Eichmann trial - Session No. 87

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024
  • Session no. 87 / 06/07/1961
    Incomplete (opening of session)
    The continuation of the testimony of The Accused and the simultaneous presentation of documents by the Defense.
    Incomplete (examination of the accused concerning Hungary continues, the transportation of Slovenes and concentration camps).
    1. Response to witness Gordon's testimony regarding the maltreatment of a young Jewish boy and denies all knowledge of ever killing anyone.
    Incomplete (testimony of witness).
    -n/94, an affidavit by SS judge Conrad Morgen which puts the blame of extermination of the Jews and its methods on Kriminalkommissar Wirth and details the technicality and the camouflage involved and also where the office was.
    2. The parts of Hoess, Bormann, Himmler and Pohl in the destruction. The department of Eichmann was separate from this commando.
    -n/96, deals with Eichmann's position as Obersturmbannfuehrer Eichmann head of the office iv for Jewish problems.
    Incomplete (testimony of witness).
    The request of The Accused to comment on this document and does so, insisting that the description of his functions are incorrect and that his direct superior was Mueller and above that, Himmler.
    3. Was a subordinate of the SS and the police in Hungary, denies ever being a liaison officer and was previously with office vii under dr. Six.
    Incomplete (decision allowing the submission of two statements by police colonel Mildner as evidence).
    4. The Accused's trip to Lublin, ordered by Heydrich, he describes what he saw there, the methods of extermination and then returned to Berlin to report to Mueller.
    Incomplete (decision allowing submission of dr. Karl Sommers affidavit as evidence).
    5. His second trip ordered by Mueller to the war, the area, describes what he saw there-methods of Jewish extermination and on his return reported to Mueller.
    6. The extermination machinery set up in Kulm.
    7. His request to Mueller to be posted to another kind of job and was refused on the grounds of a good soldier being unable to pick and choose the task to which he is assigned.
    8. Sent by Mueller to Minsk and witnessed horrific killings into a mass grave, in the winter of 1941-1942.
    9. The accused's visit to Auschwitz and denial of any knowledge of mass extermination by gas.
    Incomplete (examination of The Accused on matters concerning the Gerstein affair supply of prussic acid for the gas chambers).
    10. The trips he took in order to report to Mueller and Heydrich, and denies all and any other functions other then that of an observer, insisting he was only carrying out orders given by his superiors, he had no share in it.
    11. Utmost support for the Madagascar plan and absolutely no thought of a violent solution to the Jewish problem.
    12. Order to go to Lublin and to deliver a letter, concluding the four trips he undertook in connection with the extermination of the Jews, explains what he saw there and attempts to explain to the court exactly when it was.
    Incomplete (testimony of witness).
    13. Denies having any knowledge or statistics regarding what went on in the concentration camps themselves, only regarding the deportees and denies having a conversation with Hoettl regarding numbers of deportees which Hoettl mentions in his testimony. The statistics are said to have been supplied by Gluecks.
    Incomplete (testimony of witness).
    14. Unable to give any estimate as to the number to those who died, even on the basis of knowing the number of people deported.
    Incomplete (testimony of witness and closing of session).

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