good life here but it is just as easy to feel isolated, lonely or depressed as well. If you're looking for happiness then moving to any specific country is not going to be the answer. Some places fit your persona better than others. Still, like I said, while there is a good chance you'd enjoy Finland keep in mind these stories are fairy tales based on true stories :)
    (I've often heard it said by visitors that we Finns are very friendly people. I am not surprised at all, but it makes me wonder where or how do these people get close enough to a Finn in the first place to be able to have that experience. We're not easily approachable.)

    • @GoldKingsMan
      @GoldKingsMan 9 месяцев назад +2

      One my teacher's was Finnish, Mrs Curry.

    • @halcyon-cg2eb
      @halcyon-cg2eb 6 месяцев назад +1

      That's exactly what I was thinking while watching this. You can make this kind of documentary about any country because there is always good and bad things, perfect place does not exist. It was interesting to watch though, loved the Heavy Metal culture (hilarious) and the way they treat their prisoners.

    • @mikkovaan8636
      @mikkovaan8636 Месяц назад

      Well, thing is though, Finland has been voted as the happiest country in the world some times in a row now. And we have the biggest forests compared to the land space we have, used to be over 70% before at least. And many finns, maybe most of us, dream of having a quiet cabin with sauna at the shore of a lake where there's at least trees, preferrably forests. Damn, why's nobody making the connection between forests and happiness? Are forests so rare in the rest of the world?

  • @mattmurphy24
    @mattmurphy24 Год назад +39

    The wallet story is definitely the case. I flew into Helsinki and took the train to Riihimäki, an hour north. At my in laws , I realized I left my backpack with computer, passport, Sees candy on the train. By the time, we got back to the train station the train had left back to helsinki. I thought that is the last time I see that. My wife said you will probably get it back. I went to HJK soccer game with a friend and our kids. He says, you will probably get it back. Train goes through like 20 stops before center of Helsinki. I called national lost and found but it had not been turned in. a week before departure, I went to US embassy, guys says hold on a minute. Comes back in 15 and says, they have your bag! I went to the lost and found office . Everything was there, nothing missing. That is real freedom! A great aspect of Finnish culture.

    • @LoverOFhopeANDcompassion
      @LoverOFhopeANDcompassion Год назад +3

      Lucky you vacationed in most honest country. I'm so glad you found it.

    • @mapleleafer74
      @mapleleafer74 Год назад

      Migrants and foreigners will change this and in fact already have. They don't understand clean, honest living, especially Turks.

    • @diamondsarenotforever8542
      @diamondsarenotforever8542 11 месяцев назад +1

      True. Reader's digest made the wallet test. Finns retuned the lost wallets most back to their owners with all the money and papers untouched.

    • @admiralbenbow5083
      @admiralbenbow5083 10 месяцев назад

      You were lucky. Its not a `feature of Finnish culture`. There are just as may free loaders in Finland as any other rich country.

    • @mattmurphy24
      @mattmurphy24 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@admiralbenbow5083 I was talking about crime not social policy, homelessness or unemployment. The report indicates honesty is a part of Finnish culture, its what I have observed as well. Especially, when I compare it to what I've experienced in the US. If you have real data that shows something different let me know.

  • @bearisland638
    @bearisland638 Год назад +79

    A happy country is about solid foundations, it seems Finland has a lot of them.
    Cheers from Poland.

    • @tosa305
      @tosa305 Год назад +5

      Greetings to you brave polish people aswell 🇫🇮🇵🇱🇺🇦. You really show high moral with your support to Ukraine. Another neighbour to russia, innocent offer of russian terrorism.

    • @No4najaPapo4ka
      @No4najaPapo4ka Год назад +1

      @@tosa305 + 18 центов ukraine is terrorist country

    • @yazanzaidiah6163
      @yazanzaidiah6163 Год назад +7

      @@tosa305 Russia is not a terrorist
      Russia struck Ukraine only to defend its national security
      Poland is not eligible for asylum at all, and if you choose asylum because of the war
      Go to Western Europe or the USA

    • @jordencoles5313
      @jordencoles5313 Год назад

      ​@@yazanzaidiah6163 bullshit

    • @slawomirhering3770
      @slawomirhering3770 Год назад

      ​@@yazanzaidiah6163 As a Polish I say UK and USA military complex through UN is behind this war EU crisis and attacking Russia from every angle. As Polish I say world without FED-IMF-BIS TRIANGLE MONOPOLY Banking Cartel cashless sociaty programable token SLAVERY.
      UN CHEMTRAILS SKY SPRAYING STOP this weather control program distroy crops create feminine.
      And Biden his pedofile warmonger why the whole world LISTENING pedofile?! Now the consequence are creepy clear Claus Schwab Davos WEF carbon emission reduction CO2 war with life this is clear who are the enemis not they one they show us.

  • @MrBelmont79
    @MrBelmont79 Год назад +292

    After seeing the Finnish women, I understand why the other half of the population is happy ✋🏻😍

    • @arcabuz
      @arcabuz Год назад +28

      Oh what an innocent comment

    • @GokulOnFire
      @GokulOnFire Год назад

      Nah they're happy coz no-one remembers how Finland worked together with Nazis in the ww2. They're happy coz they have always been economically safe thx to FDIs & cushy patent sharing and they don't have to spend much about defence coz America (whom they don't like that much) will protect them. They do their dirty jobs through EU so keeps their hands clean. The media isn't toxic cox they work on destabilizing other countries not them. Their people can just go about their day in bliss coz they never miss real democracy that's tenuous and grinding.

    • @oneoneoneman
      @oneoneoneman Год назад

      Dude they are either lesbians or extreme feminists. No luck there. You have the same in the West albeit uglier.

    • @JameaJimea1175
      @JameaJimea1175 Год назад +9

      I know lol, unless they just got lucky and got all attractive women in this doc , they are smoking hot in Finland lol

    • @papagen00
      @papagen00 Год назад +25

      try going to public hot spa in finland, not very attractive people.

  • @fortuna7469
    @fortuna7469 Год назад +210

    As a Finn watching these videos exploring our culture for the secret of our "happiness" this country seems like some kind of an incredible mythological land. 😂 But one thing I would like to mention is that we tend to focus on solving problems with collaborative effort instead of competing. The summer is quite nice, also the fresh air and pure, drinkable tap water.

    • @iam___611
      @iam___611 Год назад +5

      Первая в рейтинге страна по уровню счастья и первая по количеству потребления антидепрессантов. Может это как-то связано?

    • @kemonoyama2084
      @kemonoyama2084 Год назад

      Can Finns own guns with out registering them, applying for a license and such? If not then they are already commies.

    • @user-jp4oo4dt6t
      @user-jp4oo4dt6t Год назад +5

      @@iam___611 конечно, А ещё они радуются, что стали независимы от России, но когда вспомнят, что Россия И создала финское государство, даже официальный язык им придумала, А потом дала независимость И также снабжала ресурсами всё время, У них начинается депрессия, понимают что сами по себе трудно будет выжить, цены растут на туже электроэнергию, как-то так

    • @ziplegeyser6180
      @ziplegeyser6180 Год назад +2

      @@user-jp4oo4dt6t ​ @Василий Васильев Немного утрирую, не пытаюсь дать тут какое-то оценочное суждение, но по всей очевидности есть большие страны бандиты и маленькие страны проститутки для которых не существуют таких вечных понятий как благодарность, они по сути своей беспринципны и крайне меркантильны - и нашим и вашим за копейку спляшем - те, у кого больше взять, к тем и примыкать. Россия пока еще все-таки относится, или по крайней мере относит себя, к первой категории. Для таких субъектов важны два аспекта: влияние и безопасность. Влияние, в самом широком смысле, у нас слабое, проститутки такой клиентуре не услуживают. Отсюда и Финка в НАТО, Украина, переход с кириллицы на латиницу в ряде стран СНГ, близкие нам по духу и вере страны восточной Европы стремящиеся в объятия чуждого им ЕС а не в наши, высокая ориентированность молодежи и элит на Запад итд. и итп. Приходится хоть как-то компенсировать низкими ценами на энергоресурсы, немножко классикой ну и конечно военной силой. Для настоящего бандита и реального пацанчика этого недостаточно. К моему большому сожалению России слишком мало в этом мире. Ну что ж ... и этот исторический этап сдюжим и нам воздастся и приумножится а супостатам: Тишина. Пустота. Бесконечность!

    • @FlatEarthIsReal
      @FlatEarthIsReal Год назад

      Also one of the most tyrannical goverment In the world wich brainwashes majority of the People into compliance and delusional utopia. Cant forget the top 5 suicide rate In the world too, wich is caused many times by the unbearable tyranny from the officials. Of course for the blind slave sheep its a good place To go To work and pay 65% total of taxes from your Income.

  • @jbissainthe
    @jbissainthe Год назад +22

    The saying “Where ever you go, there you are” is most appropriate here. You are the common dominator! Looking for, searching for happiness outside one’s self is entirely opposite of what one should be doing. Whether in Finland or some other idyllic place around the world, nothing is better than the confines of self.

    • @halcyon-cg2eb
      @halcyon-cg2eb 6 месяцев назад +2

      Amen to that!

    • @rajeevanand3380
      @rajeevanand3380 5 месяцев назад +2

      Very well said, true permanent happiness is found in the inner self, no matter what the outside circumstances are. We should be content with where ever God has placed us and strive to be a good human being.

  • @kensota
    @kensota Год назад +34

    Finnish act and live very similar to Japanese. Especially honesty and politeness.

    • @ak47323
      @ak47323 Год назад +3

      the exact opposite of their easterly neoighbours

    • @oxxal7357
      @oxxal7357 Год назад

      I have been in nagasaki many times. the politeness i see in the restaurants is like a slave to a master. It is not because they wan't to be but because they need to be. Ok, i have only experienced nagasaki airiport services on my way to honolulu. Even though the politeness is very different between Finland and Japan. Also the honesty in Japan comes out of fear, not from their hearts. But like i said this is only my observation. I have been in Finland 4 times and in Nagasaki almost 20.

    • @oxxal7357
      @oxxal7357 Год назад

      And i wan't to make sure that my opinion doesn't represent whole Japan. They just act like slaves or servants there in the airport. In Finland when ii asked for scotch whiskey with ice she poured the whiskey and throw the icecube away and said " if you wan't to act classy then act like it". If a waitress did that in Nagasaki she and her whole family would commit seppuku or hara-kiri.

    • @hblock8361
      @hblock8361 Год назад +2

      And reservedness

    • @diamondsarenotforever8542
      @diamondsarenotforever8542 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​​@@hblock8361reservedness is the character of other Nordic countries as well.

  • @Matoakas
    @Matoakas 10 месяцев назад +11

    I always forget it. Whenever I watch a n American documentary etc, about Scandinavia i forget how very different it is . what we are used to. Like how a Finish minister just casually walks down the street to her office without any bodyguards or anyone making a fuzz about it. What I mean is. I really take it for granted how much more relaxed we have it in our countries in Scandinavia.

  • @Mrt_Silver_man
    @Mrt_Silver_man Год назад +83

    As someone who lives in Denmark, which was also recently declared the happiest country in the world, I asked a colleague of mine how this was possible? His response was, well the government and the media are saying so, end of quote.

    • @villeherlevi2592
      @villeherlevi2592 Год назад +4

      You are fine and greetings from Finland. And Yes if you are looking my last name. Some Herlev moved from Denmark to Finland in 1500 but somebody added I to the end

    • @asbisi
      @asbisi Год назад +12

      It isn´t really about happiness, I don´t know why they call it that. It is about social security, education, living standards, things like that. If you ping high on those, it is assumed you are happy.

    • @oxxal7357
      @oxxal7357 Год назад +1

      @@HeVi-osasto Your opinion doesn't count in a large scale. If you feel depressed i hope you will find joy in time.

    • @breiskapenthouston9674
      @breiskapenthouston9674 11 месяцев назад +5

      Happiness is a very impractical word. Happiness surveys are more concerned with satisfaction

    • @diamondsarenotforever8542
      @diamondsarenotforever8542 10 месяцев назад +1

      Denmark was ranked the 2nd happiest country.

  • @gurindammedia
    @gurindammedia Год назад +17

    Senang melihat video ini Semoga negara finlandia baik baik saja bersama rakyat begitu ramah, salam kompak dari Indonesia❤ kawan.

  • @davidbowie5023
    @davidbowie5023 Год назад +76

    Respect from Ireland to brave Finland 🇮🇪🤝🏻🇫🇮

    • @carlosacta8726
      @carlosacta8726 Год назад +1

      Ohhhh brother!!!!!!!!!!!! Brave Finland? J-off!

    • @54031f
      @54031f Год назад +1

      @@carlosacta8726 actually Finns are tough! but let's say misguided by uncle sam

    • @carlosacta8726
      @carlosacta8726 Год назад

      @@54031f WINNER BEST COMMENT!!!!🏆

    • @arnavsamaddar6638
      @arnavsamaddar6638 Год назад

      Russia will anyway destroy EU

    • @siskiyou9784
      @siskiyou9784 Год назад +1

      every nation thinks they are tough super smart beautiful etc the point of ridiculousness

  • @KenMoss
    @KenMoss 7 месяцев назад +3

    I was fortunate enough to sail the Baltic, right up to Russia. Called in many ports in Finland and took many sauna's. I experienced ice fishing and diving naked in fresh snow. The people were fantastic and I shared many home cooked meals with them.
    I actually made three or four videos on here about my experiences.
    Great country, great people.

    • @Kevin-zz9nc
      @Kevin-zz9nc 7 месяцев назад

      They never wear a swimsuit and what swedish and finns cant understand is why americans start foaming at the mouth over a little nudity cos we all got the same thing down there...

  • @mickeax73
    @mickeax73 Год назад +9

    @10:05 -"I am all by myself and no one behind my back". Supervisor sneaks out...

  • @RaceIsOpen
    @RaceIsOpen 11 месяцев назад +5

    loved watching this and to think....a country, not perfect...but its people are lovable and work together. I want to visit this great land oneday.

  • @jonam7589
    @jonam7589 Год назад +37

    I got a student visa to study there in 1974, but never went. Thanks to RUclips I can see now how life in Finland is! Nice people. I hope the refugees don't mess it up like the neighboring countries.

    • @holoholopainen1627
      @holoholopainen1627 Год назад +2

      Since 1974 alot has happened !

    • @habermasian1141
      @habermasian1141 9 месяцев назад

      Finland is obliged to accept refugees because Finland joined the US-led coalition army in invading Libya.

    • @chimosh
      @chimosh 9 месяцев назад +1

      what refugees ?

    • @jonam7589
      @jonam7589 9 месяцев назад

      At the time there were no refugees! all iranian students would go back after finishing college. @@chimosh

    • @MrPhaethonPrime
      @MrPhaethonPrime 9 месяцев назад

      Jesus. If you can’t be happy with refugees then you aren’t creating a country of genuine virtue. Seems a bit more like a rich, low population, super white, and everyone-gets-a-castle cool kid club.

  • @ahmedwwe8467
    @ahmedwwe8467 Год назад +13

    A beautiful country with an educated people.
    For this channel, your documentaries are great
    Your follower from Iraq 🇮🇶

    • @alijassim6430
      @alijassim6430 Год назад +1

      تيل بيك وبسعودية

    • @op009
      @op009 Год назад +1


    • @holoholopainen1627
      @holoholopainen1627 Год назад

      There are more University female students - than - males ! Our Goverment has 5 female - ministers !

  • @GrayS304
    @GrayS304 Год назад +66

    Another thing to notice: everything made in Finland is Always a super quality! I am not sure if the rest of Europe knows it, but it never fails to own Finnish product. I only wish we could get more of their stuff in the US.

    • @sampohonkala4195
      @sampohonkala4195 Год назад +17

      That has some truth to it, and a simple explanation. Due to the climate, long distances, high wages, small domestic market and a few other reasons, anything produced in Finland will be rather expensive. If you want to export your product, you cannot compete with the price, you must try to make the best product in the market. Nokia succeeded in that for a while (actually still does, but not in consumer products any more).

    • @deno202
      @deno202 Год назад +6

      Shame that after joining Eu, "Everything made in Finland" became less and less. Before to get a finnish flag stamp on your product, it had to be minimum 80% made of finnish product, but over years they lowered it to 50%. Production in Finland is very expensive and taxes and all other expences for business ar very high, so they go to other countries. Now that Finland stopped all trade with russia, they are losing big money and nothing to cover that loss, plus over 1 billion from russian tourists annually. Sanna Marin goverment raised Finland dept by 60 billion, while nothing has improved in 4 years, only worse. Goverment announced that they dont have enough money to keep the road in good condition, so in later years we will have roads full of holes.

    • @somethinggreat1750
      @somethinggreat1750 Год назад

      Not in biltema tho its infamous for cheap shit that breaks or dont work at all especially the ball point pens they sell but im not sure if the products are actually made in Finland but yeah just wanted to tell you that if you ever come here .ts like a hardware store but you are correct 100%

    • @carlosacta8726
      @carlosacta8726 Год назад +1

      I appreciate your comment. However, as an American I'd like for us to make and export the best products everywhere!! But hey, love to Finland!

    • @GrayS304
      @GrayS304 Год назад +3

      @@carlosacta8726 definitely, I’d love for us to export whatever the world desires. My interest in Finnish-made products comes from experience; and if our manufacturers were successfully competing with Finland - everyone would win. And, yes, love and respect to Finland!

  • @LooNeYlv
    @LooNeYlv Год назад +5

    I have met a lot of people in person and on video calls. Of course nothing an no one is 100% perfect, but Finnish people are one of the smiling and kindest people. 🙂 And they are interested to do things more in depth, that others just do because it is on work schedule and have to do the bare minimum to get the wage.

  • @19cerni91
    @19cerni91 Год назад +6

    Great people. Amazing collective inteligencia. Cheers from Balkan

  • @juhilla749
    @juhilla749 Год назад +15

    Probably the definition of the happiness index is closer to that; "the expected life prospects at birth, in the country you were born in" - and not how much you smile a day.

    • @Amigazor
      @Amigazor Год назад +2

      @@jone8626 Not true. Why do you even bother writing an answer if you have no clue at all?

    • @54031f
      @54031f Год назад

      let me just tell you that they don't smile much. they don't talk much. They are nice people but I think the weather has gotten to them

  • @Pesadeloz
    @Pesadeloz Год назад +5

    Greetings from Estonia Brothers🇪🇪🤝🇫🇮

  • @MrMarkhall1
    @MrMarkhall1 Год назад +1

    I used to love snow when I was young.

  • @Venga7
    @Venga7 Год назад +2

    Wow. Looks like a nice place!

  • @merc340sr
    @merc340sr Год назад +23

    I have lived in Canada (close to USA border) all my life and I still don't have enough sunlight in the winter time. I could never live in Finland, but I would like to visit in June or July.

    • @rollinsomethingbutiforgot
      @rollinsomethingbutiforgot Год назад +1

      Literally no one asked

    • @merc340sr
      @merc340sr Год назад +16

      @@rollinsomethingbutiforgot Did anyone ask you?

    • @rollinsomethingbutiforgot
      @rollinsomethingbutiforgot Год назад

      @@merc340sr your mom keeps asking for milk

    • @uja2183
      @uja2183 Год назад +2

      It is only an stereotype, there is plenty of sunlight during the winter in southern Finland.

    • @bambinaforever1402
      @bambinaforever1402 Год назад

      Well, with my husband’s ALONE salary we bought a house in the south of France , so we have 2 - 1 in Finland and 1 in France. And it is 3 hours direct flight to Nice. So what can i tell u - Canada sucks

  • @5422074
    @5422074 10 месяцев назад +5

    I could only dream of living in such a beautiful country as Finland

    • @andrekarim320
      @andrekarim320 9 месяцев назад +1

      Open you yeses...beautiful picture in this film, that had reclame project for Finland government so as yoing peoples to came out himself country and they want to live in other country Europe...because Finland to call voices other nations, so as population finland men have small then Sweden.

    • @vincenzostr4488
      @vincenzostr4488 7 месяцев назад

      I don't see nothing beautiful. It's ugly and cold

  • @surfingtheworldww
    @surfingtheworldww Год назад +2

    Finland seems very beautiful! Hi from Tuscany.

  • @bkeen7013
    @bkeen7013 9 месяцев назад +2

    How is Kimi Raikkonen NOT on the list of celebrities to see how much income he makes?? I want to know!

  • @sherytravelholic
    @sherytravelholic Год назад +12

    respect from Pakistani traveler to brave Finland, a beautiful country with beautiful landscapes God bless Finland, God Bless Europe Peace,Security ,Prosperity n success to Finland and Europe

  • @Grungni
    @Grungni Год назад +23

    Damn a lot of bots in comment section :D

    • @christopher9152
      @christopher9152 Год назад

      Turn off the CNN/MSNBC, friend. Much of the world--including a fair number of U.S. citizens--does not agree with the American government's pro-war propaganda. That does not make us "bots"; it makes us humane and well informed.

  • @luc9336
    @luc9336 10 месяцев назад

    been 2 time in Vaasa and loved it !!

  • @DailyMyChildhood
    @DailyMyChildhood Год назад

    That was so cool !!!!

  • @HoboJoe11
    @HoboJoe11 Год назад +4

    Of all the bands they forgot the most memorable and famous one, Nightwish.

  • @cathybannister1311
    @cathybannister1311 Год назад +3

    I would definitely like to thank the Finns for their metal music. Melody work, especially.
    Might even try dipping cheese in my coffee. I love both those things, but not so sure about tainting my black coffee.

    • @SpectralUltra
      @SpectralUltra Месяц назад

      Never heard anyone dip cheese in coffee in Finland. Never. :D That doesn't happen.

  • @mamadouwjallow1423
    @mamadouwjallow1423 Год назад +4

    I Love ❤️ Finland 🇫🇮 nice people

  • @varajalka
    @varajalka Год назад +39

    It's often mentioned that Finns have more mental health issues than average, but partially I think this is because people are honest about how they feel so they are not hiding it by saying something silly like "I'm fine" when they aren't. In fact taking care of ones own metal health is encouraged and affordable, so people are more likely to actually get the help they need instead of just trying to endure it. This of course increases the statistical amount of mental health cases but also means that more are getting help for their problems and are getting better.

    • @ErnaBerntsen
      @ErnaBerntsen Год назад

      Finland is a dead country

    • @GrayS304
      @GrayS304 Год назад

      Same can be said about the US. They assign to you a mental illness, even if you are just sad because you’ve just lost your pet dog.

    • @butterflies655
      @butterflies655 Год назад +3

      Watch the statistics in the video. " The most depressed countries."
      Finland is not on the top.

    • @varajalka
      @varajalka Год назад +1

      @@butterflies655 More than average doesn't mean same as most. Depending on source Finland has depression rate between 5% - 5.6% which puts Finland way above the global average of 3.9%.

    • @diamondsarenotforever8542
      @diamondsarenotforever8542 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@varajalkaWatch the statistics. Finland is not on the top.

  • @user-dc4bl1cu2k
    @user-dc4bl1cu2k Год назад +6

    The population there is also very small and sustainable because of the cold climate. Very small population in proportion to the natural resources. That's the main reason.

  • @MyVirtualWalking
    @MyVirtualWalking 10 месяцев назад

    Wow beyond amazing journey in Finland 😊.

  • @rajeevanand3380
    @rajeevanand3380 6 месяцев назад +2

    Kudos to Finland, best part is that the politicians are not treated any different from the common man, and consider political career as a service to the nation. 👍👍

  • @tainahollo8567
    @tainahollo8567 Год назад +9

    The Russian threat?! I have not seen or felt it yet, and I live maybe 10 km from the eastern border. :D

    • @user-Graf664
      @user-Graf664 Год назад +1

      Когда увидишь , будет поздно

    • @hatty101
      @hatty101 10 месяцев назад

      they are hyping this russphboic western media propganda.
      ffs. how western sheeps are this dumb? like i know they are sheeps and caddle. but this is next level. WHAT ON FUCKING EARTH DOES RUSSIA BENEFIT OF INVADING FINLAND???? LAND?!?!?!?! IT IS ALREADY THE BIGGEST COUNTRY ON EARTH! RESOURCES!!??!?! RUSSIA IS RESROUCES SUFFICENT MORE THAN FINLAND CAN EVER DREAM OF!

  • @Simmelimme.
    @Simmelimme. Год назад +7

    Wonderful to see brothers!

    • @jsaintr.i.r4018
      @jsaintr.i.r4018 Год назад +3

      Norge Er Enig med Svensken🎉❤ 😊🎉❤

    • @mikuhopo2058
      @mikuhopo2058 Год назад +5

      Finns, Swedes and Norwegians are brothers and together we defend our countries!!! ❤

    • @jsaintr.i.r4018
      @jsaintr.i.r4018 Год назад +3

      @@mikuhopo2058 Yes we are Brothers and we should include the Danes 💪🙏💚

    • @mikuhopo2058
      @mikuhopo2058 Год назад +3

      @@jsaintr.i.r4018 Offcourse!!!!

  • @joellevis404
    @joellevis404 Год назад +18

    I am happy for Finland's people. One day hope to visit your beautiful country. Thanks for video and greatings from Israel.

  • @scanpolar
    @scanpolar Год назад +4

    In Finland we have nightless summer . In summertime the foreigners have difficulties to sleep ? No nights ! Only sunny sauna weekends by the clean lakes.

    • @54031f
      @54031f Год назад

      It is true, but you have nightless summers in all of Scandinavia and northern Russia and Canada and Alaska. They are all beautiful! Not sure if all of them got Sauna which is very Finnish and probably the biggest Finnish cultural influence so far! It is lovely!

  • @misterlianghui
    @misterlianghui Год назад +9

    The fact that we get free videos from Best Documentary on RUclips is priceless. keeping the education and knowledge alive. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @finnstralian
    @finnstralian Год назад +10

    Can confirm the wallet story. Mine slipped out of my pocket on a bus some years ago so I called the bus company who called the driver who picked it up and left it at the HQ. Got it back the next day, not a thing missing.

  • @caiocesarheadbanger
    @caiocesarheadbanger 9 месяцев назад +1

    Que lugar maravilhoso ♥

  • @RainDelay
    @RainDelay 9 месяцев назад +4

    1. What happiness?
    2. What threat?

    • @butterflies655
      @butterflies655 9 месяцев назад

      Omg.Don't you follow the news.

    • @RainDelay
      @RainDelay 9 месяцев назад

      @@butterflies655 no, as shouldn't.

  • @butterflies655
    @butterflies655 Год назад +4

    Finland's alcohol consumption has dropped drastically down in 20 years.
    Watch the statistics in the video "Country alcohol consumption."
    In Europe Finland's alcohol consumption is in the middle. The highest alcohol consumption countries in Europe are: The 1st Moldova, the 2nd Lithuania. The 3rd Chechia and the 4th Germany.
    Forinstance Russia, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Romania Belarus, Poland, Portugal, Cypros, Andorra, UK, Ireland, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia etc. are ahead of Finland.

    • @tatianarusmade336
      @tatianarusmade336 6 месяцев назад

      But people come to Russia only to drink from Finland.never see sober finns in Russia. Drink like crazy

  • @johnsterling5425
    @johnsterling5425 Год назад +10

    audio is bad, robot voice is annoying, most Best Documentary films aren't this low quality.

    • @karlburmeister1552
      @karlburmeister1552 Год назад +3

      Ya, the audio is awful.

    • @holoholopainen1627
      @holoholopainen1627 Год назад

      Thank RUclips !

    • @ImhotepBE
      @ImhotepBE Год назад

      good point.... is it done in rush? for propaganda purposes?! seems like there is a lot of news/documentaries about "bad" Russia, etc... why nobody talk about NordStream pipe line?! EU even voted against investigation about nordStream, Why?!? 🤯

  • @PoseidonZombie
    @PoseidonZombie Год назад

    anyone know the song around 36:40?

  • @iqbalhasan3152
    @iqbalhasan3152 Год назад

    Enjoyed much

  • @YouLii
    @YouLii Год назад +11

    I had the luxury of visiting Finland a month ago and indeed the Finns are friendly and helpful people who seemed contented and happy. I'm glad that the Russian threat while near in proximity, have not affected this greatly. Would love to share this with everyone through the videos on my channel.

    • @MrXavi77
      @MrXavi77 Год назад +1

      They are prepared No like Ucranians that’s the reason they don’t try …again

    • @denku935
      @denku935 Год назад +12

      Русским не нужна финляндия, это фины смотрят на русскую карелию с завистью. Поэтому и с Гителром сдружились, за что и поплатились. Прежде чем ерунду про русскую угрозу писать историю читайте из разных источников

    • @dBoogieNights
      @dBoogieNights Год назад +11

      the Russian threat is a fiction. and if the Finns were able to reflect, analyze, they would have guessed that Brussels and Washington were deceiving them. After all, tourists and students from Russia have been visiting Finland en masse for the last 20 years. and Finns know the Russian people. For 20 years they have been smiling at the Russians and established good neighborly relations with them! and then suddenly from somewhere came the talk about the Russian threat .... nonsense!

    • @sleepyjoe7843
      @sleepyjoe7843 Год назад

      @@dBoogieNights Actually nobody asked Fins, there was no referendum. The partygirl just wanted to join and that's it. Her husband I even said months ago that her husband will divorce and he did... Don't elect hookers.

    • @dzurfluh2156
      @dzurfluh2156 10 месяцев назад

      @@dBoogieNightsit’s about the Russian government not so much the regular Russians I would say.

  • @Fischertek
    @Fischertek Год назад +15

    I belive the happines is founded in the trust between people. You saw how people don't fear the long dark roads in the forrest, and that prisoners are out in the free. If everyone are afraid of violence, there is no fondation of happines. Now I don't know how they measure these things, but a common thing between the nordic countries Finland, Norway and Denmark, who have all been awarded as the happiest people are the trust between people. Most of us help each other, instead of robbing each other. Of course there are exeptions, and there are sick people everywhere. But in general people trust each other.

    • @Cloud-dq1mr
      @Cloud-dq1mr Год назад

      ... and Sweden is the elephant in the room, or what?

  • @arunrana6019
    @arunrana6019 Год назад +3

    Any vacancy in Finland?

  • @AlexeyS2023
    @AlexeyS2023 8 месяцев назад +2

    At the 26th minute it is said that Finland has the longest maternity leave in the world - 7 months for each parent. However, in Russia maternity leave is 36 months!

    •  3 месяца назад +1

      Is it 100% paid? They are referring to waged maternity leave. In Finland the non-waged can be few years as well.

  • @user-kk4rd6jv4k
    @user-kk4rd6jv4k Год назад +5

    Самая суровая страна в мире для жизни? Вы в Якутию приезжайте зимой!

  • @bharatdarshan5591
    @bharatdarshan5591 Год назад +15

    Happiness cannot be quantified in percentage. It's such an abstract area of human psyche.

    • @petereriksson7166
      @petereriksson7166 Год назад

      Finland is built more with the fokus on the people of Finland and that is the reason why it is the most happy. It would be better to say it is the best country in the world. I would move there if it was not for the language.

    • @jampuppy
      @jampuppy Год назад +2

      Exactly. Some people are happiest when whining about something. 😂

    • @petereriksson7166
      @petereriksson7166 Год назад

      @@54031f I talked about language, you talk about weather. It is like answer a question nobody is asking for.

  • @vladanraz6081
    @vladanraz6081 7 месяцев назад +1

    I love the wallet experiment and am guessing that in my home city of Prague it would last 5 minutes before someone takes it for themselves. It would be good to do this experiment across different countries ... does anyone know if it's been already done?

  • @paulm749
    @paulm749 10 месяцев назад +1

    37:18 Downtown Houston, Texas has a system of underground tunnels for the purpose of getting people out of the oppressive heat. Kind of funny how the same concept works at both temperature extremes.

  • @yungenvy436
    @yungenvy436 Год назад +5

    I'm only here for the thumbnail

  • @deno202
    @deno202 Год назад +15

    When you walk in streets of Finland you can see how "happiness" shines on their faces.... it getting harder and harder with each year here. But people will make it anyways. "Russian threat" is the last thing we ordinary working folks are worrying here.

    • @54031f
      @54031f Год назад +1

      Last time I was there and I have been there a few times. They are nice but very shy. Happy? Not sure! YOu would never know. They don't say much

    • @makan1568
      @makan1568 Год назад

      “Russian threat” it’s a boogie man created by West. I would worry more about this fake WEF propaganda and dumb politicians with no moral spine.

    • @54031f
      @54031f Год назад +3

      Inhave walked into the streets of Helsinki! I feel terrible that you or the Russians or the Ukrainians have yo come to a point of hostility. Nordic people are the nicest people I know.
      It is painful to see this kind of hostility. I curse those who promote it. I pray for you all! I tame death for granted. I wish those sick bustards in power would feel the same.
      Wish happiness fi Finns, Russians, Ukrainians. I curse those who caused it.
      Bless you all!

    • @jamesstevenson5329
      @jamesstevenson5329 Год назад

      @@54031f swineruZZians are just wild barbarians, they cannot live like normal people
      as simple as that

    • @mukkaar
      @mukkaar Год назад

      Lol :D Honestly this whole happiness thing is misundestood. Organization that measures this calls their system Happiness index, but even they say it's not about happiness really, it's about satisfaction on your country, feeling of safety, trust in government and other people etc. It's not about how cheery and smiling the people are.

  • @janjbowman
    @janjbowman 2 месяца назад


  • @user-gk3we3zi9s
    @user-gk3we3zi9s 7 месяцев назад +1

    Terveytta!,, девчонки супер!!!👌🌹👍🇫🇮

  • @user-hk7wy2jw6o
    @user-hk7wy2jw6o Год назад +18

    Нет никакой угрозы мы живём дружно

    • @jamesstevenson5329
      @jamesstevenson5329 Год назад +2

      пока азиатский скот на цепи, он послушен
      отпусти его и произойдет то, что происходит сейчас

    • @user-tx9gh1fi4t
      @user-tx9gh1fi4t Год назад +4

      ​@@jamesstevenson5329 ты о японцах, казах, корейцах или о ком?
      Че они тебе сделали?

    • @user-hk7wy2jw6o
      @user-hk7wy2jw6o Год назад +4

      Это все крем ль ищет новые угрозы, отвлекает народ от насущных проблем, надо заниматься страной а не трепатней

    • @qwerasdf3420
      @qwerasdf3420 Год назад

      @@user-tx9gh1fi4tн о русских, так как они скот, а японцы, корейцы тупо им быть не могут, они ультра развитые народы, а казахи тоже могли бы быть как яп или кр, но увы коэффициент животных в их стране слишком высок, и продолжается увеличиваться, так как от мобилизации зверьё сбегает.

    • @user-tx9gh1fi4t
      @user-tx9gh1fi4t Год назад +1

      @@qwerasdf3420 Ясно, в хутор опять прилетело, рессентимент)

  • @Redfizh
    @Redfizh Год назад +13

    So so so many butchered names but we forgive him. One of the hardest language after all.

  • @FinUgShiet
    @FinUgShiet Год назад

    4:52 is that from Porvoo? Anyone?

  • @BraveHelios
    @BraveHelios 9 месяцев назад

    Hey... how about some for the singer! 😀😀

  • @albertgood7451
    @albertgood7451 Год назад +6

    O sea hace 8 min que fue publicado ya hay 26 personas que sin mirar le pusieron me gusta a algo que todavia no vieron y 247 vistas a algo que no vieron por que dura 52:20 .

    • @angelneira9865
      @angelneira9865 Год назад +2

      correcto.y lo hago porque estoy seguro que el video va a ser un deleite total al igual que todos los vídeos de esta empresa. me fascinan

  • @adrianhudek9111
    @adrianhudek9111 Год назад +12

    Love Finns

  • @artmaknev3738
    @artmaknev3738 10 месяцев назад +2

    Maybe they are happy because they create successful families, they are not rich but they don't worry about paying healthcare and education, they concentrate on family life.

    • @santeriberg8129
      @santeriberg8129 7 месяцев назад

      It comes from general living standards, not from family unit. Finland´s birth rate is very low.

  • @SikanderG
    @SikanderG Год назад

    The audio in this documentary is messed up.

  • @denismesa25
    @denismesa25 Год назад +6

    с какой угрозой?????

  • @lintu25
    @lintu25 Год назад +9

    That is girls/women what i love.
    SISU is inside of you!

    @DJAMALGUEDDOUD 26 дней назад

    Ihave been in Finlande and lhave like it very much

  • @goodgossip7095
    @goodgossip7095 Год назад +4

    I think the word "happy" has various meanings, so it's not right to say the Finns are the happiest...BUT.. Finland has all the right infrastructure for the people to be happy in terms of good nature, civil rights and natural resources. But on the individual level, people might still be suffering. Some countries don't have the right happiness infrasturcture to begin with, e.g Afganisthan, Iraq due to the wars and terrorism, so compared to that Finns seem to be better.. On the other hand Bhutan has also claimed to be one of the happiest countries due to their minimalist living, natural resources, spirituality influenced by Buddhism and cleanliness...

  • @J19D82
    @J19D82 Год назад +6

    Try the wallet thing in the UK😂 they will find out where you live and rob your house too 😂

  • @crssurf
    @crssurf Год назад +3

    Hermosos parques nacionales y por supuesto buena musica saludos desde Perú 🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪🇵🇪

  • @30205Victor
    @30205Victor Месяц назад

    Uma sociedade e um país admirável! Apetecível para viver.

  • @hellenhellen12
    @hellenhellen12 7 месяцев назад

    I can't believe this, is it really like that in Finland?'s too perfect to be true

    • @Funkywallot
      @Funkywallot 5 месяцев назад +1

      They had two hotties going bathing in the icey sea, and beautiful pics of nature and smiling faces and all are just content and happy... What do you think ? My five cents its just another propaganda travel channel cherrypicking some rare cherrys out of the cake.

  • @felixramsin1433
    @felixramsin1433 10 месяцев назад +4

    I hope some day I can visit Finland, what an interesting society!

  • @slavajoo2330
    @slavajoo2330 Год назад +14

    Про какую российскую угрозу говорится в названии видео?

    • @jamesstevenson5329
      @jamesstevenson5329 Год назад

      про тот дикий скот, который едет в товарняках тысячи км, чтобы украсть унитаз в другой стране

    • @LUK77ACH
      @LUK77ACH Год назад +2

      Про ту, которая исходит из России по телевизору.

    • @slavajoo2330
      @slavajoo2330 Год назад

      ​@@LUK77ACH ааа, понятно. Сами выдумали, сами испугались, сами обосрались... Всё сами... Какая самостоятельная нация😢

    • @LUK77ACH
      @LUK77ACH Год назад

      @@slavajoo2330 А, ну да, куда всем до русских нищебродов, да?)))

    • @slavajoo2330
      @slavajoo2330 Год назад

      @@LUK77ACH" в зоопарке былЬ? Верблюд виделЬ? Трубку бросилЬ... наверно, обиделЬся"

  • @user-xu5ej6bg7o
    @user-xu5ej6bg7o 5 месяцев назад

    Молодцы отчаянные девчонки

  • @deleater
    @deleater 9 месяцев назад +1

    00:26 cooler or hotter? I think water is hotter than the air, right?

  • @laaaliiiluuu
    @laaaliiiluuu Год назад +116

    My Finnish friend told me that Finland is the happiest country in the world because all the unhappy ones commit suicide. 😁

    • @kendexter
      @kendexter Год назад +8

      might be some truth to that for the whole Scandinavia

    • @Knightfire66
      @Knightfire66 Год назад +7

      thats nice marketting from the finn governement... how can you be happy in this shitty location? always cold and snow?

    • @diamondsarenotforever8542
      @diamondsarenotforever8542 Год назад +11

      Watch the statistics in the video "Comparison suicide rates by countries/Country suicide rate comparison."
      62 highest suicide countries and Finland is not even mentioned.
      The highest suicide countries are: The 1st Russia the 2 nd South Korea, the 3rd Kazakstan, the 4th Ukraine and the 5th Japan.
      Finland's suicide rates have gone drastically down in 30 years. Update the statistics!

    • @holoholopainen1627
      @holoholopainen1627 Год назад +1

      We have more saunas than cars ! We Have a saying - Viedä saunan taakse - that takes care of the - as solution !

    • @laaaliiiluuu
      @laaaliiiluuu Год назад

      @@diamondsarenotforever8542 My friend wasn't entirely serious with his statement. I think the main reason is actually alcohol. And hell yes, they drink a lot although it's darn expensive to drink there.

  • @newzinski6946
    @newzinski6946 Год назад +7

    A question for the Finns in the comments. Do you realistically think Finns are the happiest or is it somewhat skewed or something? I have never been my a close Finnish friend has told me that currently lives there that it isn’t what it appears on the rankings. She said seasonal depression is very common and there’s major issues with domestic violence and divorce. I can’t speak for it again since I don’t live there but she said it’s still more conservative than other Euro countries. She said majority of her girl friends have been dealt with abuse from male partners but it’s kinda still don’t ask don’t tell policy in many cases. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!

    • @Jipsuli1
      @Jipsuli1 Год назад +1

      Our society is well organized and has the potential to make its citizens happy. It's a safe and equal country for men and women. Our nature is lovely and clean. So, why wouldn't we be happy? On the other hand, there is a lot of loneliness and mental problems that come along with it. People are reserved and often inflexible. Rules are observed to the smallest detail. This makes the society work well, but for an individual it can be very frustrating sometimes. Finns are also independent from early on, and family bonds are not that strong. Rural areas can be really conservative, but Helsinki area is quite the opposite.

    • @Elsuri313
      @Elsuri313 Год назад

      I have never heard any of my friends having dealt with domestic violence. Those that deal with it have chosen their partner really badly or alcohol/drugs are involved

    • @newzinski6946
      @newzinski6946 Год назад

      @@Jipsuli1 I definitely noticed my friend that even her friends etc don't seem to have as close bonds as other Europeans and Westerners. While its not true for all cases I felt as though my fellow Americans were more positive and optimistic about general things but idk. I have been able to help my Finnish friend be more positive and cheerful about things throughout the time. Do you think Finns are happier than Swedes or Norwegians for example? I've met quite a few Swedes and Norwegians but always felt like they on average seem more happy and willing to talk with strangers. Again, I haven't been to Finland in general but I was trying to see if there was some disconnect or whatnot going on. My friend was bullied and harassed on campus and her trans-friend also was attacked recently at a bar and hate talk but they were in the Turku region. I would like to visit soon but was trying to get a better understanding of things over there

    • @Jipsuli1
      @Jipsuli1 Год назад

      @@newzinski6946 Finnish culture is nordic as is Swedish and Norwegian. We have shared the same religion and history. No big difference there culturally in my opinion. However, Finns have experienced traumatic wars and we are still affected by it. The Life and living conditions of past generations have been tough compared to their Nordic brothers and sisters. I work with young Finns, and they don't share this burden anymore. They are privileged in so many ways.

    • @newzinski6946
      @newzinski6946 Год назад

      @@Jipsuli1 Hmm yeah my Finnish friend said Finland used to be viewed as lower class almost slave like under Sweden's height. I got in an argument with a Swede on YT how the West and U.S. criticize Sweden for always being neutral esp during WW2 when Norway and Denmark resisted heavily and continued to fight under occupation. And the fact Norway always seems ready to stand up against world aggression being an early NATO member etc. He downplayed and said Finland likes to think they were slaves under Sweden but never were and the books and that modern Finns don't believe in it. While I have studied World and ancient history my forte is in Roman, Greek, Asian, Western, Eastern Europe and not too heavy in Nordic/Scandinavian. Only thing I really knew was either Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc were on top of each other during different rulers and time periods. I did learn about the Winter War somewhat but my knowledge of Finland/Sweden relations is very limited. From an outside view most Westerners clump all those countries as "Scandinavian" and very friendly with each other.

  • @rzizmont89
    @rzizmont89 9 месяцев назад

    Finnish education system belong to ones from the best and most effective in the world. I'd love to have such one in Poland. Greetings.

  • @andyrichmond1858
    @andyrichmond1858 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @Mur76ad70
    @Mur76ad70 Год назад +13

    Freedom for Palestine

    • @crimea2e
      @crimea2e Год назад

      freedom to Angela Davis and Leonardo Peltier!

  • @nicholasmcculloch7815
    @nicholasmcculloch7815 Год назад

    What’s up with the volume cant here them

  • @jameskeelan1276
    @jameskeelan1276 Год назад

    Is the voice Ai?

  • @mehranamvar
    @mehranamvar Год назад +4

    Brother you chose the best thumbnail

  • @jordanvannortwick9426
    @jordanvannortwick9426 Год назад +8

    Some Americans would rather die then have certain Finnish policies implemented here in the US. Such close minded people are beyond help. In fact, the very same people would like instead what Russia or Hungary is doing in their countries to be done here in the US. Now that is a fate worse than death.

    • @holoholopainen1627
      @holoholopainen1627 Год назад +2

      You mean military service and naked sauna ?

    • @sata1938
      @sata1938 Год назад +8

      @@holoholopainen1627 he's probably talking about a streamlined tax system, socialized healthcare and free college.

    • @crimea2e
      @crimea2e Год назад +1

      I agree with you, as a resident of Crimea, I fully support the policy of Russia to strengthen its sovereignty. I myself am a Ukrainian by nationality, we have a lot of Ukrainians in Crimea, but we are all for Russia, we have an all-Russian identity.

    • @jordanvannortwick9426
      @jordanvannortwick9426 Год назад +2

      @@crimea2e Crimea is a part of Ukraine regardless of what you think

    • @holoholopainen1627
      @holoholopainen1627 Год назад +1

      @@sata1938 I just think that serving - at any military IS the key thing !

  • @souleymanedemba4811
    @souleymanedemba4811 Год назад +1

    Bravo à la Finlande

  • @iam___611
    @iam___611 Год назад +4

    Будут справляться с этим своим обычным способом - принимать ещё больше антидепрессантов.😅

    • @MrSumkinFedor
      @MrSumkinFedor Год назад +2

      А мы ,как обычно, будем бухать...

    • @iam___611
      @iam___611 Год назад

      @@MrSumkinFedor ты хоть понял о чем видео, болезный?

  • @HereGoesKevin
    @HereGoesKevin Год назад +42

    This video has to be very inaccurate because my girlfriend is Finnish and she told me many younger Finnish people struggle with depression and isolation it is also normal for people from Finland to go to therapy, she goes to therapy as well and she is recovering from depression. The suicide rate over there is also high, so there is really something wrong with calling Finland as the happiest country...

    • @ermin3984
      @ermin3984 Год назад +11

      true , drugs , alcohol and no social contacts , no faith . money doesnt make you always happy. they usualy dont eat at each other houses ....

    • @daimonien
      @daimonien Год назад +2

      Thats true but it doesnt mean that other countries have it the same. Theres also might be the difference to know there is a problem versus not to acknowledge it at all in some other countries. I too have some personal experience to this. Some decades ago no one even knew you can be depressed, let alone talk about it (so there was no problem in a way) - these days depression and other mental issues are better recognized and they are not a tabu anymore either. So yeah, things rarely are black and white. And what comes to depression, on a personal level, the long nights at winter certainly doesnt make things easier ... but the long days in summer do. Also awareness of things can be a curse.

    • @jonam7589
      @jonam7589 Год назад +1

      Obviously there is a depression where there is hard rock music!

    • @FinUgShiet
      @FinUgShiet Год назад

      The MYTH of Finnish suicide rates! Finland was the 59th place on the "List of countries by suicide rate" WIKI page. The Suicide rates have dropped significantly since the 90's and that's purely a myth nowadays (Finland having high suicide rates)

    • @makan1568
      @makan1568 Год назад

      I like when in these videos they say “study shows that…” 😂 What study? United Nations bla bla bla 😂 It’s like to believe to WEF that climate change it’s my fault. Fuckin clowns 🤡

  • @rajivranjan3277
    @rajivranjan3277 Год назад

    One day I will visit this beautiful country...I m collection money from now

  • @KPsTboy
    @KPsTboy 10 месяцев назад +2

    Less crowded = happiness

  • @makan1568
    @makan1568 Год назад +4

    Saying that Finland the most happiest nation on the planet it’s like saying that Vancouver it’s the best city to live in 😂

    • @danrook5757
      @danrook5757 Год назад

      I thought IT was toronto

    • @makan1568
      @makan1568 Год назад

      @el060248 yeah maybe 15 years ago. Now it’s overpriced shithole

  • @vitens_2022
    @vitens_2022 Год назад +6

    Спасибо за большое количество документальных фильмов,но успеть все просмотреть просто не реально

  • @moti3102
    @moti3102 Год назад +1

    Go Finland!