The systemic reform missing from this talk is the treatment of control over locations in cities as a privilege, a privilege that requires compensation to the community equal to the potential annual rental value of whatever locations are held. Location values are not produced by individual owners or what they do or do not do with the locations held. Differences in location values result from advantages associated with aggregate public goods and services brought to the location. What the individual invests to improve the location (e.g., construction of some building) should then be encouraged and not burdened by taxation. Buildings are, after all, depreciating assets that require ongoing maintenance and periodic systems replacement. Taxing depreciating assets is bad public policy. Once a person who holds land pays to the community the location's rental value, their financial obligation to the community has ended.
The projects that are created to impact positive are great! Everyone should start projects like these in their neighborhoods!
i liked this ted talk. direct democracy and strong communities are the way forward!
This is beautiful Paulina! I love your talk and the ideas you present. Your talk gives voice and meaning to all our work.
Excelent ,I really enjoyed it.
Everything is fine, don't question it,
don't look behind the curtain,
you are safe here. you are free.
if you wake up, you will regret it.
bro what
Did u have an awakening lol
lets all be happy. The price we pay for this happiness is our freedom. Agenda 2030
The systemic reform missing from this talk is the treatment of control over locations in cities as a privilege, a privilege that requires compensation to the community equal to the potential annual rental value of whatever locations are held. Location values are not produced by individual owners or what they do or do not do with the locations held. Differences in location values result from advantages associated with aggregate public goods and services brought to the location. What the individual invests to improve the location (e.g., construction of some building) should then be encouraged and not burdened by taxation. Buildings are, after all, depreciating assets that require ongoing maintenance and periodic systems replacement. Taxing depreciating assets is bad public policy. Once a person who holds land pays to the community the location's rental value, their financial obligation to the community has ended.
This is UNAgenda21
Correct from Rockefeller and rotchilds satanic cult