To those who are complaining about "Raincouver": Guess where they get their clean water from. Vancouver is ranked as one of the cities with the cleanest water supply in the world. They need the rain to rejuvenate the reservoirs and mountains.
Technically, the majority of the water supply of the Greater Vancouver Area came from melted snow on the mountains. The Coquitlam reservoirs only accounts for a very small portion.
Last month when we were walking down Robson street we saw a pair of jeans full of human waste dumped at a bus stop! And the smell of cannabis is everywhere, welcome to Vancouver!
I live in Sydney Australia and had been to Vancouver once. Vancouver has a strong feel of Sydney with the backdrop of harbour and surrounding beaches. I would say Vancouver is a humble smaller version of Sydney except Sydney is 4 times the size of Vancouver, lot more beautiful beaches and nicer harbour. Weather in Sydney is 10 times better than Vancouver where it rains 70% of time. Both Sydney and Vancouver cost of living is ridiculous expensive though.
This is so truee! I live in Vancouver and have visited Sydney. Sydney is a much better place with clean streets, amazing city planning, great malls, supermarkets open until midnight, incredible food, and world-class beaches. There’s no comparison, not to mention the homeless problem and the cost of living in Vancouver is even a bit higher.
@@howun7435 Good town planning ?. I do not think so. Sydney is the oldest city in Australia when the country was in the infant stage. Proper town planning did not exist then. The road in Sydney was built for horse with narrow street and lot of bending. You need to visit Melbourne for proper town planning. But Sydney has caught up with lot of new infrastructure like new airport, lot more motorway, tunnels and brand new metro.
@@erictang4798Sydney is bustling with numerous development projects rn. Check out their infrastructure developments and town renewals like Green Square. The pace is truly impressive. Also, the advanced technology used in their apartments and metro. They are using driverless metro train under the water, and you understand how undeveloped or outdated in Van. I dont think there is any change in these 5-7 years, the new richmond station or brentwood mall🫠??
@@pikachu-mx6hiI mean argument as water is "unclean" is quite nonsense. We're just discussing Sydney and Vancouver. Although speaking of water, Vancouver's definitely isn’t perfect either. I see you talking the Asian population in other post, it's true that Vancouver has a higher percentage, but this is largely due to aging. If you visit more dim sum places or chinese food in both places, you'll see that Vancouver doesn't necessarily have the best Asian or Chinese food. While Vancouver's Chinese BBQ is top-notch, other are not that impressive, Korean food is outstanding if u wanna count
我已經好耐無睇你的影片啦!今次睇到你的最新影片,你講話清楚好多,少了含糊聲音!👏👍👍不錯~ 我再追回你幾套影片。唔…你真係大個女啦! 對自己有信心啦!👍👏👏恭喜呀!以前的你會遷就你的另一半太多而無咗自己,現在見到你精神爽利~ 💪努力呀!繼續支持你呀~
係㗎、Vancouver 係有錢人住嘅地方、好啱妳。我呢D要返工就緊係住Toronto、工作機會多好多。
Vancouver 比Toronto 好好多,城市之間近, 交通方便。環境更是冇得頂。歡迎搬過嚟!😂❤
@@ericlam612 應該只有溫西,西溫北溫才算是富人區,其他都不算!
Yes Vancouver 可能有多d比較優勝之處 不過你冇留意當地禁 crime zone . 其實好多人已經搬離toronto\vacouver downtown. 如果有錢 North America 大把城市生活值得享受 😂
都很喜歡Vancouver, 有山有海,有好多日式公園同餐廳,但想起冬天常常落雨同物價高,就有啲怕。。。不過年輕人唔怕試下唔同地方住下,感受下都係好事😊
十幾二十年前溫哥華冬天的確好多雨水... 有一半以上時間都係雨天, 仲要係連綿大雨。但近年氣候已變左好多, 冬天大部份時間係陰天, 只會間中下兩三天小雨。
歡迎來到溫哥華🥰🥰 有山有水靚太多,係我去完多倫多之後嘅感覺
vlog嘅節奏好好 睇得好舒服~ momo繼續加油 keep up the good work!!
終於等到呢條新片😆❤️ 有冇掛住明家!?🤪
當年我由多倫多過去溫哥華玩都有同感😂 加上山同海都係香港人慣左有既野
歡迎你來呀!!!🎉🎉🎉 快d快d搬來啦! 多謝餐廳及cafe推介
我喺Melbourne住,去完Vancouver 都係好想搬過去。Downtown 嗰段真係有似似Melbourne。
溫哥華係正好多💪👍👍有山有水同世界級景區...😂😂. 如果
冇 raincouver 又點會有靚couver或正couver 呢
Moving coffee is my favorite coffee shop in Vancouver ❤❤
Momo, love your sunglasses! Where do you get them from ❤️❤️❤️
如果你唔洗搵工 咁梗係溫哥華好啲架😂 多倫多係勝在多工作機會 你唔使返工唔會明
我都好鍾意Vancouver ,又有山又有海..仲有city vibe…
❤❤❤I love the passion of this Hongkong girl. Wish you stay in Vancouver. We are nicer more open-minded
Mo mo you looked more confident and pretty ! ❤
Wish see u one day in Van. Richmond.
Welcome to Vancouver Momo🎉❤😮 great job.
To those who are complaining about "Raincouver": Guess where they get their clean water from. Vancouver is ranked as one of the cities with the cleanest water supply in the world. They need the rain to rejuvenate the reservoirs and mountains.
Technically, the majority of the water supply of the Greater Vancouver Area came from melted snow on the mountains. The Coquitlam reservoirs only accounts for a very small portion.
秋天開始落雨落到癲呀,感覺就退休feel多啲,Toronto 就城市feel,Van治安比以前差左好多好多好多
溫哥華天氣比較溫和,天氣唔會太extremely , 濕度亦都比多倫多冇咁高,地方比較細出入方便其實幾舒服嘅地方仲有海灘有山,真係好靚好舒服
Momo looking so pretty and confident!! move to Vancouver la
Skytrain 可以去到 Coquitlam 和 surrey 。有人話:(大温好山好水好很貴囉!)
Welcome to California of Canada.
Vancouver welcome you🎉❤
Love your vlogging style🎉 😊
Last month when we were walking down Robson street we saw a pair of jeans full of human waste dumped at a bus stop! And the smell of cannabis is everywhere, welcome to Vancouver!
睇埋先訓🤓 拍得好好 進步咗🙌
最多 2- 3 天。落足一個星期既長命雨而家已經非常少見, 一個冬季最多一, 兩場吧。
@@hangloong1251 嚟咗溫哥華經歷咗兩次冬天都係成日落雨或陰天,試過幾個禮拜入面每禮拜得一兩日晴天,我本身喺香港好鍾意落雨,但呢度真係too much😆
@@cherryinwonderland7150 一個禮拜有一兩日晴天已經算很不錯...記得當年剛過來溫哥華的時候, 冬季可以一整個月都見唔到太陽,一場雨落足兩個星期係等閒事...
之前去Vancouver都係好天到不得了,想呃人搬過去😂 有錢都想去溫哥華住。。stuck in toronto for now lol
you really like coffee!
多年前去過一次加拿大旅行,有去咗Vancouver, 入咗Alberta去Rockies同埋Toronto,對比兩個大城市之下,Vancouver真係完勝 😭😭 你快啲搬過去啦,期待Vancouver vlogs 🤣🤣 經歷過英國,raincouver對你嚟講應該唔係大問題 🙈🙈
哈哈哈哈,既然都提到咁多次澳洲,要搬都應該優先考慮搬嚟澳洲先! Sydney起碼氣候贏曬先,雖然住屋貴,但起薪高,機會多!
不過如果唔係咁多雨,d 植物又點會咁靚咁綠呢
So sad to know about your move out from TO 😢 But you will definitely missed the best summer here in Toronto
Welcome to Vancouver ❤😊
🎉 Im from Vancouver too! Now in HK
wow!! are u enjoying ur life in HK?
Momo 加油!靚左係咪有人追✌️
但係如果係移民真係要諗清楚先🙏🏻千祈唔好用Vancouver 同Syd Mel比較😂
仲有sky train好乾淨
Love your sun glasses 🤓
Welcome to Pacific Northwest
enjoy life MOMO!
Welcome to Vancouver!
Happy Birthday to you!
😚😚😚thank you!!!
Momo add oil💪🏻
妹妹 咁鬼靚呀 太陽神紋身
Don't let the short temporary nice weather here deceive you. The winter here is like the one in London, dark and wet.
i see what you mean :) spring and summer would be nice to stay
Good move! Enjoy
btw richmond hill XD
Momo 記住搽多啲防曬
Welcome to Vancouver.
"決定要搬了" 定 "去完直接想搬"? 睇哂佢啦. nom nom nom sip sip sip
搬來Vancouver 啦!有山有水!不過冬天落雨多!🫠🫠
有山有海真係好唔同 :D
Dont think about San Fran....u will see why
我二十年前第一次去Vancouver 已經愛上這地方❤❤
Same here, but too expensive now. 而家去d無咩人既地方搵錢先😂
Nice video. Becareful in SF
D溫哥華人真有自豪感、Toronto 都有靚义燒、仲有好多好食嘅嘢、有錢就得喇。我朋友在Vancouver 住咗十年、後來跟咗個女(讀大學)搬來Toronto、佢話Vancouver 悶、這邊多活動。
VC真係有Melbourne feel🥹
Momo, welcome to relocate to Vancouver, in advance! 🎉🎉🎊🎊🍾🍾
🤣🤣🤣 點解每個住溫哥華嘅人都咁講
@@momokwokMMK Cos we all love Vancouver 😂😂
As long as you stay out of Downtown Eastside/Gastown, you'll be just fine.... those places stink like hell and are super sketchy....
I live in Sydney Australia and had been to Vancouver once.
Vancouver has a strong feel of Sydney with the backdrop of harbour and surrounding beaches.
I would say Vancouver is a humble smaller version of Sydney except Sydney is 4 times the size of Vancouver, lot more beautiful beaches and nicer harbour. Weather in Sydney is 10 times better than Vancouver where it rains 70% of time. Both Sydney and Vancouver cost of living is ridiculous expensive though.
This is so truee! I live in Vancouver and have visited Sydney. Sydney is a much better place with clean streets, amazing city planning, great malls, supermarkets open until midnight, incredible food, and world-class beaches. There’s no comparison, not to mention the homeless problem and the cost of living in Vancouver is even a bit higher.
@@howun7435 Good town planning ?. I do not think so. Sydney is the oldest city in Australia when the country was in the infant stage. Proper town planning did not exist then. The road in Sydney was built for horse with narrow street and lot of bending. You need to visit Melbourne for proper town planning. But Sydney has caught up with lot of new infrastructure like new airport, lot more motorway, tunnels and brand new metro.
@@howun7435Australia is very dry and has a water crisis. Water is not very clean in Australia anymore.
@@erictang4798Sydney is bustling with numerous development projects rn. Check out their infrastructure developments and town renewals like Green Square. The pace is truly impressive. Also, the advanced technology used in their apartments and metro. They are using driverless metro train under the water, and you understand how undeveloped or outdated in Van. I dont think there is any change in these 5-7 years, the new richmond station or brentwood mall🫠??
@@pikachu-mx6hiI mean argument as water is "unclean" is quite nonsense. We're just discussing Sydney and Vancouver. Although speaking of water, Vancouver's definitely isn’t perfect either.
I see you talking the Asian population in other post, it's true that Vancouver has a higher percentage, but this is largely due to aging. If you visit more dim sum places or chinese food in both places, you'll see that Vancouver doesn't necessarily have the best Asian or Chinese food. While Vancouver's Chinese BBQ is top-notch, other are not that impressive, Korean food is outstanding if u wanna count
要搵食要搵工 - 呢個原因係第一,除了你退休
支持搬過黎Vancouver 😆想見下真人🤣
Cafe Ami is your choice for great coffee on Granville Island Public Market
搬啦。反正你做content creator 就更加應該去試下唔同city 💪💪💪