從《韓非子》看組織為什麼會失敗? | 李晉教授

  • Опубликовано: 9 июл 2020
  • 疫情期間,不少企業,包括一些百年老店轟然倒下。然而如何在易變,不確定,複雜而又模糊的(VUCA)環境裡生存下去,並非是這個時代獨有的難題。 早在兩千多年前, 那個狼煙四起,群雄紛爭的戰國時代,這個難題也困擾著大大小小的各國諸侯們。關於這個難題的思考,孕育了一批思想家。韓非是其中最傑出的代表之一。他的《韓非子》集勢、法、術、道為一體, 不少觀點切中現代經濟學的核心。對韓非,秦始皇感歎 “嗟乎,寡人得見此人與之遊,死不恨矣!” 而《韓非子》又能給今天的管理者帶來怎樣的啟示呢?
    香港大學經濟及工商管理學院網上直播教學平台 - 「明德大學堂」邀請了香港大學經管學院教授(管理及商業策略、經濟學)李晉教授,和大家分析《韓非子》,借古鑒今看如何在這疫情後的時代生存下去。
    Discussion on the reasons of the failure of organisations from the Chinese work Han Feizi by Professor Jin LI
    Many corporations, including some hundred-year-old enterprises fell during the pandemic. Yet the question of survival in the VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) environment is not unique in our times. Around two thousand years ago, during the chaotic Warring States Period, this question has troubled many feudal lords then. This has given rise to a group of philosophers and among them, Han Fei was the most outstanding one. His work Han Feizi has integrated Shi (situation), Fa (law), Shu (skill), Dao (way) and many viewpoints in his work have fit in the essence of modern economics.
    Prof. LI will analyse the work Han Feizi and discuss how we may take reference from the work to survive in this post-pandemic era.
    The lecture is conducted in Putonghua.

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