How to meet negativity bias and sleep peacefully again (Insomnia Insight
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- In this episode, we explore negativity bias and its impact on insomnia recovery. Learn why your brain focuses on threats and how understanding this can help you overcome sleep struggles. Discover practical tips for shifting towards a more peaceful mindset to achieve better sleep.
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Do you like learning by reading? If so, here are two books that offer breakthroughs!
Tales of Courage by Daniel Erichsen
Set it & Forget it by Daniel Erichsen
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Not sure where to start on your path to sleeping well? Check out these playlists!
This is natto - the perfect place to start learning.
• This is Natto - Start ...
Success stories - if you need hope and inspiration, this is for you.
• Success stories
Talking insomnia - guests with trouble sleeping or experts share their stories / tips.
• Talking insomnia
Hypnic jerks, hypnic awareness and other common issues.
• Hypnic jerks and more.
Fatal insomnia - for those concerned about ffi and sfi.
• Familial and sporadic ...
Speed bumps - when you think you had a setback or “relapse.”
• Talking insomnia #55: ...
Unrefreshing sleep - when you always feel tired or exhausted.
• Unrefreshing sleep
Momsomnia - if you’re a mom or becoming a mom.
• Momsomnia
Heard online - when you’ve worried about claims made about health problems and insomnia.
• Heard online
This content does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never replace any advice given to you by your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.
Hello, Daniel
Thank you. It works.
For last couple of months ive had hypnic jerks problem. They would keep me awake for hours... Tonight, when first one happened i accepted it and gave myself up to them. There was no more...
Then, i "tried" not to think of anything and keep my mind in "void", just observing racing heart, thoughts that came etc. And IT WORKS!
Not that in the first night ive slept for 8h. No. But every time i woke up, i fell asleep. Without any effort, without waiting for it. Just being calm.
In my head its like im floating above myself and calmly observing what is happening. Without judging. Accepting being awake.
Thank you again.
Thanks Daniel. My wife often tells me, especially these last several weeks as I've struggled with sleep, that I "don't let myself" heal. I self-sabotage, hyper-focus on things, etc. And as frustrating as it is to hear this, I feel like she's 100% right.
I'm working on using what I've learned on this channel in more broad strokes, especially as it relates to my anxiety overall. Not arguing with my brain, recognizing when I start ruminating or going down a rabbit hole, and generally allowing myself to feel uncomfortable.
The statement "it's okay to not be okay" takes some time to sink in and appreciate. And to me, it means recognizing that my brain is trying to keep me safe. Why argue with that!? I either think to myself or say out loud, "Brain, thank you for keeping me safe. I hear you and understand what you are trying to do".
Given enough time and practice, I'm hoping to be in a better headspace for both sleep and how I approach life in general!
Thank you again Daniel and the community here. Between both the videos and amazing comments, I'm figuring this thing out.
I agree that consciously thanking your brain helps a lot! I first heard it from a psychologist (fellow anxiety sufferer here) and at first I thought it sounded kind of silly but now I regularly say “thank you brain!” and it really is a great step towards self-compassion.
Hi coach Daniel I totally understand what negatîvity bias is as i understand it through it : I'm a sucker for true crîme and I know its because i wanna be as safe as possible and beware of the dangérs around me.
Recently i saw a doctor explaining online how holding in pee for long can cause bladder infections and UTIs. Now for two years i had been struggling bádly with hyperarousal and peeing so frequently that anytime i would start to doze off I'd get these palpitations, jerks and this feeling in bladder that i gotta pee even if I didn't have to. Thats how bad it got. Infact my initial comments were about that when i found one of your videos that addressed it and a few others. I was relieved finding them and made such progress that i was hardly getting up to pee even if i had to I was so relaxed that i didn't get up and slept well.
Now that doc's video really triggered something and I'm afraid I'll have a "big one" . This week was awfûl. I couldn't get that deep restorative sleep and I'm so aware of any sensations that i might miss the signal of peeing.
Im not afraid of staying awake here its a secondary fear or tertiary one its more so that if I'm sleeping without getting up and once i do there's this sharp discomfort and i have to pee. Im scared of getting an infection or a uti if i "prioritize" sleep of this. And before i can convince myself of anything im already experiencing hyperarousal and racing hearts as if my brain's preparing to stay alert in case i miss the signal 😭😭✋🏻. Has anyone had similar concerns?? Am i the only one who has it??? I'm afraid that sleeping well might give me this infection or UTI. Prior when i started well I'd have to wake two or three times but I'd just sleep because thats how relaxed i got. I feel like I've regressed now 😭😭😭
I know my English and grammar is very choppy here and bàd here but I hope you got the gist of it. 😢. I was so relieved seeing this video posted as I was planning on finding another video where you have discussed this topic in a different but the timing is perfect here. I would much appreciate if you help me out here. I still have lots of residual féars and anticipatory anxîety because of next month. 😭😭 Just when I was seeing some light I got hît with darkness again
Hi Sunflowers, there's a video on this channel about "not opening the attachment." I think that might be useful here! I used to check often for health-related things, but finally gave up the chase last summer. I just decided I was done. It was hard at first because the brain wants the habit, but eventually it stopped asking!
Right now I’ve been struggling with some late cold symptoms and ongoing aches and pains and the anxiety over feeling bad has really messed with relaxing during the repeated wake-ups
I’ve had some experiences where I’m so tired and sleepy, can’t keep my eyes open but my sleep is so weird. I feel like I haven’t been asleep but I have. As soon as I wake I questioned if I was even asleep but I know I was. I wonder if this was my brain being cautious of the threat after some nights of good sleep.
what about underlying physiological issues.. Like i believe i have brain inflammation affecting my sleep stages when i take anti inflammatories i sleep much better and longer with less waking..
Hi sir i have overcome my insomnia but still i wake multiple times in a night but i will fall sleep within minutes, i want to eliminate those wake time , i dont have angry , anxiety about sleep ,pls help me sir