I originally started playing Shen because I wanted to spend a few months focusing on my map awareness throughout the early stages of the game, and to train myself to constantly be monitoring other lanes for information. Then I found xPetu, the greatest Shen 1 trick both for entertainment and knowledge. What a legend!
Thanks for bringing xPetu on guys! This one is a hit for sure. When you asked about things that people say that annoy him, I thought he might say something about how people think it's a funny joke to say that they hate the game. He's such a positive guy in comparison to many players/creators and you can tell immediately when covering his review that he's still having a blast even after the fact. You guys are also very positive about the game and I think you mesh with him very well. It's a huge reason why I gravitate towards all of you.
OMG SHEN OTP HERE. You have brought out my lord and Savior. #Xpetu I’ve been thinking bout changing champs. This may be exactly what I needed. Can’t wait to listen to this at the gymZ
Loved this collab, listened to the entire 2+ hours of it and was thoroughly enjoying it from beginning to end! Hope you do more of this! Interesting side note: Petu actually did some coaching on Neace's platform, and I wonder how that experience was like for him.
I’ve seen xpetu before on his climb to diamond videos in x number of hours but haven’t really checked him out past that. He was having me laughing throughout the vid really loved the vibe on this one. Thanks guys
Are you sure Xpetu was not a listener of the BBC before this? It's incredible how he's already internalized so many of the concepts preached here. Great episode!
Perhaps, but these concepts are key to high elo, and most all players master+ follow these principles pretty closely. It's more about knowing when they apply and which rules you can break in certain situations.
xPetu my GOAT! This was by far the podcast with the highest value for my personal life and League of Legends skill. In my opinion some things you guys talked about are pretty good to at least think about for everyone. Thank you very much guys^^
6:56 Coach Curtis writing down thinking "Okay, so he has TWO swords... He's a Ninja.. He's cutting people down.. And... he's cool.. as.. hell." Next day on the MLA: Why don't you play Shen? He has two swords, he's a Ninja, he's cutting people down and he's cool as hell!
I absolutely love the innocence in these stories about how petu picked shen and how they were doing Lee sin kicks on the trampoline because that's exactly how i was too when i was younger. Identifying with a character and becoming "one" with them is super important i think
Haha, I loved the BM from this gameplay. Not that it was a good model for good gameplay, but given the situation - just had the guy in your last game etc.. There's a certain mental aspect to it that adds a layer to the game. Sure, xPetu certainly could have played better at times without the emotional involvement with the fiddle, but at the same time he seemed very invested in his goals for this game and knew his gameplan. Fundamentals didn't go out the window and still played the map well. Great video, enjoyed :)
a bit tardy to the party but I loved petu in the Challenger Insights podcast as well, super great interview. The game review was really interesting and it's cool to see some of your own ways to think about the game and the mistakes you make by him
I follow a similar philosophy in choosing a champ to play as xPetu. Often more important to me than the gameplay of a champion is the lore and design of a champion. This led to my first true main in league being Sol, which in hindsight was not the best initial champ to learn the game. But still, I absolutely loved playing Sol because I thought (and still think) that being a space dragon is literally the coolest thing you could possibly be. Nothing is more awesome than a space dragon!
I love how you guys talk about how the champ makes you feel. I started playing shen because as a kid I was obsessed with ninjas. Especially buff ninjas like Zabuza and if anyone knows WWE Ninja Mack was my guy. It has felt like a piece of myy childhood has come back.
For their part at 37:00 talking about learning speeds in higher elo I do think Xpetu was correct in contrast to the BBC. While they do admit it's slightly better, I think it can reach a point where it's much better, it just depends how big the rank disparity is. If they absolutely crush you every game there is barely any learning since you barely get to play, but as long as you can compete somewhat then there is much to learn. Even if that does encourage boosting, it doesn't make it false, just because the result of the true statement leads to something bad, doesn't mean you say it's untrue imo. The reason this usually doesn't work out isn't because they don't learn, it's because boosted accounts will naturally derank out before they are able to become acclimated to the rank.
tower prio is calculable by prio then distance to tower and is as follows: First Enemy Champion attacking a Friendly Champion The closest Zz'Rot Portal. The closest targetable Trap (ex. Jack In The Box). The closest enemy Pet (ex. Summon- Tibbers). The closest enemy Siege Minion or Super Minion. The closest enemy Melee Minion. The closest enemy Caster Minion. The closest enemy Champion.
i love the way Petu Challenged Curtis on this. Because both sides are correct. Playing your way up to an Elo one tricking breeds bad habits, however, the habits that you're learning in a lower Elo really paves the way to what we call "Elo Hell". For example, i used Garen to climb all the way to emerald 3. Now i dropped an elo when transitioning to mid lane. But through what i learned playing in the Emerald bracket i broke myself into i found myself back in Emerald in a new role with new champs (Yasuo, Katarina and Malzahar). It's really hard, i have so much to learn like what my champs identities are and such. this is all with 0 coaching. Anyway one tricking all though horrible for the game is a great way to become better at the game in the long run when transitioning at least when trying to break into new ranks. I bet that if i 1 tricked katarina or Yasuo i could reach even higher ranks.
I really love how xPetu was able to hightlight the magic of being a kid. Something about just being on the trampoline acting as the champions seems so nostalgic.
39:00 I think you are misinterpreting what xPetu said. He didn't really say it clearly tho. He is not saying that you are in a higher elo than you should be. He is saying that your champion mastery has carried you to higher elos, where your game knowledge/macro is below average for the elo you are in. This makes sense. Champion master comes with time. Better opponents can increase your rate of gaining champion mastery, but not nearly as quickly as you can increase your game knowledge and marco from playing with better players (opponents and teammates) and observing them.
Great video ngl skins + play style make me pick a champ even if I play them bad at first. I started zed the moment my friend showed me the game since he looked the coolest.
Shen was and it is to this day the only champ i stopped to play (we are talking many many mnay years ago) bc i was in a constant fear to not use his potential at 100% and i didn't wanted other players to see a shameful gameplay of that champ, bc i loved it so much, for me was a disrespect to the shen players that can really play it well, i know there is nothing wrong, you can only improve if you play but you can understand that feeling? I am a support main and when i played shen i was very very very proactive, really not aggressive, 100% focused on perfect W and perfect ults, never really jumped into the Q empowered auto, always used E to drag away the enemy and not to engage my sword was always close on my adc and never behind the enemys to try a slow-into E-into empored (that or...as a former teemo main, to the cannon to make the enemy adc miss it, ahhh true joy) Shen really is a 360° champ for me, you can learn and master: camera control, positioning, reaction time, minion aggro, when to be proactive/reactive, roaming, you can use him in at least 3 roles (top,mid, supp), teamfighting at it's core and so much more, his kit can teach so, so much, bc he is a great mix of stuff you need to use to really master it (on top of all the basic thing like wave manipolation, with shen i wanna say, you really need to learn it well bc shen has not the best wave clear, you can't have easy mode with him in this regard). for sure one of my top 5 champ to use if you really wanna learn to play the game
Shen is my number one champ but he has some really bad matchups so sometimes if it fits the comp I take the bad matchup and it if doesn't I go for the good matchup. xPetu is great because you can see how much fun he has while playing League and is nice to have some creators that are not toxic. Btw guys are you aware of the amateur League scene in OCE? There's been tourneys going on for a while now, from iron to gold, iron to plat to d4 to challenger. Just wondering if you know about it because theres many "coaches" in there.
38:42 this isn’t condoning boosting. Your theory that you must be as good as the average diamond before playing in diamond assumes that everyone who got there did the same. But for example in the first year of league, it was a lot of learning and competing with the players that figured stuff out first and were therefore better at the game. So you had diamond players with great cs but bad champion mastery and vise versa. It’s not that you’re necessarily boosted, it’s that you can rank up with lopsided skills and then you start to learn new stuff from the people you play against that are better than you at certain things. Being a 1 trick gets you into higher games because mastery of a champion can carry you in lower elos much easier than in higher elo. After you’re in a higher elo you can start to round your skills out so that you aren’t relying on just being better at your champion than everyone else and that’s where different win conditions can start to apply. If your only win condition in your elo is that you are better on your champion, well that’s not a reliable way to rank up. There’s also an aspect of not getting stuck in bad habits. You can win a lot of games in low elo by pure luck and you might think it was your own skill. If you actually do rank up you’ll end up making mistakes in diamond that you could easily get away with in gold and come out looking like a god.
i know its a crazy dream, but i wish there were 5 of you, so we could get a bbc coach for all roles, my bias is that you could atleast get the third adc coach in here, but wishful thinking!
About EUNE vs EUW... Around 2 years ago, I was Master on EUNE and D1 on EUW, one game away from Master promos, but I gave up on it after a loss streak. I haven't seen such a big difference as he describes. He probably didn't take enough time to reach higher elo than D2 on EUW, while being rank 3 on EUNE.
All my other champs got reworked and I just don’t have the time anymore to play as much so gotta OTP 😂 I save certain accounts for otp and other to play other champs a bit lol😅..
Curtis, do you know if you’re an INFJ (Carl Jung’s personality type) by any chance? I feel like you might be based off how your mind works and it’s awesome to see/hear so thank you for sharing such entertaining yet educational and even thought provoking content
I have been stuck trying to figure out what role/champion to stick with, I have played every role. I’m bad at support, I like playing Kayle, Pantheon, and KaiSa. I like mid lane the most, but for me mid was the hardest role by far.
100% agree with xpetu, i as a support main my favorites champions are Renata, Senna and Karma, just of the astetics of the champions, well in the case of karma the thought proces of her gameplay is very interesting to me becouse she have a very high skill cealling and very high skill expretion, but my highest winrate champion is Janna LOL
What do you suggest with ADHD players then? Because I have that same issue of finding it hard to one trick. I get burnout and start making a lot of mistakes and start to feel worse at a champ unless I take a break from it.
find a champ that can be played vastly different or extremely mechanically hard. Fiora, irelia, both of the wind shitters. Any duel or team fight can be approached differently whether it’s mechanics or positioning
They attract a very niche content with long form educational focused content. Just not the type of content that creates fast growth on RUclips. That's fine, though because their goal isn't to turn it into a massive channel by sacrificing quality.
Bro I remember when back in s3 i was Diamond 1 being just in middle school. My school friends were all bronze or silver, I was a fkcing star my man haha Great times
U guys should setup a dummy/manican for voice-only guests. And make an effort to look at it as though they’re there. A little engagements so it’s not a disembodied voice haha
the collab we didn'r now we wanted but the collab we needed also, could I have 3 ~ 5 champions in my ADC pool in high gold/low plat? ADCs are generally way more similar both in mechanics and in identity than midlaners or junglers so I would assume it's not so problematic and I see way more ADC players that play a lot of champions in the role in all elo brackets and way less one tricks
@@JamesBaleLA and because it's a 2v2 lane, the "matchups" are way more fluid, there's not that much focus on understand specific matchups but more understanding the lane as a whole. what it seems to boils down to (from listening to high elo ADCs and Supports) is who has priority in the lane and who doesn't, and that comes from understanding who can push better and who can threaten an all in.
Can we get someone who plays adc, or at least something more interesting than bloody shen. Not everyone is interested in tank gameplay.... Much as I love tank players when I'm on adc!
Watch the Shending Help portion of the xpetu Shen guide, or Shending Help's coaching sessions on his YT. The champ is far from uninteresting and you basically have to play perfectly to get a meaningful lead with the champion. I tried learning the champion as a "for fun" project after I was done with my 3 block for the day and it did not go well. My mental actually tanked so hard trying to make this champion work because if you don't have a good early game into a good 1st ult, your impact on the game is just in the dumpster after that.
botlane gameplay zzz... cs for 20 mins and beg for ganks then let my team do all the engage/peel actual interesting teamfight stuff so I can fancy attack move.
The majority of the conversation had nothing to do with Shen specifically. If you want to request something that's fine, but why do you feel the need to hate on Shen and by extension kind of xPetu for zero reason?
“I’ve accepted that I can’t change the q back”
He has since gone on a crusade to change q back.
“We can’t do that. We don’t base. We fight like champions.” 1:40:39
Shen GOAT. Thanks for having XPetu on! Such a great interview.
Oh god you are absolute legends for bringing Petu in! Thanks so much guys, can't wait to listen to the episode!
xPetu and BBC all in one video??!?!?! I guess I'm dropping everything to tune into this premium content!
as a massive fan of petu and BBC this is such an awesome collaboration to see. Excited to watch the episode!
i also love BBC
huge bbc fan here
even when im at work i think of BBC
Never seen them sweat so hard when Xpetu starts going off about playing all these champions and lanes and saying it doesn’t matter
Holy shit xPetu, legendary guest to get in, can't wait to watch
xPetu would be a great reoccurring guest. Like you guys he just has an insane passion for league which as a listener is a joy.
I originally started playing Shen because I wanted to spend a few months focusing on my map awareness throughout the early stages of the game, and to train myself to constantly be monitoring other lanes for information.
Then I found xPetu, the greatest Shen 1 trick both for entertainment and knowledge. What a legend!
wow xpetu the goat
Listening to him talk about Lee sin dragon kicking on a trampoline is not only nostalgic but brought me back to why I play this game.
Thanks for bringing xPetu on guys! This one is a hit for sure. When you asked about things that people say that annoy him, I thought he might say something about how people think it's a funny joke to say that they hate the game.
He's such a positive guy in comparison to many players/creators and you can tell immediately when covering his review that he's still having a blast even after the fact. You guys are also very positive about the game and I think you mesh with him very well. It's a huge reason why I gravitate towards all of you.
"I don't want to play as a deer"
XPetu, 2023
OMG SHEN OTP HERE. You have brought out my lord and Savior. #Xpetu
I’ve been thinking bout changing champs. This may be exactly what I needed. Can’t wait to listen to this at the gymZ
Loved this collab, listened to the entire 2+ hours of it and was thoroughly enjoying it from beginning to end! Hope you do more of this!
Interesting side note: Petu actually did some coaching on Neace's platform, and I wonder how that experience was like for him.
I love xPetu, after watching him I had to start playing Shen. He loves the champion so much that is contagious
uniroincally bring xpetu back every now and then i feel like he really fits in with the BBC mentality and practice. this was my favorite episode yet
I’ve seen xpetu before on his climb to diamond videos in x number of hours but haven’t really checked him out past that. He was having me laughing throughout the vid really loved the vibe on this one. Thanks guys
Are you sure Xpetu was not a listener of the BBC before this? It's incredible how he's already internalized so many of the concepts preached here. Great episode!
Perhaps, but these concepts are key to high elo, and most all players master+ follow these principles pretty closely. It's more about knowing when they apply and which rules you can break in certain situations.
Disabling chat removes 90% of the unnecessary pressure and toxicity from playing the game imo, def one of the best tips I've recieved
My two favorite league content creators coming together to drop wisdom on the community… beautiful moment fr.
Let's goooooooooo! An xpetu collab is just genius
This episode was so lovely! xPetu is such a nice person to listen to, I hope you'll bring him on again anytime
Love the Magifelix flash!
Using a summoner to heal someone's mental is a cool play
xPetu my GOAT! This was by far the podcast with the highest value for my personal life and League of Legends skill. In my opinion some things you guys talked about are pretty good to at least think about for everyone. Thank you very much guys^^
6:56 Coach Curtis writing down thinking "Okay, so he has TWO swords... He's a Ninja.. He's cutting people down.. And... he's cool.. as.. hell."
Next day on the MLA: Why don't you play Shen? He has two swords, he's a Ninja, he's cutting people down and he's cool as hell!
I love Petu! So happy for this collab
Xpetu really is him!
I absolutely love the innocence in these stories about how petu picked shen and how they were doing Lee sin kicks on the trampoline because that's exactly how i was too when i was younger. Identifying with a character and becoming "one" with them is super important i think
I hope you do a round 2 with Petu, this was such an amazing episode
I was literally pondering if I should ask you guys to invite Xpetu for weeks now, awesome surprise to wake up to!
Haha, I loved the BM from this gameplay.
Not that it was a good model for good gameplay, but given the situation - just had the guy in your last game etc.. There's a certain mental aspect to it that adds a layer to the game.
Sure, xPetu certainly could have played better at times without the emotional involvement with the fiddle, but at the same time he seemed very invested in his goals for this game and knew his gameplan. Fundamentals didn't go out the window and still played the map well.
Great video, enjoyed :)
a bit tardy to the party but I loved petu in the Challenger Insights podcast as well, super great interview. The game review was really interesting and it's cool to see some of your own ways to think about the game and the mistakes you make by him
I follow a similar philosophy in choosing a champ to play as xPetu. Often more important to me than the gameplay of a champion is the lore and design of a champion. This led to my first true main in league being Sol, which in hindsight was not the best initial champ to learn the game.
But still, I absolutely loved playing Sol because I thought (and still think) that being a space dragon is literally the coolest thing you could possibly be. Nothing is more awesome than a space dragon!
Agreed. I miss the stars tho
That's how I chose Seraphine, Lux and Neeko myself, just lore and design!
Yeah, thats why I one trick lifeweaver (overwatch). Its not just the gameplay, its basically everything about the character that hooked me in.
Same withe me and Ryze. Picked him up post-rework as one of the first champions I've ever played and loved his gameplay and design
I love how you guys talk about how the champ makes you feel. I started playing shen because as a kid I was obsessed with ninjas. Especially buff ninjas like Zabuza and if anyone knows WWE Ninja Mack was my guy. It has felt like a piece of myy childhood has come back.
For their part at 37:00 talking about learning speeds in higher elo I do think Xpetu was correct in contrast to the BBC. While they do admit it's slightly better, I think it can reach a point where it's much better, it just depends how big the rank disparity is. If they absolutely crush you every game there is barely any learning since you barely get to play, but as long as you can compete somewhat then there is much to learn. Even if that does encourage boosting, it doesn't make it false, just because the result of the true statement leads to something bad, doesn't mean you say it's untrue imo. The reason this usually doesn't work out isn't because they don't learn, it's because boosted accounts will naturally derank out before they are able to become acclimated to the rank.
tower prio is calculable by prio then distance to tower and is as follows:
First Enemy Champion attacking a Friendly Champion
The closest Zz'Rot Portal.
The closest targetable Trap (ex. Jack In The Box).
The closest enemy Pet (ex. Summon- Tibbers).
The closest enemy Siege Minion or Super Minion.
The closest enemy Melee Minion.
The closest enemy Caster Minion.
The closest enemy Champion.
omg amazing xpetu with nathan and curtis so happy.
Heck yeah the legendary xPetu! What a chad lets gooo
I just finished Petu's quickblade video and saw this. never clicked on a video harder.
Xperu the absolute legend. Lord of Shen. Inventor of advanced Shen technology.
I love xpetu so much! So glad you did this!
hype episode of podcast definetly keep these crossovers coming there great
i love the way Petu Challenged Curtis on this. Because both sides are correct. Playing your way up to an Elo one tricking breeds bad habits, however, the habits that you're learning in a lower Elo really paves the way to what we call "Elo Hell". For example, i used Garen to climb all the way to emerald 3. Now i dropped an elo when transitioning to mid lane. But through what i learned playing in the Emerald bracket i broke myself into i found myself back in Emerald in a new role with new champs (Yasuo, Katarina and Malzahar). It's really hard, i have so much to learn like what my champs identities are and such. this is all with 0 coaching. Anyway one tricking all though horrible for the game is a great way to become better at the game in the long run when transitioning at least when trying to break into new ranks. I bet that if i 1 tricked katarina or Yasuo i could reach even higher ranks.
Epic guest. Dude's a total legend
THANKS guys and petu is so fucking cool man!!
dudes, loved it so much!!
I really love how xPetu was able to hightlight the magic of being a kid. Something about just being on the trampoline acting as the champions seems so nostalgic.
39:00 I think you are misinterpreting what xPetu said. He didn't really say it clearly tho.
He is not saying that you are in a higher elo than you should be. He is saying that your champion mastery has carried you to higher elos, where your game knowledge/macro is below average for the elo you are in.
This makes sense. Champion master comes with time. Better opponents can increase your rate of gaining champion mastery, but not nearly as quickly as you can increase your game knowledge and marco from playing with better players (opponents and teammates) and observing them.
As Nathan mentioned the name of the holy sion god, i would like to see him also in this program
Petu is a true Legend (as in the league we are playing in)
Holy crap, I'm a Shen main. Never would have expected this!
Petu and BBC = like ❤❤
Great video ngl skins + play style make me pick a champ even if I play them bad at first. I started zed the moment my friend showed me the game since he looked the coolest.
Shen was and it is to this day the only champ i stopped to play (we are talking many many mnay years ago) bc i was in a constant fear to not use his potential at 100% and i didn't wanted other players to see a shameful gameplay of that champ, bc i loved it so much, for me was a disrespect to the shen players that can really play it well, i know there is nothing wrong, you can only improve if you play but you can understand that feeling?
I am a support main and when i played shen i was very very very proactive, really not aggressive, 100% focused on perfect W and perfect ults, never really jumped into the Q empowered auto, always used E to drag away the enemy and not to engage my sword was always close on my adc and never behind the enemys to try a slow-into E-into empored (that or...as a former teemo main, to the cannon to make the enemy adc miss it, ahhh true joy)
Shen really is a 360° champ for me, you can learn and master: camera control, positioning, reaction time, minion aggro, when to be proactive/reactive, roaming, you can use him in at least 3 roles (top,mid, supp), teamfighting at it's core and so much more, his kit can teach so, so much, bc he is a great mix of stuff you need to use to really master it (on top of all the basic thing like wave manipolation, with shen i wanna say, you really need to learn it well bc shen has not the best wave clear, you can't have easy mode with him in this regard). for sure one of my top 5 champ to use if you really wanna learn to play the game
Shen is my number one champ but he has some really bad matchups so sometimes if it fits the comp I take the bad matchup and it if doesn't I go for the good matchup. xPetu is great because you can see how much fun he has while playing League and is nice to have some creators that are not toxic.
Btw guys are you aware of the amateur League scene in OCE? There's been tourneys going on for a while now, from iron to gold, iron to plat to d4 to challenger. Just wondering if you know about it because theres many "coaches" in there.
38:42 this isn’t condoning boosting. Your theory that you must be as good as the average diamond before playing in diamond assumes that everyone who got there did the same. But for example in the first year of league, it was a lot of learning and competing with the players that figured stuff out first and were therefore better at the game. So you had diamond players with great cs but bad champion mastery and vise versa. It’s not that you’re necessarily boosted, it’s that you can rank up with lopsided skills and then you start to learn new stuff from the people you play against that are better than you at certain things. Being a 1 trick gets you into higher games because mastery of a champion can carry you in lower elos much easier than in higher elo. After you’re in a higher elo you can start to round your skills out so that you aren’t relying on just being better at your champion than everyone else and that’s where different win conditions can start to apply. If your only win condition in your elo is that you are better on your champion, well that’s not a reliable way to rank up.
There’s also an aspect of not getting stuck in bad habits. You can win a lot of games in low elo by pure luck and you might think it was your own skill. If you actually do rank up you’ll end up making mistakes in diamond that you could easily get away with in gold and come out looking like a god.
i know its a crazy dream, but i wish there were 5 of you, so we could get a bbc coach for all roles, my bias is that you could atleast get the third adc coach in here, but wishful thinking!
About EUNE vs EUW... Around 2 years ago, I was Master on EUNE and D1 on EUW, one game away from Master promos, but I gave up on it after a loss streak. I haven't seen such a big difference as he describes. He probably didn't take enough time to reach higher elo than D2 on EUW, while being rank 3 on EUNE.
He was talking about much longer ago i think.
All my other champs got reworked and I just don’t have the time anymore to play as much so gotta OTP 😂 I save certain accounts for otp and other to play other champs a bit lol😅..
Curtis, do you know if you’re an INFJ (Carl Jung’s personality type) by any chance? I feel like you might be based off how your mind works and it’s awesome to see/hear so thank you for sharing such entertaining yet educational and even thought provoking content
loved the video, keep it up
I have been stuck trying to figure out what role/champion to stick with, I have played every role. I’m bad at support, I like playing Kayle, Pantheon, and KaiSa. I like mid lane the most, but for me mid was the hardest role by far.
would LOVE to see u guys do an interview with IRELKING. good work. glhf.
I would love if you got Minishcap1 on this Podcast, you guys would have a great conversation with him
100% agree with xpetu, i as a support main my favorites champions are Renata, Senna and Karma, just of the astetics of the champions, well in the case of karma the thought proces of her gameplay is very interesting to me becouse she have a very high skill cealling and very high skill expretion, but my highest winrate champion is Janna LOL
What do you suggest with ADHD players then? Because I have that same issue of finding it hard to one trick. I get burnout and start making a lot of mistakes and start to feel worse at a champ unless I take a break from it.
find a champ that can be played vastly different or extremely mechanically hard. Fiora, irelia, both of the wind shitters. Any duel or team fight can be approached differently whether it’s mechanics or positioning
Any chances for you guys to bring Dzukill?
is it a youtube bug or do these guys really only have 10k subs after 2 years of steady content?
They attract a very niche content with long form educational focused content. Just not the type of content that creates fast growth on RUclips. That's fine, though because their goal isn't to turn it into a massive channel by sacrificing quality.
@@AberrantDemon Even for long-form content, their content is extreme lol. So yeah.
Thisncontent is for ppl not for zoomers.
Bro I remember when back in s3 i was Diamond 1 being just in middle school. My school friends were all bronze or silver, I was a fkcing star my man haha Great times
Would love to see RangerZX on here
can yall do a case study on projectasheNA
U guys should setup a dummy/manican for voice-only guests. And make an effort to look at it as though they’re there. A little engagements so it’s not a disembodied voice haha
Do they have one with Thebausffs?
I mean 3 G's in the save video how can u refrain yourself from clicking on the video to extract the pure juice of league of legends vitamins right ?
the collab we didn'r now we wanted but the collab we needed
also, could I have 3 ~ 5 champions in my ADC pool in high gold/low plat? ADCs are generally way more similar both in mechanics and in identity than midlaners or junglers so I would assume it's not so problematic and I see way more ADC players that play a lot of champions in the role in all elo brackets and way less one tricks
I'm inclined to agree somewhat - especially since there are a lot of different ways counters and synergies function inside of bot lane matchups
@@JamesBaleLA and because it's a 2v2 lane, the "matchups" are way more fluid, there's not that much focus on understand specific matchups but more understanding the lane as a whole.
what it seems to boils down to (from listening to high elo ADCs and Supports) is who has priority in the lane and who doesn't, and that comes from understanding who can push better and who can threaten an all in.
They've actually talked about this on an episode before and they said yes for the same reasoning you have.
@@mfinch704 do you remember the episode??
@@FlynnVLRBR I don't
Gold with too many champions played for sure is me
'Have a chat to (?) us', you mean, 'with' us
bring magifelix to BBC!
Bruh rank 3 EUNE Diamond 2 EUW 💀
Wtf 2 shen?
why he chose this game xdd
do u still review games that u know u wernt playing at 100% ?
One tricks aren't people
Idk this guy sounds way more likeable than the overwhelming majority of players in this game. lol
Can we get someone who plays adc, or at least something more interesting than bloody shen. Not everyone is interested in tank gameplay....
Much as I love tank players when I'm on adc!
Shen is fun to play though...
@@HamsterPants522 Disagree.
Watch the Shending Help portion of the xpetu Shen guide, or Shending Help's coaching sessions on his YT. The champ is far from uninteresting and you basically have to play perfectly to get a meaningful lead with the champion.
I tried learning the champion as a "for fun" project after I was done with my 3 block for the day and it did not go well. My mental actually tanked so hard trying to make this champion work because if you don't have a good early game into a good 1st ult, your impact on the game is just in the dumpster after that.
botlane gameplay zzz... cs for 20 mins and beg for ganks then let my team do all the engage/peel actual interesting teamfight stuff so I can fancy attack move.
The majority of the conversation had nothing to do with Shen specifically. If you want to request something that's fine, but why do you feel the need to hate on Shen and by extension kind of xPetu for zero reason?