In 1930 , Gandhi Ji Started his famous Dandi March

  • Опубликовано: 10 мар 2022
  • 12 march is the historic day when Gandhiji started his famous Dandi march in 1930. The 24-day march from March 12 to April 5, 1930 marked the inauguration of the civil disobedience movement. The Dandi March was the most significant organized movement against the British Raj after the non-cooperation movement of the 1920s.
    There was great excitement in Ahmedabad on the eve of the march. A large crowd gathered around Sabarmati ashram and stayed through the night. Gandhiji gathered a group of 78 men. There were thirty-one marchers from Gujarat, thirteen from Maharashtra, and others from the United Provinces, Kerala, Punjab and Sindh, with Tamilnadu, Andhra, Karnataka, Bengal, Bihar and Orissa sending one each. The diversity was social as well as geographical. From among the chosen marchers, there were many students and khadi workers, several were the so called ‘untouchables’, a few Muslims and one Christian.
    They started out at 6:30 AM, amidst a large group cheering them along with flowers and greetings. On their way they stopped at a number of villages, where Gandhi addressed large crowds.
    Gandhi reached Dandi village on April 5. Next day on the 6th of April, he proceeded to the sea, where he picked up lumps of natural salt lying in a small pit.
    While picking up the salt, Gandhi ji said
    “With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire,My advice is that the workers should everywhere manufacture salt to make use of it and to instruct the villagers to do so,”.
    The act was symbolic, but was hugely covered by the press, and was the beginning of several other acts of civil disobedience in other parts of India. The Dandi march and its effect shook up the British government.

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