I think these protesters deserve respect. They are after all protesting for a good cause. And that’s the only way they can get their message to the evil governments. So they have to cause chaos and disruption to get their voice heard.
They're on the good side of history. Super proud we have people like them who care about global issues that will cause much greater harm to humanity than a single delayed train.
Ask them to pay a 20% of their wages towards combatting polution. Mind you most of these ladies and gentlemen are probably similar to the remainer crowd who are endlessly at Whitehall so lord knows if they do anything.
Must be nice to be so middle class that you know getting arrested, even after doing criminal damage in front of a cop, will absolutely not go further than a caution.
20quid I don't understand this - am I supposed to be smug? If so, what problem is it I'm using said smugness to avoid fixing? I'm not sure how this would apply to the protesters either if this isn't directed at me. Haha, maybe have another go mate.
Edric Vaurnheart maybe have a read of 'The Secret Barrister'. I'm a social worker and now trainee solicitor, and I can tell you unequivocally that the law is not blind.
@@kainreaver3596 Yes, it is not blind, and it hates political dissidents more than anyone else. The people who damaged the Shell headquarters are going to be prosecuted, just as they intended. The rest are simply too many to detain and prosecute. London only has a cell capacity of 600, so most the 1100+ arrestees have had to be released after one night. This is what it looks like when masses of people have principles and decide to protest the government on them, risking their own freedom to do so. More importantly, do you deny climate change? Because you fucking better if you want any moral leg to stand on by whining here. Your grandchildren are forecast to starve in mass famines at the end of the century. On the CURRENT course of emissions. These are the people who want to change that.
I admire them for what they are doing but they're not telling the whole story and are hiding something important which they haven't said at all and it's this: to be zero carbon emission in 5 years you'd have to shut down everything! and that would be like living in medieval Britain again! hope you have some decent walking shoes or a good bicycle and are prepared to grow everything you want to eat. They're asking the impossible!
@@ArcturanMegadonkey however the amount of effort most governments are putting in is pathetic. Really we need this fixed asap so the government even trying and failing to get us zero carbon in time would make a bigger impact than anything they're doing now.
@@rossgreen1191 agreed! unfortunately govts are a load of idiots! I like the idea of XR running things but they need to be open and more transparent about what they'll do to change things
@@ArcturanMegadonkey we can still function as a society on renewable energy. Oil and gas aren't the only forms of energy, and eventually the consequences will be so severe we'll have to become more renewable.
if these activists really wanted people to come over to their way of thinking, they would sit down and discuss it, but the fact that they are just causing disruption and making everyone hate them shows that this is just moral posturing
i guess you havent seen the demands? Get someone to read them to you then. Talking is what they have asked for - The government refuse to discuss it. Keep up for fucks sake
Hi, I think it's important to note that many of these people have been activists and invested citizens for decades before joining extinction rebellion - and they have already gone through ALL the tricks in the book for non-disruptive protests: marches, boycotts, letters, sit-ins, petitions, talking (someone would stay stalking lols) mps... you name it. All fallen to deaf ears - and the proof is in the pudding: you've never heard of them before and you're proposing something that has already been tried. Of course, because absolutely no attention was paid to them. Secondly, they are advocating for the government to declare a state of climate emergency and take real actions, they're not there to shame anyone or to uphold any morals, as you call them. It's really not about pointing fingers at other citizens.
JAMES WHITELEY The problem is, people don't like to see that there's a problem. With about 30 years of oil left, things will need to change soon whether it's a sustained gradual approach to change or a crash. I prefer the former. There are too many factors and opinions and no agreement is achievable as seen from the comments here. With diminishing global resources, the climate issues, exponential human growth. We're not in a good place. People need to speak out - loudly. Petty brexit needs to be thrown in the bin and responsible government needs to plan the right kind of change. (Some hope!).
@@rmason4358 oh there's definitely a problem and it's not going to be stopped by taxation and taking away national sovereignty to combat the issue. The real problem is the world is over-populated and running out of resources. When Macron spoke out about Africa's population boom he was called a racist.
JAMES WHITELEY Yes, like I suggested, we're not in a good place. Places like China and Japan are better suited to adapt than most other Countries due to their social acceptance to comply or do what's best for the whole. No chance elsewhere.
@R Mason, China does what is good for China, as a whole. There is no 'global resource'; states own their natural resources, as the Rio Protocol confirmed. As mentioned above, if other countries or continents cannot get on top of their population explosion then that's not the fault of those who have.
Lyons 94 How the media projects this is an issue, the hippie type who tend to protest anyway will give them an angle. This whole climate thing alongside the decline of this planets biodiversity is real and happening now. Not wanting to die or see this world in ruins, if this makes me, a balding mid 50s working class man a hippie, Well then pass me the hash pipe baby
We have just had the hottest April Bank holiday on record, Islands are disappearing and our oceans are drowning in garbage and yet we still have people commenting here denying we have a problem. You don’t care because it doesn’t effect you but by the time it does affect you or your descendants it will be too late to care.
That's exactly the point I try to get across, but peoples' complete ignorance blinds them to the true view of what is going on currently across the Earth.
@@timothyw850 There is more than enough proof to sufficiently back up the claim that climate change was triggered by humans and is mostly due to them. First of all, 97% of all scientists who have looked into the issue have said humans are the cause, and because of the fact that we add approximately 70 million tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere daily. We know from scientific research that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and helps "keep in" warmth. We also know that if our atmosphere becomes overwhelmingly full of carbon dioxide (like Venus: 96.5% CO2), the temperature will drastically rise (like Venus: Average of 462°C) until liquid water and life is not possible on the planet. We know that this addition of CO2 to the atmosphere is due to the actions of humans because of the burning of fossil fuels which began from 1760 to 1840 in the industrial revolution. This eventually spread out of Britain and the US and most nations became industrialised over time. According NASA, who found data from hundreds of spaced-out weather stations around the globe and used weather satellites to map a graph of temperature since 1880, the global surface temperature (on average) has risen approximately 5.6°C. That may not seem much, but if it continues rising at this rate, we will have a seriously catastrophic possible mass-extinction on our hands. There are ecological problems which have been caused by humans, and climate change is also caused by humans. There is too much evidence out there for you to ask where our claim is.
@@natj8675 strait off the batt mate "97% of scientists". Have "looked into it". And agree that "humans started it". you're an idiot of massive proportions and shouldn't even be trying to talk about this
The authorities attempting to suppress this demonstration should be careful not to underestimate how much passive and unspoken support exists for these people in the general population.
Yes people care a lot about this cause bu how is being a bunch of asshats to the public going to solve something? If anything, this is gaining much more negative attention
dhamin iqbal that’s what the media shows. But you do realise it’s the public that is protesting right. the only government intervention has been to make arrests, almost all on stupid public order charges that 9/10 of get disputed and dropped. So you see the governments response to loosing some money due to the protest, is not to listen but waste money arresting 0.1% of the protesters because logic. 🤦🏻♂️ Either party should just see a huge demographic of potential voters support on this issue. But no they just seem the dumb to notice that
These protest don’t work. The authorities don’t care! The poll tax protests were massive. That didn’t work. The Iraq anti-war protests were unbelievable and these to-be-3-week-long protests are nothing major when compared with the HUGE anti-war protests, and yet, we still failed to stop Blair, remember? If you are young, you won’t recall them. The people to lobby for a citizens’ assembly are the eccentrics in the TOP echelons of power in Parliament, those who are powerful, bold & unafraid of corporate carbon culprits & their own political reputation. Creating mere inconvenience for powerless Joe Bloggs won’t work and taking away (over-stretched) police time, away from crime prevention, will surely antagonise the general population (who agrees with the need for urgent change but not how it is to be achieved).
We won’t have any children and descendants left! That is, if you waste police time by taking them away to arrest you lot, away from the much more URGENT knife crime crisis that has already engulfed us like a burning fire now & killed our young friends here in London where we live. Shame on you lot, killing our kids right now. Wasting police time to get arrested. Sad, really. I just don’t understand why you lot don’t go & pick directly on Michael Gove himself. Gove has the power to give you a citizens’ assembly. Give him nightmares, I say. Then you will take away less police time & with good effect. Today the police chief said: “We are stretched to the limit.” Shame, shame on you self-righteous lot. Endangering lives! Bet you personally do not come from a deprived crime-ridden area.🤔😏
@@Dunnlrs Is that an order? Heh. I'm not sure we agree on the definition of fascism. I dont think this movement comes from a desire to control or even inconvenience the general populace. It's a desire to ensure our future... if our current society doesn't fundamentally change I dont think we'll be around much longer. But fuckit. I care about our descendants suffering, but I dont particularly care if the human race goes extinct.
Dunnlrs This is not fascism at all. Much better though to target the very powerful influencers like the top politicians, industrialists and celebrities who use private jets. I don’t even fly but I see that Meghan M flew by private jets to and from a baby shower party (paid by Amal Clooney) in New York and what about Prince Charles who flew privately on his way to speak at the Paris Accord conference? These are the people in power with platform cum hypocrisy who need to be shamed & troubled or even converted tothe cause, not the stretched police. Another point: chaining, obstructing and gluing do not work. These tactics do not work because they constitute mere ‘inconvenience’ to ordinary people? Look how far the autism movement has gone in such a short time? We, disabled people and carers, did this by lobbying the RIGHT people. John Bercow’s son is autistic. Creating MERE ‘inconvenience’ for the WRONG people, those commuters who have no power to change things only annoy, anger or alienate them instead of converting them to your cause. The most effective way forward for change, here in London as in Washington, is clear: power-lobbying. Convert the MOST powerful ones first & recruit them. Not annoy, anger or alienate the relatively powerless, ordinary folks who are already suffering.
They don't want to end trains and buses you numpty, they just want the government to take real action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reverse ecological destruction. Gluing yourself to trains is a means to cause disruption, not a protest against public transit.
by the way my bike was made in 1963 so has a small effect on climate , you most likely drive a bmw diesel and buy a new car every two years , i phone laptop computer all made in china powered by coal .... take a good look at your self ?
Zikzy government and politicians need to do something Sums it up really. Government and politicians have been telling you for decades this is happening, but you’ve still carried on doing everything you wanted to do : having kids, using juice like it’s free, buying imported clothes, eating meat and fish, buying cars and motor bikes, flying away on holiday or work, (some actress flew in from Los Angeles) so she could make a speech at the demo) Consuming large amounts of alcohol and so-called beauty products and demanding that the government do something about climate change. Pathetic, utterly pathetic
Speaking as a patriotic English person who is not from London: good, I detest what London has become. All our politicians care about is London, so I hope it grinds to a halt permanently.
it'd be easier for JC when he was just an MP, he can't give a running commentary about the protest as leader of the opposition, especially when the media are flying into his face like that.
You have to be kidding the woman is absolutely bonkers. Comparing herself to Gandhi and Nelson Mandela and off protesting with the communist radicals... Mark my words within the year she has 0 clients left.
@Batwoman I think very low of those people. They are the lowest of the low. These people have not a fucking clue what people are actually doing to combat climate change. You and these idiots can scream that "something has to be done" but then DO SOMETHING. The government is not your saviour it never has been and never will be. You have no idea the incentives companies work with to become greener, and you have not a clue the countless hours people put in to do the same. "something has to be done, we will all die blablabla" my fucking god you people are so simple.
VICTOR KUVLESKY they could reduce emissions a great deal by taking a long walk off a short cliff? Haha. Seriously though, I wonder how many of these very middle class people live simple lives free of consumerism, never driving or flying. It's easier to pontificate than sacrifice.
I've done my bit to reduce my footprint, I live in a one bed flat, am a very low water consumer, use as little gas and electricity as possible, recycle 99.9% of my household waste, don't eat meat, I went veggie this year, soon to go vegan, as apart from animal welfare, the meat industry is one of the biggest polluters. Swathes of Amazon rainforest are destroyed each year to raise meat cattle for example, cattle that then contribute to greenhouse gasses. I also limit my use of paper, plastic, never buy aerosols etc, and other consumables and never overbuy, this is what we can ALL do, we do not need a government meeting for this. If EVERY single person reduced their footprint, then these multinational polluters would be putting out less as there would be less demand. As consumers, we have a LOT of power to make changes, this is NOT the way to do it. I'd support ER if they were offering free education classes on footprint reduction, recycling, renewable energy etc, but by obstructing public transport and people just trying to make a living, they're going to make enemies of the very people they need for the cause.
Arrest them and charge them - publish their details as public record - name, address place of work or unemployment status. The let us go to their houses and chain ourselves to their front door and stop their mundane lives. The the lawyer comparing herself to Gandhi and Mandela - Ha Ha Ha They were fighting barbaric murderous treatment to their kind - this lot just have sweet FA to do
As she said the inconvenience to commuters is a mild hiccup compared to billions of staring climate refugees or wars over remaining water and farmable land. Peaceful protests have been shown to change nothing in recent times. Have you got any alternative suggestions for effective methods of getting their points across?
The repeated focus on how much money businesses didn’t make is daft. They’ll miss out on plenty more business when the Thames is swollen and the high ground is mobbed with migrants from flooded parts of the country
@@shoelessjoe428 I am not having hypocrites tell me to stop doing this and that whilst they fly from the USA, play with their mobile and try and make everyone`s life more difficult. You wanted change. 1960`s space race, if they had continued that, a Martian colony culd be real but as they say money talks
Robert Bob So your entire argument is "I won't lift a finger until everyone else is living a perfect life"? How lazy can you really be? Have you ever done anything positive or constructive in your entire life, or are you just expecting everyone else to clean up after you? You must have real trouble finding and keeping a woman if that is your attitude to other people.
@@20quid first you represent why this world is screwed. A pre judgemental man who does not respect others. Secondly my personal life is none of your business. Thirdly if you have nothing constructive to say go back to what you do best which is being a pre judgemental idiot.
@@shakuma2370 phasing out the heavy use of fossil fuels. Of course an immediate shut down isn't possible, it's just that the government continues to invest in things like oil, and other things that ultimately cause great damage to our climate
They have the right to protest and block off London if they are sure of the facts and in my opinion they are not . Ask your self which is the most common words used by scientists today be it about the planets or nature and those words are..".Not what we thought before" just listen out for a while. Such words convey one thing and that is that they were WRONG before. It is not just this country which is divided North and South ,America is, France is divided between the poor and the rich as well as many other countries as never before many of us are going to experience political change within a year or two at the most,and it will be because the elite and middle class do not respect the working class.In Britain the Labour party is supposed to represent the poor working class it does not and never has done only in rhetoric platitudes and lies,hence Labour M.P.s thinking of the establishment and attempting to reverse a mostly working class vote to leave the E.U. in the past the people were less informed ,not today.The next election will be EPIC and change will happen and many M.P.s will be punished meaning they will have to return to being a lawyer or banker or perhaps a real job. Change is happening around the world which to be honest is a little strange.
Benny - learn before you speak about things that can cost life!! CO2 in our air is necessary for plant life. You ever heard of photosynthesis? It is part of the SCIENCE called BOTONY. Do you know that NASA looks for free oxygen on other planets in its search for life? That is because CO2 in an atmosphere is natural, free Oxygen is not (plants have to put it there). If our CO2 levels drop much more, more plant life will go extinct and us with it. Which is the exact opposite of your argument. Our CO2 levels have been dropping since plant life began on this planet to now reach its LOW LEVELS of today. Your arguments to save our planet, if successful, would SPEED UP the loss of all life on our planet.
These protesters should shut up and get an education, degree and make an ACTUAL DIFFERENCE by researching and engineering environmentally friendly tech in our lives
As foolish as the under-informed think they look, time will prove them on the right side of history. What are you doing to make things better for your kids? Ask yourself. Get off the RUclips comments and ask yourself.
Climate change is actually real but is just slow enough so we wont notice and care enough but fast enough to be able to potentially kill most of us before we could do something.
"Grinds London to a Halt" It was impossible to drive into parts of Central London but the subway was working, and walking and cycling were further options. On the strength of how much more attractive this made parts of C.London a writer in the Evening Standard wondered if there couldn't be one traffic free day in C. London every month. A nice idea of course, but therein lies the problem...radical steps aren't taken. It's a bit half hearted where what's needed has to be comprehensive and quick off the mark.
If I can’t fix a problem, I’ll just make another problem and disrupt this train holding people up. But a least I’ll look virtuous and purposeful. Even tho the uk is just 1% of the Worlds pollution Emotions. How about you go protest China India.
@@bushwhacked7112 But what have you actually done to solve the problem? You seem really eager to make sure nobody else gets to live an unsustainable lifestyle, but that lifestyle is still unsustainable, it needs to change. What have you changed about your own lifestyle, besides trying to deny other people the luxuries you enjoy?
@@bushwhacked7112 When you mention India and China and passing the buck, it just makes you seem desperate to avoid your share of the responsibility. What have you actually done that has contributed to solving the problem? What changes have you made to your own life?
Uncontrolled population growth in the western world is the problem. More people living a western lifestyle equals more carbon emissions. With migration the UK will become one gigantic city, there are just too many people.
The way to solve the problem of these disruptive nuisances is for normal people to react against them and the police to withdraw their protection of the nuisances .
Why are these protesters so messed up on the climate. They would do better to be helping the environment. Head for the coastline and clean up some of the plastics which are having a devastating effect on ecology.
@Agnaye Ochani If there was anything we could do to effect the climate it would have happened by now. Man-made climate change is just a political money spinner.
@Agnaye Ochani Climate change is real. Without it we wouldn't exist. But everything you think you know about it is just a made up consensus, which has made many people rich.
european people: :no climate change".😒 other countries: my phone died, I'm gonna fix it. european countries: my phone died , I'll buy another one. 😒😒😒😒
Tobby, if you have solutions for climate change then we are all ears for you. If you keep thinking governments know and can solve anything then I've bad news for you. Sincerely, a European
Every bit counts, while the UK is actually not doing that badly in comparison with other developed nations (5.7 t CO2 /cap/yr) I think the UK should be more vocal to its allies about reducing their emissions and you are the typical misinformed person misplacing blame. China although larger than the UK in terms of emissions 7.7 t CO2 /cap/yr, pales in comparison to some of the UK's closest trading partners; I'm talking about the USA 15.7 t CO2 /cap/yr, Canada 16.9 t CO2 /cap/yr and Australia 16.5 t CO2 /cap/yr. Where is your outrage towards some of the biggest most developed economies, its just easier to blame the Chinese for all our problems.
@@chrisoman87 My outrage is at these weirdos who are doing nothing but holding people up. If they want to make a difference tell them to go at speak to America, Canada and China.
@@johnbull9195 The fact that we are speaking about them now means that their protest was effective. They are citizens of the UK not of those other countries, they give voice to the government as a representative of the people and the government should represent their interest internationally not ignore them and carry on business as usual.
So if you are a hard working man or women in London and your only way to get around in London is public transport. These protests are a little bit unfair to people who working and trying to earn a living.
I guess what you have to consider is, is it a necessary evil? I mean, if all this mounting public pressure gets the government to take action then it will be all worth it, in my opinion. Though I am speaking from the comfort of not working in London. Perhaps I did my opinion would be different.
@@matthewshedden6456 well working people will become late in work this has a dripping affect. for example A late train comes in due to protests then that working man or woman have to arrange child support becuse there coming home late from work. There for disrupting other people's lives is unfair. In fact it's very selfish
Do you know what else is unfair to people who are working and trying to earn a living? The governments of the world not taking enough action to stop something that will potentially lead to the extinction of all life on this planet as we know it. But yeah sure mate, you being 10 minutes late for work a couple days in the year is far more important. Small mindedness will get you nowhere.
Those few days could lead me to losing my job. I would be categorise as unreliable if am late to work more then twice. Global warming has been going on for years they said in the 1980s "by 2020 the polar icecaps would be gone" but judging by satellite images of the Polar Ice caps they are same. But the chances of human Extinction is very rare and it will not happen in our lifetime. Can also point out that am not small minded person I'm just an another person who's seeking success in life by any means possible.
Just had it pointed out to me that the high water mark on the slipways on our small island in the south of england have not changed in the last fifty years. So much for the rise in sea levels!!!
You’re not not supposed to use your own observations and common sense to put these theories to the test you’re meant to just believe what the experts tell us, which entails purchasing a tube of superglue and disrupting the lives of as many people as possible
@@jodi777yadu So you won't accept a peer reviewed paper laying out evidence using the scientific method, but you will accept without question the opinion of some random guy on the internet?
20quid I’d have to hear it first as for ‘peer reviewed paper ‘ this ‘global warming’ ruse later to be termed ‘climate change’ (because there was no warming) was first proposed by al gore , a politician, and what are politicians world famous for? but clearly people are buying into it big time so this protest illustrates how successful a lying politician can be and how disastrously gullible people r
@@jodi777yadu Please stop spreading fake news. The term "climate change" can be traced back to a 1952 newspaper article, at which time Al Gore would have been 4 years old. So it's quite obvious that it was not first proposed by Al Gore. Climate change and the greenhouse effect as concepts have been understood by science since the 1960's, before Al Gore even started his political career. Seriously, go and read the scientific literature. If you disagree after that then refute climate change based on the evidence. But what you are doing is not contributing to the debate, it is just exposing your own lack of understanding.
TheHealthPhysicist Well maybe these retards should realise protesting on the roads will not gain the attention they want. Delaying people will just make them hate the protesters. This will not change anything, it’s just unnecessary and idiotic.
What do you want the government to do ? We have a huge deficit and are already spending on mitigation strategies. Do you want Mr Trump to send us a small loan of a million dollars?
I hope these privileged folk realise that the UK generates less than 2 percent of the world's emissions. If you want to actually make a difference, you have to get China to listen.
So you will not accept help from firefighters who light candles in their homes either? If you demand 110 % compliance to ideals for anyone to point out problems you are effectively only allowing total a**holes to propose wrecking things. Please use your creativity to find better ways to communicate the points or give some real critique.
@@madshorn5826 well it is a real point, why fight for something but be hypocritical by doing the opposite... It's total hypocrisy and would devalue the argument alone for most. Use common sense and get off the high horse
Schools out and the teachers and kids are out to play at stopping the working class taxpayer get to work on public transport ( the cleanest mass transport there is at the moment ) Uk co2 levels are now lower than the early 1800s and that is due to the Uk policies and I think we are doing ok. We only have one coal fired power station left ( soon to be decommissioned ) while China build 50 new coal powered stations a year and that’s the truth about things 🧐
China are also the biggest leaders in the world in green energy - And have stopped re desertification by planting forests at a unpresidented scale, they have reforrested in a 5 year scale so far too the size of four Great Britains in land mass and they will continue this program to 2050 Not everything is black and white in China - Least they're trying to counteract their pollution - with positive counter balances
Sorry - where did you get this information? The UK is absolutely not doing well on reducing carbon emissions. Can you provide any evidence to suggest we only have one coal power station left?
Lewis Spring eons own website shows the data and ( it won’t let me post the link on here )they were talking about it on radio 4 the other a month back and on this week. All true facts
barrieboy10 still building 50 coal fired power stations a year while we only got one, renewables in the uk have brought our co2 down to below the early 1800 levels and that’s fact not fiction also with more nuclear plants and electric cars we will be less again, can’t argue with true fact I’m afraid
Lewis Spring while I’m at it you should go to the nasa sea level site and look at that . Sea level dropped from the end of 2015 up until late 2018 and according to nasa Greenland’s ice sheet grew also, I’m quoting nasa and giss data
It's a protest over climate change, to get attention....I think they understand it's going to be disruptive and people like yourselves are going to be massively bent out of shape.
You know what the "COST" is Channel 4? The cost is life on this planet for ALL of us. We could have had ecologically saving power sources decades ago if technology hadn't been bought then buried by corrupt, profit hungry companies. Unless we change our attitude to big business and how they destroy our home for money, we are on a one way ticket to extinction. This is not an argument to be had or a compromise to be made, this is cold hard fact. Laws should be in put in place to stop planet killing practices IMMEDIATELY. Not thought about until the next politically soothing meeting but NOW, RIGHT NOW!!!! No if, no buts, no "but it'll will cost our economy x y z." No profit is equal to the loss of our place on this planet. Money can't save you from Mother Earth because she doesn't need us and we are dependent on her. If ever there was a platform for politicians to regain some sort of respect then this is it.
All this tv time and not one mention of what they want changed and how we should go about it..I agree with them but it seems they dont really know what they want done. The uk is the 12th most eco friendly country in the world right now
They have lots of great ideas about what to do but you can a) google it and b) blame the BBC for never getting to that part of the story because they're too busy putting forward idiotic questions like 'but won't it cost more?'. (Yes it will cost more to save the entire planet and the population Krishnan - wish he'd stop being such a provocateur and maybe do some actual journalism for a change.)
@@20quid boycott goods from countrys that are the worst for pollution. China african countrys middleeasterd countrys force change..but it would have to be more than just the uk most western countrys would have to
Ironically Channel 4 interviews the first minority protester I've seen, despite her still being a posh, privileged and upper class. Anyway I've been waiting to write this all week "I've never seen so many middle class white people in one place".
Give it time, We'll wean off fossil fuels, the car industries need to move a lot more faster in implementing more EVS and hybrids onto our streets by making them more affordable for ordinary couples/families and singletons.
yes BUT extinction rebellion want zero carbon emissions in 5 years...the only way to do this is shut down everything and live like medieval Britain. it's an impossible task!
How are you going to meet the power demand for all these vehicles? How are you going to generate the MWatts required to sustain that kind of system infrastructure? You wouldn't get close to the demand with renewables (which remember is non-dispatchable power) and then you're back to square 1. It's not that simple.
What an embarrassment as a parent. Still not one activist at a production plant protesting how products are made..that pathetic "man" uses every planet killing product he tells everyone else not to use.
Ian Morris repeating the same old mantra, We in the UK are in the happy position of being seen around the world as having some moral leadership. The example our protest is setting is being watched closely and the example our police are showing is likely to offer some protection to protesters in nations where the police are not so restrained. Those nations police will not wish to be seen by the worlds media reacting in a completely opposite manner to that of our own when faced with there own peaceful protesters.
Steve Petty Yes perhaps so, yet thanks to these brave protesters and not to be understated our wonderful reserved system where we are policed with the consent of the people. The worlds media are watching and this example set in our great country will make damning comparison to any countries responding in a heavy handed manner. Political system most play to the media and although I not saying all will respond in the same manner as our police, they will know they risk appearing barbaric and unconstitutional in comparison.
Neb, you are absolutely correct in what you say. My question hàs always been why is there no change in the high tide levels here. My belief is that factions are over playing the global warming issue in order to rip us off. Our children are now being taught that they can stop climate change ,when the historical scientific facts are that climate change has been happening for millions of years Cheers Graham
Jules Ju, I applaud your efforts which are obviously woking well. Don't forget your umbrella and your suntan lotion in case of chandes in the clmate! Cheers!
I think these protesters deserve respect. They are after all protesting for a good cause. And that’s the only way they can get their message to the evil governments. So they have to cause chaos and disruption to get their voice heard.
are you being sarcastic??... please tell me you are being sarcastic
they are freaks
@@karandoshi8828its very obviously sarcastic
Taking off at high speed would surely unglue them as well
“Super glued do not pull me” 😂
@Billy M. me too
They're on the good side of history. Super proud we have people like them who care about global issues that will cause much greater harm to humanity than a single delayed train.
Ask them to pay a 20% of their wages towards combatting polution. Mind you most of these ladies and gentlemen are probably similar to the remainer crowd who are endlessly at Whitehall so lord knows if they do anything.
Must be nice to be so middle class that you know getting arrested, even after doing criminal damage in front of a cop, will absolutely not go further than a caution.
Must be nice being so smug that you can use it as cover to avoid accepting your own responsibility for fixing the problem.
Law is law. Class has nothing to do with it.
20quid I don't understand this - am I supposed to be smug? If so, what problem is it I'm using said smugness to avoid fixing? I'm not sure how this would apply to the protesters either if this isn't directed at me. Haha, maybe have another go mate.
Edric Vaurnheart maybe have a read of 'The Secret Barrister'. I'm a social worker and now trainee solicitor, and I can tell you unequivocally that the law is not blind.
@@kainreaver3596 Yes, it is not blind, and it hates political dissidents more than anyone else. The people who damaged the Shell headquarters are going to be prosecuted, just as they intended. The rest are simply too many to detain and prosecute. London only has a cell capacity of 600, so most the 1100+ arrestees have had to be released after one night. This is what it looks like when masses of people have principles and decide to protest the government on them, risking their own freedom to do so.
More importantly, do you deny climate change? Because you fucking better if you want any moral leg to stand on by whining here. Your grandchildren are forecast to starve in mass famines at the end of the century. On the CURRENT course of emissions. These are the people who want to change that.
Did you hear about the climate change protestors who were fuming that they couldn't get to the demo due to the traffic hold up caused by the protest.
I don't blame the protesters. This issue could end us and our future generations. This matter is ending humanity slowly it needs to stop.
Channel 4 is a dam joke pure double standards by channel 4 propaganda
I agree
This woman's a hero. I hope they can make a difference
I admire them for what they are doing but they're not telling the whole story and are hiding something important which they haven't said at all and it's this: to be zero carbon emission in 5 years you'd have to shut down everything! and that would be like living in medieval Britain again! hope you have some decent walking shoes or a good bicycle and are prepared to grow everything you want to eat.
They're asking the impossible!
@@ArcturanMegadonkey however the amount of effort most governments are putting in is pathetic. Really we need this fixed asap so the government even trying and failing to get us zero carbon in time would make a bigger impact than anything they're doing now.
@@rossgreen1191 agreed! unfortunately govts are a load of idiots! I like the idea of XR running things but they need to be open and more transparent about what they'll do to change things
@@ArcturanMegadonkey we can still function as a society on renewable energy. Oil and gas aren't the only forms of energy, and eventually the consequences will be so severe we'll have to become more renewable.
if these activists really wanted people to come over to their way of thinking, they would sit down and discuss it, but the fact that they are just causing disruption and making everyone hate them shows that this is just moral posturing
i guess you havent seen the demands? Get someone to read them to you then. Talking is what they have asked for - The government refuse to discuss it. Keep up for fucks sake
Why don't they go and protest on the grounds of parliament then ffs? Why are normal, law abiding people being punished???
@@thebatman4279 People have been doing this, it's just never reported much due to it not effecting any of the government.
Hi, I think it's important to note that many of these people have been activists and invested citizens for decades before joining extinction rebellion - and they have already gone through ALL the tricks in the book for non-disruptive protests: marches, boycotts, letters, sit-ins, petitions, talking (someone would stay stalking lols) mps... you name it. All fallen to deaf ears - and the proof is in the pudding: you've never heard of them before and you're proposing something that has already been tried. Of course, because absolutely no attention was paid to them. Secondly, they are advocating for the government to declare a state of climate emergency and take real actions, they're not there to shame anyone or to uphold any morals, as you call them. It's really not about pointing fingers at other citizens.
Joe T They are defending your future and future of your kids too! it’s not a minority issue, it is everybody’s issue. don’t be ignorant
By blocking the roads, cars are now emitting more Co2 and people are hardly going to get on board with people who have made them late to work.
The problem is, people don't like to see that there's a problem. With about 30 years of oil left, things will need to change soon whether it's a sustained gradual approach to change or a crash. I prefer the former.
There are too many factors and opinions and no agreement is achievable as seen from the comments here. With diminishing global resources, the climate issues, exponential human growth. We're not in a good place. People need to speak out - loudly.
Petty brexit needs to be thrown in the bin and responsible government needs to plan the right kind of change. (Some hope!).
@@rmason4358 oh there's definitely a problem and it's not going to be stopped by taxation and taking away national sovereignty to combat the issue. The real problem is the world is over-populated and running out of resources. When Macron spoke out about Africa's population boom he was called a racist.
Yes, like I suggested, we're not in a good place. Places like China and Japan are better suited to adapt than most other Countries due to their social acceptance to comply or do what's best for the whole. No chance elsewhere.
R Mason I guess we’ll need to retake our former colonies and restore order?
@R Mason, China does what is good for China, as a whole.
There is no 'global resource'; states own their natural resources, as the Rio Protocol confirmed.
As mentioned above, if other countries or continents cannot get on top of their population explosion then that's not the fault of those who have.
Im no hippy but they're dead right! Were heading for doom 😞 animals first then people
Animals, coral, fish already
Lyons 94 How the media projects this is an issue, the hippie type who tend to protest anyway will give them an angle. This whole climate thing alongside the decline of this planets biodiversity is real and happening now. Not wanting to die or see this world in ruins, if this makes me, a balding mid 50s working class man a hippie, Well then pass me the hash pipe baby
Lyons 94 No no people first big asteroid coming .
@Tex Truman haha im Irish pal, we still have a strong gaelic majority here so thats ye'r problem
We have just had the hottest April Bank holiday on record, Islands are disappearing and our oceans are drowning in garbage and yet we still have people commenting here denying we have a problem.
You don’t care because it doesn’t effect you but by the time it does affect you or your descendants it will be too late to care.
That's exactly the point I try to get across, but peoples' complete ignorance blinds them to the true view of what is going on currently across the Earth.
Well what's your claim? Are you saying there are ecological problems, or that climate change is mostly due to humans?
A hot day in April doesnt mean anything.
@@timothyw850 There is more than enough proof to sufficiently back up the claim that climate change was triggered by humans and is mostly due to them. First of all, 97% of all scientists who have looked into the issue have said humans are the cause, and because of the fact that we add approximately 70 million tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere daily. We know from scientific research that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and helps "keep in" warmth. We also know that if our atmosphere becomes overwhelmingly full of carbon dioxide (like Venus: 96.5% CO2), the temperature will drastically rise (like Venus: Average of 462°C) until liquid water and life is not possible on the planet. We know that this addition of CO2 to the atmosphere is due to the actions of humans because of the burning of fossil fuels which began from 1760 to 1840 in the industrial revolution. This eventually spread out of Britain and the US and most nations became industrialised over time. According NASA, who found data from hundreds of spaced-out weather stations around the globe and used weather satellites to map a graph of temperature since 1880, the global surface temperature (on average) has risen approximately 5.6°C. That may not seem much, but if it continues rising at this rate, we will have a seriously catastrophic possible mass-extinction on our hands.
There are ecological problems which have been caused by humans, and climate change is also caused by humans. There is too much evidence out there for you to ask where our claim is.
@@natj8675 strait off the batt mate "97% of scientists". Have "looked into it". And agree that "humans started it".
you're an idiot of massive proportions and shouldn't even be trying to talk about this
The authorities attempting to suppress this demonstration should be careful not to underestimate how much passive and unspoken support exists for these people in the general population.
Yep 👍🏻
Yes people care a lot about this cause bu how is being a bunch of asshats to the public going to solve something? If anything, this is gaining much more negative attention
The authorities are funding these protests you fricking blind open your eyes CLIMATE CHANGE IS A HOAX
dhamin iqbal that’s what the media shows. But you do realise it’s the public that is protesting right. the only government intervention has been to make arrests, almost all on stupid public order charges that 9/10 of get disputed and dropped. So you see the governments response to loosing some money due to the protest, is not to listen but waste money arresting 0.1% of the protesters because logic. 🤦🏻♂️ Either party should just see a huge demographic of potential voters support on this issue. But no they just seem the dumb to notice that
These protest don’t work. The authorities don’t care! The poll tax protests were massive. That didn’t work. The Iraq anti-war protests were unbelievable and these to-be-3-week-long protests are nothing major when compared with the HUGE anti-war protests, and yet, we still failed to stop Blair, remember? If you are young, you won’t recall them. The people to lobby for a citizens’ assembly are the eccentrics in the TOP echelons of power in Parliament, those who are powerful, bold & unafraid of corporate carbon culprits & their own political reputation. Creating mere inconvenience for powerless Joe Bloggs won’t work and taking away (over-stretched) police time, away from crime prevention, will surely antagonise the general population (who agrees with the need for urgent change but not how it is to be achieved).
This is what happens when stupid breeds.
We shall see won't we, it'll be our children and descendants who pay the price for our indifference and ignornnnnnnance.
Keep your opinions to yourself or influence people through democratic means, not fascist means as is happening now.
We won’t have any children and descendants left! That is, if you waste police time by taking them away to arrest you lot, away from the much more URGENT knife crime crisis that has already engulfed us like a burning fire now & killed our young friends here in London where we live. Shame on you lot, killing our kids right now. Wasting police time to get arrested. Sad, really. I just don’t understand why you lot don’t go & pick directly on Michael Gove himself. Gove has the power to give you a citizens’ assembly. Give him nightmares, I say. Then you will take away less police time & with good effect. Today the police chief said: “We are stretched to the limit.” Shame, shame on you self-righteous lot. Endangering lives! Bet you personally do not come from a deprived crime-ridden area.🤔😏
@@Dunnlrs Is that an order? Heh. I'm not sure we agree on the definition of fascism. I dont think this movement comes from a desire to control or even inconvenience the general populace. It's a desire to ensure our future... if our current society doesn't fundamentally change I dont think we'll be around much longer. But fuckit. I care about our descendants suffering, but I dont particularly care if the human race goes extinct.
Dunnlrs This is not fascism at all. Much better though to target the very powerful influencers like the top politicians, industrialists and celebrities who use private jets. I don’t even fly but I see that Meghan M flew by private jets to and from a baby shower party (paid by Amal Clooney) in New York and what about Prince Charles who flew privately on his way to speak at the Paris Accord conference? These are the people in power with platform cum hypocrisy who need to be shamed & troubled or even converted tothe cause, not the stretched police. Another point: chaining, obstructing and gluing do not work. These tactics do not work because they constitute mere ‘inconvenience’ to ordinary people? Look how far the autism movement has gone in such a short time? We, disabled people and carers, did this by lobbying the RIGHT people. John Bercow’s son is autistic. Creating MERE ‘inconvenience’ for the WRONG people, those commuters who have no power to change things only annoy, anger or alienate them instead of converting them to your cause. The most effective way forward for change, here in London as in Washington, is clear: power-lobbying. Convert the MOST powerful ones first & recruit them. Not annoy, anger or alienate the relatively powerless, ordinary folks who are already suffering.
You mean our ignorance of the climate change hoax what morons could fall for that not my kids
How many came in a train, car ,bus, there hypocrites
They don't want to end trains and buses you numpty, they just want the government to take real action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reverse ecological destruction. Gluing yourself to trains is a means to cause disruption, not a protest against public transit.
Trains are actually eco friendly, idiot.
@@marthab-c5226 trains are better than everyone arriving in cars, they still pollute, idiot.
lol a generation of super consumers are demonstrating , super glue in one hand i phone in the other .
by the way my bike was made in 1963 so has a small effect on climate , you most likely drive a bmw diesel and buy a new car every two years , i phone laptop computer all made in china powered by coal .... take a good look at your self ?
Yes, there is a sort of irony about the whole protest. Nothing beats a few traffic jams to bump-up the co2 emissions.
@@phildoodler2199 but they are raising awareness aren't they? What would you suggest we do to get politicians to take it seriously?
Simon Williams they’re doing enough for my liking.
Zikzy government and politicians need to do something
Sums it up really.
Government and politicians have been telling you for decades this is happening, but you’ve still carried on doing everything you wanted to do : having kids, using juice like it’s free, buying imported clothes, eating meat and fish, buying cars and motor bikes, flying away on holiday or work, (some actress flew in from Los Angeles) so she could make a speech at the demo)
Consuming large amounts of alcohol and so-called beauty products and demanding that the government do something about climate change. Pathetic, utterly pathetic
Why are they blocking electric trains which are ecological friendly?
I'm going to glue my butt to a Boeing 747.
Speaking as a patriotic English person who is not from London: good, I detest what London has become. All our politicians care about is London, so I hope it grinds to a halt permanently.
What is so bad about london other than the focus you mentioned?
It used to be a British city.
benbow7 Used to be? Did I miss something? We’ve been invaded and London isn’t the capital of Britain anymore?
She compared herself to Gandhi and Mandela... pmsl
it'd be easier for JC when he was just an MP, he can't give a running commentary about the protest as leader of the opposition, especially when the media are flying into his face like that.
Respected lawyer to even more respected Lawyer!!.......
You have to be kidding the woman is absolutely bonkers. Comparing herself to Gandhi and Nelson Mandela and off protesting with the communist radicals... Mark my words within the year she has 0 clients left.
@Batwoman I think very low of those people. They are the lowest of the low. These people have not a fucking clue what people are actually doing to combat climate change. You and these idiots can scream that "something has to be done" but then DO SOMETHING. The government is not your saviour it never has been and never will be. You have no idea the incentives companies work with to become greener, and you have not a clue the countless hours people put in to do the same. "something has to be done, we will all die blablabla" my fucking god you people are so simple.
Maybe start with the clothes you are wearing - all made with synthetic materials which require carbon emissions to be manufactured
VICTOR KUVLESKY they could reduce emissions a great deal by taking a long walk off a short cliff? Haha. Seriously though, I wonder how many of these very middle class people live simple lives free of consumerism, never driving or flying. It's easier to pontificate than sacrifice.
right so your asking them to walk around naked. I think you would be the one complaining their. people just find everything hypocritical about them.
Get a big top down in London the clowns are in the city
I've done my bit to reduce my footprint, I live in a one bed flat, am a very low water consumer, use as little gas and electricity as possible, recycle 99.9% of my household waste, don't eat meat, I went veggie this year, soon to go vegan, as apart from animal welfare, the meat industry is one of the biggest polluters. Swathes of Amazon rainforest are destroyed each year to raise meat cattle for example, cattle that then contribute to greenhouse gasses. I also limit my use of paper, plastic, never buy aerosols etc, and other consumables and never overbuy, this is what we can ALL do, we do not need a government meeting for this. If EVERY single person reduced their footprint, then these multinational polluters would be putting out less as there would be less demand. As consumers, we have a LOT of power to make changes, this is NOT the way to do it. I'd support ER if they were offering free education classes on footprint reduction, recycling, renewable energy etc, but by obstructing public transport and people just trying to make a living, they're going to make enemies of the very people they need for the cause.
Arrest them and charge them - publish their details as public record - name, address place of work or unemployment status. The let us go to their houses and chain ourselves to their front door and stop their mundane lives. The the lawyer comparing herself to Gandhi and Mandela - Ha Ha Ha They were fighting barbaric murderous treatment to their kind - this lot just have sweet FA to do
This woman and her organization are criminals and should be dealt with as such.
I agree
Lol, jail anyone you disagree with. How democratic
theGreenLine I don’t disagree with their intentions or their views, I disagree with their actions
As she said the inconvenience to commuters is a mild hiccup compared to billions of staring climate refugees or wars over remaining water and farmable land.
Peaceful protests have been shown to change nothing in recent times. Have you got any alternative suggestions for effective methods of getting their points across?
The repeated focus on how much money businesses didn’t make is daft. They’ll miss out on plenty more business when the Thames is swollen and the high ground is mobbed with migrants from flooded parts of the country
@Roger Melly He means migrants from within Britain. British climate refugees from the low lying areas migrating to the higher areas.
Wonder how many of them use cars, planes, trains and no longer want a summer holiday.
@@shoelessjoe428 If they stop using cars, planes, trains, i will listen. Truth is whatever we do means nothing! Our world is finished
@@shoelessjoe428 I am not having hypocrites tell me to stop doing this and that whilst they fly from the USA, play with their mobile and try and make everyone`s life more difficult. You wanted change. 1960`s space race, if they had continued that, a Martian colony culd be real but as they say money talks
Robert Bob
So your entire argument is "I won't lift a finger until everyone else is living a perfect life"? How lazy can you really be? Have you ever done anything positive or constructive in your entire life, or are you just expecting everyone else to clean up after you?
You must have real trouble finding and keeping a woman if that is your attitude to other people.
@@20quid first you represent why this world is screwed. A pre judgemental man who does not respect others. Secondly my personal life is none of your business. Thirdly if you have nothing constructive to say go back to what you do best which is being a pre judgemental idiot.
I have done more with my life than most and work hard. What have you done apart from insult those you do not know.
Trying to tear away peoples livelihood right now for some great indisputable good is evil and murder in the heart
Drastic situations require drastic action. Thank you to all who have the gumption to stand up and act!
i wonder how many of the protesters fly round the world all day and every day, quite a lot i suspect
What drastic situation ?
@@shakuma2370 phasing out the heavy use of fossil fuels. Of course an immediate shut down isn't possible, it's just that the government continues to invest in things like oil, and other things that ultimately cause great damage to our climate
They have the right to protest and block off London if they are sure of the facts and in my opinion they are not . Ask your self which is the most common words used by scientists today be it about the planets or nature and those words are..".Not what we thought before" just listen out for a while. Such words convey one thing and that is that they were WRONG before. It is not just this country which is divided North and South ,America is, France is divided between the poor and the rich as well as many other countries as never before many of us are going to experience political change within a year or two at the most,and it will be because the elite and middle class do not respect the working class.In Britain the Labour party is supposed to represent the poor working class it does not and never has done only in rhetoric platitudes and lies,hence Labour M.P.s thinking of the establishment and attempting to reverse a mostly working class vote to leave the E.U. in the past the people were less informed ,not today.The next election will be EPIC and change will happen and many M.P.s will be punished meaning they will have to return to being a lawyer or banker or perhaps a real job. Change is happening around the world which to be honest is a little strange.
What a upstanding parent getting arrested
Who Knew 22 lol 😆
Two grammatical errors in a single sentence and you think you're smart. Upstanding is exactly what we should all be aiming for.
@@deceptivepanther good catch professor gay boy
we need more people in the west to drive to church so that their co2 emissions can summon Jesus to save us from climate change.
wtf is happening to the internet
we need to get serious about the environment. the earth is eventually going to protect herself by getting rid of humanity.
its called Jurassic park...
Benny - learn before you speak about things that can cost life!! CO2 in our air is necessary for plant life. You ever heard of photosynthesis? It is part of the SCIENCE called BOTONY. Do you know that NASA looks for free oxygen on other planets in its search for life? That is because CO2 in an atmosphere is natural, free Oxygen is not (plants have to put it there). If our CO2 levels drop much more, more plant life will go extinct and us with it. Which is the exact opposite of your argument. Our CO2 levels have been dropping since plant life began on this planet to now reach its LOW LEVELS of today. Your arguments to save our planet, if successful, would SPEED UP the loss of all life on our planet.
Glued and chained to his fence. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Britain has talent. :)
posterlion Corbyn wanted none of it... hahaha.
These protesters should shut up and get an education, degree and make an ACTUAL DIFFERENCE by researching and engineering environmentally friendly tech in our lives
As foolish as the under-informed think they look, time will prove them on the right side of history. What are you doing to make things better for your kids? Ask yourself. Get off the RUclips comments and ask yourself.
I wish Climate Change was real so I don't have to be in this crazy world anymore.
The Hysteria needs to end.
Climate change is actually real but is just slow enough so we wont notice and care enough but fast enough to be able to potentially kill most of us before we could do something.
"Grinds London to a Halt" It was impossible to drive into parts of Central London but the subway was working, and walking and cycling were further options.
On the strength of how much more attractive this made parts of C.London a writer in the Evening Standard wondered if there couldn't be one traffic free day in C. London every month. A nice idea of course, but therein lies the problem...radical steps aren't taken. It's a bit half hearted where what's needed has to be comprehensive and quick off the mark.
I rode all two weeks and Hyde park was AMAZINGLY silent, almost beautiful. More to them!
@@maxwilliams1060 its hard to deliver lorry loads of food on a push bike. this is not helping
Thanks. I needed a laugh this morning.
Are people really this ignorant? Frightening. They should be protesting Geoengineering. That is diabolical.
If I can’t fix a problem, I’ll just make another problem and disrupt this train holding people up. But a least I’ll look virtuous and purposeful. Even tho the uk is just 1% of the Worlds pollution Emotions. How about you go protest China India.
Hahaha, protesting when the government is on holiday! Brilliant!
Good point. Given that the organisers are controlled opposition. It makes sense to do it this week.
Causing idling cars to fill the air with more monoxide and dioxide
Clever lol think about that for a second see if you can work out yourself why your comment is so fucking stupid 😂🤣
@@shanehull6235Funny though and a reminder from you that Libtards can't meme
Is Glastonbury back on this year? that should keep the Tarquins and Penelope’s busy for a few days.
People will say any old daft thing just to continue ignoring their responsibility. What have you contributed besides snark?
I’m against open borders and adding to the growth of 1st world super consumers👍
I also do not donate to charities that encourage population growth.
@@bushwhacked7112 But what have you actually done to solve the problem? You seem really eager to make sure nobody else gets to live an unsustainable lifestyle, but that lifestyle is still unsustainable, it needs to change. What have you changed about your own lifestyle, besides trying to deny other people the luxuries you enjoy?
20quid shouldn’t you be arguing your case in India China or Africa, Africa 1985 ( Live Aid ) population 550 million...today 1.3 billion.
@@bushwhacked7112 When you mention India and China and passing the buck, it just makes you seem desperate to avoid your share of the responsibility.
What have you actually done that has contributed to solving the problem? What changes have you made to your own life?
Uncontrolled population growth in the western world is the problem. More people living a western lifestyle equals more carbon emissions. With migration the UK will become one gigantic city, there are just too many people.
The way to solve the problem of these disruptive nuisances is for normal people to react against them and the police to withdraw their protection of the nuisances .
If you can block London roads for 10 days you have not got a life maybe
Why are these protesters so messed up on the climate. They would do better to be helping the environment. Head for the coastline and clean up some of the plastics which are having a devastating effect on ecology.
@Agnaye Ochani If there was anything we could do to effect the climate it would have happened by now.
Man-made climate change is just a political money spinner.
@Agnaye Ochani Climate change is real. Without it we wouldn't exist. But everything you think you know about it is just a made up consensus, which has made many people rich.
That's not how u protest
european people: :no climate change".😒 other countries: my phone died, I'm gonna fix it.
european countries: my phone died , I'll buy another one. 😒😒😒😒
That's more all countries
Tobby, if you have solutions for climate change then we are all ears for you.
If you keep thinking governments know and can solve anything then I've bad news for you.
Sincerely, a European
God forbid people can’t go shopping .. lots of people can’t actually breathe
Speak to China, Britain changing its greenhouse gas output won't make much different.
Every bit counts, while the UK is actually not doing that badly in comparison with other developed nations (5.7 t CO2 /cap/yr) I think the UK should be more vocal to its allies about reducing their emissions and you are the typical misinformed person misplacing blame. China although larger than the UK in terms of emissions 7.7 t CO2 /cap/yr, pales in comparison to some of the UK's closest trading partners; I'm talking about the USA 15.7 t CO2 /cap/yr, Canada 16.9 t CO2 /cap/yr and Australia 16.5 t CO2 /cap/yr. Where is your outrage towards some of the biggest most developed economies, its just easier to blame the Chinese for all our problems.
@@chrisoman87 My outrage is at these weirdos who are doing nothing but holding people up. If they want to make a difference tell them to go at speak to America, Canada and China.
@@johnbull9195 The fact that we are speaking about them now means that their protest was effective. They are citizens of the UK not of those other countries, they give voice to the government as a representative of the people and the government should represent their interest internationally not ignore them and carry on business as usual.
Dear oh dear, you don’t have a clue do you.
@@xScazza I don't think you do, it's not hard to fucking research..... It comes up China as number one who is causing the most pollution
At last, people are waking up. good luck to all activist
These twats are making it worse
I wish i could go there and protest with them.
So if you are a hard working man or women in London and your only way to get around in London is public transport. These protests are a little bit unfair to people who working and trying to earn a living.
I guess what you have to consider is, is it a necessary evil?
I mean, if all this mounting public pressure gets the government to take action then it will be all worth it, in my opinion. Though I am speaking from the comfort of not working in London. Perhaps I did my opinion would be different.
@@matthewshedden6456 well working people will become late in work this has a dripping affect. for example A late train comes in due to protests then that working man or woman have to arrange child support becuse there coming home late from work. There for disrupting other people's lives is unfair. In fact it's very selfish
Exactly! This is a money making scheme from Brussels and the U.N. Notice the leaders of this nonsense still travel by air and drive around in SUV's!
Do you know what else is unfair to people who are working and trying to earn a living? The governments of the world not taking enough action to stop something that will potentially lead to the extinction of all life on this planet as we know it. But yeah sure mate, you being 10 minutes late for work a couple days in the year is far more important. Small mindedness will get you nowhere.
Those few days could lead me to losing my job. I would be categorise as unreliable if am late to work more then twice.
Global warming has been going on for years they said in the 1980s "by 2020 the polar icecaps would be gone" but judging by satellite images of the Polar Ice caps they are same. But the chances of human Extinction is very rare and it will not happen in our lifetime.
Can also point out that am not small minded person I'm just an another person who's seeking success in life by any means possible.
Super glue is easy to separate, the hand would be off the window before leaving station or crossing 3rd rail……. Just start the train
How come these clowns get special treatment from the rozzas
I don't care if the World ends, I really don't.
The world isn't going to end, we're just not going to be a part of it for much longer, that's all.
All for anti climate change but I think people and actions like this give the cause a bad name.
It's plan by the gov.. Its to distract them from the, 5g network.. But they all to thick to see it
We can do our bit but we need the whole world to do their bit too..
a death cult
They say the Govt should tell the truth, how about them, it's not about climate change it's about political change.
Where are all the water cannons when you need them? Sold for scrap.
we need more people in the west to drive to church so that their co2 emissions can summon Jesus to save us from climate change.
You are really an imbecile.Wolfman.
I am very disappointed in Corbyn not taking either a lead or cue from this event. We thought labour cared about the planet.
Just had it pointed out to me that the high water mark on the slipways on our small island in the south of england have not changed in the last fifty years.
So much for the rise in sea levels!!!
Clearly your subjective opinion using your own eyes and memory is superior to objective evidence-based analysis using the scientific method. /s
You’re not not supposed to use your own observations and common sense to put these theories to the test you’re meant to just believe what the experts tell us, which entails purchasing a tube of superglue and disrupting the lives of as many people as possible
@@jodi777yadu So you won't accept a peer reviewed paper laying out evidence using the scientific method, but you will accept without question the opinion of some random guy on the internet?
20quid I’d have to hear it first
as for ‘peer reviewed paper ‘ this ‘global warming’ ruse later to be termed ‘climate change’ (because there was no warming) was first proposed by al gore , a politician, and what are politicians world famous for?
but clearly people are buying into it big time so this protest illustrates how successful a lying politician can be and how disastrously gullible people r
@@jodi777yadu Please stop spreading fake news.
The term "climate change" can be traced back to a 1952 newspaper article, at which time Al Gore would have been 4 years old. So it's quite obvious that it was not first proposed by Al Gore.
Climate change and the greenhouse effect as concepts have been understood by science since the 1960's, before Al Gore even started his political career.
Seriously, go and read the scientific literature. If you disagree after that then refute climate change based on the evidence. But what you are doing is not contributing to the debate, it is just exposing your own lack of understanding.
If you look closely the policeman is actually helping her stick her hand to the pavement.
Go to India & China and protest there.
@TheHealthPhysicist :-D Yeah just fly over there, maybe get Concord back up and running.........
@TheHealthPhysicisttell them to stay out of the street or they'll be tasting my tyre on my big gas guzzling truck
TheHealthPhysicist Well maybe these retards should realise protesting on the roads will not gain the attention they want. Delaying people will just make them hate the protesters. This will not change anything, it’s just unnecessary and idiotic.
What do you want the government to do ? We have a huge deficit and are already spending on mitigation strategies. Do you want Mr Trump to send us a small loan of a million dollars?
Something still needs to be done. Urgently
@@user-rt8sh7xt1d What's your proposal?
It's beutiful well done
I hope these privileged folk realise that the UK generates less than 2 percent of the world's emissions. If you want to actually make a difference, you have to get China to listen.
Molotov cocktails would remove this virus strain of human beings.
Didn’t the leader touch down in a private jet? That’s very hypocritical. You cannot take these fools seriously
Earth Ling hope you don’t pay into a pension pot it’s a dead horse now.Big earth quakes are our biggest worry now .
what have YOU done for ME lately, Extinction Rebellion supporters are worth more than GOLD
jeremy corbyn stuck to his fence; hope he stays there
I wonder if they went out of their way to get environmentally safe super glue or just went to poundland and got whatever.
Each activist FASTED for a month and saved their toxic excretions which made for a great free superglue! It was a win-win-win situation.
I hope they all join Birthstrike!
So you will not accept help from firefighters who light candles in their homes either?
If you demand 110 % compliance to ideals for anyone to point out problems you are effectively only allowing total a**holes to propose wrecking things.
Please use your creativity to find better ways to communicate the points or give some real critique.
@@madshorn5826 well it is a real point, why fight for something but be hypocritical by doing the opposite... It's total hypocrisy and would devalue the argument alone for most.
Use common sense and get off the high horse
Change. Life is about change, nothing is forever. The world will keep changing deal with it.
we need more people in the west to drive to church so that their co2 emissions can summon Jesus to save us from climate change.
Not all change is good, some negative change should be prevented I.e the slow destruction of our planet and atmosphere.
I've started not to like corbyn
No beef no lamb.
Schools out and the teachers and kids are out to play at stopping the working class taxpayer get to work on public transport ( the cleanest mass transport there is at the moment ) Uk co2 levels are now lower than the early 1800s and that is due to the Uk policies and I think we are doing ok.
We only have one coal fired power station left ( soon to be decommissioned ) while China build 50 new coal powered stations a year and that’s the truth about things 🧐
China are also the biggest leaders in the world in green energy - And have stopped re desertification by planting forests at a unpresidented scale, they have reforrested in a 5 year scale so far too the size of four Great Britains in land mass and they will continue this program to 2050
Not everything is black and white in China - Least they're trying to counteract their pollution - with positive counter balances
Sorry - where did you get this information? The UK is absolutely not doing well on reducing carbon emissions. Can you provide any evidence to suggest we only have one coal power station left?
Lewis Spring eons own website shows the data and ( it won’t let me post the link on here )they were talking about it on radio 4 the other a month back and on this week. All true facts
barrieboy10 still building 50 coal fired power stations a year while we only got one, renewables in the uk have brought our co2 down to below the early 1800 levels and that’s fact not fiction also with more nuclear plants and electric cars we will be less again, can’t argue with true fact I’m afraid
Lewis Spring while I’m at it you should go to the nasa sea level site and look at that . Sea level dropped from the end of 2015 up until late 2018 and according to nasa Greenland’s ice sheet grew also, I’m quoting nasa and giss data
I'm deliberately going to try and ruin the environment now. Just to spite these self-righteous wankers. Get that heating up and windows open
It's awesome what they are doing
Grow up . They are a joke . What are they going to achieve? How did they get to the rallies? ....by bus , car !!! ? They are inconviencing people !!
@@markcresswell1542 someone's triggered
Desperate Living He has a right to be! Someone visiting me has to wait a long time because of this bullshit.
You are stopping people from going about their business. Do you people understand this ?
It's a protest over climate change, to get attention....I think they understand it's going to be disruptive and people like yourselves are going to be massively bent out of shape.
You know what the "COST" is Channel 4? The cost is life on this planet for ALL of us. We could have had ecologically saving power sources decades ago if technology hadn't been bought then buried by corrupt, profit hungry companies. Unless we change our attitude to big business and how they destroy our home for money, we are on a one way ticket to extinction. This is not an argument to be had or a compromise to be made, this is cold hard fact. Laws should be in put in place to stop planet killing practices IMMEDIATELY. Not thought about until the next politically soothing meeting but NOW, RIGHT NOW!!!! No if, no buts, no "but it'll will cost our economy x y z." No profit is equal to the loss of our place on this planet. Money can't save you from Mother Earth because she doesn't need us and we are dependent on her. If ever there was a platform for politicians to regain some sort of respect then this is it.
All this tv time and not one mention of what they want changed and how we should go about it..I agree with them but it seems they dont really know what they want done. The uk is the 12th most eco friendly country in the world right now
How would you go about it then?
They have lots of great ideas about what to do but you can a) google it and b) blame the BBC for never getting to that part of the story because they're too busy putting forward idiotic questions like 'but won't it cost more?'. (Yes it will cost more to save the entire planet and the population Krishnan - wish he'd stop being such a provocateur and maybe do some actual journalism for a change.)
@@20quid boycott goods from countrys that are the worst for pollution. China african countrys middleeasterd countrys force change..but it would have to be more than just the uk most western countrys would have to
these people just like to protest and cause disruption and you can be sure most do not live in any way green or eco
Ironically Channel 4 interviews the first minority protester I've seen, despite her still being a posh, privileged and upper class. Anyway I've been waiting to write this all week "I've never seen so many middle class white people in one place".
Give it time, We'll wean off fossil fuels, the car industries need to move a lot more faster in implementing more EVS and hybrids onto our streets by making them more affordable for ordinary couples/families and singletons.
They'll no doubt have to create a tax for them though.
yes BUT extinction rebellion want zero carbon emissions in 5 years...the only way to do this is shut down everything and live like medieval Britain. it's an impossible task!
How are you going to meet the power demand for all these vehicles? How are you going to generate the MWatts required to sustain that kind of system infrastructure? You wouldn't get close to the demand with renewables (which remember is non-dispatchable power) and then you're back to square 1. It's not that simple.
Oh yes let’s go to Jeremy Corbyn house and clue ourself 🤣🤣🤣🤣. everything that will go wrong they probably blame him for it, I wonder way?
What a lot of white people. Any comment from Jon Snow?
hes back in his box
benbov - such butt hurt from you people... tsk tsk
Police should have closed Starbucks down ...then these clowns would have gone home.
The cost of cous cous and avocados is going to go up.
What an embarrassment as a parent. Still not one activist at a production plant protesting how products are made..that pathetic "man" uses every planet killing product he tells everyone else not to use.
“Introduced to back of van”. How about introduce to billy club.
Send all those who are arrested too China and India so they can protest against the main producers of pollution.
And take their made in China phones with them
Ian Morris Oh dear, you need to educate yourself.
Ian Morris repeating the same old mantra, We in the UK are in the happy position of being seen around the world as having some moral leadership.
The example our protest is setting is being watched closely and the example our police are showing is likely to offer some protection to protesters in nations where the police are not so restrained. Those nations police will not wish to be seen by the worlds media reacting in a completely opposite manner to that of our own when faced with there own peaceful protesters.
@@derekmiles9306 Would be nice what you said was not being too kind.
Steve Petty Yes perhaps so, yet thanks to these brave protesters and not to be understated our wonderful reserved system where we are policed with the consent of the people. The worlds media are watching and this example set in our great country will make damning comparison to any countries responding in a heavy handed manner. Political system most play to the media and although I not saying all will respond in the same manner as our police, they will know they risk appearing barbaric and unconstitutional in comparison.
Neb, you are absolutely correct in what you say. My question hàs always been why is there no change in the high tide levels here.
My belief is that factions are over playing the global warming issue in order to rip us off.
Our children are now being taught that they can stop climate change ,when the historical scientific facts are that climate change has been happening for millions of years
Cheers Graham
Graham, the reason the no change in tide level is because I paid green tax and then I go lie down at the beach and stop it🤪
Jules Ju, I applaud your efforts which are obviously woking well. Don't forget your umbrella and your suntan lotion in case of chandes in the clmate! Cheers!
Also in case of changes in the climate. Sorry, senior moment there!!
Do you know how fucking annoying this was for everyone to get out or from one end of London to the other in public transport and or car?
These folks will beg for chemtrails.
Stratospheric Aerosal Injection Google it
Now she thinks she Gandhi