Before Covid, my daughter had SOT treatments making her symptoms (not from EBV that she didn't have yet) even worse. Her menstruation immediately stopped and sometimes her ovaries would hurt. She paid a lot of money for this treatment not reimbursed by a medical insurance. In March 2024, I contracted EBV from a loud woman who sat next to me at the table and who already had breast cancer, and her husband brain cancer. A month after that party, I had a sore throat and was constantly tired. Since I'm 76 years old, I attributed the fatigue to my age. However, at the end of April, my daughter started to have the same symptoms as mine and insisted that I infected her with herpes IV. I had no idea what she was talking about as I couldn't have possibly passed her a sexual-transmitted disease. This is when she explained that it was EBV, the "Kissing Disease" that could have been propagated from a loud incumbent whose saliva could have reached someone's drink or plate, like in my case. Furthermore, the host gave me a tequila mixed with alcohol. It made me feel so drunk and sick that I immediately left the party driving carefully as I was afraid of causing any accident that could have immediately taken me to jail. Later, I read that Tequila mixed with beer could provoke serious impairment on the individual. In July 2024, my energy came back full blast (all my life I have been bursting with energy that would scare some people and I had never been sick besides a short-term Lyme disease symptoms). However, I still have a lingering sore throat vanishing slowly with less and less mucous dripping down to my throat. I learned from Dr. Kasia Kines' book on EBV that, on the average, it takes 16 months for people to recover from Chronic Active Epstein Barr Virus (CAEBV). The recovery starts from six months to even 38 years! The book subtitle is "The Hidden Undiagnosed Epidemic of a Virus Destroying Millions of Lives through Chronic Fatigue, Autoimmune Disorders, and Cancer." I recommend you read her rather-thick book. NOTE: I believe that Covid vaccines had opened the doors to EBV, and that we are going to witness Turbo cancers in the future among populations who took these ominous mRNA vaccines probably meant to reduce the world population.
Wow, this is quite the story! Thank you for sharing. What type of SOT treatment did your daughter have? I've never had a patient's symptoms worsen upon receiving a SOT so I'd be curious as to how that happened for your daughter, but that sounds extremely frustrating, especially since she got worse. And yes the treatments are expensive so it's very important to have a full picture of what is going on in the body on a cellular level before treating any one particular entity (virus, bacteria, mold, etc). I hope you are both doing well now.
@@Esther216 How do you know all people? This is what they want us to believe. I had never been sick as a child. I lived in Vietnam and used to accompany a missionary all time when she was treating leprosy in the jungle. I never got leprosy. In France, I was the skinniest child in the orphanage and while 97 percent of the children would get the flu, nearly every year, I got it only once at the age of 8. Otherwise, I would be among the three children who didn't get sick. It used to make me mad because in France, we, the three healthy children had to go to school in spite of the flu. By the way, after that party I mentioned above three of us got sick and the woman who spread it around was diagnosed with EBV before we even got sick. That woman had breast cancer before, and her husband brain cancer probably caused by EBV in the first place. We are experiencing turbo cancers lately probably because of the Covid vaccines that have resuscitated EBV, or a disturbing machination caused by the pharmaceutical companies to have us sick. I'm not vaccinated, in fact I had only one vaccine during my whole life "diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis," when I was expatriated to France at the age of 7. I recovered from EBV, thanks goodness! What's unfortunate is my daughter who has problems to recover from it because she is immune compromised like many other younger people nowadays contrary to my generation who were fed on authentic non-GMO food, were hardly vaccinated, and whose sugar played a minimum role in our diet and all free fruits, berries, fish, seafood were all over the place back then. The only problem we had was the left-over meat with worms sometimes given by the butchers to the orphans. So, we would get ivermectin to get rid of them, the same as I got it in Vietnam plus the daily cod liver oil that I hated and was forced to swallow by the authority who would pinch our noses at the same time. By the way, in La Rochelle, France, there were American ships stationed there, and the sailors would take us to their big ships. There were beautiful fruits among other things to eat. We were flabbergasted by those big colorful apples. However, when we ate them, we would spit them out and wondered why they tasted so bad compared to the fruits and berries we would pick up along the roads, even the big snails we would collect and leave them in a bucket for three days with no food to get their intestines free of excrements and later cooked them in garlic and butter, a real feast.
I’ve had EBV for over 13 years and had a few small issues that usually go away on their own. But this time it’s not. My doctors at V.A. didn’t believe me when I told them that I literally felt like I had a virus 🦠 crawling through my body. Headaches, sore throat, lump in throat feeling, severe inner ear pain, salivary gland swelling, etc… This has been going on for over a month and a half straight. They didn’t want to but I insisted they do a HSV-1 and EBV and the Epstein was over 600 on EBV CVA IGG and Antigen EBV AB 249+. Until they saw my results they tried to tell me it was mentality pain that I was feeling and not physical, until they saw my results.
Yes, it is a real thing! I'm so glad you advocated for yourself to get testing done. Treatment is also possible with a SOT that we offer at our clinic (there is a video about this treatment as well). Should you be interested or want more information please contact us at: We are here for you should you need.
@@drvirginiavonschaeferyou are exactly right. I'll be contacting you. I've had almost the exact same symptoms as stated but for close to 17 years. Mine was triggered by a shingles vaccine, Zostavax and my life has been a living hell ever since. It ruined my thyroid and thymus gland, my gut biome, (oral thrush constantly), severe B12 deficiency and on and on. God bless you Virginia. You ARE a Godsend! Thank you!
Caveman, this only gets worse. Much worse. Just wait until your gut biome manifests into oral thrush and candida albicans. BTW, better get your thyroid and B12 checked. Now. You are in for it. Please read my reply to Virginia. God bless you sir and best of luck.
Thanks for this post. I'm only 33 and been dealing with something for over a year now. Lump in throat/feels like swellingalong with phlem, i cant breath properly, ears pop crackle and ring, hair fall out, massive fatigue, achy joints, and food sensitivities to almost everything (not sure how that's related) it's a constant but I also get flare ups with many foods.ive been undagnosable with seeing all the Dr's plus 3 naturopath. I've shown positive on n ANA but thats about it. I've been able to somewhat "control" it with unaged grassfinish beef and a little broccoli I'm just hopeful that this is what I'm dealing with... I did have a positive reactivated ebv but was told that doesn't mean anything or that's not the root of my problem
@@slee7991 OMG. Find a different/better doctor. I'm not going to bother you with what I've been going through for the last 17 years but will tell you that I'd seen many so called "brilliant" specialists that told me I was fine. I finally was diagnosed EBV and CMV, extremely high latent titers, that also caused my thyroid gland to cease working properly and a severe B12 deficiency ( that was also supposedly within the "normal" range which is complete bullshit) and on and on. Save yourself a ton of money and TIME that you will never back, save your most valuable asset as well, your health, and do the SOT test with Virginia or another provider. That test and the treatment are CHEAP compared to what you are faced with. I was quoted about $3k from a provider that works with RGCC. I can tell you with absolute certainty that Virginia is the real deal. This IS the path you want and need. God bless you and good fortune to you. Take ownership of your help and get rid of that ignorant doctor that told you EBV (in any form) doesn't matter.
Hello @lone982 Did you already contact RGCC via their contact form? Sometimes, they can refer a physician based on your location. Here is the link: Dr.V does do on-line initial consults, but of course for actual treatment you would need to be in-person and I know it's such a long way. If there's anything we can do for you, feel free to email us at
Never heard of this wish we had known about this because my husband died of Lymphoblastic Lymphoma in 2014 and had this virus when he was young.. Thanks for sharing this info..
Please let me know where and whom to turn to if I'm in USA . I would like to have a consultation and participate in the healing process...Please It is hard to live . Thank you
Hello, please contact our office at 949.652.2320 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm PST. We would be more than happy to help you in setting up a consultation appointment. Thank you.
Hi. We are from Oh so when I called they told me we have to be in California for that treatment. With his condition it is barely possible for him to eat a dinner and not to lay down few times. It is sad in USA is so hard to find a doc who can help There are only the protocols ..Signs , symptoms and tons of medication for life so you can poison your self to death. Is that possible to work with someone on a distance and get that info from testing ...and possibly a treatment? Thank you@@drvirginiavonschaefer
I have CAEBV for over a year and bedridden 90% of the time. I can’t find anyone to help me. My research has told me the only cure is HSCT, but I’ve called clinics and hospitals who preform this and they don’t treat EBV…. How is this possible? I have to wait until it turns into lymphoma, organ failure, hepatitis or an autoimmune disease until I’m able to qualify for treatment?
There is a non-invasive effective treatment called SOT or supportive oligonucleotide treatment- check the website for free info on this therapy (there is also a video on our channel). If you want individualized treatment plans please contact us to make arrangements to consult with Dr V personally. Our office phone is 949.652.2320 or email: We hope we can be of service to you.
@@drvirginiavonschaefer What are the costs of these tests and treatments such as SOT? I only ask because I've been seeing a Functional MD here in Canada and she has done absolutely nothing for me other than take $8,000 dollars of my money to date for treatments (for Lyme and inflammation). In fact, I suspect I may also have reactivated EBV or maybe even HPV which is what contributed to the inflammation, Lyme, and Crohn's flare that I recently experienced. I also believe it is these underlying infections that all lead to me developing various autoimmune conditions in the first place but of course, most doctors won't listen to me! The stress of the world also flared up some of my illnesses and infections for sure over the last couple of years and no I am not v'ed with that poison! With all that said and despite paying $8,000, I still ended up in the hospital due to a major Crohn's flare that caused severe malnourishment, over 20lbs of weight loss due to chronic diarrhea, and dehydration that almost killed me! Then I was put on 30 days of steroids to stop the flare and multiple rounds of opioids to control the pain that I was feeling all over my body which up until recently I had never taken any drugs in my entire life, not even over the counter medication for anything, nor have I ever taken antibiotics! So essentially, my Functional MD put me in the worst health position that I have ever been in in my entire life and I was diagnosed with Lyme and Crohn's back in 2008! However, it isn't entirely her fault as I do believe the stress of losing two parents and several friends to the medical establishment and the trauma of that did contribute to my ill health, as well as unfortunately being v injured when I was a child. However, since then, I also ended up developing a perianal abscess that caused extreme and unbearable pain to the point where I ended up in the ER AGAIN, three times to be exact which is where they had to lance me before I developed anal sepsis. Then that eventually developed into not one but four holes including my biological hole (my anus) that now releases puss, air, and some feces from inside my bowel because I developed multiple fistula tracts. I've been literally living in a nightmarish hell for the last year and can't seem to wake up! My GI who will not listen to me about anything because I told him multiple times that I think I have an active infection (which is being reactivated by wireless technologies but that is another story together and stress) still wants to put me on Biologics even though you can't go on Biologics to my understanding with an active infection because they may cause serious side effects and cancer! However, he doesn't seem to care what I have to say and still wants me on them anyway because I'm sure he gets paid by big pharma every time he convinces people to go on these injections/infusions. Recently, when I asked him about all this and if there was a possibility that EBV is what led to my Crohn's disease and my persistent flares all he had to say to that was, "I HAVE NO COMMENT" No comment? WTF do you mean you have no comment about my life!!! At this point I don't trust any of these people but I'm also scared of what might happen to me now if I don't find someone to help me. The last time I was doing well and in remission was when I wasn't under a lot of stress (I was happy even) and I was able to afford to take care of myself on my own and 100% naturally with various natural modalities that I have researched and experimented with over the years but my financial situation is dwindling that I am now not able to work. I only recently went to this Functional MD because I thought she could help me with something that would eradicate these infections once and for all (I taped into my life's savings retirement fund) but so far she has only made my situation worse! I know she offers some sort of SOT but this woman is ridiculous and charges upward of $30,000 dollars for various treatment options just to start and like I said I already spent $8,000 with her and that only landed me in the hospital! I would really appreciate any further information you can provide like what sort of SOT should I consider if I believe I have EBV, HPV, used to have Lyme, currently have active IBD (Crohn's), Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (I'm hoping it's just he hypermobility kind and nothing more serious), I suspect my MCAS is acting up again and also used to have Fibromyalgia, POTs and am currently experiencing chronic fatigue and some throat pain and swollen lymph nodes in my neck area but those have been ok right now for about 2 weeks but my husband is also experiencing some of these symptoms again as well and he's had a ton of these illnesses too, as we probably got them from each other. Keep in mind we had all of this crap under control for nearly a decade until the last 4 years when I think it all became reactivated again due to stress and the other factors I mentioned above. I look forward to your response. Also what is your thoughts on AHCC (Active hexose correlated compound) if it can potentially deactivate HPV in 5-6 months in theraputic doses couldn't it also potentially do the same for EBV and all the symptoms associated with it? Here are some links: And this article here but I'm sure there are medical references as well, I just didn't have time to look the up right now but I will later on this evening: Thank You!
Hello, I am not sure what medical practitioners there are in Canada, but if you contact RGCC North America they can tell you what doctors are affiliated with their lab and direct you to someone who you can see about treatment. +1 (800) 813-1372 - If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to us:
Thank you for useful information. All clinics in Europe stopped doing it and claim it was not so effective. What is the rate of successful cases in your practice?
I'm not sure, but if you contact RGCC directly, you could ask them if they have doctors there that do these types of tests and treatments. Please feel free to email us if you have any more questions:
Very interested for getting this therapy with you. But sometimes your information on treatment efficacy seems conflicting as it goes from"removing some of the virus" to "totally eradicating it out the system". Im sure the treatment is expensive (which is no iissue) but what is your patient success rate for totally eradicating hsv2 from the body, if your programme is followed?
Thank you for your comment and question! Every patient is different and the eradication of a viral infection is a function of many things including overall patient condition, other co-infections such as Lyme bacteria or other viruses. Then there are the issues of patient motivation and tenacity in treatment, patient tolerance, and financial resources. So even just the first issue alone of the infection(s) proves to be difficult to extract hard data such as a "success rate" of total eradication, but I can say that of the patients who have committed to treat with us for HSV2, and any other co-infections because it rarely is just one, they overall experience improvement. I hope this is somewhat helpful to you, and I completely understand wanting to have a certain level of assurance, but I can only really tell you what eradication would look for you if I see you as a patient, and see some blood work etc. When it comes to the human body, there are never any guarantees, but if a patient is committed to wellness, I am right there with them. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at
Sounds like tick borne disease testing not able to pickup anything but acute Lyme and only Lyme and it doesn’t catch that. Perfect test for insurance company.
Dr Kenneth liegner has detailed in his book in the crucible of Lyme that he sent his patients urine to cdc Rocky Mountain labs and they confirmed some high percentage were positive but testing negative on antibody western blot test new new research is showing lyme attacks the immune system dendritic cells Hopkins new research there have been several types of urine analysis developed over the years none fda approved of coarse all the while cdc has a accurate urine analysis crazy stuff.
Good question, the dna needs to be opened, maybe they add something for that or mabye sot is to bind to the single stranded rna the ebv dna is producing.
SOTs do not work on DNA or RNA, they work on miRNA. The SOT targets the miRNA (cytoplasmic 22 base pairs of single stranded oligonucleotide that drives replication of the viral components: The SOT therapy is an infusion of anti-sense oligonucleotides that perfectly bind to the miRNA. Once miRNA is no longer single stranded, it cannot promote replication, nor can it modify gene expression and the virus dies out. The test to assess progress is the PrimeSpot test (RGCC), which is processed in London at BioCentaur Labs. This test identifies and quantifies the amount of EBV left in either the serum or inside the cell. We can certainly follow up with another video that explains this in more detail. Thank you for your question!
@@drvirginiavonschaefer yes that would be amazing thank you. I’ve had chronic EBV for a decade which was misdiagnosed as Lyme, so I’m trying to figure all this out and which direction is best to go in
Ahhh, okay, I see. It would be hard to best direct you without seeing you as a patient and getting the right blood work ups done. If you feel so inclined, email us at or call 949.652.2320 and we can see how best to help you. We will be making more videos at the end of the month so I will certainly do a more in-depth video on how the SOTs work for eradicating EBV. Just know that you have options and there is help for you!
Hello @leonardsimmers4857 , Please call our office M-F 8:30AM-4:30PM PST at 949.652.2320 or email us at You can also visit our website: We look forward to hearing from you and have a beautiful day.
Hello, I'm so sorry you had difficulties. Please email us at and we can set-up a telemedicine call. Thank you. Our website is if you need any further info.
I am a 32 year old male and want to get tested for hpv.Can blood test detect all the strains for hpv.If this is the case it would be life saving for me.
Hello, RGCC has a test called the PrimeSpot, which tests for two strains of HPV--HpV16 & 18-- which are the two carcinogenic strains. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions about this test. Our office # is: 949-652-2320 or you can send us an initial email at
Hi Jeffrey, I'm so sorry somehow I missed this comment. Were you able to get a hold of us at the office? I don't know your last name from here but if you still need an appointment, please call the office (949.652.2320) and ask for Sherry, I will make sure that we get you on the schedule asap. Thank you.
Hello, please feel free to send us an email at to see if we can assist you with access to appropriate testing for your concerns. Thank you.
You can use the RGCC PrimeSpot test for HSV, but we also use VibrantWellness viral titer panel and sometimes we use a more affordable option (i.e. covered by most insurances) from LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics. A SOT treatment can be made from a positive test result from any of these tests. If you have any further questions about testing and treatment options please feel free to reach out to us: Thank you for your inquiry.
Very interesting. I'm currently trying ivermectin to treat viruses. I've been infected by a tick and bullseye 17 years ago as well. So the burden is big. Do you have experience with Ivermectin?
I would say that Ivermectin is not necessarily the best treatment for viruses and/or Lyme strains. Please watch my videos on SOT treatments for eradicating these types of entities as well as light therapy (such Endolaser). For an optimal result you have to treat the inflammation as well as eliminate the unwanted entities with treatments such as listed above (Endolaser, SOT, UVBI). If you have any further questions we are happy to help in any way! You can call our office: 949.652.2320 or email us: We wish you all the best.
In 2014, I had Lyme when I was working on the family farm. It lasted one year and after that I felt wonderful, as always. However, I caught EBV from a party whose culprit I was able to identify. After six months, I am feeling all right but that "kissing disease," was something else again. (See my separate comment that I wrote regarding EBV.) I'm sure that the Covid-19 vaccines has resuscitated EBV that 95 percent of the world population has most of them at a dormant stage.)
Hello, we are in San Clemente, CA. It depends on your insurance, but you are welcome to call the office and we can give you more information: 949.652.2320
Hello, it depends on what chronic disease you have or are asking about. If you would like more information, please email us: Thank you!
“And then focus on how to prevent further infection and be careful about further exposure”. My take away is that this does not cure EBV but kills the cells that are currently effected. And by doing so, it puts it back in hibernation. With that, you should be able to maintain a healthy diet, exercise, etc to prevent the disease from causing issues again. The idea is to heal and to feel better so we can focus on maintaining a healthy life. Most people don’t know that until they are sick.
@@drvirginiavonschaefer it is awesome that you are responding! So was I technically correct with my response? After a successful treatment/protocol, the virus becomes dormant and hides within the nerves instead of the cells? I think a lot of people may be confused that the virus can be completely removed from the body. And not just removed from the cells of the body. This would not be a complete cure to the disease correct?
Hello, I'm so sorry we missed your comment! If you haven't already found the support you need, please let us know how we can help you: or you can call us at: 949.652.2320
It’s amazing how this is not widely known
Before Covid, my daughter had SOT treatments making her symptoms (not from EBV that she didn't have yet) even worse. Her menstruation immediately stopped and sometimes her ovaries would hurt. She paid a lot of money for this treatment not reimbursed by a medical insurance.
In March 2024, I contracted EBV from a loud woman who sat next to me at the table and who already had breast cancer, and her husband brain cancer. A month after that party, I had a sore throat and was constantly tired. Since I'm 76 years old, I attributed the fatigue to my age. However, at the end of April, my daughter started to have the same symptoms as mine and insisted that I infected her with herpes IV. I had no idea what she was talking about as I couldn't have possibly passed her a sexual-transmitted disease. This is when she explained that it was EBV, the "Kissing Disease" that could have been propagated from a loud incumbent whose saliva could have reached someone's drink or plate, like in my case. Furthermore, the host gave me a tequila mixed with alcohol. It made me feel so drunk and sick that I immediately left the party driving carefully as I was afraid of causing any accident that could have immediately taken me to jail. Later, I read that Tequila mixed with beer could provoke serious impairment on the individual.
In July 2024, my energy came back full blast (all my life I have been bursting with energy that would scare some people and I had never been sick besides a short-term Lyme disease symptoms). However, I still have a lingering sore throat vanishing slowly with less and less mucous dripping down to my throat.
I learned from Dr. Kasia Kines' book on EBV that, on the average, it takes 16 months for people to recover from Chronic Active Epstein Barr Virus (CAEBV). The recovery starts from six months to even 38 years! The book subtitle is "The Hidden Undiagnosed Epidemic of a Virus Destroying Millions of Lives through Chronic Fatigue, Autoimmune Disorders, and Cancer." I recommend you read her rather-thick book.
NOTE: I believe that Covid vaccines had opened the doors to EBV, and that we are going to witness Turbo cancers in the future among populations who took these ominous mRNA vaccines probably meant to reduce the world population.
Wow, this is quite the story! Thank you for sharing. What type of SOT treatment did your daughter have? I've never had a patient's symptoms worsen upon receiving a SOT so I'd be curious as to how that happened for your daughter, but that sounds extremely frustrating, especially since she got worse. And yes the treatments are expensive so it's very important to have a full picture of what is going on in the body on a cellular level before treating any one particular entity (virus, bacteria, mold, etc). I hope you are both doing well now.
All.ppl get ebv between 8 and 17 yrs old. I'm certain you had it since a child it stays in the body
@@Esther216 How do you know all people? This is what they want us to believe. I had never been sick as a child. I lived in Vietnam and used to accompany a missionary all time when she was treating leprosy in the jungle. I never got leprosy. In France, I was the skinniest child in the orphanage and while 97 percent of the children would get the flu, nearly every year, I got it only once at the age of 8. Otherwise, I would be among the three children who didn't get sick. It used to make me mad because in France, we, the three healthy children had to go to school in spite of the flu.
By the way, after that party I mentioned above three of us got sick and the woman who spread it around was diagnosed with EBV before we even got sick. That woman had breast cancer before, and her husband brain cancer probably caused by EBV in the first place. We are experiencing turbo cancers lately probably because of the Covid vaccines that have resuscitated EBV, or a disturbing machination caused by the pharmaceutical companies to have us sick.
I'm not vaccinated, in fact I had only one vaccine during my whole life "diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis," when I was expatriated to France at the age of 7. I recovered from EBV, thanks goodness! What's unfortunate is my daughter who has problems to recover from it because she is immune compromised like many other younger people nowadays contrary to my generation who were fed on authentic non-GMO food, were hardly vaccinated, and whose sugar played a minimum role in our diet and all free fruits, berries, fish, seafood were all over the place back then. The only problem we had was the left-over meat with worms sometimes given by the butchers to the orphans. So, we would get ivermectin to get rid of them, the same as I got it in Vietnam plus the daily cod liver oil that I hated and was forced to swallow by the authority who would pinch our noses at the same time.
By the way, in La Rochelle, France, there were American ships stationed there, and the sailors would take us to their big ships. There were beautiful fruits among other things to eat. We were flabbergasted by those big colorful apples. However, when we ate them, we would spit them out and wondered why they tasted so bad compared to the fruits and berries we would pick up along the roads, even the big snails we would collect and leave them in a bucket for three days with no food to get their intestines free of excrements and later cooked them in garlic and butter, a real feast.
This was absolutely amazing to watch and gives us so much hope!
I’ve had EBV for over 13 years and had a few small issues that usually go away on their own. But this time it’s not. My doctors at V.A. didn’t believe me when I told them that I literally felt like I had a virus 🦠 crawling through my body. Headaches, sore throat, lump in throat feeling, severe inner ear pain, salivary gland swelling, etc… This has been going on for over a month and a half straight. They didn’t want to but I insisted they do a HSV-1 and EBV and the Epstein was over 600 on EBV CVA IGG and Antigen EBV AB 249+. Until they saw my results they tried to tell me it was mentality pain that I was feeling and not physical, until they saw my results.
Yes, it is a real thing! I'm so glad you advocated for yourself to get testing done. Treatment is also possible with a SOT that we offer at our clinic (there is a video about this treatment as well). Should you be interested or want more information please contact us at: We are here for you should you need.
@@drvirginiavonschaeferyou are exactly right. I'll be contacting you. I've had almost the exact same symptoms as stated but for close to 17 years. Mine was triggered by a shingles vaccine, Zostavax and my life has been a living hell ever since. It ruined my thyroid and thymus gland, my gut biome, (oral thrush constantly), severe B12 deficiency and on and on. God bless you Virginia. You ARE a Godsend! Thank you!
Caveman, this only gets worse. Much worse. Just wait until your gut biome manifests into oral thrush and candida albicans. BTW, better get your thyroid and B12 checked. Now. You are in for it. Please read my reply to Virginia. God bless you sir and best of luck.
Thanks for this post. I'm only 33 and been dealing with something for over a year now. Lump in throat/feels like swellingalong with phlem, i cant breath properly, ears pop crackle and ring, hair fall out, massive fatigue, achy joints, and food sensitivities to almost everything (not sure how that's related) it's a constant but I also get flare ups with many foods.ive been undagnosable with seeing all the Dr's plus 3 naturopath. I've shown positive on n ANA but thats about it. I've been able to somewhat "control" it with unaged grassfinish beef and a little broccoli I'm just hopeful that this is what I'm dealing with... I did have a positive reactivated ebv but was told that doesn't mean anything or that's not the root of my problem
@@slee7991 OMG. Find a different/better doctor. I'm not going to bother you with what I've been going through for the last 17 years but will tell you that I'd seen many so called "brilliant" specialists that told me I was fine. I finally was diagnosed EBV and CMV, extremely high latent titers, that also caused my thyroid gland to cease working properly and a severe B12 deficiency ( that was also supposedly within the "normal" range which is complete bullshit) and on and on. Save yourself a ton of money and TIME that you will never back, save your most valuable asset as well, your health, and do the SOT test with Virginia or another provider. That test and the treatment are CHEAP compared to what you are faced with. I was quoted about $3k from a provider that works with RGCC. I can tell you with absolute certainty that Virginia is the real deal. This IS the path you want and need. God bless you and good fortune to you. Take ownership of your help and get rid of that ignorant doctor that told you EBV (in any form) doesn't matter.
Looking for assistance with this test & therapy in Australia. EBV & Lyme. I can't find a provider here nor the london website
Hello @lone982 Did you already contact RGCC via their contact form? Sometimes, they can refer a physician based on your location. Here is the link: Dr.V does do on-line initial consults, but of course for actual treatment you would need to be in-person and I know it's such a long way. If there's anything we can do for you, feel free to email us at
Never heard of this wish we had known about this because my husband died of Lymphoblastic Lymphoma in 2014 and had this virus when he was young.. Thanks for sharing this info..
I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
Please let me know where and whom to turn to if I'm in USA . I would like to have a consultation and participate in the healing process...Please It is hard to live . Thank you
Hello, please contact our office at 949.652.2320 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm PST. We would be more than happy to help you in setting up a consultation appointment. Thank you.
Did it work the treatment? @miriambochenek9083
Hi. We are from Oh so when I called they told me we have to be in California for that treatment. With his condition it is barely possible for him to eat a dinner and not to lay down few times. It is sad in USA is so hard to find a doc who can help There are only the protocols ..Signs , symptoms and tons of medication for life so you can poison your self to death. Is that possible to work with someone on a distance and get that info from testing ...and possibly a treatment? Thank you@@drvirginiavonschaefer
Do you have any experience treating patients successfully with hsv?
Yes, I often treat patients with either or both HSV1 and HSV2 successfully. Feel free to email us if you have any further questions:
I have CAEBV for over a year and bedridden 90% of the time. I can’t find anyone to help me. My research has told me the only cure is HSCT, but I’ve called clinics and hospitals who preform this and they don’t treat EBV…. How is this possible? I have to wait until it turns into lymphoma, organ failure, hepatitis or an autoimmune disease until I’m able to qualify for treatment?
There is a non-invasive effective treatment called SOT or supportive oligonucleotide treatment- check the website for free info on this therapy (there is also a video on our channel). If you want individualized treatment plans please contact us to make arrangements to consult with Dr V personally. Our office phone is 949.652.2320 or email: We hope we can be of service to you.
I will be contacting! Thank you so much!
What are the costs of these tests and treatments such as SOT?
I only ask because I've been seeing a Functional MD here in Canada and she has done absolutely nothing for me other than take $8,000 dollars of my money to date for treatments (for Lyme and inflammation). In fact, I suspect I may also have reactivated EBV or maybe even HPV which is what contributed to the inflammation, Lyme, and Crohn's flare that I recently experienced. I also believe it is these underlying infections that all lead to me developing various autoimmune conditions in the first place but of course, most doctors won't listen to me! The stress of the world also flared up some of my illnesses and infections for sure over the last couple of years and no I am not v'ed with that poison!
With all that said and despite paying $8,000, I still ended up in the hospital due to a major Crohn's flare that caused severe malnourishment, over 20lbs of weight loss due to chronic diarrhea, and dehydration that almost killed me! Then I was put on 30 days of steroids to stop the flare and multiple rounds of opioids to control the pain that I was feeling all over my body which up until recently I had never taken any drugs in my entire life, not even over the counter medication for anything, nor have I ever taken antibiotics! So essentially, my Functional MD put me in the worst health position that I have ever been in in my entire life and I was diagnosed with Lyme and Crohn's back in 2008! However, it isn't entirely her fault as I do believe the stress of losing two parents and several friends to the medical establishment and the trauma of that did contribute to my ill health, as well as unfortunately being v injured when I was a child.
However, since then, I also ended up developing a perianal abscess that caused extreme and unbearable pain to the point where I ended up in the ER AGAIN, three times to be exact which is where they had to lance me before I developed anal sepsis. Then that eventually developed into not one but four holes including my biological hole (my anus) that now releases puss, air, and some feces from inside my bowel because I developed multiple fistula tracts. I've been literally living in a nightmarish hell for the last year and can't seem to wake up!
My GI who will not listen to me about anything because I told him multiple times that I think I have an active infection (which is being reactivated by wireless technologies but that is another story together and stress) still wants to put me on Biologics even though you can't go on Biologics to my understanding with an active infection because they may cause serious side effects and cancer! However, he doesn't seem to care what I have to say and still wants me on them anyway because I'm sure he gets paid by big pharma every time he convinces people to go on these injections/infusions. Recently, when I asked him about all this and if there was a possibility that EBV is what led to my Crohn's disease and my persistent flares all he had to say to that was, "I HAVE NO COMMENT" No comment? WTF do you mean you have no comment about my life!!!
At this point I don't trust any of these people but I'm also scared of what might happen to me now if I don't find someone to help me. The last time I was doing well and in remission was when I wasn't under a lot of stress (I was happy even) and I was able to afford to take care of myself on my own and 100% naturally with various natural modalities that I have researched and experimented with over the years but my financial situation is dwindling that I am now not able to work. I only recently went to this Functional MD because I thought she could help me with something that would eradicate these infections once and for all (I taped into my life's savings retirement fund) but so far she has only made my situation worse! I know she offers some sort of SOT but this woman is ridiculous and charges upward of $30,000 dollars for various treatment options just to start and like I said I already spent $8,000 with her and that only landed me in the hospital!
I would really appreciate any further information you can provide like what sort of SOT should I consider if I believe I have EBV, HPV, used to have Lyme, currently have active IBD (Crohn's), Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (I'm hoping it's just he hypermobility kind and nothing more serious), I suspect my MCAS is acting up again and also used to have Fibromyalgia, POTs and am currently experiencing chronic fatigue and some throat pain and swollen lymph nodes in my neck area but those have been ok right now for about 2 weeks but my husband is also experiencing some of these symptoms again as well and he's had a ton of these illnesses too, as we probably got them from each other.
Keep in mind we had all of this crap under control for nearly a decade until the last 4 years when I think it all became reactivated again due to stress and the other factors I mentioned above. I look forward to your response.
Also what is your thoughts on AHCC (Active hexose correlated compound) if it can potentially deactivate HPV in 5-6 months in theraputic doses couldn't it also potentially do the same for EBV and all the symptoms associated with it?
Here are some links:
And this article here but I'm sure there are medical references as well, I just didn't have time to look the up right now but I will later on this evening:
Thank You!
Is this treatment available in Canada or are any specialists aware of it?
Hello, I am not sure what medical practitioners there are in Canada, but if you contact RGCC North America they can tell you what doctors are affiliated with their lab and direct you to someone who you can see about treatment. +1 (800) 813-1372 - If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to us:
Thank you for useful information. All clinics in Europe stopped doing it and claim it was not so effective. What is the rate of successful cases in your practice?
So the answer is mRNA therapy?
Doe anybody if we can find something like this in Latinoamerica? (Peru) thank you
I'm not sure, but if you contact RGCC directly, you could ask them if they have doctors there that do these types of tests and treatments. Please feel free to email us if you have any more questions:
If I have herpes and shingles, does it automatically mean that I also have EBV?
Very interested for getting this therapy with you. But sometimes your information on treatment efficacy seems conflicting as it goes from"removing some of the virus" to "totally eradicating it out the system". Im sure the treatment is expensive (which is no iissue) but what is your patient success rate for totally eradicating hsv2 from the body, if your programme is followed?
Thank you for your comment and question! Every patient is different and the eradication of a viral infection is a function of many things including overall patient condition, other co-infections such as Lyme bacteria or other viruses. Then there are the issues of patient motivation and tenacity in treatment, patient tolerance, and financial resources. So even just the first issue alone of the infection(s) proves to be difficult to extract hard data such as a "success rate" of total eradication, but I can say that of the patients who have committed to treat with us for HSV2, and any other co-infections because it rarely is just one, they overall experience improvement. I hope this is somewhat helpful to you, and I completely understand wanting to have a certain level of assurance, but I can only really tell you what eradication would look for you if I see you as a patient, and see some blood work etc. When it comes to the human body, there are never any guarantees, but if a patient is committed to wellness, I am right there with them. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at
Is this test available in Canada??
Apologies for the delay in responding. If you contact RGCC, they should be able to tell you who their providers are in Canada.
Sounds like tick borne disease testing not able to pickup anything but acute Lyme and only Lyme and it doesn’t catch that. Perfect test for insurance company.
Actually we now have a urine PCR test that does pick up the different strains of Lyme with great accuracy.
Dr Kenneth liegner has detailed in his book in the crucible of Lyme that he sent his patients urine to cdc Rocky Mountain labs and they confirmed some high percentage were positive but testing negative on antibody western blot test new new research is showing lyme attacks the immune system dendritic cells Hopkins new research there have been several types of urine analysis developed over the years none fda approved of coarse all the while cdc has a accurate urine analysis crazy stuff.
Yes tests pick up others
How does SOT make sense if ebv is double stranded?
Good question, the dna needs to be opened, maybe they add something for that or mabye sot is to bind to the single stranded rna the ebv dna is producing.
SOTs do not work on DNA or RNA, they work on miRNA. The SOT targets the miRNA (cytoplasmic 22 base pairs of single stranded oligonucleotide that drives replication of the viral components: The SOT therapy is an infusion of anti-sense oligonucleotides that perfectly bind to the miRNA. Once miRNA is no longer single stranded, it cannot promote replication, nor can it modify gene expression and the virus dies out. The test to assess progress is the PrimeSpot test (RGCC), which is processed in London at BioCentaur Labs. This test identifies and quantifies the amount of EBV left in either the serum or inside the cell. We can certainly follow up with another video that explains this in more detail. Thank you for your question!
@@drvirginiavonschaefer yes that would be amazing thank you. I’ve had chronic EBV for a decade which was misdiagnosed as Lyme, so I’m trying to figure all this out and which direction is best to go in
Ahhh, okay, I see. It would be hard to best direct you without seeing you as a patient and getting the right blood work ups done. If you feel so inclined, email us at or call 949.652.2320 and we can see how best to help you. We will be making more videos at the end of the month so I will certainly do a more in-depth video on how the SOTs work for eradicating EBV. Just know that you have options and there is help for you!
Good day Mam. I also want to get in contact with you regarding my EBV. If that is possible
Hello @leonardsimmers4857 , Please call our office M-F 8:30AM-4:30PM PST at 949.652.2320 or email us at You can also visit our website: We look forward to hearing from you and have a beautiful day.
Did it work the treatment?
Hello! Can I have an appointment with the doctor? I am from Europe, tried to enroll via ur page but unsuccessful.
Hello, I'm so sorry you had difficulties. Please email us at and we can set-up a telemedicine call. Thank you. Our website is if you need any further info.
Did it work the treatment?
I am a 32 year old male and want to get tested for hpv.Can blood test detect all the strains for hpv.If this is the case it would be life saving for me.
Hello, RGCC has a test called the PrimeSpot, which tests for two strains of HPV--HpV16 & 18-- which are the two carcinogenic strains. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions about this test. Our office # is: 949-652-2320 or you can send us an initial email at
@@drvirginiavonschaefer I'm in a similar situation and would like to schedule an appointment for the PrimeSpot test, I have emailed
Hi Jeffrey, I'm so sorry somehow I missed this comment. Were you able to get a hold of us at the office? I don't know your last name from here but if you still need an appointment, please call the office (949.652.2320) and ask for Sherry, I will make sure that we get you on the schedule asap. Thank you.
I need to get tested please?
Hello, please feel free to send us an email at to see if we can assist you with access to appropriate testing for your concerns. Thank you.
what about hsv?
You can use the RGCC PrimeSpot test for HSV, but we also use VibrantWellness viral titer panel and sometimes we use a more affordable option (i.e. covered by most insurances) from LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics. A SOT treatment can be made from a positive test result from any of these tests. If you have any further questions about testing and treatment options please feel free to reach out to us: Thank you for your inquiry.
Very interesting. I'm currently trying ivermectin to treat viruses. I've been infected by a tick and bullseye 17 years ago as well. So the burden is big. Do you have experience with Ivermectin?
I would say that Ivermectin is not necessarily the best treatment for viruses and/or Lyme strains. Please watch my videos on SOT treatments for eradicating these types of entities as well as light therapy (such Endolaser). For an optimal result you have to treat the inflammation as well as eliminate the unwanted entities with treatments such as listed above (Endolaser, SOT, UVBI). If you have any further questions we are happy to help in any way! You can call our office: 949.652.2320 or email us: We wish you all the best.
In 2014, I had Lyme when I was working on the family farm. It lasted one year and after that I felt wonderful, as always. However, I caught EBV from a party whose culprit I was able to identify. After six months, I am feeling all right but that "kissing disease," was something else again. (See my separate comment that I wrote regarding EBV.) I'm sure that the Covid-19 vaccines has resuscitated EBV that 95 percent of the world population has most of them at a dormant stage.)
How do i try this from California? Will insurance pay? Thank you
Hello, we are in San Clemente, CA. It depends on your insurance, but you are welcome to call the office and we can give you more information: 949.652.2320
Did it work the treatment?
how to treat chronic desease?
Hello, it depends on what chronic disease you have or are asking about. If you would like more information, please email us: Thank you!
So hsv serums help hsv
@user-me2zc2pe7x Hello, Dr. ORALBAR here. You just need to eat an ORAL BAR and you will become immortal and will be healed of every virus.
Why did you say to be disease free for a year or two? That means it goes into suppression and comes back out.
“And then focus on how to prevent further infection and be careful about further exposure”.
My take away is that this does not cure EBV but kills the cells that are currently effected. And by doing so, it puts it back in hibernation. With that, you should be able to maintain a healthy diet, exercise, etc to prevent the disease from causing issues again.
The idea is to heal and to feel better so we can focus on maintaining a healthy life. Most people don’t know that until they are sick.
You can eradicate the virus on a cellular level, BUT if you are exposed again it could become an issue again.
@@drvirginiavonschaefer it is awesome that you are responding! So was I technically correct with my response? After a successful treatment/protocol, the virus becomes dormant and hides within the nerves instead of the cells? I think a lot of people may be confused that the virus can be completely removed from the body. And not just removed from the cells of the body. This would not be a complete cure to the disease correct?
How can I contact u I really need help
Hello, I'm so sorry we missed your comment! If you haven't already found the support you need, please let us know how we can help you: or you can call us at: 949.652.2320
Lyme disease is not the real issue
Human Papovavirus? I think you mean Human Papillomavirus, eh, Doc?