How to Build your Call Sheet - Kenny Simpson

  • Опубликовано: 23 янв 2022
  • Kenny Simpson explains his process for building his call sheet each week, with a walk-through of what his looks like and how you can do that same.
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    So once we do our practices, okay, we're going to take that. And now we're going to start building our call sheet off of that, and our call sheet. To me, there's a lot of flavors of call sheets, again, I'm going to show you my full one, we're going to kind of focus on the redzone. But it is important that you go through this and go through the process, you know, whether you have a full Denny's menu, like Andy Reid does, or you have a little notepad, like all those spread guys do, you know, whatever it is, you need to kind of work through that process as a play caller. So basically, what that forces you to do is call the game in your head. So the first video you watched, we had practice that I had to call that in my head, I knew when we got down, and that's what we were going to do. And so going through that is important. So you need to experience designing that game plan. And this is going to change every week, or some things will stay on there are constant, you're kind of gimmicks, maybe you're two point plays, you're kind of stuff like that, but for us, our red zone plays will change. We use will update this throughout the week. So basically, I'll plug in a bunch of stuff on Sunday night, after we leave our coach's meeting. So I kinda know what I think I'm going to do, we're going to wrap that stuff on Monday and Tuesday, go through it and go, we like this. We like this, we didn't like this. I don't know why I didn't think about this, but it needs to go in. And so we're hoping Wednesday practice. So Wednesday, we'll we're running through that red zone period, or red zone slash goal line period, we are running the plays, we're going to run in the game. And then we're going to run the exact same plays on Thursday. And you see here, we're what we want to have our third downs, there's our red zone again, and then basically our opening script. So we can practice it not just one day, but two days, and feel pretty good about it, I'm not going to get into my opening scripts a little bit different than most coaches. So I'm not really going to get into all of that. But the idea is, for this one red zone, we want to focus where we can run our red zone plays on Wednesday, that we know we're going to run in the game, clean them up, run them again on Thursday. So by the time you get to Friday, your kids have more than likely run those same plays, potentially four to five times, and their account they're comfortable with, you're going to do. Alright, little overwhelming here, I tried to highlight the areas we're going to focus on here. But this is what my call sheet looks like on the back. Okay, so we can kind of ignore the right, just so you're aware, the right is basically opening play script and notes and that kind of stuff. The middle section for me is always about who to get the ball to so because you can see all this stuff in here, but there at the bottom, that's our heavy, so our heaviest kind of our goal line package. So whatever that flavor is for you. And I'm going to show you what we do. Here's where you would come in and kind of go through, these are the things we want to run out of this goal line package, you know, and we had down just five, you know, it's a small grouping of plays, but it's such a unique package that we run, we don't feel we need a whole lot there. So we got them all marked down there, I can go find them. You come over here to the left. Now we're working situations. So you can see drive starters, two minute drill, all that kind of stuff. Okay. Then you see over here on red zone, as we're talking about, these are the plays we like as we get to the red zone. And again, I'm going to kind of go through the plays that I like in another section. But I just wanted to show Hey, we have it here. And if you look, we were using armbands that year. So I've not only marked play, I've also come over here and marked it on the band. So when you're in that kind of moment of panic, you can go through and find the play real quickly. And then we have our two point plays that we liked for that week. This week, it was a playoff game. So, you know, we had basically the certain players that we knew we were going to go to fire our next point field goal we had scouted them. So it's not really an offensive play. But we knew that they didn't want a pro over blocking and field goal. I think we ran it the first time and got it then you have shot plays. To me shot plays a lot of times for us are getting run in the low red zone or inside high red zone, kind of that 30 yard line, the first time that defense decides
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