From Battlefield to Sports Field: Lee Priest Talks Wars for Cash & Criticizes Armchair Analysts!

  • Опубликовано: 1 окт 2024

Комментарии • 8

  • @americanhotdog
    @americanhotdog 5 месяцев назад +1

    Apologize to Larry

  • @BrickQuake
    @BrickQuake 5 месяцев назад +1

    Lee is legend 👑🙌🥇

  • @KenanTurkiye
    @KenanTurkiye 5 месяцев назад

    Here's a different perspective nearly all of you most likely did not know before.
    Jesus Christ the Messiah (peace be upon him) was taken to Heaven by Lord/God/TheCreator because some wanted him dead, so God saved him (be patient, continue reading, you will see ''the matrix'', upto you to escape it). (extensive detail in folder 3 in my playlists)
    The word christ comes from the Greek word 'christos' meaning chosen/annointed (annointment is the act of chosing)
    the word messiah comes from the Arabic/Hebrew word 'messiach', again meaning chosen.
    Jesus did not speak Greek or Arabic or Hebrew, he spoke Aramaic.
    John 14:28
    “I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I”
    John 20:17
    '‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’”
    John 5:30
    "I cannot do anything on my own."
    Mark 10:18
    ''Why do you call me good? No one is good, except God alone.''
    (that ''father'' does not mean flesh and bone father, rather TheGuide/God,
    worship TheCreator/TheGuide/TheGod and not the prophets, peace be upon them all)
    So, Who chose Jesus?
    TheCreator/TheGod/TheLord did.
    To do what?
    To convey that there is TheCreator/TheGod/TheLord and only ThatSupreme power should be worshipped and prayed to and NO idols/conjured up god/s by human kind,
    be it a man, a spirit of a man, a sun, a star, a moon, a tree, an animal etc etc be worshipped in any way.
    Anything that is worshipped besides TheGod is a god, that is false god, hence with a small ''g''.
    There is one Creator, hence why TheGod, the only One deserving of worship.
    What does Allah mean as a word?
    It means TheCreator/TheGod/TheLord.
    What does ''elaah'' mean as a word?
    It means any idol or conjured up god or gods that are false and do not deserve worship of any kind, hence why Islam rejects all gods but TheGod/TheCreator/TheLord/Allah.
    Why are all religions in opposition of Islam?
    Because they have a god or many gods but TheGod that is worshipped in someway or another.
    Have you ever read a Quran from start to finish?
    That you can answer for your self.
    (I recommend the Sahih International english translation, it's good).
    Best wishes.
    Jesus did preach to worship the OneGod/TheCreator and not anything else, and so did his followers, peace be upon them all.
    This unsettled the Roman Empire because this idea of Monotheism went against their pagan beliefs where the emperor was both emperor and god. They persecuted the followers of Jesus and even attempted to kill Jesus, even a Roman Empire servant Saul of Tarsus was out to kill Jesus.
    Saul never managed to meet Jesus in real life but after Jesus was taken up to Heaven Saul said he saw a dream and said he will now preach the teachings of Jesus. Saul of Tarsus is also known in todays christianity as Saint Paul, so todays christians are actually on the teaching of ''Saint'' Paul which brings in trinity and godhead figure of Jesus and rejects Monotheism.
    -Jesus was commanded to preach Monotheism, which he did and early followers were Monotheistic (Islamic) believing people, which later changed with the Roman Empires paganism spreading
    -Jesus was commanded to preach ONLY to the Israelites, which he did, but after him Saul of Tarsus aka ''saint Paul'' started to preach to the Gentiles, which is the foundation of todays christiandom.
    -Jesus was commanded to rule for the circumsicion which he did, but it was taken out after he left
    -Roman Empire in 325 AD held a council, with empire alligned 'scholars'' to decide and VOTE on whether Jesus was to be worshipped or not, they VOTED that Jesus be accepted as god (in aliagn with the pagan beliefs of the Roman traditions) and ever since the trinity became the 'christian way' (not what Jesus preached), and sinc that time the Church has chronicled how many times the ''Bible'' has been changed, verses removed and verses added to SUIT this altered idea of trinity!
    Best wishes, life is short. ;)

  • @JGH1708
    @JGH1708 5 месяцев назад

    Lee speaks on many subjects he has no idea about. Almost like he's an armchair expert.....

  • @toddventura7191
    @toddventura7191 5 месяцев назад

    Can you please get rid of the background music?

  • @2scoops70
    @2scoops70 5 месяцев назад

    Lee is such a fantastic good bloke ,absolute unit too.

  • @Dad-Gad
    @Dad-Gad 5 месяцев назад

    Spot on as usual Lee 👍

  • @yousifyoukhana2418
    @yousifyoukhana2418 5 месяцев назад
