I feel like there was a topic that this video didn't quite reach far enough to touch upon... which is fine, like, I think it would've been a derailment of the topic, and I like what's here on it's own, but I guess what I wanna point out is Vriska's general disagreement with the way other people act towards her, based on her sense of moral fairness. Vriska has an "eye-for-an-eye" kind of mentality, as it were, about suffering. to her, all things are fair in war. and what I mean by this is that her upbringing was a hardship to her, even if she wasn't the one who was maimed or killed, and even if she developed a sort of gleefully bloodthirsty persona as a coping mechanism for the reality of what she had to do. to her, the thing that justified what she was doing was the sense of competition between her and other FLARPers. winning against them meant that she earned her kill, which is what fuels her desire to designate herself as the _best_ troll. she takes pride in the fact that she earned the right to live another day, because it's really kind of her chief accomplishment in life, and she's really the only person who can stomach being proud of her for doing it. even if you don't try to dramatize the traumatic experience of Vriska having to commit murder regularly as a child, it takes a lot of overlooking to ignore the kind of effect that this upbringing would have on a person. in some ways, that's part of what probably makes Vriska seem so irredeemable to many people. how do you appeal to someone's empathy or desire to preserve life, when they've been asked to suppress that since they were a little kid? if you force them to feel bad about killing now, where would that put them, emotionally, when they think about everything they've done? could that person ever be happy again? people tend to consider her irreparably ruined. but more to my point, I think it's interesting to consider all the people around Vriska, who judge her harshly, but don't personally have to deal with questions like those for themselves. to Vriska, someone like Kanaya has an uncomplicated childhood, curiously devoid of events on which others could cast moral aspersions. and actually, in terms of this, no troll is in starker contrast to Vriska, than Tavros Nitram. I think a lot of people fail to see why Vriska would have a problem with Tavros, and to put it simply, Tavros had the privilege of growing up mild mannered. his lusus is the exact antithesis of Vriska's menacing guardian... it's downright adorable and asks nothing of him. and Tavros's whole attitude and affectation makes it obvious that he's never been put in a life or death situation before, because Vriska is probably correct in assuming that if he was, he would die. we, as the readers, would never wish that upon Tavros, but to be honest, Tavros's likability as a person is his main tool for survival... he has a strategy for staying alive in this world... it's just not a strategy that _eeeeeeeever_ could've worked for Vriska. if Vriska is subscribing to a "might makes right" worldview, then Tavros has no reason to still be alive. to Vriska, it feels like he slipped through the cracks somehow... she can't understand why he deserves to have made it this far. to her, he didn't earn it. not like she did. on top of all of this is the fact that Vriska has challenged a LOT of trolls while FLARPing, and bested a LOT of opponents in her lifetime. she feels like the product of a rigorous vetting process, and she has defeated many skilled and capable people, only to feed them to her lusus at the end of the day. Tavros is probably less capable than pretty much all of them, and while she knows he's off limits... why? because she knows him? because her friends would be upset with her if she killed him? isn't that kind of arbitrary? I can see how it would feel unfair to someone who thinks like Vriska. for him to just be exempt from the trials and tribulations that defined Vriska's whole life. obviously, this is how the cycle of abuse perpetuates itself... a child is held to a toxic/violent standard, they understand this to be the norm as they grow up, and they hold others to this same standard as they continue into their teenage/adult life. in some ways, this is subconscious... but in other ways, it is actively seeking to level the playing field. we would hope to see that field get leveled by the abused person improving their life circumstances once they have the ability to control things about their life, but Vriska has too much pride to let herself be painted as a victim. instead, she tries to level the playing field by demanding that others face the conditions that she is used to living with. when Vriska kind of admits to John once, that it sounds like it would've been nice growing up on earth where everything was easy, she is almost kind of scared by that admission, because it feels like a crack in her armor. in Vriska's experience, you only admit that you want things to be easier when you don't feel like you can handle the way things are. and that's something she never wants to admit... that's something that could've meant death for her at many points throughout her life. but to bring this whole thing back around to Terezi... it makes sense that Vriska would trust Terezi the most out of anyone. Terezi is the person who has come the closest to truly sharing the experience of growing up the way that Vriska did. but Terezi wasn't directly driven to killing with the active threat of parental violence the way Vriska was, which means that Terezi actually doesn't link killing with her identity or self worth as heavily as Vriska does. and this allows Terezi to exit that phase of her life a lot more easily than Vriska does. and in this way, Terezi is sort of like Vriska's most inviting avenue towards a better way of living. Terezi has a rapport with Vriska... they lived side by side, and Terezi understands her struggle. and if anyone was going to lead Vriska away from this violent lifestyle by acting as a living example of how to do it, it'd be Terezi.
I really enjoyed reading this. If you don't mind, I have a question - do you think that Vriska/Tavros' relationship also had something to do with her ancestor's history? Mindfang and the Summoner were equals and matesprits. So I think that Vriska in her roleplaying fever was trying to shape up to their ancestors' image not only herself, but Tavros too. She was trying to bring out Tavros' Page potential by constantly abusing him and mocking him to stand up to her. But by the time he did, not only he still wasn't a match to her, she long fell out of that "project" out of frustration. So she killed him.
@@dumpsterDeity I think that Mindfang and the Summoner definitely had something to do with their relationship... though I think it's a little unclear whether Vriska knew that the Summoner was Tavros's ancestor for sure, or if she just knew of the Summoner as a character from Mindfang's journal, and associated him with possibly the only brown blooded troll that she knew. that said, intention isn't really necessary for a troll to mirror their ancestor, either by following directly in their footsteps, or being a subversion of that narrative. and I think that Vriska and Tavros were actually a subversion of Mindfang and the Summoner, by way of trying to emulate them. I think Vriska's attempts to "make Tavros stronger" were part of that, but that only added to all the reasons I stated above, for why she started hating him more and more. Mindfang and the Summoner had a healthy and stable matespritship, but what Vriska and Tavros end up developing is an unhealthily unbalanced form of kismesitude. Vriska hates Tavros quite a lot, but also wants to improve him via that hate... in a way, that's the textbook definition of what a good kismesis should do for a troll. they should have a strong rivalry wherein they challenge each other... and the self improvement that comes with stepping up to the plate, or pushing themselves to outdo one another, makes them each better as individuals, even as they clash. and because the red and black quadrants are both ones that have to do with reproduction, I wouldn't even say that the kiss they shared disproves anything, even if the emotions the characters actually have are a little confused by who they're trying to roleplay. the problem here is that the relationship isn't balanced at all. if Tavros ever hated Vriska even a little bit, it was only because she wouldn't leave him alone, and getting her to leave him alone was always his only goal. the thing about Vriska, is that she's actually probably the most exemplary of Alternia's social/cultural standards out of the trolls' whole group, which gives us our clearest window into how fucked up Alternia really is. she would actually be a pretty good kismesis if Tavros was the kind of person who could match her antagonism with his own, but Tavros isn't driven to do that. and as another subversion of Mindfang and the Summoner's story, instead of the Summoner (bronze blood) killing Mindfang (blue blood), Vriska kills Tavros. from a narrative standpoint, the subversion is the only reason it should be like this, but from a character perspective, I think Vriska was always escalating towards killing Tavros for her own reasons, even if it did harken back to something she'd read.
this was absolutely awesome to read considering most vriska/terezi pieces focus really strongly on terezi's narrative and her feelings for vriska rather than exploring how vriska was indulging in their codependency especially on the meteor pre scratch
I love Vrisrezi so much i wasn't into homestuck for that long but Vriska x Terezi was one of my first homestuck ships something about it is comforting to me
to me this relationship was the emotional core of homestuck, and I came away with similar feelings as you after reading and considering ty for doing it justice
ive been watching your channel for a couple weeks now and these videos are SO insightful. you make your points so clearly and it can't be easy to edit in excerpts from an 8000 page webcomic and all its supplemental material but the extra effort makes all these vids come out so clean and well-done. i read HS about a decade ago (wow!!!) all the way up until it ended, and i'm currently rereading it, and these videos help me recall info and appreciate what i'm reading now. great stuff all around
such a great analysis! especially the are people inherently good question, that's an angle I'd never thought of before even tho I've been thinking about these two and their relationship for years. much to think about... thank you Taz!
I remember seeing the clip where the dead Vriska and Terezi meet. It didn't have the emotional impact it could've had. I was young and can't wait to have more comfortable tools to read Homestuck
Hey since pesterquest came out awhile ago I was wondering possibly if you could do an updated video on MSPA reader! ( you don’t have to of course but it’d be awesome! Have a good day/night!! )
Terezis mistake doesnt just effect her, it effects everyone, and proves that Vriskas haters were wrong about her. Its sad to watch Terezi spiral, like watching a trainwreck, and even when she doesnt go through with it, she loses Vriska and stays lonely. Maybe thats her karma. She wont let anyone get close to her except Vriska, who she knows for a fact she loves and that is able to make her feel properly loved as well. Honestly I think the saddest thing about Terezi is that she sees the good in everyone and cares about them, but she doesnt know how to tell who really cares about her, which is why she impulsively goes into relationship after relationship.
Sorry to bother you, you have great content, but unfortunately my knowledge of English is very poor. I just want to hope that in the future you will have subtitles at least in English. And I will be able to understand at least half of the text.🤧
Really loved the pronunciation of (Vriska).
same lol
I feel like there was a topic that this video didn't quite reach far enough to touch upon... which is fine, like, I think it would've been a derailment of the topic, and I like what's here on it's own, but I guess what I wanna point out is Vriska's general disagreement with the way other people act towards her, based on her sense of moral fairness. Vriska has an "eye-for-an-eye" kind of mentality, as it were, about suffering. to her, all things are fair in war.
and what I mean by this is that her upbringing was a hardship to her, even if she wasn't the one who was maimed or killed, and even if she developed a sort of gleefully bloodthirsty persona as a coping mechanism for the reality of what she had to do. to her, the thing that justified what she was doing was the sense of competition between her and other FLARPers. winning against them meant that she earned her kill, which is what fuels her desire to designate herself as the _best_ troll. she takes pride in the fact that she earned the right to live another day, because it's really kind of her chief accomplishment in life, and she's really the only person who can stomach being proud of her for doing it. even if you don't try to dramatize the traumatic experience of Vriska having to commit murder regularly as a child, it takes a lot of overlooking to ignore the kind of effect that this upbringing would have on a person. in some ways, that's part of what probably makes Vriska seem so irredeemable to many people. how do you appeal to someone's empathy or desire to preserve life, when they've been asked to suppress that since they were a little kid? if you force them to feel bad about killing now, where would that put them, emotionally, when they think about everything they've done? could that person ever be happy again? people tend to consider her irreparably ruined.
but more to my point, I think it's interesting to consider all the people around Vriska, who judge her harshly, but don't personally have to deal with questions like those for themselves. to Vriska, someone like Kanaya has an uncomplicated childhood, curiously devoid of events on which others could cast moral aspersions. and actually, in terms of this, no troll is in starker contrast to Vriska, than Tavros Nitram.
I think a lot of people fail to see why Vriska would have a problem with Tavros, and to put it simply, Tavros had the privilege of growing up mild mannered. his lusus is the exact antithesis of Vriska's menacing guardian... it's downright adorable and asks nothing of him. and Tavros's whole attitude and affectation makes it obvious that he's never been put in a life or death situation before, because Vriska is probably correct in assuming that if he was, he would die. we, as the readers, would never wish that upon Tavros, but to be honest, Tavros's likability as a person is his main tool for survival... he has a strategy for staying alive in this world... it's just not a strategy that _eeeeeeeever_ could've worked for Vriska. if Vriska is subscribing to a "might makes right" worldview, then Tavros has no reason to still be alive. to Vriska, it feels like he slipped through the cracks somehow... she can't understand why he deserves to have made it this far. to her, he didn't earn it. not like she did.
on top of all of this is the fact that Vriska has challenged a LOT of trolls while FLARPing, and bested a LOT of opponents in her lifetime. she feels like the product of a rigorous vetting process, and she has defeated many skilled and capable people, only to feed them to her lusus at the end of the day. Tavros is probably less capable than pretty much all of them, and while she knows he's off limits... why? because she knows him? because her friends would be upset with her if she killed him? isn't that kind of arbitrary? I can see how it would feel unfair to someone who thinks like Vriska. for him to just be exempt from the trials and tribulations that defined Vriska's whole life.
obviously, this is how the cycle of abuse perpetuates itself... a child is held to a toxic/violent standard, they understand this to be the norm as they grow up, and they hold others to this same standard as they continue into their teenage/adult life. in some ways, this is subconscious... but in other ways, it is actively seeking to level the playing field. we would hope to see that field get leveled by the abused person improving their life circumstances once they have the ability to control things about their life, but Vriska has too much pride to let herself be painted as a victim. instead, she tries to level the playing field by demanding that others face the conditions that she is used to living with. when Vriska kind of admits to John once, that it sounds like it would've been nice growing up on earth where everything was easy, she is almost kind of scared by that admission, because it feels like a crack in her armor. in Vriska's experience, you only admit that you want things to be easier when you don't feel like you can handle the way things are. and that's something she never wants to admit... that's something that could've meant death for her at many points throughout her life.
but to bring this whole thing back around to Terezi... it makes sense that Vriska would trust Terezi the most out of anyone. Terezi is the person who has come the closest to truly sharing the experience of growing up the way that Vriska did. but Terezi wasn't directly driven to killing with the active threat of parental violence the way Vriska was, which means that Terezi actually doesn't link killing with her identity or self worth as heavily as Vriska does. and this allows Terezi to exit that phase of her life a lot more easily than Vriska does. and in this way, Terezi is sort of like Vriska's most inviting avenue towards a better way of living. Terezi has a rapport with Vriska... they lived side by side, and Terezi understands her struggle. and if anyone was going to lead Vriska away from this violent lifestyle by acting as a living example of how to do it, it'd be Terezi.
God, what a good piece. Thanks for writing this.
@@Overcrox you're welcome! I'm glad you thought so. ^^
I really enjoyed reading this.
If you don't mind, I have a question - do you think that Vriska/Tavros' relationship also had something to do with her ancestor's history? Mindfang and the Summoner were equals and matesprits. So I think that Vriska in her roleplaying fever was trying to shape up to their ancestors' image not only herself, but Tavros too. She was trying to bring out Tavros' Page potential by constantly abusing him and mocking him to stand up to her. But by the time he did, not only he still wasn't a match to her, she long fell out of that "project" out of frustration. So she killed him.
@@dumpsterDeity I think that Mindfang and the Summoner definitely had something to do with their relationship... though I think it's a little unclear whether Vriska knew that the Summoner was Tavros's ancestor for sure, or if she just knew of the Summoner as a character from Mindfang's journal, and associated him with possibly the only brown blooded troll that she knew.
that said, intention isn't really necessary for a troll to mirror their ancestor, either by following directly in their footsteps, or being a subversion of that narrative. and I think that Vriska and Tavros were actually a subversion of Mindfang and the Summoner, by way of trying to emulate them. I think Vriska's attempts to "make Tavros stronger" were part of that, but that only added to all the reasons I stated above, for why she started hating him more and more. Mindfang and the Summoner had a healthy and stable matespritship, but what Vriska and Tavros end up developing is an unhealthily unbalanced form of kismesitude. Vriska hates Tavros quite a lot, but also wants to improve him via that hate... in a way, that's the textbook definition of what a good kismesis should do for a troll. they should have a strong rivalry wherein they challenge each other... and the self improvement that comes with stepping up to the plate, or pushing themselves to outdo one another, makes them each better as individuals, even as they clash. and because the red and black quadrants are both ones that have to do with reproduction, I wouldn't even say that the kiss they shared disproves anything, even if the emotions the characters actually have are a little confused by who they're trying to roleplay. the problem here is that the relationship isn't balanced at all. if Tavros ever hated Vriska even a little bit, it was only because she wouldn't leave him alone, and getting her to leave him alone was always his only goal.
the thing about Vriska, is that she's actually probably the most exemplary of Alternia's social/cultural standards out of the trolls' whole group, which gives us our clearest window into how fucked up Alternia really is. she would actually be a pretty good kismesis if Tavros was the kind of person who could match her antagonism with his own, but Tavros isn't driven to do that. and as another subversion of Mindfang and the Summoner's story, instead of the Summoner (bronze blood) killing Mindfang (blue blood), Vriska kills Tavros. from a narrative standpoint, the subversion is the only reason it should be like this, but from a character perspective, I think Vriska was always escalating towards killing Tavros for her own reasons, even if it did harken back to something she'd read.
this was absolutely awesome to read considering most vriska/terezi pieces focus really strongly on terezi's narrative and her feelings for vriska rather than exploring how vriska was indulging in their codependency especially on the meteor pre scratch
I love Vrisrezi so much i wasn't into homestuck for that long but Vriska x Terezi was one of my first homestuck ships something about it is comforting to me
Man, you really made see their relationship differently now. As always, good work!
you could say you see it in a different *light*
*Fingerguns at you*
to me this relationship was the emotional core of homestuck, and I came away with similar feelings as you after reading and considering
ty for doing it justice
This is why s terezi remember hits so hard
Excellent video, great job. :)
Yo is RUclips glitching or did you post this 3 weeks ago
Horrible video, awful job. :(
@@wjjgtin5074 Yes
Wj*jG**tíñ I think Patreons get early access
Getting teary eyed.
ive been watching your channel for a couple weeks now and these videos are SO insightful. you make your points so clearly and it can't be easy to edit in excerpts from an 8000 page webcomic and all its supplemental material but the extra effort makes all these vids come out so clean and well-done. i read HS about a decade ago (wow!!!) all the way up until it ended, and i'm currently rereading it, and these videos help me recall info and appreciate what i'm reading now. great stuff all around
these two mean so much to me so i'm glad to see you make a video on them and their dynamic in hs!
like always, this is a wonderful take
This guy gives so much hope for the fandom by his knowledge and understanding
Good work! Keep it up man you are doing wonderful
My eyes are teary
And my day is blurry
God I'm CRYING I love my girls
Fantastic video Taz!! I could listen to you going on for HOURS
such a great analysis! especially the are people inherently good question, that's an angle I'd never thought of before even tho I've been thinking about these two and their relationship for years. much to think about... thank you Taz!
Yes!! My favorite ship!!
AMAZING WORK OD!! Thank you for everything!
I can't help but giggle every time you say (vriska)
THANK YOU‼️ i love them sm
i love them so fucking much oh my god
your videos are really fucking good. I love your voice and the way you present everything in an objective way. IDK it's refreshing
Oh heck, this is my jam. Great analysis! I love your videos
Trying desperately not to cry at work. Excellent work as always
You...are extremely talented at analyzing! Would you consider this an inherent or practiced talent?
this videos slays. i love it.
No one:
Taz: *(Vriska)*
Great video man
I remember seeing the clip where the dead Vriska and Terezi meet. It didn't have the emotional impact it could've had. I was young and can't wait to have more comfortable tools to read Homestuck
i am so very sad and thinking about vriska again,,,,,
6:40 it left Vriska with a gaping hole too
2:52 That Shoujo Kakumei Utena reference
Woooooooo, time for a great video!
Me a vrisrezi shipper watching this 🥺🥺🥺
super video! thank you!
This is a great video 👍
Vrisrezi give me life
Will you ever talk about Doc Scratch himself. I remember you mentioned that he was “Lucifer himself”
just saw this come up lol
Excellent video two watch befour I go two sleep
ayo why it fast
Sir are you going to cover the Master Classes and the Cardinal Aspects anytime soon?
Hey since pesterquest came out awhile ago I was wondering possibly if you could do an updated video on MSPA reader! ( you don’t have to of course but it’d be awesome! Have a good day/night!! )
Do davekat!!!!
why is your audio a bit fast?
Terezis mistake doesnt just effect her, it effects everyone, and proves that Vriskas haters were wrong about her. Its sad to watch Terezi spiral, like watching a trainwreck, and even when she doesnt go through with it, she loses Vriska and stays lonely. Maybe thats her karma. She wont let anyone get close to her except Vriska, who she knows for a fact she loves and that is able to make her feel properly loved as well. Honestly I think the saddest thing about Terezi is that she sees the good in everyone and cares about them, but she doesnt know how to tell who really cares about her, which is why she impulsively goes into relationship after relationship.
looks like the algorithm is fucking up a bit because i'm not seeing these vids on the TL anymore
Sequel video?
Ur name is amazing 💗
Is the audio here... sped up?
Shout out to christifor welch
pretty sure they just double die after the flash
Sorry to bother you, you have great content, but unfortunately my knowledge of English is very poor. I just want to hope that in the future you will have subtitles at least in English. And I will be able to understand at least half of the text.🤧
honestly i find pale vrisrezi pretty good
i still don't know how to feel about red vrisrezi
great video though