WOW!! You should get the Knobel prize.. the circuit is genius and if you add 3 transistors ans a super-sticky-swisher in sequence you can travel back through time and hopefully prevent your ancestors from getting it on!!!
Главное красный провод не использовать и белый иначе в разнос пойдет и наступит коллапс пространства и времени))) Ну а если серьезно, фокус этот стар как какашки мамонта, начнёмс 1 если это "свободная энергия" наводимая в ферритовое кольцо значит это переменный ток, наведите на лампу накаливания питаемую переменным током камеру и выы поймете о чем я - будут видны пульсации 2 Лампа при подключении первые две секунды светит в разы ярче чем позже, еще бы маленькому аккумулятору в корпусе лампы не под силу тянуть такую нагрузку 3 Ну и на последок - просто попробуйте повторить - потратьте полчаса времени что бы убедиться что это фейк - если я вас не убедил
شكرا جزيلا على هذا الابداع..لقد جربت فكرتك ونجحت يالك من عبقري لقد استغنيت عن شركة الكهرباء ولدي ادلد من المغنا طيس في البيت ولقد جربت كل اجهزة كهرباء الف شكر مرة اخرى..
To the guys that didn't noticed- the battery is located to the bottom of the bulb.....observe the bottom of the bulb it's salvaged with solder, also if he short the two bottom points of the bulb the bulb will light as inside of it contains the battery. When he connects the battery to the two coils of the magnet the circuit is complete and the bulb lights - goodnight.
Обязательно нужно именно эти цвета проводов, пока не оббегал все наши магазины и не нашел этих цветов, нихрена не получалось. Теперь зимой не плачу за обогреватели)))
No Shame ! This guy has over 5 million views (on 1 (one) Video), and is Monetized.. He probably got paid *several thousand dollars* for this 1 (one) video, and will continue to get checks like that until People stop watching.. That's the way RUclips works.. Look it up.. He has hundreds of Videos.. Do the Math.. He has no reason to feel shame.. RUclips set it up like this.. It's very lucrative making "Shameful" videos.. Welcome to the New World Order..
In order for certain new technology to be expressed, or to be released, there has to be a willingness to receive it. And this requires both the change in the collective consciousness but it also requires that there are certain scientists who are willing to question what most scientists are currently not questioning, including materialism. Now, just as a concrete example here, you have the whole concept of free energy. This can be explained actually in terms of what is currently known by quantum physics. You have observations made by quantum physicists in bubble chambers, that you can have a state where there are no particles, suddenly one particle appears, divides itself into several particles, they collide again and then disappear. There have been some scientists who have been willing to speculate that, beyond what can be observed even at the subatomic level, there must be some kind of energy field, some call it a quantum field, some call it a ground state, whatever they call it, but it has basically been proven by quantum physics, that there is some state beyond the physical material realm. And in that state there is energy. And that energy can then enter the material realm and become physical matter. If you take this and put it together with a big bang, you can see that, is it actually logical that all of the matter and all of the energy that is now in this huge universe was compressed into something called a singularity? Whatever that may be. Is this really logical? Obviously, all of the matchup could not fit in there. But could the energy actually fit into a single point? Is it not just as logical to say that there was an event where energy from a different realm entered the material frequency spectrum. And this means that all of the matter that you see in the world today is actually created from energy. This was proven by Einstein. And that energy must have come from somewhere, and what has now been proven for those who are willing to see it by quantum physics, is that that energy came from another realm. It entered the material world, the physical realm from another realm. Well, is that not free energy? Is it not thereby proven that the entire world is created by free energy? So does that not mean it is also possible that technology could be created, that would be able to, so to speak, channel the energy from a different realm into the material realm, where it could then be used to perform physical work or at least create electricity that could power machines that perform physical work. This is perfectly in line with what has already been discovered. See, what you have right now is, you have a state of technology, which is a reflection of the collective consciousness and the collective consciousness does not really fully accept the existence of another realm. That is why as we have said humankind has become a closed circle, a closed system subject to the second law of thermodynamics. That is why the technology you have today, the energy sources you have today, you think that the only way to provide energy is to either burn some kind of fuel, or split the atom, and free the energy that is already in the material realm. But this is simply a certain mindset that is based on an incomplete understanding of how the world works. As I said, quantum physics has already proven that the world is created by energy from another realm, and therefore, there is naturally much more energy in that realm and it is a matter of raising our view of the world, our understanding of the world, raising the collective consciousness until we can grasp what that other realm is like, and therefore be able to receive the technology that can make use of the energy that is there. It may be not so constructive to talk about free energy, but it is free in a sense that there is no cost, there is nothing that needs to be burned or consumed in the material realm in order to harness this energy and therefore, we might call it a different name and many different names could be suggested.
i tried to make this and i have to say this guy is a genius.....every time without fail i tried to put the button battery in the base of the globe, the bulb would good on this guy for getting the battery in there without breaking the glass or the filament.
في الثانية 1:44 هذا النوع من المصابيح لا يتم توصيله بهذا الشكل لانه مصباح مزدوج خاص بالسيارات وفي الثانية 2:07 تم قطع الفيديو ليتم ثقب اللوح اسفل المصباح وتوصيل المصباح ببطارية وقاطعة يتحكم بها بواسطة قدمه اسفل الطاولة ولأثبت صحة كلامي في الثانية 2:55 تلامس السلكان لكن المصباح مازال لم يشتعل
ممكن ، لكن ما هو الهدف من الخداع ... هل لجذب عدد من المشاهدات مثلا أم ماذا ... في كثير من هذه الفيديوهات بنفس المحتوى و الأفكار... و أيضا هل من الممكن تجربة مثل هذه الأفكار فأنا أجهل قواعد الكهرباء ؟!
yes, energy can't be created nor destroyed, but if you think about it as we create magnets from electricity we could also create electricity from magnets.
@@aboodhjee4962 no, we create electricity from the variation of magnetic flux, the MOVING of magnets with the energy of wind water etc... absolutely not by the magnets itself.
Brilliant! My 12 year-old son is going to do extra shifts after school in the warehouse and also save all his pocket money and paper-round money over the next six months to make this for his school project! Thank you.
there is no magnatic flux produce its only possible if the coil rotate inside magnatic field then electric current will this experiment no mag: flux is produce .
Under a table top there is induction котушка. A ferrite magnet with a puttee is the transformer of current. Pay attention to phasing 2,58 yellow wire on the left, a bulb burns brightly, 3,08 yellow on the right a bulb burns dim
This does not correspond to Faraday's law on electromagnetic induction, which states that there must be a variable magnetic field to induce electricity in the coil
@@shlyager2 Все просто. В лампу впаян элемент питания. Просто притормози запись на демонстрации цоколя лампочки. Перемкни проводки без ахинеи с магнитом, она один хер будет светить. Трюк для развода наивных.
@@АлександрСмагин согласен на видео автор припоял оба провода на контакты которые выходят на питание а такие лампы как известно 2х контактные и внизу два плюса на две спирали а минус это цоколь а как мы видим он в цепи не задействован и это видео просто фейк
Чтобы это работало, нужен рядом генератор электромагнитных волн, которые бы улавливала обмотка на магните. Что то должно двигаться относительно чего-то. А в статике электричество не рождается.
The logic is .. Magnetic flux is produces by magnets and this produce emf in the coil and generates current till the field is not destroyed and numbers of turns can increase current in the coil
I did this and it worked... But it overloaded my house's breaker box and it burned my fridge and my TV... And you are paying for it... Send me your address so that I can send you the bill.
I think this process involves the quantum fields polarized by the toroid magnet running from one pole to the other. Since these quantum fields consist of displacement currents, they activate the light bulb.
No "little batteries", I've had a fluorescent tube (3 foot long), turn on holding it anywhere up to 5 foot from a Tesla coil. Voltage induction is about 10%. You can prove this yourself, put an electric fence meter on the NON power fence wires (above or below the powered wire), it will read approx 400 to 600 volts (a farm electric fence is between 4000 and 6000 volts). In this video he needs no wires to make the bulb glow, just an induction source 10 times the globes voltage rating hidden under the table. Hence no sound, or the "humming" of it would be heard
actually, it's smart he tried. In stead of assuming if it works or not, he tested the case. Conclusion, it didn't work. That's better than thinking something doesn't work (or does work) just because someone told him so. ;)
Ну всё, надо отказываться от АС. Автор а почему цоколь в лампочке виден как запаен, какую батарейку туда запихнул??? В твоем случае ещё один фокус, замкни два провода от лампочки и она загорится без магнита..
Если не ошибаюсь у этого типа ламп один минус это корпус,а два плюса это нижние контакты так что возникает вопрос где он взял минус что бы замкнуть цепь?И видно что горят обе нити накаливания,так что где то он смухлевал!Как всегда халява обламалась!
А что эти хорошо зопомнившиеся руки по просмотрам роликов , умеют хорошо работать. Вы только гляньте на колличество подписчиков - семь миллионов ,и тут уже не важно что он преподносит людям, для таких трудяг как он , главное добиться того к чему они нацелились.
Baterai 100% di bawah papan. Kabel Coil sebagai on off. Edit sambungan video 2:07 ke 2:08 terlihat. Perhatikan menit 2:07 posisi bohlam agak ketengah papan. Menit 2:09 posisi bohlam berubah lebih kepinggir papan.
@@lordmagiusgaming961 dia pakai lampu 12 volt agan. Kalau baterai ada di bawah lampunya pasti papannya dia bolak-balik supaya penonton tambah yakin tidak ada rekayasa.
I'm guessing Button cell in the light. Mainly because he never touched the light wires together to show it wasn't a button cell. Plus the light looks messed with and he didn't add solder. He could have made it more convincing just by putting the same setup underneath the table then just plugging it in. But I'm guessing he wasn't smart enough to understand how electricity really works.
If this video would have been true, then people would've have purchased inverter. They would have used your technique to supply free electricity to their home.
Likely so that there are external powerful magnetic field INTRODUCED that promoted the current in this system, this is a defiance of the conventional laws of electromagnetism if it's otherwise... Thanks Author, this vid catalyzed a dilemma to review and doubt, and to solidify learning...
I've had a fluorescent tube (3 foot long), turn on holding it anywhere up to 5 foot from a Tesla coil. Voltage induction is about 10%. You can prove this yourself, put an electric fence meter on the NON power fence wires (above or below the powered wire), it will read approx 400 to 600 volts (a farm electric fence is between 4000 and 6000 volts). In this video he needs no wires to make the bulb glow, just an induction source 10 times the globes voltage rating hidden under the table. Hence no sound, or the "humming" of it would be heard
He very nicely hide the battery inside the board Then he round the wire to the magnet and join them so that circuit completed when he join the wire and bulb glow Dont worry his channel is no more
@@Miguelsron las pilas emiten energia por medio de una reaccion quimica producida por los componentes que contienen dentro ,, pero para generar electricidad hay que mover un campo magnetico , tiene que haber una rotacion para que se produzca , lo de el video es falso ,,, salu2
free energy not coming. but free money coming from youtube.
Yes u r correct
no free energy was come
because magnets haves energy
Electricity can only be produced when there will be change in magetic flux
Correct bhai bina magnetic flux ke electricity produce kar diya
Actually it's something you expect from kindergarten dropout and trying to produce 100%+ efficient free energy
Man i just love how random youtubers can break the laws of physics
WOW!! You should get the Knobel prize.. the circuit is genius and if you add 3 transistors ans a super-sticky-swisher in sequence you can travel back through time and hopefully prevent your ancestors from getting it on!!!
ahahahahaahah you said well
Haahaaa.. very well said
وإذا وضع حساس الظلام يحصل على ضوء اسود قابل للأشتعال
You forgot to tell where you hide the battery :D
@@rabiulislam6304 I did not get that
@@FolkRangbyNakulGautam lol guess why he never showed the bottom of his project
Ha ha. That's what I thought...
False. If you agree= like
I will say more is the Middle Ages and the darkness
pls give me instrument name change in magnetic flux then how is it producing electricity
Just shit
The bulb has power source and the wire is act as switch, there is no credit for magnet, without magnet it will be worked
Главное красный провод не использовать и белый иначе в разнос пойдет и наступит коллапс пространства и времени)))
Ну а если серьезно, фокус этот стар как какашки мамонта, начнёмс
1 если это "свободная энергия" наводимая в ферритовое кольцо значит это переменный ток, наведите на лампу накаливания питаемую переменным током камеру и выы поймете о чем я - будут видны пульсации
2 Лампа при подключении первые две секунды светит в разы ярче чем позже, еще бы маленькому аккумулятору в корпусе лампы не под силу тянуть такую нагрузку
3 Ну и на последок - просто попробуйте повторить - потратьте полчаса времени что бы убедиться что это фейк - если я вас не убедил
Андрей Киселев no
That's impossible !!! , How do you get electromotive force with no movement from the magnet or wire ?
Hahaha magic not real
Fraud, has button cells buried the base of the bulb. Just completing the circuit. BOGUS DUDE!
рутасиёхмекни 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
This is revolutionary! You get the FAF award.
69k likes and only 14k dislikes this shows how easily people can be fooled😂
Bro It shows "chutiyon ki kami nhi hai" 😂
Haha, good thing i use adblock. No money for anyone.
It is really nice performance. But, could be better if to show bottom side of plate :)
شكرا جزيلا على هذا الابداع..لقد جربت فكرتك ونجحت يالك من عبقري لقد استغنيت عن شركة الكهرباء ولدي ادلد من المغنا طيس في البيت ولقد جربت كل اجهزة كهرباء الف شكر مرة اخرى..
انت اصلا لم تجرب ذلك لأن لايتولد تيار كهربائي بمجال مغناطيسي ثابت لابد من وجود تغيير باقطاب المغناطيس ليتولد تيار على قطبي السلك
To the guys that didn't noticed- the battery is located to the bottom of the bulb.....observe the bottom of the bulb it's salvaged with solder, also if he short the two bottom points of the bulb the bulb will light as inside of it contains the battery.
When he connects the battery to the two coils of the magnet the circuit is complete and the bulb lights - goodnight.
1:43 clearly shows a hacked bulb. This is why these videos always use some kind of bulb with a base - convenient for hiding batteries.
Did you test Hans Coler device?
Обязательно нужно именно эти цвета проводов, пока не оббегал все наши магазины и не нашел этих цветов, нихрена не получалось. Теперь зимой не плачу за обогреватели)))
Удивительно, как всё это работает без синий изоленты!!!
fa hawack
Чего, у тебя не получилось? Я то тут при чем, ещё обзываешься, фу дурачилло.
Pure bull s... I'm an electrical engineer 50 years. Stop codding the people shame on you
As a engineer that makes me mad also.
Help me i have an project after 2 days i need to make a light bulb work without electicity
muito bom
No Shame ! This guy has over 5 million views (on 1 (one) Video), and is Monetized.. He probably got paid *several thousand dollars* for this 1 (one) video, and will continue to get checks like that until People stop watching.. That's the way RUclips works.. Look it up..
He has hundreds of Videos.. Do the Math.. He has no reason to feel shame.. RUclips set it up like this..
It's very lucrative making "Shameful" videos..
Welcome to the New World Order..
i love that bulb with the custom built in battery, bridging the terminals completes the circuit, nice vid!
You can see bottom of light bulb is damaged 1:40
@@jameslopez2675 exactly, good eye!
It's not real
xeroq holmis
In order for certain new technology to be expressed, or to be released, there has to be a willingness to receive it. And this requires both the change in the collective consciousness but it also requires that there are certain scientists who are willing to question what most scientists are currently not questioning, including materialism. Now, just as a concrete example here, you have the whole concept of free energy. This can be explained actually in terms of what is currently known by quantum physics. You have observations made by quantum physicists in bubble chambers, that you can have a state where there are no particles, suddenly one particle appears, divides itself into several particles, they collide again and then disappear. There have been some scientists who have been willing to speculate that, beyond what can be observed even at the subatomic level, there must be some kind of energy field, some call it a quantum field, some call it a ground state, whatever they call it, but it has basically been proven by quantum physics, that there is some state beyond the physical material realm. And in that state there is energy. And that energy can then enter the material realm and become physical matter. If you take this and put it together with a big bang, you can see that, is it actually logical that all of the matter and all of the energy that is now in this huge universe was compressed into something called a singularity? Whatever that may be. Is this really logical? Obviously, all of the matchup could not fit in there. But could the energy actually fit into a single point? Is it not just as logical to say that there was an event where energy from a different realm entered the material frequency spectrum. And this means that all of the matter that you see in the world today is actually created from energy. This was proven by Einstein. And that energy must have come from somewhere, and what has now been proven for those who are willing to see it by quantum physics, is that that energy came from another realm. It entered the material world, the physical realm from another realm. Well, is that not free energy? Is it not thereby proven that the entire world is created by free energy? So does that not mean it is also possible that technology could be created, that would be able to, so to speak, channel the energy from a different realm into the material realm, where it could then be used to perform physical work or at least create electricity that could power machines that perform physical work. This is perfectly in line with what has already been discovered. See, what you have right now is, you have a state of technology, which is a reflection of the collective consciousness and the collective consciousness does not really fully accept the existence of another realm. That is why as we have said humankind has become a closed circle, a closed system subject to the second law of thermodynamics. That is why the technology you have today, the energy sources you have today, you think that the only way to provide energy is to either burn some kind of fuel, or split the atom, and free the energy that is already in the material realm. But this is simply a certain mindset that is based on an incomplete understanding of how the world works. As I said, quantum physics has already proven that the world is created by energy from another realm, and therefore, there is naturally much more energy in that realm and it is a matter of raising our view of the world, our understanding of the world, raising the collective consciousness until we can grasp what that other realm is like, and therefore be able to receive the technology that can make use of the energy that is there. It may be not so constructive to talk about free energy, but it is free in a sense that there is no cost, there is nothing that needs to be burned or consumed in the material realm in order to harness this energy and therefore, we might call it a different name and many different names could be suggested.
i tried to make this and i have to say this guy is a genius.....every time without fail i tried to put the button battery in the base of the globe, the bulb would good on this guy for getting the battery in there without breaking the glass or the filament.
If you think this is possible your education system failed you.
look @2:54 to 2:56 then he reacts :) he forgot the timing of the switch w/ a friend behind the scenes :3
Pentru fraieri care pun botul e facut
This is the magic of RUclips
real or no
Battery is below the wooden block. Single wire is coming out under the bulb to complete the circuit. Below the bulb connection is already made.
في الثانية 1:44 هذا النوع من المصابيح لا يتم توصيله بهذا الشكل لانه مصباح مزدوج خاص بالسيارات وفي الثانية 2:07 تم قطع الفيديو ليتم ثقب اللوح اسفل المصباح وتوصيل المصباح ببطارية وقاطعة يتحكم بها بواسطة قدمه اسفل الطاولة ولأثبت صحة كلامي في الثانية 2:55 تلامس السلكان لكن المصباح مازال لم يشتعل
ممكن ، لكن ما هو الهدف من الخداع ... هل لجذب عدد من المشاهدات مثلا أم ماذا ... في كثير من هذه الفيديوهات بنفس المحتوى و الأفكار... و أيضا هل من الممكن تجربة مثل هذه الأفكار فأنا أجهل قواعد الكهرباء ؟!
شويه نصابين اوساخ ماليين اليوتيوب
هو المفروض يحط العنوان خدعه اكتشف كيف تم توصيل التيار بطريقه خفيه
نعم، لا يمكن توليد الكهرباء بدون حركة، و هذا ما يعرف بظاهرة الحث الكهرومغناطيسي، Electromagnetic induction
If the terminals of the bulb are normaly connected the 💡 will blows. Because a battery is inside the 💡.
Let me tell you energy neither be created nor be destroyed but it changes from one form to another form only
Energy can be created and also can be destroyed
@@akshaykumarhalemani5504 first go and complete your school then comment
yes, energy can't be created nor destroyed, but if you think about it as we create magnets from electricity we could also create electricity from magnets.
@@aboodhjee4962 no, we create electricity from the variation of magnetic flux, the MOVING of magnets with the energy of wind water etc... absolutely not by the magnets itself.
@@akshaykumarhalemani5504 how exactly you can destroy energy?
Wow is the Free Eletric Easy from Give love
There is no relative motion between conductor and magnetic flux how the emf is induced?
2000w induction cooker to light a 30 w build..😠😠..This person should be in prison for wasting energy...
Flubber Tech كداااااااااااب
Fraud strictly should be punish him
What waste? What he did will not generate any electricity.
Watch again
This time try to find out the batteries
Brilliant! My 12 year-old son is going to do extra shifts after school
in the warehouse and also save all his pocket money and paper-round
money over the next six months to make this for his school project!
Thank you.
There is an induction cooker beneath the surface....By which magnetic induction,,,,, coil above with the bulb produces electricity..
but for that we need to rotate the magnet otherwice there is no megnetic flux
@@АлександрГирман-ф6с please English
English please...
@@iamiotengineer the magnetic field produced by an induction cooker is already pulsing, which is why it is able to induct voltage into a conductor
there is no magnatic flux produce its only possible if the coil rotate inside magnatic field then electric current will this experiment no mag: flux is produce .
Yoy are trying to say electromagnet induction.
And rotates perpendicularly so that it cuts the magnetic fields
Kto od Sprawdzam Jak?
Ja. I okazuje się, że to nie działa.
Under a table top there is induction котушка. A ferrite magnet with a puttee is the transformer of current. Pay attention to phasing 2,58 yellow wire on the left, a bulb burns brightly, 3,08 yellow on the right a bulb burns dim
This does not correspond to Faraday's law on electromagnetic induction, which states that there must be a variable magnetic field to induce electricity in the coil
Very well said, Report this video people !
Еслиб так было, можно было бы отказаться от электросетей, а понаставить магнитов по углам и жить в своё удовольствие.
А кто за свет платить будет?
Ты попробуй так сделать а потом отпишись.
@@shlyager2 Все просто. В лампу впаян элемент питания. Просто притормози запись на демонстрации цоколя лампочки. Перемкни проводки без ахинеи с магнитом, она один хер будет светить. Трюк для развода наивных.
@@АлександрСмагин согласен на видео автор припоял оба провода на контакты которые выходят на питание а такие лампы как известно 2х контактные и внизу два плюса на две спирали а минус это цоколь а как мы видим он в цепи не задействован и это видео просто фейк
I it. I can't
Чтобы это работало, нужен рядом генератор электромагнитных волн, которые бы улавливала обмотка на магните. Что то должно двигаться относительно чего-то. А в статике электричество не рождается.
The logic is .. Magnetic flux is produces by magnets and this produce emf in the coil and generates current till the field is not destroyed and numbers of turns can increase current in the coil
I did this and it worked... But it overloaded my house's breaker box and it burned my fridge and my TV... And you are paying for it... Send me your address so that I can send you the bill.
Emmanouil Michellis did we ask
Do you see him hooking it to a fridge? Or tv? NO, stupid
Energia não se cria, se transforma! Fica a dica
Nesse caso energia magnética, fica a dica.
Hehehehe quem adiantou o vídeo até o final e perdeu tempo fazendo essa babaquice da um like aí kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk seus trouxas
Ta bateria który mówi "sprawdzam jak" pewnie jest schowana pod deską i podpięta pod deskę do żarówki
Bateria jest w żarówce
Nie, jest lepiej, wystarczy elektromagnes pod stołem!!!
No w sumie bo działa to na na zasadzie podobnej do bezprzewodowego ładowania telefonów
fuddu saka
energy neither be created nor be destroyed it can only be transformed.
İt is not real because ı tried 10000 times but didint work
@Leon thecat Hi ,What is the voltage and amperage of the light bulb and the gauge of the wire? thenk you very much
Yes it is motor plus Mechanical advantage pulleys and Alternators == free power
The assembly is perfectly functional .. Nearby is the inductor coil .... The principle of wireless power supply
I think this process involves the quantum fields polarized by the toroid magnet running from one pole to the other. Since these quantum fields consist of displacement currents, they activate the light bulb.
Квантовые поля? Хуянтовые, а не квантовые.
I think the secret lies in the plastic glue used in the project. It has superconductive proprieties at room temperature.
كل التعليقات بلغات اجنبية!!! هل من عرب هنا؟ اخوكم من الجزائر
how to get free energy: "Move in with your parents."
The bulb was modified and put tiny batteries inside ...nice trick....
Not possible
No "little batteries", I've had a fluorescent tube (3 foot long), turn on holding it anywhere up to 5 foot from a Tesla coil. Voltage induction is about 10%. You can prove this yourself, put an electric fence meter on the NON power fence wires (above or below the powered wire), it will read approx 400 to 600 volts (a farm electric fence is between 4000 and 6000 volts). In this video he needs no wires to make the bulb glow, just an induction source 10 times the globes voltage rating hidden under the table. Hence no sound, or the "humming" of it would be heard
Flying kiwi don’ t push me to believe that shit,
باركت جهودكم
Prank of the day 😂😂
its a lie.....impossible...I have tried current and no respon
Alawiran A new year and k. wi and
I cant believe you really fried :D
actually, it's smart he tried. In stead of assuming if it works or not, he tested the case. Conclusion, it didn't work. That's better than thinking something doesn't work (or does work) just because someone told him so. ;)
@@DJNightchild you need the hidden battery at the bottom.
@@volleyballschlaeger I know xD
Ну всё, надо отказываться от АС. Автор а почему цоколь в лампочке виден как запаен, какую батарейку туда запихнул??? В твоем случае ещё один фокус, замкни два провода от лампочки и она загорится без магнита..
Lipa oszustwo
Мрази обманули!
Все дело в синем ижелтом проводе.иначе нихрена не получится.с другими цветами просто будет деполяризация.
А если обмотать синей изолентой будет светить ещё ярче)))))
Если не ошибаюсь у этого типа ламп один минус это корпус,а два плюса это нижние контакты так что возникает вопрос где он взял минус что бы замкнуть цепь?И видно что горят обе нити накаливания,так что где то он смухлевал!Как всегда халява обламалась!
А что эти хорошо зопомнившиеся руки по просмотрам роликов , умеют хорошо работать. Вы только гляньте на колличество подписчиков - семь миллионов ,и тут уже не важно что он преподносит людям, для таких трудяг как он , главное добиться того к чему они нацелились.
There also could be a inductor hooked to AC under the table. ;)
Hahaha energy conservation violation...Give nobel prize to this guy...
Канал для тех, кто верит в вечный двигатель. Может, хоть паять научатся, и то польза!
1 to 1 transformer taking energy from air that's nice
The video is making fool i am an engineer nothing happens like this
raj chahuhan yes bro according to farades law of electromagnetic induction there is movement necessary around magnetic feild to generate electricity
Can you please teach me how to make a real generator
Exactly so....
@@satvikrajnarayanan1488 Google it...
It's true
You are aware of the fact, that the conductor has to move right? :D
Two little batteries under the light
Big electricity transformer under table
I think so
It is true as a science student the current will flow from wire as magnetic field which produces electric current
go back to school then, you missing something.
with people like this posting crazy things like this. the ones honestly looking for new ideas are insulted
Baterai 100% di bawah papan.
Kabel Coil sebagai on off.
Edit sambungan video 2:07 ke 2:08 terlihat.
Perhatikan menit 2:07 posisi bohlam agak ketengah papan.
Menit 2:09 posisi bohlam berubah lebih kepinggir papan.
herman Top gue lebih yakin bohlamnya uda di otak atik jadi di bawah bohlamnya
@@lordmagiusgaming961 dia pakai lampu 12 volt agan.
Kalau baterai ada di bawah lampunya pasti papannya dia bolak-balik supaya penonton tambah yakin tidak ada rekayasa.
mcm real
@@azerin5591 bhai ye real main kam kiya to
betul broo itu pake batre
soalnya uda gua buat persis seperti yg di video,
hasilnya nihil.
Put multimeter on the wire coil
Хорошая поделка у нас в деревне в каждом доме по 15 штук. Уже десять лет за электроэнергию не платим.
Hey man, care to flip that board so we can see what down under?
I'm guessing Button cell in the light. Mainly because he never touched the light wires together to show it wasn't a button cell. Plus the light looks messed with and he didn't add solder. He could have made it more convincing just by putting the same setup underneath the table then just plugging it in. But I'm guessing he wasn't smart enough to understand how electricity really works.
If we could somehow harness this stupidity into energy, that would be real endless free energy xD
If this video would have been true, then people would've have purchased inverter. They would have used your technique to supply free electricity to their home.
Likely so that there are external powerful magnetic field INTRODUCED that promoted the current in this system, this is a defiance of the conventional laws of electromagnetism if it's otherwise...
Thanks Author, this vid catalyzed a dilemma to review and doubt, and to solidify learning...
Inside lamp is battery
We are the only ones that figured it out.
Why can't we see what did you put inside the lamb
Then you have to prove it!!!
prove the device first, then we dont need to prove the theory anymore
Free energy not coming but youtube Money always coming
But free mony in RUclips
You forgot to show hide battery
Красива байка.Для тих хто не знає закон електромагнітної індукції
+1 if you think there is a Tesla coil under the table!!!
I've had a fluorescent tube (3 foot long), turn on holding it anywhere up to 5 foot from a Tesla coil. Voltage induction is about 10%. You can prove this yourself, put an electric fence meter on the NON power fence wires (above or below the powered wire), it will read approx 400 to 600 volts (a farm electric fence is between 4000 and 6000 volts). In this video he needs no wires to make the bulb glow, just an induction source 10 times the globes voltage rating hidden under the table. Hence no sound, or the "humming" of it would be heard
Not working it is full of nonsence
emf will generate only when coil move in magnetic field, otherwise no electricity
You are right but here no move so no change flux no generate emf
@@SkSk-hy7fc yes that's what I am talking about
Title of video should be...
Free Money with RUclips.
It's a good idea
I like it
You glued it for stability. Was it not stable enough to turn completely upside-down, so we can see underneath it as well?
He very nicely hide the battery inside the board
Then he round the wire to the magnet and join them so that circuit completed when he join the wire and bulb glow
Dont worry his channel is no more
i wish it were real. and energy problem would be solved with round-magnet and wire. unfortunately this is just a hoax.
Ye real hain kya?
100%fakes don't waste time
Ur Right
Thu kiu time waste garuke video dekratha
Tudo ê uma farsa fiz e não deu Serto
Are you try it?
@@sk-pro7 bro, free energy doesn't exist
Jamás se genera energía electrica de esa manera ya que no hay excitación de electrones y no rompe la fuerza magnética del imán
Eso será física extraterrestres?? Jaja semejante violación a la ley de Faraday!!
i followed instrructions exactly but i cant figure out where you hid the batteries plz show in new vid
My school project is same . Not bad
U hide battery
No energy
I try it, but it didn't work..
Just waste my time!
He placed a Tesla coil under the table
from stable w/o field rotation magnet impossible make energy. it s a joke 😂😂😂
I have never been so disappointed in my life...
Batterie on the wood
Or énergie par induction émetteur électromagnétique
On peut produire l'energie par un eman mais il faut qu'il tourne
Por supuesto que eso no funciona, el campo magnético debe estar rotando para que haya inducción.
Que tontería tan grande.
Cierto eso es un engaño jjjjjj
video e verdadeiro , mas nao e mostrado o gerador que deve estar proximo rsrsr
Porque las pilas y baterias funcionan sin rotacion?
@@Miguelsron las pilas emiten energia por medio de una reaccion quimica producida por los componentes que contienen dentro ,, pero para generar electricidad hay que mover un campo magnetico , tiene que haber una rotacion para que se produzca , lo de el video es falso ,,, salu2
Everyone should report ALL these kinds of b.s. vids as spam or misleading. I'm trying to actually learn for gods sakes.
2:06 обратите внимание на спираль и провода !!! и на ниже когда убирает руки !!! )))))))
Прикольно получилось 👍
Молодец чувак!!! Сделал класную, а главно нужную еботень. Тем самым набрал тысячи просмотров.
Если есть с чего поржать, выкладывай!, весели народ.
If the magnetic flux is stationary, not moving perpendicular to the coil, then how is it inducing electron flow in the conductor?
That's what , if flux is stationary then there is no current induced right ??
Зачем в сотиках аккумуляторы когда приклеил магнит и вечная зарядка 100 % .
Росснано отдыхает !
Сколько наивных пыталось это повторить?😂
Isso não funciona,, é pura mentira.