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HR, has become away to bum people down. Women in the work place rule the roast, takes the responsibility off management, also hidden under the guise of Health and Safety. Kid's are no longer taught work skill, life is now based on qualifications, HR is a waist of time, which has made this country a scared society. Men stay away from helping others because of this ideology. Older people have the skills kid's require but not the qualifications. Why the brain cells have declined over the decades, look at politicians.
@@andyfield7397 Haha, my company tried to fire me. They lost in court. Now they're paying me almost twice my regular salary while I'm on early retirement. The problem is the WOMEN! The whole woke-sh*t is female-driven. The more women gained power in companies, the more BS they introduced. Put the curves next to eachother and you'll see.
I was accused of bullying in the workplace, which I strongly denied. Human Resources took over and did a full 1 month investigation. At the end I got a letter saying that. “ After an extensive investigation we have found no evidence that you did or didn’t bully anyone, but the general consensus is that you did “. So they found me guilty. I took the letter to my boss and a copy to the union. By the end of the week I was found innocent and the HR girl was sacked. That’s my dealing with that mob.
The letter she sent you literally makes no sense. That's what happens when women are put in charge. They destroy every good thing that men build. Disgusting.
Your HR dept operates by left wing logic... that truth is established by public polls. If a consensus say that twice two is five then it must be so even if there is no evidence.
Meanwhile, the workers who actually bring value are more stressed, more overworked, not represented, and not remunerated. And these sorts of environments allow spiteful people to play humiliating power games on employees not part of their clique, or people who they are jealous of.
Welcome to the world of communism AKA social justice, it has been creeping in for years. As the old USSR workers used to say "they pretend to pay us so we pretend to work" this is why it never works as everyone just gives up striving as there is nothing to strive for.
Those workers not pulling their weight bully those who are as they know they’ll be found out sooner or later; so they make pre-emptive strikes on the good workers, eventually forcing them out. The workplace is eventually left with a lot of nasty, useless, petty no-hopers.
Well yes, 'twas ever thus I'm afraid. I'd had enough of it by 62 so I took a reduced pension and left. My 'mental health' has subsequently improved immensely and now, at 70, I feel like I've been reborn.
I used to work in an HR-related field. The day I knew I was leaving the UK and never coming back was when I was invited to a disciplinary meeting and told "you said something bad" and when I asked what, I was told they couldn't tell me, when I asked where or to whom, the same. You can't win in a world where dribbling morons from HR hold unlimited power over you and you cannot even answer the accusations they make, because they won't tell you what those accusations are. It's purely Orwellian. So, I left the job and the UK, and a few years later, I left the profession. It's not easy making it on your own in the big wide world, but it's better than playing insane politics with power tripping shit weasels.
In the early days of computer support offices, we workers noted a very similar attitude among IT people. Anything new users wanted was "not needed", and all system improvements for the systems benefited IT personnel and drove users insane. IT people, much like the later, improved HR people, became nothing more than geeks with power. If they were confronted, both would answer with the latest gobbldygook from their respective worlds. Glad I'm no longer there.
People have to stand together. A friend of mine a couple of years ago was forced to attend a "white privilege / problematic whiteness" training seminar to keep his job. About halfway through it, he stood up, told the "expert" running the course that he "had no time for this hateful racist and sexist garbage, I'm out", and was told he had to accept it and complete the module to keep his job. His response was "You won't have to worry about that, because my notice will be on [his manager's] desk inside ten minutes." The moment he stood up and walked out, a few others got up and left after him. Once that started, it escalated until nearly three quarters of the other attendees had followed him out the door. Such a large number of resignations would have been catastrophic for the company, which was only mid-sized with about 150 staff - at least 100 of them walked out. Cue an emergency meeting with senior management in which the CEO asked, "Ok people, what's wrong and how can we convince you to stay with us?" It was made very clear to him that he could have wokeness or staff, but not both. The result was that the company reduced its diversity/inclusiveness program to simply offering counselling to any staff member who felt they needed it, rather than forcing them to sit through woke seminars. People, it only takes ONE strong man or woman to walk out the door and others WILL follow. Nobody wants to be the first to stick their necks out, but if you find the courage to do so, you'll very likely, and quickly, find a stack of supporters behind you. And if they don't follow you out, then you've just escaped a very toxic workplace. People power is very real. You just need to find the heart and the courage to be the first to invoke it.
@@blinkin78 You're just having a little tanty because you refuse to believe anyone has the will to stand up to you crybullies. You've lost your war. Deal with it. I *became* friends with the guy this happened to, precisely because he had the courage to speak out about what happened.
If they can get an advanced degree in something like HR, and if you have to deal with them, then it's always obvious by the drop in oxygen when they walk into the room.
I worked as male in one of biggest HR departments in a 30000+ company. The HR department is 95% women and they were preaching how the company needed more women managers and engineers in the whole organisation (absolutely gender discrimination) yet they had no interest in getting more men into the HR department. I confronted them with this, why they did not promote gender balance in HR and went as role models for this idea, and I became the target of bully and character assassination on a daily basis after that episode, I had to quit my job because I become so sick from stress.
Same with hiring of personal assistants. Why are they always women or at best, gay males? Why won't they hire lesbians or aspiring MMA fighters with a good command of Excel and Outlook scheduling?
I work in an HR dept. I'm one of 2 men. I'm an programmer. It is my job to automate away the jobs of everyone else. And I'm good at it. Most people in HR now have nothing to do. They tend to be 1) not very bright 2) overwhelmingly female 3) busy trying to justify their worthless existence with woke initiatives. They are not needed. They seek to bully the workforce because women in power who aren't very bright invariably do this. They want to force all the men to be 'nice', but what they actually do is make life miserable for everyone else and harass and bully people with the threat of ruining promotion opportunities, taking away perks and ultimately dismissing people who stand up to them. Oh, and 'educating people' over and over with 'training' until they submit. Solution ... fire them all. HRIS systems these days are so advanced you don't need many people in an HR dept. Leaving them will destroy your business. Keep the recruiters for interviews, a payroll manager and maybe one or two administrators for dogsbody work. Fire all the HR business partners and Senior HR business partners. They get paid a lot and they produce nothing other than woke. It's the business partners you should flush out tomorrow.
This is it. So true. The job is effectively corporate welfare. They are a tyranny at this point. Hard to keep strong against them when they hold this much power. At the end of the day I want to do a good job and get paid/bonuses on it. I keep my ideas to myself at work, no one is offended or upset by me, but I won't sit back and be told I'm bad because of who I am and that I have a subconscious issue against others. Best of luck my friend.
I so agree with what you've stated. 15 years ago, I was based within a university's HR Department. The head of HR earned £80,000 and her two deputies each earned £60,000. The head of HR confided in me that she was bored in her role and basically shuffled paperwork to look busy. She delegated everything to her team. The renumeration these people receive for being glorified administrators is obscene.
There is an important part of HR though that companies need Employment Law Specialists otherwise you have managers doing the most stupid things and getting into trouble with the law.
I have been a paramedic in Victoria Australia for over 20 years and have witnessed activists destroy an ambulance service. We can’t get you to hospital- but don’t worry- we’ll get your pronouns right.
Same happened here. A friend of mine had severe heart problems and got very ill. Blue etc. Could not move I KEPT talking to the 911 crew until after hours they finally made it there. Then 911 hung up on me. I heard nothing since. Later I heard what had happened. They had arrived and left after a few minutes without the patient because he had not expressed clear enough that he wanted to go to the hospital and they did not want to hurt his feelings. He lay there for days alone, abandoned and died.
My wife has recently retired after almost 25 years in a UK ambulance service and promotion has become a 3 pronged affair. 1. What job your mother/father does. 2. Your ethnicity. 3. Your sexuality. None of those things have any bearing on your ability to do your job and almost none of those jobs have anything to do with saving lives.
I was told by my HR manager that there is no longer any such thing as free speech. She used to work for the NBA where they notoriously demanded players stand against Hong Kong freedom. We're no longer allowed to refer to people as he or she. I objected to the emasculation of the men under me. We now have a supreme court justice who doesn't know what a woman is. If cavemen were that stupid we would be extinct. I object to the madness.
That Supreme Court justice knows exactly what a woman is, she’s a woman she knows what she is. What she was demonstrating for the world to see by acting like she didn’t know what a woman was she was just doing what leftist do, lie.
I see this at work constantly. I had 11 days off in total last year, 2 periods of which were due to company policy (I had to leave to get a Covid test and wait for the result) 1 due to a sprained knee and one where they sent me home due to a very bad chest infection. On returning to work after this last event I was told I had to have an interview with my boss and HR. The upshot of which was that I received a verbal warning for going 1 day over the threshold for absence. My arguments that I was following both company policy and the law fell on deaf ears. I wasn't too worried as even at 60 years old I am quite fit and healthy. However there are many others who have been off for weeks with genuine illness/operations etc. All now get a verbal warning leading to written warnings, final warnings and then the sack. The office functions have expanded greatly in my time and those who actually produce are being wittled down and not replaced. We have had sackings for what my generation would call banter. We have had sackings for political incorrectness, people with decades of specialist experience gone over relative triffles. In production terms we are losing our way with more down time due to inexperienced staff and lack of staff. Other changes I see are LGBTQ+ support groups notices on company notice boards, mental health awareness groups and offers of in house counciling. Financial health awareness groups and offers of in house counciling and seminars. We are seeing in addition to the traditional first aiders, things like mental health first aiders being appointed after 3 day courses. There is an atmosphere of genuine fear at work, people afraid to speak normally, or raise objections etc, I'm fairly wiley due to long experience and I know with company questionnaires, and so called anonymous surveys that there is the right answer, the wrong answer and the one "they" want to hear. The frequencies of these information gathering tools is increasing. 1984 springs to mind
I had this in one job - bullying after being on sick leave for legitimate reasons. I am surprised, very surprised, that it is not against the law, and comments from legal people would be welcome.
Corporations get a huge bonus for achieving Sustainability and Diversity Goals (SDGs I think) which means ticking all the woke boxes. Climate diversity carbon Credits lgbt (but not political diversity mind you)
Worked for a great, successful company for nine years and had no intention of leaving. Then came the new trans HR manager. Place became a nightmare and over 90 percent of the long term staff left within 18 months, including myself. A year later the company was no more.
I worked for a UK government organisation for twenty-five years and saw the rise of the HR cult. Frontline jobs were cut but the HR department continued to expand. The workforce soon learned that HR were there solely in the interests of management and rapidly distanced itself from matters relating to the rank and file. It was one hundred percent female with a head who was on £300K a year who nobody ever saw. They resided on a closed off floor only accessible by strict appointment. I saw it only once and it was far more comfortably appointed than the other work areas. HR are a modern curse.
HR exists to protect the corporate body from any possible costly litigation, not the workers. Never talk to HR about ANYTHING (and especially don't complete their mind-probing surveys).
@@petewalsh764 The commenter said nothing about their not receiving a promotion, but remarked on the general state of affairs. Perhaps you've been walking around with your eyelids stitched shut not to notice the overwhelming, and at times, undeserved, advantages proferred the subaltern in the name of equity. Hierarchy is alive and well, and straight white men are at the bottom.
@@willmercury nonsense. Seems you can't handle competition. For starters companies employ the person who'll make their company the most profit. You just don't like it if others are treated with the same respect as straight white men. The right-wing have brain-washed you into needing someone to look down upon. Whilst doing this they''ll make sure your wages and conditions worsen.
I was head-hunted to a head-of role, in part due to my background of fostering genuine equality of access. During the probation period, a member of the group felt so distraught at “having a straight white male senior manager” that he was unable to come to work and literally put up a formal complaint that the situation constituted an unreasonable psychological impact and bullying. Instead of telling him to grow up, HR supported his claim and declared me to be a workplace risk, and guilty of bullying solely on the grounds of being straight-white-male. They confirmed that there was no behaviour at issue. I was walked out that day. Edit: I encourage everyone to look at the replies and responses of a particular person to this thread. They’re demonstrating the very type of thinking (cognitive distortions) that’s behind what I was describing. I could go on about projection, emotional reasoning, jumping to conclusions, etc. suggest use it for self-educational purposes ✌️😊
@@paulmryglod4802 And if Stukkeman was a girl, or better yet, identified as a girl, I'm sure he'd (they'd?) sue and win. Being a straight white male, I'm not so sure.
It appears to be open season on white male anglophone workers. How is the job hunt going? Didi you have to take a pay-cut to regain employment? Hope the reference was good or at least not harmful.
HR departments, to quote from E Powell, "have the whip hand" these days for sure. Astonishing really when you realise they're totally unproductive and consist almost entirely of thirty-something bints with degrees in stuff like Gender Studies and Political 'Science', with the odd gay bloke allowed in just to keep things 'diverse'.
Fifteen years ago, I was based within a university's HR Department. The head of HR earned £80,000 and her two deputies each earned £60,000. The head of HR confided in me that she was bored in her role and basically shuffled paperwork to look busy. She delegated everything to her team. The renumeration these people receive for being glorified administrators is obscene.
It's the same in corporations, big salaries for paper shuffling. Payroll is largely automated so HR departments are superfluous, the sensible option is simply abolish HR departments, flush the parasitic rubbish away.
I guess it's always best to make sure your subordinates are being well paid - then you can justify about 30% more because, after all, you're in charge of them!
@@every1665 yep they have to justify their existence even though there isnt one , so they make things up to justify their existence , bosses get fooled by it
@@patthewoodboy And justifying their jobs often means inventing extra pointless tasks ('safety' checks, training courses etc) for the workers who actually do useful things.
Also, if you are an employee, who goes to HR to complain about management, HR will do everything possible to silence you. They are there to enforce the power of those in power.
Even worse: in a conflict with management I spoke to HR and said that wanted that the discussion between us would be strictly confidential and between us. Next morning HR had spoken to my line manager. Personnel should be told when they join a company that any discussion with HR is not confidential and is shared with management.
Last year i quit my job at the university and went to work on the building site! I’ve never been happier and I now work amongst normal people and we just turn up, do our jobs, then we go home and it is utter bliss
The enforcer Clint Eastwood 76 , " you've been transferred to personnel " , " to personnel !! That's for assholes " , yep that just about sums them up .
MRS. GREY: His Honor intends to broaden the areas of participation for women in the police force. CALLAHAN: (sarcastic)Well that sounds very stylish. Harry Callahan called out this bulls**t 45 years ago.
@@doris.from.pinner what do you think this is some kind of encounter group? I want to know what ms Moore will do when a villain says HIT THE DECK YOU SON OF A BITCH!
I learned my lesson at work, never talk with a woman unless there is a witness. Never ask a woman to go for coffee together. Then HR opened a sexual harassment office. Then it expanded. I skipped on all office parties and get togethers.
I worked for 33 years in a career that I loved. I was a Sewer Worker which is a male dominated area.They hired a male hating female as the head of H.R. and she love showing her dominance over men. This and Woke H.R. became the reason for 95% of discourse in our work place. I ended up retiring for this reason.
@@leftgrrl Congrats on your math skills, but shame about your reading comprehension; he said "the reason for 95% of discourse" not "literally 95% of the sentences spoken."
My boss (Bob) asked the woman (Anne) on the desk nexk to him if she'd had a good weekend. She told HR that she was being sexually harassed, they took it seriously and went nuclear. Now, NOBODY talks to Anne. HR got involved again, and were told in no uncertain terms that the situation was entirely their fault. Then Anne complained about me, because I wouldn't do part of her job for her, suddenly, according to HR lady I was a huge misogynist and I was guilty. However, I had a video of the entire conversation. So Anne complained again that she felt unsafe, and this time I was guilty of gross misconduct and told I would be fired for secretly filming Anne without her knowledge or permission. So I asked for a meeting with HR lady and her boss and my legal advisor. After showing them the video of nothing happening to Anne, I was asked what right I had to film a woman without her permission, at which point I pointed to a spot on the screen behind Anne where there was a big yellow sign on the wall of the meeting room, warning people that they were being recorded by cctv, which was the very reason I had chosen that meeting room. Today; Anne still has her job. Bob has been given a written warning and never talks to Anne. Anne is complaining that the men in her office are creating a hostile work environment and babbling about toxic masculinity. I have been given written warnings for exposing Anne and HR, however, because of their own policies I have been able to force them to write down precisely what the warning is for, which makes them look really bad every time a manager reads it in my monthly reviews, which they almost never fail to do. HR have a new rule in place designed to discourage people from involving legal advisors in disputes with HR, which of course has lead to more people doing exactly that and the firm getting not just sued but thoroughly spanked in court over a simple issue. But we do have a woman's group and there are Pride flags and posters in the engineering workshop even though the engineering department officially doesn't care, not joking, they really did tell HR that nobody cares who sleeps with whom as it has nothing to do with work, (good for them).
This surprises me. Something similar happened to me, and I was fired for using the offensive word "boyfriend." Every HR department I've encountered has dictatorial power.
I had a coworker make a false accusation on me over 20 years ago. She had led me on and was angry that I wasn't sufficiently devastated, so she painted me as a stalker in a bid to get me fired. Basically the entire office knew the truth and defended me. She faced no consequences whatsoever and soon went on to falsely accuse multiple others. This has been going on for a long time.
In the US HR became the sole dominion of women by the early 1990’s when corporations staffed the department with women in order to virtue signal that they did not discriminate against women and “minorities” to satisfy Federal EEOC investigators and state employment law enforcement agencies while simultaneously filling hiring and promotion quotas. Double win for them. Now HR departments are comprise of 80% to 100% women. So much for diversity!
@@Aroseisarose15 I had similar experiences with multiple companies. One hired seasoned 40 something’s to prop up a late 20 something as their boss. Did not succeed. Yada. Yada! Yada! This nonsense negatively affects competent professionals, female or male, who must work around them. Sorry you had this experience. Industrial Relations it was known early on way a fascinating and value added and respected activity in the workplace. That ship sailed.
When I first entered the workforce about thirty five years ago, I was told that organizations hid their worst employees - their most incompetent and least useful and most unproductive members of the organization - in HR and procurement. Thirty five years on, that is no longer true for procurement - but is triply true for HR. I think I have encountered maybe a half dozen HR employees in my near four decade work life that didn't truly suck. They NEVER add value to the organization, never do anything but get in the way and demoralize good employees in the interest of making the worst employees and biggest problem children in the organization feel better about themselves. HR is truly the deeply destructive black hole of every organization I know of.
I had a mean (I know. I know people say this about their bosses.) supervisor who almost mad me minecraft myself. She delighted in it. She always said if it bothers you tell me. Which is a trap. It made people's lives miserable. You couldn't even talk to the division head or hr, since the same thing would happen. She was a part of the privileged lgbt; the business knew what was happening. They were afraid to fire her. So, she got away with murder.
Working in a medical research facility where scarce funding is wasted on art works, ceremonies and worthless but expensive 'cultural sensitivity' courses, I can totally agree with with this lady. We know that left-wing activists have never been able to sell their message directly, so they infest anything that is popular, respected and successful like charities, sporting organisations, the media (well, initially they were respected!), volunteer groups, churches etc. The workplace is just the latest vehicle by which they wield influence. Her point about CEOs being scared of their own HR (or 'People and Culture') department is bang on. They get a foothold in and before you know it, the department has grown from one person to 6 in about 2 years and suddenly you are required to attend training courses warning that conventional conservative attitudes will now constitute 'hate speech' and dismissal could be the result. I'm so glad I'll be retiring soon but I pity the employees of the coming years.
I've heard that the radical ideologists rarely aim for the top tier jobs in any organization. They tend to aim for the mid level bureaucracy positions where the power is seen to be subtle, but tends to be more powerful. Since the positions tend to be somewhat stable and influential, they are largely the ones wreaking the havoc.
@@lesfox2010 more like they wish they had the top seat, but often they go still much further than people who just finished their education parroting whatever the teacher told them to parrot could reasonable hope to achieve.
'People and Culture' LMFRWAO!, seeing that opened a memory synapse, in my last ever job within a multi-person workplace in Local Government, just before I left to work for myself based from my home in 2012, they changed the name of the HR Department to 'People and Places'. I remember laughing openly at that nonsensical stupidity during an interdepartmental meeting but coming from the private building industry only a year or so earlier I wasn't sufficiently initiated (institutionalised?) to read the total silence with which my derisive laughter was met. The Public Service just wasn't for me after decades working solely within industries where the only thing which ever mattered was meeting deadlines with a quality finished product. Any workplace which has the time to engage in all of this woke sjw crap is overstaffed and under occupied in performing their primary function, like all forms of Government.
HR is now passe in my company and is now called People Experience. They no longer do personnel things such as assisting with benefits or expense reports. They are 100% engaged on DEI and other political activism. I recently retired and there was no out processing at all including no exit interview, post-exit health benefits briefing, etc. Seems human resources only cares about certain types of humans and pushing an agenda.
The first time I heard HR referred to as PE, I had no bloody idea what department they were referring to. Like, I’m not at work to “experience people” I’m there to perform a specific task, go home, and get on with my life. We need more people who are mission focused on the JOB ITSELF, not all this foolishness. 95% of even getting a job these days, is in clearing the hurdle of HR weasels who don’t even understand the nature or function of the jobs they’re hiring for. You basically have to pretend that nothing has ever gone wrong or ben challenging ever in your life, and everything is perfect, or they will pick at that like a scab until they bleed you. It’s all about jumping around them, to the manager you’ll actually work with, who also knows what’s required in the task. In 10 years of contracting, I’ve found it to be completely consistent that if you make it past the idiotic gatekeeper in HR, you pretty much have the job. And heaven forfend if you have a real problem - I mean a real one- with someone who actually is sexist or racist or whatever. Then, when you proper need HR to sort it out, you can BANK on them punishing you for complaining, out of some misguided belief that they’re protecting the company.They’re not. They weaken it at every turn.
I'm a senior HR exec in one of the UKs largest companies. I have been fighting a rear guard action against the culture of woke for many years now. I think we are at the turning point or not far from it. HR is there to support the business.. it is not there to bully, Hector or politicise its employees, customers or colleagues.
@@oldskoolordie not necessarily. It's meant to protect the company within the bounds of employment law. What's amazing at the moment is HR departments imposing politics and ideology on employees and management which is so often illegal. This means HR are not acting in the knterest of the company because they leave the company open to legal action and bad headlines. What is concerning is that there's a certain attitude in some organisations by 'elite' types that they don't care what thd law is, they believe the law is wrong and they have a moral obligation to break it. Hence the BBC recruits on race even though they know it is illegal to do so. In fact they are on record saying ' we know its illegal but we think thd law is wrong and we are morally right therefore we will break the law' We see this attitude all over the left. Their sense of moral superiority is nauseating and fortunately, we still have laws they must obey.
@@HarryFlashmanVC Factor in selective enforcement of labour law, the prohibitively high cost of litigation and injustices multiply. As Montaigne wrote long ago: "Wherever peccadillos are treated as crimes, crimes are treated as peccadillos."
Richard, I worked for a very large corporation for 14 years. I saw a complete sea change in company culture. When restructures were made or costs cut during the pandemic it seemed to be only middle-aged white men losing their jobs. I think the situation is getting worse but well done for keeping up the fight.
As manager, I fing despise HR. Every company I've been in, they've been overpaid, always offloading their responsibilities on to the business, creating "busy work", providing zero support for managers handling difficult staff. When the downturns come, its amazing how you can shed a truckload of these parasites and the business doesn't even notice they've gone. Except as a manager, you have more time on your hands to make the business money...
HR is a collection of Karen types who spend their time doing busywork and undermining the company. These days, they are focused on hiring dead weight that fits certain political goals rather than qualified candidates. Not enough female engineers? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with having very few women getting degrees in engineering. Best to hire some unqualified women and put them in roles they could never do.
HR is overhead. When crisis hits, CFOs realize they have a place to cut corners. And if they do not see it, you can tell them. A big crisis will hit soon, and it is going to be a long one. You will have a chance to return the favor, via as many CFOs you can talk.
Agree. I applied for a position as a unit manager, RN at a facility in Michigan. When, during the interview, the question was raised about my attendance in previous jobs was asked, I replied the fact that I have worked years without any call offs or late arrivals on my shifts and expect my staff to abide by the same. The response was jaw dropping. They stated “ We cannot offer you the position and the offer is no longer on the table because the CNA staff cannot be held accountable because not arriving on time or not showing up is a cultural aspect of the staff and attendance cannot be enforced “ MIND BLOWN 🤯! Now this entitled mind set is pervasive throughout every Nursing facility in Michigan. Employees stroll in late and leave early almost daily because as they say, “ I ain’t got time for all dat”
Is this in Georgia? I work for one of the largest insurers in the US, and our Georgia office people don't come into work on time and the company doesn't do anything about it because "It's their culture."
@@KK-eg3em ...Really, I think it depends on what job & industry we're talking about: If you're just a "paper pusher" or doing creative arts, like writing code, then it really shouldn't matter _when_ you show up, as long as you're covering the responsibilities of your project(s). On the other hand, someone cannot leave (their shift) because you're late, then _THAT_ is a problem.
In 1976 I received a call from Canada's 2nd biggest media firm-- CFTO (now CTV) from the HR department regarding a job in the audio department. The (always female) representative complimented me on my resume, specifically the self improvement and knowledge I had gained through my own initiative as there were almost no resources on the subject back then. She then proceeded to tell me that she was going to be giving the job to a less qualified female (her exact words) to give her a 'chance' she would never had. Excuse me, but I made my own opportunity. I gained knowledge through my own initiative. YOU SAID SO YOURSELF.
Proof of how little work they actually have to do, and how little respect they have for anyone else's time, that she called you for that. I know it's not the point you were making, but it just shows something else about how fucked up they are.
@@rich7447 No, it's perfectly legal to discriminate based on someone's sex/gender if your company adopts "diversity/quota" hires. Especially in the HR itself, which is mostly females. (this is prevalent in the most progressive western countries).
Whamin aren't smart enough nor do they have enough personal integrity to accept and understand your point here. They should never be put in charge of anything. When they burn the first world to the ground they will look at the men like an enraged toddler looks at her parent when her toy breaks and scream, "Why did you let this happen!?"
This isn't exactly woke, but in 2021 an Hungarian women was made the head of HR where I work; within a YEAR, everyone working in HR were Hungarian women. Among the other company staff, the majority are now east Europeans. Some days I even hear English being spoken if it's really necessary.
She's absolutely correct, except for one thing: This is absolutely an intentional outcome. The Post-modernists discussed how they would undermine Western culture extensively, and we are seeing their plans manifesting almost on cue.
Welcome to Marxists. Gotta follow Mao's example and get rid of the 4 holds: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits. They key is you have to exterminate those that follow the 'old ways'. The camps are coming, they will not stop, they never have been stopped, and you will be killed or imprisoned if you dare stand in their way. They butchered over 300 million people in less than 60 years. Not once has their regimes risen without slaughtering large swaths of their own populations. But this time, THIS TIME, they'll get it right... it's just you who are getting in the way... Let go of the past, kill it if you have to... the problem is, you are the past and they'll kill you if they have to. Society certainly learned nothing from the rise of Nazi Germany. Nothing from Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Jong Un, Franco, Che... Think you would ever see an actual "Re-education Camps" in the free world? Now you have them. Then comes the ghettos to segregate the 'deplorables', then when they realize they can't fix those non-compliant folk they need to figure out a 'final solution to the problem'.
This is vitally important to recognize. These ideas come from somewhere - HR as an academic major has been a crime against business; 9/10 of the cancerous HR departments are a direct product of postmodernist higher indoctrination as graduates of these programs join the workforce and spread their spores. The other 10th is an indirect product... the result of legal and regulatory requirements (on pain of bureaucratically-administered punishment) that companies essentially manage their people through a postmodern lens. Add the litigious bent in the employees that see an advantage in leaning into their postmodern "rights" to get XYZ out of their employer (else, "oppression!!"), and the whole situation can only be expected.
@@nikolaikalashnikov4253 There is at most large companies. You have the GC (General Council) and the law Managers. Then it usually gets broken up into Compliance, IP, Contracts, etc. The problem is that it will be the law department that will tell you "It's cheaper to break the law and pay the fine then comply with the law". There is a reason Risk department staff have 'stress'.
One of my sons has been HR'd out of any relationships at work. Male or female. He goes in, does his job, only talks to people about work, and then goes home. He saw a fellow employee get canned for making a complimentary statement about a female co-workers haircut. My boy won't partake of any work related events. Even the Christmas party is a no go. He says he likes his job and won't risk a trip to the HR for any misunderstood phrase or even a misconstrued look.
The quality of guests on this programme never ceases to amaze me. Why on earth do we not have the same calibre of clear thinking, straight forward people in our parliament?
Because the metric for politicians is not the same metric for intelligence. Politicians metric is to be re-elected, con the voters, then maybe go for legacy points. Oh and the donors.
Because the media is incredibly narrow - the consolidation over the past 20 years has reduced diversity of opinion. In Japan - where I reside - foreigners cannot own more than 1/3 of a media company. It is an important legal requirement that protects the national culture.
Listen to David Starkey at the SDP Conference - institutions should have NO MORAL COLOURS! None of their effing business what we do as private citizens…morality is something for us as individuals. I worry about the real rate of unemployment once these sacks o crack are fully exposed. A big recession will flush this excrement out.
Fully agree. I worked for a very large international oil company for 30 years when I was in conflict with a manager (not my direct manager) not being a technical expert who insisted that I made a technical design that I as technical expert considered as very dangerous and risky. I resisted and called for two more meetings with collegues with practical experience but the line manager insisted that I made a design against my will. That manager made that I got a negative staff report which I did not accept . I went to the HR department and said that I wanted to speak about a possible leave with a severance package because of a conflict but insisted our discussion would be strictly private and confidential. The next morning my direct boss told me that the HR had contacted him and told about my visit ..... This is a bloody shame. People should be told in advance that HR works exclusively for the company and that HR can not be trusted.
I have been working for 42 years in the old days we have personnel who were not too bad, HR started to creep in in the late 80s early 90s I suffer with an incidence of bullying in 2014, I had had three family bereavements in succession over a 6-week period, I was in my last month at work waiting to be made redundant along with all my colleagues plant was shutting down, which was upsetting one day somebody roared at me for nothing and I snapped and had a bit of a meltdown if you like, I was carted off to HR along with the occupational health nurse HR were bullying me and the nurse had to intervene, telephone my GP and put me in a taxi when my GP saw me he said I am surprised you can even get out of bed after losing a brother and a cousin and an uncle very recently, psychopath HR 💩💩💩
You sound genuine, but you must surely realise there are many many people out there who are really taking the pi$$ when it comes to sickness absence, usually for 'stress' or 'mental health issues'. It's now endemic in the NHS and local government and, I have to say, it's the 'vibrant' people who are the worst offenders I've found.
@@nickmiller76 yes you are right there are loads of malingerers, to be honest after my experience with the bereavement I could have just stayed off until I was made redundant but because I cared about my job even though I was going to lose it I still went to work and got no thanks for it, I will be glad when I retire in 8 years time if I live that long I have had enough, I just keep my head down now wherever I go to work and get on with it and go home at the end of the day
I just got another job and taunted and hounded HR just like they did to me as I worked my notice. Those people are evil cowards. The problem is that they create so many enemies for themselves within their current company and in other companies where slighted employees move to that HR get ousted as people remember them and how they were treated by them.
Personnel Departments renamed Human Resource Departments, was the real beginning of woke in the workplace, because the very term Human Resource identifies people as things. I always though it derogatory from the get go.
Karen finally figured out that the best way to get what she wants is to BECOME the manager. The best people to be in charge of managing other people are people who don't want to manage other people, but do it only because they know it's necessary. Someone who WANTS to be in charge right off, someone who goes and gets a degree explicitly for the purpose of getting a job where they dictate to others, should be immediately disqualified from ever getting that job.
@@wolfiestreet6899 I am going to look this up. Edit, wow, the mental gymnastics behind it completely ignore the fact that Nazis, Fascists and Communists are part of the same triangle and the left rigid enforcement or denial of its ideology.
I work for a company out of Atlanta, GA that issues credit cards to large organizations for their fuel purchases. The head of the HR Department and her staff initially were sending out BLM (black lives matter) internal 'flyers' via email promoting the organization of BLM. That slowed down when it became known that BLM was a Socialist organization. This year then sent an offer to buy everyone a PRIDE T-shirt, and sent a flyer the month before and throughout the month of June for PRIDE month, and went so far as to SAY "we encourage you to support and participate in your local PRIDE events." They have even gone so far as to create several "networking at work" groups: LGBTQ group, Women's group, and Black/Ethnic groups. You tell me what's missing from those? I don't care what you do behind doors, but I'm not going to go along with a celebration of your sexual choices.
My nervousness about this is what happens when the inevitable backlash occurs in general society and all the people of different sexual orientations have come out (revealed themselves) to that general society?? Who will be around to protect people who have "come out" in the mistaken belief that politicians and people in power will protect them? You can bet that the politicians will run a mile at the first hint of a reversal of opinion in the fickle public.
@@jgdooley2003 Protect them from who? Don't tell me you've bought their bullshit that the majority of the public wants to murder them all and are only being restrained by brave Social Justice Warriors like themselves; this isn't fucking Saudi Arabia.
White straight married males. It is open season on them and has been for decades. Worse for single men who are at the back of the queue regarding employment protection and workers rights.
The current HR people remind me of political police in Nazi Germany, Communist Russia and China, and some of the Islamic states. This policing of not actions but words and thoughts or feelings is truly sickening. I don't think it takes an adult to realize that to continually ask a person for a date and be refused equally continually is unacceptable in a workplace. When I started working they just said with regard to your coworkers be professional. I'm at work and so we can relate to both people we like and dislike by keeping the conversations professional and work related. The simplest rule is don't fish on the company pier. Its easier for the company and the employees. This current HR policing is worse than anything including embezzling. Its become a separate force that can order punishments for even the slightest thing. I know of a case in ON where a supervisor was forbidden from saying "good morning" to a particular employee because it was seen as offensive. We had a division in our Ministry that looked into complaints that very quickly became labeled as the Gestapo, and the Ironic thing was that at the end of three years, the division with the most complaints was that one. The final straw for me was a code of conduct that stated if three employees are in the same place work harassment policy is in effect even off duty. I asked and was told that if I invited a couple of fellow employees to my place for a BBQ, an employee could file a harassment complaint on being excluded and they would win. If a friend and I attended a sports event in a crowd of 70000, and another employee unnoticed by us objected to anything either of us said that was a violation. The worse part was that if someone complained you wouldn't be told who made the complaint nor the actual offence, just that you had violated the policy. Again I reminded me of reading about the midnight appearance of the political police the charges that were not allowed any due process, and just punished. HR should be put back in their box where they belong. Before these sick policies there were employees like myself that would step in and say enough, no more and that would be that for bad behaviour. In one instance of sexual harassment we made the guy ask for a transfer, so it was effective. Self policing is yes a big responsibility, and it requires one to pay attention to things, but you know being someone that people would come to for help is actually very reassuring.
In the Soviet union party agents promoted an ideological dimension on every factory floor. The factory managers were terrified of these people for the exact same reason CEO are terrified of the diversity and inclusion manager.
@@wolfiestreet6899 well, for a conspiracy u need some organized group with a hidden agenda. And she rightly pointed out that this is not the case. What happens is actually much worse than a conspiracy. It is an unorganized automatism. Like a virus.
This is clearly related to the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) political agendas: *"Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is an approach to evaluating the extent to which a corporation works on behalf of social goals.... as a set of goals having to do with supporting certain social movements... .... In less than 20 years, the ESG movement has grown from a corporate social responsibility initiative launched by the United Nations into a global phenomenon representing more than US$30 trillion in assets under management. In the year 2019 alone, capital totaling US$17.67 billion flowed into ESG-linked products, an almost 525 percent increase from 2015..."* This was why ultra-powerful and ultra-wealthy transnational corporations (some which sell weapons and are involved in slavery) supported Black Lives Matter. Basically, unelected pressure groups (such as Stonewall and those those groups, lawyers and academics trained in Critical Theory) are imposing their will on councils, corporations/ businesses , politicians, journalists, the police, universities, etc.
I remember one "party" at work many years ago, wherein a toast was brought out to celebrate the timely closure of an entire department - this was one week before Christmas. A well prepared operation had just robbed 30 people of their livelihood. I was shocked to see managers and HR people backslapping each other, big smiles and all. In many companies, loyalty is a one way street, and humans are a renewable resource.
That sounds very familiar I have seen that myself in companies over the years I have worked for, people who do things like that like the rest of us one day all going to die and I'm pretty sure that they will be shown their life review and how many people they cause pain to and they will be forced to feel that pain and shame of what they did, that's why I've always turn down promotion I couldn't do it I have too much compassion for humanity
One of my friends works for English Heritage and this conversation is incredibly relevant regarding how the HR is promoting wokeness there. Apparently the HR there is "encouraging" managers to hire certain types of people which only helps the organisation to prevent backlash. I heard that his impacts the quality of work in departments, things getting very sensitive and many women openly being racist and sexist without consequences (comments like white male this and that).
@@whatsMyNameAgainAgain they haven't been "pushed" into that behavior, it's how they are by nature. Woke movement has simply enabled them to manifest it freely and without repercussions. it's OK to be a conservative.
This started with the idea of at least half of all kids needing to go to university, that in turn led to all manner of useless courses to draw in more money no matter how useless the degree, from there to lots of people having useless 'social studies' degrees that looked good to employers at the time. From that point the new hires in HR with the useless degrees also employed more people with useless degrees and tried to implement the idiotic and divisive ideas they had learned in their useless university courses. By this point HR had taken over almost all hiring and firing at the ground floor level, thus ensuring only likeminded people were employed, and removing anyone who tried to point out where they were wrong.
This is soooo accurate! My work (nhs) has done the exact thing she says in ever level. There’s a black & ethnic race network that do events on how to “appreciate & show representation” for us white racist’s lol & an LGBT network which is basically pushing transgender ideaology in regards to using the bathrooms, wards on hospitals & pronouns. But it’s not just those issues or things these HR people are doing - it’s other areas whereby every “discrepancy” of life (parents vs. Childless, young vs old, managers vs minions) needs a meeting, a network, a conference which all lead to the unfairness across the board.
@@tariqjoseph3562 this is making people racist, I've never been racist but I'm so sick of all media TV channels pushing black men and white woman down our throats, it's madness it's sick disgusting.
@@TPT6148 A bold claim, but do you have unbiased evidence. Its a fact of life that there is and always will be differences between people, cultural, political, philosophical or even just plain predujice and ignorance. Accept it and manage it, it does not need an elaborate and artificial support structure of self help groups and awareness training, just a simple straightforward and enforceable code of decent respectable enlightened human conduct.
HR really seems more powerful than it should be. They definitely believe it’s their job to enforce a certain culture and mindset for all employees not just while they are at work, but also when they are outside of work, going so far as to monitor employee’s social media and requiring them to dress and act a certain way while in public. I also noticed that in many companies they alone determine salary ranges. I’ve been involved in salary negotiations where the SVP of the division couldn’t even approve a salary adjustment outside of the HR specified range. Also, when HR wants someone gone, they will make it happen, even if that someone is a friend of the CEO or extremely vital to the company.
As an engineering manager in the ninety's, I watched it creep into my company. Women were at the forefront of it. Common sense became a thing of the past. I changed my job to avoid having to deal with these idiots.
@Fermi Surface Nah, with sensible civil people you get disagreements where people talk the same. It's a shame that disagreements being littered with arguing, rhetoric and fallacies is so often displayed as being normal... well I suppose in a way it is, unfortunately.
A friend told me, a company he worked for, had a meeting one day over the toxicity in the work place, and as such the company was letting go, the toxic employees, he said HR was sat there all smug, then the bomb dropped, the owner said as of next Friday, HR is now shut down, and all in HR are to be made redundant forthwith. He said he followed with many reasons, but HR was the Toxicity in the company.
Great story, but doubtful they shut down all of HR, which typically includes payroll and employee benefits administration. Or maybe that stuff was outsourced.
May be not, last company I worked for, HR and payroll where totally separate, your pay, benefits, pension all dealt with, in Payroll, HR basicly gave you an envelope with welcome papers and went over company policies, when I left that company for where I am now, I never saw HR, only carol in Payroll, admittedly it only employed around 140 people.
If you are in disciplines like engineering you really need to find ways to bypass HR when hiring new people these days. If you get CVs though HR most of the good candidates will have been weeded out before you see them.
How do you know the good ones were weeded out, if you didn't get to see them? To my understanding there's such a shortage of capable and qualified technical workers that it's sheer impossible finding any such person for the job.
@@BorisNoiseChannel I did get to see the rejectef people on several occasions, after rejecting all the no hopers HR passed through to us. Among the rejected people there were frequently excellent candidates passed over for reasons nobody in HR would elucidate. Good people are always available. The only questions are whether you can find them, and whether you can offer them something that will attract and keep them.
Someone I know said his corporation’s widely despised HR chief hassled and fired many employees often without much cause. She died young and a number of non-HR current and former employees went to dinner with the stated aim of “celebrating” her memory. Several former employees whom she fired got very drunk during the dinner as it seems they were so distraught by her passing!
This is the first and ONLY interview I have heard on this subject that so succinctly describes the phenomena. I love The New Culture Forum. Such a fantastic channel.
It's ridiculous. At the office there were all these posters about BAME workers. Then Lenny Henry said the term 'BAME' was problematic, and all the posters disappeared. Now it is LGBTQ+ rainbow stripes everywhere. Posters about mental health. Posters about suicide. Posters recommending people start acting to improve their mental health. It's all garbage, but you could lose your job if you complain about it.
Is there a conflict between BDSM and mental health? Or between Muslims within "BAME" and LGBTQIA+ ideologies? The cancellers will have to cancel themselves in the end. There are too many inherent contradictions in this nonsense that noone can possibly remain totally pure.
Of all the companies that boast about caring for your mental health, I wonder how many of them are the cause of mental health issues in the first place?
Interesting debate, I am now retired but I was a Union rep when working, my experience with HR people was mainly negative, people who did not even know or understand the negotiated agreements they had with the Trade Unions, even worst some HR staff believed that they could unilaterally change or disregard employees rights. Companies would be better off disbanding many of the nonsence ideas that HR staff come up with. A return to simple Personnel and Industrial Relations would benefit everybody. As for these "help" groups like Black and Ethnic, LGBT sorry but I have no time, never did, for all that crap. Controversial I know for a Union Rep, I always argued that everybody should be treated fairly and with decency regardless of colour or sexuality or disability etc. But I could never see the point of groups forming under the guise of fighting some perceived injustice, or in an effort to become a priveledged minority.
Your brief as a unionist is not to be involved in anything to do with the private citizens domain - whether it be sexuality, gender or nationality. It’s merely to argue for better conditions in pay and environment.
@@ColonelMuppet I agree, but my particular Union, to my disagreement, embraced this "wokeism", and seemingly with gusto. Just shows that any institution can submit to the siren voices of irrationality and political correctness.
Wow, if you as a so-called "union rep" don't understand that BAME people or gay/bi/trans people don't experience particular problems in the work place in relation to bullying, being "passed over" for promotion, or harrassment, etc, then thank fuck you aint on my Union Exec... You do have a point about HR people though, I'll give you that, a useless, wretched shower mostly, a bit like a lot of "upper managers"...
You couldn't see the point of women, fighting for the right to vote, or nowadays: for equal pay for doing the exact same job? Or is that just a _perceived_ injustice?
The great irony is that by accepting all lifestyle choices as legitimate, corporate HR has eliminated the possibility of passing any moral judgements. Behavior in the workplace is neither right or wrong, but rather in or out of alignment with momentary cultural fashion. Like trying to keep the beach ball submerged, the self-contradictory nature of moral relativism keeps surfacing.
Okay, while I hate to defend them, you sound like you're saying if we went back to beating up gay people, it'd fix the problems. Besides, it's pretty clear they don't accept all lifestyle choices, like voting for Trump.
A prime example of "free speech" being a myth. You got these people dictating what you can say out loud. That kid that sat close to the front of the class, who put their hand up to tell on other classmates... Now you know what happened to them. They became HR.
My "big company" is SOOO incredibly woke, it makes it difficult to work there some days. I find myself getting literally physically ill at times when I hear or read about the things being pushed. I try to ignore things where I can, but it's quite stressful.
Stay strong. Even I am part of the BAME community and i find this whole thing ridiculous. People are already great here. Stop trying to force PC on everyone.
As an HR director (male) for 30 years, it is very disappointing to see what has happened to the profession and to workplaces as a result. HR has one role which comprises many aspects. That role is to help management optimize the performance of the employees, whether that be compensation, benefits, management training, or legal compliance. “Diversity” is only important insofar as excellent talent is being kept out of the organization or being kept from performing at an optimal level. Color, race, gender just shouldn’t matter.
From the comments here, it sounds like returning HR departments to personnel roles would not only boost productivity but also improve the mental health of the workforce.
you almost got it "HR destroyed the modern workplace" HR = no idea if someone is qualified for a jobs and relying solely on some stamped papers to tell them if someone is qualified or not that's just idiotic
Professor Cary Cooper, Organisational Psychologist, has shown - some years ago - that Organisations which have HR people on the Board are less profitable and have a greater turnover of staff.
This is so amazingly true. HR used to provide essential services. Now, at least in the US, they are full of people with high-falutin' titles who do nothing but create divisions. They decide what "tribes" exist and they encourage us to report members of the out groups to "rat" on each other or call people out during meetings for supposed infractions. Meetings, encounters, and generally all communications have become sterile and emotionless. There is NO trust between managers and workers and between workers. Having worked for large companies for over 35 years I've seen this transition mostly in the last 5 years and it is OBVIOUS. People who inhabit bodies that look like mine are discouraged, maligned, and unfairly characterized as the root of all evils in society. There is a huge brain drain happening at our tech company as 100s of highly knowledgeable, experienced people leave for companies with less-adversarial relationships with certain groups of employees. I know dozens more that are looking. They are being replaced by minimally experienced workers who spend half their time doing "tribal club" activities and celebrating various groups and activities that have nothing to do with work. Good luck with that!
@@emeraldeyes9565 its actually an algorithm I saw it at work years ago. Its based on age, position, salary, sickness and disciplinary record. I had been off sick for three months at one point so I was selected for redundancy in favour of a person with less experience.
@@Jezza_One One place I worked, it was called "the matrix". I only found out about it when I was leaving, and although it was shown to me I wasn't really in the mood to bother studying the damn thing!
@@emeraldeyes9565 I wonder if you worked at the same place I did. It was called 'The Matrix' there as well. You got points for experience in it, and the company hated that because it mean't that, when 'restructuring' time came round again, they couldn't clear out all the oldsters, which is what they always wanted to do of course. In fact the company disingenuously challenged the legality of giving points for experience because they claimed they were so terribly concerned they might be being ageist against young people. They lost, and lost again at appeal, and they weren't at all happy about that. It suited me though because, with 40 years' experience, I was pretty well bomb-proof.
What a superb interview. Thank you! I work for one of the largest UK private sector employers (with 20 million UK customers), and it's horrible. I am leaving shortly as the Diversity and Inclusion, Pride, chasing of utter non-issues and importing of race baiting activism from the US have driven me out. We actually had to invent scenarios for our "Let's talk about race" training as there weren't any. The hundreds of HR staff do nothing for us other than manage the 30 decrepit internal systems and workflows. In leaving, I am doubling my pay at the same time as saying goodbye to a toxic company whose top line is declining because it is out of ideas. It backfills departing experience with young wokists and 'HR Business Partners' who are universally dim and unaware of what the core propositions of the company are. They simply do not understand what our customers buy and it won't change until they are disbanded. They are destroying the company from within.
At least the corporations are more honest; you are not even considered a person anymore. You are a 'human resource', something to be acquired for the least money possible, then used up and thrown away as soon as they can.
I'm american and this woke corporate BS happens here too, I just quit a job that started pushing it hard. My team had been asking for extra trainings/certifications for years. We worked with tech which is constantly changing, the company was always releasing new products which we had to support yet we were given NO training on these products and we had to just wing it whenever customers needed help. Every new training we got- instead of being related to our actual jobs- was some sort of diversity/inclusivity training. Things like "overcoming unconscious biases", "avoiding microaggressions", or "how to stay positive through difficult changes", the latter of which was conveniently assigned after the company started outsourcing most of our jobs. They were all silly animated videos featuring every ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, and disability you can think of talking down to you about your "privilege". Instead of helping customers or actually learning anything that might help us advance our careers, we had to waste hours listening to a cartoon black trans person in a wheelchair explain how every work interaction is rife with bigotry and then take a quiz on how we can better validate our coworkers' identities. All _required_ trainings too, if we didn't do them we got written up. Absolutely ridiculous, insulting, and infantilizing.
That’s crazy isn’t it? I have a disability and am not a victim. I certainly don’t wish to be included in the madness that is woke agenda. You don’t have any more privilege than anyone else. We all arrive in this world the same way and leave the same way. People need to learn to grow up and cope with differing opinions and thoughts.
My father was a personnel manager and ended his career, when he was in his sixties, running a job shop in Finchley. Happy times before the post modern culture kicked in. He enjoyed an excellent work life balance and worked to realistic objectives without the poisonous political vibe.
What I most miss about existing and society in general before the internet really kicked off, is being able to compartmentalise my 'Work Self' and my 'Private Life Self'. I had dominion. I had privacy. And best of all, NOBODY had any violently insistent need to push down these boundaries; everybody had their own thing going on and just got stuck into that private self-curated world where the nuances were read, respected and understood amongst the people best positioned to comprehend each other in a social circle or 'scene' of things. Now....pffftthpp. Joe Rogan was right years ago when he first started theorising with great conviction that the internet has made our 'village' so large that it's not sustainable or even healthy. Too many strangers with their necks wound out into the business of strangers which they have no right to police, interfere with or even monitor. It's all incredibly invasive, consequences for 'offending' (so they say) total strangers are serious and I know I'm not the only one who feels inhibited, dangerously tempted to self-censor, suppress due to this claustrophibic, suffocating new climate. The new church ladies are here: Peeping Toms With A Vengeance.
I worked for one of the largest insurance companies in the U.S. about 10 years ago. They did an annual employee survey, and one of the statements you had to rank on a scale of 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree) was, "I have a best friend at work". And if you didn't answer that with a '5', the managers would just about raise holy hell. Don't get me wrong, my group of 7 I.T. professionals got along amazingly well, but none of us were going fishing together or attending each others' childrens' weddings or graduations. "You need to broaden your definition of a best friend," we were told. Uh, no. No, I don't.
@@dan400man Oh my goodness. I'd laugh but we've all gone beyond that now, haven't we? Those feedback forms are such guff anyhow, I tell them what they want to hear and stay under the radar. What on Earth would anybody gain by raising their head like a meerkat and being candid with people in 2022? I'm so pleased you left your comment, thanks Dan!
She is so right,, I am retired from corporate management and the term HR is like saying the SS. They are really out of control, and it got to the point where you couldn't sit a poor preforming employee down and tell them they weren't doing their job. In fact a manager could put their own job at risk by doing so. It's really ashamed what this new HR has done to the work environment. I'm just glad I don't have to play their stupid game anymore.
But that's the real problem HR. All the so-called "woke" stuff of calling people by the right name, not using swearwords at co-workers etc we need. The way people who won't lift a finger go unchallenged in parts of large organisations gets lumped in with that ruins what could be a useful conversation.
Ive worked for a major British broadcasting company in the past. I've been waiting to hear this discussion for a long time. I lived in terror of HR (people dept) and DEI. Mandatory anti bias training, and struggle sessions. It has taken over everything and everyone. I watched the turkeys clapping for Christmas in my early days there and genuinely looked around for anyone who may question what was going on. In the end the only person I spotted was someone 'diverse' who was a great guy when we got chatting. They can see the madness, but we can't! The killer for me tho, was during intersectionality training; talking of intersections and the need for 50pc non white staff, then having a slide quoting Martin Luther King.!?!
@@dandy8308 i don't know. These sort of laws and policies keep lawyers in money. Most politicians are lawyers. I can't see change coming. But i hope your right
The one thing I used to like about work you were treated like an Adult and I was able to leave the toxic school play ground culture behind, but now I feel that we have brought it into our work culture and it is driving me nuts. 😵
Look it’s simple.. don’t look at anyone, don’t speak to anyone, god forbid tell a joke to anyone, especially if they are not white or straight male. Then go home and watch the multicultural adverts and keep quite about it .
Mental Lentil, Yeah, the constant virtue signalling of adverts is beyond a joke now. BLM is done. They were found out as nothing but Race Scammers buying Mansions. Why the hell is this still happening on TV? We've had Diversity in UK since the 60s but I guess it never existed until 2 years ago.
Human Resources are resource managers- employees are just an employee number and a skill set - that's it. CEO's want "loyalty" to the company, well "skillsets" don't like being treated as a commodity, treat them as human beings with all their many facets you may get that loyalty.
Ive left three employers as they presented the WOKE sociopolitical ideology at work., and each time went to their competition. Now my talents are with a firm that does not involve in such ideology.
A tremendous video. Let this journalist look into Climate Change, Vaccinations, Critical Race Theory, Ukraine just let her loose on all these topics and turn over few rocks.
Our HR dept, hired a new Director, salary £100k, she's done 4 months and is now on maternity leave, she also recruited her friend, (no nepotism) to act for her while she is away for 12 months, she's forced out 3 good staff at a time when she introduced a new anti bullying policy, you couldn't make it up.
I’m 69 years old and work as an online delivery driver for a major supermarket. I’m in the process of handing in my resignation. The supermarket has such a woke policy that a white, male heterosexual is guilty of any complaint and never found innocent even when no wrongdoing had taken place. I asked a picker where a particular item was and another picker butted in and threatened to report me for ‘bothering’ the picker. I told the interrupter I didn’t give a shit and she reported me. Now the whole situation is in the company ‘process’.
@Nachos Andcheese White male heterosexual, he's got no chance at all with that set of characteristics. Once you're in 'the process' you're basically done for. They had a phrase for it where I worked: "Managing people out of the business", how sinister-sounding is that?
Consider filing an employment tribunal case. The application process is straight forward. You have clearly been subjected to harassment and elder abuse.
Disgusting. I’m an investment banker and I’m sick of these HR scabs too…the amount of time and money they are blowing on trivialities is disgraceful….these people are the thickest of the crop that’s why they get sent to HR…it’s like the remedial class for companies…I hope you come out of this stressful waste of time ok!
I've been involved in business re-engineering for many many years, maybe too many. I've observed the various HR waves, they all have the same dynamic; Lots of 'positive' sounding, open ended statements, followed by large scale (everyone MUST participate) activities to 'improve' stuff, because employees are the company's most valuable asset, so let's build a better human. After many many hours of seminars, workshops and documentation, everyone gets really upset and starts applying passive-aggressive techniques. The HR facilitators get mad and start to black list people and eventually the HR types complain to senior mgmt. This is where two futures show up: 1. senior management doubles down (they don't want to admit they made a mistake) and backs the HR crowd, the company basically implodes shorty after. 2. senior mgmt decides to listen to the angry staff, and turf the HR program and if they are smart the HR staff that brought all that sh!t in; most staff actually perk up and will probably save the company. Unfortunately I've seen more version 1 than version 2.
My old employer did a 3rd option; just keep repeating the process, a new "dynamic" or "system" every year, if even that long. Don't get too mad at people, but never stop changing for the sake of change, that was their motto, apparently.
...well... It's the same phenomenon with Cops too: They *_Listen & Believe_* the 1st caller and it never occurs to them that the initial "caller" might be _LYING_ !!!
Please click here to join our membership scheme from £3 per month & with a range of exciting perks & benefits: - alternatively, for one-off donations via credit / debit card, PayPal or bank transfer, please go to our website:
our company used to have 15 people - only 4 now in a more productive smaller unit - no passengers on our ship, lean burn.
HR, has become away to bum people down. Women in the work place rule the roast, takes the responsibility off management, also hidden under the guise of Health and Safety. Kid's are no longer taught work skill, life is now based on qualifications, HR is a waist of time, which has made this country a scared society. Men stay away from helping others because of this ideology. Older people have the skills kid's require but not the qualifications. Why the brain cells have declined over the decades, look at politicians.
feminism and wokeism is nothing but the new communism.
@@andyfield7397 Haha, my company tried to fire me. They lost in court. Now they're paying me almost twice my regular salary while I'm on early retirement.
The problem is the WOMEN! The whole woke-sh*t is female-driven. The more women gained power in companies, the more BS they introduced. Put the curves next to eachother and you'll see.
id rather burn my money and this WOMAN has the gull to speak about MEN LIKE THAT!
I was accused of bullying in the workplace, which I strongly denied. Human Resources took over and did a full 1 month investigation. At the end I got a letter saying that. “ After an extensive investigation we have found no evidence that you did or didn’t bully anyone, but the general consensus is that you did “. So they found me guilty. I took the letter to my boss and a copy to the union. By the end of the week I was found innocent and the HR girl was sacked. That’s my dealing with that mob. need to beat that person's arse. When they least expect, have then broken up
If only the advertising industry had a union.
The letter she sent you literally makes no sense. That's what happens when women are put in charge. They destroy every good thing that men build. Disgusting.
happy ending.
Your HR dept operates by left wing logic... that truth is established by public polls. If a consensus say that twice two is five then it must be so even if there is no evidence.
Meanwhile, the workers who actually bring value are more stressed, more overworked, not represented, and not remunerated. And these sorts of environments allow spiteful people to play humiliating power games on employees not part of their clique, or people who they are jealous of.
Lot's of highly paid "Diversity" Managers will save us
Welcome to the world of communism AKA social justice, it has been creeping in for years. As the old USSR workers used to say "they pretend to pay us so we pretend to work" this is why it never works as everyone just gives up striving as there is nothing to strive for.
Those workers not pulling their weight bully those who are as they know they’ll be found out sooner or later; so they make pre-emptive strikes on the good workers, eventually forcing them out. The workplace is eventually left with a lot of nasty, useless, petty no-hopers.
Well yes, 'twas ever thus I'm afraid. I'd had enough of it by 62 so I took a reduced pension and left. My 'mental health' has subsequently improved immensely and now, at 70, I feel like I've been reborn.
I used to work in an HR-related field. The day I knew I was leaving the UK and never coming back was when I was invited to a disciplinary meeting and told "you said something bad" and when I asked what, I was told they couldn't tell me, when I asked where or to whom, the same.
You can't win in a world where dribbling morons from HR hold unlimited power over you and you cannot even answer the accusations they make, because they won't tell you what those accusations are. It's purely Orwellian.
So, I left the job and the UK, and a few years later, I left the profession. It's not easy making it on your own in the big wide world, but it's better than playing insane politics with power tripping shit weasels.
In the early days of computer support offices, we workers noted a very similar attitude among IT people. Anything new users wanted was "not needed", and all system improvements for the systems benefited IT personnel and drove users insane. IT people, much like the later, improved HR people, became nothing more than geeks with power. If they were confronted, both would answer with the latest gobbldygook from their respective worlds. Glad I'm no longer there.
Kafkaesque. The collectivist newspeak is what is Orwellian.
@@Samgurney88 accurate remark, there was some of that in Orwell's too though
@@Weesel71 similar yes, but not agreeing with IT shenanigans would never make an employee a subject of "lynching" on alleged moral basis.
@@tamashumi7961 Oh true, but I believe I'll stick with the "Wild West Defense": Your Honor. he needed shooting.😃
People have to stand together. A friend of mine a couple of years ago was forced to attend a "white privilege / problematic whiteness" training seminar to keep his job. About halfway through it, he stood up, told the "expert" running the course that he "had no time for this hateful racist and sexist garbage, I'm out", and was told he had to accept it and complete the module to keep his job.
His response was "You won't have to worry about that, because my notice will be on [his manager's] desk inside ten minutes."
The moment he stood up and walked out, a few others got up and left after him. Once that started, it escalated until nearly three quarters of the other attendees had followed him out the door. Such a large number of resignations would have been catastrophic for the company, which was only mid-sized with about 150 staff - at least 100 of them walked out.
Cue an emergency meeting with senior management in which the CEO asked, "Ok people, what's wrong and how can we convince you to stay with us?" It was made very clear to him that he could have wokeness or staff, but not both.
The result was that the company reduced its diversity/inclusiveness program to simply offering counselling to any staff member who felt they needed it, rather than forcing them to sit through woke seminars.
People, it only takes ONE strong man or woman to walk out the door and others WILL follow. Nobody wants to be the first to stick their necks out, but if you find the courage to do so, you'll very likely, and quickly, find a stack of supporters behind you.
And if they don't follow you out, then you've just escaped a very toxic workplace.
People power is very real. You just need to find the heart and the courage to be the first to invoke it.
That man deserves the job of the executive that wanted to push that racist bigotry
On today’s episode of things that never happened
@@blinkin78 You're just having a little tanty because you refuse to believe anyone has the will to stand up to you crybullies.
You've lost your war. Deal with it.
I *became* friends with the guy this happened to, precisely because he had the courage to speak out about what happened.
@@Mystikan copy and pasted straight off Reddit buddy.
@@blinkin78 Yeah? Post a link to the source. Bet you can't.
The number of oxygen thieves that clog up companies and make everyone's lives a misery is ridiculous these days!
Plenty at the Air Museum up North where I work....
Beautifully expressed and you hit the nail on the head!
In schools too.
"oxygen thieves"! Yes, the Earth is definitely short of precious oxygen: too much of it is being wasted by parasites :)
If they can get an advanced degree in something like HR, and if you have to deal with them, then it's always obvious by the drop in oxygen when they walk into the room.
I worked as male in one of biggest HR departments in a 30000+ company. The HR department is 95% women and they were preaching how the company needed more women managers and engineers in the whole organisation (absolutely gender discrimination) yet they had no interest in getting more men into the HR department. I confronted them with this, why they did not promote gender balance in HR and went as role models for this idea, and I became the target of bully and character assassination on a daily basis after that episode, I had to quit my job because I become so sick from stress.
Yep - similar experiences.
Same with hiring of personal assistants. Why are they always women or at best, gay males? Why won't they hire lesbians or aspiring MMA fighters with a good command of Excel and Outlook scheduling?
@@SurpriseMeJT OooH you are naughty ...but i like you!
What company was this?
@@kc5169 Why are you asking? I prefer staying anonymous.
I work in an HR dept. I'm one of 2 men. I'm an programmer. It is my job to automate away the jobs of everyone else. And I'm good at it. Most people in HR now have nothing to do. They tend to be 1) not very bright
2) overwhelmingly female
3) busy trying to justify their worthless existence with woke initiatives.
They are not needed. They seek to bully the workforce because women in power who aren't very bright invariably do this. They want to force all the men to be 'nice', but what they actually do is make life miserable for everyone else and harass and bully people with the threat of ruining promotion opportunities, taking away perks and ultimately dismissing people who stand up to them. Oh, and 'educating people' over and over with 'training' until they submit.
Solution ... fire them all. HRIS systems these days are so advanced you don't need many people in an HR dept. Leaving them will destroy your business. Keep the recruiters for interviews, a payroll manager and maybe one or two administrators for dogsbody work. Fire all the HR business partners and Senior HR business partners. They get paid a lot and they produce nothing other than woke. It's the business partners you should flush out tomorrow.
This is it. So true. The job is effectively corporate welfare. They are a tyranny at this point. Hard to keep strong against them when they hold this much power. At the end of the day I want to do a good job and get paid/bonuses on it. I keep my ideas to myself at work, no one is offended or upset by me, but I won't sit back and be told I'm bad because of who I am and that I have a subconscious issue against others. Best of luck my friend.
Yes, absolutely. And I wouldn't mind betting the other bloke is from some kind of 'minority'.
I so agree with what you've stated. 15 years ago, I was based within a university's HR Department. The head of HR earned £80,000 and her two deputies each earned £60,000. The head of HR confided in me that she was bored in her role and basically shuffled paperwork to look busy. She delegated everything to her team. The renumeration these people receive for being glorified administrators is obscene.
There is an important part of HR though that companies need Employment Law Specialists otherwise you have managers doing the most stupid things and getting into trouble with the law.
@@thecamil10 have you not watch this program?
I have been a paramedic in Victoria Australia for over 20 years and have witnessed activists destroy an ambulance service. We can’t get you to hospital- but don’t worry- we’ll get your pronouns right.
Same happened here. A friend of mine had severe heart problems and got very ill. Blue etc. Could not move I KEPT talking to the 911 crew until after hours they finally made it there. Then 911 hung up on me. I heard nothing since. Later I heard what had happened. They had arrived and left after a few minutes without the patient because he had not expressed clear enough that he wanted to go to the hospital and they did not want to hurt his feelings. He lay there for days alone, abandoned and died.
My wife has recently retired after almost 25 years in a UK ambulance service and promotion has become a 3 pronged affair.
1. What job your mother/father does.
2. Your ethnicity.
3. Your sexuality.
None of those things have any bearing on your ability to do your job and almost none of those jobs have anything to do with saving lives.
Their pronoun is deceased.
@ImOnIt4272 I can be next I live here too.
@@nomdeplume798 how does a parents job factor into it? Sounds very similar to how promotions were handled in post revolutionary Soviet Russia
I was told by my HR manager that there is no longer any such thing as free speech. She used to work for the NBA where they notoriously demanded players stand against Hong Kong freedom. We're no longer allowed to refer to people as he or she. I objected to the emasculation of the men under me. We now have a supreme court justice who doesn't know what a woman is. If cavemen were that stupid we would be extinct. I object to the madness.
Well said.
You sound sexist! @@highcountrydelatite
That Supreme Court justice knows exactly what a woman is, she’s a woman she knows what she is. What she was demonstrating for the world to see by acting like she didn’t know what a woman was she was just doing what leftist do, lie.
I see this at work constantly. I had 11 days off in total last year, 2 periods of which were due to company policy (I had to leave to get a Covid test and wait for the result) 1 due to a sprained knee and one where they sent me home due to a very bad chest infection. On returning to work after this last event I was told I had to have an interview with my boss and HR. The upshot of which was that I received a verbal warning for going 1 day over the threshold for absence. My arguments that I was following both company policy and the law fell on deaf ears. I wasn't too worried as even at 60 years old I am quite fit and healthy. However there are many others who have been off for weeks with genuine illness/operations etc. All now get a verbal warning leading to written warnings, final warnings and then the sack. The office functions have expanded greatly in my time and those who actually produce are being wittled down and not replaced. We have had sackings for what my generation would call banter. We have had sackings for political incorrectness, people with decades of specialist experience gone over relative triffles. In production terms we are losing our way with more down time due to inexperienced staff and lack of staff. Other changes I see are LGBTQ+ support groups notices on company notice boards, mental health awareness groups and offers of in house counciling. Financial health awareness groups and offers of in house counciling and seminars. We are seeing in addition to the traditional first aiders, things like mental health first aiders being appointed after 3 day courses. There is an atmosphere of genuine fear at work, people afraid to speak normally, or raise objections etc, I'm fairly wiley due to long experience and I know with company questionnaires, and so called anonymous surveys that there is the right answer, the wrong answer and the one "they" want to hear. The frequencies of these information gathering tools is increasing. 1984 springs to mind
A great new portmanteau word: triffles (piffle + trifles)!
@@heron6462 Lol yes sorry for spelling mistake
I had this in one job - bullying after being on sick leave for legitimate reasons. I am surprised, very surprised, that it is not against the law, and comments from legal people would be welcome.
Corporations get a huge bonus for achieving Sustainability and Diversity Goals (SDGs I think) which means ticking all the woke boxes. Climate diversity carbon Credits lgbt (but not political diversity mind you)
This reads like a blueprint for failure.
HR exists for two reasons 1) to create employment for HR people, and 2) to make life difficult for anyone with a proper job.
Agree/understand, been there , aint going back.
Yes. Very ture. I seen it.
Thank you. You nailed it. Perfect.
Deserves a T-shirt.
No lies detected.
Worked for a great, successful company for nine years and had no intention of leaving. Then came the new trans HR manager. Place became a nightmare and over 90 percent of the long term staff left within 18 months, including myself. A year later the company was no more.
A non existent diversity and inclusion corporation. At least they went down fighting for a cause 😂
What if the troon didn't outlive the company for too long?
I worked for a UK government organisation for twenty-five years and saw the rise of the HR cult. Frontline jobs were cut but the HR department continued to expand. The workforce soon learned that HR were there solely in the interests of management and rapidly distanced itself from matters relating to the rank and file. It was one hundred percent female with a head who was on £300K a year who nobody ever saw. They resided on a closed off floor only accessible by strict appointment. I saw it only once and it was far more comfortably appointed than the other work areas. HR are a modern curse.
And (at least) the last half of those 25 years the right wing Tory conservatives were in power, weren't they?
I worked with a vendor who said, "I don't know why it's called "Human Resources" when it's neither human nor a resource."
@@rsent4026 Because YOU'RE a human and a resource.
Never much gender diversity in these departments.
HR exists to protect the corporate body from any possible costly litigation, not the workers. Never talk to HR about ANYTHING (and especially don't complete their mind-probing surveys).
As a white male you will be considered an absolute last resort for promotion in a modern corporation.
And in the public service, fahgeddaboudit
Not where I work. Maybe you've not been promoted for other reasons?
@@petewalsh764 The commenter said nothing about their not receiving a promotion, but remarked on the general state of affairs. Perhaps you've been walking around with your eyelids stitched shut not to notice the overwhelming, and at times, undeserved, advantages proferred the subaltern in the name of equity. Hierarchy is alive and well, and straight white men are at the bottom.
@@willmercury nonsense. Seems you can't handle competition. For starters companies employ the person who'll make their company the most profit.
You just don't like it if others are treated with the same respect as straight white men. The right-wing have brain-washed you into needing someone to look down upon. Whilst doing this they''ll make sure your wages and conditions worsen.
@@petewalsh764 they must be the correct sexuality then i.e. anything but straight
I was head-hunted to a head-of role, in part due to my background of fostering genuine equality of access. During the probation period, a member of the group felt so distraught at “having a straight white male senior manager” that he was unable to come to work and literally put up a formal complaint that the situation constituted an unreasonable psychological impact and bullying. Instead of telling him to grow up, HR supported his claim and declared me to be a workplace risk, and guilty of bullying solely on the grounds of being straight-white-male. They confirmed that there was no behaviour at issue. I was walked out that day.
Edit: I encourage everyone to look at the replies and responses of a particular person to this thread. They’re demonstrating the very type of thinking (cognitive distortions) that’s behind what I was describing. I could go on about projection, emotional reasoning, jumping to conclusions, etc. suggest use it for self-educational purposes ✌️😊
That's a cut-and-dry lawsuit
@@paulmryglod4802 And if Stukkeman was a girl, or better yet, identified as a girl, I'm sure he'd (they'd?) sue and win. Being a straight white male, I'm not so sure.
It appears to be open season on white male anglophone workers. How is the job hunt going? Didi you have to take a pay-cut to regain employment? Hope the reference was good or at least not harmful.
Equality of access huh. Sounds like you get what you fn deserve. Be aware of what waters you swim in next time.
Sounds more like a problem with your attitude. HR does not do what you describe, there is a big chunk of the story you are leaving out IMO.
It really says something when CEOs are more frightened of their HR departments than they are of losing money.
HR departments, to quote from E Powell, "have the whip hand" these days for sure. Astonishing really when you realise they're totally unproductive and consist almost entirely of thirty-something bints with degrees in stuff like Gender Studies and Political 'Science', with the odd gay bloke allowed in just to keep things 'diverse'.
FFS! Won’t some think of the poor CEOs!
Losing money only makes you lose _this_ job. Pissing off the woke beast can not only lose you this job, but make sure you're unhireable in the future.
@@boobah5643 excellent point. We need to grow a collective backbone and drive this crap out of our society.
that statment says it all.
Fifteen years ago, I was based within a university's HR Department. The head of HR earned £80,000 and her two deputies each earned £60,000. The head of HR confided in me that she was bored in her role and basically shuffled paperwork to look busy. She delegated everything to her team. The renumeration these people receive for being glorified administrators is obscene.
It's the same in corporations, big salaries for paper shuffling. Payroll is largely automated so HR departments are superfluous, the sensible option is simply abolish HR departments, flush the parasitic rubbish away.
I guess it's always best to make sure your subordinates are being well paid - then you can justify about 30% more because, after all, you're in charge of them!
feminism and wokeism is nothing but the new communism..
@@every1665 yep they have to justify their existence even though there isnt one , so they make things up to justify their existence , bosses get fooled by it
@@patthewoodboy And justifying their jobs often means inventing extra pointless tasks ('safety' checks, training courses etc) for the workers who actually do useful things.
Also, if you are an employee, who goes to HR to complain about management, HR will do everything possible to silence you. They are there to enforce the power of those in power.
Even worse: in a conflict with management I spoke to HR and said that wanted that the discussion between us would be strictly confidential and between us. Next morning HR had spoken to my line manager. Personnel should be told when they join a company that any discussion with HR is not confidential and is shared with management.
Last year i quit my job at the university and went to work on the building site! I’ve never been happier and I now work amongst normal people and we just turn up, do our jobs, then we go home and it is utter bliss
That's a stay of execution. Not an acquittal. Woke HR is coming.
By normal people you mean men lol
The enforcer Clint Eastwood 76 , " you've been transferred to personnel " , " to personnel !! That's for assholes " , yep that just about sums them up .
MRS. GREY: His Honor intends to broaden the areas of participation for women in the police force.
CALLAHAN: (sarcastic)Well that sounds very stylish.
Harry Callahan called out this bulls**t 45 years ago.
@@doris.from.pinner what do you think this is some kind of encounter group? I want to know what ms Moore will do when a villain says HIT THE DECK YOU SON OF A BITCH!
@@doris.from.pinner Go ahead, make my day...
“Can anyone tell me what crime has been committed here , apart from cruelty to animals.“
@@jakebullet1731 " May I make a statement mackay , go ahead , your mouthwash ain't making it " .
I learned my lesson at work, never talk with a woman unless there is a witness. Never ask a woman to go for coffee together. Then HR opened a sexual harassment office. Then it expanded. I skipped on all office parties and get togethers.
Am I being paid to attend the company picnic? No.
Can I get fired for my actions at the picnic? Yes.
Result: Don't attend the company picnic.
I worked for 33 years in a career that I loved. I was a Sewer Worker which is a male dominated area.They hired a male hating female as the head of H.R. and she love showing her dominance over men. This and Woke H.R. became the reason for 95% of discourse in our work place. I ended up retiring for this reason.
19 sentences out of every 20 you spoke? You needed to get out more.
@@leftgrrl wtf does that mean....micro aggression shut up and let kev talk
@@leftgrrl Congrats on your math skills, but shame about your reading comprehension; he said "the reason for 95% of discourse" not "literally 95% of the sentences spoken."
@@leftgrrl Woke HR minion has identified itself
Indeed. There is only so much "excrement" one can endure. Even people skilled at handling excrement, have limits....
My boss (Bob) asked the woman (Anne) on the desk nexk to him if she'd had a good weekend. She told HR that she was being sexually harassed, they took it seriously and went nuclear. Now, NOBODY talks to Anne.
HR got involved again, and were told in no uncertain terms that the situation was entirely their fault.
Then Anne complained about me, because I wouldn't do part of her job for her, suddenly, according to HR lady I was a huge misogynist and I was guilty. However, I had a video of the entire conversation. So Anne complained again that she felt unsafe, and this time I was guilty of gross misconduct and told I would be fired for secretly filming Anne without her knowledge or permission. So I asked for a meeting with HR lady and her boss and my legal advisor. After showing them the video of nothing happening to Anne, I was asked what right I had to film a woman without her permission, at which point I pointed to a spot on the screen behind Anne where there was a big yellow sign on the wall of the meeting room, warning people that they were being recorded by cctv, which was the very reason I had chosen that meeting room.
Anne still has her job.
Bob has been given a written warning and never talks to Anne.
Anne is complaining that the men in her office are creating a hostile work environment and babbling about toxic masculinity.
I have been given written warnings for exposing Anne and HR, however, because of their own policies I have been able to force them to write down precisely what the warning is for, which makes them look really bad every time a manager reads it in my monthly reviews, which they almost never fail to do.
HR have a new rule in place designed to discourage people from involving legal advisors in disputes with HR, which of course has lead to more people doing exactly that and the firm getting not just sued but thoroughly spanked in court over a simple issue.
But we do have a woman's group and there are Pride flags and posters in the engineering workshop even though the engineering department officially doesn't care, not joking, they really did tell HR that nobody cares who sleeps with whom as it has nothing to do with work, (good for them).
Soft-handers are nowt but yapping trouble. Hard-handers are practical..
This surprises me. Something similar happened to me, and I was fired for using the offensive word "boyfriend." Every HR department I've encountered has dictatorial power.
I had a coworker make a false accusation on me over 20 years ago. She had led me on and was angry that I wasn't sufficiently devastated, so she painted me as a stalker in a bid to get me fired. Basically the entire office knew the truth and defended me. She faced no consequences whatsoever and soon went on to falsely accuse multiple others. This has been going on for a long time.
@@palaceofwisdom9448 And nobody's put a stop to it because of the "believe all women" bullshit.
@@billusher2265 Because HR believes all women but disbelieves all men.
In the US HR became the sole dominion of women by the early 1990’s when corporations staffed the department with women in order to virtue signal that they did not discriminate against women and “minorities” to satisfy Federal EEOC investigators and state employment law enforcement agencies while simultaneously filling hiring and promotion quotas. Double win for them. Now HR departments are comprise of 80% to 100% women. So much for diversity!
@@Aroseisarose15 I had similar experiences with multiple companies. One hired seasoned 40 something’s to prop up a late 20 something as their boss. Did not succeed. Yada. Yada! Yada! This nonsense negatively affects competent professionals, female or male, who must work around them. Sorry you had this experience. Industrial Relations it was known early on way a fascinating and value added and respected activity in the workplace. That ship sailed.
No different than education.
angry women at that lol.
When I first entered the workforce about thirty five years ago, I was told that organizations hid their worst employees - their most incompetent and least useful and most unproductive members of the organization - in HR and procurement. Thirty five years on, that is no longer true for procurement - but is triply true for HR. I think I have encountered maybe a half dozen HR employees in my near four decade work life that didn't truly suck. They NEVER add value to the organization, never do anything but get in the way and demoralize good employees in the interest of making the worst employees and biggest problem children in the organization feel better about themselves. HR is truly the deeply destructive black hole of every organization I know of.
I had a mean (I know. I know people say this about their bosses.) supervisor who almost mad me minecraft myself. She delighted in it. She always said if it bothers you tell me. Which is a trap. It made people's lives miserable. You couldn't even talk to the division head or hr, since the same thing would happen. She was a part of the privileged lgbt; the business knew what was happening. They were afraid to fire her. So, she got away with murder.
Soooo well put, and so true also .
HR is a very expensive alternative to mental institutions
As economic crisis hits, talk to the CFO and remind that HR is overhead, a great place to cut corners. Return the favor.
Working in a medical research facility where scarce funding is wasted on art works, ceremonies and worthless but expensive 'cultural sensitivity' courses, I can totally agree with with this lady. We know that left-wing activists have never been able to sell their message directly, so they infest anything that is popular, respected and successful like charities, sporting organisations, the media (well, initially they were respected!), volunteer groups, churches etc. The workplace is just the latest vehicle by which they wield influence.
Her point about CEOs being scared of their own HR (or 'People and Culture') department is bang on. They get a foothold in and before you know it, the department has grown from one person to 6 in about 2 years and suddenly you are required to attend training courses warning that conventional conservative attitudes will now constitute 'hate speech' and dismissal could be the result. I'm so glad I'll be retiring soon but I pity the employees of the coming years.
I've heard that the radical ideologists rarely aim for the top tier jobs in any organization.
They tend to aim for the mid level bureaucracy positions where the power is seen to be subtle, but tends to be more powerful.
Since the positions tend to be somewhat stable and influential, they are largely the ones wreaking the havoc.
I'm counting the months when I can retire (still too many)
@@lesfox2010 more like they wish they had the top seat, but often they go still much further than people who just finished their education parroting whatever the teacher told them to parrot could reasonable hope to achieve.
I do think artwork is very important. In medicine a pleasing enviroment can help tremendously.
'People and Culture' LMFRWAO!, seeing that opened a memory synapse, in my last ever job within a multi-person workplace in Local Government, just before I left to work for myself based from my home in 2012, they changed the name of the HR Department to 'People and Places'. I remember laughing openly at that nonsensical stupidity during an interdepartmental meeting but coming from the private building industry only a year or so earlier I wasn't sufficiently initiated (institutionalised?) to read the total silence with which my derisive laughter was met. The Public Service just wasn't for me after decades working solely within industries where the only thing which ever mattered was meeting deadlines with a quality finished product. Any workplace which has the time to engage in all of this woke sjw crap is overstaffed and under occupied in performing their primary function, like all forms of Government.
HR is now passe in my company and is now called People Experience. They no longer do personnel things such as assisting with benefits or expense reports. They are 100% engaged on DEI and other political activism. I recently retired and there was no out processing at all including no exit interview, post-exit health benefits briefing, etc. Seems human resources only cares about certain types of humans and pushing an agenda.
Same? Insurance?
The first time I heard HR referred to as PE, I had no bloody idea what department they were referring to. Like, I’m not at work to “experience people” I’m there to perform a specific task, go home, and get on with my life. We need more people who are mission focused on the JOB ITSELF, not all this foolishness. 95% of even getting a job these days, is in clearing the hurdle of HR weasels who don’t even understand the nature or function of the jobs they’re hiring for. You basically have to pretend that nothing has ever gone wrong or ben challenging ever in your life, and everything is perfect, or they will pick at that like a scab until they bleed you. It’s all about jumping around them, to the manager you’ll actually work with, who also knows what’s required in the task. In 10 years of contracting, I’ve found it to be completely consistent that if you make it past the idiotic gatekeeper in HR, you pretty much have the job. And heaven forfend if you have a real problem - I mean a real one- with someone who actually is sexist or racist or whatever. Then, when you proper need HR to sort it out, you can BANK on them punishing you for complaining, out of some misguided belief that they’re protecting the company.They’re not. They weaken it at every turn.
I'm a senior HR exec in one of the UKs largest companies. I have been fighting a rear guard action against the culture of woke for many years now. I think we are at the turning point or not far from it.
HR is there to support the business.. it is not there to bully, Hector or politicise its employees, customers or colleagues.
It should also not be a Trojan horse for socialism.
Hr supports the management regardless of how they behave.
@@oldskoolordie not necessarily. It's meant to protect the company within the bounds of employment law. What's amazing at the moment is HR departments imposing politics and ideology on employees and management which is so often illegal. This means HR are not acting in the knterest of the company because they leave the company open to legal action and bad headlines.
What is concerning is that there's a certain attitude in some organisations by 'elite' types that they don't care what thd law is, they believe the law is wrong and they have a moral obligation to break it. Hence the BBC recruits on race even though they know it is illegal to do so. In fact they are on record saying ' we know its illegal but we think thd law is wrong and we are morally right therefore we will break the law'
We see this attitude all over the left.
Their sense of moral superiority is nauseating and fortunately, we still have laws they must obey.
@@HarryFlashmanVC Factor in selective enforcement of labour law, the prohibitively high cost of litigation and injustices multiply. As Montaigne wrote long ago: "Wherever peccadillos are treated as crimes, crimes are treated as peccadillos."
Richard, I worked for a very large corporation for 14 years. I saw a complete sea change in company culture. When restructures were made or costs cut during the pandemic it seemed to be only middle-aged white men losing their jobs. I think the situation is getting worse but well done for keeping up the fight.
As manager, I fing despise HR. Every company I've been in, they've been overpaid, always offloading their responsibilities on to the business, creating "busy work", providing zero support for managers handling difficult staff. When the downturns come, its amazing how you can shed a truckload of these parasites and the business doesn't even notice they've gone. Except as a manager, you have more time on your hands to make the business money...
In theory, like 1 HR person should be a help for like 10 managers. Instead you have 1 HR person-per-manager dumping problems on his desk...
They’re only there so the company doesn’t get sued
Sounds like any company I've worked for.
HR is a collection of Karen types who spend their time doing busywork and undermining the company. These days, they are focused on hiring dead weight that fits certain political goals rather than qualified candidates. Not enough female engineers? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with having very few women getting degrees in engineering. Best to hire some unqualified women and put them in roles they could never do.
HR is overhead. When crisis hits, CFOs realize they have a place to cut corners. And if they do not see it, you can tell them. A big crisis will hit soon, and it is going to be a long one. You will have a chance to return the favor, via as many CFOs you can talk.
Agree. I applied for a position as a unit manager, RN at a facility in Michigan. When, during the interview, the question was raised about my attendance in previous jobs was asked, I replied the fact that I have worked years without any call offs or late arrivals on my shifts and expect my staff to abide by the same. The response was jaw dropping.
They stated “ We cannot offer you the position and the offer is no longer on the table because the CNA staff cannot be held accountable because not arriving on time or not showing up is a cultural aspect of the staff and attendance cannot be enforced “ MIND BLOWN 🤯!
Now this entitled mind set is pervasive throughout every Nursing facility in Michigan.
Employees stroll in late and leave early almost daily because as they say,
“ I ain’t got time for all dat”
@johnberry2877 I don't mind if employees stroll in late as long as they stroll out late as well
Should just re-write the schedule to reflect the time that they normally show up & go home: Also, make sure to pay them hourly.
Is this in Georgia?
I work for one of the largest insurers in the US, and our Georgia office people don't come into work on time and the company doesn't do anything about it because "It's their culture."
@@KK-eg3em ...Really, I think it depends on what job & industry we're talking about: If you're just a "paper pusher" or doing creative arts, like writing code, then it really shouldn't matter _when_ you show up, as long as you're covering the responsibilities of your project(s). On the other hand, someone cannot leave (their shift) because you're late, then _THAT_ is a problem.
Wow. Just wow. Patient care levels must be horrendous.
In 1976 I received a call from Canada's 2nd biggest media firm-- CFTO (now CTV) from the HR department regarding a job in the audio department.
The (always female) representative complimented me on my resume, specifically the self improvement and knowledge I had gained through my own initiative as there were almost no resources on the subject back then. She then proceeded to tell me that she was going to be giving the job to a less qualified female (her exact words) to give her a 'chance' she would never had.
Excuse me, but I made my own opportunity. I gained knowledge through my own initiative. YOU SAID SO YOURSELF.
Proof of how little work they actually have to do, and how little respect they have for anyone else's time, that she called you for that. I know it's not the point you were making, but it just shows something else about how fucked up they are.
That is currently illegal.
@@rich7447 No, it's perfectly legal to discriminate based on someone's sex/gender if your company adopts "diversity/quota" hires. Especially in the HR itself, which is mostly females. (this is prevalent in the most progressive western countries).
Whamin aren't smart enough nor do they have enough personal integrity to accept and understand your point here. They should never be put in charge of anything. When they burn the first world to the ground they will look at the men like an enraged toddler looks at her parent when her toy breaks and scream, "Why did you let this happen!?"
This happens every time bottom feeders (such as HR) are given an inordinate amount of power.
Worst people in most companies are concentrated in HR. And most of them are leftist harpies of the Jacobin Left. Simply evil.
"Competence is Irrelevant, Bullshit is everything" yes that's an actual quote !
Same as in the concentration camps. They were run by stupid people, but oh did they like the power and power they had.
As soon as you call a worker a "human ressource", you are a criminal. Period.
This isn't exactly woke, but in 2021 an Hungarian women was made the head of HR where I work; within a YEAR, everyone working in HR were Hungarian women. Among the other company staff, the majority are now east Europeans. Some days I even hear English being spoken if it's really necessary.
In local government the same thing's happening, except it's the Friday prayers crowd staging the takeover.
weak to the point of extinction is where we're at. What you described is an example
This does seem to be a fine example of Marxist takeover. Exactly WOKE
no! its only men who "hire mates". (Research proves otherwise)
@@mh82100 - No one has ever let other people defeat them as easily as modern day westerners.
She's absolutely correct, except for one thing: This is absolutely an intentional outcome. The Post-modernists discussed how they would undermine Western culture extensively, and we are seeing their plans manifesting almost on cue.
Welcome to Marxists. Gotta follow Mao's example and get rid of the 4 holds: Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Customs, and Old Habits. They key is you have to exterminate those that follow the 'old ways'. The camps are coming, they will not stop, they never have been stopped, and you will be killed or imprisoned if you dare stand in their way.
They butchered over 300 million people in less than 60 years. Not once has their regimes risen without slaughtering large swaths of their own populations.
But this time, THIS TIME, they'll get it right... it's just you who are getting in the way...
Let go of the past, kill it if you have to... the problem is, you are the past and they'll kill you if they have to.
Society certainly learned nothing from the rise of Nazi Germany. Nothing from Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, Jong Un, Franco, Che...
Think you would ever see an actual "Re-education Camps" in the free world? Now you have them. Then comes the ghettos to segregate the 'deplorables', then when they realize they can't fix those non-compliant folk they need to figure out a 'final solution to the problem'.
This is vitally important to recognize. These ideas come from somewhere - HR as an academic major has been a crime against business; 9/10 of the cancerous HR departments are a direct product of postmodernist higher indoctrination as graduates of these programs join the workforce and spread their spores. The other 10th is an indirect product... the result of legal and regulatory requirements (on pain of bureaucratically-administered punishment) that companies essentially manage their people through a postmodern lens. Add the litigious bent in the employees that see an advantage in leaning into their postmodern "rights" to get XYZ out of their employer (else, "oppression!!"), and the whole situation can only be expected.
Been telling people that for 20 years. They still think it's a wacko nut theory and it couldn't happen. Fun isn't it?
You guys making me wonder: " _Why isn't there a LEGAL Department in charge of protecting the company & complying with Government Regulations_ ???"
@@nikolaikalashnikov4253 There is at most large companies. You have the GC (General Council) and the law Managers. Then it usually gets broken up into Compliance, IP, Contracts, etc. The problem is that it will be the law department that will tell you "It's cheaper to break the law and pay the fine then comply with the law". There is a reason Risk department staff have 'stress'.
One of my sons has been HR'd out of any relationships at work. Male or female. He goes in, does his job, only talks to people about work, and then goes home. He saw a fellow employee get canned for making a complimentary statement about a female co-workers haircut. My boy won't partake of any work related events. Even the Christmas party is a no go. He says he likes his job and won't risk a trip to the HR for any misunderstood phrase or even a misconstrued look.
The quality of guests on this programme never ceases to amaze me. Why on earth do we not have the same calibre of clear thinking, straight forward people in our parliament?
Deliberate the sensible one's can not get past the HR departments that vet all party candidate's nowadays. :(
Because the metric for politicians is not the same metric for intelligence. Politicians metric is to be re-elected, con the voters, then maybe go for legacy points. Oh and the donors.
Or even MSM?
Because the media is incredibly narrow - the consolidation over the past 20 years has reduced diversity of opinion. In Japan - where I reside - foreigners cannot own more than 1/3 of a media company. It is an important legal requirement that protects the national culture.
Listen to David Starkey at the SDP Conference - institutions should have NO MORAL COLOURS! None of their effing business what we do as private citizens…morality is something for us as individuals. I worry about the real rate of unemployment once these sacks o crack are fully exposed. A big recession will flush this excrement out.
One thing ive learned is that HR is never your friend. They are not there to help you, they exist only to make sure the company isnt sued.
Correct. You can never take up a bad coworker with them because you instead become the bad guy
Not even that. The company thinks they exist to avoid lawsuits. In reality they're there to drive political ideology.
HR is not about managing resources, it is about managing assets of the company, for profit. (modern HR principle)
Fully agree. I worked for a very large international oil company for 30 years when I was in conflict with a manager (not my direct manager) not being a technical expert who insisted that I made a technical design that I as technical expert considered as very dangerous and risky. I resisted and called for two more meetings with collegues with practical experience but the line manager insisted that I made a design against my will. That manager made that I got a negative staff report which I did not accept . I went to the HR department and said that I wanted to speak about a possible leave with a severance package because of a conflict but insisted our discussion would be strictly private and confidential. The next morning my direct boss told me that the HR had contacted him and told about my visit ..... This is a bloody shame. People should be told in advance that HR works exclusively for the company and that HR can not be trusted.
I have never trusted the HR department at any company I have worked and I never will.
They have too much power and often misuse it.
I have been working for 42 years in the old days we have personnel who were not too bad, HR started to creep in in the late 80s early 90s I suffer with an incidence of bullying in 2014, I had had three family bereavements in succession over a 6-week period, I was in my last month at work waiting to be made redundant along with all my colleagues plant was shutting down, which was upsetting one day somebody roared at me for nothing and I snapped and had a bit of a meltdown if you like, I was carted off to HR along with the occupational health nurse HR were bullying me and the nurse had to intervene, telephone my GP and put me in a taxi when my GP saw me he said I am surprised you can even get out of bed after losing a brother and a cousin and an uncle very recently, psychopath HR 💩💩💩
You sound genuine, but you must surely realise there are many many people out there who are really taking the pi$$ when it comes to sickness absence, usually for 'stress' or 'mental health issues'. It's now endemic in the NHS and local government and, I have to say, it's the 'vibrant' people who are the worst offenders I've found.
@@nickmiller76 yes you are right there are loads of malingerers, to be honest after my experience with the bereavement I could have just stayed off until I was made redundant but because I cared about my job even though I was going to lose it I still went to work and got no thanks for it, I will be glad when I retire in 8 years time if I live that long I have had enough, I just keep my head down now wherever I go to work and get on with it and go home at the end of the day
Psychopaths is exactly the right word very often.
I just got another job and taunted and hounded HR just like they did to me as I worked my notice. Those people are evil cowards. The problem is that they create so many enemies for themselves within their current company and in other companies where slighted employees move to that HR get ousted as people remember them and how they were treated by them.
Personnel Departments renamed Human Resource Departments, was the real beginning of woke in the workplace, because the very term Human Resource identifies people as things. I always though it derogatory from the get go.
Me too (Ich auch)
@@taralee7076 Touché...
Moi aussi!
@LINCOLN PEARSON I should not be surprised if that is so... small increments driven by self interest add up and grow into monsters...
Karen finally figured out that the best way to get what she wants is to BECOME the manager. The best people to be in charge of managing other people are people who don't want to manage other people, but do it only because they know it's necessary. Someone who WANTS to be in charge right off, someone who goes and gets a degree explicitly for the purpose of getting a job where they dictate to others, should be immediately disqualified from ever getting that job.
Same with political science students
every person I have interacted with in HR over the past ten years has been a complete bastard
It's a very scary thought that HR departments tend to become the local corporate INGSOC branch.
feminism and wokeism is nothing but the new communism.
1984 and the Marxist agenda, yup, good observation 👍
You mean the THOUGHT POLICE!
Right speech = double+ good
HR was invented because actual workers needed a challenge. Everything ran too smoothly before that department was invented.
HR: The woke government wing of your business. Musk was right to sack the lot of his DEI personnel.
Every single internal questionnaire, survey and poll is a covert version of Adornos F scale test.
@@wolfiestreet6899 I am going to look this up. Edit, wow, the mental gymnastics behind it completely ignore the fact that Nazis, Fascists and Communists are part of the same triangle and the left rigid enforcement or denial of its ideology.
feminism and wokeism is nothing but the new communism.
Spot on
A government wing, oi? Must be right wing then.
I work for a company out of Atlanta, GA that issues credit cards to large organizations for their fuel purchases. The head of the HR Department and her staff initially were sending out BLM (black lives matter) internal 'flyers' via email promoting the organization of BLM. That slowed down when it became known that BLM was a Socialist organization. This year then sent an offer to buy everyone a PRIDE T-shirt, and sent a flyer the month before and throughout the month of June for PRIDE month, and went so far as to SAY "we encourage you to support and participate in your local PRIDE events." They have even gone so far as to create several "networking at work" groups: LGBTQ group, Women's group, and Black/Ethnic groups. You tell me what's missing from those? I don't care what you do behind doors, but I'm not going to go along with a celebration of your sexual choices.
I would accept the offer of a t shirt, then use it to clean the floor and send them a photo of it.
My nervousness about this is what happens when the inevitable backlash occurs in general society and all the people of different sexual orientations have come out (revealed themselves) to that general society?? Who will be around to protect people who have "come out" in the mistaken belief that politicians and people in power will protect them? You can bet that the politicians will run a mile at the first hint of a reversal of opinion in the fickle public.
@@jimsimpson1006 Or use it at the bottom of a birdcage.
@@jgdooley2003 Protect them from who? Don't tell me you've bought their bullshit that the majority of the public wants to murder them all and are only being restrained by brave Social Justice Warriors like themselves; this isn't fucking Saudi Arabia.
White straight married males. It is open season on them and has been for decades. Worse for single men who are at the back of the queue regarding employment protection and workers rights.
The current HR people remind me of political police in Nazi Germany, Communist Russia and China, and some of the Islamic states. This policing of not actions but words and thoughts or feelings is truly sickening. I don't think it takes an adult to realize that to continually ask a person for a date and be refused equally continually is unacceptable in a workplace. When I started working they just said with regard to your coworkers be professional. I'm at work and so we can relate to both people we like and dislike by keeping the conversations professional and work related. The simplest rule is don't fish on the company pier. Its easier for the company and the employees. This current HR policing is worse than anything including embezzling. Its become a separate force that can order punishments for even the slightest thing. I know of a case in ON where a supervisor was forbidden from saying "good morning" to a particular employee because it was seen as offensive. We had a division in our Ministry that looked into complaints that very quickly became labeled as the Gestapo, and the Ironic thing was that at the end of three years, the division with the most complaints was that one. The final straw for me was a code of conduct that stated if three employees are in the same place work harassment policy is in effect even off duty. I asked and was told that if I invited a couple of fellow employees to my place for a BBQ, an employee could file a harassment complaint on being excluded and they would win. If a friend and I attended a sports event in a crowd of 70000, and another employee unnoticed by us objected to anything either of us said that was a violation. The worse part was that if someone complained you wouldn't be told who made the complaint nor the actual offence, just that you had violated the policy. Again I reminded me of reading about the midnight appearance of the political police the charges that were not allowed any due process, and just punished. HR should be put back in their box where they belong. Before these sick policies there were employees like myself that would step in and say enough, no more and that would be that for bad behaviour. In one instance of sexual harassment we made the guy ask for a transfer, so it was effective. Self policing is yes a big responsibility, and it requires one to pay attention to things, but you know being someone that people would come to for help is actually very reassuring.
In the Soviet union party agents promoted an ideological dimension on every factory floor. The factory managers were terrified of these people for the exact same reason CEO are terrified of the diversity and inclusion manager.
You're right. These are the commisars of the ideological degenerates.
And she claims there's no conspiracy to do the same in HR today....
feminism and wokeism is nothing but the new communism.
@@wolfiestreet6899 well, for a conspiracy u need some organized group with a hidden agenda. And she rightly pointed out that this is not the case. What happens is actually much worse than a conspiracy. It is an unorganized automatism. Like a virus.
@@juanzulu1318 But it is the case. I agree with your latter point but there is plenty of evidence that there is a controlling centre in the ideology.
This is clearly related to the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) political agendas:
*"Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is an approach to evaluating the extent to which a corporation works on behalf of social goals.... as a set of goals having to do with supporting certain social movements... .... In less than 20 years, the ESG movement has grown from a corporate social responsibility initiative launched by the United Nations into a global phenomenon representing more than US$30 trillion in assets under management. In the year 2019 alone, capital totaling US$17.67 billion flowed into ESG-linked products, an almost 525 percent increase from 2015..."*
This was why ultra-powerful and ultra-wealthy transnational corporations (some which sell weapons and are involved in slavery) supported Black Lives Matter. Basically, unelected pressure groups (such as Stonewall and those those groups, lawyers and academics trained in Critical Theory) are imposing their will on councils, corporations/ businesses , politicians, journalists, the police, universities, etc.
For women the workplace has become unbearable when a dude in a dress goes home because of period pain and nobody says anything
wait, you are serious??
@@darkobecker4534 Can't be real, surely.
Thats the most extreme and unlikely example ever..
I believe you are a woman now.
I remember one "party" at work many years ago, wherein a toast was brought out to celebrate the timely closure of an entire department - this was one week before Christmas. A well prepared operation had just robbed 30 people of their livelihood. I was shocked to see managers and HR people backslapping each other, big smiles and all. In many companies, loyalty is a one way street, and humans are a renewable resource.
That sounds very familiar I have seen that myself in companies over the years I have worked for, people who do things like that like the rest of us one day all going to die and I'm pretty sure that they will be shown their life review and how many people they cause pain to and they will be forced to feel that pain and shame of what they did, that's why I've always turn down promotion I couldn't do it I have too much compassion for humanity
If the company didn't need them, then they were robbing the company for their livelihood.
"humans are an expendable resource." There, fixed it for ya.
One of my friends works for English Heritage and this conversation is incredibly relevant regarding how the HR is promoting wokeness there. Apparently the HR there is "encouraging" managers to hire certain types of people which only helps the organisation to prevent backlash. I heard that his impacts the quality of work in departments, things getting very sensitive and many women openly being racist and sexist without consequences (comments like white male this and that).
@William Tell Either don't vote...
or vote for the side that IS NOT trying to turn the nation into a communist sh!thole toilet.
@@whatsMyNameAgainAgain they haven't been "pushed" into that behavior, it's how they are by nature. Woke movement has simply enabled them to manifest it freely and without repercussions. it's OK to be a conservative.
This started with the idea of at least half of all kids needing to go to university, that in turn led to all manner of useless courses to draw in more money no matter how useless the degree, from there to lots of people having useless 'social studies' degrees that looked good to employers at the time. From that point the new hires in HR with the useless degrees also employed more people with useless degrees and tried to implement the idiotic and divisive ideas they had learned in their useless university courses. By this point HR had taken over almost all hiring and firing at the ground floor level, thus ensuring only likeminded people were employed, and removing anyone who tried to point out where they were wrong.
What we need is for companies to adopt the Elon Musk method of dealing with HR. He sacked them all.
I didn't know that. He does have some interesting aspects to his practices.
Never been quite sure about Musk, but if he DID sack his HR staff then at least he can't be all bad.
Dominic Cummings also sacked as much of government department HR as he could, about 3/4 of them.
A con artist shouldn't set any examples. Fuck Musk!
Genius idea ! Then what happens next ?
This is soooo accurate! My work (nhs) has done the exact thing she says in ever level. There’s a black & ethnic race network that do events on how to “appreciate & show representation” for us white racist’s lol & an LGBT network which is basically pushing transgender ideaology in regards to using the bathrooms, wards on hospitals & pronouns. But it’s not just those issues or things these HR people are doing - it’s other areas whereby every “discrepancy” of life (parents vs. Childless, young vs old, managers vs minions) needs a meeting, a network, a conference which all lead to the unfairness across the board.
And a lot of wasted money!
A lot of racism exists still and likely always will, and so will always be a major issue.
@@tariqjoseph3562 this is making people racist, I've never been racist but I'm so sick of all media TV channels pushing black men and white woman down our throats, it's madness it's sick disgusting.
@@TPT6148 A bold claim, but do you have unbiased evidence. Its a fact of life that there is and always will be differences between people, cultural, political, philosophical or even just plain predujice and ignorance. Accept it and manage it, it does not need an elaborate and artificial support structure of self help groups and awareness training, just a simple straightforward and enforceable code of decent respectable enlightened human conduct.
@@BobSmith-cl6rg At least you admit you’re a racist 🤣😂🤡
HR really seems more powerful than it should be. They definitely believe it’s their job to enforce a certain culture and mindset for all employees not just while they are at work, but also when they are outside of work, going so far as to monitor employee’s social media and requiring them to dress and act a certain way while in public. I also noticed that in many companies they alone determine salary ranges. I’ve been involved in salary negotiations where the SVP of the division couldn’t even approve a salary adjustment outside of the HR specified range. Also, when HR wants someone gone, they will make it happen, even if that someone is a friend of the CEO or extremely vital to the company.
As a wise man said not too long ago:
"Everything woke turns to sh/t!"
do you have a loycense for using this profile picture mate?
No loycense required, hon. The rainbow beats everything.
So pleased you covered this, it's an absolute nightmare where I work.
feminism and wokeism is nothing but the new communism.
As an engineering manager in the ninety's, I watched it creep into my company. Women were at the forefront of it. Common sense became a thing of the past. I changed my job to avoid having to deal with these idiots.
HR dept , they are like the Political Officers in institutions in the former Soviet era .
Exactly so!
Hadn't thought about that but damn, it's a good comparison
More like the NSFO of the Nazi Party!
@@pekkarousu3616 that is exactly what they are. All W__e crap finds its source in Marxist theory.
Like the Stasi in Eastern Germany.
What an amazing discussion. No shouting, interrupting or talking over each other, so rare to see nowadays.
Just what I was going to say.
Which is why I don't watch the news or 'magazine' shows - hosts with set agendas who are told to cut someone off if they go "off-message"
@Fermi Surface Nah, with sensible civil people you get disagreements where people talk the same. It's a shame that disagreements being littered with arguing, rhetoric and fallacies is so often displayed as being normal... well I suppose in a way it is, unfortunately.
On tv but surely easier to find on youtube
There is rarely any of those tings on this channel, to be fair.
Certainly not when Peter is the interviewer.
A friend told me, a company he worked for, had a meeting one day over the toxicity in the work place, and as such the company was letting go, the toxic employees, he said HR was sat there all smug, then the bomb dropped, the owner said as of next Friday, HR is now shut down, and all in HR are to be made redundant forthwith.
He said he followed with many reasons, but HR was the Toxicity in the company.
Great story, but doubtful they shut down all of HR, which typically includes payroll and employee benefits administration. Or maybe that stuff was outsourced.
May be not, last company I worked for, HR and payroll where totally separate, your pay, benefits, pension all dealt with, in Payroll, HR basicly gave you an envelope with welcome papers and went over company policies, when I left that company for where I am now, I never saw HR, only carol in Payroll, admittedly it only employed around 140 people.
If you are in disciplines like engineering you really need to find ways to bypass HR when hiring new people these days. If you get CVs though HR most of the good candidates will have been weeded out before you see them.
The case 30yrs ago. Advert, call up. Speak to HR. Ask them some technical questions and they would pass you on the the person who would be your Boss.
@@haizee2330 Sounds brutal.
Bingo, That was my experience too.
How do you know the good ones were weeded out, if you didn't get to see them? To my understanding there's such a shortage of capable and qualified technical workers that it's sheer impossible finding any such person for the job.
@@BorisNoiseChannel I did get to see the rejectef people on several occasions, after rejecting all the no hopers HR passed through to us. Among the rejected people there were frequently excellent candidates passed over for reasons nobody in HR would elucidate. Good people are always available. The only questions are whether you can find them, and whether you can offer them something that will attract and keep them.
What an amazing woman of intelligent, professional, sensible and beautiful class
I thought so and writing for a main stream paper.
I’d give her one
and an amazing demagogue too.
@@BorisNoiseChannel I see you've learned a new favourite word.
Someone I know said his corporation’s widely despised HR chief hassled and fired many employees often without much cause. She died young and a number of non-HR current and former employees went to dinner with the stated aim of “celebrating” her memory. Several former employees whom she fired got very drunk during the dinner as it seems they were so distraught by her passing!
I hope it was the clot shot that got her.
And in the end there is nobody to do the work.
Absolutely spot on description of everything that's wrong with the corporate world. A perfect summary of where I work.
This is the first and ONLY interview I have heard on this subject that so succinctly describes the phenomena. I love The New Culture Forum. Such a fantastic channel.
It's ridiculous. At the office there were all these posters about BAME workers. Then Lenny Henry said the term 'BAME' was problematic, and all the posters disappeared. Now it is LGBTQ+ rainbow stripes everywhere. Posters about mental health. Posters about suicide. Posters recommending people start acting to improve their mental health. It's all garbage, but you could lose your job if you complain about it.
Is there a conflict between BDSM and mental health? Or between Muslims within "BAME" and LGBTQIA+ ideologies? The cancellers will have to cancel themselves in the end. There are too many inherent contradictions in this nonsense that noone can possibly remain totally pure.
Of all the companies that boast about caring for your mental health, I wonder how many of them are the cause of mental health issues in the first place?
@@beecat9951 That is rational but they are immune to contradictions, they flaunt hypocrisy.
@@beecat9951 Um, no, there isn't a conflict between BDSM and mental health--that was a curious question to ask.
Interesting debate, I am now retired but I was a Union rep when working, my experience with HR people was mainly negative, people who did not even know or understand the negotiated agreements they had with the Trade Unions, even worst some HR staff believed that they could unilaterally change or disregard employees rights. Companies would be better off disbanding many of the nonsence ideas that HR staff come up with. A return to simple Personnel and Industrial Relations would benefit everybody. As for these "help" groups like Black and Ethnic, LGBT sorry but I have no time, never did, for all that crap. Controversial I know for a Union Rep, I always argued that everybody should be treated fairly and with decency regardless of colour or sexuality or disability etc. But I could never see the point of groups forming under the guise of fighting some perceived injustice, or in an effort to become a priveledged minority.
Your brief as a unionist is not to be involved in anything to do with the private citizens domain - whether it be sexuality, gender or nationality. It’s merely to argue for better conditions in pay and environment.
@@ColonelMuppet I agree, but my particular Union, to my disagreement, embraced this "wokeism", and seemingly with gusto. Just shows that any institution can submit to the siren voices of irrationality and political correctness.
Wow, if you as a so-called "union rep" don't understand that BAME people or gay/bi/trans people don't experience particular problems in the work place in relation to bullying, being "passed over" for promotion, or harrassment, etc, then thank fuck you aint on my Union Exec...
You do have a point about HR people though, I'll give you that, a useless, wretched shower mostly, a bit like a lot of "upper managers"...
feminism and wokeism is nothing but the new communism.
You couldn't see the point of women, fighting for the right to vote, or nowadays: for equal pay for doing the exact same job? Or is that just a _perceived_ injustice?
The great irony is that by accepting all lifestyle choices as legitimate, corporate HR has eliminated the possibility of passing any moral judgements. Behavior in the workplace is neither right or wrong, but rather in or out of alignment with momentary cultural fashion. Like trying to keep the beach ball submerged, the self-contradictory nature of moral relativism keeps surfacing.
Okay, while I hate to defend them, you sound like you're saying if we went back to beating up gay people, it'd fix the problems. Besides, it's pretty clear they don't accept all lifestyle choices, like voting for Trump.
A prime example of "free speech" being a myth. You got these people dictating what you can say out loud.
That kid that sat close to the front of the class, who put their hand up to tell on other classmates... Now you know what happened to them. They became HR.
My "big company" is SOOO incredibly woke, it makes it difficult to work there some days. I find myself getting literally physically ill at times when I hear or read about the things being pushed. I try to ignore things where I can, but it's quite stressful.
Sounds like you should be looking to start a new job or start your own company.
I am betting that it has *not* improved your productivity.
Stay strong. Even I am part of the BAME community and i find this whole thing ridiculous. People are already great here. Stop trying to force PC on everyone.
When I worked and was driven as close as I was to minecrafting. I had to take days off, just too cool off.
You are not alone.
As an HR director (male) for 30 years, it is very disappointing to see what has happened to the profession and to workplaces as a result. HR has one role which comprises many aspects. That role is to help management optimize the performance of the employees, whether that be compensation, benefits, management training, or legal compliance. “Diversity” is only important insofar as excellent talent is being kept out of the organization or being kept from performing at an optimal level. Color, race, gender just shouldn’t matter.
From the comments here, it sounds like returning HR departments to personnel roles would not only boost productivity but also improve the mental health of the workforce.
None of that is on the agenda. Destroying productivity and morality is.
The 'Consultants' who 'advise' HR Departments on how to be Woke command gigantic fees from the Organisations.
Yes well sussed called consultancy is both the devils work and pure BS in one go......
you almost got it "HR destroyed the modern workplace"
HR = no idea if someone is qualified for a jobs and relying solely on some stamped papers to tell them if someone is qualified or not
that's just idiotic
Professor Cary Cooper, Organisational Psychologist, has shown - some years ago - that Organisations which have HR people on the Board are less profitable and have a greater turnover of staff.
That's refreshing to hear. Of course, correlation/causation.
That’s why the nhs has turned to 💩
This is so amazingly true. HR used to provide essential services. Now, at least in the US, they are full of people with high-falutin' titles who do nothing but create divisions. They decide what "tribes" exist and they encourage us to report members of the out groups to "rat" on each other or call people out during meetings for supposed infractions. Meetings, encounters, and generally all communications have become sterile and emotionless. There is NO trust between managers and workers and between workers. Having worked for large companies for over 35 years I've seen this transition mostly in the last 5 years and it is OBVIOUS. People who inhabit bodies that look like mine are discouraged, maligned, and unfairly characterized as the root of all evils in society. There is a huge brain drain happening at our tech company as 100s of highly knowledgeable, experienced people leave for companies with less-adversarial relationships with certain groups of employees. I know dozens more that are looking. They are being replaced by minimally experienced workers who spend half their time doing "tribal club" activities and celebrating various groups and activities that have nothing to do with work. Good luck with that!
That's why they like woke stuff: they use it to divide and conquer, to avoid workplaces unionising.
What a marvellous, proper, professional and thought-provoking interview. Well done.
A few years ago, in an HR induction, I heard an HR person let drop that every employee, all of us, has a "number", ie a kind of employee credit score.
Yes, they have it ready to hand when they make redundancies.
@@emeraldeyes9565 its actually an algorithm I saw it at work years ago. Its based on age, position, salary, sickness and disciplinary record. I had been off sick for three months at one point so I was selected for redundancy in favour of a person with less experience.
@@Jezza_One One place I worked, it was called "the matrix". I only found out about it when I was leaving, and although it was shown to me I wasn't really in the mood to bother studying the damn thing!
@@emeraldeyes9565 I wonder if you worked at the same place I did. It was called 'The Matrix' there as well. You got points for experience in it, and the company hated that because it mean't that, when 'restructuring' time came round again, they couldn't clear out all the oldsters, which is what they always wanted to do of course. In fact the company disingenuously challenged the legality of giving points for experience because they claimed they were so terribly concerned they might be being ageist against young people. They lost, and lost again at appeal, and they weren't at all happy about that. It suited me though because, with 40 years' experience, I was pretty well bomb-proof.
That is truly disturbing.
What a superb interview. Thank you!
I work for one of the largest UK private sector employers (with 20 million UK customers), and it's horrible. I am leaving shortly as the Diversity and Inclusion, Pride, chasing of utter non-issues and importing of race baiting activism from the US have driven me out. We actually had to invent scenarios for our "Let's talk about race" training as there weren't any.
The hundreds of HR staff do nothing for us other than manage the 30 decrepit internal systems and workflows. In leaving, I am doubling my pay at the same time as saying goodbye to a toxic company whose top line is declining because it is out of ideas. It backfills departing experience with young wokists and 'HR Business Partners' who are universally dim and unaware of what the core propositions of the company are. They simply do not understand what our customers buy and it won't change until they are disbanded. They are destroying the company from within.
A more peeps realise what is going on, hopefully things will change, for the better!
Khrushchev banged with his shoe and told Americans that he would destroy us “from within “. The Communists have won! Tragic
"They are destroying the company from within." Similar to the nation.
Destroying the company , and the nation, and western civilization. Not coincidental .
I still don't get how it's those, protesting the murder of George Floyd's fault when HR folks turn into zealot wokies.
At least the corporations are more honest; you are not even considered a person anymore. You are a 'human resource', something to be acquired for the least money possible, then used up and thrown away as soon as they can.
I'm american and this woke corporate BS happens here too, I just quit a job that started pushing it hard. My team had been asking for extra trainings/certifications for years. We worked with tech which is constantly changing, the company was always releasing new products which we had to support yet we were given NO training on these products and we had to just wing it whenever customers needed help. Every new training we got- instead of being related to our actual jobs- was some sort of diversity/inclusivity training. Things like "overcoming unconscious biases", "avoiding microaggressions", or "how to stay positive through difficult changes", the latter of which was conveniently assigned after the company started outsourcing most of our jobs. They were all silly animated videos featuring every ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, and disability you can think of talking down to you about your "privilege". Instead of helping customers or actually learning anything that might help us advance our careers, we had to waste hours listening to a cartoon black trans person in a wheelchair explain how every work interaction is rife with bigotry and then take a quiz on how we can better validate our coworkers' identities. All _required_ trainings too, if we didn't do them we got written up. Absolutely ridiculous, insulting, and infantilizing.
That is what exactly happening at my workplace every thing including ribbon cutting ceremony for gender neutral bathrooms openings.
That’s crazy isn’t it? I have a disability and am not a victim. I certainly don’t wish to be included in the madness that is woke agenda. You don’t have any more privilege than anyone else. We all arrive in this world the same way and leave the same way. People need to learn to grow up and cope with differing opinions and thoughts.
Human Resources is such a derogatory term.
My father was a personnel manager and ended his career, when he was in his sixties, running a job shop in Finchley. Happy times before the post modern culture kicked in. He enjoyed an excellent work life balance and worked to realistic objectives without the poisonous political vibe.
>>running a job shop in Finchley
What I most miss about existing and society in general before the internet really kicked off, is being able to compartmentalise my 'Work Self' and my 'Private Life Self'. I had dominion. I had privacy. And best of all, NOBODY had any violently insistent need to push down these boundaries; everybody had their own thing going on and just got stuck into that private self-curated world where the nuances were read, respected and understood amongst the people best positioned to comprehend each other in a social circle or 'scene' of things. Now....pffftthpp.
Joe Rogan was right years ago when he first started theorising with great conviction that the internet has made our 'village' so large that it's not sustainable or even healthy. Too many strangers with their necks wound out into the business of strangers which they have no right to police, interfere with or even monitor. It's all incredibly invasive, consequences for 'offending' (so they say) total strangers are serious and I know I'm not the only one who feels inhibited, dangerously tempted to self-censor, suppress due to this claustrophibic, suffocating new climate. The new church ladies are here: Peeping Toms With A Vengeance.
I worked for one of the largest insurance companies in the U.S. about 10 years ago. They did an annual employee survey, and one of the statements you had to rank on a scale of 1 (completely disagree) to 5 (completely agree) was, "I have a best friend at work". And if you didn't answer that with a '5', the managers would just about raise holy hell. Don't get me wrong, my group of 7 I.T. professionals got along amazingly well, but none of us were going fishing together or attending each others' childrens' weddings or graduations. "You need to broaden your definition of a best friend," we were told. Uh, no. No, I don't.
@@dan400man Oh my goodness. I'd laugh but we've all gone beyond that now, haven't we? Those feedback forms are such guff anyhow, I tell them what they want to hear and stay under the radar. What on Earth would anybody gain by raising their head like a meerkat and being candid with people in 2022? I'm so pleased you left your comment, thanks Dan!
Well stated. Thank you.
She is so right,, I am retired from corporate management and the term HR is like saying the SS. They are really out of control, and it got to the point where you couldn't sit a poor preforming employee down and tell them they weren't doing their job. In fact a manager could put their own job at risk by doing so.
It's really ashamed what this new HR has done to the work environment. I'm just glad I don't have to play their stupid game anymore.
But that's the real problem HR. All the so-called "woke" stuff of calling people by the right name, not using swearwords at co-workers etc we need. The way people who won't lift a finger go unchallenged in parts of large organisations gets lumped in with that ruins what could be a useful conversation.
@@leftgrrl Those are not conversations that ever required an HR department.
Ive worked for a major British broadcasting company in the past. I've been waiting to hear this discussion for a long time. I lived in terror of HR (people dept) and DEI. Mandatory anti bias training, and struggle sessions. It has taken over everything and everyone. I watched the turkeys clapping for Christmas in my early days there and genuinely looked around for anyone who may question what was going on. In the end the only person I spotted was someone 'diverse' who was a great guy when we got chatting. They can see the madness, but we can't!
The killer for me tho, was during intersectionality training; talking of intersections and the need for 50pc non white staff, then having a slide quoting Martin Luther King.!?!
That's 12+ years of Tory conservatives in power for ya
@@BorisNoiseChannel have you heard the rubbish labour politicians spout? Would be far far worse if it had been Labour.
Isn't UK 85% white?? What exactly is the logic? I think it will pass, its an overcorrection that can't keep on overcorrecting. I hope
@@BorisNoiseChannel This is thread number 6 I've caught you trolling-left in Boris.
Now.. .BACK TO YOUR HR DESK. You have some papers to shuffle.
@@dandy8308 i don't know. These sort of laws and policies keep lawyers in money. Most politicians are lawyers. I can't see change coming. But i hope your right
The one thing I used to like about work you were treated like an Adult and I was able to leave the toxic school play ground culture behind, but now I feel that we have brought it into our work culture and it is driving me nuts. 😵
I agree. Now it's just everywhere, not just in work.
That's exactly it. And they're so mealy-mouthed. I wonder if you hey believe the BS they spout sometimes.
Look it’s simple.. don’t look at anyone, don’t speak to anyone, god forbid tell a joke to anyone, especially if they are not white or straight male.
Then go home and watch the multicultural adverts and keep quite about it .
Mental Lentil, Yeah, the constant virtue signalling of adverts is beyond a joke now. BLM is done. They were found out as nothing but Race Scammers buying Mansions. Why the hell is this still happening on TV? We've had Diversity in UK since the 60s but I guess it never existed until 2 years ago.
Sounds like you have a great life.... Lucky you 😏
Pretty much.. sad state of affairs I know .
If you don't talk to people you get accused of 'creating a hostile atmosphere'
Not good enough; it's the fact of your existence as a straight white male that is the problem..
Human Resources are resource managers- employees are just an employee number and a skill set - that's it. CEO's want "loyalty" to the company, well "skillsets" don't like being treated as a commodity, treat them as human beings with all their many facets you may get that loyalty.
Stonewall's Diversity Champion program is a protection racket.
Ive left three employers as they presented the WOKE sociopolitical ideology at work., and each time went to their competition. Now my talents are with a firm that does not involve in such ideology.
A tremendous video. Let this journalist look into Climate Change, Vaccinations, Critical Race Theory, Ukraine just let her loose on all these topics and turn over few rocks.
Our HR dept, hired a new Director, salary £100k, she's done 4 months and is now on maternity leave, she also recruited her friend, (no nepotism) to act for her while she is away for 12 months, she's forced out 3 good staff at a time when she introduced a new anti bullying policy, you couldn't make it up.
I’m 69 years old and work as an online delivery driver for a major supermarket. I’m in the process of handing in my resignation. The supermarket has such a woke policy that a white, male heterosexual is guilty of any complaint and never found innocent even when no wrongdoing had taken place. I asked a picker where a particular item was and another picker butted in and threatened to report me for ‘bothering’ the picker. I told the interrupter I didn’t give a shit and she reported me. Now the whole situation is in the company ‘process’.
@Nachos Andcheese White male heterosexual, he's got no chance at all with that set of characteristics. Once you're in 'the process' you're basically done for. They had a phrase for it where I worked: "Managing people out of the business", how sinister-sounding is that?
Excellent advice!
Consider filing an employment tribunal case. The application process is straight forward. You have clearly been subjected to harassment and elder abuse.
Disgusting. I’m an investment banker and I’m sick of these HR scabs too…the amount of time and money they are blowing on trivialities is disgraceful….these people are the thickest of the crop that’s why they get sent to HR…it’s like the remedial class for companies…I hope you come out of this stressful waste of time ok!
You should try working at a Housing Assc, any complaint you are wrong even when you are right !
I've been involved in business re-engineering for many many years, maybe too many. I've observed the various HR waves, they all have the same dynamic; Lots of 'positive' sounding, open ended statements, followed by large scale (everyone MUST participate) activities to 'improve' stuff, because employees are the company's most valuable asset, so let's build a better human. After many many hours of seminars, workshops and documentation, everyone gets really upset and starts applying passive-aggressive techniques. The HR facilitators get mad and start to black list people and eventually the HR types complain to senior mgmt. This is where two futures show up: 1. senior management doubles down (they don't want to admit they made a mistake) and backs the HR crowd, the company basically implodes shorty after. 2. senior mgmt decides to listen to the angry staff, and turf the HR program and if they are smart the HR staff that brought all that sh!t in; most staff actually perk up and will probably save the company. Unfortunately I've seen more version 1 than version 2.
My old employer did a 3rd option; just keep repeating the process, a new "dynamic" or "system" every year, if even that long. Don't get too mad at people, but never stop changing for the sake of change, that was their motto, apparently.
...well... It's the same phenomenon with Cops too: They *_Listen & Believe_* the 1st caller and it never occurs to them that the initial "caller" might be _LYING_ !!!