Just a small thing on the “time spent dead” stats. I know there was some surprise that the enchanters spent the least time dead but you have to remember supports are generally a lower level than other players in the game resulting in there deaths having a shorter respawn time. A support could die more times than a top laner in a game but still have spent less time dead. 11:49
@11:45 I think the reason why supports dominate the least time of death is because over a page sample size, being often times under leveled their death timers are shorter. Maybe there are other factors like safer play then adc? Many factors are gonna be in influence here obviously, but think about how many times a support spawns 5 sec before you after losing a team fight. Over thousands of games, that adds up in the stats
i dont think supports play safer than adcs, people just invest fewer resources into killing supports. if anything i think supports most of the time get away with murder with regards to positioning. example where this isnt true is soraka, which draws a lot of investment, while an example where this is true is blitzcrank, especially when his q is on cd
I also found your guys podcast through Spotify, was going on a long car ride and wanted to listen to people talk about league and when I searched league of legends podcast you guys came up. Extremely glad I clicked on it and found this community
I don't duoq with Kog Maw most games. He's actually slept on, especially in low ELO. He's deceptively simple. He's reactionary. React properly and you're going to succeed, especially due to mental fatigue of the opponent. Low ELO players have zero patience. It's kinda funny really.
Regarding a matter outside of the episode, I'm personally so thrilled to see Alois and Chippys work together in the program and on content. I've leveraged both their work together on my own learning process, and I think it's just so awesome that the BBC has grown so much to encompass the two of them. Seriously, they're two of my most watched content creators in League outside of the BBC podcast itself.
Regarding spreadsheets and over-analyzers: There are 4 stages of skill competency: 1.unconscious incompetence 2.conscious incompetence 3.conscious competence 4.unconscious competence When you talk about intuitively understanding scenarios, thats stage 4. Making short notes (not necessarily studying them) can help retain the knowledge to go from stages 2>3. Even if 95% of your effort should go towards mindful practice, that 5% can go a long way in speeding up the process.
4:03 im a Quinn main bordering on otp status and Quinn's current playstyle is rushing Symbiotic soles and having some sort of wave clear (Hydra/Stridebreaker/Shiv). You vacuum up side lanes pushing your "spear" deeper than the enemy's wave on the opposite side of the map. When you force the enemy to match you, you can recall and hit the opposite lane or Ult to meet your team mid or on objective to force a numbers advantage. Quinn to me is not a dopamine chase but i find farming from a distance is safer on principle and she is the only ranged top with a dedicated disengage on her Vault. She is also the most forgiving champion in the game when it comes to back timers and her empowered recall with Ult + homeguard allows you the same agency that a Camille/Elise support now rely on. I use Quinn to manage side lane minion wave states that my team in solo q either doesnt get or doesnt coordinate enough to manage properly. Quinn is a replacement for a weak adc that fell behind due to solo q chaos or a full on assassin that specializes in punishing overextended carries with he map traversal speed.
I think it just depends on if you are the kind of person that learns by noting down stuff. Kind of like some kids do well with notebooks in school and some don't.
Unless you have 10k hrs, you arent going to get enough time to figure out all the quirks in a MU. Whereas, an excel sheet like Fogged does, helps you remember what you may have forgotten since the last time you faced that champ. It also helps you know what optimal should look like or what "good Rengars should be doing in the MU" So its not useless for a majority of people.
@@libertybelllocks7476 An excel isn't going to help in real time decision making. Stuff like "bait this spell before you use yours" Is better experienced as failure and then when you fail, remind yourself why. A quick read of a MU at champ select is fine but that's as a refresher, not learning or understanding why the MU goes that way in the first place
@@dumpsterplayer2700 You wont know to "bait this spell" if you didnt have the excel. THe outcome is irrelevant - which is what you described with "its better experienced to fail". Having a favorable outcome comes with XP, you need the knowledge first to even try to do what you should to win. Only with knowledge comes execution aka outcomes. You have a faulty premise. which is why you dont understand such a simple concept.
The discussion about people immediately going to player gap instead of champion diff I think stems from 4 main points: - ignorance: not knowing the match up for yourself - cope: the false belief that every game and therefore every match up is winnable at all times (or at least initially) - laziness: it’s easy to blame the individual without doing the mental work of knowing the match up - release from responsibility: if someone on your team is already getting gapped TM then it doesn’t matter how well or how poorly you did at the end of the game because it’s their fault TM
Riffing off of what Nathan said at 51:38, in a plat III game, you don't need to push yourself to a challanger level, or make it a challenger game. You just need to push yourself to a plat II level
past few season low diamond high emerald has been the same as bronze and iron, non stop random fights, no macro play, no one is farming, it's just zerg
I think the process of making the spreadsheet could be very helpful for some people. It’s like taking notes. There is something about writing/typing that can help with information storage and recall.
I think spreadsheets can be immensely helpful, BUT only if they're built by the player actually playing. it makes no sense to be handed a spreadsheet and try to study it. like Nathan said, it's an incorrect approach to think that you can study your way out of building muscle memory and pattern recognition, and it can complement your climb, but it doesn't replace it. I think for a new player, having a spreadsheet open as they're playing can be so incredibly helpful, since so much information is coming in all at once, the mental stack gets filled incredibly quickly, and one of the things you can offload to a spreadsheet is "things to look out for when playing against x champion". for example, say you started in iron/bronze and you're trying to cs, trying to deal with trading in your lane, etc etc. you play against a champ on the enemy team you've never played against before, and get caught by one of their skills (e.g., qiyana eq root into ulting you into the wall and one-rotation your entire healthbar). qiyana's not exceptionally popular or rare at low elo, so you'll see her every now and then, not so often that you'll recognise immediately what killed you last time or not so rare that you don't have to worry too much about it. so, having a little note in your spreadsheet with her thumbnail means that you can scan your spreadsheet whenever she comes up and you can be like, ah, yes, she can dash into me and root me, and then push me against a wall and kill me. over time, more and more champs will populate the spreadsheet, and you'll get more and more familiar with the different things that the champs can do, and you'll need it less and less. but during the course of the climb, it'll help to offload some of the mental stack while you're learning to cs and learning to trade, and I think it helps streamline things to pay attention to. particularly, for very new players, with 160 champs in the game, I think it can be extremely helpful to note down things about champs they play against to take note of as they keep playing. again, the caveats are: new player, self-built spreadsheet, supplementing your growth
One thing I was thinking, the thought processes that you are all you can control and if the other 9 people are gold and you think your plat, you will climb is wrong imo. Maybe sometimes it is true, but many times it is more like some silver/plats in teh game and if lets say you think your as good as emerald, you may still struggle cause there would be another you on enemy team likely (lets say enemy adc thinks they are emerald too). Then its who has better teammates a lot of the time cause its so teamfight oreianted nowadays
If i had to guess karthus is "dead" the longest because of the passive that makes him dead for 5 additional seconds than the normal death timer. Quinn probably because low elo players can get out on the map in bad games to have more opportunities to die per game more than average. Edit: Didnt realize these stats were for emerald+. I dont know if these points would make sense for that elo.
I haven't watched the whole video yet, but when talking about champs with least time spent dead. Supports make sense in my eyes purely from a level/death timer ratio. Supports are typically the lowest level in the game, and thus spend less time per death actually dead. Idk how that maths out. But I imagine it's 2-3 deaths worth of time less over the course of a game.
It looks like a crane is pulling something up, maybe an air conditioner or something. You can see the tags on the cable as it comes out of the ground. Funny looking though lol
1:00:30 i think THIS is what ls means when he says treat it like a single player game. I think it is a really easy mentality to derive narratives from but this particular narrative is combated by that idea and i think is the point of that.
To bounce off the players blaming players instead of champions mentality. As a Jhin player, I think nothing makes me tilt more than when my support goes back into a skirmish right after I 4th shot and then spam pings me that I don't auto. Jhin is not the only character suffering from that, I think a lot of characters are misunderstood because of their weird kit and get flamed for sometimes no reason because of it.
I think what nathan is getting at around 44:00 is that a lot of junglers have gap closers abilities that need to be held in fights and not opened with. Not auto using abilities is never really intuitive.
Once had a viego smurfing in my plat game spam pinging everything they did. I usually mute spam pings but they were all good pings and bro was like 20/4 by the end of it. It was cool having such a commutative jungler
On the topic of playing diferently on lower elos I can give an opinion, as a plat player often i can split oposite side to take a baron with tp or get free objectives, when playing with friends thats kind of not a thing, or at least not until later as beyond just understanding the concept a bunch of iron players may just not have the damage to kill baron min 25 with 4 cs/min and this kind of things get exagerated the higher elo you go as baron can get rushed on spawn at high elo, and close to spawn in mid elo, but cant be killed until way way later on lower elos
I don't think a spreadsheet with champ identity can work because the same champ in a different role or with a different build plays completely different. Lux mid isn't the same as Lux support. Karthus jg isn't the same as Karthus bot. Diana built full ap assassin doesn't work the same way as bruiser/tank. And there are ton more examples of this. And this changes with patches, changes to the champs' numbers (see tank Jayce), new or changes to items, etc, etc, etc
To the 20 year old Radiant Valorant player.... You're BARELY in your 20s and said "grown men", you got time why would you quit at 20? I'm 29 years old and hearing you say that just was so disheartening, your a young buck and should be full of aspiration to become a pro. YOU CAN FCKING DO IT, YOUR SO YOUNG.
I personally much prefer written guides. You can put FAR more information into them. I don't like clips that much. I get more information from reading for 30 minutes than watching videos for 30 minutes. Its easier to maintain concentration reading than passively watching a video, reading is a more active activity as I have to activate my imagination and picture what the writer is trying to describe.
Even matchup sheets for a specific champion help me alot. Get a quick overview on a 2nd monitor how the matchup should play out (if it doesn't-> more clearly identifiable things to learn), maybe use mobalytics or other tools to quickly skim abilities (what they do, cooldowns ignoring haste)
@Broken By Concept Hiemer, at least in the lower ranks wins the 2v1s and doesn't die because of people not understanding how to go about the kill on him. Irelia has high death rate not just because of hard to execute but fat fingering your q so ya lose reset mid 4 marks still up, and getting CCed mid Q jump is kinda common at least for me in-game, I'de say at least 2 to 4 extra total deaths every game is contributed to these 2 things.
I disagree with the coaches in the sense that lower elo IS a different game. Anything from iron to low diamond I would rather play a mage support whereas once u hit diamond tanks/enchantors are wayy better because the players are better. I can smurf to emerald 1/diamond 4 ezpz one tricking velkoz support because someone on ur team is complete garbage via hard ints, autofills, bought accounts, poor mentals, etc. Having ur mage support hard win bot lane allows u to make up the damage that the garbage players lack. Being able to preemptively ward a upcoming obj fight and one shot the support or a squishy carry is invaluable in lower elo. Being able to stack a dark seal in low elo is extremely easy and now ur as strong as the solo lane carries....
I think you guys are way off about quinn, quinn actually loves to die depending on the game state. As quinn you are extremely vulnerable to ganks and being collapsed on in sidelane, any amount of cc at all and you just instantly die. But, if you are sitting on the opposite side of the map from an objective or you're trading kills while being dove, then its good for your team. Also Quinn doesnt mind going 1 for 1 at all because she's all about hitting her item spikes and doing insane amounts of damage, most quinn players just throw themselves into the enemy do a ton of damage and die which is where that stat comes from.
wow man all these tips were really useful in all my 3 games today where I had at least 2 trolls and 1 afk in each where you guys would've "ended review" at 5 minutes because I missed a canon minion or something, keep it up guys!!
Just a small thing on the “time spent dead” stats. I know there was some surprise that the enchanters spent the least time dead but you have to remember supports are generally a lower level than other players in the game resulting in there deaths having a shorter respawn time. A support could die more times than a top laner in a game but still have spent less time dead.
Yeah they may die a lot early game but when it comes to late game they rarely die as they are well behind the front line
@11:45 I think the reason why supports dominate the least time of death is because over a page sample size, being often times under leveled their death timers are shorter. Maybe there are other factors like safer play then adc?
Many factors are gonna be in influence here obviously, but think about how many times a support spawns 5 sec before you after losing a team fight. Over thousands of games, that adds up in the stats
i dont think supports play safer than adcs, people just invest fewer resources into killing supports. if anything i think supports most of the time get away with murder with regards to positioning. example where this isnt true is soraka, which draws a lot of investment, while an example where this is true is blitzcrank, especially when his q is on cd
I also found your guys podcast through Spotify, was going on a long car ride and wanted to listen to people talk about league and when I searched league of legends podcast you guys came up. Extremely glad I clicked on it and found this community
Kog'Maw is low on pings because its a duoq champ, and you dont need to ping if you are on disc
You still need to ping, noobs just don't 😂
counterpoint: i soloque kog'maw and spam pings so hard they get muted every 2 minutes
@Ahamkeira i dont think that is a counterpoint, i think it just strengthens my hypothesis
I don't duoq with Kog Maw most games.
He's actually slept on, especially in low ELO.
He's deceptively simple.
He's reactionary.
React properly and you're going to succeed, especially due to mental fatigue of the opponent.
Low ELO players have zero patience. It's kinda funny really.
I love how nathan looks left and right quickly when thinking, he's seing so many past experiences in his head for a moment
Dr. Strange
Regarding a matter outside of the episode, I'm personally so thrilled to see Alois and Chippys work together in the program and on content. I've leveraged both their work together on my own learning process, and I think it's just so awesome that the BBC has grown so much to encompass the two of them. Seriously, they're two of my most watched content creators in League outside of the BBC podcast itself.
57:13 a way to think about it is to use the bloody pedals - where the differential from not getting it is actually two instead of one
Regarding spreadsheets and over-analyzers:
There are 4 stages of skill competency:
1.unconscious incompetence
2.conscious incompetence
3.conscious competence
4.unconscious competence
When you talk about intuitively understanding scenarios, thats stage 4. Making short notes (not necessarily studying them) can help retain the knowledge to go from stages 2>3. Even if 95% of your effort should go towards mindful practice, that 5% can go a long way in speeding up the process.
4:03 im a Quinn main bordering on otp status and Quinn's current playstyle is rushing Symbiotic soles and having some sort of wave clear (Hydra/Stridebreaker/Shiv). You vacuum up side lanes pushing your "spear" deeper than the enemy's wave on the opposite side of the map. When you force the enemy to match you, you can recall and hit the opposite lane or Ult to meet your team mid or on objective to force a numbers advantage.
Quinn to me is not a dopamine chase but i find farming from a distance is safer on principle and she is the only ranged top with a dedicated disengage on her Vault. She is also the most forgiving champion in the game when it comes to back timers and her empowered recall with Ult + homeguard allows you the same agency that a Camille/Elise support now rely on.
I use Quinn to manage side lane minion wave states that my team in solo q either doesnt get or doesnt coordinate enough to manage properly. Quinn is a replacement for a weak adc that fell behind due to solo q chaos or a full on assassin that specializes in punishing overextended carries with he map traversal speed.
Funnily enough; creating the champ guide excel is probably beneficial; but reading it is useless. It may help him to remember what champs do
I'm the same way actually studying has never really helped me doing a project or physically writing the notes as I'm being lectured is more effective
I think it just depends on if you are the kind of person that learns by noting down stuff. Kind of like some kids do well with notebooks in school and some don't.
Unless you have 10k hrs, you arent going to get enough time to figure out all the quirks in a MU. Whereas, an excel sheet like Fogged does, helps you remember what you may have forgotten since the last time you faced that champ. It also helps you know what optimal should look like or what "good Rengars should be doing in the MU"
So its not useless for a majority of people.
@@libertybelllocks7476 An excel isn't going to help in real time decision making. Stuff like "bait this spell before you use yours" Is better experienced as failure and then when you fail, remind yourself why. A quick read of a MU at champ select is fine but that's as a refresher, not learning or understanding why the MU goes that way in the first place
@@dumpsterplayer2700 You wont know to "bait this spell" if you didnt have the excel. THe outcome is irrelevant - which is what you described with "its better experienced to fail". Having a favorable outcome comes with XP, you need the knowledge first to even try to do what you should to win. Only with knowledge comes execution aka outcomes.
You have a faulty premise. which is why you dont understand such a simple concept.
BBC moving up in the world. LITERALLY
The discussion about people immediately going to player gap instead of champion diff I think stems from 4 main points:
- ignorance: not knowing the match up for yourself
- cope: the false belief that every game and therefore every match up is winnable at all times (or at least initially)
- laziness: it’s easy to blame the individual without doing the mental work of knowing the match up
- release from responsibility: if someone on your team is already getting gapped TM then it doesn’t matter how well or how poorly you did at the end of the game because it’s their fault TM
might want to vod review the read tho lmao
It makes so much sense that milio is the hardest to kill(besides yuumi). I good milio feels impossible to touch with his Q and R disengage
I think most ping champs actually connected with smurf champs, because smurfs try to command a lot and also often frustrated by lower elo moves
The elevator on the outside of that building subtly moving made me feel like I'm seeing things
Same. It took me a while to understand what was going on there.
Riffing off of what Nathan said at 51:38, in a plat III game, you don't need to push yourself to a challanger level, or make it a challenger game. You just need to push yourself to a plat II level
past few season low diamond high emerald has been the same as bronze and iron, non stop random fights, no macro play, no one is farming, it's just zerg
4:06 UFO taking off behind Curtis
I think the process of making the spreadsheet could be very helpful for some people. It’s like taking notes. There is something about writing/typing that can help with information storage and recall.
I think spreadsheets can be immensely helpful, BUT only if they're built by the player actually playing. it makes no sense to be handed a spreadsheet and try to study it. like Nathan said, it's an incorrect approach to think that you can study your way out of building muscle memory and pattern recognition, and it can complement your climb, but it doesn't replace it. I think for a new player, having a spreadsheet open as they're playing can be so incredibly helpful, since so much information is coming in all at once, the mental stack gets filled incredibly quickly, and one of the things you can offload to a spreadsheet is "things to look out for when playing against x champion".
for example, say you started in iron/bronze and you're trying to cs, trying to deal with trading in your lane, etc etc. you play against a champ on the enemy team you've never played against before, and get caught by one of their skills (e.g., qiyana eq root into ulting you into the wall and one-rotation your entire healthbar). qiyana's not exceptionally popular or rare at low elo, so you'll see her every now and then, not so often that you'll recognise immediately what killed you last time or not so rare that you don't have to worry too much about it. so, having a little note in your spreadsheet with her thumbnail means that you can scan your spreadsheet whenever she comes up and you can be like, ah, yes, she can dash into me and root me, and then push me against a wall and kill me.
over time, more and more champs will populate the spreadsheet, and you'll get more and more familiar with the different things that the champs can do, and you'll need it less and less. but during the course of the climb, it'll help to offload some of the mental stack while you're learning to cs and learning to trade, and I think it helps streamline things to pay attention to. particularly, for very new players, with 160 champs in the game, I think it can be extremely helpful to note down things about champs they play against to take note of as they keep playing.
again, the caveats are: new player, self-built spreadsheet, supplementing your growth
Small suggestion maybe have the graphic up on screen for visual people to be able to reference back to for better comprehension
One thing I was thinking, the thought processes that you are all you can control and if the other 9 people are gold and you think your plat, you will climb is wrong imo. Maybe sometimes it is true, but many times it is more like some silver/plats in teh game and if lets say you think your as good as emerald, you may still struggle cause there would be another you on enemy team likely (lets say enemy adc thinks they are emerald too). Then its who has better teammates a lot of the time cause its so teamfight oreianted nowadays
Know what I think would be a great addition to y’all’s table space? A hextech chest!
If i had to guess karthus is "dead" the longest because of the passive that makes him dead for 5 additional seconds than the normal death timer. Quinn probably because low elo players can get out on the map in bad games to have more opportunities to die per game more than average.
Edit: Didnt realize these stats were for emerald+. I dont know if these points would make sense for that elo.
I haven't watched the whole video yet, but when talking about champs with least time spent dead. Supports make sense in my eyes purely from a level/death timer ratio. Supports are typically the lowest level in the game, and thus spend less time per death actually dead. Idk how that maths out. But I imagine it's 2-3 deaths worth of time less over the course of a game.
supports lower death time per game makes sense because lower level= lower death timer
9.7 pings per game? Bro I have 10 pings by the time we hit 1:30 from pinging wards and enemy jungle start.
Wtf is flying up behind curtis at around 4:16 ? 😮😂
I came to the comments as soon as I noticed xd. I think it might be a drone of some sort.
It looks like a crane is pulling something up, maybe an air conditioner or something. You can see the tags on the cable as it comes out of the ground. Funny looking though lol
1:00:30 i think THIS is what ls means when he says treat it like a single player game. I think it is a really easy mentality to derive narratives from but this particular narrative is combated by that idea and i think is the point of that.
Kog maw for the same reason as ziggs hes perfectly fine sitting back and just tossing abilities
To bounce off the players blaming players instead of champions mentality. As a Jhin player, I think nothing makes me tilt more than when my support goes back into a skirmish right after I 4th shot and then spam pings me that I don't auto. Jhin is not the only character suffering from that, I think a lot of characters are misunderstood because of their weird kit and get flamed for sometimes no reason because of it.
Sorry guys I'm probably quite responsible for the Irelia TSD.. Excited to get into another highly educational and motivational episode
Another banger as always bros
coach curtis what split are u following ? full body 3x a week / upper lower / push pull legs / bro split ?
humbly requesting more coach cupcake!
I think what nathan is getting at around 44:00 is that a lot of junglers have gap closers abilities that need to be held in fights and not opened with. Not auto using abilities is never really intuitive.
Right? Midlaners get to unload all their abilities the second they see an opening, but junglers can't combo people that way
not the flex from curtis at 1:20 :sob
ngl my life flashed before my eyes
I am a viego hecarim two trick and i ping all the time lol
Once had a viego smurfing in my plat game spam pinging everything they did. I usually mute spam pings but they were all good pings and bro was like 20/4 by the end of it. It was cool having such a commutative jungler
On the topic of playing diferently on lower elos I can give an opinion, as a plat player often i can split oposite side to take a baron with tp or get free objectives, when playing with friends thats kind of not a thing, or at least not until later as beyond just understanding the concept a bunch of iron players may just not have the damage to kill baron min 25 with 4 cs/min and this kind of things get exagerated the higher elo you go as baron can get rushed on spawn at high elo, and close to spawn in mid elo, but cant be killed until way way later on lower elos
I don't think a spreadsheet with champ identity can work because the same champ in a different role or with a different build plays completely different. Lux mid isn't the same as Lux support. Karthus jg isn't the same as Karthus bot. Diana built full ap assassin doesn't work the same way as bruiser/tank. And there are ton more examples of this. And this changes with patches, changes to the champs' numbers (see tank Jayce), new or changes to items, etc, etc, etc
Anyone that smurfs should 0/1 irl
To the 20 year old Radiant Valorant player....
You're BARELY in your 20s and said "grown men", you got time why would you quit at 20? I'm 29 years old and hearing you say that just was so disheartening, your a young buck and should be full of aspiration to become a pro. YOU CAN FCKING DO IT, YOUR SO YOUNG.
Thank you brother. It's like I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAAAN!!
It's simple math. Quinn players die twice as much bc they play the game with double the speed.. so you amplify all stats lol
sion doesnt have longest time dead????
Time dead is a skewed stat. Deaths late game is a 10x longer than late. So assassins champs which fall off and int trying to kill
I personally much prefer written guides. You can put FAR more information into them. I don't like clips that much. I get more information from reading for 30 minutes than watching videos for 30 minutes. Its easier to maintain concentration reading than passively watching a video, reading is a more active activity as I have to activate my imagination and picture what the writer is trying to describe.
Even matchup sheets for a specific champion help me alot. Get a quick overview on a 2nd monitor how the matchup should play out (if it doesn't-> more clearly identifiable things to learn), maybe use mobalytics or other tools to quickly skim abilities (what they do, cooldowns ignoring haste)
where did they get these stats?
Its okay boys ,we junglers are getting abused every day anyway. we are used to it.
@Broken By Concept Hiemer, at least in the lower ranks wins the 2v1s and doesn't die because of people not understanding how to go about the kill on him. Irelia has high death rate not just because of hard to execute but fat fingering your q so ya lose reset mid 4 marks still up, and getting CCed mid Q jump is kinda common at least for me in-game, I'de say at least 2 to 4 extra total deaths every game is contributed to these 2 things.
Another monday, another BBC episode
Guys quinn might just be the fastest inter lol
I disagree with the coaches in the sense that lower elo IS a different game. Anything from iron to low diamond I would rather play a mage support whereas once u hit diamond tanks/enchantors are wayy better because the players are better. I can smurf to emerald 1/diamond 4 ezpz one tricking velkoz support because someone on ur team is complete garbage via hard ints, autofills, bought accounts, poor mentals, etc. Having ur mage support hard win bot lane allows u to make up the damage that the garbage players lack. Being able to preemptively ward a upcoming obj fight and one shot the support or a squishy carry is invaluable in lower elo. Being able to stack a dark seal in low elo is extremely easy and now ur as strong as the solo lane carries....
I think you guys are way off about quinn, quinn actually loves to die depending on the game state. As quinn you are extremely vulnerable to ganks and being collapsed on in sidelane, any amount of cc at all and you just instantly die. But, if you are sitting on the opposite side of the map from an objective or you're trading kills while being dove, then its good for your team. Also Quinn doesnt mind going 1 for 1 at all because she's all about hitting her item spikes and doing insane amounts of damage, most quinn players just throw themselves into the enemy do a ton of damage and die which is where that stat comes from.
Baus enjoyer found:)
wow man all these tips were really useful in all my 3 games today where I had at least 2 trolls and 1 afk in each where you guys would've "ended review" at 5 minutes because I missed a canon minion or something, keep it up guys!!
my first time being this early :D
I’m yuumi one trick plan to be the best yuumi player oce but guess what I’m on my 1036834 perma ban :)
Let's go
nerf tanks and bruisers please and mage items. bye.