We just came back from Spain a couple of weeks ago. We loved the trip and went to Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Cordoba, Granada, Peniscola, Valencia, and Barcelona. Great people, food, and many sights along the way. I'm not surprised by any of the stereotypes in this video about Americans. We see it here too, but like every country we are not all the same.
Spaniard here, I have never been to the US but despite all the stereotypes and bad things I would still love to go. I have met and talked with a lot of Americans in my life and all of them were pretty friendly, I've always felt Spanish people are more like them than to British.
People cannot be that ignorant to believe what they see in movies and television as a true reflection of what the U.S. is. Worldwide, everyone understands parody. The U.S. is just waking up to the fact that our foods for the most part, are banned in Europe and for good reason, there is nothing healthy in our foods. They are for the most part either full of carcinogens or are high carb. Since Europe has adopted our foods and pharmaceuticals, we Americans will now not be the only worldwide lab rats in obesity and long-term health issues. We are backing away from processed foods and drive-thru foods, while Europe is embracing it. Good luck. Why was Trump elected? We were tired of lifetime-politicians gaming the system. Our politicians are as corrupt as any third world nation. Our media is as corrupt as any third world nation. Europeans calling Americans lazy - that's rich, since we generally have a later retirement age, less maternity leave and on average we only have12 days of vacation - that includes sick days. 60% of Americans do not have passports, because we don't have the luxury of travel time and or money to make use of a passport and we can travel the length and breadth of Europe in our own country without a passport. Because of our corrupt politicians this country has stuck its nose where it shouldn't have, and we've helped rebuild and defend (asking nothing in return) Europeans that are so ungrateful to the point they hate Americans? As far as learning a new language, how many languages would you like us to learn? From the beginning of migration (we are a nation of migrants), on the concept "we should learn to speak the language", we would have learned Irish, German, French, Portuguese, Cantonese, Spanish, Arabic, Sudanese, you name it, we would need to learn it. Historically, all of our ancestors had to learn the national language. But I digress, that was when migrants came to a new nation and assimilated, grateful to have shelter from starvation and persecution, silly me!
Siendo estadounidense concuerdo con muchos de los primeros consejos que les vinieron a la mente. Me dio much risa de que pensamos casi igual al pensar sobre mi país. Además, me parece interesante escuchar a las perspectivas de los demás sobre un país desconocido. Tremendo video y muchas gracias.
@@dmvmeu7140 Porque no está bien apropiarte del nombre de todo un continente siendo tú ciudadano de tan sólo un país de ese continente. Es como si el gentilicio de español fuese "Europeo".
@@Yo-wi7cp Los lideres independentistas mexicanos intitularon de manera oficial al pais como Estados Unidos Mexicanos como imitación de los USA después de la ejecución de Iturbide.
Lo que pasa es que no se puede generalizar tanto con EEUU. Es un pais inmenso con diferentes regiones. Hay lugares rurales y ciudades con mucha gente distinta.
Thank you so much for having this video in Spanish - I have students who speak Spanish and English and this is great for my Spanish speakers to inengaed in the conversation
I have been to Spain once, years ago, on a business trip. I was only in Madrid, but I was impressed with the older, 18th Century architecture that you can find there, and there were some good seafood restaurants. I would like to go back and see Toledo and Galicia. I can still remember the jamon serrano, and I often look for a bottle of Rioja in the local wine store (and they always have a few). So, we are not completely ignorant of Spanish culture, although there is always more to learn.
Galicia is really impressive. I am Galician and still discover new hidden gems, like small beaches nobody goes to near jaw-dropping clifts... or the magic of a forest in Lugo... Vigo is really big now, as well as A Coruña. Dont miss it! :)
Me gusta que hayan españoles que sepan sobre su historia. Si los estadounidenses supieran sobre la suya, el español sería idioma obligatorio en la escuela e instituto y se impartiría las mismas horas que el inglés
When I studied abroad in Germany, I met a lot of people from different countries but my favorite fellow student was a young Spanish man. My husband and I spent some time with him in the Freiburg after my classes. I found the Spanish and also Italians to be very warm, down to earth and friendly, like so many of my friends are in the US. As for American food, some of Americans don't like the typical American food either (though I admit, I do like a nice hamburger-usually homemade). There are so many different types of food here. We often eat pho, Thai, sushi, etc., but mostly I make healthy homemade meals at home (often with meat and veggies). Mmm. Never pork and I have never had a squid sandwich-was she saying that is American? That was kind of hard to understand, I have only heard of calamari (never had that either). Some Americans don't travel a lot or know about the world, others do. It depends on the person. I have been to ten countries other than the US and I studied international relations as I am very interested in the world, people, and culture. I find these videos interesting about people's perceptions of others from other countries. Thanks for interviewing people in Spain. It was interesting.
I am glad you are sharing this with us and it makes me happy to see and hear that there are many good people out there who means and says good things but at the same time tell us what they think and that can be a good thing for changing. I am glad to hear that Spaniards (as I often like to call them rather than Spanish since this word depending on the context is inclusive of Spanish speakers and not on Spaniards itself) and Italians are warm and down to earth as I like to one day maybe marry the girl of my dreams from there. I am American born but with parents from Mexico and Vietnam, East meets West, and for me, I love eating different types of food, from Mexican food to the tacos, burritos, enchiladas to the American of steaks, chicken barbeque, Maine Lobster roll, chesseburgers from In N Out and Wendys to the ethnic food of Pad Thai (Thai) to the pho and banh mi (Vietnam) to the eggplant parmesan, Neapolitan pizza and spagetti a la bolognesa (Italy). For me, I am a cultural antropologist and love to travel the world and hope one day I can get to visit Spain, Italy, Canada, Germany, Japan, among other countries and expereince the people and society. One another thing I can tell you while I am an American meaning I was born here, I am not a stereotypical American. I am a person who love soccer or football, support Real Madrid, passionate, positive, hard-working, love to experience new things, love listening to Euro pop, electronic and pop music, among others. Here is to those out there looking to change and transform their lives by learning and listening!
Yo he estado mas de un año saliendo con una estadounidense y son gente tb genial,.. y saben mucho más de nosotros de los que nosotros pensamos,.. a mi mi ex me organizaba el tour de que visitar por españa y por europa de cosas de las que yo no había oído hablar en mi vida,..
El estereotipo del americano que no tiene ni puta idea de nada es un mito,.. si que es verdad que son un pueblo muy centrado en ellos mismos pero pueden mantener una conversación a cerca de cualquier cosa con ellos,..
Jajaja me ha hecho mucha gracia este video. Nací en Nigeria, pero mis padres me criaron en los Estados Unidos y incluso para mí (siendo estadounidense), las primeras cosas que me vienen a la mente al pensar en el país serían las armas, la comida basura y la obesidad sin duda alguna. El país tiene más que ofrecer, claro, pero creo que la gente en el video lo ha acertado con respecto a ese tema. Pero hay muchos estadounidenses que son de mente abierta, que han viajado mucho y son más cultos. Creo que depende de la persona.
¡Por supuesto que sí! Estados Unidos es un país maravilloso virtudes (muchas y muy buenas) y defectos (como todos los tenemos). ¡Un abrazo muy fuerte a toda la gente que ve los vídeos desde el otro lado del charco!
I lived in Spain for 6 months best 6 months of my life. I actually thought Spanish were harder to get to know as I lived in Zaragoza. If they were chill, they were party animals and very surface level. My friend is from Madrid and he is great but very short tempered. Europeans are harder to befriend but if you have one, they are your friend for life.
It's only good for minor illnesses. Other than that it is horrible. Plus I do not want the government deciding what I need. It's up to me and my doctor. Politicians should stay far way from healthcare.
Sort of have to disagree with the food and culture stereotypes. I live in San Diego, food here is big! A lot of people are surprised about the food culture when they come to the U.S. much of our food options consist of foods from around the world because of our heavy immigrant population, as well as new fusion type of restaurants and gastropubs. And when I want to eat something American, we dont always get fast food, I think we'd get sick if we did that every day 😂 I usually like American barbecue better 👍 as for the history and culture, well our history is your history!! Especially here on the west coast! Come on Spain! Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo??? Our architecture is extremely influenced by the Missions and presidios of California!
I'm American and I loved this 😁 Many true points. Lots of obesity here 😂 I think mainly because we don't walk anywhere. We drive to literally everything because nothing is in walking distance and we also have terrible public transportation. I was in Spain recently and could not believe the number of Burger Kings, Five Guys, McDonald's, and Ben & Jerry's! Terrible. I saw a big McDonald's sign right in front of the most beautiful cafe. Who would want to go to McDonalds in Spain?! Or eat Ben & Jerry's when you can have gelato or horchata & fartons! Travesty! Oh, and sadly, you are probably right about some Americans assuming you are Mexican. A lot of Americans do not make an effort to learn about other cultures. We need to do better. But I do love Spain. It's amazing ⭐❤
@@Intrusive_Thought176 History means "writing", the former is "prehistory". Native Americans don't have written records going back 12,000 years, not by a long shot. They don't even have it in Mesopotamia, where the first civilisations and writing were born.
Nunca he visitado los estados unidos pero así como dijeron en el video, se ve que los sueldos son buenos allá. Y por otro lado, los Españoles siempre muy amigables y positivos 👍🏿 Talvez un día conozcamos a España
@@markroyo4013No they don't sound like us Nicaraguans lol, totally different accents, but we do use some words like chavalas or chavalos, which would relatively sound the same since they've conquered half of the continent long time ago, so it makes sense that we can have some of their vocabulary and wording.
This was my favorite one yet. “Obesity” ouch but true. And most people here couldn’t find Spain on a map, and most don’t know the difference between Mexico and Spain.
Maybe for you, hillbilly from the midwest. Spain's cuisine is good but ours is better in terms of diversity and innovation. Go to Miami, NYC, LA, Seattle and check out food there. Food in some parts of America, like the one you are from can be shockingly bad though
La diferencia es el consumismo Americano. Los americanos se concentran mucho en ganar dinero y gastar. En cuestión de comida, Estados Unidos tiene de todo tipo de comida. Es muy diverso especialmente en California. Aquí comemos de todo. La gente no anda muy formalmente vestida, andan muy cómodos en ropa deportiva la mayoría del tiempo. Creo que se pasan todo el día trabajando y cuando están en su tiempo libre quieren andar cómodos. Es una cultura de especialistas. No hay mucha cultura general, pero si dominan a la perfección sus profesiones. Son muy chismosos y metiches, están muy atentos de lo que los demás hacen, esa parte me caga.
nosotros los latinos tambien somos americanos, and we speak american spanish! like american english! between european english from england y european spanish from España...
As a Spanish I am sad that any American person see this video will feel that we are racist or American are not welcome. Not at all, you will be welcome and on the video there are just some clichés going on :D
Super bien hablaron de los estadounidenses, a mi que ni me pregunten por que es la cultura que mas detesto🙃 empezando porque se creen los dueños del mundo😠
Tienes razon, es complicada la posicion de Estados Unidos en el mundo por el poder economico y militar que tiene. Por otro lado tiene la capacidad de apollar a otros como lo esta haciendo ahora con ucrania, cosa que otros paises no pueden hacer.
Nací y vivo aquí en Gringolandia EEUU....siempre he tenido problems con los gringos. Se creen muchos, son violentos y no tienen nada de cultura ni de catagoría. Por eso, quiero salir de este infierno de violencia y racismo. Ojala que tenga la oportunidad vivir en la Madre Patria...quizas...
Yo soy de EEUU y te juro que no es así por lo menos la mayoría de las veces no es así. Lo que si es que somos muy ignorantes en cuanto a la cultura y diferencias qué hay en otros países ya que el nuestro es tan grande y desconectado, no viajamos a otros países mucho. También para nosotros es un proceso conseguir un pasaporte y tarda bastante y sale $200 por lo tanto, muchas personas no lo tienen. Dado a eso nos sentimos muy aparte. Lo qué pasa en nuestro país nos preocupa más que lo qué pasa en los demás países. Nos enseñan a ser patriotas y a estar muy orgullosos de nuestro país. La cultura no es que somos los mejores pero orgullosos si. Cabe mencionar que la cultura cambia un montón también dependiendo de la región por ejemplo de donde soy yo, la gente es MUY amigable te hacen sentir en casa y a gusto en cualquier situación. Pero si vas a Nueva York por ejemplo la vida es mucho más intensa y la gente no te da bola. Mi país tiene mala fama pero no es todo cierto.
What is more important about Americans is we fed our people during covid. I worked on the front line in a DV shelter and worked for my co-workers when they were sick. We do have a culture but if you want to come here and just party instead of exploring my country thats to bad. Swim with the Dolphins, hike 14 miles into the wilderness and visit a hidden waterfall. Horseback ride in the mountains. Have dinner in the first federal bank in America. Visit beautiful romantic beaches and countryside. Take a 4-wheel drive down a country road and cool off in our beautiful rivers. Taste our moonshine and sit on a balcony overlooking the vineyards enjoying a charcutier plate and local wine. Visit American and open your senses. Need I say more.?
@Calabacita85 lol yeah, America is the "richest" country (maybe #2 now?) but the average American can't afford a house and is living paycheck to paycheck. Our government does nothing to help us, they only care about the rich and funding neverending wars.
one question is she an american? because she speaks so good the spanish and the firt thing when i hear her is that the most probabely is that she is from spain, colombia, chile or mexico
By far the best people on average they have respect and are generally docile my best experiences among people were with Hispanic people till being Americanized but on average I love Hispanic people...
@@serbianwarrior385Once again, generalizing. Your gripe is most likely with conservatives, but most Americans lean left nowadays and don’t carry such narrow minded views.
@@cheriebomb158 Im not american ,ma cherie.Ofc not all americans are same,there are a lot of good people who are against wars but u have to admit there are a lot a people who,for some reasson,want wars and want to invade other countries!Better far right then far wrong!Most americans that lean left cant answer what women is😂Lefties are teaching kids in ur schools that there are 400 genders and that boys can have babies too!So i would choose right over left any day because at least people at right dont teach their kids that things and arent mentally s**k like lefties.All the best to u tho.
@@objetivista686 America does not lean left. We are a center right country, and are Americans all different, no…but there are lots and lots and lots of differences. People in many other countries find our liberal left to be insane.
He vivido 7 años en Estados Unidos ( no en America) como dicen ellos ja ja y que se la creen. Ahora me mudé a España ( (Màlaga) con mi familia y sin regresar a mi amado país El Salvador, cuando entre a España me sentí en casa. Que amigables son los Españoles, me alegra haber tomado la decisión de mudarme aquí, ya que por razones personales no volvimos a nuestro país. Pero aquí me siento en casa, el clima, la gente, la arquitectura, el arte, el mar, eventos culturales, dormir siesta, dormir noche y fiesta por todos lados. No volvería jamás a la U SA
No, claro que no. Las entrevistas callejeras no representan a la mayoría, ni deberían considerarse como respuestas serias, ya que en esos momentos de improvisación lo fácil es decir lo típico. Pero admito que al pensar en comida americana me viene a la cabeza la comida rápida, porque aunque no creo que solo sea McDonalds o comida rápida, me parece que sí se consume con bastante asiduidad. (Mi opinión como alguien ignorante que nunca ha vivido allá).
No sabría decir porque no ha usado ningún regionalismo. Me parece que tiene acento de Extremadura o de Castilla-La Mancha. También podría ser de la zona de Murcia, pero debería escuchar más a la moza. Si me preguntas y tengo que decidir yo diría que es extremeña o castellanomanchega. Sin duda habría que escucharla más hablar.
Bearing in mind that Madrid is not representative of all of the countries / regions / autonomous communities in nominal Spain, I would much rather hear the views of people who live near to or surrounded by U.S. military and naval bases, such as the one occupying the town of Rota in Andalucía.
Pretty sure everyone who is on vacation in a foreign country is partying, isnt that part of the trip? Seen plenty of people from Spain partying in Las Vegas who cant speak English. We dont care, welcome and enjoy yourself.
I like how they can express their opinion, in a forwad yet polite way, in the current PC culture in the US it doesnt happen. They seem at ease. In the USA, the culture imo has more tension and people are less tolerant culturally and less open minded.
As a Spaniard, I can say that's because they haven't been asked anything about transgender rights, illegal immigration, Islam, left-wing feminism, etc. If that were the case, they would also be trying hard not to offend anyone or probably wouldn't dare to share their opinions for fear of going viral. If the interview were about their opinions regarding Chinese tourists instead of Americans, the attitude of most people would be a bit more tense, and they would also be walking on eggshells.
As a Spanish person I can see you are one of those 'anti progress' people. The type that refers ad 'PC' to just having the minimum respect and education.
@@AC-he8lndon't worry. We don't really like left wing feminism or trans people who bragg about them being trans and forcing it on everyone else. Yes that's how weird the LGBTQ community is
Do you notice how most of the stereotypes about US people that these lovely Spaniards expressed, though, tend to apply more to the "anti-PC" red states of the USA? As for "the culture has more tension", no, that's politics, because the USA is in a cold civil war. But we should respectfully listen to Spaniards because they have experience with a modern hot one.
Lol hillarious. That guy said they probably get us confused with Mexicans. And he is probably right, some Americans just lump ppl together. Any latin person is "Mexican" and then also call Mexicans Spanish sometimes lmbo. Ive heard it all. Scary!
Perdona, gran parte del territorio estadounidense también fue imperio español. Repasa historia, pero la verdadera, no la sesgada que os enseñan en vuestro país, donde han borrado todo rastro español en vuestra cultura.
The reason we have gun rights (Yes, it is a right written in the Constitution, or the laws the government has to follow) is because we deal with a lot more lawlessness and crime than the people in Spain do. It's a purely European elitist perspective. If you see the social divides and conflict here you wouldn't live without one. You can look up self defense shootings in America and get several examples. Anglos and Germans are overall more violent and aggressive as shown by our history of colonization and war. It's not that we fight each other, we don't, it's just that we don't have faith on our government, special interests and corporations. Owning them keeps them honest, helps us protect our property, our families lives, and our freedoms. People seem to like the idea too because we get so many immigrants.
El gentilicio "estadounidense" NO EXISTE en inglés por eso hay que decir Amricanos en referencia a (Norte) América. (No se incluye Canadá y mucho menos México) .
Anda que no... otra cosa es que en ingles no tengan un gentilicio propio porque se han apropiado del término "americano". Los mexicanos son Norteaméricanos también, así como los canadienses. Y los latinoamericanos también son americanos, pero eso a los yankees no les interesa.
Jajajaja... Soy americano de origen mexicano, y creo todas las mismas cosas que creen los españoles en este video. La cosa que tienen en error es del dinero. Hay mucha pobreza aqui en Gringolandia. Y ahora la mayoría de la gente tiene que alquiler las casas. Ahora tenemos una economía donde hay ricos, y pobres. La clase media casi no existe . Por eso, tenemos muchos desamperados y locos por dondequiera. Tengo mucha ilusión de dejar este pais para vivir en la Madre Patria. Me he sentido español de corazón desde mi niñez...ojala...un dia de estos...😊
Estadounidense, acuérdate que América es un continente no un país y de todos modos Norte y Sudamerica (The Americas) son países AMERICANOS, así que te guste o no los Latinoamericanos somos Americanos
@@hcalo Dije solo por costumbre. El nombre de no Estados Unidos es Los Estados Unidos DE AMERICA. No tiene sentido llamar alguien estadounidense, por eso se dice americano aquí en este país. Si te guste o no....
Al final las raices hacen mucho, tengo amigos mexicanos aquí en España que vienen de emigrar a EEUU y dicen que ojala hubieran venido antes, y se pensaban que España era muy diferente a Mexico, y cuando llegas aqui realmente te das cuenta lo que hace el idoma, la cultura y la comida, basicamente somo lo mismo pero con variedad. Aqui cualquier Hispano que se quiera ganar la vida honradamente en España siempre será tratado con respeto y amabilidad, como se merece.
Yo que ambos tienen razón, en usa se mueve mucho dinero pero por otro lado hay mucha pobreza, muchas desigualdades que por ejemplo en Europa no está tan marcada como en USA.
No te confundas, los hispanoamericanos no hablas castellano, hablan un derivado del castellano, así que es absurdo que nos compares con ellos cuando ni hablamos lo mismo
¿O sea según ti solo hablan español los de Castilla y León? Tu comentario no tiene mucho sentido, lo siento. Hay variaciones, pero el idioma sigue siendo el mismo. Dato: el español de Gran Canaria se parece más al de Cuba que al de España peninsular
I'll summarize American society/culture for you: Profits over people. Every person for themselves: "I'm doing well because I've earned it. If you struggle it's ALL YOUR fault. You must be lazy and/or stupid. And that is not my problem nor the government's responsibility." If you point out the systemic inequalities and discrimination...work to improve things for everyone...advocate for those who are treated unfairly... you're labeled a "communist/Marxist/etc." Thus the recent election results. Of course this ideology based on the myths of American Individualism and Meritocracy is not held by all Americans. In fact I had fooled myself into thinking that it had finally become the minority position. Sigh...
Okay am lost I have no idea what they were saying.. but anyway i think living America 🇺🇸 it takes the grace of God.. cause this country just full of it self..
Algo especial de Estados Unidos es que gente comun y corriente puede hacerse famosa y que si no te gusta quien eres, puedes re-inventarte las veces que quieras.
@@MrDcapa12 Yo creo que se refiere más a la cultura empresarial y de emprendimiento que existe allí, en el que si fracasas, te levantas y pruebas a hacerlo de otra forma. En España justamente eso es imposible, porque aquí antes de ganar tu primer céntimo, el estado (sea del espectro político que sea) ya te ha chupado toda la sangre en impuestos, licencias, permisos... y si fracasas, quedas arruinado de por vida y no puedes volver a intentarlo.
@@BlackHoleSpain pana, no sabes nada de eeuu…no consigues ningún buen trabajo aquí si no tienes una certificación o título y son recarisimos. Si tu fallas, pierdes esa plata y estás endeudado con el banco y hay que trabajar en lo que sea para pagar esa deuda. Tal vez hace 50 años cuando la educación y el costo de la vida no era tan extreme, era posible lo que dices. Hoy en día es más probable que terminas fumando crack en alguna tienda de campaña que lo que tú dices
@@rocinante4488Sacarte un titulo es una inversion. Si luego te sacas un B.A. en "Historia de la religion" sabes que no tendras trabajo. No conozco ningun ingeniero, informatico o personal de salud que no encuentre trabajo y no pueda pagar su deuda.
I'm an expat in S. America. So it's true that we don't have centuries of history and yes we are a bit lacking in culture and yes we eat junk food. But we don't wear a bra as a shirt, have 3 inch multicolored fingernails, play the same annoying music at full volume til 5am in an otherwise tranquil rural setting, and we don't get butt implants the size of pianos. Also in the US, beef is beef. Not horse. We don't take dogs inside the mall like a kennel club show and let them squat and poop in the food court. Yes, they do. More dogs than people in the mall. And we don't riot at stadiums over a stupid game with the military needed to intervene and spray the crowd while the entire city goes out of control. Hello, it's just a stupid game. American Airlines first class is the royal treatment. All you can eat and drink, enjoy! First class Avianca is a tiny bottle of water and a handful of monkey biscuits. At 4 times the price. Every culture has it's unpleasant aspects. I want to live on North Sentinel Island if they agree not to kill me. Go back to hunting and gathering and never see another TV as long as I live.
@@paewokemitto1134 That's true. I guess I was thinking Latin. Or people who speak Spanish. Anyway.. Barcelona is a beautiful city. Maybe I should have moved there, instead.
3:34 => Pues espero que viva en la abundancia, porque las mujeres americanas, al estar educadas en una sociedad que valora por lo general el dinero y el éxito profesional por encima de todo, tienen fama de ser bastante hipergámicas en comparación con una mujer española. De ahí que también, hayan surgido en parte fenómenos como los MGTOW, Incel, Red Pills o los Simp.
Viva 🇺🇸 Y Viva 🇪🇸 Hay de todo en todos los paises, gente buena y mala, gordos y flacos, inteligentes y brutos, soy de USA y he estado en España, me gusto mucho pero creo que aca en USA hay mas oportunidades economicas que alla, yo se que el dinero no lo es todo en la vida pero ayuda mucho y en España es muy dificil en ese aspecto.
Many Americans are migrating to Spain and teleworking and are wonderful with their families, free from school shootings and safer from the day to day of their happy and very positive lives.
@rynothealbinoryno Hard disagree. Each nation knows their own people better than other nations' people. Therefore, utility is maximized by every nation focusing on their own population. Also, you are not entitled to the labor of foreign governments
@@aidanaldrich7795 I disagree. Nations are constructed systems built people by in power, often through fource, figuring out how to spread that power amongst themselves over time. Overt nationalism continues this cycle over and over and it's it's the eradication of ignorance through education that brings more diplomacy and world harmony as a species. In general, this is the path to uniting humanty, not closing ourselves off inside imaginary lines drawn.
@rynothealbinoryno I'm all for abolishon of government, but while they exist they are best equipped at serving people at home. Do you disagree that governments know more about their own people than other nation's people?
e@@aidanaldrich7795 I don't believe in the abolishion of government at all... I am all about what US democracy is SUPPOSED to stand for, for example (don't get me started on that) ANd yeah, it would be common sense that a government knows more about it's people, as the government wants to shape these people for their own agenda... (again, not that simple but I digress)... but I don't have to like that agenda and I think the US can do more to go outside it's superiority complex bubble to encourage more inclusion with the rest of the world.... in very many issues. Maybe not every single line by line issue, but I think it's a good idea in general... the collective inclusion of humanity. That's just me. WE can agree to disagree I suppose. Nice talk, though, friend. I havn't had the opporturnigy to think about this sort of thing in a while.
La verdad es que la mayoría de estadounidenses no saben nada de España y si saben algo es pq han viajado a España y aún saben poco con muy pocas excepciones. En EEUU se enseña muy poco sobre la historia de España y la mayor parte no es verdad o es negativo. Mientras Inglaterra fue un imperio tb, sin embargo la mayor parte de lo q enseña es positivo. Por la mayoría los estadounidenses no tienen una opinión y confundan España y Mexico. Piensan que las culturas son iguales. 😳😳😳 La comida en EEUU es muy variada y eso es una cosa que falta en España, la cocina mundial. Espero que hoy con la cantidad de norteamericanos que no sólo visitan a España, pero tb están mudándose allí, que no vayan a americanizarla tanto.
Soy estadounidense y Ud. dice la verdad. Cuando era niño, no nos enseñaba nada a España mas de Colón y los conquistadores. Muchos estadounidenses nunca han viajado fuera del EEUU y saben muy poco sobre el reste del mundo. No hay mucha atención a las noticias mundiales a menos que haya una crisis, y solamente en los últimos años que hemos mucha exposición a la televisión y pelis españolas, gracias a Netflix.
Para que una cocina mundial si tenemos una de las mejores cocinas del mundo la de E.Unidos como es la que es pues la suplen con la de otros paises en el resto de acuerdo
lo dudo muchos por que en España tenemos de todas las nacionalidades del mundo en nuestra tierra. Turismo de todos los países del mundo....puede que te ayas topado con uno o una que ese día tenia mal día,que puede pasar como en cualquier lugar del mundo la perfección no existe en ninguna parte del planeta
Soy Estadounidense y estoy de acuerdo con casi todos estos comentarios. Lo que dice la chica sobre que interpretamos afección mucho más cómo un señal de romance es cierto. Me da un poco pena que cuando un europeo me besa en la mejilla para saludar me, me ruboroso la cara jaja porque es un gesto de intimidad. Pero hay una cosa que quiero aclarar sobre las armas. No todos apoyan ni tienen ni gustan las armas. Actualmente, la mayoría de estadounidenses queremos restricciones y menos armas.
Si, totalmente de acuerdo. Hay muchos estereotipos sobre los EEUU pero cada estado es un mundo diferente. Arkansas no tiene nada que ver con California, pero muchos españoles lo pintan todo igual.
@@wbharris1031 ¿hablas de América?, ¿de qué país, de ARgentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, Guayana Francesa, Surinam, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belice, México, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Cuba, Jamaica, República Dominicana, Haití... 😀
@@ivanovichdelfin8797 "Estados Unidos de America" es el nombre completo del pais que esta llamado "Estados Unidos" o "America" para abreviar, como "Estados Unidos Mexicanos" es el nombre completo del pais que esta llamado "Mexico" para abreviar.
America is a content? I don’t know what you’re referring to but America is not 1 continent it’s two. The Americas are North America and South American.,
Se quejan de estereotipos y salvo un señor recomiendan fiesta, nada de Museo del Prado y el Thyssen, El Escorial, Camino de santiago, Modernismo catalán, Mérida, Toledo, etc. Ni siquiera el Mercado de San Miguel, salvo una señora, creo. Qué poca cultura tienen la mayoría de los jovencitos españoles.
We just came back from Spain a couple of weeks ago. We loved the trip and went to Madrid, Toledo, Seville, Cordoba, Granada, Peniscola, Valencia, and Barcelona. Great people, food, and many sights along the way.
I'm not surprised by any of the stereotypes in this video about Americans. We see it here too, but like every country we are not all the same.
You're absolutely right! I've been living in the US for 7 years, and I have met some of the nicest people ❤
Spain doesn't exist
Spaniard here, I have never been to the US but despite all the stereotypes and bad things I would still love to go. I have met and talked with a lot of Americans in my life and all of them were pretty friendly, I've always felt Spanish people are more like them than to British.
People cannot be that ignorant to believe what they see in movies and television as a true reflection of what the U.S. is. Worldwide, everyone understands parody. The U.S. is just waking up to the fact that our foods for the most part, are banned in Europe and for good reason, there is nothing healthy in our foods. They are for the most part either full of carcinogens or are high carb. Since Europe has adopted our foods and pharmaceuticals, we Americans will now not be the only worldwide lab rats in obesity and long-term health issues. We are backing away from processed foods and drive-thru foods, while Europe is embracing it. Good luck. Why was Trump elected? We were tired of lifetime-politicians gaming the system. Our politicians are as corrupt as any third world nation. Our media is as corrupt as any third world nation. Europeans calling Americans lazy - that's rich, since we generally have a later retirement age, less maternity leave and on average we only have12 days of vacation - that includes sick days. 60% of Americans do not have passports, because we don't have the luxury of travel time and or money to make use of a passport and we can travel the length and breadth of Europe in our own country without a passport. Because of our corrupt politicians this country has stuck its nose where it shouldn't have, and we've helped rebuild and defend (asking nothing in return) Europeans that are so ungrateful to the point they hate Americans? As far as learning a new language, how many languages would you like us to learn? From the beginning of migration (we are a nation of migrants), on the concept "we should learn to speak the language", we would have learned Irish, German, French, Portuguese, Cantonese, Spanish, Arabic, Sudanese, you name it, we would need to learn it. Historically, all of our ancestors had to learn the national language. But I digress, that was when migrants came to a new nation and assimilated, grateful to have shelter from starvation and persecution, silly me!
@@dangercat9188 Americans are more similar to Spaniards
"Se piensan que aquí todo es fiesta".... ¿qué les recomendarías si vienen a España? "Que salgan de fiesta!!!" 😂🤣😂
😂😂😂 verdad???? Jajajajaj
I don't even speak Spanish well, but I totally understood this comment and agree so much! Very funny! LOL!
Ir a magaluf
Siendo estadounidense concuerdo con muchos de los primeros consejos que les vinieron a la mente. Me dio much risa de que pensamos casi igual al pensar sobre mi país. Además, me parece interesante escuchar a las perspectivas de los demás sobre un país desconocido.
Tremendo video y muchas gracias.
Muchas gracias! Seguiremos haciendo más!
@@sensationalspain ¡me alegra saberlo!
No es desconocido para mi ya que vivi en Estados Unidos muchos años y no son estereotipos es la verdad! Casi todos
En estos tiempos casi ningun pais es desconocido.
@@frederickwalzer5555 propio oír eso de parte de un Español pues ya llevan unos siglos explorando no? 🤣
Me encanta que en español tengamos el gentilicio "estadounidense". Detesto que se/los llamen "americanos".
¿Por qué?
@@dmvmeu7140 Porque no está bien apropiarte del nombre de todo un continente siendo tú ciudadano de tan sólo un país de ese continente. Es como si el gentilicio de español fuese "Europeo".
@@m.sanchez9902 pero sigue sin ser acertado porque estadounidense podría ser de Estados Unidos de México
@@Yo-wi7cp Los lideres independentistas mexicanos intitularon de manera oficial al pais como Estados Unidos Mexicanos como imitación de los USA después de la ejecución de Iturbide.
@@m.sanchez9902 Pero es que así es Estados Unidos. Le encanta apropiarse de todo.
Qué canal tan chulo para aprender español! ( cuadriculados, dejar la vida entera para..., fiestero, ) Me ayudáis un montón! 💓🥺
Qué bien!! Me alegro muchísimo! **Me, doing the happy dance while I read your comment**
@@sensationalspain ajajajaj, sigáis así! 💓
* yo, bailando el flamenco al ver lo rápidisimo que me habéis respondido* :D
Aprendí "juerga" con ese vídeo! 4:27 "Creo que tienen un concepto como que aquí todo es juerga y aquí también trabajamos."
I think Spanish people are beautiful, smart, hard working and so kind!!!
Lo que pasa es que no se puede generalizar tanto con EEUU. Es un pais inmenso con diferentes regiones. Hay lugares rurales y ciudades con mucha gente distinta.
Good luck with the channel growth. Saludos desde Irlanda 👋
Hey, thanks! Means a lot! And welcome to the channel!
Thank you so much for having this video in Spanish - I have students who speak Spanish and English and this is great for my Spanish speakers to inengaed in the conversation
Spain is a Spanish speaking country. Why wouldn’t the video be in Spanish? 😂
I have been to Spain once, years ago, on a business trip. I was only in Madrid, but I was impressed with the older, 18th Century architecture that you can find there, and there were some good seafood restaurants. I would like to go back and see Toledo and Galicia. I can still remember the jamon serrano, and I often look for a bottle of Rioja in the local wine store (and they always have a few). So, we are not completely ignorant of Spanish culture, although there is always more to learn.
Galicia is really impressive. I am Galician and still discover new hidden gems, like small beaches nobody goes to near jaw-dropping clifts... or the magic of a forest in Lugo... Vigo is really big now, as well as A Coruña. Dont miss it! :)
You can come via the Porto airport in the north of Portugal and visit another country!
@@lauraformigo3023 That's an inspired idea! And another excellent wine region to boot.
@@johnalden5821 Yes! I recently tried Vinho de Oporto (at the airport) and it is my favourite wine ever.
@@johnalden5821 also never miss albariño in Galicia. White wine really fresh.
Thank you! It is good that videos like this one are pulling back the curtain on how Americans are perceived. It is time for serious reflection.
Me gusta que hayan españoles que sepan sobre su historia. Si los estadounidenses supieran sobre la suya, el español sería idioma obligatorio en la escuela e instituto y se impartiría las mismas horas que el inglés
When I studied abroad in Germany, I met a lot of people from different countries but my favorite fellow student was a young Spanish man. My husband and I spent some time with him in the Freiburg after my classes. I found the Spanish and also Italians to be very warm, down to earth and friendly, like so many of my friends are in the US. As for American food, some of Americans don't like the typical American food either (though I admit, I do like a nice hamburger-usually homemade). There are so many different types of food here. We often eat pho, Thai, sushi, etc., but mostly I make healthy homemade meals at home (often with meat and veggies). Mmm. Never pork and I have never had a squid sandwich-was she saying that is American? That was kind of hard to understand, I have only heard of calamari (never had that either). Some Americans don't travel a lot or know about the world, others do. It depends on the person. I have been to ten countries other than the US and I studied international relations as I am very interested in the world, people, and culture. I find these videos interesting about people's perceptions of others from other countries. Thanks for interviewing people in Spain. It was interesting.
I am glad you are sharing this with us and it makes me happy to see and hear that there are many good people out there who means and says good things but at the same time tell us what they think and that can be a good thing for changing. I am glad to hear that Spaniards (as I often like to call them rather than Spanish since this word depending on the context is inclusive of Spanish speakers and not on Spaniards itself) and Italians are warm and down to earth as I like to one day maybe marry the girl of my dreams from there. I am American born but with parents from Mexico and Vietnam, East meets West, and for me, I love eating different types of food, from Mexican food to the tacos, burritos, enchiladas to the American of steaks, chicken barbeque, Maine Lobster roll, chesseburgers from In N Out and Wendys to the ethnic food of Pad Thai (Thai) to the pho and banh mi (Vietnam) to the eggplant parmesan, Neapolitan pizza and spagetti a la bolognesa (Italy). For me, I am a cultural antropologist and love to travel the world and hope one day I can get to visit Spain, Italy, Canada, Germany, Japan, among other countries and expereince the people and society. One another thing I can tell you while I am an American meaning I was born here, I am not a stereotypical American. I am a person who love soccer or football, support Real Madrid, passionate, positive, hard-working, love to experience new things, love listening to Euro pop, electronic and pop music, among others. Here is to those out there looking to change and transform their lives by learning and listening!
travel is very expensive
She was saying that the squid sandwich from Spain is delicious
stereotype hamburger/hotdogs---the US has food from all cultures
Esta clase de vídeos tipo entrevista me entretienen mucho👏👏👏👏
Me alegro mucho Javixu! Para eso están!
Yo he estado mas de un año saliendo con una estadounidense y son gente tb genial,.. y saben mucho más de nosotros de los que nosotros pensamos,.. a mi mi ex me organizaba el tour de que visitar por españa y por europa de cosas de las que yo no había oído hablar en mi vida,..
El estereotipo del americano que no tiene ni puta idea de nada es un mito,.. si que es verdad que son un pueblo muy centrado en ellos mismos pero pueden mantener una conversación a cerca de cualquier cosa con ellos,..
Jajaja me ha hecho mucha gracia este video. Nací en Nigeria, pero mis padres me criaron en los Estados Unidos y incluso para mí (siendo estadounidense), las primeras cosas que me vienen a la mente al pensar en el país serían las armas, la comida basura y la obesidad sin duda alguna. El país tiene más que ofrecer, claro, pero creo que la gente en el video lo ha acertado con respecto a ese tema.
Pero hay muchos estadounidenses que son de mente abierta, que han viajado mucho y son más cultos. Creo que depende de la persona.
¡Por supuesto que sí! Estados Unidos es un país maravilloso virtudes (muchas y muy buenas) y defectos (como todos los tenemos). ¡Un abrazo muy fuerte a toda la gente que ve los vídeos desde el otro lado del charco!
@@sensationalspain Exacto. Muchas gracias. Que sigan subiéndolos. Siempre los disfruto. Saludos.
Arriba Nigeria hermano 👍
Stereotypes eh?
No es lo mismo la opinión de alguien nacido allí
I lived in Spain for 6 months best 6 months of my life. I actually thought Spanish were harder to get to know as I lived in Zaragoza. If they were chill, they were party animals and very surface level. My friend is from Madrid and he is great but very short tempered. Europeans are harder to befriend but if you have one, they are your friend for life.
¿Europeans? Is it the same a Finnish and a Spanish or Greek?
@PM-ld4nn I'd say yes. Finnish is hard.
yes. we are the same all of us are brothers under the same god. @@PM-ld4nn
No entiendo. ¿O sea dices que eran difíciles de conocer porque eran fríos?
@@ivanovichdelfin8797 si
Love Spaniards...especially Andalusians!
They think the capital of Spain is Sevilla? I’d be surprised they even heard of Sevilla 😂 Most of the time they think it’s Barcelona
some years ago sevilla and rodeos were the stereotype in cartoons LOL.
Or Rome lol 🤣
@@Lacteagalaxia wow that is terrible 🤦♂️🤣
@@Lacteagalaxia No, Italy is more famous than Spain in USA
Come on every American I know knows its Madrid, people just love insulting Americans.
the group of older folks was awesome
One thing they are completely right about: Universal health care is good.
we are lacking here in America
It's only good for minor illnesses. Other than that it is horrible. Plus I do not want the government deciding what I need. It's up to me and my doctor. Politicians should stay far way from healthcare.
Breaking your arm will probably cost like 5-10k to fix it. It won’t take your entire life 😂
Que linda la chica de negro con los anteojos en la cabeza. Bombón.
Sort of have to disagree with the food and culture stereotypes. I live in San Diego, food here is big! A lot of people are surprised about the food culture when they come to the U.S. much of our food options consist of foods from around the world because of our heavy immigrant population, as well as new fusion type of restaurants and gastropubs. And when I want to eat something American, we dont always get fast food, I think we'd get sick if we did that every day 😂 I usually like American barbecue better 👍 as for the history and culture, well our history is your history!! Especially here on the west coast! Come on Spain! Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo??? Our architecture is extremely influenced by the Missions and presidios of California!
It's american versions of food from around the world so it's greasy and salty.
Espectacular la que hace el video su Español y inglés es perfecto
I'm American and I loved this 😁 Many true points. Lots of obesity here 😂 I think mainly because we don't walk anywhere. We drive to literally everything because nothing is in walking distance and we also have terrible public transportation. I was in Spain recently and could not believe the number of Burger Kings, Five Guys, McDonald's, and Ben & Jerry's! Terrible. I saw a big McDonald's sign right in front of the most beautiful cafe. Who would want to go to McDonalds in Spain?! Or eat Ben & Jerry's when you can have gelato or horchata & fartons! Travesty! Oh, and sadly, you are probably right about some Americans assuming you are Mexican. A lot of Americans do not make an effort to learn about other cultures. We need to do better. But I do love Spain. It's amazing ⭐❤
the interviewer girl looks like a young Shakira. Saludos desde estados unidos. jajaja el video dice la verdad
Hahaha, she’s also a Shakira fan! :)
Es latinoamericana. Igual es colombiana también.
Soy mexico-Americano de descendencia Española, me encantan los tres países
Yo soy hijo de Cortés y la malinche
Tenemos 4000 años de historia y cultura. Creo que recomendaría eso antes que la fiesta pero bueno...
Native Americans have 12,000 years of history.
@@Intrusive_Thought176 and what do you mean with that?
@@ThePedrinio what do you think it's means?
History means "writing", the former is "prehistory". Native Americans don't have written records going back 12,000 years, not by a long shot. They don't even have it in Mesopotamia, where the first civilisations and writing were born.
@@PorkoRoso ever heard of petroglyph s?
Nunca he visitado los estados unidos pero así como dijeron en el video, se ve que los sueldos son buenos allá. Y por otro lado, los Españoles siempre muy amigables y positivos 👍🏿 Talvez un día conozcamos a España
Ojalá puedas venir pronto! Te va a encantar España. Ya verás!
@@sensationalspain A si sea. Muy pronto espero 👍👍
Why do they sound like Cubans and Nicaraguans?
@@annabelles1622 they do.
@@markroyo4013No they don't sound like us Nicaraguans lol, totally different accents, but we do use some words like chavalas or chavalos, which would relatively sound the same since they've conquered half of the continent long time ago, so it makes sense that we can have some of their vocabulary and wording.
Los Espanoles son bastante inteligentes saben de todo Y son bastante acertados en sus opiniones de gentes de otros paises
1:11 Al fin un Un hombre con sentido común . Tambien John Wayne es el tipico western American
6:01 Gracias, los extranjeros solo conocen la cultura del sur cuando también hay sitios espectaculares en el norte!!
Social media really distorts people’s views all of these descriptions I can hardly find when I look around my city
Si si, seguro
This was my favorite one yet. “Obesity” ouch but true. And most people here couldn’t find Spain on a map, and most don’t know the difference between Mexico and Spain.
Well there`s absolutely no point in leaving it for the US that`s clear!
Es que España no tiene nada que ver con ese "país" llamado mexico
Como un estadounidense que está en una relación con una española, puedo confirmar que todos los estereotipos y opiniones en la comida son ciertos
Man's just trying to look cool😂😂
Maybe for you, hillbilly from the midwest. Spain's cuisine is good but ours is better in terms of diversity and innovation. Go to Miami, NYC, LA, Seattle and check out food there. Food in some parts of America, like the one you are from can be shockingly bad though
I’d love to see this about British people haha
2:58 huge W for the grandma
0:50 sounds like a Germanic language and sounds relatively what I think of as Spaniard Spanish. Lots of "automoviles."
La diferencia es el consumismo Americano.
Los americanos se concentran mucho en ganar dinero y gastar.
En cuestión de comida, Estados Unidos tiene de todo tipo de comida. Es muy diverso especialmente en California. Aquí comemos de todo. La gente no anda muy formalmente vestida, andan muy cómodos en ropa deportiva la mayoría del tiempo.
Creo que se pasan todo el día trabajando y cuando están en su tiempo libre quieren andar cómodos.
Es una cultura de especialistas.
No hay mucha cultura general, pero si dominan a la perfección sus profesiones.
Son muy chismosos y metiches, están muy atentos de lo que los demás hacen, esa parte me caga.
nosotros los latinos tambien somos americanos, and we speak american spanish! like american english! between european english from england y european spanish from España...
As a Spanish I am sad that any American person see this video will feel that we are racist or American are not welcome.
Not at all, you will be welcome and on the video there are just some clichés going on :D
Super bien hablaron de los estadounidenses, a mi que ni me pregunten por que es la cultura que mas detesto🙃 empezando porque se creen los dueños del mundo😠
Tienes razon, es complicada la posicion de Estados Unidos en el mundo por el poder economico y militar que tiene. Por otro lado tiene la capacidad de apollar a otros como lo esta haciendo ahora con ucrania, cosa que otros paises no pueden hacer.
Nací y vivo aquí en Gringolandia EEUU....siempre he tenido problems con los gringos. Se creen muchos, son violentos y no tienen nada de cultura ni de catagoría. Por eso, quiero salir de este infierno de violencia y racismo. Ojala que tenga la oportunidad vivir en la Madre Patria...quizas...
Yo soy de EEUU y te juro que no es así por lo menos la mayoría de las veces no es así. Lo que si es que somos muy ignorantes en cuanto a la cultura y diferencias qué hay en otros países ya que el nuestro es tan grande y desconectado, no viajamos a otros países mucho. También para nosotros es un proceso conseguir un pasaporte y tarda bastante y sale $200 por lo tanto, muchas personas no lo tienen. Dado a eso nos sentimos muy aparte. Lo qué pasa en nuestro país nos preocupa más que lo qué pasa en los demás países. Nos enseñan a ser patriotas y a estar muy orgullosos de nuestro país. La cultura no es que somos los mejores pero orgullosos si. Cabe mencionar que la cultura cambia un montón también dependiendo de la región por ejemplo de donde soy yo, la gente es MUY amigable te hacen sentir en casa y a gusto en cualquier situación. Pero si vas a Nueva York por ejemplo la vida es mucho más intensa y la gente no te da bola. Mi país tiene mala fama pero no es todo cierto.
You sure like our technology though
Opinión cringe
I'm from Milan and the accents of some of the people in the video sounds northern Italian to me
Muy buen vídeo gentes inteligentes, los escogisteis bien
Soy estadounidense y a mi me gusta la gente española
I’ve from Costa Rica and I’ve never heard the Castellano accent. It’s freaking hilarious😂
What is more important about Americans is we fed our people during covid. I worked on the front line in a DV shelter and worked for my co-workers when they were sick. We do have a culture but if you want to come here and just party instead of exploring my country thats to bad. Swim with the Dolphins, hike 14 miles into the wilderness and visit a hidden waterfall. Horseback ride in the mountains. Have dinner in the first federal bank in America. Visit beautiful romantic beaches and countryside. Take a 4-wheel drive down a country road and cool off in our beautiful rivers. Taste our moonshine and sit on a balcony overlooking the vineyards enjoying a charcutier plate and local wine. Visit American and open your senses. Need I say more.?
Well said!
@Calabacita85 lol yeah, America is the "richest" country (maybe #2 now?) but the average American can't afford a house and is living paycheck to paycheck. Our government does nothing to help us, they only care about the rich and funding neverending wars.
@@Gatitosygatitos Why aren't you giving more money to Ukraine if your country is so well off?
@@Gatitosygatitos and 50%+ taxes 🤣🤣😂😂
one question is she an american? because she speaks so good the spanish and the firt thing when i hear her is that the most probabely is that she is from spain, colombia, chile or mexico
By far the best people on average they have respect and are generally docile my best experiences among people were with Hispanic people till being Americanized but on average I love Hispanic people...
Stereotypes are kind of ridiculous. There are 330 million Americans and we are all extremely different.
Of course but u guys are doing same to other nations tbh😂
@@serbianwarrior385Once again, generalizing. Your gripe is most likely with conservatives, but most Americans lean left nowadays and don’t carry such narrow minded views.
@@cheriebomb158 Im not american ,ma cherie.Ofc not all americans are same,there are a lot of good people who are against wars but u have to admit there are a lot a people who,for some reasson,want wars and want to invade other countries!Better far right then far wrong!Most americans that lean left cant answer what women is😂Lefties are teaching kids in ur schools that there are 400 genders and that boys can have babies too!So i would choose right over left any day because at least people at right dont teach their kids that things and arent mentally s**k like lefties.All the best to u tho.
So all American individuals are totally different each other???
America does not lean left. We are a center right country, and are Americans all different, no…but there are lots and lots and lots of differences. People in many other countries find our liberal left to be insane.
I don't understand anything without subtitles 😥
You can activate them, you know it right?? 😁(down-right corner)
Could you add subtitles?
He vivido 7 años en Estados Unidos ( no en America) como dicen ellos ja ja y que se la creen. Ahora me mudé a España ( (Màlaga) con mi familia y sin regresar a mi amado país El Salvador, cuando entre a España me sentí en casa. Que amigables son los Españoles, me alegra haber tomado la decisión de mudarme aquí, ya que por razones personales no volvimos a nuestro país. Pero aquí me siento en casa, el clima, la gente, la arquitectura, el arte, el mar, eventos culturales, dormir siesta, dormir noche y fiesta por todos lados. No volvería jamás a la U SA
America= EEUU y los demás.
does everyone think American food is just McDonalds and fast food
No, claro que no. Las entrevistas callejeras no representan a la mayoría, ni deberían considerarse como respuestas serias, ya que en esos momentos de improvisación lo fácil es decir lo típico. Pero admito que al pensar en comida americana me viene a la cabeza la comida rápida, porque aunque no creo que solo sea McDonalds o comida rápida, me parece que sí se consume con bastante asiduidad. (Mi opinión como alguien ignorante que nunca ha vivido allá).
Is Rafael Nadal popular in Spain?
I’m mean, obviously… here we do not live under a stone, he is one of the best athletes in this country
Always in the TV commercials, I guess that settles the question.
Their comments are a lot nicer than the French, the Brits and the Germans.
The French don't like anybody
Que acento es el de la bufanda naranja? Suena como alguien del campo, muy lindo acento!
No sabría decir porque no ha usado ningún regionalismo. Me parece que tiene acento de Extremadura o de Castilla-La Mancha. También podría ser de la zona de Murcia, pero debería escuchar más a la moza. Si me preguntas y tengo que decidir yo diría que es extremeña o castellanomanchega. Sin duda habría que escucharla más hablar.
De la mitad sur y probablemente del este, quizás de Granada.
Spain and Spanish people have to be more assertive since there would be no United States without Spain everything goes Back to 1492!
Let's find out.Si fast food y hamburgesas.I💜🇪🇦fabuloso..like.A mi me gusta todo de Espana.
Love Spain 🇪🇸
Bearing in mind that Madrid is not representative of all of the countries / regions / autonomous communities in nominal Spain, I would much rather hear the views of people who live near to or surrounded by U.S. military and naval bases, such as the one occupying the town of Rota in Andalucía.
De la comida depende de el estado...en texas la comida tex mex la mejor..los españoles selecionaron a san antonio tx como su casa...👍
When they said america e coto moroto mo seto comanatos con shotos I felt that
Pretty sure everyone who is on vacation in a foreign country is partying, isnt that part of the trip? Seen plenty of people from Spain partying in Las Vegas who cant speak English. We dont care, welcome and enjoy yourself.
Subtitles would’ve been nice
I like how they can express their opinion, in a forwad yet polite way, in the current PC culture in the US it doesnt happen. They seem at ease. In the USA, the culture imo has more tension and people are less tolerant culturally and less open minded.
As a Spaniard, I can say that's because they haven't been asked anything about transgender rights, illegal immigration, Islam, left-wing feminism, etc. If that were the case, they would also be trying hard not to offend anyone or probably wouldn't dare to share their opinions for fear of going viral. If the interview were about their opinions regarding Chinese tourists instead of Americans, the attitude of most people would be a bit more tense, and they would also be walking on eggshells.
As a Spanish person I can see you are one of those 'anti progress' people. The type that refers ad 'PC' to just having the minimum respect and education.
@@AC-he8lndon't worry. We don't really like left wing feminism or trans people who bragg about them being trans and forcing it on everyone else. Yes that's how weird the LGBTQ community is
They come across as arrogant, ignorant and pompous.
Do you notice how most of the stereotypes about US people that these lovely Spaniards expressed, though, tend to apply more to the "anti-PC" red states of the USA? As for "the culture has more tension", no, that's politics, because the USA is in a cold civil war. But we should respectfully listen to Spaniards because they have experience with a modern hot one.
Lol hillarious. That guy said they probably get us confused with Mexicans. And he is probably right, some Americans just lump ppl together. Any latin person is "Mexican" and then also call Mexicans Spanish sometimes lmbo. Ive heard it all. Scary!
Perdona, gran parte del territorio estadounidense también fue imperio español. Repasa historia, pero la verdadera, no la sesgada que os enseñan en vuestro país, donde han borrado todo rastro español en vuestra cultura.
3:40 they’re not wrong
América no es Estados Unidos, América es de España, Cristóbal Colón y Américo Vespucio.
Just back from 2 month in Andalusia best time of my life so far. Please do me a favor do the same about the Brexit people
The reason we have gun rights (Yes, it is a right written in the Constitution, or the laws the government has to follow) is because we deal with a lot more lawlessness and crime than the people in Spain do. It's a purely European elitist perspective. If you see the social divides and conflict here you wouldn't live without one. You can look up self defense shootings in America and get several examples. Anglos and Germans are overall more violent and aggressive as shown by our history of colonization and war. It's not that we fight each other, we don't, it's just that we don't have faith on our government, special interests and corporations. Owning them keeps them honest, helps us protect our property, our families lives, and our freedoms. People seem to like the idea too because we get so many immigrants.
Al muchacho alto com traje Azul no le entendi nada! Solo las primeras dos palabras 😅
Mexicans aren't lazy compared to Greece to work more hours and retire late. In the States, they work in virtually every industry
These captions are lazy. Nobody had time to make sure the automated captions were correct? Cmon.
I think I can understand Spanish... oh, wait... 0:50... 😂
El gentilicio "estadounidense" NO EXISTE en inglés por eso hay que decir Amricanos en referencia a (Norte) América.
(No se incluye Canadá y mucho menos México) .
Anda que no... otra cosa es que en ingles no tengan un gentilicio propio porque se han apropiado del término "americano". Los mexicanos son Norteaméricanos también, así como los canadienses. Y los latinoamericanos también son americanos, pero eso a los yankees no les interesa.
Jajajaja... Soy americano de origen mexicano, y creo todas las mismas cosas que creen los españoles en este video. La cosa que tienen en error es del dinero. Hay mucha pobreza aqui en Gringolandia. Y ahora la mayoría de la gente tiene que alquiler las casas. Ahora tenemos una economía donde hay ricos, y pobres. La clase media casi no existe . Por eso, tenemos muchos desamperados y locos por dondequiera. Tengo mucha ilusión de dejar este pais para vivir en la Madre Patria. Me he sentido español de corazón desde mi niñez...ojala...un dia de estos...😊
Estadounidense, acuérdate que América es un continente no un país y de todos modos Norte y Sudamerica (The Americas) son países AMERICANOS, así que te guste o no los Latinoamericanos somos Americanos
Osea Mexicano
@@hcalo Dije solo por costumbre. El nombre de no Estados Unidos es Los Estados Unidos DE AMERICA. No tiene sentido llamar alguien estadounidense, por eso se dice americano aquí en este país. Si te guste o no....
Al final las raices hacen mucho, tengo amigos mexicanos aquí en España que vienen de emigrar a EEUU y dicen que ojala hubieran venido antes, y se pensaban que España era muy diferente a Mexico, y cuando llegas aqui realmente te das cuenta lo que hace el idoma, la cultura y la comida, basicamente somo lo mismo pero con variedad. Aqui cualquier Hispano que se quiera ganar la vida honradamente en España siempre será tratado con respeto y amabilidad, como se merece.
Yo que ambos tienen razón, en usa se mueve mucho dinero pero por otro lado hay mucha pobreza, muchas desigualdades que por ejemplo en Europa no está tan marcada como en USA.
There are more Spanish speakers in US than Spain itself. I hope they know
No te confundas, los hispanoamericanos no hablas castellano, hablan un derivado del castellano, así que es absurdo que nos compares con ellos cuando ni hablamos lo mismo
¿O sea según ti solo hablan español los de Castilla y León? Tu comentario no tiene mucho sentido, lo siento. Hay variaciones, pero el idioma sigue siendo el mismo.
Dato: el español de Gran Canaria se parece más al de Cuba que al de España peninsular
I'll summarize American society/culture for you:
Profits over people.
Every person for themselves:
"I'm doing well because I've earned it. If you struggle it's ALL YOUR fault. You must be lazy and/or stupid. And that is not my problem nor the government's responsibility."
If you point out the systemic inequalities and discrimination...work to improve things for everyone...advocate for those who are treated unfairly... you're labeled a "communist/Marxist/etc."
Thus the recent election results.
Of course this ideology based on the myths of American Individualism and Meritocracy is not held by all Americans. In fact I had fooled myself into thinking that it had finally become the minority position.
la mujer del 0:29 está tribasada
Y el chaval anterior también
De esta me voy pa' españa. Españolas ahi voy!
Okay am lost I have no idea what they were saying.. but anyway i think living America 🇺🇸 it takes the grace of God.. cause this country just full of it self..
Que no vayan a los tipicos ibiza o barcelona solo que vayan a las baleares tambien.... y si tienen tiempo a cataluña...
You see what you want to see .
Americans? Cuáles? canadienses, mexicanos, hondureños, colombianos, argentinos, chilenos? Tienes que ser más concreta.
Algo especial de Estados Unidos es que gente comun y corriente puede hacerse famosa y que si no te gusta quien eres, puedes re-inventarte las veces que quieras.
bueno España con el tiktok hace lo mismo
@@MrDcapa12 Yo creo que se refiere más a la cultura empresarial y de emprendimiento que existe allí, en el que si fracasas, te levantas y pruebas a hacerlo de otra forma.
En España justamente eso es imposible, porque aquí antes de ganar tu primer céntimo, el estado (sea del espectro político que sea) ya te ha chupado toda la sangre en impuestos, licencias, permisos... y si fracasas, quedas arruinado de por vida y no puedes volver a intentarlo.
@@BlackHoleSpain pana, no sabes nada de eeuu…no consigues ningún buen trabajo aquí si no tienes una certificación o título y son recarisimos. Si tu fallas, pierdes esa plata y estás endeudado con el banco y hay que trabajar en lo que sea para pagar esa deuda. Tal vez hace 50 años cuando la educación y el costo de la vida no era tan extreme, era posible lo que dices. Hoy en día es más probable que terminas fumando crack en alguna tienda de campaña que lo que tú dices
@@rocinante4488Sacarte un titulo es una inversion. Si luego te sacas un B.A. en "Historia de la religion" sabes que no tendras trabajo. No conozco ningun ingeniero, informatico o personal de salud que no encuentre trabajo y no pueda pagar su deuda.
@@bennydavid623 a no sre que te entre una enfermedad y te arruines en medicos
I'm an expat in S. America. So it's true that we don't have centuries of history and yes we are a bit lacking in culture and yes we eat junk food. But we don't wear a bra as a shirt, have 3 inch multicolored fingernails, play the same annoying music at full volume til 5am in an otherwise tranquil rural setting, and we don't get butt implants the size of pianos. Also in the US, beef is beef. Not horse. We don't take dogs inside the mall like a kennel club show and let them squat and poop in the food court. Yes, they do. More dogs than people in the mall. And we don't riot at stadiums over a stupid game with the military needed to intervene and spray the crowd while the entire city goes out of control. Hello, it's just a stupid game. American Airlines first class is the royal treatment. All you can eat and drink, enjoy! First class Avianca is a tiny bottle of water and a handful of monkey biscuits. At 4 times the price. Every culture has it's unpleasant aspects. I want to live on North Sentinel Island if they agree not to kill me. Go back to hunting and gathering and never see another TV as long as I live.
Spain is not Southamerica.
@@paewokemitto1134 That's true. I guess I was thinking Latin. Or people who speak Spanish. Anyway.. Barcelona is a beautiful city. Maybe I should have moved there, instead.
@@paseospormadrid1751 yeah, probably. I'm a product of several contributing factors and culture is one.
3:34 => Pues espero que viva en la abundancia, porque las mujeres americanas, al estar educadas en una sociedad que valora por lo general el dinero y el éxito profesional por encima de todo, tienen fama de ser bastante hipergámicas en comparación con una mujer española. De ahí que también, hayan surgido en parte fenómenos como los MGTOW, Incel, Red Pills o los Simp.
the grandpa going apeshit on americans 😂
Viva 🇺🇸 Y Viva 🇪🇸
Hay de todo en todos los paises, gente buena y mala, gordos y flacos, inteligentes y brutos, soy de USA y he estado en España, me gusto mucho pero creo que aca en USA hay mas oportunidades economicas que alla, yo se que el dinero no lo es todo en la vida pero ayuda mucho y en España es muy dificil en ese aspecto.
@@kl4umh Tambien, te digo, hay de todo.
Many Americans are migrating to Spain and teleworking and are wonderful with their families, free from school shootings and safer from the day to day of their happy and very positive lives.
I wish more people focused on their own country like Americans do for theirs
I wish America wouldn’t be so closed off and would instead focus on the rest of the world.
@rynothealbinoryno Hard disagree. Each nation knows their own people better than other nations' people. Therefore, utility is maximized by every nation focusing on their own population. Also, you are not entitled to the labor of foreign governments
@@aidanaldrich7795 I disagree. Nations are constructed systems built people by in power, often through fource, figuring out how to spread that power amongst themselves over time. Overt nationalism continues this cycle over and over and it's it's the eradication of ignorance through education that brings more diplomacy and world harmony as a species. In general, this is the path to uniting humanty, not closing ourselves off inside imaginary lines drawn.
@rynothealbinoryno I'm all for abolishon of government, but while they exist they are best equipped at serving people at home. Do you disagree that governments know more about their own people than other nation's people?
e@@aidanaldrich7795 I don't believe in the abolishion of government at all... I am all about what US democracy is SUPPOSED to stand for, for example (don't get me started on that) ANd yeah, it would be common sense that a government knows more about it's people, as the government wants to shape these people for their own agenda... (again, not that simple but I digress)... but I don't have to like that agenda and I think the US can do more to go outside it's superiority complex bubble to encourage more inclusion with the rest of the world.... in very many issues. Maybe not every single line by line issue, but I think it's a good idea in general... the collective inclusion of humanity. That's just me. WE can agree to disagree I suppose. Nice talk, though, friend. I havn't had the opporturnigy to think about this sort of thing in a while.
"no todo es Ibiza" .... "que se vayan a las islas Baleares".
Creo que esta chica no lo tiene muy claro.
Los nervios de la entrevista. 🤷
Lo tiene clarísimo, las Baleares no son solo Ibiza,
La verdad es que la mayoría de estadounidenses no saben nada de España y si saben algo es pq han viajado a España y aún saben poco con muy pocas excepciones. En EEUU se enseña muy poco sobre la historia de España y la mayor parte no es verdad o es negativo. Mientras Inglaterra fue un imperio tb, sin embargo la mayor parte de lo q enseña es positivo. Por la mayoría los estadounidenses no tienen una opinión y confundan España y Mexico. Piensan que las culturas son iguales. 😳😳😳 La comida en EEUU es muy variada y eso es una cosa que falta en España, la cocina mundial. Espero que hoy con la cantidad de norteamericanos que no sólo visitan a España, pero tb están mudándose allí, que no vayan a americanizarla tanto.
Soy estadounidense y Ud. dice la verdad. Cuando era niño, no nos enseñaba nada a España mas de Colón y los conquistadores. Muchos estadounidenses nunca han viajado fuera del EEUU y saben muy poco sobre el reste del mundo. No hay mucha atención a las noticias mundiales a menos que haya una crisis, y solamente en los últimos años que hemos mucha exposición a la televisión y pelis españolas, gracias a Netflix.
No nos van americanizar nada 😜
Para que una cocina mundial si tenemos una de las mejores cocinas del mundo la de E.Unidos como es la que es pues la suplen con la de otros paises en el resto de acuerdo
Dices que en españa la comida no es variada? 😅 De locos
que en España no hay comida internacional ?? jajjaaj tu donde vives en una cueva en medio el campo ¿
Estuve de turista en España e Italia..experimenté discriminación en España solamente
lo dudo muchos por que en España tenemos de todas las nacionalidades del mundo en nuestra tierra. Turismo de todos los países del mundo....puede que te ayas topado con uno o una que ese día tenia mal día,que puede pasar como en cualquier lugar del mundo la perfección no existe en ninguna parte del planeta
Puedes experimentar discriminación en todas partes, querid@. Y espero que a pesar de eso, hayas pasado buenas vacaciones y no te vuelva a pasar.
Soy Estadounidense y estoy de acuerdo con casi todos estos comentarios. Lo que dice la chica sobre que interpretamos afección mucho más cómo un señal de romance es cierto. Me da un poco pena que cuando un europeo me besa en la mejilla para saludar me, me ruboroso la cara jaja porque es un gesto de intimidad. Pero hay una cosa que quiero aclarar sobre las armas. No todos apoyan ni tienen ni gustan las armas. Actualmente, la mayoría de estadounidenses queremos restricciones y menos armas.
Si, totalmente de acuerdo. Hay muchos estereotipos sobre los EEUU pero cada estado es un mundo diferente. Arkansas no tiene nada que ver con California, pero muchos españoles lo pintan todo igual.
Viva España 🇲🇽, los Estados Unidos nada de cultura me voy con los españoles
¿Cual Estados Unidos? Los Estados Unidos de America o los Estados Unidos Mexicanos?
@@wbharris1031 ¿hablas de América?, ¿de qué país, de ARgentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, Guayana Francesa, Surinam, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belice, México, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Cuba, Jamaica, República Dominicana, Haití... 😀
@@ivanovichdelfin8797 "Estados Unidos de America" es el nombre completo del pais que esta llamado "Estados Unidos" o
"America" para abreviar, como "Estados Unidos Mexicanos" es el nombre completo del pais que esta llamado "Mexico" para abreviar.
They just want to annoy neighbors on weekends with their labor work and throwing trash anywhere. And not to mention illegal parking.
I think that America is not a country thats what I think 🤷🏻♂️
Right it’s a content
America is a content? I don’t know what you’re referring to but America is not 1 continent it’s two. The Americas are North America and South American.,
Se quejan de estereotipos y salvo un señor recomiendan fiesta, nada de Museo del Prado y el Thyssen, El Escorial, Camino de santiago, Modernismo catalán, Mérida, Toledo, etc. Ni siquiera el Mercado de San Miguel, salvo una señora, creo. Qué poca cultura tienen la mayoría de los jovencitos españoles.