Somebody dropped the ball with that ZIPPER design!! Gonna be a bitch when your fingers turn to claws in the cold and you cant start that zipper or worse it fails eventually just like jackets and sleeping bags do. Would have been no big thing to have reversed the direction and use a magnet(or snap) for hold like Xcel does. I might have to void my warranty and take my new 5/4 Srface Heat in and pay a wetsuit repair seamstress here in Santa Cruz to remove the Zipper from my old Xcel suit and replace and reverse that design.
Somebody dropped the ball with that ZIPPER design!! Gonna be a bitch when your fingers turn to claws in the cold and you cant start that zipper or worse it fails eventually just like jackets and sleeping bags do. Would have been no big thing to have reversed the direction and use a magnet(or snap) for hold like Xcel does.
I might have to void my warranty and take my new 5/4 Srface Heat in and pay a wetsuit repair seamstress here in Santa Cruz to remove the Zipper from my old Xcel suit and replace and reverse that design.