Angry Chemists - Periodic Table of Videos

  • Опубликовано: 12 июл 2024
  • UK chemists have written to Prime Minister David Cameron over funding cuts in the field of organic chemistry. The Professor explains why.
    And here's a link to a letter The Professor himself wrote to Margaret Thatcher...
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Комментарии • 638

  • @wcresponder
    @wcresponder 10 лет назад +956

    It's a shame pay cuts don't start at the politician level.

  • @Mekratrig
    @Mekratrig 9 лет назад +706

    Don't make the chemistry professor angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry...

  • @Mauritan
    @Mauritan 10 лет назад +524

    he said he was never good enough for organic chemistry, humble man

  • @skroot7975
    @skroot7975 9 лет назад +742

    Research is the last thing we should cut funding from as a society.

  • @VoltageTHD
    @VoltageTHD 9 лет назад +1533

    Stop funding athletes and fund schools!

  • @ojtheaviator1795
    @ojtheaviator1795 9 лет назад +351

    "If you go to a hospital and have a heart attack"... then good thing you are in a hospital!

  • @kingster8400
    @kingster8400 7 лет назад +88

    If there is one kind of scientist you shouldn't piss off, its the chemist

  • @jony4real
    @jony4real 9 лет назад +344

    This professor reminds me of Dumbledore. He's funny and harmless most of the time, but if you get him angry, hooooo boy...

  • @masterkronixster
    @masterkronixster 9 лет назад +498

    just become a evil scientist . Rule the world .

  • @fugehdehyou
    @fugehdehyou 13 лет назад +93

    "We got money for wars but cant feed the poor"
    same goes for science.

  • @guitarman840
    @guitarman840 10 лет назад +43

    I've never seen this guy so pissed....

  • @MrCoffee1976
    @MrCoffee1976 12 лет назад +5

    Why the hell these guys don't have their own TV show is beyond me. I just spent the last week watching every single video on the channel and this is flat out some of the most fascinating shit I've watched in a long time.
    Also, huge props to The Professor for rocking the mad scientist fro like a champ.

  • @capindoody
    @capindoody 11 лет назад +11

    You can feel his passion for his job. Go Professor!

  • @MrPsychomonkey
    @MrPsychomonkey 10 лет назад +44

    I agree with the professor, public funding of both theoretical and practical scientific research is essential for this country's economy, that lead to job creation is stable and rapidly growing industries. Public funding and peer review ensures the best allocation of money to projects that push boundaries irrespective of prospects of financial gain.
    We are no longer living in the world were people's mobility is limited, and currently we exploit the UK's prestige in research to attract the best minds from around, but cut's to funding could lead to brain drain.
    Those calling for taxation of corporation that exploit public research to be taxed more, are taxed and the government need better enforce that they pay the right level of tax, instead of it disappearing to a tax heaven. But most of the large research corporation in the UK, do actively encourage and fund research opportunities , Phds etc and have agreements with unis.
    Also some universities do get a healthy revenue stream from patents, but research is hard, expensive, very time consuming and the time from starting research to getting financial gains are long, 5 -10 years at least.

  • @JabbaTiure
    @JabbaTiure 10 лет назад +12

    I second this. Increasing the availability of science grants serves to increase the quantity of available chemists, which in turn improves labor quality that will increase the short-run aggregate supply. Withholding funds due to a recession is only counterproductive, for a reduction in price level due to government spending will only be met with a leftward shift of the SRAS due to a reduced scientist output.
    We need education to continue making our lives comfortable.

  • @Akymma
    @Akymma 10 лет назад +72

    Not just in UK.. this is happening also in Spain and I'm sure most probably in many other "developed" countries. It's like now that there's a crisis we're going back in time instead of forward.. If don't fund the Reserch, the Public Eduaction sistem, the Universities... You've gonna end up with a massive problem in a few years time cause most people will not be able to understand and/ or work as scientists, drivers of complicated machinery, designers of different tecnological areas, Teachers, architects and so on... So you will have very advance and complicated tecnology with lots of possibilities but nobody to utilize it.. it will be an involution of humanity.. like going back to the dark times..

  • @Squiderrant
    @Squiderrant 7 лет назад +25

    This thumbnail is my new favourite thing

  • @iamyourfalsegod
    @iamyourfalsegod 11 лет назад +13

    I love this. Few people realize how heavily we rely on the scientific community. Support the sciences!

  • @Maddolis
    @Maddolis 9 лет назад +127

    I've found that generally if a country needs to make budget cuts, they can do so from the military.
    A few months ago the Australian government announced a 12.4 billion dollar spending on military jets.
    Not entirely sure what that's for seeing as we never get invaded and our strongest military 'resource' is our allegiance with the US (who could cut half a trillion dollars to help fund health, education, housing and food for the poor of the world and still have enough to pay the many people that work for the military).
    There was a time when I thought I was just too young to understand why numerous governments make seemingly evil or self-centered decisions. I figured there was a lot more to it than how things appeared on the surface- but over the last few years I've realized the leaders of many of these countries are just grown-up boys with big egos and masculinity issues. I can wish for a humanitarian utopia but don't see it happening any time soon- but I'm glad there are scientists, educators and the like that are fighting the good fight.

  • @LegalizeAlejandro
    @LegalizeAlejandro 10 лет назад +14

    This man is a fucking badass, Period.

  • @freshofftheufo
    @freshofftheufo 10 лет назад +30

    Very well spoken, Professor. I couldn't agree with you more.

  • @vaarsuviusprime
    @vaarsuviusprime 13 лет назад +1

    Legitimate, unbiased interviews... You can't find them on the news, but they are here on periodicvideos!

  • @FractalSequoia
    @FractalSequoia 11 лет назад +2

    I think people like him are rare and very valuable, thanks

  • @jerommeke69
    @jerommeke69 13 лет назад +2

    Nice speech professor!! Please keep us updated!

  • @tacoismykitty
    @tacoismykitty 12 лет назад +5

    oh. i thought this was going to be a new app for my phone.

  • @Tentites
    @Tentites 11 лет назад +20

    Science, the Arts, and Education should never take the hit. We need the sciences to advance us forward in technology and knowledge. We need the arts of music, writing, acting, singing, and more to give us a strong rich culture. We need education so that we can learn of our sciences and our arts and culture so we can hopefully grow to be a more intelligent, curious, logical, passionate, rational, progressive society and culture.

  • @MoeMonkey78
    @MoeMonkey78 13 лет назад +11

    I LOVE this professor :)

  • @Maric18
    @Maric18 8 лет назад +73

    tax income of banking CEOs

  • @craig265
    @craig265 13 лет назад +6


  • @xlikwidx
    @xlikwidx 13 лет назад +1

    A VHS tape of Erin Brockovich is highly useful to any scientist, I'm glad to see the Professor has a copy.

  • @mesonparticle
    @mesonparticle 11 лет назад +1

    I could listen to Professor Poliakoff all day. What a splendid man he is.

  • @febux
    @febux 12 лет назад

    @deterdettol thanks, i am not a chemist neither a student, but when i was in college i took organic chemistry, so is inorganic chemistry more complicated than organic???

  • @febux
    @febux 12 лет назад +1

    @Hobypyrocom thank you, i thought inorganic was more complicated, i made some months in organic chemistry and biochemistry but only those students on pharmacy were the only that took inorganic (i was in medicine school) but it's good to know then

  • @CO2Junkie
    @CO2Junkie 13 лет назад +1

    @sevenheadedweasel - Thank you so much for explaining that so well. Business = short term technological investments. Government = long term technological investments.

  • @tomatzu
    @tomatzu 11 лет назад +1

    I can relate to this entirely. I graduated with a degree in Forensic Chemistry and cannot find work in the industry for love nor money. My county once had a booming Chemistry sector, but now it's in tatters. I have no financial means to move either. Chemistry firms want the finished article because they cannot/don't want to spend money on training fresh graduates, and it all comes full-circle. Sometimes I feel I'm trying to break into the industry 20 years too late. Not good for us graduates.

  • @Surtak
    @Surtak 13 лет назад +1

    I normally frown upon this sort of complaing on spending cuts, but in this case I'm entirely supportive. This is not a field to neglect, it is vitally important.

  • @wowsa0
    @wowsa0 12 лет назад

    Anyone else reminded of the bit in LOTR where the Ents move against Saruman? I think this is like that.

  • @LordMigit
    @LordMigit 13 лет назад

    I would ask, isnt the research done at uni's funded, at least in part, by the fees that students who attend the uni's. As such seeing as all the fees are going up, will that not offset at least to some degree the reduction in funding?

  • @Prometheukles
    @Prometheukles 13 лет назад

    If I ever sign up for your University, you Prof. are the only one to thank =)

  • @EclecticSceptic
    @EclecticSceptic 12 лет назад


  • @FmasterJG
    @FmasterJG 13 лет назад

    what is this professor's name? I know he was a few videos about different elements and I can't find them. Finaly some good, helpful videos on youtube. Thanks guys.

  • @pastrychef1985
    @pastrychef1985 13 лет назад +1

    Passionately argued, Professor! A lot of us were already with you too.

  • @coldlogic1
    @coldlogic1 13 лет назад +1

    Theres some really good points in this video, i always see lots of comments on news stories, saying we dont need to spend on the sciences we have other problems. I dont think they realized how huge a part of their life it is. I think we all take what we have for granted and how we got here.

  • @flanfan1212
    @flanfan1212 13 лет назад

    @bamboo4tameshigiri I think would is a more vital question then could.

  • @TheThreatenedSwan
    @TheThreatenedSwan 10 лет назад +5

    Peer review has a ton of problems, so his argument for dividing funding is not entirely legitimate.

  • @CheckeeAintAmused
    @CheckeeAintAmused 11 лет назад

    This isn't discussing cutting funding for undergraduate "majors", as they call them in the US. This is about cutting funding for postgraduate research, such as PHD's and the work of the researching staff of the university.

  • @nickcon13
    @nickcon13 11 лет назад +1

    In tough times tough decision have to be made. I am a student of organic chemistry myself but I understand that maybe at certain times funding for fundamental science at times bloats beyond a level that is sustainable. Sometimes cuts need to be made. It is not what any of us would like to see but it is sometimes unavoidable.

  • @langov3
    @langov3 13 лет назад

    I think you will find that universities have very strict procedures when it come to disposal of waste chemicals, and definitely do not contaminate drinking water. And all that plastic in the Pacific ocean is from industrial and domestic waste from various countries, not chemical research.

  • @jreedmcu1
    @jreedmcu1 13 лет назад

    well said!

  • @jonathanrabbitt
    @jonathanrabbitt 10 лет назад +6

    University research funding should be extracted from taxes on royalties received by patent owners. The patent monopoly privilege granted by the state should have a higher price.

  • @jnklee
    @jnklee 11 лет назад

    Some (but not all) of that cost is the result of insurance premiums that the doctor must pay to protect themselves from lawsuits. Tort reform would help to reduce the amount of frivolous lawsuits that raise insurances costs.

  • @geyza0711
    @geyza0711 12 лет назад

    I agree. I would have to guess as I dont have any data to back up my statement but I reckon that at bottom line it's a bit of a profit.

  • @matt92hun
    @matt92hun 11 лет назад

    It seems to be to me. Maybe you left ad-block on?

  • @BillyBones4747
    @BillyBones4747 10 лет назад

    I find, or rather have found, myself thinking along the same lines. But to what End should science innovate? Survival and increased life-spans, perhaps?
    Is the idea in innovation, to make doing stuff more efficient and effortless, and is the stuff to be done simply further science and innovation?
    Or could it be that art (be it music, theatre or the visual and culinary arts) be the End for which innovations for survival and overcoming other obstacles - trivial or challenging - are the Means?

  • @GiorgioCapocasa
    @GiorgioCapocasa 13 лет назад

    I'd really like to read that letter: it could be an inspiration for Itallian chemists too (:

  • @rogerwilco2
    @rogerwilco2 11 лет назад

    It's about short term vs. long term investment. Cutting education and research will hurt more in the long term. But his other point is that you should put the bar higher if there is less funding, and select on excellence, not other criteria who gets funding.

  • @quigzinator
    @quigzinator 12 лет назад

    The problem with basing your income off research royalty's is that you only start researching those things which are immediately profitable. The other places that may have the next big breakthru even though we can't see it has any potential yet, get left alone and never explored.

  • @onimotoko
    @onimotoko 13 лет назад

    @rhn94 Sure...

  • @grimzkul
    @grimzkul 11 лет назад +1

    Wise words from the professor, certainly a very smart man!

  • @uxa1
    @uxa1 12 лет назад

    @IAINoodle "Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into."
    -Mohandas Gandhi

  • @silentelysium
    @silentelysium 13 лет назад

    @VatZeEll It's not just the equipment that's expensive... It's the reagents as well. You should go and look at the amounts and cost for chemicals in Sigma. And there aren't many private grants out there who would solely fund chemical research. Sometimes, it takes YEARS to get something commercialized so universities really on government funding. What I don't understand is why EPSRC is targeting just organic chemistry? Why not biology or physics?

  • @Invisifly2
    @Invisifly2 11 лет назад

    It is taken into account in the rankings, that's why they are so low. While the people who do have insurance get amazing service, those that don't are pretty much on their own. So, while the service itself is good, so many people can't afford it that it does not matter, and public health suffers.

  • @punishedexistence
    @punishedexistence 13 лет назад

    The Professor reminds me a lot of Matt Stone in his younger days. I found this to be very interesting myself, as a person who has studied Organic Chemistry for many years, without these chemists, most of the necessities and luxuries we take for granted will soon not be here. It seems though, we as the human race have got to always learn the hard way.

  • @CarlosWever
    @CarlosWever 13 лет назад

    If I remember correctly there was a part in a video where it was mentioned that one can win a milllion dollar/euro to invent something that doesn't use atoms/particle or anything, it is something similar, there is no existing of anything without chemistry. The understand of almost every thing (that is molecule/atoms)...

  • @Jackcabbit
    @Jackcabbit 11 лет назад +7

    When I first saw the title I thought "Did they make an Angry Birds spin-off where the Professor is throwing various explosives?" Alas, I was disappointed.

  • @Marquis-Sade
    @Marquis-Sade 10 лет назад

    Yeah. But would not want to waive for neither of them :)

  • @deterdettol
    @deterdettol 12 лет назад

    @febux I'm not sure. I'm not a chemist too lol. I do media studies. Something tells me I should have gone into sciences instead.
    Organic chemistry is the study of chemicals we attribute to life, like carbon and hydrogen. Inorganic chemistry is chemistry that explores other areas of chemistry not related to this.
    In another periodicvideo, it was explained that organic chemistry is such an interesting area, that chemistry is actually separated into organic and inorganic.

  • @yusukeshinyama
    @yusukeshinyama 13 лет назад

    People often only see the surfaces of a certain thing (hospitals, police etc.) and don't understand there's a huge supporting system behind the scene.

  • @misstanyamae
    @misstanyamae 13 лет назад +1

    @lemonarizonatea You won't regret it. I went back to school to study a STEM field. While I find it challenging to be less practiced and older than my classmates, I find this to be the best decision I've ever made.

  • @rootusercouk
    @rootusercouk 13 лет назад +1

    how about peer reviewed budget cuts?

  • @jeffb1167
    @jeffb1167 11 лет назад

    Where can i donate?

  • @wolvominecraft404
    @wolvominecraft404 11 лет назад

    That is debatable

  • @Repu62ic
    @Repu62ic 12 лет назад +1

    I was expecting a spin-off of Angry Birds

  • @onimotoko
    @onimotoko 13 лет назад

    @me835 Because science is science. It shouldn't matter who is doing it.

  • @xaver54
    @xaver54 13 лет назад

    that is a very reserved statement considering...

  • @HotblackDesiat042
    @HotblackDesiat042 12 лет назад

    @iamtheplauge I concur. Prosperity isn’t the result of stagnation and ignorance.

  • @BRLennon
    @BRLennon 13 лет назад

    It is very sad to hear that funding has been cut for your wonderful universities in the UK. Yet still, you will have vastly superior resources than most of us will ever be able to access or benefit from.

  • @Crystothetal
    @Crystothetal 11 лет назад

    It's a shame that governments don't see the huge ROI on science. People born after 1950 seem to forget almost every single thing about modem life is new and was created or improved by chemistry. I even forget but then my grandmother will lay a bomb on me. It's a perspective I appreciate and it underscores the progress chemistry has given us.

  • @Cyrathil
    @Cyrathil 13 лет назад

    @DivergentMind The private funding can only go so far, especially when we're talking about getting people to actually go into the sciences in the first place. With the UK increasing the base rate for education, more people will be less likely to go through graduate study, and private scholarships can only do so much.

  • @jmitterii2
    @jmitterii2 11 лет назад

    Their taxes aren't very lower for middle class families compared to us in the US and no income tax for poor.
    Income Tax rates for Germany:
    Income tax doesn't start until incomes are at least €13,469 (€26,938 for married couples) and go from 14% to 24% for a taxable income reaches €52,881 (€105,762 for married couples) then above these incomes it grows 24% to 42% taxable until at €250,730 (€501,460 for married couples) the above these incomes it varies higher to 42% to 45%.

  • @willam1992
    @willam1992 11 лет назад

    in Australia the labor government wants to cut millions from tafes and unis to pay for changes to the public education system (giving it to schools instead)

  • @waswestkan
    @waswestkan 11 лет назад

    Tort reform was Santorum preach, but not when his family is on the line. When any curtailing of any lawsuits is suggested it should be also suggested that those doctors and or facilities are the subject of many lawsuits be barred from practicing. Too much myth surrounding frivolous lawsuits. A big media deal is made about initial large settlement, but when a jury award is reduced significantly, it never gets the same attention.

  • @valentijnraw
    @valentijnraw 12 лет назад +1

    professor, you got parkinsons desease ? i notice it in various video`s.
    keep up the good work . love this channel

  • @lemonarizonatea
    @lemonarizonatea 13 лет назад +2

    I wish I could be a chemist.... Maybe one day I will. :)

  • @davidgraham3306
    @davidgraham3306 11 лет назад +1

    Have you read Medawar's "Advice to a Young Scientist" or "Street" - Also, are you familiar with the Cold War and "Military Industrial Complex Theory"

  • @Georgetendo
    @Georgetendo 11 лет назад

    That is a difficult problem to solve.

  • @me835
    @me835 13 лет назад

    @onimotoko how is that irrational?

  • @RavenMad101
    @RavenMad101 11 лет назад


  • @AdamWhistle1
    @AdamWhistle1 11 лет назад

    The Professor should focus more on why funding organic chemistry is a good thing for the economy in the first place: it is an investment that produces money for the UK down the line. A highly-trained organic chemist can do things that make more money to the country than if the same person was educated in a lower-grade profession or became something like a factory worker.

  • @Nashy119
    @Nashy119 13 лет назад

    @javmango That's what I mean, since the government are paying a lot of the fees for students, isn't that another way of the government funding universities?

  • @RuthieAA
    @RuthieAA 13 лет назад

    @Morkvonork @noobenstein One reason not to have private funding for science is possible bias, or appearance of bias, in results. Since organic synthetic chemistry is used for making medicines, that's a big consideration.

  • @Sep3lio
    @Sep3lio 13 лет назад

    I jut graduated in chemistry. The last thing we need are cuts, its hard enough to get a job or position as it is!

  • @AlainChiu
    @AlainChiu 11 лет назад

    He has a copy of Erin Brockovich VHS on the shelf. Good taste professor

  • @marianosman
    @marianosman 13 лет назад

    I worked in a Physiology lab testing out synthetic organic compounds in cells and it`s a shame that they chose that area to take the biggest hit.

  • @Desmaad
    @Desmaad 13 лет назад

    Hey, Prof, you forgot about luminol!

  • @faruqhsj
    @faruqhsj 13 лет назад

    To meet infinite desires .....!!!

  • @Cyrathil
    @Cyrathil 13 лет назад

    @DivergentMind It wouldn't be independence. It would be just as much dependence, we just change who it is we would be dependent on.

  • @javmango
    @javmango 13 лет назад

    @Nashy119 since most people take out student loans it won't generate any money of some time, it just adds up more debt. At least for the next 5-10 years anyway

  • @anticipator455
    @anticipator455 11 лет назад

    Industry also does their own research. Microchip companies such as IBM have extremely large funds for research, as do many drug companies out there, because, as you said, they benefit from the research. Though, I do agree that industry should be funding things.

  • @MistressOfPain86
    @MistressOfPain86 13 лет назад

    Funding cuts in UK? Seriously? But I'm starting a PhD in synthetic organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry in October! I'm moving from Italy to England for the same reason! This just sucks.