UK ‘could join’ a two-tiered EU, even after Brexit | Olivier Costa

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 547

  • @kostasaivaliotis1888
    @kostasaivaliotis1888 11 месяцев назад +14

    I spent the whole summer traveling europe . Nobody on yhe continent is talking about Brexit or Britain. Europe has moved on, as far as Britain re entering yhe EU? Its a pipe dream and never going to happen.

  • @ladyyunalesca7613
    @ladyyunalesca7613 11 месяцев назад +25

    It's so funny how the EU lives rent free in the heads of Brexiteers but when you address EU thinkers about their plans they have given zero consideration to the UK 😂

    • @josefinenilsson8059
      @josefinenilsson8059 11 месяцев назад +5

      Of course not. Why would they?

    • @ab-ym3bf
      @ab-ym3bf 11 месяцев назад +4

      Can you explain your thinking of why the EU should take into account a specific 3rd country when discussing internal reforms?

  • @Simon-zb6fp
    @Simon-zb6fp 11 месяцев назад +14

    A load of nonsense. The EU and more particularly the European Commission has far more important issues to deal with at the moment. Frankly they are all fed up with the UK and its Brexit and further negotiations are to pluck a phrase from Barack Obama "At the back of the queue!"

    • @aion5837
      @aion5837 11 месяцев назад

      Cameron told Obama to say that. I don't want to go back to the dictatorship of the EU. So, stop asking us to do that. The EU economy is crumbling and there is no motivation to control endless mass immigration from Africa. Millions are on the move. What-cha-gonna do? Force member states to accept millions? Your day is OVER.

    • @raymondadams7570
      @raymondadams7570 11 месяцев назад

      i hate the eu

  • @maartenaalsmeer
    @maartenaalsmeer 11 месяцев назад +23

    Pfff, the "Swiss deal" argument again. The EU stated numerous times that this kind of construction will not be available for any country, anymore. The EU is neither a buffet nor a revolving door. You're either in, or out. And the UK chose to be out. If/ when it wants back in: please follow the instruction manual called: EU Article 49. No special deals, no cherry-picking. Get used to it, UK.

    • @malthusXIII-fo3ep
      @malthusXIII-fo3ep 10 месяцев назад

      Cherry EU confiscating UK fishing territories.

    • @Carlos12330
      @Carlos12330 4 месяца назад

      Fully agree with you,I’m a remainer rejoinder never wanted to to leaver whatever the current tag is, I always wanted to be fully integrated including having the Euro,no one has ever given me a valid argument against being a fully integrated participating member of the EU , I loved being in the EU and hate being an outsider 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 4 месяца назад

      @@malthusXIII-fo3ep Nope, the UK still has access to EU waters as well! Its all part of the negotiated T&CA!

    • @malthusXIII-fo3ep
      @malthusXIII-fo3ep 4 месяца назад

      @@bryangeake5826 Yes,...UK has access to 100,000 tonnes of fish in EU waters whereas they take 700,000 tonnes of fish from UK waters!. Very one-sided deal eh? Because UK waters have the richest stocks on the planet and EU waters have all been fished out due to EU/French overfishing.
      UK fishing industry decimated by 1980 thanks to the EEC disaster And our own arrogant, failed, cowardly liberal elites responsible for decades of decay and decline. Thank God Maggie sorted it all out.

  • @Michael_from_EU_Germany
    @Michael_from_EU_Germany 11 месяцев назад +47

    To Olivier Costa:
    You seem to have forgotten that the EU tried to put all the mini deals with Switzerland into one treaty, to save on constant renegotiating effort.
    The EU has clearly stated that they will not engage in a series of mini deals with UK.
    The EU has made it clear that these 'special solutions' will no longer be offered.

    • @NonFlyiingDutchman
      @NonFlyiingDutchman 11 месяцев назад +6

      The EU is constantly evolving

    • @michaeltravers6109
      @michaeltravers6109 11 месяцев назад +6

      The UK wanted a HARD BREXIT, but now it seems you want a SOFT BREXIT. 😂

    • @Michael_from_EU_Germany
      @Michael_from_EU_Germany 11 месяцев назад +14

      @@NonFlyiingDutchmanWhich is also better and faster without the UK.

    • @NonFlyiingDutchman
      @NonFlyiingDutchman 11 месяцев назад

      @@Michael_from_EU_Germany so give some examples of what is better now?

    • @ralphclark
      @ralphclark 11 месяцев назад

      @@michaeltravers6109the UK didn’t want Brexit. Some criminals did, and they persuaded everybody with an IQ below 60 to support them.

  • @strangetrip837
    @strangetrip837 11 месяцев назад +16

    Why on earth would the EU waste time on the UK? Five minutes after Starmer meeting the squabbling in Britain began. Who would believe the UK is genuine? Thankfully we in Scotland may have a better option as fully committed Europeans.

    • @adamsimmons631
      @adamsimmons631 11 месяцев назад

      So Independence is breaking away from the UK and becoming a minor state in the EU? I'd hardly call that Independence

    • @tenniskinsella7768
      @tenniskinsella7768 11 месяцев назад

      Well y have to be independent for thay

  • @julianshepherd2038
    @julianshepherd2038 11 месяцев назад +44

    EU seem to be happy with the deal they have and it only takes 1 country to veto the UK.

    • @ancietman
      @ancietman 11 месяцев назад +5

      The EU will agree to nothing unless it benefits the EU. If Starmer does some kind of deal with the EU it will mean it benefits the EU which usually means it won't benefit Britain.

    • @prophetsnake
      @prophetsnake 11 месяцев назад +8

      @@ancietman Magnificent demonstration of the sort of idiocy that got you to where you are today. Well done.

    • @hajotge12
      @hajotge12 11 месяцев назад +2

      Yes, GB decided to leave the EU (which GB benefited from in an unproportional rate) and should get their stuff together and only then approach the EU like other non-EU countries like Norway or Sitzerland. GB needs to get their stuff together. @@ancietman

    • @MeiinUK
      @MeiinUK 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@hajotge12 : I would love for UK to become like Norway or Switzerland... but it takes time... and I am not sure that it is possible either. Not really. Cos then you are looking at UK trying to become an actual Singapore... reversed itself.

    • @ralphclark
      @ralphclark 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@ancietman that’s not so. Until the ERG shot themselves and the whole country in the face., Britain enjoyed better terms than anybody else. And yet everybody else still saw the benefits of membership. When we rejoin it will be on more equal terms and we will still benefit. We are better together.

  • @antonioguerreiro1615
    @antonioguerreiro1615 11 месяцев назад +5

    we do not want you back thanks !! the EU does not need hate island

  • @saba1030
    @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +14

    The only reform laying on the EUs table is the "one voice voting system", which the EU would like to convert into a "majority voting rights" s system...before more members are joining...

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад

      This entire report is basically fictional, as the speaker admits at the beginning. He does not represent the EU in any capacity, and no EU politician has approved the fictional plan his fictional group has dreamed up.

  • @verttikoo2052
    @verttikoo2052 10 месяцев назад +2

    One more thing… UK is now Persona non grata. UK tried to brake down the EU. UK is still trying to brake down the EU. We will not forget that. UK application to join will be vetoed 28 times. (Norway being first. They already did it. UK can’t join the EFTA)

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад

      I agree. But it is spelled break, not brake.

    • @verttikoo2052
      @verttikoo2052 10 месяцев назад

      @@deannilvalli6579 I blame the spillchecker 🤔

  • @Sweedtrader
    @Sweedtrader 11 месяцев назад +4

    No member state of the EU will ever allow themselves to be put into a second tier membership, concentric circles of core, 2nd tier and 3rd tier will never work as a concept. It is plain to see why the French and German governments has yet to approve this report and never will, it is dead on arrival.

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад

      I like how he admits at the very beginning that "they did not endorse our solution". Basically, this is a completely false story, and Times Radio trying to sell this as reality is fraud.

  • @loracle540
    @loracle540 11 месяцев назад +8

    We need 50 years before another referendum and then the remainers said that the barrier for 2016 should have been 70% (or perhaps memory will have dimmed by the time the 50 years is up).

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад

      uk will be destryed if you wait 50 years

    • @chaoscorsair
      @chaoscorsair 11 месяцев назад +1

      Unfortunately, the Leave campaign set the standard for what lies can be told and still stay legitimate. It'll be 50% like last time and could happen in as little as 15 years (once in a generation).😂

    • @grahamthomson6969
      @grahamthomson6969 11 месяцев назад +1

      We can do any type of referendum we like , whenever we like.

  • @vibrusi
    @vibrusi 11 месяцев назад +10

    The UK left, please don't comeback!

  • @jackpayne4658
    @jackpayne4658 11 месяцев назад +10

    The UK does not have an exceptional number of talented people, or vast reserves of natural resources, or ground-breaking technology, or any other justification for its exceptionalism. It is a medium-sized nation with various strengths and weaknesses - just like most other nations. Unfortunately, it might take several decades before the public accepts this blindingly obvious fact. Meanwhile, we'll try every trick in the book to maintain the fantasy of superiority - down to the last Lincolnshire turnip.

    • @Doggle85
      @Doggle85 11 месяцев назад +3

      Nobody has ever suggested that the UK is exceptional. It's remainers who think that the UK is so exceptional that, unlike the 88 per cent of countries around the world that are not in the EU and somehow manage to trade and survive, for some unfathomable reason we can't do that.

    • @MeiinUK
      @MeiinUK 11 месяцев назад

      So Germany headhunting all the skilled people from all over the world and not making them proper citizens or to promote them is also fairness then ? Wait until those discrimination cases start to trigger.... Cos it is already in the waiting. And people aren't having babies either. So yeh... how long are you guys going to hold out ??? While at the very least UK is inceasing their population, which means taxes.. and can edge into a further future.

    • @adamsimmons631
      @adamsimmons631 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@Doggle85well said.

    • @georgesdelatour
      @georgesdelatour 11 месяцев назад +1

      The idea there’s such a thing as a statistically average country is far more ridiculous than the idea that one’s own country is unique or “exceptional”.
      There are countries with less than 12,000 people, countries with over a billion people; landlocked countries, island countries, continent-spanning countries; countries brimming with natural resources, countries with barely any; you name it. Europe alone includes everything from San Marino to Russia. Is Germany a “normal” or an “exceptional” country, for instance, and what would be the criteria you’d use to determine its normalcy score?
      Within the UK, both Scotland and Northern Ireland have arrangements which are exceptional. The same people who tend to sneer at “English exceptionalism” often support these other exceptionalisms. Apparently they’re the good kind of exceptionalism.
      Every country is in a different physical location from every other country. And different locations give different possibilities. Tiny Iceland has not joined the EU, not because they think they’re as important a country as the USA or China, but because they regard the cod around their island as theirs alone, and they don’t want to share fishing access to it equally with 27 other countries. If they were a landlocked country like Hungary, this wouldn’t be an issue. Similarly, Norway has not joined the EU, largely because they are Europe’s only major energy exporter (apart from Russia). If they joined, they might be subject to an EU energy policy which prioritised the interests of energy importers.
      The UK is one of only two countries in Europe with a Common Law legal system, and it’s understandable that we might be more attached to ours than Ireland is to its. EU homogenisation inevitably re-writes our Common Law dispensation into a Civil Law dispensation. It's not delusional to prefer Common Law.
      The greatest “exceptionalist” politician of the entire postwar era was Charles De Gaulle. No UK PM comes close. It’s fascinating to ask why French hyper-exceptionalism could be made compatible with the homogenising supranationalism of the EEC/EU, but no such bargain was possible with the UK.

    • @kalfac8671
      @kalfac8671 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@Doggle85So survival has now become the benchmark by which Brexit fantasists now judge their doomed project. That's some distance from those sunlit uplands, isn't it?

  • @kerryburns6041
    @kerryburns6041 11 месяцев назад +7

    Calling Europe, calling Europe, do you all trust the British government ...?
    HELLO ..........?

  • @user-kn6et8bb2d
    @user-kn6et8bb2d 11 месяцев назад +3

    There will be no more cherry picking available. Norway, Switzerland and Iceland are lucky to be in the EER (Europese Economische Ruimte), but chances are little anyone else will ever be allowed to join that. It's all or nothing. And honestly, I don't think there is enough support in neither the EU nor the UK for the UK to apply for membership. Politics in the UK have proven to be far too unstable to meet the minimum standards and citizens + politicians of the UK are in majority just too arrogant and entitled to be nice company. I think best for you would be to mourn your self-inflicted pain and then move forward alone, as norm-free and value-free as you want to be.

  • @johndevoy5792
    @johndevoy5792 11 месяцев назад +12

    The EU will evolve, strengthen and deepen - no doubt about that, and the UK will watch from without for at least a generation. Indeed, it needs come to terms with its own inconsistencies and divisions, be they Tory/Lab mindset, North, 'red-wall' /south 'home counties', the poor grasp too many have of their EU neighbours, the postion of Scotland, not to mention the inevitable drift of NI into the RoI...etc etc. Regardless of that, as a citizen (senior!) with much experience of other EU member states I detect v. little interest in entertaining a dysfunctional uK back into any 'tier,' let alone becoming a member again. The uK needs time to allow how it sees itself AND its neighbours to develop and change.

    • @charlyvanbuuren2947
      @charlyvanbuuren2947 11 месяцев назад +1

      Wise words!

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад +2

      sadly though the longer the uk is outside the eu the more damage is done to its economy

    • @aion5837
      @aion5837 11 месяцев назад

      We have a world to trade with.@@ireneoconnor4758

    • @aion5837
      @aion5837 11 месяцев назад

      How do you know? The EU will face crisis after crisis and member states know that. Several are speaking openly about leaving the EU. Dream on.

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад +1

      Very good analysis. I can't disagree with anything.
      The only thing to point out is that the EU simply does not have "tiers". This idea may be floated by some thinktanks who are mainly hoping to expand their markets, but the fact is that there is zero provision for this in the existing treaties which make up the basis of the EU. So without major, expensive, time-consuming negotiations and the writng and ratifying of new treaties, it is not going to happen.

  • @snezdimi6695
    @snezdimi6695 11 месяцев назад +16

    We need a saving face excuse to join EU just like Putin needs for ending thewar. We embaressed ouselves with the imperial nostalgia and now poorer and disfunctional...

    • @valkyriedd5849
      @valkyriedd5849 11 месяцев назад

      blah, blah, blah. You're the embarrassment and the EU is in a mess, France is burning, Italy is being overrun, Germany is in recession and every EU country is poorer. We had a lucky escape.

    • @valkyriedd5849
      @valkyriedd5849 11 месяцев назад +7

      @@attasoa oh, so nice to hear some Kremlin propaganda from someone with no grip on reality.😂😂😂

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@valkyriedd5849 Sure....
      apart from all those crumbling raac buildings, potholes in the roads, disappearing NHS converting into a private health system US style, food banks for hospital staff at hospitals, stripped down protection of labourship, environment, banking etc, sewage in all British waters.... yeahh, a real advantage since Brexsh£t... greetings 🤣
      Greetings from the EU27 (which is collapsing again since decades at any minute) 😁😎

  • @profdrrameshkumarbiswas1337
    @profdrrameshkumarbiswas1337 20 дней назад +1

    NO! We are not crazy! We DONT want you back!!

  • @j.l.boekestein3201
    @j.l.boekestein3201 11 месяцев назад +4

    They are still flogging this dead horse? A 2 tier EU is the end of the EU.

    • @NoName-hg6cc
      @NoName-hg6cc 11 месяцев назад

      Maybe. But maybe not. Care to explain why you think that? (I tend to agree with you but our reasons may differ)

  • @richardjames3022
    @richardjames3022 11 месяцев назад +5

    We didn't give more than a minute's thought about the UK, tells you ALL you need to know about the EU's views of the UK's government

    • @reaceness
      @reaceness 11 месяцев назад +9

      The UK ISN'T a member of the EU. Why would they give a minute thinking about the UK? They also didn't give more than a minute thinking about Papua New Guinea.

    • @johnf3885
      @johnf3885 11 месяцев назад

      Don't you think the EU should start thinking about how it's going to control its borders????

    • @richardjames3022
      @richardjames3022 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@johnf3885 What do you suggest? A wall?

    • @johnf3885
      @johnf3885 11 месяцев назад

      @@richardjames3022 Anything is better than nothing and nothing is what the EU does.

    • @richardjames3022
      @richardjames3022 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@johnf3885 So isolationism is good? Which America tried in the 1930's, it didn't work for them then, why would it work now? What happens when the populations get older and fewer people work?

  • @d.a.t.7723
    @d.a.t.7723 10 месяцев назад

    The UK wants everything done their own way..." leave means leave", the message was very LEAVE!!!
    Stop bothering us.

  • @bungalowjuice7225
    @bungalowjuice7225 11 месяцев назад +11

    If only there was a "economic cooperation" only version... we could call it Economic Euroarea or something. 🤔

    • @superflyguy4488
      @superflyguy4488 11 месяцев назад +6

      Thats how it started in the 1970s, and before you know it unelected bodies are defining the laws of other countries.

    • @Memovox
      @Memovox 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@superflyguy4488 True. The tried and tested Salami Method is the preferred modus operandi of the Eurocrats.

    • @abbofun9022
      @abbofun9022 11 месяцев назад +20

      @@superflyguy4488rubbish, the EU is far more democratic than the UK, you obviously do not understand how EU is organised.

    • @Memovox
      @Memovox 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@abbofun9022 The Treaty of Lisbon (2007) requires that European Commission (EC) members be selected on the basis of their "European commitment." What's all that about...? Please do explain.

    • @abbofun9022
      @abbofun9022 11 месяцев назад +10

      @@Memovox EC is essentially a civil service type of organisation and answers to EU parliament. So why would EU parliament appoint a saboteur in the council if they can avoid it? It’s not the UK where known FSB relations can get in to HoL.

  • @colbr6733
    @colbr6733 4 месяца назад

    There isn't clear agreement between the French and German's on the way forward. The upcoming elections are likely to shift the EU Parliament further to the right. So will structural changes to the EU be likely?
    Expect to see the EU establishment move to damage limitation, not innovation and revolution.

  • @johntaylor587
    @johntaylor587 11 месяцев назад +3

    Never going to happen 😂

  • @samhartford8677
    @samhartford8677 11 месяцев назад +2

    Oh, this is going to be pure entertainment!

  • @pjhgerlach
    @pjhgerlach 11 месяцев назад +12

    Here we go. Turning the EU into a cafeteria. 🙄

  • @jeffsmith3392
    @jeffsmith3392 11 месяцев назад

    I don't want anything to do with the EU. No! Maybe remainers and leavers need separate countries, clearly we can't cohabit.

  • @LastButNotLeask73
    @LastButNotLeask73 11 месяцев назад +2

    Not going to happen

  • @kirstinevad347
    @kirstinevad347 11 месяцев назад +11

    I know Denmark would welcome it being easier trading with you. Did anyone see the brexit documentaries available now on UT? I only made it halfway through The Brexit Scandal. Somehow it became unbearable how the brexit seemed to be enhanced, when it could have been softer. Danes like to do buisness with brits and would like lesser obstacles. Greetings and love from Denmark. 🌱💕😊

    • @freeforester1717
      @freeforester1717 11 месяцев назад

      Hilsen fra U.K.! Everyone liked to do business with even Russia too, until NATO pushed them into a corner. Now, via the destruction of Nordstream 2 Sleepy Joe and co have ensured the demise of the German industrial heart of Europe (read ‘A Century of War’ by F William Engdahl to gain an insight into how long US/British policy was always to deny Germany cheap and abundant energy, so nothing new there), taking the money-making capacity of the greater part of the EU down. Sure, things ain’t great over the entire globe right now by any measure, but at least we still have our means of self support intact, and not scuppered by our US ‘friends’. Let’s see if this coming winter is as benign as the last.

    • @loracle540
      @loracle540 11 месяцев назад +2

      Denmark could apply to join the united kingdom? Perhaps a royal marriage or two when the new generation gets a little older?

    • @ancietman
      @ancietman 11 месяцев назад

      The problem with the EU it wants complete control of Europe when Britain joined the Common Market back in the 70s it was basically a trading bloc & coopertaion on things like security then it morphed into the EU. I'm sure most people in Europe including Britain would have no objection with a modern version of the Common Market without the EU controlling things.

    • @kirstinevad347
      @kirstinevad347 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@loracle540That would be great, but we would have to leave it to the royals. I should think, that we are way past arranged marriages even for royals. We could of course stick to lowering tradebarriers and barriers for education (ERASMUS) and for people who have lived and worked for your or my country. We wont be applying to be part of UK, since:
      a/You would never accept us😆 and
      b/We like being Danes. 😎⛆🌞

  • @politirel2
    @politirel2 11 месяцев назад +8

    In, out, in, out shake it all about, join, leave, join, leave, for God's sake folks move on.

    • @nedgeson326
      @nedgeson326 11 месяцев назад

      Difficult to move on when Brexit has and is ruining our country in multiple ways.

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад +2

      ..into a black hole, a Northern Hemisphere Argentina at the present rate!

  • @daviddogsbody
    @daviddogsbody 11 месяцев назад +1

    The flag is upside down in the thumbnail. If you’re going to show the British flag show it correctly

  • @axelamps1279
    @axelamps1279 11 месяцев назад +9

    No! Thank you!

    • @SlowhandGreg
      @SlowhandGreg 11 месяцев назад

      There will be not much of an option
      Dunno what brexiteers thought they could get away with if you trade into a market you have to follow thier rules and standards all they've proved is swimming up stream leads to standing still before exaustion sets in and you either go with the flow or die.
      If we don't hit our net zero targets for example in all likely hood goods and services will be excluded from US and EU markets if there going net zero they will force trading partners to comply

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад +1

      Then we stay a Northern Hemisphere Argentina; slowly going bust!

  • @cyberkraut5139
    @cyberkraut5139 10 месяцев назад

    Please! You are not ready to rejoin. We don’t want you in the council and commission. It used to be a pain.
    Let’s wait until you are rid of your Empire Withdrawal Syndrome.

  • @JelMain
    @JelMain 11 месяцев назад +1

    We voted out. Respect it.

    • @whocares264
      @whocares264 11 месяцев назад

      2 million brexit voters are dead......i guess you can die of shame...

    • @rolflin
      @rolflin 11 месяцев назад

      😂 ok.
      We are pretty good without you

  • @julianshepherd2038
    @julianshepherd2038 11 месяцев назад +9

    🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 time for Scexit. England has gone mad and thinks it is North Korea.

    • @jordizee
      @jordizee 11 месяцев назад

      Send the Scottish to the Labour camps

    • @Michael_from_EU_Germany
      @Michael_from_EU_Germany 11 месяцев назад +1

      After application, it takes 15 to 20 years to become a member. The Scots do know that?

    • @savethebeesplantherbs8809
      @savethebeesplantherbs8809 11 месяцев назад

      @@Buckets1000 ok england saves billions good idea

  • @whocares264
    @whocares264 11 месяцев назад +1

    Let's hope so

  • @robertbrawn2068
    @robertbrawn2068 11 месяцев назад +4

    Worst thing UK did was to leave the EU. Citizens were badly advised and we are still in limbo with so many policies. The ego’s of MP’s is totally unacceptable. Looking after number 1 and not the electorate who voted for them. The Brits have been let down as always.

    • @danielwebb8402
      @danielwebb8402 11 месяцев назад +1

      The egos of MPs contributed to the limbo. 99% of UK humans should have accepted the result in June 2016 and believed it should be implemented.

    • @loracle540
      @loracle540 11 месяцев назад +2

      Worst thing we did was join. Square peg in a round hole. We fit better in NAFTA as we did in EFTA before Mr heath started his Euro crusade.
      Why would anyone want to rejoin a group where we traded at a deficit for 45yrs, suffered a democratic deficit and had to pay again every year? We would have to take worse terms and accept a share of the migrants, try selling that to the electorate in a referendum some time in the future.

  • @rosshilton
    @rosshilton 11 месяцев назад +7

    Although the UK has its share of problems, the solution does not lie in returning to the same political trade block that caused those problems in the first pace.
    To do so would be like an abused wife returning to her ex husband hoping that he will have changed.

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад +4

      joke uk was onr=e of the main countries to make the rules in the uk it was more powerful than most other countries it was the english speaking face of europe now they dont even get asked about major issues

    • @rosshilton
      @rosshilton 11 месяцев назад +1

      I think the UK will do fine out of the EU.
      Look at the mess the EU is in. Poland is rerfusing to accept Ukraine grain as ordered by ther EU. Even Francve is refusing to accept refugees from Italy. Like children.

    • @edwardharris5301
      @edwardharris5301 11 месяцев назад +1

      exactly - but the people out to benefit from it are banking on future gens not knowing how bad and corrupt things became in the last years of membership

    • @rosshilton
      @rosshilton 11 месяцев назад

      I think its more complicated than that.
      Gen Z wont put up with the interference from the EU, and wont put with the pointless bureaucrap.
      On top of thst the EU is rapidly declining now. Its day is over (hence ther "why dont you rejoin our club" offer from France and Germany)

    • @kurtgodel5236
      @kurtgodel5236 11 месяцев назад +1

      So, the EU behaved like an abusive husband and caused all your problems, eh? Thanks for brexiting. Your mendacious breed is best kept out of the EU!

  • @superflyguy4488
    @superflyguy4488 11 месяцев назад +12

    I always agreed with the UK being part of a trade, travel, security financial union, but not political. Unelected foreign bodies or individuals should not be allowed to decide policy for another country.

    • @abbofun9022
      @abbofun9022 11 месяцев назад +11

      And you don’t think trade, travel and security is not political? You just don’t make sense

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад +12

      You cannot have a trade, travel, security and financial union without a political dimension, how do you agree things without a democratic process, how do you have a democratic process without politics?
      Unelected? What is the EU Parliament composed of? It is elected, the EU Commission is a Civil Service equivalent, it is not a political entity, that is the in the Parliament!

    • @nedgeson326
      @nedgeson326 11 месяцев назад +12

      EU Parliament is elected. EU commission is appointed by each country’s elected government.
      The U.K. isn’t democratic with its PM appointed by the Tory party and the unelected House of Lords!

    • @francescoguzzetta
      @francescoguzzetta 11 месяцев назад +1

      The only unelected politicians are the one of UK upper chamber.
      All the EU institutions are either directly elected by citizens (EU Parliament) or by representatives elected by EU citizens

    • @superflyguy4488
      @superflyguy4488 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@bryangeake5826 You cannot join NATO in a couple of months, except you can if everybody agrees. Joining the EU takes years, let's see how quickly Ukraine is given full membership.

  • @inigoromon1937
    @inigoromon1937 11 месяцев назад

    The answer IS NO.

  • @valkyriedd5849
    @valkyriedd5849 11 месяцев назад +4

    So in other words it's a load of malarkey.

  • @filomenavasconcelos8536
    @filomenavasconcelos8536 10 месяцев назад

    Não. UK quis sair e não deve voltar. Não contribui em nada para uma melhor EU.

  • @aion5837
    @aion5837 11 месяцев назад +1

    How much does it cost to run that bloated mammoth? Why have all the billions that have 'gone missing' never been investigated?

  • @colinpenaluna9268
    @colinpenaluna9268 10 месяцев назад

    The fact of the matter is that Germany and France are struggling with the amount of Trade in the Single Market and there Economy is suffering
    And they need the UK

    • @verttikoo2052
      @verttikoo2052 10 месяцев назад +2

      Come back with better logic 👍

    • @colinpenaluna9268
      @colinpenaluna9268 10 месяцев назад

      Germany and Holland are in Recession
      If the Single Market is so Fantastic why are they in Recession
      Oh its not
      as all the 27 GDP aren't doing great plus the EU GDP is lower than the UK in the last Quarter why is that
      Germany Factories and Manufacturing Companies have Closed Cut Production and moving Pharmaceutical are moving to China
      Car Industry in Crisis
      Energy Cost of living all up shortage of Skilled workers and hospitality staff
      Yes we have issues but as bad as all the 27

    • @dantownsend4246
      @dantownsend4246 10 месяцев назад

      Not many people in the EUROZONE have UK on their radar. Time to move on

    • @verttikoo2052
      @verttikoo2052 10 месяцев назад

      @@dantownsend4246 We 🇪🇺 don’t want them anywhere near our money 💶

    • @colinpenaluna9268
      @colinpenaluna9268 10 месяцев назад

      Is that why our Trade going into the EU has increased since we left
      Plus we are buying less from the EU

  • @davidfoster2006
    @davidfoster2006 11 месяцев назад +1

    No it won’t happen.

  • @saymyname3097
    @saymyname3097 11 месяцев назад +1

    What I'm understanding from the proposal is no more the 4 indivisable in one package freedoms of goods, capital, services and people. I'm thinking you could now pick cherries 🍒 😂

    • @aesma2522
      @aesma2522 11 месяцев назад +1

      No. These 4 pillars are synonymous with the single market and aren't up for discussion. But the guy muddied the waters talking about Turkey which has access, he said. Turkey has a customs arrangement with the EU, meaning it can export to the EU without tariffs, basically a similar deal that the UK has right now. It isn't part of the single market, far from it.

  • @PSUK
    @PSUK 11 месяцев назад +8

    Rejoin the EU? Yes please.

    • @hermes6910
      @hermes6910 11 месяцев назад +4


    • @PSUK
      @PSUK 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@hermes6910 oh, leaving the EU has worked out really well hasn’t it? Not.

    • @hermes6910
      @hermes6910 11 месяцев назад +5

      @@PSUK I mean, the Europeans don't want the British to come back.
      The EU without the UK is much more open to discussion, active and future-proof.
      So, until the British government stops thinking about the "British exceptionalism" that exists only in its head, the EU is simply better without the UK.

    • @PSUK
      @PSUK 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@hermes6910 ah, gotcha. Good point

    • @adrianlloyd6403
      @adrianlloyd6403 11 месяцев назад +1

      Rejoin the EU? No thanks.

  • @jonjohnson2844
    @jonjohnson2844 11 месяцев назад

    After the vote the big phrase was "critical thinking" in relation to the economy - now we have the economic data showing Brexit has had no discernible effect - why have these supposed educated people abandoned "critical thinking"? It's crazy. The UK isn't in recession, it recovered from the pandemic faster than France and Germany....things are tough for everyone around Europe, but less so in the UK, are we suggesting an EU member UK would be even stronger? Sounds like exceptionalism to me.

    • @aesma2522
      @aesma2522 11 месяцев назад

      The UK not being in recession and things being tough or not for people aren't really related. If people can't buy enough food and can't heat their homes, it's tough for them, if they continue to work and spend all their money on groceries, the economy continues running...

    • @marvinc9994
      @marvinc9994 8 месяцев назад

      "why have these supposed educated people abandoned "critical thinking"?
      Because they see no need for it once their minds have been made up. And for some bizarre reason, it's the 'educated' ones you need to worry about here, and even more so in the case of those suffering from Academic Groupthink Syndrome. Sadly, the need to _conform_ is an instinct stronger than the need to know the Truth - even among academics. In this regard, they have as much _nous_ and intellectual integrity as any random group of nonsense-spouting Hollywood Celebs. Take you pick from the many examples on display these days!

  • @ludovic2431
    @ludovic2431 11 месяцев назад

    As far as the multi tiers system is considered, it must be clear that the more you approach the " inner circle" (doing more things together) the more advantages you get. There can not be any discussion about the force pushing to the center. In the long run the only opt out are cultural affairs. However, things have to become clear longtime before that. I personnaly believe more in the creation of a confederal Europe than in the creation of a federal Europe.

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад

      There is no such plan for "tiers" in the EU. The speaker admits this in the beginning. It is a fictional plan, dreamt up by people who have no affiliation with the EU. He admits that the EU "did not endorse" the idea. Britain is one of the best countries at spreading disinformation.

  • @ancietman
    @ancietman 11 месяцев назад +2

    I don't know why we even talking about closer ties with the EU. The EU got all the problems we got even worse in some EU countries, many EU countries protesting, voting in " right wing " politicians, Poland & Hungary kicking off about EU allocating migrants to EU countries, farmers in The Netherlands & Belguim worried about losing their farms because of EU emissions targets, cattle could be culled in the name of net zero. How many billions would Britain now be pouring into the EU if we had not left?. Would our farms be threatened with closure?. Why do remoaners make out the EU is some kind of economic powerhouse?.

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +2

      This subject isn't even on the table nor in the EUs media, it's going around in the British media only...
      Greetings from the EU27 😊

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад

      you keep on believing that the uk is better out yes everything is rosy what is all the fuss about uk government giving 100s of millions to lure companies back into the uk for the shourt term and they will jjust use the subsidies and then go back to where they are more wanted

    • @kurtgodel5236
      @kurtgodel5236 11 месяцев назад +1

      "The EU got all the problems we got even worse in some EU countries ..." A _Daily Express_ reader. How cute!

  • @michaeltravers6109
    @michaeltravers6109 11 месяцев назад +3

    Let's stop the nonsense, and rejoin the EU. 🇪🇺

    • @Doggle85
      @Doggle85 11 месяцев назад +2

      We had a referendum and the majority voted to leave the EU. So we left. We must never join that monstrosity again.

    • @Harry-tb8yo
      @Harry-tb8yo 11 месяцев назад

      No. You left. The EU is not a pub you can enter anytime as it pleases you. There are much more important things the EU now has to deal with than the UK.

    • @Doggle85
      @Doggle85 11 месяцев назад

      @@Harry-tb8yo You are right that the EU is not a pub. The EU is the modern day equivalent of the European empire - a power grab.

    • @michaeltravers6109
      @michaeltravers6109 11 месяцев назад

      @Harry-tb8yo Hello Harry, I agree with you, but the EU, have always said, that should the UK decide to rejoin, their wish would be facilitated. Remember, United we stand, Divided we fall. I always thought that leaving the EU was complete madness. Take care!.

    • @Harry-tb8yo
      @Harry-tb8yo 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@michaeltravers6109 The EU also is interested in stability so it would want to see broad public and bipartisan support for fully committed EU membership in the UK over a longer period of time. What the EU certainly does not want is a Brexit 2.0 a few years after becoming a member again. So of course the EU is reluctant and wary.
      The EU is also aware that there were and still are many politicians in the UK who want to destroy the EU. Would you invite someone into your house who is known as an arsonist? For sure not. And so does the EU. As long as there are influential figures as Farage, Rees-Mogg, Barclay, Johnson etc., even colluding with Russia to harm the EU, there will not be the slightest chance for the UK to get back in. At least not to the level of decision making.

  • @tenniskinsella7768
    @tenniskinsella7768 11 месяцев назад

    Never been a britishbstate very rude comme t. The british state saved europe with hp from america and the commonweth yes the empire is gine butvwe have the commonwealth a much better thing than the eu

  • @Sweedtrader
    @Sweedtrader 11 месяцев назад

    Odd that he defined Turkey as having access to the single market, is he an expert or not?

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад +1

      This man holds no position in the EU. He has no clout whatsoever. He probably dreamed up this whole scheme to make money by being on British radio shows. Turkey has been declined memebrship, and they have as much access as anyone- but access is not the same as being part of it.

    • @Sweedtrader
      @Sweedtrader 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@deannilvalli6579 He commented on Turkey's access in the context of tiers of membership. As you said, Turkey has the same access to the Single Market as Vietnam, it has no access beyond that of a third country on par with the UK.

  • @basserphil
    @basserphil 11 месяцев назад +1

    can any remainer tell me in a Few words WHY? we need to have thousands of politicans, advisors, researchers, pa,s secretarial staff, giving massive payments to a club no one needs, why do we need a corrupt expensive club just to trade with others, why cant we do it ourselves?

    • @kurtgodel5236
      @kurtgodel5236 11 месяцев назад

      A club that no one needs, eh? By the way, "corrupt expensive club" is a pretty accurate description of the UK parliament and your political masters. That's why you can't do it yourselves: Your leadership is incompetent and rotten to the core!

    • @kalfac8671
      @kalfac8671 11 месяцев назад +3

      Well, you've seen what leaving the EU has done to the UK's trade in just a few years, so there's your answer. And when it comes to corruption, it's not the EU that hands out lucrative contracts to unqualified cronies.

  • @agptyutuuturty
    @agptyutuuturty 11 месяцев назад +5

    go away, get lost!

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад

      ...say the isolatioinists!

    • @agptyutuuturty
      @agptyutuuturty 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@bryangeake5826 of course, the continent is isolated ....

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад

      @@agptyutuuturty ...really, well it has far more global trade agreements than the UK, is about to sig one with most of S.America, so if that is isolationism it is far more effective than UK isolationism!

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад

      Is the Continent cut off from the British Island again... due to fog?🤣

  • @Rockabilly999
    @Rockabilly999 11 месяцев назад +1

    Let me guess , we will have to pay billions to rejoin again.................................

    • @whocares264
      @whocares264 11 месяцев назад +2

      That would be a bargain...

  • @StillAliveAndKicking_
    @StillAliveAndKicking_ 11 месяцев назад +1

    He says we would have to follow EU values, and says that means obeying EU rules on human rights. In other words the EU would force on us their employment laws, their immigration laws, their criminal laws, this would be a political union without us having a right to vote. No thank you.

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад +2

      sadly the uk was one of the main countries to write those laws and just stop and think all those laws you give out about is for the good of the common person people were just delusional about the eu and what it stands for

    • @StillAliveAndKicking_
      @StillAliveAndKicking_ 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@ireneoconnor4758 Could you write that with punctuation, and in a form that I can understand. The grammar is poor.

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +3

      Apart from that this subject isn't even on the table nor in the EUs media, it's going around in the British media only...
      Greetings from the EU27 😊

    • @StillAliveAndKicking_
      @StillAliveAndKicking_ 11 месяцев назад

      @@saba1030 It’s being discussed by Blair, Starmer and others.

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah, as I wrote, it's not a subject in the EU, just in the UK...
      You are aware, that the EU27 member states are deciding, which country can join the EU, but not a 3rd country?!
      Therefor the UKs politicians can talk about this subject as long as wanted, the UKs electorate can do as many referenda as wanted, the EU27 hold all the cards....
      Greetings from the EU27 😊

  • @user-tz7id8lg7g
    @user-tz7id8lg7g 2 месяца назад

    Getting back into Europe is the best thing that Could Happen

  • @freeforester1717
    @freeforester1717 11 месяцев назад +4

    Running a bit short of money now, aren’t they? I thought so.
    German deindustrialisation will render the EU as a political entity an economic basket case, thanks to the destruction of Nordstream 2 care of the USA and the collection of plain daft and demonstrably unworkable EU policies. Let’s see how this pans out, there’s no great rush, after all.

    • @maartenaalsmeer
      @maartenaalsmeer 11 месяцев назад +6

      It seems that in your fantasy, the EU is asking the UK to return. While it is a (probably) future UK PM that's initiating contact. It's the UK that needs the EU, not the other way around.

    • @Nice0n3
      @Nice0n3 11 месяцев назад +5

      Yeaaa, love to see the "EU will collapse" soundbite evolve a bit.
      About time the idiots removed their timeframe in order to avoid being constantly embarrassed.

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад

      I think it is a bit early to say Germany's slow down means the end of the EU. Once the war is over, and Putin a thing of the past, I suspect the EU will still be there and possibly has re-configured its energy policy. Germany needs to go nuclear. As France has done.

    • @freeforester1717
      @freeforester1717 11 месяцев назад

      @@maartenaalsmeer it seems in your fantasy that the people of the U.K. prefer subjugation to democracy. When we are tired of our political representatives they get kicked out of office, unlike the EU. However, many of our failed former politicians did regularly return as stuffed shirts in the anti democratic EU Parliament, until we left the corrupt organisation. Read insider Bernard Connolly’s ‘Inside the rotten heart of Europe’ to gain an insight into the machinations and corrupt practices, or ask to see the accounts, as Martta Andreassen did. As for ms von der lying, Martin Sonnerborn MEP seems to have her figured out. No fantasy there.

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад

      Martin Sonneborn is a German comedian...
      The EUs Parliament is the worlds second largest democratic Parliament with secret, free, secret and independent elections (with PR) every five years since 1979.
      The EUs "green deal" will go like this:
      the EU27 will replace all fossil fuels (oil, coal, nat gas) with green hydrogen, the goal is focused on 2030-2045.
      Hydrogen can be used as storage battery for the overloads from the offshore windmills and others as well as raw material for proceeding things like steel, glass, paper etc as well.
      Lots of start ups are working on alternative storage possibilities as well.
      Electrolyseurs (wind to power) are under construction everywhere as well.
      The EU27 have signed "green hydrogen" cooperations with ten other countries world wide, to support each other with money, technologies etc.
      Please look up for the "green hydrogen coast line", a project run by the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany, all subsidiesed by the EU and Gvts.
      Please look up for Wolfspeed, a US company which will build a gigafactory for semi conductors at the Federal State of Saarland.
      Infenion near Dresden
      Bosch near Dresden
      TSMC (Taiwanese company which will build a gigafactory for micro chips) at Silicon Saxony near Dresden
      Intel near Magdeburg
      Northvolt near Hamburg
      Ford near Cologne
      VW is building 3 gigafactories for EVs batteries in Lower-Saxony/Germany, sweden in cooperation with Northvolt and one in Spain or Portugal.
      Greetings from the EU27 😊

  • @ajsctech8249
    @ajsctech8249 11 месяцев назад +6

    UK needs access to the eu market its as simple as that to save our small amd medium businesses. It will happen in some form

    • @abbofun9022
      @abbofun9022 11 месяцев назад +5

      And why would the EU allow that, just because UK messed itself up?

    • @user-kv2rz3mw2b
      @user-kv2rz3mw2b 11 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@abbofun9022Germany and Holland could use a little help.

    • @PaulW1954
      @PaulW1954 11 месяцев назад +3

      The EU needs the UK .. they should pay reparations 🤷🏼‍♂️🙏🏼

    • @abbofun9022
      @abbofun9022 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@user-kv2rz3mw2b from the UK? Mwahahahahaha.

    • @Michael_from_EU_Germany
      @Michael_from_EU_Germany 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@user-kv2rz3mw2bNo, thanks. For Germany: We love most of the UK citizens but not a single Politician.

  • @ro0140
    @ro0140 11 месяцев назад +2

    That 3 tier circle aspect is something that i would probably use for small children to explain the EU a bit, but lets be honest the reality is much more complicated there are a lot of features and exemptions you can join or not and still be part of the EU.
    So that tier system is not something that is usable unless every possible option and exemptions that are possible wil be defined by a tier. We might have a lot more tiers then just 3.

    • @trident6547
      @trident6547 11 месяцев назад +2

      I do not think any majority of memberstates can be conjured up behind that idea. It would mean a lot of extra bureaucracy to keep all the tiers in line with EU acquis. it is never going to work and especially not with UK in its present form.

    • @aesma2522
      @aesma2522 11 месяцев назад

      I'd say if you're not a full member you don't get EU money. That should clear things up a bit. You get a huge benefit in market access, but no money.

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад +2

      Please explain to me which EU treaty lays out a multi-tier system. It is not menioned in any treaty I know of, and Maasricht, Lisbon, Rome (etc) Treaties are the basis of EU structures, not some fictional daydreaming like that heard on this interview.
      Or perhaps explain which draft proposal in the EU parliament lays out such a multi tier plan? Again, i have not heard of any such plan in the real EU, as opposed to the imaginary EU the UK talks about.

    • @gnrseanra9070
      @gnrseanra9070 7 месяцев назад

      @@saba1030 How is that exclusive club doing?

    • @gnrseanra9070
      @gnrseanra9070 7 месяцев назад

      @@saba1030 Greetings you are most welcome.
      Science Direct
      By M Altdorfer. 2019.
      Fitch is more European than Moody's and S@P during the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis, it also issued more favourable ratings. Fitch's rating actions, however were largely ignored by the bond market. Our results thus cast doubt on the benefits of a European credit rating agency.
      Now credibility is being lost because this was basic and you should have known, stop making a fool of yourself.

  • @LMB222
    @LMB222 11 месяцев назад

    The UK can only join the outer ring, the EEC, where Norway and Iceland are.
    Rejoining the EU would be quite difficult - Greece wants its stolen art, and Spain grunts about Gibraltar.

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад +1

      Rejoining the EU is impossible for the UK. It does not meet the requirements, and looking at them, it is hard to imagine they could in he next 100 years.

  • @rolandxor179
    @rolandxor179 11 месяцев назад +4

    I think that many Britons just haven't worked through the fact that their empire is gone and most importantly isn't coming back.
    There has historically never been a British nation state. There was an empire that was largely lost in the course of the 20th century and after that came European integration never was there a British nation. In fact to me as outsider Brexit just looks almost like Russian style imperial revangism. In particular in response to growing nationalism in the nations that make up the UK. Scotland ,NI, Wales and England.

    • @jasalexander-hain2601
      @jasalexander-hain2601 11 месяцев назад

      you have zero clue my friend nothing you state is relevant to today

    • @adamsimmons631
      @adamsimmons631 11 месяцев назад

      So the UK can't plot its own course in the world?

    • @Leberteich
      @Leberteich 11 месяцев назад

      More precisely the British empire was lost in the course of two world wars which the British believe they have won.

    • @rolandxor179
      @rolandxor179 11 месяцев назад

      @@adamsimmons631 Well it is like I said a problem of not understanding empire is gone.
      You would understand why such a phrase and concept like 'plotting our own course' would make no sense if you were Luxembourg. And you are Luxembourg you just haven't realized it or accepted it.

    • @rolandxor179
      @rolandxor179 11 месяцев назад

      Like you think you can plot when in reality all you can do is get tossed around. And being part of the EU is not to get tossed around as much.

  • @jimbobcain
    @jimbobcain 11 месяцев назад +1

    I despise these people. Whimsically chatting about destroying my right to be governed by those I contribute to elect.
    Despise them.

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад

      ooo yes the government is doing such a good stand up job you should be proud

  • @ftsetradersteve2742
    @ftsetradersteve2742 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yes there could be various states in various orbits with various preconditions around the EU central bloc.....But like in the case of a black hole they would all eventually be drawn into oblivion under the gravitational pull of more and more EU rules....

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад +1

      sadly you have no idea about the eu uk was one of the biggest rule making nations in the eu and it just didnt suit the media to acknowledge this

    • @Leberteich
      @Leberteich 11 месяцев назад

      The law of economic gravity pulls the UK into the EU's orbit regardless what formal relationship we have with the 'central bloc'.

    • @deannilvalli6579
      @deannilvalli6579 10 месяцев назад +1

      No. There can't be. The EU is based on a Treaty, signed and ratified in 1992, called the Maastricht Treaty. That is the basis for its organization, not what some joker (who does not even hold any ofice in the EU or any member state) on British radio says.
      If you are a Brit, I guess I could not expect you to know this. After all, you were only part of the EU for 40 years, why should you know how it works?
      But there is no provision whatsoever for "orbits" or "tiers" in the treaty. None. And the structure does not change weekly or at the behest of non-member countries. Dream on UK. That is all you'll be doing.

  • @geoffwright9570
    @geoffwright9570 11 месяцев назад +1

    The UK would become a second class member if it rejoined the EU. But would be expected to pay top dollar for being in it.

    • @kreb7
      @kreb7 11 месяцев назад +1

      Yep that's what happens when you don't fully joining a club costs you more ans get no opinion

    • @NonFlyiingDutchman
      @NonFlyiingDutchman 11 месяцев назад +4

      Ah yes, project fear is back! You just made that up. There aren't even any proposals on the table yet

    • @hajotge12
      @hajotge12 11 месяцев назад +1

      UK would be a member if it rejoined (and, yes, the UK selected to be a non-EU Country, so "rejoining" means reapplying.). And if paying top dollar is your concern: Don't reapply. Just be Great Britain ;)

    • @kurtgodel5236
      @kurtgodel5236 11 месяцев назад

      No, you would pay in Euro! You seem not to like it. So stay out and stop whingeing!

    • @crabfat1494
      @crabfat1494 10 месяцев назад

      We were paying top dollar when we were in.

  • @mikedebruyn
    @mikedebruyn 11 месяцев назад +1

    But why would the EU countries want a 2 tiered system? If the Netherlands can get a trade all you like deal but not having to pay for all the other stuff why would they not go to the second tier for instance?

    • @NonFlyiingDutchman
      @NonFlyiingDutchman 11 месяцев назад +4

      If you don't pay for the other stuff then you won't get the benefit of the other stuff.

    • @mikedebruyn
      @mikedebruyn 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@NonFlyiingDutchman Sure but i think for the Dutch the trading is the most important part. They are a net contributor so if they can get the trade without having to pay for farming in Greece then that is a benefit for them.

    • @NonFlyiingDutchman
      @NonFlyiingDutchman 11 месяцев назад

      @@mikedebruyn They could make that choice but then they would't get support for farming in the Netherlands. UK farmers are suffering from no longer having EU support

    • @mikedebruyn
      @mikedebruyn 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@NonFlyiingDutchman Yes that is true but the main problem is that they cannot sell their goods anymore without a lot of extra paperwork and checks and/or that they can't attract extra personnel. Now if you can stay in the single market without paying for it then you would have your cake and eat it right if your a net contributor?

    • @NonFlyiingDutchman
      @NonFlyiingDutchman 11 месяцев назад

      @@mikedebruyn they are also suffering from the loss of financial support

  • @Memovox
    @Memovox 11 месяцев назад +6

    Please rejoin! We could use whatever little money you have left to sponsor the abundance of beneficiary countries in the EU.

    • @julianshepherd2038
      @julianshepherd2038 11 месяцев назад +3

      We were told we would have lots of money if we bexited and that we hold all the cards.

    • @Memovox
      @Memovox 11 месяцев назад

      @@julianshepherd2038 Accordingly to Eurostat, there's a recession in the entire Eurozone. Feel free to join it.

    • @mivapusa
      @mivapusa 11 месяцев назад

      Might have had, if your politicians had carried through instead of half-assing the whole thing and keeping the worst parts

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@mivapusa What worse parts? Still having some access to the second biggest single market on the planet? Half assed, what does that mean, are you saying we could have had all the benefits of EU membership for none of the costs and responsibility of EU membership? That would be subsidisation of the UK by the EU in perpetuity, that 'we hold all the cards' and 'they need us more than we need them' delusions are at the root of Brexit! It’s a fantasy, as was Farage's assertion that the UK leaving would cause the EU to break up, its expanding and continues to be the second largest economic entity on the planet!

    • @gio-oz8gf
      @gio-oz8gf 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@mivapusa Carried through how? Kept which parts worst parts? And no half-arsed sound-bite fantasy replies. Be specific. Provide real-world examples and the corresponding methods to achieve them.

  • @rolflin
    @rolflin 11 месяцев назад

    😂😂😂this is so fun.
    Go transpacific or bust 😂😂😂
    You can rot at plague island

  • @geoffreyhughes9979
    @geoffreyhughes9979 11 месяцев назад +3

    Time to apply to rejoin the EU.

    • @savethebeesplantherbs8809
      @savethebeesplantherbs8809 11 месяцев назад

      join a dying cesspit nope trans pacific is growing faster

    • @rolflin
      @rolflin 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@savethebeesplantherbs8809😂😂😂😂 really.

  • @ralphclark
    @ralphclark 11 месяцев назад +1

    “Even”? We are definitely rejoining. It’s only a matter of when.

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +3

      Apart from that this subject isn't even on the table nor in the EUs media, it's only going around in the British media...
      Greetings from the EU27 😊

    • @ralphclark
      @ralphclark 11 месяцев назад

      @@saba1030 it’s inevitable no matter what anybody who is against the idea might think.

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +2

      Well, joining the EU would go like this:
      the UK has to apply for EU membership by fulfilling the Copenhagen Criteria first, if none of the EU27 member states vetos the UK/GB joining the EU again, only then the UK/GB would receive the status as a "candidate for EU membership", and then the 35 chapters (which would be monitored by the EUs Commission) have to be fulfilled/implemented properly, which could take decades.
      No exceptions, no cherry picking, no fast track, no opt outs, as stated by various EU spokesmen.
      It's mandatory for ALL NEW EU member states, to join the Schengen area and adapt the €/Euro, as soon as the new EU member state has a stabile enough economy.
      Not available anymore is a "Swiss deal/modell" as stated various times by the EUs Commission, because of "too much hustle".
      Norway/EFTA also has stated various times/since years, that it'll veto the UK/GB joining EFTA, because they don't want a "trouble maker in their club".
      Only available option is "full EU membership", conditions/criteria are explained above...
      Greetings from the EU27 😊
      Edit typo/autocorrect

    • @Harry-tb8yo
      @Harry-tb8yo 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@ralphclark Not your decision. The UK can apply. But whether it can join or not is a decision to be made by the EU members. The only thing inevitable is a veto from one of the EU members if you apply. There is no need for another troublemaker in the EU. You are on your own.

    • @ralphclark
      @ralphclark 11 месяцев назад

      @@Harry-tb8yo not your decision.

  • @actonman7291
    @actonman7291 11 месяцев назад +3

    As far we join but we dont pay a penny to Brussels then be my guest.

    • @reaceness
      @reaceness 11 месяцев назад +5

      Like joining the gym without paying the membership fee?

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад +7

      For every £ we put in it was an absolute bargain, as for every £ we did the economic multiplier effect was at least £5 if not nearer to £10 on UK GDP due to access to a huge market of 480,000,000 consumers with a combined GDP of $19 trillion, inward investment because we were in the EU (as in Honda, now gone) the Rebate, assisted area status grants, the Welsh Assembly is now bleating that the UK government is not matching EU spend as it said it would, remember the levelling up nonsense?
      The benefit of EU membership was finacially positive, not negative, as we are now finding from not being in the EU.

    • @actonman7291
      @actonman7291 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@reaceness if you rationality goes no further than see all complex international deals or not deals on the prospect of a gym membership you are a donkey.

    • @actonman7291
      @actonman7291 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@bryangeake5826 we are better off the only thing i do resent from brexit is that i had to be on the wrong queue on the airport or that my granny cant easily retire to the South of France. I dont like butthurt ideologues that were defeated by the people they did not and still do not understand.

    • @robinj6137
      @robinj6137 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@actonman7291 objectively you are wrong.

  • @tenniskinsella7768
    @tenniskinsella7768 11 месяцев назад

    God i hope not hope skarmer doesnt get in

  • @s0ycapitan
    @s0ycapitan 11 месяцев назад +1

    We would be better off joining BRICS rather than the EUSSR.

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад +1

      now you are a comedian one of the most democratic and himan rights leading blocks in the world and the uk is closer to brics now yes uk and russia i can see the similarities

    • @s0ycapitan
      @s0ycapitan 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@ireneoconnor4758 The EU is a Technocratic empire.
      The parliament has little real power that lies mainly with the Commission (Polit Bureau) and President (Chairman).
      BRICS is a trading bloc of independent states not an empire.

    • @kurtgodel5236
      @kurtgodel5236 11 месяцев назад

      Go for it! The proof is in the pudding!

    • @s0ycapitan
      @s0ycapitan 11 месяцев назад

      @@kurtgodel5236 I think the UK would be far better off.
      But our political class are all soft left Globalists who love the EU.

    • @Harry-tb8yo
      @Harry-tb8yo 11 месяцев назад

      Joining BRICS would at least match the state of mind the UK finds itself in.

  • @robclarke5438
    @robclarke5438 11 месяцев назад +1

    What a Great Idea

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +1

      Problem there is, it's a subject in the British media only, but NOT in the EU...
      Greetings from the EU27 😊

  • @kevinsullivan7831
    @kevinsullivan7831 11 месяцев назад

    Oh please, this is about you either accept our perversions or we treat you like second class citizens

    • @rolflin
      @rolflin 11 месяцев назад

      No mate, this is your media making castles in the Air.
      You opted out. We respect It.
      You can be sure that we dont want you in

    • @kevinsullivan7831
      @kevinsullivan7831 11 месяцев назад

      Sorry, but I am right about this one. What you are advocating for is the surrender of National rule to the pervs in Belgium.@@rolflin

  • @paulshaddick8325
    @paulshaddick8325 11 месяцев назад +1

    the EU is a minor trading bloc these days, everyone knows the growth is in the Asian regions not Europe.

    • @kreb7
      @kreb7 11 месяцев назад +4

      What type of deal you will get to get access to them? Even Australia run circles around you😅😅😅😅

    • @Asterix3334
      @Asterix3334 11 месяцев назад +4

      Even if your right, what is the UK part in that future?
      Moving the UK into the indopacific won't happen.
      Favourable trade-/servicedeals also won't happen.
      Like the Americans, most Asians don't wait for the British to show them how the world works, willing to shair their growth . This time is over.

    • @paulshaddick8325
      @paulshaddick8325 11 месяцев назад

      @@Asterix3334 trade is already happening, something that would not happen if we were still in the EU.

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад

      minor trading bloc sorry to say thats is just the media again trying to paint a bad picture about the eu it is one of the biggest trading blocs in the world and the uk said ooo we dont want to be part of it anymore and now yu want to join the asian blocks where they can manufacture materials at half the cost of the uk good luck with that

    • @kurtgodel5236
      @kurtgodel5236 11 месяцев назад +3

      @@paulshaddick8325 _"trade is already happening, something that would not happen if we were still in the EU."_ Do you actually believe the egregious tosh you are peddling? Now go and deal with "the Asian regions"!

  • @touchedbynature5445
    @touchedbynature5445 11 месяцев назад +2

    Yes! Let's Have Another Democratic Referendum To Get Back Into The EU. You Can Have My Vote Now. NO NEVER, I Would Never Betray Our Democratic Win Vote To Leave The European Union.

    • @NonFlyiingDutchman
      @NonFlyiingDutchman 11 месяцев назад +3

      And mine is YES, NOW, so that's your vote cancelled out....

    • @touchedbynature5445
      @touchedbynature5445 11 месяцев назад

      My Brother Has Just Now Vote No, that's You Gone 😄

    • @kurtgodel5236
      @kurtgodel5236 11 месяцев назад +2

      Well said. True democrats cast their vote only once in their lives.

    • @Leberteich
      @Leberteich 11 месяцев назад +4

      The UK can have a referendum to get back into the EU every year if they like. But it is the EU who decides who joins not the UK.

    • @NonFlyiingDutchman
      @NonFlyiingDutchman 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@Leberteich congratulations on stating the bleedin' obvious

  • @maxthemagition
    @maxthemagition 11 месяцев назад

    Pound to Euro = 10:1 soon.

  • @StevieAF
    @StevieAF 11 месяцев назад +7

    Here we go..🙄

  • @philipmilner9638
    @philipmilner9638 11 месяцев назад

    What's would be the point of being an associate member. Paying in, no veto vote, would the Eu take all the illegal migrants back? Would the EU pay back all the money they extracted out of the UK? Would the UK be allowed to keep the pound? would UK citezen be allowed to travel freely? Would the EU be expected to take any person from the EU who claim to be citizens? Etc Etc....

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +2

      Apart from, that this subject isn't even on the table nor in the EUs media, but only going around in the British media...
      Greetings from the EU27 😊

    • @ireneoconnor4758
      @ireneoconnor4758 11 месяцев назад

      you mean all those things you had before oooo careful what you wish for

    • @marinusvos
      @marinusvos 11 месяцев назад +2

      According to International Law those migrants are NOT illegal!

    • @crabfat1494
      @crabfat1494 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@marinusvos Well...Lets see how Germany handles it.

  • @mrstevecox7
    @mrstevecox7 11 месяцев назад

    I'm from the UK and I'm interested!

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +4

      Problem about it is: it's not on the table and this subject only goes around in British media, but NOT in the EU.
      Greetings from the EU27 😊

    • @mrstevecox7
      @mrstevecox7 11 месяцев назад +1

      Greetings to you as well@@saba1030 . Yes I agree, it's not on the table. Britain has to come to its senses and want to be part of the EU again. That will only happen if people like me who think the EU is great and long for a Federal Europe express our opinions on social media platforms like utube - for the benefit of our own countrymen. One day, we hope, the UK (or what is left of it!) will come to the EU an restart the process of requesting alignment. There are many millions of pro EU people like me in the UK, and I believe that the EU needs us in the union. Every country in the EU has its share of nationalists who want the EU to break up. We were unfortunate that our system allowed them to take control of our country. That does not mean that people like me will every give up on the dream to #RejoinEU. best wishes

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +1

      Hi there, Steve 🖐,
      yes, I agree, but there has to be a "change of mindset towards the EU" first, which has to come from within the UK and its people, otherwise the UKs electorate might vote for "leave" again at the following GE, and the EU27 definetely wouldn't want a "Brexit 2.0" again.
      Also urgently needed in the UK is education about the EU, how it works and what it's for, that there is a Parliament with its democratic elected MEPs (with PR), working on behalf of the democratic elected EU27 member states Gvts and their 450ish million citizens, education should start already at school, like it is in most of the EU member states...
      The UKs FPTP system should be changed to a "PR voting system", like it is in ALL the other EU member states and the EUs Parliament, to make sure, that a minority of 35% doesn't get a majority of 80 seats in the UKs Parliament... a proper Constitution (all in one, not a collection of loose papers) might help as well...
      There is lots of work and ambition needed for all of you over there... and patience, as THIS won't be a "quick one".
      The EUs Commission has estimated (due experience), that it'll take minimum 10-15 years AFTER applying for EU membership... please don't forget, that the application can be done only, AFTER an applying country has fulfilled the Copenhagen Criteria, which gets monitored by the EUs Commission, and then ALL EU27 member states have the right to veto the UK joining the EU again...
      All infos/criteria needed for joining the EU are available at the EUs Commission site 😊
      Being married into an in England living English family, but living in the EU with my London born spouse, who had to get dual citizenship because of Brexit, I'll cross the fingers for you !
      Good luck and all the best with greetings from the EU27 😊 🖐

    • @mrstevecox7
      @mrstevecox7 11 месяцев назад

      Totally agree!@@saba1030

  • @davidrobertsemail
    @davidrobertsemail 11 месяцев назад

    We never left.

  • @ardakolimsky7107
    @ardakolimsky7107 11 месяцев назад +9

    Not going to happen

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад

      ...if not, the UK will sink, slowly but surely to a new level that Brexit was not supposed to deliver!

    • @saba1030
      @saba1030 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@bryangeake5826 And?
      All self inflicted...

    • @bryangeake5826
      @bryangeake5826 11 месяцев назад a ruthless elite [ERG etc who represents the 1%] to evade tax and to deregulate the UK who managed to persuade just enough of the gullible that it would solve the problems the Tory Party had visited on the country! Austerity!