"Why Did You Copy Our Flag?!" Indonesian Meets Polish For the First Time!
- Опубликовано: 25 ноя 2024
- #giggle #indonesia #indonesian #poland #polish #react #forthefirsttime
0:13 Intro
0:13 Intro
1:05 Flag
1:05 Flag
1:49 Population
1:49 Population
5:40 Area
5:40 Area
9:49 GDP
9:49 GDP
13:41 Religion
13:41 Religion
Official Giggle :: @giggle_kr
[Meet our Cast!]
📌LOUDI :: @seoulology_00
( / loudiofficial )
📌ANIA :: @ayliee_k
Fun fact: "tak" means yes in polish and no in Indonesian. It's the opposite like the flags
Fun fact NO in polish means yes..but is more on Yeah or Yup side.
@@tomekville7 Też może! Wypijemy coś? No...
And “Tak” means thanks in Danish 😂
@@gytan2221it's even funnier 😂
And the best thing about Poland-Indonesia is, during olympics/sporting events we can borrow each other's flag when one got medal. Just flip flap flup 😂
(Happened in real situation)
Ohh really? when was it?
@@birulaut-qc2qy yes
@@birulaut-qc2qylike two years ago
@@birulaut-qc2qy If I'm remembered correctly, there was a time when one of male athlete from Indonesia won a Sprint or something (forgot what exactly is but it was about running).
Since nobody expecting anything, there's only a few Indonesian watching on the supporters seat. The sad part is, when the winners usually celebrated by holding their own country's flag but nobody bring Indonesia's flag.
Not sure who's giving it to him, but some people said it was a Polland's flag that he was holding when he received his medal later on the podium.
@@yuqinie1295 Lalu Muhammad zohri atlet sprinter
It is very rare for Indonesians to admit their own country's shortcomings. I really like this man because of his smart way of speaking and his presentation about Indonesia in accordance with the facts. Thumbs up ❤
Nah he's just educated. The internet is overrepresented by racist, xenophobic, ultranationalist idiots.
He don't need to explain about that, do they really care? Can they help the problem of indonesian country? It's useless..He only humiliated Indonesia, many more positive things that he can tell about Indonesia
@@alexi2315did you even watch the whole video? 😂 Polish side was critizing their side a lot more and at the end even said many good things about Indonesia after hearing his explanation
@@alexi2315just be Wise😮💨
@@alexi2315 what's your problem dude
Monaco was once angry and told Indonesia to change its flag at the beginning of Indonesian independence, but finally history says that red and white had been used by the kingdom in Indonesia by Majapahit and it was earlier than the kingdom of Monaco, so Monaco allowed Indonesia to use Red and White and Monkao changed the flag to be smaller and dark red
Dahae Empire
I was about to comment about Monaco 🤭
Benar sekali.
Tepat sekali
padahal juga kalo gak indonesia menginisiasi konferensi asia afrika, gak bakal banyak tuh negara di afrika yang dapet kemerdekaan secara de facto sampe sekarang
gak sampe juga banyak yang gabung lbb, kan butuh pengakuan kedaulatan negara lain yang udah berdaulat (merdeka) juga
mau emang apa kemerdekaannya cuma dianggep pemberian dari kolonialnya (yang kemungkinan sewaktu waktu bisa "dijajah" lagi) kayak... apa mau itu mereka diperlakuin kek palestina
gak yakin bakal mau apalagi yang jajah perancis (mostly afrika dipegang perancis yang lebih bengis lagi)
FYI : Indonesia is not over populated, but the population centered in Jakarta and West Java only. if not, Indonesia will be normal and doesn't look over populated.
Yeah, our cities are over populated. But we had a ton of no mans land 😅
Jakarta, west Java, central Java, and east Java.
he always said billions when it's million. so, yea.. if there's 2 billion people in Indonesia it is overpopulated😅 but the fact is Indonesia have only 270 million people😂
East java have the higest population in Indonesia
Indonesia flag also inspirated by srivijaya and majapahit flag,the empires that existed before Indonesia.
Gula Kelapa, the red is the Gula (palm sugar) the white is the Kelapa (coconut meat).
Coba tahun berapa dan yg dulu an mananya bendera lebih tua.. Poland apa indonesia?
@@Phoebegb.A Dulu kebetulan nemu di internet. Kalau Soekarno bisa membuktikan bahwa indonesia lebih dulu menggunakan warna merah putih. Pembuktiannya juga diterima oleh polandia. Nah masalahnya aku lupa dulu nemu ini info dimana jadi gak bisa share infonya.
@@Phoebegb.AIndonesia. Coba searching dulu pernah ada pembahasannya
폴란드보다 인도네시아가 7배 이상 큰 나라입니다. 인도네시아 완전 사랑해요. 진짜 인도네시아 사람들 천사님들 같이 착하고 제가 갔을 때 집에 초대도 해주셨어요. 인도네시아 영원히 지지합니다❤
terima kasih 😊
Thanks ❤❤❤
Whatever people say about Indonesia, I am still Proud to be an Indonesians Cetizen because we always know how to be Happy and smile for anything happen, we are also rich in cultures , and respect each other , Indonesiku🇮🇩 jaya jaya jaya❤🥰
Cheers from Poland. In Sosnowiec near the Katowice is restaurant with Indonesian personels. I like them very much. :)
As a government employee in a national office that have branch across indonesia, it happend to work in a different timezone. We usually had WIB as based time because our capital in this timezone. Then, everyone who worked in different timzone had to adapt and the people who worked in based timezone had to tolerate the others. 😅 it's a little bit confusing, but its works! It got no problem 'cause indonesia have a chill workculture 😂
Chill workculture😂😂
Ngaret gak sih?
sum times too chilll😅
The USA is the same if a business CEO operates both in New York and in California. He would have to adjust to the time zones when visiting either office.
Chill atau santai? 😂😂😂
200 million+ actually not 2 billion. But loudi is so good at explain things. Thanks loudi....good job 👍
Yes...2 billion is 2,000,000,000.
I think he just made a mistake in translating the units. The problem is that in Korean 200 Million is 2억, so it’s literally 2 100 Million. You can easily get confuse them in translation and say 2 Billion on accident. I have such a hard time converting units from English into Korean too. He actually said the correct number in Korean.
@@nailartguy3363 oh i see.... it's just too far from 200M so i think we have to corrected it. I mean for the people who are not indonesian will get shocked when they hear that....😄
@@nailartguy3363no.. she repeated saying 2 billion.... so i think it was not mistranslation but wrong info..
actually,loudi is not Indonesian
Lemme explain a little more on the village side of indonesia since obviously i live here in the village part. Since our handsome loudi here isn't really familiar With that. So, in indonesia we still have many villages as part of the "under developed part" since some are here still struggled to receive internet signals BUT, in reality the villagers have almost no problems with the living conditions. Why? Because its cheap living here, in fact we actually survived the corona economy collapse because of those villages. The villagers here is literally richer than some of the people living in the city because even tho the villagers don't have cars they at least have homes, lands and cows as their deposits they don't rent, they own their houses. Lands are cheap here, sometimes they inherited it from their parents and buy more lands. The familial ties here are so great even homeless people are well fed. We have a great bond between neighbors so when the farmers harvest their plants, we receive some of them as a goodwill or celebration of their harvest, vegetables and even organic vegetables are cheap here. I bought ten bags of organic vegetables for literally about 5 dollars from a farmer. So, yep maybe the educations are still lacking here and I'm hoping to change that since me and my dad often do seminars in the villages about the use of internet and the likes. But the living conditions here are actually better than the city's under class part.
Nah :') pendidikan msh jd masalah besar di pedesaan. Selain terkait akses, orang² di desa byk yg blm menganggap penting pendidikan.
@@muthiasyarief04 true, memang susah karena kebanyakan dari masyarakat pedesaan menganggap sekolah cuma ya bagian dari kewajiban berpendidikan dan ladang cari uang dan katanya cuma "biar pinter" Padahal salah satu cara mengubah mindset dan mengubah kehidupan mereka jadi lebih baik ya salah satunya sekolah. Orang tua di pedesaan kebanyakan setelah anaknya lulus sma atau smp ya mending cari kerja di pabrik dll. Atau gak, kalaupun org tuanya minta mereka sekolah, malah anaknya yang putus dengan alesan mau nikah mau kerja. Masih sering kejadian nikah dini karena terlanjur punya anak atau ya dibolehkan nikah dengan alasan "dari pada zina mending dinikahin aja sekalian" Sehabis itu anaknya gak mau ngejar pendidikan lagi karena sudah harus kerja untuk keluarganya. Ini kekurangan terbesarnya. Tapi juga ada lagi kekurangan petani juga jadi unsur, anak2 muda maunya kerja di kota padahal cuma jadi pegawai pabrik dan di desa akhirnya petani cuma terdiri dari org2 tua. Padahal kalau bertaninya memanfaatkan teknologi, secara organik pasti lebih menghasilkan dan gemerasi petani tetep jalan. Ini juga salah satu faktor akibat kurang pendidikan.
Tapi udah banyak desa2 yg masyarakatnya paham pentingnya pendidikan...di daerahku (Banyuwangi) Alhamdulillah banyak yg menempuh pendidikan tinggi..aku 3 bersaudara, aku dan adikku lulusan S1 di Universitas Negeri ternama, adik bungsuku S1 di IPB, S2 di Jerman...bahkan yg seumur ortuku (di atas 60) ga sedikit yg pendidikan terakhirnya dulu S1..di sini juga udah jarang bgt yg nikah lulus SMA, yg nikah di atas 35 aja udah ga heran..
@@sufiikawardani sebenarnya iya mbak kalau didaerah sampeyan ya karena sepengetahuanku memang dibanyuwangi saja hampir semua desa-desanya sudah masuk ke kategori desa mandiri sementara dibagian daerah-daerah lain seperti di tempat saya kabupaten blitar itu kebanyakan belum. Memang banyak tapi masih kurang jauh dibandingkan yang standar. Apa lagi diluar pulau jawa lebih banyak lagi desa-desa yang belum aware pendidikan mbak. Dan kebanyakan dari lulusan luarnegeri atau anak2 yang lulus perguruan tinggi kerjanya di kota besar dan alih2 membangun daerah asalnya, mereka kebanyakan memilih tinggal dikota karena kerjaan, atau gaji yg lebih besar. saya gak bermaksud bahwa semua anak2 lulusan peguruan tinggi begitu ya tapi sebagian besar yang saya tahu ya gitu. Gak ada yang salah dengan itu sih, tapi ya sayang aja karena kalau yg lulus kuliah pergi siapa yang membangun dan ikut menyadarkan masyarakat desa akan pentingnya pendidikan? Well, kalau di banyuwangi sepengatahuanku wajar kalau sudah lebih baik karena ya desa-desanya hampir semua masuk ke kategori desa mandiri.
@@yuscanadira2169 iya, Alhamdulillah Banyuwangi sdh banyak desa mandiri... ku kebetulan lahir & besar di Banyuwangi bagian selatan, di kecamatanku (Bangorejo) terkenal dgn pertanian buahnya, buah jeruk & buah naga, kami menanam sekaligus menjualnya ke luar daerah, termasuk ortuku.. bnyak nasabah BCA prioritas dari kalangan petani..
Tentang lulusan perguruan tinggi, emang perkara mindset sih jatohnya, lulusan perguruan tinggi banyak yg pergi ke kota, dan lulusan luar negeri banyak yg ga balik ke negeri sendiri,, karena mungkin mereka berpikir lebih enak seperti itu untuk dpt penghasilan drpd pulang kampung & membangun desa...atau mungkin ada alasan2 lain..
Ini adikku yg tengah, pilih punya rumah di Yogyakarta tempat dia dulu menimba ilmu, pdhl kerjaannya bisa dibawa ke mana2..sedangkan adikku yg bungsu pilih balik ke desa bertani & jd dosen di kampus baru
Makasih loudy sudah menjelaskan tentang indonesia, jangan pernah malu malu untuk mengakui indonesia sebagai negaramu. Yang harusnya membuat malu itu jika jadi anaknya koruptor , itulah yang membuat indonesia sulit untuk maju dimana korupsi tidak ditindak tegas bahkan jika koruptor dihukum pun mereka masih bisa mendapatkan fasilitas istimewa, makanya koruptor ga ada jera ataupun takut melakukan tindakan hina itu
Tapi di channel ini dia sedang mempermalukan indonesia
@@Erlan-pw3jk mempermalukan soal apa ya
@@AdiWijaya-tx2ybcontohnya dia bilang "some parts of Indonesia doesnt have electricity" kayak itu hal yg besar banget padahal kalau di lihat dari data 98% daerah indonesia itu udah ada aliran listrik, sedangkan 2% itu karena ada beberapa suku asli yg tinggal di daerah itu nggak mau ada listrik ( seharusnya dia ngejelasin hal ini, bukan ngomong seolah-olah sebagian "besar" Indonesia nggak punya listrik). Satu lagi dia bilang full meal di Indonesia itu 4 USD yg mana setara 60rb, itu kan aneh padahal semua orang tau rata2* untuk full meal di indo itu cuma sekitar 15-30 RB which is 1-2 dolar
@@derygela6342wkwwk mbakkk, 1-2 dollar full meal bukan nya malah nunjukin rupiah sangat lemah?
@@derygela6342 kalo soal listrik mungkin ada benernya, jangan apa2 tergantung data. Krena data itu tidak akurat, lagian 2% itu ga sedikit. 2% kan bisa dikatakan some parts. Gua bukan fan nya loudy tapi gua ttp dukung selama dia membawa nama indonesia walaupun dia mengatakan indonesia banyak yg miskin sekalipun gua akan membenarkan omongan loudy krn emang kenyataannya seperti itu. Kalo full meal wajar aja dia menjawab sepertu itu, krn gua peka mungkin krena dia lama dikorea jadi untuk saat ini kurang tau persis di indo seperti apa. Kalo pun dia menjelekkan indo di belakang kamera sekalipun gua ga ada masalah karena gua percaya Tuhan itu ada , barang siapa berbuat baik pasti ada balasannya begitu pun sebaliknya. Dah lah gua ngerti kok mungkin lo dari dulu sudah ga suka sama loudy krna soal loudy ga ngaku orang indo. Dah lah itukan belum tentu benar, jadi gua ga maksa lo untuk suka sama loudy, krn gua pun bukan fan nya loudy cuma selagi dia masih baik2 aja gua akan dukung , kalaupun ada kesalahan kecil dalam perkataan selagi gua bisa memahami posisi dia yg di beri pertanyaan spontan dan jawabannya seperti di video ini gua masih maklum. Kalo lo ga terima dengan kata2 loudy sih itu terserah elo. Ga musti elo provokasi gitu lah.
🇮🇩 : Indonesia
🇲🇨 : monaco
🇵🇱: poland
🇸🇬 :Singapore
😊.. Is there another flag that is almost similar?
Maybe Greenland? I mean it's just like the Polish flag but with a circle with the Indonesia flag in it...
Well Singapore has a crescent and 5 stars so that helps
@Joekool88 but still, red and white, right?
@@CobaCoba-o1x If I think more of that I can say Czech Republic is also like Poland flag but with navy blue triangle on the left side
@_kakanay_ yes, but I only mean red and white
In Poland hospitals and pharmacies still work on sundays...... As well as restaurants and attractions...... Basically only stores are closed.
true, the only places that are closed are kinda like 'merchant' places? For example shopping malls are closed and supermarkets that belong to the chain of stores such as lidl, auchan or aldi. And thats actually it I would say...Cause other things are open- hospitals, pharmacies and even all food related places (and people visit them very eagerly) such as cafes, restaurants, bars or even chain restaurants such as Mcdonalds, kfc etc. Once a month (if i remember correctly) this rule is 'eliminated' and all shops are open again and also before Christmas Eve and Easter we usually get two Sundays in a row with this eliminated rule so that people could buy everything they need. This rule with closed shops on Sunday was introduced primarily so that many people could spend Sundays with their families.
What?! Still closed on the weekends in 2024?! My mind's as blown as only having one time zone - LoL
well in my country pharmacies are closed aswell
This video is unexpectedly very entertaining and educational, sharing your own culture from your own perspective based on our experience. I love this 2 ppl, they're very chill and also very pretty.
it would be better if this Polish woman lived in Poland and didn't say so many out-of-the-blue things that don't exist or were said by a single priest like with this hello kitty
She is so wrong about Poland on so many levels it's not even funny and it shows she haven't lived here for many many years.
@@damianolin3320 nah from the things she said the hello kitty is the most accurate
Indonesia is archipelago country. We have land and sea. Our sea is wider than landi. 1,905,000 square km it's only the land. The total area of Indonesia's sea and land more than 5 million square km.
The distance from the westernmost to the easternmost region in Indonesia is 5120 km
And poland a but with biggest lake in europe, with island in it.
Actually, in Indonesia, we also have religion subject and we exactly have the same description like the one she explained. Whether it is Islamic religion subject, Christian or Catholics, or other religion subject, we do only study our own religion subjects not the others. We get to know others' religion by socializing or mingling. I think this is the one that Loudi missed to explain.
But in school we learn about other religion in social studies.
i think he alr said about it but the editor cut it and unfortunately they put another shortcoming and how underdeveloped side of our country is
ya biasalah, framing kemiskinan di negara dunia ketiga apalagi buat channel warga asia timur biar negara mereka yang selalu terlihat waaah
tapi untung sih loudi wordingnya baik, jadi infografik yang dia usaha tunjukkin yang bagus bagus
padahal indonesia gak melulu bali ya kan
di video satunya, loudi masih berusaha ngenalin jogja
@@inthereum1 hour talk fit intu 20m
Christian and Catholic are not even remotely the same thing.
Agree. We are almost similar to poland in the case of religion. Some people think similar
I really enjoyed this video: Just two citizens talking about their countries and showing interest for another, really wish more countries and its people would get to know each other like that.
Thank u for showing Loudi in this channel. I really like the way Loudi explained something. He has good manner & quite good at speaking. Hope to see him again next time. Thank u so much. 🙏❤️🙏
Sekarang Indonesia dan Polandia sudah kerja sama dan banyak TKI di Polandia..terima kasih polandia negara baik dan ramah ,sekarang saya dan teman2 lg nunggu visa kerja tujuan polandia semoga cepat terbang.. Amiiin 🇮🇩
Wah Alhamdulillaj ikut seneng. Melalui program apa ? Kalo jerman kam ausbildung
Mau ikut dong
Subtitle mistakes..!!😂😂
10:51 GDP
Poland 679,000,000,000
Indonesia 1,100,000,000,000
Indonesia-Poland-Monaco: Same flag.🇮🇩🇵🇱🇮🇩
GDP 2023;
Indonesia = 1,33 Trillion USD
Poland =693 B USD
not the subtitle,, you put the religion percentage for GDP :D
@@TwistedMinds2025 🇲🇨
This interaction is a good thing to understand each other's facts so that we shouldn't carelessly assume other countries are much better or lower than us. No country is perfect.
I've lived in Indonesia for 5 years. Sometimes Indonesia remind me Poland in first '90 but some things is more modern, higher level than in Poland. I can find a house in South Jakarta 3bd with swimming pool around USD200k. You can find new house under USD100k but quality isn't good. The biggest problem with a lot of houses in Jakarta is rain and water from the ground, Poor secured building foundations, poor roof structure and lack of roof gutters. But weather and food is great. And Indonesian people are great, doesn't matter they are Muslim, Cristian, Buddhism or other religion.
yeah true, i've been there and the muslims is Indonesia is really really different than middle east or any muslim country
Love the concept of this content! New and fresh, also give some knowledge for us
The girl concluded it so nicely & beautifully on how Indonesia did great in being open to more religions other than focusing on just one, so that we can learn to respect & live in harmony.. I wish she could learn more abt that of Indonesia, not to have any particular intention, rather just we can actually live in peace despite of the differences ❤
Why does she have to learn? XD
She didnt' stop herself from talking negatively about Poland in that context. Abortion isn't a religious issue. It's a moral issue. Not to mention she very exaggerated other religion issues. I really disliked that part.
In Poland you're free to believe whatever you want.
@@PuerRidcully it is true to some degree. its just that she sounds biased
@@PuerRidcully Po tym co mówiła o religii pomyślałem że pochodzi ze wsi lub małego miasteczka.Możliwe że należy do LGBT lub politycznie popiera lewicę i dlatego jest uprzedzona.Ja mieszkam w dużym mieście(we Wrocławiu) i nigdy nie spotkałem się z takim radykalnym podejściem do religii.
Jeśli czyta to ktoś z polskiej wsi to proszę o komentarz czy ona mówiła prawdę?
@@marcinpominski4591 pierw położę kafelki a potem położę kres lewactwu.
This girl mix facts about Poland. Poland has 312000 square km not ha. Poland is secular country. The Polish constitution guarantees every Pole the right to profess the religion he wants. 92% of polpulation is roman catholics, but there is 200000 orthodoks catholics and we have muslim community in Poland since 16th century. Poland is the safest country in EU according to Eurostat. Majority Polish people are not homofobic about other religions.
Yeah but there is religion in schools, everywhere you can find a cross, schools, goverment institutions, hospitals. And blasphemy law
Teoretycznie jesteśmy krajem świeckim, ale masa u nas prawa religijnego.
@@irenac5263 Konstytucja jest prawem nadrzędnym nad każdą ustawą/prawem różniącymi się od tego co mówi w tym aspekcie konstytucja.
I'm also really curious about Monaco, why have they been silent all this time, you are our flag brother🤣🤣🙃
actually Monaco was not silent. 🤔
INDONESIA FLAG DISPUTED; Monaco Asks Jakarta to Change Its National Emblem
April 19, 1952
New York Times article
@@hakeemdj368 I guess 72 years is not enough for Jakarta (ind) to change its flag
The population in Indonesia has now reached 278.69 million people by mid-2023
It was great learning more about Indonesia. When it comes to Poland, there are a few things to set straight.
1:08 About the flag, both colors refer to our emblem, which is the white eagle on the red background/shield.
7:03 We've got the Baltic Sea up north and mountains down south, but most of our country is pretty flat - so I guess that's the 'everything and nothing' part. But there are castles!
13:33 It depends on the place, but in Poland, 4 USD can get you a full standard meal, 8 USD covers fast food and something slightly better, and after that, sky's the limit when it comes to prices.
13:58 Not at all, religion in Poland played an important role during wars, when Poland disappeared from the maps, or when we were under the Iron Curtain. Churches were used to hide forbidden texts, shelter people, and gather resources to fight foreign invaders. Without it, there's a possibility there would be no Poland, or our country would be in much worse condition. This is one of the reasons why religion was and still is part of education - but you're free to choose ethics instead. Also, Polish women have the same level of rights as men; we've got Western standards. The only exception is abortion, which is still illegal, but there's no penalty if you get it abroad. Some politicians really show their devotion to religion, creating the appearance that we are a faith-based country. However, when you consider the number of old people and the age of our politicians, they are from the same cultural period - before 1991 when our government was under the CCCP's boot, and we weren't a free country. So, religion is still strongly mixed with tradition, but not so much with the younger generations. When I say I'm an atheist, it's nothing unusual, and I've never had problems for saying so.
18:00 I like what he said there. For many older people, it's not just a religion; it's also their culture. It's easy to disregard it when you have 60 years ahead of you than when you are just few years from the end.
4 USD for a meal? Unless you're making it on your own, it's completely unrealistic. You might get a hot soup, or some sort of lunch (a sandwich; a small plate of pasta) for that. Full meal is much closer to $8-10. Btw. How did you make sense of having a typical fast-food twice as costly as a standard meal?
@@jakubdutkiewicz5816 just dont go to McDonalds xD i buy kebabs for ~20 PLN and its like a full meal for me :D also "milk bars" (bary mleczne) have small prices compared to the FastFood chains. Yes, burgers costs 30-40 PLN (6-8 dollars), but you dont need to buy burgers or go to restaurants to eat.
If you're College students or single person 4 USD is enough for 3 meal a day if you don't go to luxury or expensive place in Indonesia.
The catholic church was not always on our side and that is something the school hides from the students. Popes were not keen of polish independence and one even said that polish people should stay under the occupation (XIXth century one). Słowacki writes about it in Kordian. Many priests were SB agends during cold war, Isakowicz-Zalewski had a book on that subject. A war with teutonic knights was also the time that pope was not really Poland-friendly and some bishops participated in confederation that led to poland fallin apart, thats why Kościuszko - the revoilt leader - was against the church.
@@leena75 Which pope exactly ate a kebab for a dinner?
You can tell that the Polish girl is more direct, versus the Indonesian guy being a bit more careful with his words. Because some of the same religious issues also plague Indonesia. Even though the goverment "Accepts other religions" (only from their very short approved list), the majority religion still rules with an iron fist and influences laws a lot more than being more neutral. But I can't blame him, it can be dangerous to say something and be made a target when he returns home...
She actually makes it worse than it is. While religion does inform some quite bad laws, but it is nowhere near Saudi Arabia. There are few issues like gay marriage, abortion laws which are hot topic and the church makes it worse, but there are also a lot of parts of life (like living together outside the marriage) where the church has little authority.
@@adapienkowska2605 Yeah, I think Polish people and Europeans tend to be more frank and really not like people interefering in their life. She got a bit carried away. In Indonesia you can't rent as unmarried couple as far as I am aware. I feel like there people do a lot more shady and crazy stuff in secret, because they can't just be normal modern people who can live freely. People there aren't that much more moral there by reality, they just do it in secret and in some ways that's worse. There is also blasphemy law, which can mean you can go to jail for criticising religion, that doesn't exist in Poland, does it?
@@Cccc123c33 It reminds me the scene from the Bridget Jones movie where Bridget is imprisoned in Thailand jail and complains to Thai girls about her "bad" boyfriend.
@@Cccc123c33There is a blasphemy law ,,Uraza uczuć religijnych'' (A disregard to religious feelings). Nergal, a vocalist of Blackened Death Metal band Behemoth had a trial for destroying a bible during a concert.
The red color symbolizes courage, bravery, and determination, as well as the struggle for independence and freedom in Poland. It is also associated with a spirit of patriotism and love for the homeland.
The white color represents purity, innocence, peace, and moral values. It signifies the pursuit of truth and is rooted in Christian values and religious traditions in Poland. :)
Well, I associate the correct flag with a white eagle on a red background, but ok.
About the time zone, actually there's a case when pandemic still going around, when people have to do anything remote. So it happens in my university. Many students are going across the land esp. those from WITA and WIT, going to uni in WIB area, as it's known that best uni are mostly around the WIB area. And in my uni, orientation held online thru zoom meetings, the students only can meet till 22:00 WIB time according to the uni rule, because the new students need to have time to rest and prepare for next day orientation which will start early. And Indonesian have a habit to wake up early by 5 am, in every time zone, despite the time their working time start. Then the problem is students from WITA and WIT time zone have it till 23:00 and 24:00 because of the time difference. And they all are asking whether they can leave earlier because by their time, it's already 10 there...
It got me realizing that Indonesian people sometimes could lack of consideration when it comes to this difference, because probably we take other as similar to us, but some are actually living hundred miles there and having different time zone😅
Never thought that it could become a problem, but it does and the whole comittee have to do improvisation with the schedule to make sure everyone are able to participate at the time they're comfortable at
the enddd
to say a little bit about population,
270 million people at 1,904,569 square kilometres land actually is not overpopulated except in a big cities like Jakarta. We're on the right track with fertility rate around 2 and yes we have a lot of young age population.
I love this video probably better than americans being shocked by other languages. I hope world friend should have something like that.
I just love, when people that don't really live in one country anymore talk about as if they were experts and state some anecdotes as facts. Please take everything that girl is saying with a grain of salt.
I love their vibes tbh, hope we gonna get more videos of them both!
In Poland we do learn about different religions on "religion" subject, but it's maybe just one lesson. Ofc the leading one will be catholic since the country has lived in this religion and tradition for like 1020 years and in our classes in school there has always been a cross on the wall (now ppl are very sensitive about this since they want to follow different things and have freedom to believe in what they want but at the same time it really transformed into a big hate on catholics, sadly...). I hope younger generation will still cherish catholic tradition as our heritage instead of westernize themselves coz this way we just gonna be like everybody else. Every country is different and has its own religion diversity, but I think the beauty of Poland is exactly that we participate in these traditions. To be honest many young Polish ppl say bad things about Poland, but I think it's a beautiful country. And one more thing... "We have everything and nothing"?? GIRL, We have sea and beautiful mountains. We have everything, periodttt.
After 23 years I still don't want to visit my beautiful countryPoland because Ill be judged by everyone silently because I forgot the idea of having superior God above and be blamed for everything.I have only one sentence to share the most aware (conscious) being is the one will take responsibility for all of us ..because (akasha) existence will NOT give you more then you can handle.
Thank you for that comment.
I thought I was the only one...
I'm half French half Polish.
I love my second country and I don't understand why she's shitting so much on our beautiful culture.
Her interview is a shame.
Talking bad about Christianity and God Jesus Christ calling him "the j......" what a disrespect.
Also I agree this sentence is so twisted and nasty "we have everything and nothing", why did she meant exactly ??? It's total nonsense.....🤦🏻♀️
Yes I think as well you have everything in Poland.
Actually I live in France but I would like to live in Poland if I could because quality of life seems really good and people nice and friendly.
@@SophieHanna-sn9hc "actually i live in france" that tells me everything i need to know.
@@ashercth41 you know shit.
@@tomekville7 Comming from an Atheist from Poland, i live in my country all my live and i've never been judged because of not following anything, i also have friends who do not follow any religion and, to be honest i observed more hate as a child, when I was still a Christian
both of them is so smart and open, i love them immediately!
Masło kosztuje teraz ok 6 zł nie 12 zł chyba że w małym sklepie, w supermarketach jest znacznie taniej zdarza że w promocji może kosztować mniej!!!
teraz tak, ale była taka sytuacja kilka lat temu, że cena masła sięgała nawet 14 zł w supermarketach, a jak biedronka czy lidl wrzuciły masło na promocji za 7 - 8 zł, to się rozchodziło w ułamek sekundy. Mi się nie udało takiego taniego masła wtedy kupić i przerzuciłam się na smarowanie kanapek majonezem. Kieleckim ofc.
@@urkeka9534 To przez wojnę w Ukrainie. Normalna cena teraz to około 5-6, a często jest taniej.
A majonez chyba jest średnio zdrowy.
@@PuerRidcully ceny masła były wysokie zanim wybuchła pandemia, więc coc do tego ma wojna.
@@urkeka9534 Nie, były normalne.
@@PuerRidcully nie, nie były. W latach 2017-2019 był jakiś kryzys związany z produkcją masła. Nie pamiętam dokładnie, ale wiem, że moja mama sprowadzała masło z Niemiec gdzie pracowała, bo bardziej się opłacało, a po wybuchu pandemii przestała jeździć.
the flag of Indonesia have a meaning the red for brave and white for sacred, red is from blood but the meaning is brave
Thank you Giggle. I like this session. And Thank You very much for Mas Edward.. wah penjelasannya jelas, cukup mendetail dan mudah dipahami sama org asing. Wahh.. mas Edward nih harus diberi apresiasi sih inii.. kalo perlu sama menteri pariwisata wkwkwk
ini loudy dulu artis kpop mmg nmy edward ya
@@ZepinFlower-xd5ex iya kak
I don't know why she presented it like that, but in Poland if you don't want you don't have to go to church on Sundays lmao and shops are closed then not because of praying, but so that people can rest from work xd
I think that the average life in Poland is at a very good standard, everything is there, you can easily order everything online, even in my small village where maybe a few hundred people live, we have sewage and fast internet via optical fiber, and of course everyone also has water and electricity. and normal bathrooms in houses (I know it's funny to write about something obvious, but when I once wrote this to some Russians, they didn't want to believe that in Poland, in a small village, people have bathrooms at home) the standard of living is good and even the same as in Germany. I have a German neighbor and he can confirm this
I know it's hard to believe but according to GUS (Central Statistical Office of Poland) around 1mln of houses don't have bathroom or toilet access. My grandma didn't have sewerage and relied only on water from her own well.
@@nonllyful ja mieszkam na totalnym zadupiu na podkarpackiej wsi gdzie jest może 100 mieszkańców a w całej gminie to z 5 tysięcy max i nie znam żadnej ale to żadnej osoby która nie miała by łazienki ( nawet stare babinki mają teraz centralne ogrzewanie i kibel). Gmina zrobiła kilka lat temu pokoje z dostępem do kuchni I łazienki ( co prawda wspólne ) w remizie dla miejscowych żuli więc nawet pijaczki z pod sklepu których wykopała rodzina mają gdzie się umyć i podziać zimą.
@@tonieja8814 No to widzisz, też jestem z Podkarpacia i widocznie są mniejsze i większe zadupia. Dużo zależy od tego, kto rządzi gminą i jak daleko od głównej drogi znajdują się domy. Domyślam się, że doprowadzenie kanalizacji do pojedynczego domu oddalonego kilka km od głównej infrastruktury nie jest dla gminy opłacalne.
@@nonllyful to raczej też kwestia ile kto ma funduszy, mój kuzyn ma dom tak z tyłu innych ( z dala od główny zabudowań) zaśpiewali za dociągnięćie kanalizacji 7 tysięcy, więc do domu oddalonego o kilka kilometrów z chęcią by podłączyli ( żeby przytulić kasę) ale raczej nikogo normalnego na to nie stać
today i learned that 270 million people = about 2 billion! thank you giggle! who needs math teachers anymore... pfft 🤣
right? I was so confused.. I thought they're talking about china or india.... lmaoo
Not 270 but 300
@@Fckingvillaindon't exaggerating kid.
fun fact bilion in US = 1 000 000 000 but in Polish = 1 000 000 000 000 because we have miliard = 1 000 000 000 (Polish: milion, miliard, bilion, biliard, trylion, tryliard etc)
The only difference between the flags are proportions of the colours that are not noticeable right away. Also, "blood and stuff"? On the Polish emblem there is a white eagle on a red background. White means purity, virtue, water and red means indeed blood and fire, but also more importantly bravery. Edit: I don't know where the girl is from that they think Hello Kitty is a devil.
hello kitty czyli kitty of hell i iles lat temu bylo to popularne stwierdzenie w polsce ale dzis juz prawie nikt o tym nie pamieta
@@11kimczi Szczerze, jestem w stanie się zgodzić, że jest to "zło" swego rodzaju, bo szczerze tego nie cierpiałam, a już na pewno tej durnej kreskówki. Natomiast ta dziewczyna mówi o tym, jakby to była jakaś świeża sprawa, więc nie wiem, skąd takie myślenie.
Indonesia Emblem is golden eagle with shield hang on chest, so yeah prety simmilar.
The gibberish about flag colors? please... Those kids embarrassed not only themselves but also their country histories
It is a bit sad that Ania did not do some research beforehand about the meaning of the different colours on the flag. It is also sad that she does not know this. Well.
For anyone wishing to learn more about the history of any country, I recommend you tube channels dedicated to history and culture to find out many more interesting things about history and culture.
Grettings from Poland to Indonesia and the rest of World.
no shit
Then were actually similar, as a christian living in indonesia and has gone to a public school, when religion class started, you gotta learn Islam or just quit the class. Thank God these days kids can have their grades from the church, but it used to "Learn Quran, learn Arabic, or get a bad score" and thats why people have their own ethnic and religious schools in indonesia, catholics, protestants, buddhists, chinese, they had their own schools so that their kids wouldnt be forced to learn Islam.
But about women stuffs, I think its pretty good, abortions and such shouldnt be allowed, because its not just women stuffs, its also the father of the child's and the kid's rights. Men and kids have rights too. So yeah, I think poland and indonesia is in the right track.
Closing up is actually pretty good and similar too, Muslims closed their shops during their holidays some even forced other religions to close their shops too.
About stereotypes, we doesnt really like chinese, especially those who doesnt born and raised here. Even though our men fetishized their women.
Another thing, you can actually see how christians and muslims would clash sometimes. Muslims forcing churches to be closed or burned. Killing our pets, setting speakers on churches, etc. And Christians sometimes retaliate. So yeah, pretty good stuffs (sarcastic). But I'd prefer indonesia over poland because the lgbt community is more welcomed in poland, so they're actually double standard and a kind off liars, using religion but also accepting such thing. Atleast we're true to our selves, and yea I'd rather visit Aceh than any big city in europe, because theyre too much "freedom". Still loves from Indonesia. I know our view might clashed, but I wished Duda and Poland all the best 😂
In Poland, you can just resign from religion classes. Nowadays, most people in high school don't attend religion. The problem is, it is up to parents and very religious parents like hers would not have allowed it.
As an Indonesian, I can confirm that there are thousands of billions of people live here on the billions hectares of land, AND WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD VERY SOON.
I am one of the students who live in the WIT zone (Eastern Indonesian time) and study in the WIB zone (Western Indonesian time). During the pandemic and learning is still online I'm always happy because I can sleep 2 hours longer so I always wake up late loll. But what's not good is that when there are classes until 17.00 WIB, I definitely finish at 19.00 WIT 😭 And just so you know, the WIT zone has the same time as South Korea.
Thanks to Loudi and Ania for the explanation & the Giggle team, it's exciting to learn about other countries 🤩
Toleransi memang termasuk hal yang paling sulit untuk dilakukan tapi respect untuk Indonesia karena sudah berusaha melakukannya 🔥 lanjutkan teman-teman ❤
24 hours talking about Indonesia (People, Culture,Language, Foods, Religion, Area, View, etc) is never enough.
Actually 1 years is not enough to explore and travelling all around Indonesia From Sabang island until Merauke Island (Remember Indonesia have more than 17.000 Island).
I'm proud being Indonesia people..🇮🇩
Thanks Loudi..even any mistakes information but it's Ok. You can correct then.
I'm proud of being Indonesian*. Indonesian people is plural
Loudi so good to introduce Indonesiaaa.. Terimakasih loudii ❤❤❤
Introduce secara negative 👏
bikin malu cowok indo, vibesnya kek banci ...
Lol no
But ,alot a mistake 😅
@@Sdymensigereget pengen jitak 😂
lodi salah satu diaspora membanggakan saya sukses selalu broh ,peace,love & respect from Indonesia 🫶🇮🇩🇵🇱🇰🇷
I love how the polish girl talked bad about Christianity and said that Indonesia is so open and understanding country, meanwhile there were dozens of extremists attacks against christian churches in Indonesia history IoI
And I RP is opened to other religion ,bc of pact signature in 1573, named "konfederacja warszawska" that give freedom of religion xd
Basically "tell me you're not Indonesian without telling me you're not Indonesian"
It's so fun seeing them holding their own flags 😅😅
There is a mistake about Million with Billion... although a few letters but the difference is very big
in USA bilion=10^9. In Poland miliard=10^9 and bilion=10^12 :)
Huh? 2 billion? Actually, it's just 200 million. We're just twice as populous as Mexico. Why didn't he correct her misunderstanding, tho ?
2 billion people!!!?? No wonder why she's so speechless about it, even myself as an Indonesian. 2 billion people in Indonesia would make us the most populated country above China & India..
The overpopulation issue is primarily concentrated on Java Island, which accommodates half of Indonesia's total population. What's ironic is that Java is the smallest island than other 4 giant island, which is why it appears to be so densely populated...
Yep. Apparently they both made the mistake thinking 200 million equals 2 billion. This was pretty cringy.
Could be a language error in differentiating millions and billions
Its not cringy, its just mistranslation.
@@SetuwoKecik Might be :)
because in Poland we have longer scale milion, miliard, bilion, so she can understand that ist 1000 times more
This polish girl is pretty cool. Love her. Hello from Ukraine, thank's for the content.
Actually in Poland this subject - religion - isn’t a obligation, when you’re a kid your parents can discharge you from it, and not every school gives grades based on how often you go to church, sometimes there is no grade at all or there are pop quizzes and different projects, also we have a different subject called ethnic, which is basically subject where you learn about different religions and cultures all around the world, it isn’t a obligatory either
what kind of Poland were you living in, this is probably only true In like Krakow and Warszawa. Even today mu family still are forced to do religion and there is no such thing as ethnic
Isnt an obligation but the parents can still force the child to participate in religion class, and they cannot so anything about it.
@@polaszelka9527 i don't know which Poland are you live in 😂 the religion is not obligatory at all. I was in school last time 7 years ago and "religia" was not obligatory if your parents request that. My whole class attend most of the lessons becasuse we talk there mostly about life not about religion and there was no home work and tests at all.
@@polaszelka9527chyba masz jakąś chorą szkole bo to nie jest normalne
@@polaszelka9527 Lol, in most of Poland it does not exist except its Podlasie or Podkarpacie, but still its against the law xD Main problem with Poles is that they don't know their rights and goverment exploiting it
The comparison of GDP is quite missleading, since Indonesian population is way higher. If you take the GDP per capita (Indonesia - 4 332,71 USD (2021), Poland - 17 999,91 USD (2021)) you can see that the average Pole is over 4 times richer than the average Indonesian.
2:12 India surpassed China for the world's largest country by Population this year. 8-9 million difference
Fun fact: Poland was huge producent of red pigment gathered from bugs called "czerwie" that's why the season June is called Czerwiec and the red color is called czerwony
Probably the other way around. Many Slavic languages have similar words for red, but not the bug you mentioned.
The words for a lot of animals/plants are derived from colours, which makes sense. Why would humans name a colour after a bug? Surely they were more familiar with the colour.
Why would you need to name colours in the first stages of human history? I'd rather imagine that people used things they have seen to describe others
Like a parrot described unknown fruit (it was kiwi or sth im not sure) as banana-apple which it had known
Like "niebieski" could be translated to "has color of the sky"
Similarly we didn't really have a word for purple until new dies were synthesised
For purple cabbage we still use the word red instead
Literally czerwona kapusta, red cabbage, which is clearly purple
Idk specifically how the history with bugs went but maybe it was just a very common thing to trade with
Or it had something different to begin with and then was replaced
Im curious now what happened in a case of orange. Like carrots weren't used as word for orange although in the past they were commonly many different colours
@@fabianandromartinez4299 You need to tag me for me to see your response. I found your comment again by chance and can't respond properly right now, but if you tag me, I'll try to respond later
I must say few words about religion in Poland because I am surprised by the things that were said in this video so Poland was shown almost like a fanatical state, while it is far away from truth. Religion subject in Poland is not obligated. If you don't want to participate you don't have to. At the very beginning of the education in PL those classes were hosted after school on sundays in churches, but because of the comfort of the students they were moved to schools. Addictionally, I have never heard or experienced that teacher gives you grades for going to church. During my religion classes taking active part in classes was graded. If you don't want to be catholic you don't have to and there is many people that are not. I will even say that nowayadys it is easier to say I am not religious than I am catholic. I also think abortion prohibition is based on christian morality, but those are basics of europe civilization and it doesn't mean that Poland is a church state. What our government is doing is they try to gain votes from catholics, but doing what they're doing they don't help church at all by politicize the church and it needs to be changed.
It would be great if the person representing the country knew where their flag came from, bacause it has nothing in common with blood and sacrifice. The colors of our national flag come from the country's emblem. The upper stripe - white - comes from the white eagle, the lower one - red - from the field of the emblem. I mean it is a basic knowledge
but the woman probably hasn't lived in Poland for a long time and often says things she made up or read on some gossip website for example with this hello kitty about which it's hard to find anything on the Polish Internet... not counting some small websites or memes or texts about one priest
This girl doesn't live in Poland. She even admitted that when she talked about prices because it means she only goes back to Poland for holiday. Pretty easy to tell she only reads the biased liberal media on what's happening in the country which is determined to paint the PiS party and Andrez Duda as the 2nd coming of Hitler.
tell me ure a believer without telling me, trying to deny that the country is a bit too fanatical about religion is honesrly being blind, yeah religion is not obligatory? but your parents or your grandma will call u a demon child? halloween, just a fun holiday, u may get screamed on by some lady for believing in satan, " also think abortion prohibition is based on christian morality, but those are basics of europe civilization and it doesn't mean that Poland is a church state", is so so so so ignorant, bc in most european countries abortion is in fact legall
About this color of flag there is no white and red, but silver and crimson. Silver stand for wealth, crimson stand for nobility why idk thats political thing and every 3 teories about meaning of flag are true thats only symbolism...
I learned at school that white symbolises purity and red symbolises blood that was split while fighting for the country
The reason why Indonesian have a large population is because the land we live in is soooo fertilized and able to produce abundance of food to support a large amount of its citizens. A family of 10-11 people although struggles to get through will be feed with all helping out .
Meskipun sudah diklarifikasi bahwa yg dimaksud million bukan billion, tapi agak ganggu dikit denger terus terusan bilang yg salah. 😅
indonesia flag = ratio 2:3, red colour: 255, 0, 0 - white: 255, 255, 255
Poland flag = ratio 5:8, red colour: 221, 12, 57 - white: 255, 255, 255
looks the same but different.
loudi keren bgt penyampainnyaaa, gue rasa gue mulai ngefans nih sama loudi
Well you bet. In europe. You hardly travel that far unless for very important reasons. Same with indonesian in general.
But while in europe you can take a cab and arrive in a different country, Indonesian can take 7 days cruise, or 7 hours flight, and they still would be inside their country.
Laudi itu pinter banget... Dia bisa ngejelasin Indonesia dengan kalimat yang mudah dipahami. Sukses terus buat laudi
@@Erlan-pw3jkgak ada yg mempermalukan Indonesia, mbaknya juga banyak mention keburukan di Negaranya, kyk kemiskinan, harga barang yg sekarang tinggi, sama ajaran agama yg menurut dia ketat bgt. There's nothing wrong with that, kenapa harus tersinggung? Si Mbaknya juga b aja dgn omongan Loudi karena semua negara pasti ada plus minusnya, malah dengan topic kyk gini bisa jadi ilmu atau informasi baru untuk orang di luar negara kita.
Topic kyk gini tuh bukan topic yg tabu mazehh, santai aja gak akan ada yg judge Indo juga..
@@Erlan-pw3jk gak ada mempermalukan dia... Emang dia bohong tentang indonesia, enggak kan. Pastinya dia sebelum ngomong Uda search dulu gak mungkin tiba tiba ngomong, Uda ada staff indo yang ngasih info terkini. Klau dia ngomong bohong dan jelek jelekin Indonesia baru mempermalukan. Disimak dulu dia ngomong apa klau perlu translate jangan asal nuduh orang.
@@Erlan-pw3jkyg dia omongin bener kok Jakarta pun yg katanya terurus sm pemerintah msh semerawut. Msh ada desa yang minim listrik. Walaupun ga separah dulu. Internet blom merata. Negara kita emg rajin bikin anak. gap orang kaya sama org miskin masih berjarak banget. Terima kenyataanya begitu, meskipun gdp kita gede tp blom bisa dimaksimalkan dengan baik.
Saking pintarnya banyak informasi yang sangat salah tentang Indonesia diberikan ke khalayak dunia lewat youtube.
I've always assumed the Polish flag was based on the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Piast dynasty colors. I've also been told that the red is on the bottom because blood sinks in water. It's the blood of hardships of the past and the water is from purity of Catholicism.
Wow I didn't expect to learn such thing about the religion in Poland 🤯 As far as I know, Poland was a super open country
kristen garis keras brow mereka. lgbt disana aja ditolak
@@khalif7201 salut sih sama polandia
Beda sama filipin yg ngaku kristen garis keras di asia tenggara tapi lgbt mulai diterima gk jauh beda sama amrik
We are very open, only old people are religious and the gov which won/lost the last week elections were also really religious.
@ShineeSimp Have you been in Poland? Not open? Why?
@ShineeSimp conservative doesn't means not open. In Poland each can do what you want. But LGBT demonstration we don't like.
Funny anecdote: when i was a kid, if we speak backwards we called it Bahasa Polandia (Polish language) because our flag is inverted.
Indonesia and Poland : "why did you copy our flag?"
Monaco : "Dude WTH???"
Indonesia first used the red and white flag, we have used the red and white flag since the founding of the Majapahit empire 1293-1527, Until now we still use it, It was Poland who copied our flag👊🏻👊🏻
Also 99,99% Indonesian are guaranteed bilingual because each Island have their own native language but we have to learn the national language, the Bahasa Indonesia. Then like Loudi here, he learn English in school and then learn Hangul on his own, making him at least able to speak 4 languages. Educated Indonesian at least can speak 3 languages. I'm quite surprise that first world country like America & England, many can only speak 1 language the rest of their life.
They don't need to speak another language (especially true in the USA as it is huge).
Of course in Indonesia we also have intolerance between religions and tribes, but we still try our best to fix it and make it better. I pray that in the future, this country can achieve a peace that is more beautiful than any other country.🙏
Indonesia is a big country, it makes sense that we have such a large population, please do compare the size of Indonesia and Europe, actually not over population at all
We are overpopulated, especially in Java. If we are not overpopulated, KB program will never exsist😂
Just accept the truth, it's the same with China and India. these countries are very large and they're also overpopulated
@@mriadngki2575And you think the government has never implemented a program ineffectively? You think KB program is the right program?
Actually the girl misunderstood because she thought indonesia’s population is 2 billion not 200 million.
of course indonesia beautiful country there many people from other country want to live in indonesia.that make our polulation hight
damn this is a good conversation
obviosly they dont know 100% about their country, but still its a good conversation
I really respect Poland cause they stand for religious culture and law and have strong principle to keep that among other countries that more secular now in Europe. Other countries are getting worst in culture or human civilization, crime increasing and losing their identity now cause they are "driven" by other powerful country or just following other country ideology that is not their values.
this is very interesting, they both talk very well
Actually somebody made video about this topic - very nice 😄
For me as Polish Indonesia and Monaco flag always catched my view and interest - they are the same, just upside down ^^
we also have Muslims in Poland. e.g. Polish Tatars... live in Podlasie and are a small but still existing community. The law in Poland allows followers of different religions to have lessons in their religion at school. The condition is to collect the appropriate number of students
Indonesia, Merah Darah mu... Putih Tulang mu menyatu dalam semangat mu.
Nice content... great talent too.. nice conversation ❤️ we learn a lot
Okay, now I know I've lived in the US for too long and forget that other countries don't have to deal with 6 timezones or daylight savings time on a regular basis.
That's why the population in our country is so large, because our country's territory is also large😂
Canada says hello 🤣
@@bydlaqtidak kanada lebih kecil, karena proyeksi peta dunia itu equator 1/4 dari kutub. alias dikompres kalau dekat katulistiwa dan di perbesar kalau di kutub.
@@aozoraaoi3745 Did you just argues about second largest country in the world? 🤣
@@aozoraaoi3745 kalo panjang melintang emg Indonesia lebih panjang. Tapi secara keseluruhan Indonesia tidak lebih besar dari Kanada. Cmiiw
@@autumnvibe_iya karena kanada daratan semua dibanding indonesia yg lautan . tp yg bisa ditinggalin jg kanada banyak yg tanah beku gak bisa dijadikan tempat tinggal
She is funny thinking about home and work in different zones because its long distance but its funny when for example flying from WIT +9 on 9.00 pm to WIB +7 in 2h, u will be landing there on 9.00 pm :D Indonesia have light speed planes :D. I'm from Poland.
5:50 guys, you shrink both countries by like 100 times 💀
Indonesia is 1905000 km^2
Poland is 314000 km^2
Hectar (ha) is 100x100m. And as you can guess, 1km^2 is 1000x1000m
And of course weird confusion with billions of people. Math is not a strong concept on this channel
well indonesia is spreading island so the western part to eastern part it's like london to kabul Afghanistan, because of the sea
Hello from Poland.
Nice material, very informational.
I also thought that closing shops on Sundays was religion-related, only later I learned that it has nothing to do with it, and it's actually an idea from more atheist, western countries to prevent overwork or something and Poland simply followed their lead in this as it aligned with religious thoughts.
But at the end, saying that it was made because Sunday is for god or something is a lie. Many anti-Catholic countries had that rule long before Poland.
Poland is catholic in 71,3%, not 97% (by GUS, 2021)
It was still 95% like 20 years ago.
It's really sad because an other religion is spreading while Christianity is decreasing.
@@SophieHanna-sn9hc There's no other religions, all of them are atheist or agnostic. This is what happens when priests rape children and hide it together with Vatican.
When I was in highschool, I raised Indonesian flag upside down, twice, in school ceremony, my friend called me Polish
Poland has a much higher standard of living, quality of life, better education, health, etc overall it is much better than Indonesia to live in and pretty much in every comparison. An average person in Poland makes a lot more than in Indonesia. This lady from Poland does not seem to be well informed at all about Poland.
wzięli randomową typiarę, co się szlaja za granicą.
Dla ludzi żyjących w Polsce to nie są duże zarobki biorąc pod uwagę ceny wszystkiego niby większe zarobki ale i ceny wysokie więc na to patrzy się pod kątem mieszkania w danym państwie moim zdaniem
Because Poland only have 37 million people, easy to build easy to control. Compare then Poland to Singapore whose have only 5+ million population, they are better way than Poland, quality life, education, health, etc. Singapore More way better than Poland dude in all aspects. If you want to compare Indonesia and Poland to that way
We only include advantages/positive things of countries around the world, and not the other way around. It's in fact true that Indonesia has a lot of downside, and this in also not only one country, Indonesia, though the main discussion regarding to countries in this video are Indonesia and Poland.
By this, you're probably just gonna get hated on due to your "criticism" toward Indonesia. If not, then you're a lucky person I guess, but i still doubt that.
It's kinda funny because the U.S. also has more than 1 timezone. 😆 I'm learning a lot about both countries though because we hardly ever learned about other countries in school. 🙃
As a Christian... it's never good when you have extremists dominating the culture. 😫
indonesia isn't overpopulated country, you're just live in java island
😂 Apaan sih emang udah tercatat data populasi di Indonesia Nomor 4 dari seluruh Dunia . Ya banyak anak banyak rejeki(kata orang jaman dulu). Bahkan Nenek buyutku ada 11 anak di Kalimantan, bukan di Jawa (Java) tuh di luar Jawa.
Indonesia itu menurut kekurangan edukasi juga , Di tambah banyak miskin, jadi kurang tahu mencegah banyak anak. Banyak teman seangkatan aku hamil di luar nikah , Dan lihat lah berita Anak SMA banyak yang hamil di Jawa mana tuh lupa Dan ada juga aku lihat berita universitas mana kena berapa ratus orang terkena HIV Karna sex bebas.
@@Rosemaryyy.08 maksud komennya tu gini. Dari 270 juta lebih rakyat Indonesia 50-60% nya terdapat di pulau jawa. Which is jomplang kalo dibandingin sama populasi di pulau lain. Makanya kalo dibilang pulau Jawa itu overpopulation ya emg bener
@@autumnvibe_ Sedangkan komentar di atas bilang (isn't) Indonesia tidak kelebihan populasi nya , Kau hanya tinggal di Pulau jawa.
Lah ya setahu juga di pulau Jawa memang populasi terbanyak di pulau lain , bahkan memang macet aja bisa berjam2 . 😂 Ya aku ngerti maksud mu tapi aku komentar yang di atas seperti tidak menerima kenyataannya bahwa Indonesia memang kelebihan populasi gitu loh.
Di Jawa juga termasuk Negara Indonesia dan Di luar pulau juga termasuk Indonesia jadi maksud aku kita di hitung satu , yang di hitungkan jumlah manusia nya . Kalau Di luar pulau Jawa pisah negara dengan Jawa ya gak sebanyak di manusia2 Di Jawa Aku tahu itu 😂
true, java being the most densely populated island in the whole world.
but since java is part of Indonesia it's not wrong to say Indonesia is highly populated.
java is so populated because job opportunities are mostly over here so that's why citizens from other islands migrate to java
@@Rosemaryyy.08 Iya aku bukannya ga faham b. Inggris. Itu maksud tersirat kalo menurut dia Indonesia secara keseluruhan ga overpopulation. Overpopulation hanya di pulau jawa krn pulau jawa menampung lebih dari 50% rakyat Indonesia. 270jt jiwa untuk wilayah yg panjangnya lebih dari 1jt km² masih oke" aja kalau semisal populasi per pulaunya dibagi rata. Jadi status populasi di Indonesia masih termasuk sedang. Coba lihat India dan Bangladesh itu baru overpopulation
인도네시아 남자분 엄청 잘생기셨어요. 인도네시아 분들 진짜 호감임
oo i am first love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩💜🇰🇷
I come across this video and wow I like to watch it over and over again. I have a friend in Cezh Republic and we have been friends since about a few years ago, and we never speak or discuss our country each other/ Perhaps I can take lessons from this video which very much appreciated. Dealing with "poor people in Indonesia" as mentioned in this conversation, Well I cannot tell more detail about that matter. From my point of view, all countries around the world had different problem in many different sectors including food insecurity, etc
Talk about GDP but the screen just show about dominant religion and stuff😂. Wth
This nation Indonesia might have its own shortcomings, but home is still home. It'll never be replaceable.
3:30 but indonesia is not actually overpopulated considering its size, its just not evenly distributed, with around 60% of population living in Java, making it the most densely-populated island in the world.