Hollywood's sexiest muscular man why the annual salary of ten million suddenly retired home to be

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • This work is an original production and is prohibited from being reproduced without permission. For copyright infringement all retroactive rights will be reserved. 18 years ago the appearance was attacked by the whole network. Today the first Asian Golden Globe winner in history why is she still scolded for withdrawing from the network? • 18年前外貌遭全網攻擊,今成史上首位亞裔金球... the second generation of British aristocratic stars waited for 10 years to be seen. With 20 minutes of popularity • 英國貴族星二代,為出鏡等了10年,憑藉20分... 47-year-old peasant woman and aunt became popular all over the world overnight earning 22 million pounds a year. Now she is 60 years old unmarried and childless. How is Aunt Susan doing? • 47歲農婦大嬸一夜爆紅,一年狂賺2200萬鎊... woman who refused Michael Jackson's proposal was threatened by her mother to take indecent photos when she was 10 years old but when she grew up she ruined her life. The first male star in • 拒絕麥可傑克森求婚的女人,10歲被親媽威脅拍... Britain moved to the countryside due to anxiety only to be protested by neighbors. So he directly bought half of the village to • 英國收入第一男星因焦慮搬到鄉村,不料遭鄰居抗... Britain's first beautiful man cheating nanny 6 children and 4 mothers and now the old man with white beard at the age of 48? • 英國第一美男子,出軌保姆6個孩子4個媽,如今... Hollywood's most handsome idol drama male now unexpectedly ”beyond recognition 」? What did the white moonlight experience in childhood? • 好萊塢最帥偶像劇男主,如今竟「面目全非」?童... Bill Gates ex-wife how humiliating? Marriage agreed to her husband and small three cohabitation small three also let the richest man lost $8 billion • 比爾蓋茨前妻有多屈辱?婚內同意老公與小三同居... had a restaurant to work to sleep on the floor ” ugly duckling ”Liu Yuling how to turn over? Become Hollywood's most expensive Chinese actress • 睡餐廳地板的打工小妹,如何搖身一變,成好萊塢... American villain of the year! Spend $0.2 billion to buy land abroad and still sue the local residents? • 美國年度惡人!花2億美金在國外大肆買地,竟然... to be a junior but suddenly eloped before the wedding! Sweetheart movie queen is so unruly in reality • 做小三上位,婚禮前卻突然私奔!甜心影后現實中... the most handsome actor in Britain playing the ugliest villain in the world and the Buddha demon is so charming and • Video Y after removing his makeup.

Комментарии • 14

  • @sandyliao5638
    @sandyliao5638 3 месяца назад +4

    這樣的演藝生涯也值得讚許了! 畢竟也演了不少作品, 而且索爾這個代表作已經深入觀眾的印象了!👍

  • @yubokwang8054
    @yubokwang8054 3 месяца назад +11


  • @emilyjohn2164
    @emilyjohn2164 3 месяца назад +6

    希望当他想回来的时候 好莱坞还有他的一席之地!

  • @小雨-k8m
    @小雨-k8m 3 месяца назад


  • @哈士奇-p8f
    @哈士奇-p8f 3 месяца назад +2



  • @gulito7772
    @gulito7772 3 месяца назад +1


  • @user-qd3fm4uz2l
    @user-qd3fm4uz2l 3 месяца назад

    很好奇後面漫威電影還能怎麼拍 ? 緋紅女巫黑寡婦與洛基下線 , 一代美隊退休二代獵鷹美隊目前也不是很被看好 , 最大支柱一代鋼鐵人下線二代女鋼鐵人(鋼鐵之心)演的看起來像是有癲癇症的精神病 , 二代女黑豹智商堪憂竟然率領族人跟海王在一艘船上決定國運大戰(不管雙方部族戰力如何海王只要派人把船弄沉就可以直接贏得勝利 , 更別說對方本身就是擅長水中作戰的兩棲人類 , 不選擇在陸地上跟對方開戰反而選擇在海上打 ? 這不是找死是什麼 ?) , 浩克獨立電影大概也沒機會了 , 而且浩克兒子也只在女浩克影集中出現過而已 , 連評價都沒得評價 , 女浩克就更不用說了影集結尾不知道有多少影迷罵^%**&話 , 鷹眼演員目前重傷休養中 , 鷹眼本身就是比較邊緣的角色 , 二代鷹眼也沒有累積足夠的影迷是否能接得起棒還不知道 , 鋼鐵人好友[戰爭機器]本來就比較邊緣的人物了 , 現在劇中重傷退役估計目前也不會找什麼二代戰爭機器接棒 , 目前比較能替漫威掙一下臉面的可能就剩下奇異博士跟蜘蛛俠還有雷神了 , 雷神演員打算暫時息影不知道啥時候才會復出 , 至於蜘蛛人方面 ...... 以之前的蜘蛛俠電影詛咒來看 , 蜘蛛人個人電影也很難存活超過4級 , 奇異博士就很難說了 , 但是不管之後蜘蛛人與奇異博士票房在高 , 只有兩位超級英雄也無法支撐復仇者聯盟這麼大的IP , 也許會想辦法讓死侍和X戰警系列還有神奇四俠加入拉一下目前漫威危機 , 但是一堆版權跟合約的問題哪有那麼容易解決 ? 如果要繼續出新英雄 ? 漫威又還有多少能推出就一定受歡迎的英雄角色 ?
    永恆族就別說了 , 別說連電影院懶得跑 , 我連在家上網看都沒興趣 ....
    異人族 ? 當初影集也被罵得挺慘的 ....
    而且這兩個種族跟[復仇者聯盟]本身並無太大關係 , 所以也不太可能把他們都加入復仇者系列這個IP ....
    所以漫威後續電影我還真的不是很看好 .......

  • @浩浩-j2k
    @浩浩-j2k 3 месяца назад


  • @saralam9803
    @saralam9803 3 месяца назад +2

  • @mickeycheng6683
    @mickeycheng6683 3 месяца назад


  • @user-qd3fm4uz2l
    @user-qd3fm4uz2l 3 месяца назад

    雷 • 肥宅神 - 索爾

  • @user-gw4di9dc1z
    @user-gw4di9dc1z 3 месяца назад +2


    • @hardenlee3981
      @hardenlee3981 3 месяца назад


    • @gulito7772
      @gulito7772 3 месяца назад

      @@hardenlee3981 哪里退休了啊 2024年新电影《疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴女神》他不就是主演吗