兰州人家庭版正宗兰州牛肉面的做法~详尽菜谱步骤等你来看哦,好吃的兰州牛肉拉面就被你做出啦|Lanzhou beef noodles, recipe& steps & tips

  • Опубликовано: 30 янв 2025
  • 这期兰州牛肉面的视屏真是一拍脑子就在周末的晚上拍完啦
    兰州牛肉拉面其实很家常~快学吧~ 不学的话 收藏一下也不亏哦
    I've made this video of Lanzhou beef noodles without even thinking about it last Sunday night
    The detailed recipe and steps are at the end of each of my video
    This dish is easy to make and to learn~ or you could also save this video for later use!
    Full recipe:
    Ingredients:(one serve)
    Beef 380g or even more
    Chicken (Optional) 1
    Spices (Star anise, cinnamon, cumin, bay leaf, grass fruit, clove…)
    Chill oil
    160g all-purpose flour(or high-gluten )
    90ml water
    A pinch of salt
    Vegetable oil
    Serve Suggestions:
    Better to serve with some vinegar and don’t forget to drink the soup
    Steps:Add a large amount of beef & chicken, spices, green onion and ginger into water
    Skim the foam let cook for 40min using pressure cooker or even longer than that
    Chop white radish into 1/4 round thickness:2mm
    Chop the green onions garlic sprouts and corianders
    Thicken and season the beef soup, soak the radish slices in
    Mix water, flour and salt
    Let the dough sit for 30min and knead 100 times
    Repeat this step for 3 times
    Flatten the dough to a thickness of 0.5cm
    Brush oil on each side of the dough and sit with a plastic wrapper for another 30min
    Cut then pull the dough while boiling them
    Till there is still a little bit white core inside the noodle, let them out
    Pour the soup on with other ingredients
    Music :
    Rainbow Rice bit.ly/37Ud2pI promoted by DayDreamSound • Video
    Song : Ikson - Dear Autumn / ikson

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