A Nazi's Son Serves In the Israeli Army!

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 603

  • @danielflax4250
    @danielflax4250 2 года назад +16

    I heard him speak at our clubhouse. He was absolutely fabulous. His story had all of us in attendance totally hanging on every word.

  • @user-ne6vf6jv9v
    @user-ne6vf6jv9v 2 года назад +202

    tank you i am 84 years old live in israel 72 years and 12 years in the reality of second war may GOD bless you richly for your sacrifices i love you israel

  • @bootsy70
    @bootsy70 2 года назад +328

    Thank you Dearest Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger for the courageous, painful testimony of your childhood to present and to side with the Jewish people. Amen.

  • @julijakeit
    @julijakeit 2 года назад +25

    I am neither German nor Jewish nor Russian nor lived in WW2 but I cannot stop myself from crying while I listen to this man as the events of ww2 greatly changed my region to so much worse and the pain is still there.

  • @a.s.weinstangel2672
    @a.s.weinstangel2672 2 года назад +466

    Yasher Koach! It takes a mensch with an intellect and moral strength to travel the road you have taken. Every church, mosque and synagogue all over the world should hear your story. Let Hashem bless you and your loved ones.

  • @normabrien8331
    @normabrien8331 2 года назад +582

    This is a true human being. May I suggest that he speaks to the house and senate of the United States because they need to hear what hate can do and at the present time they are promoting hate. I take my hat off to this precious man. May our Lord bless him.

  • @twicemodern7588
    @twicemodern7588 2 года назад +801

    As the oldest son of a man who survived and went through Auschwitz Blechhammer, Gross-Rosen, a death march and on an open train wagon in minus 20 C. weather finally to Dachau, to be liberated by American soldiers in 1945 and losing 150 family members in the process in other camps, strangely enough you feel like a younger brother to me. Thank you.
    It is still not too late for humanity as a whole.

  • @3coins.
    @3coins. 2 года назад +124

    I am your age and I was told not to talk about it. Thank you for speaking I hope this was healing, it was for me

  • @lilo97423
    @lilo97423 2 года назад +283

    Thank you for sharing. I was married to a German who converted to Judaism and lived in Israel. I was always wondering what his real motivation was deep down in his soul. Your story helped me understand.

  • @queensigal
    @queensigal 2 года назад +407

    This was possibly one of the greatest tales of heroism I had ever heard. This man is the very definition of a hero because he followed his heart and ideals of true love of human beings despite having been brought up by the opposite.

  • @stlouisix3
    @stlouisix3 2 года назад +335

    I wish everyone could be as honest as this gentleman. People refuse to admit that tragic events took place because of their ethnic pride. Bernd is a mensch🔄

  • @richardmeyer4406
    @richardmeyer4406 2 года назад +163

    When I’ve listened to your story my hair on my body stood up. The first few years of your life where like my childhood. My father was the last Soldier who came alive out of Stalingrad and was a prisoner of war in Siberia for 5 years. He told us he has looked after horses as soldier. But we all knew that wasn’t true.
    He was like your father a hard man with very set opinions
    My mother was a devoted Catholic. After my Army life I’ve migrated to Melbourne, Australia . I wanted to get a way from everything as far as I could and been meditating since to find out the truth about my self
    I do have Jewish blood in me and it’s taken me a long time to sort my self out . It’s not easy to leave the German in you and the Catholic teaching ( which is often do it as I say but don’t do as I do ) behind you .
    Not many people understand or care how much the war has effected the following generations of Germans
    As your parents my parents came never to accept what happened in the past and what went wrong
    Good luck my Freund und Leidens Genosse
    Thanks again for sharing your story
    It’s hard to fit in an Country if you don’t fit in . It’s even harder to find happiness and inner peace

  • @sanhuan34
    @sanhuan34 2 года назад +347

    This man is authentic. His words and his body language are consistent. To use a cliche, you can't make this stuff up.

  • @lilachneev2242
    @lilachneev2242 2 года назад +57

    Thank you Dr.Bernd for being a true light to humanity, and showing that we can heal the affliction by love and standing up to words and deeds of hate. I am a daughter of a holocaust survivor, and I was truly touched by your story.

  • @sarahtobysobel4876
    @sarahtobysobel4876 2 года назад +282

    so perfect for this time of cancel culture and denying the past. wow how important and meaningful to a child of an aushowitz survivor. thank you for sharing. what courage of you to come to this place in your life to rise above the bitter side of the war.

  • @1818cbt
    @1818cbt 2 года назад +254

    As a child of a survivor all I can say is WOW!

  • @cassandrasuzannelalonde4758
    @cassandrasuzannelalonde4758 2 года назад +48

    I am in awe. We never know what our brothers and sisters have gone through until we walk in their shoes. Thank you for your testimony 🙏

  • @cricrocante1
    @cricrocante1 2 года назад +19

    I'm here in Brazil and one of the blessings I've got from learning how to speak English is get to listen to this beautiful talk...thanks for that...I got really emotional.

  • @gugsl984
    @gugsl984 2 года назад +315

    Thank you for your courage, honesty and integrity. Hatred is vile, evil and a poison that can destroy the fabric of society and can kill. Your insight and understanding is a learning curve for us all.

  • @KingLarbear
    @KingLarbear 2 года назад +15

    I'm a jew and this is a story that I never knew that I needed until now but as a curious and studious jew, I decided to hear you out

  • @skiyman
    @skiyman 2 года назад +161

    I’m sorry for the atrocities committed by the nazis to so many. Thank you for standing up and telling us your story. May we build a better world.

  • @joanhenschel3511
    @joanhenschel3511 2 года назад +8

    Shalom to this precious man. Wow, what an incredible journey, what a lesson for me. God bless you, Dr.

  • @lyntonm5793
    @lyntonm5793 2 года назад +96

    Dear Dov Ben Avraham (I hope I got that right?) In any event, Dov is a beautiful and fitting name.
    This as the 80th comment and all of them are positive which is a very rare occurrence on YT. I hope you absorb all of them and that they make you proud of who you are.
    You gave a beautiful presentation, and you assuredly deserve all commendation.
    Some say our souls live on and that the living, through good actions, redeem and elevate those who have passed. From the point of view of souls, you have brought great honor to your ancestors and parents.
    I believe you are the truest and most courageous soldier in your family.
    Thank you for being you.
    You are a shining light unto the nations.

  • @tombreheny31
    @tombreheny31 2 года назад +31

    What an amazing human being. My own father was Catholic and my mother was Jewish. Ma's parents were from Poland and among the lucky ones who left in time. We did have one single surviving relative from Auschwitz and Belsen.

  • @brendadonald9091
    @brendadonald9091 2 года назад +38

    What an amazing man! Oh and he brought back memories for me as i was a NZ athlete at the Munich Olympics. We traveled in Scandanavia beforehand to get race fit and i met an Israeli hurdler and her coach. He was lovely and in Munich one day at the breakfast hall we chatted and he wished me well for my race. It was such a shock to learn he was one of those killed. It was unbelievable. So sad. I will never forget him. Anyway getting back to the testimony - it was wonderful. So awful what happened to the Jews.

  • @dovipruzansky1183
    @dovipruzansky1183 2 года назад +150

    This story brought me to tears. It’s also wonderful to see some light in this very dark world. Thank you for your courage to come speak out, and to correct the damage done in the past. My best wishes to you, and stay strong 💪😊.

  • @brockautry8680
    @brockautry8680 2 года назад +115

    Wow. I've got to admit i nearly clicked my way past 46 minutes and 36 seconds of the best story I've heard in a very long time. I am absolutely grateful i didn't. The speaker and his story will remain with me in my heart and mind consciously and warmly that i pray i never forget. Im 52 yrs old and have lived a graced and privileged life to have been able to not have experienced war or war horror personally that i may learn from one who has. Such as the exceptional speaker and story i just listened intently to. Thank you for your time,experience and story. Im actually having a hard rime writing this comment due to tears blurring my vision. Wow. Its been awhile since anything got thru to me in a way such as this. Helps me remember that i too am human and its ok to be me just as its ok for you to be you i Pray this message may reach many people as im going to share it as soon as im done with this thank you text. I believe humility to be a super power and that would make the speaker a super man in a literal sense in mo opinion anyways. Thanks you very much for making more than just my day. I shall try to nurture the feeling i have now to spread to those around me who i care about as well as those who maybe even i dont care about at all. What an awesome story. Sincerely thank you and i gotta go that i may share. May GODS GRACE & LOVE SHOW YOU THE WAY & REMEMBER TO SMILE. IT TRULY IS CONTAGIOUS

  • @rilanewman5723
    @rilanewman5723 2 года назад +100

    Thank you for sharing your story. My husband survived Buchenvald. He always loved the German people.

  • @sheikhboyardee556
    @sheikhboyardee556 2 года назад +387

    This would make a great movie. If it was made into a movie I would say, "finally something worth watching." This is great.

  • @nirak6122
    @nirak6122 2 года назад +84

    Thank you for telling your story with truth and conviction. I myself grew up in Germany and only heard of the horrors inflicted on the Jewish people through one of my teachers when I was about 12, years old in 1973. I believe it was probably the main reason for me to want to leave Germany, I’ve been living in England since 1979.

  • @tonymack6656
    @tonymack6656 2 года назад +188

    An extraordinary story of forgiveness and growth of the soul towards peace.

  • @dl6860
    @dl6860 2 года назад +63

    What an incredible, empathetic, strong, good man. Thank you Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger.

  • @perfildemujer3452
    @perfildemujer3452 2 года назад +14

    Thank you for this heartbreaking and beautiful testimony. I wonder what percent of post war Germans where taught to be conscious of their elder’s horrible actions against humanity. This man, as a child, was not. He had to find out on his own as an adult. Irresponsable and scary for humanity. I’m so glad he found and embraced truth.

  • @leoniemills5232
    @leoniemills5232 2 года назад +5

    Thankyou so much for sharing your story and having the courage to speak up against the autrosities that the Hitler regime found exceptible
    I to are a daughter of a nazi ss comander and only found out later in life, I am also a grandaughter of a polish jewish grandmother and the guilt followed me through my upbringing in Australia
    I felt the shame and it wasn't spoken about in my family until my mother finally left my bruit father that it all came out
    Through my family on my mother's side were holicaust survivor's yet my father was a perpetrator of these crimes in Auschwitz
    The same camps that crucified my family
    I chose to forgive my father but he took that hate to his grave alone
    My family never forgave him for those acts he chose as a young ss soldier
    I forgave but will never forget the human cruelty that man continues to do even now generations on...
    Will it ever END
    Your heart has to given me peace to my choice of forgiveness
    Thankyou ♥️♥️♥️

  • @Leoniela
    @Leoniela 2 года назад +339

    What an outstanding human being. This is how I would have expected many more germans to respond when discovering their family's part in perpetrating the Shoah. Telling your story is a huge mitzva in as much as it brings comfort to survivors, their descendants and Jews in general and as part of the rebuttal of Holocaust denial. Your story should be made into a film to reach many more people.

  • @rubyg8749
    @rubyg8749 2 года назад +25

    Absolutely chilling that some watchers thumb down this true account. Such depravity of minds & hearts has no place in this world. God bless this incredible man 🙏

  • @debbiebrooks3473
    @debbiebrooks3473 2 года назад +20

    I do not know if you have written a book of your story. If you haven’t, I encourage you to do so. You have my admiration for telling the story of your life, your family’s history, and what you learned about the War. I wish you only the best for you and your family. God bless you.

  • @rdsolomonphd
    @rdsolomonphd 2 года назад +11

    Your story struck me to my core. Your story is not simply about the Holocaust or more properly, The Shoah. It is also about Tikun Olam, repairing the world to make it a better place of all its inhabitants. Thank you Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger for sharing the meaning of your life's story with us. You are a treasure!

  • @rosyrussell5209
    @rosyrussell5209 2 года назад +51

    My father was a famous pilot in the RAF during WW11. He was killed just before I was born. My mother never married again. I am so proud of my father and the British, who led by the amazing Churchill, fought for the second time in one generation, against Germany. As every nation in Europe fell, Britain did not. Jews have a very special place in my heart. They are incredible people. Thank you for this story. It is time for me to forgive the Germans and Austrians. If Jews can forgive, I should too. There are obviously good Germans as illustrated by you.

  • @Dovid2000
    @Dovid2000 2 года назад +53

    "Words (left unchallenged) turn into deeds, deeds turn into habits, habits turn into character, and character into social norms." - Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger

  • @Markus_Blewish
    @Markus_Blewish 2 года назад +246

    What an amazing inspirational story. The last part is very timely, describing how words eventually led to the Shoah. People still say and believe it can't happen here. Not only can the sequence of what happened in Germany happen here, it' already started.

  • @psypher8184
    @psypher8184 2 года назад +10

    My mum is Jewish and father British. Our family didn't go through the Shoah. We must learn to forgive and move on together in honour of those who perished. I'm glad to hear his speech and I hope Europeans share his views on Israel. Yisrael chai!

  • @user-ov2xq7gz7n
    @user-ov2xq7gz7n 2 года назад +102

    What a great person you are!
    You are so impressive!
    What a legacy of brave and morality and love and honest and...(I could not stop!)
    God bless you and your family!

  • @tomtom21194
    @tomtom21194 2 года назад +5

    Very touching story. As a confused child he went searching for truth and to understand, he did not shy from the things he learned. An example many can follow

  • @debrabatson6678
    @debrabatson6678 2 года назад +10

    I want to make a comment, but I, as so many others, am overwhelmed with so much emotion and many thoughts. Immensely grateful to this man for his heart and his words. I pray all those who hear, even if they don't agree, will become more open to truth and godliness. I will leave it there and say a heartfelt thank you for this man & his example. ❤

  • @carolwilliams5337
    @carolwilliams5337 2 года назад +107

    He learned the value of respect for parents and forgiveness.

  • @YHWHlionheartcharger777
    @YHWHlionheartcharger777 2 года назад +18

    Wow...... you are the epitome of courage, humility, and forgiving, put together!

  • @Leon-jp7ch
    @Leon-jp7ch 2 года назад +20

    My goodness. This testimony really broke me to tears, I'm literally speechless. What a beautiful נשמה❤️
    May HaShem bless you Abundantly

  • @WalkinginDivineHealth
    @WalkinginDivineHealth 2 года назад +532

    Powerful story! Thank you for having the courage to share.

  • @cherylespeckerman3216
    @cherylespeckerman3216 2 года назад +9

    Thanks for the amazing story. You have given me much hope that good can come out of something so bad. May Hashem bless you!

  • @LaMammaDiElvis
    @LaMammaDiElvis 2 года назад +28

    What an absolutely incredible story. He has shown such strength and bravery his entire life. I was in Poland for a brief trip to meet up with a friend. My mother came with me. My Polish friend asked me if we would like to visit Auschwitz and Birkenau. I had no idea you could visit the camps. I had seen documentaries about the camps which always left me sobbing every time. But actually being there was totally different. Seeing everything first hand, especially the baby clothes and the handicapped people's crutches, wheelchairs, etc. It leaves you horrified by what these monsters did and silent for those who survived or died.
    On the bus from Auschwitz to Birkenau, I met a young man who told me that his grandfather was an Italian prisoner of war at Auschwitz and every time his grandfather tried to speak about his experience there he couldn't and would end up crying uncontrollably. That horrific experience left him completely traumatized for the rest of his life.

  • @666Susie
    @666Susie 2 года назад +19

    Brilliant! What a man of courage, integrity, and the spirit of an extraordinary form of Tikkun Olam. The world needs more people like the doctor in this video.

  • @lorenklein8093
    @lorenklein8093 2 года назад +10

    This man and his story is so inspiring that I don't even know how to respond other than say THANK YOU ! This world, especially America today, needs more people like this.

  • @danalessne9613
    @danalessne9613 2 года назад +14

    My mom used to work with him and said wonderful things about him. :)

  • @AbdulAli-ku9he
    @AbdulAli-ku9he 2 года назад +79

    Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger, you are only responsible your own actions, your parents, GOD will judge their sins. We need to be good and love each other.

  • @karenkretschmer7374
    @karenkretschmer7374 2 года назад +29

    Thank you. Your story will help others heal from their family's horrific, similar past. My heritage is half German and 1/4 Jewish.

  • @kennethdale6260
    @kennethdale6260 2 года назад +39

    You are a credit to Mankind Doctor. Thank you so much for your story and your wisdom.

  • @ralphfriedlander2756
    @ralphfriedlander2756 2 года назад +77

    Kol hakavod! Congratulations for life choice and for the exemple you set for the others! I Hand tears in my eyes and it lifted my spirit.

  • @757575436
    @757575436 2 года назад +109

    We think you pronounced your name as Vern ,your eloquence, your poise is refreshing to shed light from a different perspective and you went all the way ,we thank you and hope you continue spreading the truth, kol hakavod Vern.

  • @jk.2994
    @jk.2994 2 года назад +108

    God bless you for speaking up.

  • @svietka202
    @svietka202 2 года назад +27

    so many emotions went through me while listening to this fascinating man. everything from awe, respect to fascination. he is an amazing human being and i m so glad he is part of our nation.

  • @Raminakai
    @Raminakai 2 года назад +94

    An incredible life!
    I am sorry your marriage did not continue.
    Standing up to your parents at and calling them out for lies- especially your father, must have ripped your heart out.
    Sometimes we have to make a choice that changes our whole life trajectory- and sets us on a Path of Life!
    Shalom !

  • @graziellanachmias8919
    @graziellanachmias8919 2 года назад +19

    Ich bin ihnen sehr dankbar , fuer ihre offentheit !!! ישר כח , כל הכבוד לך ותודה מכל הלב . I'm a Jewish woman who married a german man, in 1972

  • @tatjanabozovic103
    @tatjanabozovic103 2 года назад +8

    What a brilliant and courageous man ! True hero. This is a truly inspiring story of humanity, devotion and bravery. Thank you for your story.

  • @reuvenlehman7020
    @reuvenlehman7020 2 года назад +87

    Very respectfully towards your courage.

  • @cliftontorrence839
    @cliftontorrence839 2 года назад +32

    What a beautiful and loving man. Thank you for sharing such an amazing story.

  • @simkwakia
    @simkwakia 2 года назад +12

    Such a powerful story.
    I am Chinese and teared up when he said Willy Brandt kneeled at the memorial asking for forgiveness, and when the girl's father rolled up his sleeves to show the tattoo that he was at Auschwitz. Because of people like him, God has blessed Germany and Israel today. So much rich lessons to learn from his life.
    May the Lord Yahweh bless Jerusalem and Israel.

  • @jayvolek2584
    @jayvolek2584 2 года назад +6

    What a beautiful human being and what a wonderful story.

  • @chantalsscaleisafibber
    @chantalsscaleisafibber 2 года назад +28

    What an incredible story--rivetting. This man is an incredible speaker. He speaks so eloquently.

  • @blackbird7679
    @blackbird7679 2 года назад +30

    What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing. Dr. Wollschlaeger, you are a wonderful human being. With people like you there is hope for mankind. I can relate to your statement on the warmth and kindness you experienced from Jews. I experienced it too. When I first moved from Germany to England in 1980 and first came into contact with Jews I fully expected to be met with resentment and rejection if not hatred. But the opposite happened. Their warm heartedness and kindness towards me completely overwhelmed me. I started wondering what it was that made them into such warm, kind, understanding and forgiving people. Today I know. The answer is 3000 years of Torah education. Baruch Hashem.

  • @calvinquesnel198
    @calvinquesnel198 2 года назад +189

    Man I have a lot of respect for you !

  • @shaffer4220
    @shaffer4220 2 года назад +15

    I am so overwhelmed by your incredible life story. The strength of love that is co-joined is truly remarkable. Thank you for sharing.

  • @rosalenebradbury2722
    @rosalenebradbury2722 2 года назад +3

    Blown away by the grace of this man. Thank you so much. You have taught me, a non Jew, very much. Rosie in New Zealand

  • @leighcunningham756
    @leighcunningham756 2 года назад +72

    A powerful testimony. I am of German extract and often wondered if my ancestors participated in the murders. Then learnt that I am part Jewish and that my father was Catholic. Well, I was never able to participate in that and as a believer in Jesus Christ as my savior my only conclusion is that it is just as well that we are not meant to be part of this world and so await His return.

  • @Goca-B
    @Goca-B 2 года назад +276

    I thoroughly enjoyed hearing your testimony. God bless you and God bless Israel 🙏🏼

  • @margaretdavis8113
    @margaretdavis8113 2 года назад +65

    Thank you sir. Your courage and faith can only be from God. ❤🙏

  • @childofj
    @childofj 2 года назад +32

    You are. A wonderful person. The Lord Bless you Bernd.

  • @starsrhi2335
    @starsrhi2335 2 года назад +48

    Thank you for this wonderful learning and information. I came from a large family, where not only my father, but all my uncle's, served in WWII. Many in the upper ranks, and many on the front lines. They all lived through the war. However, during family gatherings the men would not talk about certain things, and I was interested in history at an early age. I did get a few tid bits from my uncles, but nothing that lead me into further research. But my father dropped some things during our family conversation times, and I learned plenty, which kept me, and helped me in my adult years, even now. And which lead me to my salvation in Jesus Christ, where it has been explained in full by the Word of God, and by godly mentor's who know the truth, the reasons why, and still speak it now. Thank you again, and it was an honor to hear Bernd speak his heart, and the history connected to it. May God be with you all. Amen.

  • @sharonfahey5374
    @sharonfahey5374 2 года назад +99

    Wow, what a blessing. Hashem is so great!

  • @katharineamin6066
    @katharineamin6066 2 года назад +79

    Amazing story. - God bless you! (My father fought against the Nazis in Normandy- strange world we live in. )

  • @gr4ce9402
    @gr4ce9402 2 года назад +19

    What a bold man. I admire your courage and character. Great lessons learnt. God bless you man

  • @elizabethwahlborg5954
    @elizabethwahlborg5954 2 года назад +9

    Wow. This man's journey is amazing. It shows that you are not the product of your past. We can all create our own history and future.

  • @lewis2553
    @lewis2553 2 года назад +139

    To every Jew out there, please allow me to apologize also, for my country's recent behavior toward Israel. I am the son of a US Army WW2 veteran.

  • @hansemanta
    @hansemanta 2 года назад +120

    What an impressive story and one to learn from. What a courage speaks from it. Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!

  • @chrishughes1103
    @chrishughes1103 2 года назад +20

    Thank you Bernd, I don't know quite how to say how I appreciate you're voice for the good of humanity. Thanks. Thanks for telling it.

  • @olivialafield7518
    @olivialafield7518 2 года назад +20

    How can a single compassionate human being give this video a thumbs-down???

  • @marvinjacobs7058
    @marvinjacobs7058 2 года назад +3

    Beautiful, I an a son of parents who were survivors. God Bless those who never had a chance to say again. I love you. Amen

  • @rachel_v_k
    @rachel_v_k 2 года назад +60

    Thank you for sharing your life and experience. I hope that you continue to tell your story to more people. The children of today are several generations removed from WWII, and they will not have the opportunity to meet those who were alive then, or their children, like you. For this reason, it is so important that you have made this video. Thank you.
    God bless you and your family.

  • @howardtucker5251
    @howardtucker5251 2 года назад +9

    Sir, what an inspirational story. I admire your commitment and your life. You have given so much and have so much more to give. he willingness for the Jewish community to 'help' you along your journey of discovery is also amazing. I have been an investigator for more than 16 years s into war crimes and crimes against humanity, including Genocide, not as a result of the holocaust of WWII, but the Geocide committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Balkan War 1991-1995. Genocide denial is a cancer that still haunts the Balkans and is a potential threat to the society in Bosnia today. You are an amazing man, Dr. Wollschlaeger. Thank you for sharing your incredible story.

  • @etet6118
    @etet6118 2 года назад +15

    Thank you for you, your perseverance, your humility, your honesty and your testimony. God bless you.

  • @WmTyndale
    @WmTyndale 2 года назад +190

    What a powerful narrative that touched my soul. Another proof for me of the existence of God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!

  • @ritchievernon8099
    @ritchievernon8099 2 года назад +10

    I saw this video this was really good how hard it must have been for this man of integrity to share it! 🙏🙏🙏

  • @cutzymccall7675
    @cutzymccall7675 2 года назад +5

    Wow. I couldn't tear myself away from this. Bravo to this brave and wise man. I hope he continues to lead a flourishing life.

  • @maxtalkspolitics3180
    @maxtalkspolitics3180 2 года назад +19

    WOW this is something i can absolutely relate to, i was born in Germany and i as well had a father that mistreated me and whom i ran away from, with the hope of finding a new life and a new home i went to America at the age of sixteen, and i was received with the most loving care by my new community😀🇺🇸

  • @terrimccan7253
    @terrimccan7253 2 года назад +41

    TY. So moving and this story needs to be played many more times and everywhere.

  • @dinushblau4247
    @dinushblau4247 2 года назад +33

    Shivering story!!! Thank you for sharing, being honest and talking the truth out loud. May God bless you

  • @joelleson3313
    @joelleson3313 2 года назад +54

    I'm sitting here with tears running down my face.

  • @lizgichora6472
    @lizgichora6472 2 года назад +166

    Learning from History: Respecting and standing for others, in 'building a better world', thank you for sharing.

  • @twicedeadtrilogy-book1-con234
    @twicedeadtrilogy-book1-con234 2 года назад +4

    A powerful, and painful story, that has me cutting onions because I need to hide my tears. 😢

  • @MoniqueHolmes
    @MoniqueHolmes 2 года назад +14

    Americans and African Americans can learn alot from this inspirational story. Sometimes you must be empathetic to the plight of others in order to heal.