  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
    Former Jews for Jesus missionary Larry Levey was raised in a Conservative Jewish home. While working in Los Angeles, became a "Jew for Jesus" after having a "born-again" experience. He went from professional attorney to professional missionary for a leading "Hebrew Christian" missionary group. (1992). Questions should be directed to RabbiSkobac@JewsForJudaism.ca.

Комментарии • 50

  • @scherykopan
    @scherykopan 7 лет назад +50

    @30:41 This guy is 100% correct. The same thing he's relating that happened to Patti, is the same thing that happened to my own Mother.
    My Mother was old, she was sick and she had been bed-ridden for years, the Doctors said that her leg muscles had atrophed and that she would never walk again....Once when people from her Church came over to visit, they decided to pray for her to be healed. At the end of the prayer, they commanded her to "Get up and walk in Jesus' Name" Of course my poor Mom, was unable to "get up and walk"...even though she tried so hard and that in itself was pitiful to watch. When she didn't, "get up and walk" these same Christians turned on her....and accused her of not having enough faith or of having some unspeakable sin in her life and THAT was why G-d refused to heal her....so she should confess her sins.
    Even now I can still remember My Mother helplessly lying on the bed crying, as these Christians surrounded her and verbally berated her.
    That day was the beginning of the end of my life as a Christian.
    To all the Jews out there....don't be fooled,..the facade of Christianity may look inviting....but make sure you RUN as fast as you can AWAY from anything to do with Christianity.

  • @laurencelaser7311
    @laurencelaser7311 10 лет назад +56

    This fellow is very good. He combines facts that embarrass the Xtian missionaries with an excellent sense of humor.

  • @Achdus5772
    @Achdus5772 11 лет назад +12

    I loved the way you spoke about Shabbat at the end of the video. You made me cry.

  • @kdsmart100
    @kdsmart100 11 лет назад +28

    I was born a christian.but i found out along time now.we have inherited lies.

  • @QassimOmarri
    @QassimOmarri 11 лет назад +11

    Excellent clear minded message!

  • @yehudamccabi6437
    @yehudamccabi6437 8 лет назад +39

    Keep up the good work, im a convert to Judaism too!

  • @TagMahirTzedek
    @TagMahirTzedek 11 лет назад +30

    Kol Hakavod. We Jews need to do better work in bringing our brothers and sisters back to Torah Judaism, AND bring the world closer to a true understanding and knowledge of the 1 true and only G-D.

  • @AlbertLuppo
    @AlbertLuppo 9 лет назад +24

    Because of my name, I lived through the bigotry that I witnessed people constantly cursing Judaism. When I revealed my religion I was ignored and pushed aside from every day enjoyment. I even was denied entry into an Italian Fraternal because I was and "AM" a Jew. As long as Hashem walks by my side I will always talk about Judaism and how Hashem sent teachers to instruct each and everyone to understand the Torah. G-d Bless everyone.

  • @Alona60
    @Alona60 10 лет назад +20

    Excellent! Thank you!

  • @StonefieldJim4
    @StonefieldJim4 6 лет назад +7

    Thank you for this enlightening (and entertaining!) talk. I'm an atheist and humanist, and one who appreciates the exposure of disinformation and opportunistic propaganda. I had very limited knowledge about Jews for Jesus, but was keen to get to the truth about this movement. Thanks.

  • @amedeabice1627
    @amedeabice1627 11 лет назад +21

    I grew up Roman Catholic and realised at the university while studying the theology that Christianity and Islam is a scam. And I converted to Judaism. Jews for Judaism all the way!

  • @cherylbattice8718
    @cherylbattice8718 11 лет назад +7

    I agree with you wholeheartedly mrswinniepinnie, I too am a former Christinan converting to Judaism!

  • @ladym1910
    @ladym1910 5 лет назад +9

    Thank you so much for this presentation. You were able to add humor, humility and honesty as a contrast to the humorlessness, arrogance and dishonest manipulations that are used to target the vulnerable and to street them away from their own best interests. What you describe sounds like a cult which uses the substance of it's victim's life energy against them like a virus infiltrating a cell and living off it's energy.
    When one is in pain and looking for relief, it's not a time when critical thinking as it's most potent and once one has committed himself to something which seems helpful at first, it takes a lot of energy to turn around and contemplate the fact that it may have been a mistake. Thank you for doing that and having the courage to share your experiences so effectively and convincingly.

  • @brendasullivan4442
    @brendasullivan4442 11 лет назад +14

    Awesome video! As a former Christian, I can relate to everything he said about Christians..so thankful I have been set free! Yet Jesus was suppose to do that for me, can't say he did..hmmm, I wonder why?!?

  • @transcubadam
    @transcubadam 10 лет назад +26

    I was raised in a traditional household, but attended a modern Orthodox, or coed Yeshivah for 9 years as a child. I have very recently become quite intrigued by the Messianic Jewish movement. It was incredible for me to discover that there are several of their temples in my city- NYC, and amazing to watch how they practice in Israel... I have become afraid... Can these "converts" be so blind to the proverbial "wolf in sheep's clothing"? Isn't it obvious that, to the Evangelicals and other Messianics, the only good Jew is one who accepts christ as their own personal savior? Thank you Larry Levey!

  • @YisraelBenLevi
    @YisraelBenLevi 7 лет назад +13

    being Hebrew/Jewish/ISRAELI is being proud of hashem and your relationship spending time with God family and friends shabbos Torah mitzvahs

  • @eremselle
    @eremselle 8 лет назад +54


  • @JesseePendragon
    @JesseePendragon 11 лет назад +6

    This was Very well Put and extremely Accurate... I enjoyed watching and listening to you.

  • @danafriedman64
    @danafriedman64 12 лет назад +8

    I'm still watching, but I *LOVE* this guy.

  • @katherine101able
    @katherine101able 11 лет назад +6

    Welcome you joining our people.

  • @franscobben9044
    @franscobben9044 5 лет назад +5

    Good and true!

  • @jefforyamos
    @jefforyamos 11 лет назад +3

    I'm spending Shabbat by myself today and for some strange reason, your comment here made me. Made me think of Isaiah 58:13-14.

  • @janesmith5052
    @janesmith5052 11 лет назад +13

    WELL SAID! This is very accurate as well. There are more and more Jesus believers who CAUSE the "trials," "stressors," and "obstacles" for Jewish people and then-knowing that these people or person is stressed, low, depressed, or experiencing anxiety will swoop right in to "save" them from their tribulations that the Jesus believer caused in the first place by saying that believing in Jesus will take all of this away. Isn't this cultic, oppressive, controlling, radical, playing "God," and Nazi?

  • @createwithrightintention1790
    @createwithrightintention1790 9 лет назад +12

    Excellent speech!! I learned a lot!

  • @yankiescards
    @yankiescards 9 лет назад +8

    Great to hear Larry speak. I grew up knowing this man.

  • @MuslimByChoice
    @MuslimByChoice 12 лет назад +5

    very informative thx for sharing

  • @BornInTzyon
    @BornInTzyon 12 лет назад +11

    All of this is completely accurate!! In my case, they did have a Jewish "rabbi" although he'd been raised as an evangelical xian. He also admitted that healing & miracles weren't happening like the greek texts claim they should. Of course we were all to blame for that *oy* xians are blinded by their extra biblical writings and lack of critical thinking which is never encouraged. That's part of the reason people stay in it especially when they were raised in it. So sad!

  • @katherine101able
    @katherine101able 11 лет назад +5

    Welcome to our nation and people.

  • @MagaLaan
    @MagaLaan 9 лет назад +12

    Thank you very much about giving us this inside information

  • @PfctvsPontivsPilatvs
    @PfctvsPontivsPilatvs 12 лет назад +17

    Funny those Christians... they think Jesus broke the power of the Devil on the Cross, yet believe the Devil's more powerful then ever.

  • @1DaTJo
    @1DaTJo 7 лет назад +5


  • @FatMenace
    @FatMenace 12 лет назад +4

    this was great, thanks

  • @ithila6712
    @ithila6712 8 лет назад +9

    A superb presentation. Thank you.

  • @teendude16
    @teendude16 11 лет назад +4

    Good video. Thank you.

  • @angelinmenard
    @angelinmenard 11 лет назад +9

    I have to admit,... studying "Jew's for Judaism" and "Jews for Jesus" I haven't yet seen any real scriptural understanding to where the Tanach says "Jesus is Messiah" other than what has been misunderstood of few scriptures. The only other question I have, or statement even, is that I would like to know actually, what is a gentile for a Jew considered? Are "We", as important to God, in an Jewish opinion, as a Jew is? :-)

  • @janesmith5052
    @janesmith5052 11 лет назад +5

    very well stated....

  • @littlestarbisguerreroeruim6582
    @littlestarbisguerreroeruim6582 8 лет назад +4

    Great, B"H

  • @xrach2006x
    @xrach2006x 11 лет назад +7

    I'm not a very observant Jew but yes that is what I was taught

  • @kristJ25
    @kristJ25 5 лет назад +3


  • @seed_of_the_woman
    @seed_of_the_woman 6 лет назад +12

    you have my compassion. i have my own experience, but i forgive them because they don't know what they're doing (benefit of the doubt, at least for now). i'm not jewish, but need to know the truth.
    i want to share rabbi shobec on isaiah 53 with a christian friend, but i don't have the heart to destroy his faith. the evidence is so overwhelming to me that the truth is: jesus is a roman invention. :( pagans.

  • @StaceyFlintAviva
    @StaceyFlintAviva 11 лет назад +13

    You were in a cult!

  • @StayCrispySRK
    @StayCrispySRK 11 лет назад +15

    Jews for Jesus is the definition of a cult.

  • @jefforyamos
    @jefforyamos 11 лет назад +2

    Thanks for sharing this. I find myself on a similar path.
    I can't tell which of the videos you are speaking of since several are named similarly. Can you please tell me, what channel is it posted in?

  • @Molonca
    @Molonca 11 лет назад +8

    I am glad you found your inner faith. But please don't call my faith Islam a scam I respect your faith please respect mine.

  • @GarySellars
    @GarySellars 8 лет назад +10

    +*Brenda K* 'As a former Christian, I can relate to everything he said about Christians..so thankful I have been set free! Yet Jesus was suppose to do that for me, can't say he did..hmmm, I wonder why?!?'
    _Because_ you didn't believe His Word. The promises of God don't fall on us like ripe cherries off a tree. Did you not notice what Abraham went through before God supernaturally brought Issac forth when He could have done it _much more easily_ many years earlier?
    You failed to believe your Bible that tells us '...through faith and patience we inherit the promises'. God told us 'the trial of our faith is more precious than gold' but you 'cast away your confidence, which (had) great recompense of reward'.
    I answered your question with four references to Scripture, which you could have done if you had bothered to hear and obey the Lord's instructions in John 8:31-32: 'If you *ABIDE* in my Word, *_then_* you are *TRULY* My disciples and _you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free'. But you walked away, ignorant of your failure because you _*_DID NOT believe the Word of God_*_ and that is _*__most likely_** because you didn't *live in it*.
    The command is 'repent and believe the gospel', not 'check it out until you get weary, bored or impatience because God doesn't jump when you require it'.

  • @mrswinniepinnie
    @mrswinniepinnie 12 лет назад +2

    Zechariah 8:23