The darkness of a man's sins don’t just vanish; they ricochet off the walls of heaven, getting scrubbed clean before they tumble back down to earth, wrapped in a shroud of deceit, pristine and untainted. Like some cosmic laundromat for the soul’s filth. It’s a vicious cycle, a rinse and repeat of atrocities dressed up in redemption, but how many spins in the wash does it take before the stains start to stick? Absence of repeat?
This is actually relaxing
The darkness of a man's sins don’t just vanish; they ricochet off the walls of heaven, getting scrubbed clean before they tumble back down to earth, wrapped in a shroud of deceit, pristine and untainted. Like some cosmic laundromat for the soul’s filth. It’s a vicious cycle, a rinse and repeat of atrocities dressed up in redemption, but how many spins in the wash does it take before the stains start to stick? Absence of repeat?