According to paleo Hebrew meanings of letters: SHEEN (destroy) LAMED (the shepherd or voice of authority) TAU (connected to) MEM (chaos / judgement)....which, truly, brings PEACE.
"If you come to me with hungry, if I gave you bread, I serve you, I offer you tranquility, wholeness of what was missing to you." This is exactly what I am saying, assuming I am understanding you. A returning back to wholeness, and we have to be given this, we cannot get it for ourselves.
My videos are keeping things simple and also from my knowledge base of Hebrew and following Strong's Concordance and BDB Lexicon, both very trusted sources. While I appreciate your view I am unable to go further in the "morphology and semantic" and take the word further.
According to Strong's Concordance 7965 Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. Shalom comes from the root verb shalom meaning to be complete, perfect and full. In modern Hebrew the obviously related word Shelem means to pay for, and Shulam means to be fully paid.
Ok now I would like to see the word study to support your " Shelem means to offer a sacrifice" it would be interesting to see and I can understand what you're getting at. Thank you.
This is about morphology and semantic : same root but with grammar morphems added. Shalom is a grammar derivation of ShLM. In semit, we have the noun source, then derivation comes. If you had a curtain front your window, the window is still offering sun in your house, still be a window. Shalom is a collective of actions around the root ShLM. To understand a word, put you at the source, not the exist, then follow the derivation with more understanding.
Thanks for the link [Bible Study Tools]. I have looked up Shalam Strong's Number 7999 and its the root of Shalom 7965. Your link toook me to Shelem [you're talking about] Strong's number 8002 from the same root Shalam 7999. This is the word meaning peace offering, requital, sacrifice for alliance or friendship voluntary sacrifice of thanks, that you are talking about, its the same root as Shalom, Shalam to be restored. Similar words same root but not the word I am talking about in the video.
The Semitic languages are not my first language and I only know Hebrew and that only little. I do understand there are similarities and words the same. So to answer about Jerusalem I would have to study this word. This I may do and will hold in front of me "sacrifices" Thank you!
Hello mansour ibn al andalus. I am not fully understanding what your trying to say. However Shalom 'The restoration of Jerusalem back to wholeness', dos not necessarily mean the rebuilding of the Temple as it was. More its [Jerusalem's] position as how God initially intended it to be. Now there's a study in its self.
I read extravagance from a pseudo christians scholar who said that Jerusalem means "needed to be complete" he said that the temple need to be rebuild. So far, they went ! Credo break the meaning of words.
Shelem is noun masculine and Shalam is a verb [the root] Shalom is also nun masculine. The root must be a verb. in this case Shalam from where Shelem and Shalom are from.
There is semantical and morphological proof of that fact. I send you a letter with links. Semitic language have 3 base letters, inside this base 3, we find etymon (base 2 letters). This is to plant the very root of a word. All your definitions are cut off from the root, even if its extension, consequence of the initial meaning (like peace), not the meaning itself.
Sorry, my english is weak. I make semantical and etymological research on semit languages, from arabic (the most refined), then need hebrew, necessarely. Sh+L+M don' means wholeness, is a misinter^retation in english language. I gave you the origin, the source, the very basic meaning of shelem, then all your definition are only extensions. If you come to me with hungry, if I gave you bread, I serve you, I offer you tranquility, wholeness of what was missing to you.
Again, be carefull with christians and european dictionaries. We don't have the same semit dictionary, it's obvious. Shelem means to offer a sacrifice, but in anciant hebrew.
Salut. This is not the truth. ShLM means 'serve' like when we recieve a guest : to fullfil his needed. Never trust christian when it's about Jesus language : they turn the meaning of word toward their strange credo. As muslim, Jesus said AsSalamu 3laykum.
Beautiful words spoken in the name of Jesus will stop chaos! Shalam Shalom , Yahshua , thank-you for sharing, God Bless the ones who know the word !
According to paleo Hebrew meanings of letters: SHEEN (destroy) LAMED (the shepherd or voice of authority) TAU (connected to) MEM (chaos / judgement)....which, truly, brings PEACE.
"If you come to me with hungry, if I gave you bread, I serve you, I offer you tranquility, wholeness of what was missing to you." This is exactly what I am saying, assuming I am understanding you. A returning back to wholeness, and we have to be given this, we cannot get it for ourselves.
My videos are keeping things simple and also from my knowledge base of Hebrew and following Strong's Concordance and BDB Lexicon, both very trusted sources. While I appreciate your view I am unable to go further in the "morphology and semantic" and take the word further.
According to Strong's Concordance 7965 Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. Shalom comes from the root verb shalom meaning to be complete, perfect and full. In modern Hebrew the obviously related word Shelem means to pay for, and Shulam means to be fully paid.
Ok now I would like to see the word study to support your " Shelem means to offer a sacrifice" it would be interesting to see and I can understand what you're getting at. Thank you.
This is about morphology and semantic : same root but with grammar morphems added. Shalom is a grammar derivation of ShLM. In semit, we have the noun source, then derivation comes. If you had a curtain front your window, the window is still offering sun in your house, still be a window. Shalom is a collective of actions around the root ShLM. To understand a word, put you at the source, not the exist, then follow the derivation with more understanding.
Thanks for the link [Bible Study Tools]. I have looked up Shalam Strong's Number 7999 and its the root of Shalom 7965. Your link toook me to Shelem [you're talking about] Strong's number 8002 from the same root Shalam 7999. This is the word meaning peace offering, requital, sacrifice for alliance or friendship voluntary sacrifice of thanks, that you are talking about, its the same root as Shalom, Shalam to be restored. Similar words same root but not the word I am talking about in the video.
The Semitic languages are not my first language and I only know Hebrew and that only little. I do understand there are similarities and words the same. So to answer about Jerusalem I would have to study this word. This I may do and will hold in front of me "sacrifices" Thank you!
Hello mansour ibn al andalus. I am not fully understanding what your trying to say. However Shalom 'The restoration of Jerusalem back to wholeness', dos not necessarily mean the rebuilding of the Temple as it was. More its [Jerusalem's] position as how God initially intended it to be. Now there's a study in its self.
I'm not a philosoph, Yeru Shelem : it's about "sacrifices". Not temple, not politic, not ideology, not wholeness. This is the point I come to.
I read extravagance from a pseudo christians scholar who said that Jerusalem means "needed to be complete" he said that the temple need to be rebuild. So far, they went ! Credo break the meaning of words.
Shelem is noun masculine and Shalam is a verb [the root] Shalom is also nun masculine. The root must be a verb. in this case Shalam from where Shelem and Shalom are from.
There is semantical and morphological proof of that fact. I send you a letter with links. Semitic language have 3 base letters, inside this base 3, we find etymon (base 2 letters). This is to plant the very root of a word. All your definitions are cut off from the root, even if its extension, consequence of the initial meaning (like peace), not the meaning itself.
@gregoryfl Thank you.
Sorry, my english is weak. I make semantical and etymological research on semit languages, from arabic (the most refined), then need hebrew, necessarely. Sh+L+M don' means wholeness, is a misinter^retation in english language. I gave you the origin, the source, the very basic meaning of shelem, then all your definition are only extensions. If you come to me with hungry, if I gave you bread, I serve you, I offer you tranquility, wholeness of what was missing to you.
Again, be carefull with christians and european dictionaries. We don't have the same semit dictionary, it's obvious. Shelem means to offer a sacrifice, but in anciant hebrew.
Salut. This is not the truth. ShLM means 'serve' like when we recieve a guest : to fullfil his needed. Never trust christian when it's about Jesus language : they turn the meaning of word toward their strange credo. As muslim, Jesus said AsSalamu 3laykum.