DaC V5 - Lothlorien 18: War Crimes

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 35

  • @Burkiej321
    @Burkiej321 День назад +5

    More like Geneva suggestions right

  • @Aldonoth
    @Aldonoth День назад +3

    Crimes? What crimes? All I'm seeing is a dutiful gardener keeping up with his gardening chores, uprooting weeds and getting rid of pests! Praise Yavanna!

  • @zackc3767
    @zackc3767 День назад +1

    Rhovanion being a total pain is canonically accurate. Gondor conquered and lost it a few times.

  • @JosephGilles-z3h
    @JosephGilles-z3h День назад +2

    War crimes are these friendly fire?
    Or is it just effective tactics

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +1

      Every spearman knows their place as part of a larger plan.

  • @limehcone1591
    @limehcone1591 День назад +1

    good video

  • @peterhe6699
    @peterhe6699 День назад

    I guess the question is how long can the East hold because if Dol Gouldor turns their entire northern army on you the grind will be borderline impossible unless Khand goes to war with them. Even still Thranduil's halls must fall before those dwarves and Easterlings fall.

  • @Aldonoth
    @Aldonoth День назад +1

    32:55 Off the top of my head, here's the list of the settlements that you sold for money and to who(m?) this campaign so far:
    Erui to KD
    Eastern Osgiliath to DG
    Eastern Osgiliath to KD
    Faen Obel to KD
    I thought that retaking Osgiliath after you sold it to DG should have tanked your diplomatic reputation by half but it didn't. The exact wording on twcenter is "This might be the case when you give away a settlement trough diplomacy and taking it back afterwards". It could be interpreted as giving it away literally, by using the gift button. If so... that's kinda useless? idk
    The fastest way to test the 2nd conclusion I have (won't buy any settlement from you anymore) now is when taking Osgiliath once more, to try and sell it again to either KD or DG. You should get a very specific response message in the text box at the top of the diplomacy pannel if that conclusion is to be valid.
    Hope this helps, cheers!
    Edit: 39:45 I give up.

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +1

      I've sold E Osgiliath to KD twice right? Or am I misremembering. That's what I thought I was testing.

    • @Aldonoth
      @Aldonoth День назад +1

      Yep, you sure did. You tried to do this exact thing in your, err, I don't remember which campaign (when you pointed to your first gondor for data, maybe enedwaith?), where you tried to resell a settlement to the same faction and they wouldn't have it.
      Anyway, that just worked right now, so there's clearly more things at play that lock the AI at some point... Is it because you were never at war with KD? I'll try to track down the other campaign that it occured in later, I'm a little demoralised about this right now ^^'

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +2

      @@Aldonoth 🤣

  • @matthewturley9694
    @matthewturley9694 День назад +1

    Their armor is weak at the neck, and below the arm.

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +2

      Apparently none of my archers know this.

  • @justinhuebsch1713
    @justinhuebsch1713 15 часов назад +1

    That was gnarly @19:20 😬👌🏻

  • @kaishimada
    @kaishimada День назад

    Occupy: 485 + 316 + 500 = 1301
    Sack: 1860
    looks like sacking would give you more money overall for unbuilt settlements

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +1

      I have a suspicion that a higher population settlement has more diplomatic balance of power.

  • @tscchope
    @tscchope День назад

    You've that Khand army that looks like it is about to cross the Anduin at the fords. That army needs to be engaged. Now you could try to ally Khand in exchange for you attacking Dol Amroth and maybe the Ardunaim and possibly get Khand to go to war against Mordor. That's probably not going to happen, so that means giving Rohan, Gondor and Dol Amroth military access.
    I think I'd take troops from Empremi's Last Resort with the forces sent from Caras Galadhon and attack Danta'lad. hat should mean Mordor will send armies to attack you there allowing the Cair Andros force to come out take the two settlements Mordor has and move on to the Black Gate. Meanwhile you march on Minas Ithil. Between the troops in Methrast and Do l Amoroth you've enough for a third army in the south to push to take Tir Ethraid, Hardanaur and OstIthil. you may even have to gift Barad Harn to Dol Amroth. It's not that i've got any hopes that Dol Amroth will hold the place, but it's a distraction to Khand.
    Since I do not trust the Dunlendings, I'd get that ring-bearer army to shore as soon as possible. Assist in the destruction of Isengard. I suppose the mantra is 'If it's in the Misty Mountains, sell it to Khazadum'. I have visions of you sending the army in Caras Galadhon west to fight the Snorc stacks and the army in Limhir to Caras Galadhon and thence to Erui. Then use two armies to advance on the west bank of the Anduin.
    We'll see what you actually did and I can see just how wide of the mark my predictions were, again. Considering how many fronts you have to manage, you're doing really well.

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +1

      Khand cannot attack across the river, they don't border there so I can sit in my cities and watch their horse archers circle round and round till they decide to attack. There is no negotiating with Khand to get them to attack Mordor, they are allied.
      I don't want Mordor's forces to attack anywhere else, I've got them locked in place and manageable. My forces to the North have got all of DG coming at them, I don't need to add Mordor's forces to that for no reason. I am holding Mordor with minimal effort until the ring arrives. There is absolutely no reason to put more effort into Mordor when I have the answer coming.
      Dunland don't have any full stack fleets or even close to it, that navy is the strongest in the area and can sail safely up the river.
      Regarding snow orcs, I either keep flooding troops across the river to DG or I divert and go up the river bank, I don't have the forces to do both and since I'm rolling now in Mirkwood I'd rather the forces keep moving that direction.

  • @krichardj
    @krichardj День назад

    Lost track of the ring.

  • @krichardj
    @krichardj День назад

    I was hoping to see you smash that snow arc group around the dwarf army. The AI always astounds: five snow arc stacks making snowmen while a dwarf stack sits in the middle .

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +2

      It's Christmas. They are singing carols.

  • @peterhe6699
    @peterhe6699 День назад

    What happened to Rhun? Why do they have like 5,000 guys in your Gondor campiagn they had more soldiers than there were grains of sand.

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +1

      DG gets anti player bonuses, they cannot fight against that. Rhun was fighting Dorwinion, Dorwinion was fighting Rhun and DG was taking them both out from the side.

    • @peterhe6699
      @peterhe6699 День назад

      @@epmtotalwar I know but with Rhun you'd think they'd last longer than this.

  • @peterhe6699
    @peterhe6699 День назад

    I suggest selling BArad Han and Tirithoros for Edellhond it'll get you a rich settlement in exchange for Dol Amroth fighting Khand for you/

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +2

      And then DA will lose them and I'll just have to fight them at weaker spots and Khand will have become stronger by 2 more settlements. Khand was rolling over Harad with ease, they wont even blink in taking those two settlements even if DA magically moved all their troops there immediately.

    • @peterhe6699
      @peterhe6699 День назад

      @@epmtotalwar You won't have to worry about Dol Amroth threatening your bread basket those troops can be put to use plus Edellhond is a rich settlement and you can easily take it back. This would also motivate Dol Amroth to go down south since Global Tolfalas can hit the settlement below that.

    • @peterhe6699
      @peterhe6699 День назад

      @@epmtotalwar Plus I plan to use them for another diplomatic scheme after they get taken back.

  • @rafachwaa6981
    @rafachwaa6981 День назад

    Do you ever consider destroying garrison building once your settlement becomes not a bordering one? I mean, to save money, ofc. It's +/- 250g in your pocket every turn for every settlement without a garrison building if I understand mechanics well.
    and one more question: during this long campaign, did you ever considered like for real killing Khazad-dum for their mines?

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +4

      The garrison question is far more complex than you put it. For starters it only subtracts from 'building income' so if a settlement has less than 250 building income it is only subtracting what is available. In most castle settlements the only source of building income is mines and not all castles have mines and even if they do the building income component is normally less than 250. Admittedly, in city settlements there are far more sources of building income: markets, inn, mines, warehouse, banks... so you are often losing the full 250.
      However, it doesn't stop there. Garrisons provide 'law' bonuses which directly impact the amount of corruption a settlement has. Governors and proximity to capital are the main way to control corruption which is why you typically want your capital in the middle of your empire and governors in wealthy cities. I don't destroy enemy recruitment buildings that provide law even if it doesn't live me recruitment options because a reduction in law can mean hundreds of gold per turn. So even if it isn't on the frontier garrison structures still somewhat cancel themselves out and depending on the settlement can end up making money. Law is super important especially in a campaign like this where my settlements are so far apart.
      KD has been taking the heat from Gundabad pretty well and doing most of the heavy lifting against them. I'd have to fend off Gundabad and then take out KD, something that just adds more strain on my already stretched resources. Beyond that, I don't really want to thematically or for gameplay purposes betray one of the only other good factions contributing anything to the state of the map.

    • @rafachwaa6981
      @rafachwaa6981 15 часов назад +1

      @@epmtotalwar thank you for your great and patient answer, I wish more of this knowledge was implemented into the ingame tutorials or simiiliar tools. I guess they are limited by many code related issues. This is still one of the best games I haver ever played. And don't feel bad about campaign getting that long, I've enjoyed every episode even more due to you loving to play Lothorien . Greeting from Poland

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  13 часов назад +2

      @@rafachwaa6981 Pleasure mate. I've learnt most of these things just by playing and experimenting. I'm in a fortunate position in that I get the combined knowledge of everyone that interacts with me. The hard part is remembering it all. The whole law thing I only figured out in my Reunited Kingdom campaign, it became pretty obvious when I have settlements on opposite ends of the map and destroying a recruitment structure that gave 5% law removed 250 income from a settlement.

  • @heavymis
    @heavymis День назад +1

    About the pikeman seeming arrowproof. Doesn't the pikewall stance give more def against arrows?

    • @epmtotalwar
      @epmtotalwar  День назад +1

      I aware that the halberd wall apparently does that so it makes sense that maybe the pike wall does too. That still doesn't explain what's going on. If that was the case then all pikes would be like that when they definitely are not.