Hmmm, doesn’t look like it. Looking at page 23 in the manual, Yamaha lists these parameters as being adjustable within Piano Room: Lid Position; Brightness; Touch; Reverb and Reverb Depth; Master Tune; Damper Resonance; Damper Noise; String Resonance; Duplex Scale Resonance; Body Resonance; Grand Expression, and Half Pedal Point. Quite a bit to play with!
Thank you for the great video. A very good presentation of the NU1XA!
Are the sound examples recorded via microphone or straight out of the piano?
Thanks for the good review by the way
The bench matches, but is it comfortable? I got rid of the one from my Clavinova right away.
does it have cross-string resonance? thank you!
Hmmm, doesn’t look like it. Looking at page 23 in the manual, Yamaha lists these parameters as being adjustable within Piano Room: Lid Position; Brightness; Touch; Reverb and Reverb Depth; Master Tune; Damper Resonance; Damper Noise; String Resonance; Duplex Scale Resonance; Body Resonance; Grand Expression, and Half Pedal Point. Quite a bit to play with!
Is cross-string resonance different from string resonance?
I’m not a fan of how that long metal hinge looks over the keys. Looks really sloppy. Sad.