It's amazing how a bit of cleaning up helps to really define the layout of the property, it looks wonderful. You have achieved sooo much since the start, and i wonder if you ever imagined you would make it so far so soon. I can't wait to see the finished work. Enjoy a nice holiday break, you'll come back feeling invigorated for the final parts of your journey .
Surely we had our hard days, and sometimes we doubt about our capacities, but this was our objective: no matter how much time and dedication! Thank you for the constant support you gave to us 🧡 happy 2024!!
77 Bölüme kadar hızlı oynatarak bir kaç haftada izledim. İnanılmaz bir işçilik ve inanılmaz bir özveri gördüm. Ellerinize sağlık. Mutlu bir şekilde yaptığınız evde yaşayın inşallah.. Türkiye den sevgiler
Danke für 77 Folgen voller Fleiß an euerem Projekt Sweet Home teilzunehmen 😊 Schön zu sehen mit welch einem hohen Qualitätsanspruch ihr an die Arbeit geht. Sehr viel Arbeit ist es auch die ganzen Videos zu bearbeiten um uns Zusehern zu ermöglichen daran teilzunehmen. Es ist nicht mehr weit zum Ziel wenn ihr seht was schon hinter euch liegt. Großen Respekt an euch 🏆🥇🏆🥇🏆! Wir Zuseher freuen uns wie es weiter geht. Gesund bleiben und ein Friedvolles 2024♥️
You should be proud of your achievements! You've done a marvellous job! Please don't leave us - we would love to remain your family. ❤ Have a wonderful and successful 2024!! 🎉🎉🎉 🥂🍾🥂
I hadn’t realized how large,and just how beautiful your property is ,or how glorious is the view. You have an exceptionally lovely house and surroundings. I am so happy for you. Your massive amount of hard work has been thoroughly worth it . I have obviously no knowledge of your future plans , but each time a see the form your terraces ,vegetation and views take I cannot help but think of what an incredible place is would be for children .I can just imagine the games they would devise in that setting. I expect you already have a multitude of memories upon which to build more in that exceptional place .May God bless you and yours as you move forward in your lives in the GardenOf Eden in which you live.
The terracotta tiles contrast beautifully with the other materials in your home. I love how the varying patterns help define the different rooms. Best wishes for a happy new year that includes the successful completion of your renovations!
Los encontré por casualidad y he seguido toda vuestra evolución. La historia nuestra es muy semejante, alejada de la ciudad y llena de historias y esfuerzo. También las increíbles similitudes de Italia y nuestro Chile. Un abrazo y toda la admiración por ese maravilloso proyecto !!!
Complimenti per il bellissimo lavoro che state facendo. Siete davvero bravi ma soprattutto grazie per i video che avete pubblicato. Buon 2024 e buona vita.
Muito obrigada por compartilhar os momentos dessa aventura vcs são incríveis descansem vcs merecem muito,estaremos aqui anciosos pra ver a continuação dos detalhes 😘😘😍👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Hello, bravo mille fois pour l'incroyable travail de restauration/reconstruction écologique que vous faites, votre chaîne m'émerveille. ☀ C'est bien aussi que vous entreteniez les terrasses : ça a a fière allure. Quelques idées cependant pour coexister avec la biodiversité et lui laisser de la place. -> Le BA ba = notamment consolider les murs de pierre si certains glissent, planter des arbres pour éviter les glissements de terrain et créer de l'ombrage, débroussailler en période sèche pour réduire le risque de feu. -> Mon cœur a saigné quand je vous ai vus passer le rotofils et la tondeuse PARTOUT. Sur certains endroits pourquoi pas si c'est beaucoup plus esthétique pour vous (à savoir, que la prairie garde beaucoup mieux l'eau et donc tient mieux l'été et préserve la fraîcheur des sols, un gazon c'est un espace caniculaire et mort au niveau de sa biodiversité, donc il faudra tellement plus l'arroser). Mais franchement sur de belles terrasses comme ça, je planterais des fleurs mellifères en mélange et je laisserais la prairie reprendre son cours pour abriter les insectes, mulots, papillons, araignées. 🐝 🪲 🦋 -> Bien dégager les murets du lierre (le déterrer : sinon en le coupant, vous le fortifiez), sinon il va tout "grignoter" et à terme il abîmera les terrasses. Si vous voulez de la grimpante, plantez donc du chèvrefeuille, du jasmin ou de la passiflore, ils n'abîmeront pas les murs. -> Planter des fruitiers qui résistent à votre climat (grenadiers, plaqueminiers, agrumes, oliviers) pour ombrager et que les racines consolident les terrasses. Les oiseaux, abeilles solitaires, papillons ont besoin d'eux pour nicher et se nourrir. -> Planter de petits fruits en-dessous (framboises, cassis, caseille, groseille, fraises, noisettes). -> Fonctionner selon le principe du jardin-forêt en laissant certaines lianes comestibles escalader certains fruitiers ou en construisant des treilles (ombrage et support à fruitiers-lianes) -> la passiflore, le kiwi, la mûre sans épines, la vigne. -> Certains ont déjà évoqué le compost sur plusieurs vidéos, c'est un must. Vous pouvez l'utiliser dans le jardin d'aromates et au pied de chaque arbre deux fois par an. Vos verre de terre vont bien kiffer. -> Eviter à tout prix de retourner la terre : les machines ont égalisé, creusé, déplacé les cailloux : maintenant repos soldat ! S'il faut aérer, c'est à la grelinette. Ça c'est crucial pour les verre de terre et toutes les bêtes du sol (perce-oreille, cloporte...) et les bactéries qui ne survivent pas à l'air libre et inversement. -> Si potager, le faire sur lasagnes (voire dans des bacs) avec beaucoup de matière organique et sous couvert de foin pour préserver la flotte et la vie du sol. Voilà, quelques réflexions.
Прекрасный дом. Чудесные старые камни, у которых есть история. Изумительное живописное место на котором стоит ваш дом предполагает счастливую, радостную жизнь в этом благородном доме старике. Вы прекрасно потрудились и из развалюхи сделали просто великолепный дом. Желаю вам счастья в нем. С новым годом...
What I really like about your videos is the gentle tone, the slowness and the eye for detail. It’s beautifully made. Thnx so much. And please keep it up for 2024. Mercy, Mille grazie.
i think you both have done a remarkable job. you have created value! keep up the good work and I look forward to 2024 and the progress on your home. Buon Anno
Доброго времени суток, это наверное мой первый комментарий, восхищаюсь вашей работой на стройке, потому что это действительно РАБОТА. Смотрю каждое видео на одном дыхании. Удачи вам, ребята.
It has been an amazing year following you two young people. You have learned a lot and made great progression with your mountain-side home. All along your black wolfe has supervised carefully. In the new year we look forward to seeing you move in and enjoy the home you have made with your own hands. We wish everything of the best. Gratzi !
You two have accomplished something really beautiful, I can't wait to see what next year will bring! It's also beautiful that you explain the whole process of building eco friendly, I love that! Sending you all the best wishes for 2024!!! Cheers Bert 🙏🏻❤
You have every right to be proud of what you have achieved during 2023 …. It’s been such a pleasure to see your weekly updates. Your work ethics show are there for all to see … and the results are absolutely amazing. Enjoy your holiday … and may 2024 be filled with progress and fulfilment of your dreams Durban SA🇿🇦
2023 has come and gone, the house has changed a lot from the start of the year and I can't wait for what you picked out for the kitchen. May the coming year bring you success, happiness and everything you've been working towards. Cheers to a fantastic New Year!
I’m so glad to see your successful transformation of the building. As an civil engineer, I also find it extremely interesting to see how you are using alternative and environmentally friendly construction material and apply those in the best way to keep the character of the building. I wish you the best for 2024 and I really look forward to continue following you and the restoration of your building and the property. All the best.
Zbliżający się Nowy Rok niesie wszystkim nadzieję na uspokojenie, życzliwość i spełnienie marzeń. W te piękne i jedyne w roku chwile chcę złożyć najlepsze życzenia pogodnych, zdrowych i radosnych dni oraz szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.
Delighted to share in your journey, if only as a witness, and very proud of all, you accomplished as well. Wishing you all the best in the new year! 🙏🍾💃🏻💕
And the best for 2024 for you both too! It's good to see your vision coming to fruition with the gorgeous tiered spaces and my, it was so satisfying to see those last tiles laid at the door! Bella!!
Feliz año nuevo !! Los felicito por toso lo que han logrado, nosotros seguiremos aqui esperando que regresen a deleitarnos con su magnifico trabajo. Un gran abrazo desde Colombia. Les deseo unas exelentes y bien merecidas vacaciones en compañia de su familia y amigos. Feliz 2024 !!!🧑🎄🎄🎉🥂🍾🎊🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
What you accomplished this year was phenomenal. ❤ You inspire so many of us to take on projects we never before considered possible! I look forward to seeing you move into your beautiful house in 2024!
Não lembro qual mês que sigo este canal, desde o início talvez!! Me encanta a dedicação e o zelo na reconstrução da casa. Um feliz 2024, voltem com saúde e disposição para continuar...Deus os abençoe!!
C'est de toute beauté. Vous avez fait un petit bijou, bravo à vous deux pour le travail immense réalisé et pour le partage. Je vous suis avec beaucoup de plaisir.
WOW!!! You should be so proud of this treasure you are creating. May 2024 be the year to finish and then enjoy the fruits of your labor. What an awesome property. 🥂
So beautiful inside and outside you are so blessed and both of you are amazing and you are amazing together. Did I say that already? Well, it’s true.❤️
Hola chicos muy buenos avances y orgullosos de lo que habéis conseguido 😮😮😂😂, feliz 2024 y seguiré viendo por supuesto lo que queda por hacer un saludo
The outside facelift was impressive and shows great promise. Things have come along nicely and all is taking shape albeit not whiteout some pain. I look forward to sharing the next stage with the two of you. Thank you for filming it for us. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year!
Hallo ihr zwei, ihr könnt zurecht stolz auf euch sein und wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei euch für die tollen Videos die wir immer wieder gerne anschauen. Wir wünschen euch und euren Familien und Freunden ein gesundes 2024. Viele liebe Grüße aus dem Nordscharzwald Ulla und Frieder 🤗🤗
bonsoir à vous deux et tous mes voeux pour la nouvelle année qui s'annonce, reposez vous bien car vous avez abattu un travail titanesque mais superbe, alors à bientôt pour la suite, amitiés Mamie Cathy😘😘😘
It is really wonderful to see your property tidied and ready for more work. I hope you both have a very relaxing holiday! One which you really deserve. I wish you a wonderful new year and hope you realize the beginning of a healthy, wonderful life in your new home and the strong establishment of your business. The work you've both put into your design and videos over the course of 2023 must definitely show your attention to detail, your amazing work ethic and your commitment to environmentally responsible design. Thank you so much for sharing your journey!
Buon Anno/Bonne Année! What magnificent work you are doing! The way you cleared the property and enjoyed its order and silence before taking off shows how deeply you care for it. I counted seven terraces on your land -- is that right?
un posto meraviglioso pieno di pace e serenità. Auguri ragazzi, il nuovo anno sia per tutti voi e le vostre famiglie un anno bellissimo e pieno di salute. Buon anno anche al vostro amore peloso.
In questo video vi ho messo il like appena ho visto entrare il tavolo! Meraviglioso😍😍😍😍 Avete fatto un enormne lavoro in un posto stupendo e tranquillo
Bonne Année les jeunes! Vous pouvez être très fiers de vous. J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à suivre vos aventures toute cette année et je compte sur vous pour nous fournir encore beaucoup de vidéos de qualité et apaisant comme vous savez les faire. Bravo!! Bravissimo!
Wow !! You guys are an amazing couple. The accomplishments in 2023 were huge your tenacity, strength, endurance, and patience. It is so remarkable that you two are a very good example for other couples and young people. Congrats and a Happy New Year. may the new year bring you many blessings and happiness. Take care thanks 😊
Your transformation is jaw dropping. Thank you for sharing the change from a ruin to a real gem. Happy New Year ,
Thank you so much 🤗
Che posto meraviglioso
Grazie mille, si lo è♥️♥️
It's amazing how a bit of cleaning up helps to really define the layout of the property, it looks wonderful. You have achieved sooo much since the start, and i wonder if you ever imagined you would make it so far so soon. I can't wait to see the finished work. Enjoy a nice holiday break, you'll come back feeling invigorated for the final parts of your journey .
Surely we had our hard days, and sometimes we doubt about our capacities, but this was our objective: no matter how much time and dedication!
Thank you for the constant support you gave to us 🧡 happy 2024!!
Happy New Year !!! 👍❤🐕🦺
Happy 2024! 🩵
77 Bölüme kadar hızlı oynatarak bir kaç haftada izledim. İnanılmaz bir işçilik ve inanılmaz bir özveri gördüm. Ellerinize sağlık. Mutlu bir şekilde yaptığınız evde yaşayın inşallah.. Türkiye den sevgiler
Thank you very much ♥️
Danke für 77 Folgen voller Fleiß an euerem Projekt Sweet Home teilzunehmen 😊 Schön zu sehen mit welch einem hohen Qualitätsanspruch ihr an die Arbeit geht. Sehr viel Arbeit ist es auch die ganzen Videos zu bearbeiten um uns Zusehern zu ermöglichen daran teilzunehmen. Es ist nicht mehr weit zum Ziel wenn ihr seht was schon hinter euch liegt. Großen Respekt an euch 🏆🥇🏆🥇🏆! Wir Zuseher freuen uns wie es weiter geht. Gesund bleiben und ein Friedvolles 2024♥️
Thank you so much for your nice comment 🤗
Siamo piu' di 80.000 perche' il vostro lavoro e' entusiasmante. A presto e buone vacanze
We feel a pride in knowing you.
Your home is beautiful. Bestof wishes for success health and happiness in 2024
You should be proud of your achievements! You've done a marvellous job! Please don't leave us - we would love to remain your family. ❤
Have a wonderful and successful 2024!! 🎉🎉🎉 🥂🍾🥂
For now we’re not living 🧡thank you 🧡and happy 2024
I hadn’t realized how large,and just how beautiful your property is ,or how glorious is the view. You have an exceptionally lovely house and surroundings. I am so happy for you. Your massive amount of hard work has been thoroughly worth it . I have obviously no knowledge of your future plans , but each time a see the form your terraces ,vegetation and views take I cannot help but think of what an incredible place is would be for children .I can just imagine the games they would devise in that setting. I expect you already have a multitude of memories upon which to build more in that exceptional place .May God bless you and yours as you move forward in your lives in the GardenOf Eden in which you live.
Thank you for your words and happy 2024!🩷
Thank you!
Happy 2024 and thank you!!! 💜
Buona sera e buon anno
Buon 2024!! 🥳
The terracotta tiles contrast beautifully with the other materials in your home. I love how the varying patterns help define the different rooms. Best wishes for a happy new year that includes the successful completion of your renovations!
Buone feste ragazzi 🎉
Living room floor looks really good! I like the pattern in the living room much more than square one in the rooms.
Ihr zwei Lieben könnt stolz auf eure Arbeit sein. Liebe Grüße und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 🥂🍀🍾🙋♂️❤️
Danke ♥️ thank you so much and happy 2024!!
Happy New Year! All the best for 2024!
Los encontré por casualidad y he seguido toda vuestra evolución. La historia nuestra es muy semejante, alejada de la ciudad y llena de historias y esfuerzo.
También las increíbles similitudes de Italia y nuestro Chile.
Un abrazo y toda la admiración por ese maravilloso proyecto !!!
Muchas gracias ☺️
Bravi ragazzi, gli architetti operai sono il massimo ❤
An amazing education of how to rebuild a structure into a living breathing house. Such a trust.thankyou.
Thanks to you for the support🙏🏼 happy 2024!!
Tanti Auguri anche a voi, vi ringrazio per gli auguri ricevuti in video, continuerò a seguirvi. Ciao
Want you to have a good break from all the work that has been done. It looks so good. Hope you both have a great start to the new year.
Thanks!!! 🙏🏼 happy 2024!!
The landscape is stunning. You have such a beautiful place. Its so gratifying to watch you clean up the property. 😍
Happy New Year to you and your family 🎉auguri !
Удачи, счастья, здоровья в Новом году! Пусть исполнятся все ваши планы и мечты...Мира всем нам...
Beautiful!!! 😍🥰😍
All the best for 2024 guys!!! 🌟🎊🌟
Thank you and happy 2024!! 🥳
Complimenti per il bellissimo lavoro che state facendo. Siete davvero bravi ma soprattutto grazie per i video che avete pubblicato. Buon 2024 e buona vita.
Grazie mille a voi per il supporto che ci date durante questa bella avventura!! ⭐️
I've watched from the start the views the house let me just say one of the best channels to watch❤
Thank you very much for your words♥️ we appreciate the love and support!! Happy 2024
all the best for you and your house project for 2024! Looking forward to see more! xx
Hempcrete??, you just made my day, month, year and decade: thank you sooooooo much 🎉
Muito obrigada por compartilhar os momentos dessa aventura vcs são incríveis descansem vcs merecem muito,estaremos aqui anciosos pra ver a continuação dos detalhes 😘😘😍👏👏👏🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
Hello, bravo mille fois pour l'incroyable travail de restauration/reconstruction écologique que vous faites, votre chaîne m'émerveille. ☀
C'est bien aussi que vous entreteniez les terrasses : ça a a fière allure. Quelques idées cependant pour coexister avec la biodiversité et lui laisser de la place.
-> Le BA ba = notamment consolider les murs de pierre si certains glissent, planter des arbres pour éviter les glissements de terrain et créer de l'ombrage, débroussailler en période sèche pour réduire le risque de feu.
-> Mon cœur a saigné quand je vous ai vus passer le rotofils et la tondeuse PARTOUT. Sur certains endroits pourquoi pas si c'est beaucoup plus esthétique pour vous (à savoir, que la prairie garde beaucoup mieux l'eau et donc tient mieux l'été et préserve la fraîcheur des sols, un gazon c'est un espace caniculaire et mort au niveau de sa biodiversité, donc il faudra tellement plus l'arroser).
Mais franchement sur de belles terrasses comme ça, je planterais des fleurs mellifères en mélange et je laisserais la prairie reprendre son cours pour abriter les insectes, mulots, papillons, araignées. 🐝 🪲 🦋
-> Bien dégager les murets du lierre (le déterrer : sinon en le coupant, vous le fortifiez), sinon il va tout "grignoter" et à terme il abîmera les terrasses. Si vous voulez de la grimpante, plantez donc du chèvrefeuille, du jasmin ou de la passiflore, ils n'abîmeront pas les murs.
-> Planter des fruitiers qui résistent à votre climat (grenadiers, plaqueminiers, agrumes, oliviers) pour ombrager et que les racines consolident les terrasses. Les oiseaux, abeilles solitaires, papillons ont besoin d'eux pour nicher et se nourrir.
-> Planter de petits fruits en-dessous (framboises, cassis, caseille, groseille, fraises, noisettes).
-> Fonctionner selon le principe du jardin-forêt en laissant certaines lianes comestibles escalader certains fruitiers ou en construisant des treilles (ombrage et support à fruitiers-lianes) -> la passiflore, le kiwi, la mûre sans épines, la vigne.
-> Certains ont déjà évoqué le compost sur plusieurs vidéos, c'est un must. Vous pouvez l'utiliser dans le jardin d'aromates et au pied de chaque arbre deux fois par an. Vos verre de terre vont bien kiffer.
-> Eviter à tout prix de retourner la terre : les machines ont égalisé, creusé, déplacé les cailloux : maintenant repos soldat ! S'il faut aérer, c'est à la grelinette. Ça c'est crucial pour les verre de terre et toutes les bêtes du sol (perce-oreille, cloporte...) et les bactéries qui ne survivent pas à l'air libre et inversement.
-> Si potager, le faire sur lasagnes (voire dans des bacs) avec beaucoup de matière organique et sous couvert de foin pour préserver la flotte et la vie du sol.
Voilà, quelques réflexions.
Прекрасный дом. Чудесные старые камни, у которых есть история. Изумительное живописное место на котором стоит ваш дом предполагает счастливую, радостную жизнь в этом благородном доме старике. Вы прекрасно потрудились и из развалюхи сделали просто великолепный дом. Желаю вам счастья в нем. С новым годом...
What I really like about your videos is the gentle tone, the slowness and the eye for detail. It’s beautifully made. Thnx so much. And please keep it up for 2024. Mercy, Mille grazie.
Thank you very much, we appreciate you noticing it 💕 happy new year!
And a wonderful 2024 to you from Floyd, VA...USA. You brighten my Sundays!
Ohh, thank you ♥️ happy 2024!!
It's so beautiful, thank you for sharing this process with all of us. Peace to you, always!
Thank you very much ♥️ and happy 2024!
i think you both have done a remarkable job. you have created value! keep up the good work and I look forward to 2024 and the progress on your home. Buon Anno
Thank you very much! ☺
Buon 2024 ragazzi, siete stati bravissimi. La pazienza e la buona volontà premiano sempre.🥂🍾
Grazie mille e buon 2024 a voi!!! 💕
You can grout the terracotta if you put in an expansion joint around the outside against the walls like with laminated floors
Доброго времени суток, это наверное мой первый комментарий, восхищаюсь вашей работой на стройке, потому что это действительно РАБОТА. Смотрю каждое видео на одном дыхании. Удачи вам, ребята.
Have a wonderful, well- deserved vacation and I look forward to following your progress next year.
Thank you!! Happy 2024💕
It has been an amazing year following you two young people. You have learned a lot and made great progression with your mountain-side home. All along your black wolfe has supervised carefully. In the new year we look forward to seeing you move in and enjoy the home you have made with your own hands. We wish everything of the best. Gratzi !
Thanks for the kind words and happy 2024♥️♥️
You two have accomplished something really beautiful, I can't wait to see what next year will bring! It's also beautiful that you explain the whole process of building eco friendly, I love that! Sending you all the best wishes for 2024!!! Cheers Bert 🙏🏻❤
We love that you appreciate our work and we thank you for the support ♥️ happy new year!!
You have every right to be proud of what you have achieved during 2023 …. It’s been such a pleasure to see your weekly updates. Your work ethics show are there for all to see … and the results are absolutely amazing. Enjoy your holiday … and may 2024 be filled with progress and fulfilment of your dreams Durban SA🇿🇦
Thank you! 😊
Bonnes fêtes à tous les deux . On attend la suite de votre projet en 2024. Profitez !
Merci beaucoup et bonne année!!
2023 has come and gone, the house has changed a lot from the start of the year and I can't
wait for what you picked out for the kitchen. May the coming year bring you success, happiness and everything you've been working towards. Cheers to a fantastic New Year!
Happy new year to you and thank you very much 💓
I’m so glad to see your successful transformation of the building. As an civil engineer, I also find it extremely interesting to see how you are using alternative and environmentally friendly construction material and apply those in the best way to keep the character of the building. I wish you the best for 2024 and I really look forward to continue following you and the restoration of your building and the property. All the best.
Best wishes to you both for 2024.
Thank you very much and happy 2024 to you!! 💥
Buon anno anche a voi. Vi aspetto con altri video bellissimi 🤗🤗🤗❤️
You are awesome all (with the dog).
Zbliżający się Nowy Rok niesie wszystkim nadzieję
na uspokojenie, życzliwość i spełnienie marzeń.
W te piękne i jedyne w roku chwile
chcę złożyć najlepsze życzenia
pogodnych, zdrowych i radosnych dni
oraz szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.
Delighted to share in your journey, if only as a witness, and very proud of all, you accomplished as well. Wishing you all the best in the new year! 🙏🍾💃🏻💕
You’re so kind! Thank you for the constant support and happy 2024♥️
Belle vidéo de partage Salutations de la prospection d'or traditionnelle indonésienne 🇮🇩🌼🌺🙏👍👍
And the best for 2024 for you both too! It's good to see your vision coming to fruition with the gorgeous tiered spaces and my, it was so satisfying to see those last tiles laid at the door! Bella!!
Thank you so much!!! Happy 2024 ⭐️
Bravo! Amazing and see you in January 2024❤
Grazie mille per tutti i tuoi videos!
Grazie a voi per il grande supporto ⭐️
Gracias a vosotros por ésos videos tan interesantes. Feliz año y nunca perdáis la ilusión un abrazo
You are creating a little paradise... fantastic and authentic. Best wishes for 2024.
Feliz Año 2024!!!! Es un placer ver vuestro trabajo y el equipo que habéis formado. ❤
Muchas gracias ❤️ y feliz año nuevo!!
Thank you for sharing your continued journey.
Feliz y próspero Año 2024. Muchas bendiciones y un abrazo caluroso desde Puerto Rico.🇵🇷
Muchas gracias y feliz año!!! 💙
Feliz año nuevo !! Los felicito por toso lo que han logrado, nosotros seguiremos aqui esperando que regresen a deleitarnos con su magnifico trabajo. Un gran abrazo desde Colombia. Les deseo unas exelentes y bien merecidas vacaciones en compañia de su familia y amigos. Feliz 2024 !!!🧑🎄🎄🎉🥂🍾🎊🥰🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Muchas gracias por su palabras tan bonita ♥️ feliz año!!!
The stone work and terraces are phenomenal. I would guess they took several generations to build.
I’m thinking Paradise looks a lot like your home and the surrounding land!
Thank you ♥️♥️
Le site, le panorama superbes....
Magnifique de redonner vie aux vieilles pierres
с Наступающим 2024 годом . всех благ !!!
Thank you very much and happy new year to you! ✨
What you accomplished this year was phenomenal. ❤ You inspire so many of us to take on projects we never before considered possible! I look forward to seeing you move into your beautiful house in 2024!
The year 2023 was full of major accomplishments! ❤ You did well!😊
Sending positivity for an even better year! 🎉
Thank you so much and happy new year!! 💕
Não lembro qual mês que sigo este canal, desde o início talvez!! Me encanta a dedicação e o zelo na reconstrução da casa. Um feliz 2024, voltem com saúde e disposição para continuar...Deus os abençoe!!
Muito obrigad*s!
C'est de toute beauté. Vous avez fait un petit bijou, bravo à vous deux pour le travail immense réalisé et pour le partage. Je vous suis avec beaucoup de plaisir.
Merci beaucoup! 🤗
من از ایران شمارو تماشا میکنم وخیلی لذت بردم از کارتون❤❤❤❤
Thank you!! 💫
! ! ! CONGRATS ! ! !
! ! ! WELL DONE ! ! !
Thank you!!!
Merci à vous. Votre minutie et votre ténacité sont impressionnantes. Bonne année!
Bonne année et merci beaucoup ♥️
I would love to see you do a walking tour of the village below you.
WOW!!! You should be so proud of this treasure you are creating. May 2024 be the year to finish and then enjoy the fruits of your labor. What an awesome property. 🥂
Thank you very much!! Happy 2024 ♥️
So pretty, beautiful & amazing work. A place to be at home with your family❤
Thank you ♥️
So beautiful inside and outside you are so blessed and both of you are amazing and you are amazing together. Did I say that already? Well, it’s true.❤️
Maybe you did, but we are never tired of reading it 🤗
Bonne année à vous! Et encore bravo pour votre travail formidable, qui me donne regret de ne pas l'avoir fait dans ma jeunesse.
Nice and tidy place, have a good 2024 guys !!!👍👍💪
Hola chicos muy buenos avances y orgullosos de lo que habéis conseguido 😮😮😂😂, feliz 2024 y seguiré viendo por supuesto lo que queda por hacer un saludo
С Новым 2024 годом Вас из России. Успехов в проекте!
Thank you and happy new year!!
The outside facelift was impressive and shows great promise. Things have come along nicely and all is taking shape albeit not whiteout some pain. I look forward to sharing the next stage with the two of you. Thank you for filming it for us. Best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year!
Thank you for watching it! Happy 2024 🩵
Bonne année 2024! J’ai déjà hâte au prochain épisode, à bientôt!
Thank you for sharing your journey! I love the house and how it is coming along! It is beautiful!
Thanks to you for supporting us 💛happy 2024!
Hallo ihr zwei, ihr könnt zurecht stolz auf euch sein und wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei euch für die tollen Videos die wir immer wieder gerne anschauen. Wir wünschen euch und euren Familien und Freunden ein gesundes 2024. Viele liebe Grüße aus dem Nordscharzwald Ulla und Frieder 🤗🤗
Hello Ulla and Frieder, thank you very much for your kind wishes and happy new year to you 💙
bonsoir à vous deux et tous mes voeux pour la nouvelle année qui s'annonce, reposez vous bien car vous avez abattu un travail titanesque mais superbe, alors à bientôt pour la suite, amitiés Mamie Cathy😘😘😘
Merci beaucoup 😊
It is really wonderful to see your property tidied and ready for more work. I hope you both have a very relaxing holiday! One which you really deserve. I wish you a wonderful new year and hope you realize the beginning of a healthy, wonderful life in your new home and the strong establishment of your business. The work you've both put into your design and videos over the course of 2023 must definitely show your attention to detail, your amazing work ethic and your commitment to environmentally responsible design. Thank you so much for sharing your journey!
Thank you 😊
Such a beautiful little home. ❤
Thanks a lot💓
Buon Anno/Bonne Année! What magnificent work you are doing! The way you cleared the property and enjoyed its order and silence before taking off shows how deeply you care for it. I counted seven terraces on your land -- is that right?
Right, our land counts 7 terraces!
Thank you and happy new year ♥️
un posto meraviglioso pieno di pace e serenità. Auguri ragazzi, il nuovo anno sia per tutti voi e le vostre famiglie un anno bellissimo e pieno di salute. Buon anno anche al vostro amore peloso.
Grazie mille per le parole piene di amore e gentilezza!! Buon 2024 ♥️
Bravo! Coming home after vacation to your cleaned up worksite will feel amazing❤ have a great vacation!
Yesss 💛 thank youuu and happy 2024!
La vostra casa sta diventando un gioiellino! Buone Feste e Felice Anno Nuovo! 👌👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍💪💪💪💪
Grazie mille e buon anno nuovo a voi!! 💛
In questo video vi ho messo il like appena ho visto entrare il tavolo! Meraviglioso😍😍😍😍
Avete fatto un enormne lavoro in un posto stupendo e tranquillo
🤣 sii anche noi siamo contenti di come sta bene dentro casa!! grazie mille e buon 2024!!! 💫
Bonne Année les jeunes! Vous pouvez être très fiers de vous. J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à suivre vos aventures toute cette année et je compte sur vous pour nous fournir encore beaucoup de vidéos de qualité et apaisant comme vous savez les faire. Bravo!! Bravissimo!
Merci beaucoup pour le support et bonne année💜
Os deseo un 2024 con salud y energía para poder sobrellevar cualquier inconveniente hasta conseguir vuestros sueños 🍀🍀🥂Saludos desde Madrid
Muchas gracias ♥️ y feliz año!!!
Bonne année 2024 à vous 3 (il ne faut pas oublier Caiù). Buon anno 2024
Je vous souhaite une Bonne Année 2024! Vous pouvez être satisfaits de tous les travaux réalisés l'année passée! Bon repos et à bientôt!
Merci!! Et bonne année🥳
Wow !! You guys are an amazing couple. The accomplishments in 2023 were huge your tenacity, strength, endurance, and patience. It is so remarkable that you two are a very good example for other couples and young people. Congrats and a Happy New Year. may the new year bring you many blessings and happiness. Take care thanks 😊
Thank you very much for your kind words ♥️ happy 2024!
Looking forward with eager anticipation!
Thank you ♥️