Brother Tim...thank you for this word from the Lord. Every message in this series -- from the 1st one you preached in San Antonio, to this most recent on assurance from Manchester -- the Lord has used in accordance with His perfect timing to help me take just one more step toward Him on tumultuous waters out of Dallas, Texas. You can be sure that the Enemy's hatred toward you is growing exponentially, provoked not only by the nature of this series, but also by your insistence on poking your nose around in his business at GFM. In this I rejoice. And I am praying for you and Ruby...that the Lord would give you His divine wisdom, and continue to deliver you both as you wage war. Glory & Honor & Power to King Jesus of Nazareth, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who returns imminently to judge the quick and the dead! Glory I say!!
What choice do I have? Jesus is Lord, God does not lie, no one can say Christ is Lord but by the Holy Spirit, God does not lie. Jesus is Lord, the Holy Spirit makes my heart know this, though I sin I hate my sin, 'some One' has turned the light on and opened my eyes, GOD DOES NOT LIE, therefore it must be so, I belong to Jesus, He owns me coz He is Lord. Amen. Thanks Ps Tim.
Hello, Pastor Tim's teaching has been a huge benefit to my walk. He said something though that was really concerning. I say this out of love not to be condemning. He said we should talk to the Devil around 39:24. I don't think anywhere scripture says we should talk to the Devil. I believe this goes against what it says in Jude. Yes I believe we should hold all of the devil's accusations to God's word. But as for speaking to the devil I think the Bible condemns that. I hope this is read and brought before Pastor Tim I think it is important. I am praying.
I appreciate this comment because I questioned it as well when I heard it. I know people in a charismatic church that rebuke the devil and bad weather, ect. So I'd like to have a clear understanding on that as well. Time to study!😃
Often I see professing Christians full of joy and assurance of their salvation, with no doubts. Their walk almost glib, carefree...but there appeared little fruit or change in their life. So I'd conclude either I must be so bad that Christ has deserted me or they must be so bad the devil don't bother them. After much reading of old puritan sermons and examining scripture...I realised this wrestling with my body of death called the flesh within and resisting the world and the devil is normal drills for a born again Christians ! It's called spiritual warfare. We are called to fight the good fight of faith, and rejoice amidst divers temptation for the trying of our faith works patients. Endurance is not legalism as the liberals would have you believe. The prophets suffered much, so did our Savior and the apostles, are we to lie down on a bed of roses? Alas all things work for the good to those that love God to those that are called according to his purpose.
Brother Tim...thank you for this word from the Lord. Every message in this series -- from the 1st one you preached in San Antonio, to this most recent on assurance from Manchester -- the Lord has used in accordance with His perfect timing to help me take just one more step toward Him on tumultuous waters out of Dallas, Texas. You can be sure that the Enemy's hatred toward you is growing exponentially, provoked not only by the nature of this series, but also by your insistence on poking your nose around in his business at GFM. In this I rejoice. And I am praying for you and Ruby...that the Lord would give you His divine wisdom, and continue to deliver you both as you wage war. Glory & Honor & Power to King Jesus of Nazareth, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who returns imminently to judge the quick and the dead! Glory I say!!
God desires us to be assured of our Salvation, our goal is to walk faithfully before the Lord and repent of all our sins and strive for holiness
What choice do I have? Jesus is Lord, God does not lie, no one can say Christ is Lord but by the Holy Spirit, God does not lie. Jesus is Lord, the Holy Spirit makes my heart know this, though I sin I hate my sin, 'some One' has turned the light on and opened my eyes, GOD DOES NOT LIE, therefore it must be so, I belong to Jesus, He owns me coz He is Lord. Amen. Thanks Ps Tim.
Hello, Pastor Tim's teaching has been a huge benefit to my walk. He said something though that was really concerning. I say this out of love not to be condemning. He said we should talk to the Devil around 39:24. I don't think anywhere scripture says we should talk to the Devil. I believe this goes against what it says in Jude. Yes I believe we should hold all of the devil's accusations to God's word. But as for speaking to the devil I think the Bible condemns that. I hope this is read and brought before Pastor Tim I think it is important. I am praying.
Hey, could you provide scripture to show that it is completely unbiblical to rebuke Satan verbally?
I appreciate this comment because I questioned it as well when I heard it. I know people in a charismatic church that rebuke the devil and bad weather, ect. So I'd like to have a clear understanding on that as well. Time to study!😃
Often I see professing Christians full of joy and assurance of their salvation, with no doubts. Their walk almost glib, carefree...but there appeared little fruit or change in their life. So I'd conclude either I must be so bad that Christ has deserted me or they must be so bad the devil don't bother them. After much reading of old puritan sermons and examining scripture...I realised this wrestling with my body of death called the flesh within and resisting the world and the devil is normal drills for a born again Christians ! It's called spiritual warfare. We are called to fight the good fight of faith, and rejoice amidst divers temptation for the trying of our faith works patients. Endurance is not legalism as the liberals would have you believe. The prophets suffered much, so did our Savior and the apostles, are we to lie down on a bed of roses? Alas all things work for the good to those that love God to those that are called according to his purpose.