(Part/Osa 2) Finnish Americans tell us what immigration is

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • A 18 minute video (Part 1 & 2) documenting interviews of second- to fourth-generation Finnish Americans who give their insight on immigration.

Комментарии • 83

  • @juhatauriainen2169
    @juhatauriainen2169 9 месяцев назад +2

    It would be interesting to hear the stories of these people now, after some 12 years or so.

  • @Silverwings1234
    @Silverwings1234 3 года назад +2

    My precious Finnish family ! Every single one of them! God bless them, my cousins, aunt and uncles! #Finnishsisu

  • @jimdavis8391
    @jimdavis8391 10 лет назад +14

    Finland is a lovely country.

    • @erichani1
      @erichani1 11 месяцев назад

      Finland looks very clean too I love to go to finland

  • @markandrews5569
    @markandrews5569 8 лет назад +9

    Lets not forget that when talking about ancestors of the past they did not have the benefits of todays immigrants (medical, unemployment, bilingual, welfare, etc..)

  • @perkeleensotasika
    @perkeleensotasika 12 лет назад +3

    Maahanmuuttoahan on monenlaista ja tuskinpa kellään on työperästä maahanmuuttoa mitään vastaan, mutta sitten on nämä parrakkaat "sotalapset" ja kun sitä kritisoi niin sitten leimataan kokonaan maahanmuutto vastaiseksi.

    • @smiauu
      @smiauu 4 года назад

      älä poika jaksa jauhaa paskaa. ihmisiä me kaikki ollaan

  • @jani3106
    @jani3106 6 лет назад +6

    Did The finns get all social benefits when moving to America?Did another groups get the "all inclusive" free treatments when immigrating just were they wanted? that we are giving now to the mostly muslmin men 16-45yr old who are coming here and receive all free healt care, theeth are fixed Even with gold because "it is in their culture." There has been 20000-50000euro operations on immigrants theeth. I go to work and pay all of these with My taxes and cannot Even afford a private dentist to fix my own few theeth so most finns have to go to The citys non private healthcare center and have to wait at least 3months for one 30min Time to the dentist exept If you are in great pain they Will fix The main issue quite fast but all other thooths are not noticed at all. We give them free housing and all furniture and everything that person could ever need. All brand new. Tv's bikes,computers,phones.. new phones because they all have smartphones when arriving and new brand clothes but The passports has always ended up in the ocean or vanished somewhere else after traveling and having fun for a quite while in many EU countries posting their party pics on Facebook... 3/4 age tested had lied their age to Be younger cos its better to Be under 18 right? Of course. We cannot compare in anyway The situation when finns moved to America and supported themselfs! And in Sweden. The finns went to work to the factories in Sweden cos they could not find enough swedish workers who would do the hard work. Nowdays all we have is people moving there where the free money is handed out for doing nothing and no reason to go to work because the money they get is pretty much the same so why the hell go to work.

    • @venkkooo
      @venkkooo Год назад

      When most finns went to Minnesota, they were shunned, and became like the irish.
      You could find bars with "No finns" signs on them at the time.

  • @alsatiancousin2905
    @alsatiancousin2905 Месяц назад

    The lady at the start of the clip, quite eloquently puts the immigration issue into words. Have an open mind, understand that immigration can bring a lot, but at the same time not allowing exploitation. Of course, this is the tricky part.

  • @erichani1
    @erichani1 11 лет назад +4

    We are all emigrants we should all get along people look what out ancestors went through when they came to the states

  • @Frosmad
    @Frosmad 12 лет назад +3

    1:40 mukavan olonen mummo mut valitettavasti noi sen puheet ei oo kyllä kauheen järkeenkäyviä. Varsinkaan toi usan maahanmuuttotilanteen vertaaminen suomen nykyiseen ei oikeen toimi.

  • @Teksasissa
    @Teksasissa 12 лет назад +4

    You are saying that USA does not have its own culture and customs. This statement shows great ignorance!

  • @TonTos.Tomahawk
    @TonTos.Tomahawk 5 лет назад +3

    At least the guy at the end speak truth.

  • @BrianJuntunen
    @BrianJuntunen 6 лет назад +11

    I can't remember Finns blowing things up and shooting up nightclubs, sorry.

  • @kivinen1
    @kivinen1 12 лет назад +1

    Could you please put the link to this "part 2" into the "part 1" video?

  • @sirpajaaskelainen560
    @sirpajaaskelainen560 6 лет назад +3

    In the 70´s - 80´s Finland took refugees from Vietnam and everything was great. Now they are coming from places, mostly from Africa, for the belief that we have better income. Our unemployment is high, so it takes a lot of strain for finish people, I have heard many times that most people don´t want to work just take the social money. There are courses and courses for foreign people and i feel that we are not so important. I am an immigrant child from Australia, they needed labor in the 60´s and my parents found jobs, for personal reasons had to move back to Finland. As Olli said 4 years ago it is not racism, but people that are leaching to us!

    • @ThePerksdeLeSarcasmeSiorai
      @ThePerksdeLeSarcasmeSiorai 5 лет назад +4

      sirpa jääskeläinen As a Vietnamese American, I’d like to clarify that those Vietnamese refugees from the 1980s were and definitely still are very grateful to any country that took them in (whether it is the United States, Canada, Germany, Nordic countries, and Japan, etc). Many went on to integrate into any society they moved to and took part in creating vibrant communities abroad. The Vietnamese can assimilate so easily and willingly that their children from the second and third generations often lose the ability to speak the Vietnamese language fluently. My cousins cannot speak Vietnamese but they can understand everything perfectly so there’s no way I can badmouth them behind their backs 😂 . There are still the newly arrivals who complain about everything but I almost always school them and constantly remind them to be grateful that they have the chance to live in America. Nevertheless, the so-called “refugees” and “immigrants” you describe only seem to leech off from taxpayers’ money and they are ungrateful parasites. Believe it or not, the majority of us Vietnamese hate those who rely on government handouts (there’s an ongoing joke in Vietnamese community against those who live on welfare on purpose) and hence, many vote Republican. Protecting your culture isn’t racism. Many white people from North America and Europe move to Asia but they do not receive benefits from those governments and they certainly aren’t imposing their cultures. I wonder why can’t Scandinavian countries do the same. I always admire Finland’s education system but it seems like political correctness has corroded education and common sense. Still, you need to take back your country and deport those who don’t even have an ounce of respect toward Finnish culture and people. They don’t deserve to live in Finland.

  • @vakoniemi
    @vakoniemi 3 года назад +1

    So true

  • @petrusinvictus3603
    @petrusinvictus3603 6 лет назад +3

    Come on! Join the Nordics! Even Scotland will come back!

  • @thedudefromrobloxx
    @thedudefromrobloxx 12 лет назад +1

    Mukavaa katto vidoeita jotka amerikkalaiset on tehnyt, en tiiä miks

  • @tariqkhader6196
    @tariqkhader6196 Год назад +1

    Comparing the Europeans who came to the USA circa 1880 with Africans and Asians who migrate now is ridiculous.

    • @Taiga300
      @Taiga300 Год назад

      How come? I think you are just prejudiced, that's all.

    • @tariqkhader6196
      @tariqkhader6196 Год назад

      @Milla yes I am, however I'm also correct

    • @Taiga300
      @Taiga300 Год назад

      @@tariqkhader6196 ok then whatever you say i guess

    • @stch1976
      @stch1976 2 месяца назад

      @@Taiga300 You know exactly why so sit your ass down.

  • @erichani1
    @erichani1 11 месяцев назад

    Finland has two official languages Swedish finnish

    • @Ranta-Hurri
      @Ranta-Hurri 3 месяца назад

      ja 4% kansasta on äidinkieleltään ruotsinkielisiä eli virallimen kaksikielisyys on keinotekoista ja ylimitoitettua.
      Suomessa on myös 3 eri saamen kieltä.
      Pohjoisruotsi on alkujaan täysin suomenkieleistä aluetta, mutta ruotsalaiset ovat tehneet kielen olemassa olon niin vaikeaksi, että sekin on sieltä suurimmalta osin hävinnyt.
      Ruotsalaisten suhtautuminen suomenkieleen on aina ollut hyvin väheksyvä ja kielteinen, näin on edelleen.

  • @FinnishPagan
    @FinnishPagan 11 лет назад +1

    Kyllä! Täytyy puolustaa isänmaata vihaajia vastaan.

    • @smiauu
      @smiauu 4 года назад +1

      täytyy ottaa maahanmuuttajat avoimesti vastaan. 4:20 alkaa tämän pätkän ehdottomasti fiksuin puheenvuoro

  • @ristuksenvittu
    @ristuksenvittu 5 лет назад +1

    Immigration is nothing new in Usa. USA was actually built on immigration and nothing will change that. I am a native Finn and i speak Finnish as my first language and i live in Finland so the immigration is kind of a new thing. Still in the 90s you would not see a single immigrant unless you lived in Helsinki but nowadays you see all the colors on the street in most of the cities here. And i must say that i dont give a damn about the color of the skin but political and religious beliefs kind of scare me. I am an atheist myself and i do accept people believing in gods, angels and such but the other beliefs like women being subhumans or death sentence for being a homosexual are not my cup of tea. I just want all people to be equal but islam is an extremely racist religion and i do not like that.

    • @smiauu
      @smiauu 4 года назад

      sut on aivopesty pelkäämään islamia. kannattaa ottaa asiasta selvää ennenkun jaat eteenpäin oikeiston vihapuhetta

  • @herrkukk5962
    @herrkukk5962 12 лет назад

    this is true, girls do that... that's how we (I'm from Sweden) got Assange ;)

  • @sirpajaaskelainen560
    @sirpajaaskelainen560 6 лет назад +1

    Everything has changed, how much can we take, if soon we cant even feed our own native people!

  • @Osvaldium
    @Osvaldium 12 лет назад

    jos sinulla on suomen kansalaisuus niin olet Suomalainen lain mukaan eikös vain?

    • @Ranta-Hurri
      @Ranta-Hurri 3 месяца назад

      Miten tämä taiteilija on voinut saada suomen kansalaisuuden? ei osannut suomea ja tuskin edes asunut suomessa?

  • @fshopnil
    @fshopnil 12 лет назад

    Waiting for finnish passport..the day when i get it.....then move from here ri8 away...like other forigners do!!!

  • @anu83
    @anu83 12 лет назад

    No minun mielestä voit kutsua itseäsi Suomalaiseksi.... sillä sulla on juuret täällä... Mutta sulla on myös siteitä Israeliin... Ole ylpeä juuristasi :)

  • @helloimbanned
    @helloimbanned 11 лет назад

    Mexicans with indigenous blood are Aztec and Mayan, Below Mexico City, Yucatan and Central America.... you belong there.
    The lost territories where part of the Spanish Empire, not the aztec or mayan civilization, So you are supporting Spain. ._.

  • @Peccath
    @Peccath 12 лет назад

    Matilla on kyllä pirun tyylikäs aksentti puheessa :)

  • @dnlgberry
    @dnlgberry 12 лет назад

    Are Finns Scandinavians?

  • @petrusinvictus3603
    @petrusinvictus3603 6 лет назад

    Pretty good english speaking come to Helsinki UN. Almost free (180 euros per year), and if you get the nationality, free healthcare and so one. I spent a year in suburbia Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Finland, the Socialstate, as Sweden, Norwey, Denmark and even Germany and France..

  • @FinnishPagan
    @FinnishPagan 11 лет назад +4

    Finnish Pride and Finnish Honour!

  • @spoonysmalls
    @spoonysmalls 12 дней назад

    Donald Trump heard the call. Maga 24

  • @MikuHatsune12
    @MikuHatsune12 12 лет назад

    täysin totta / completely true.

  • @pyllywaltteri
    @pyllywaltteri 12 лет назад

    tyttärestä kyllä polvi parantunu

    @MCH4RSK1HCPAALLIKKO 12 лет назад

    I guess you have noticed but we dont live in 1950's america anymore, and having sex without being married is quite accepted already. Unless if you live in islamic country or something else shit like that.
    One of my friends that visited america pretty much said samething about girls over there, and if you didnt get girl from bar you could always pick one from the streets.
    Well, here in nordic countrys girls has to go thru medical exams to "confirm" that she got raped.

  • @fshopnil
    @fshopnil 12 лет назад

    No problem for americans in finland! finns love white americans a lot!! they get always better jobs then other foreigners!!

  • @erichani1
    @erichani1 10 лет назад +1

    we're hispanics we have pride too lol

  • @liupengcheng9030
    @liupengcheng9030 9 лет назад

    suomi mainittu

  • @erichani1
    @erichani1 10 лет назад +3

    and also finland is the most highest drinking country

    • @erichani1
      @erichani1 10 лет назад

      Peter Arponen i have a right to speak my mind this is home of the free land i can talk about my opinion anytime i want but not only finland has the highest drinking country mexico germany too have the highest drinking country

    • @erichani1
      @erichani1 8 лет назад

      +Al Charmantic ok will do i want to visit finland flight to expensive but got yo save up

    • @erichani1
      @erichani1 8 лет назад

      +Al Charmantic visit finland tourist

    • @mikabjorninen820
      @mikabjorninen820 2 года назад

      You got it all wrong.every Finn i know from Finland is an alki including myself.Many came to Canada in 1970. Kävin kotimaassa 5 kertaa viime 10 vuotta.kyllà on asiat muuttuneet voihan perkele! Halusin muuttaa takasin Kotkaan. Tämä ajatus on vaihtunut .katson eteenpäin miten se menee.vaikka lopetin alkoholin jo vuonna 1996 vielä pelottaa että jos tulis kotiin ehkä se pullo tarttus takas käteen jos elämä vaihtuu siellä huonommaksi.Kaikille oikein hyvää Joulua ja onnellista uuttavuotta .Peace all races.we all get along in Canada.God bless!

    • @erichani1
      @erichani1 2 года назад

      @@mikabjorninen820 I’ve never been to finland