  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 45

  • @morgankulundu4144
    @morgankulundu4144 15 дней назад +1

    Thanks for the great message

  • @lionofjudah6763
    @lionofjudah6763 23 дня назад +15

    Mater of fact the Whole Bible was written by Black Men as they was moved by God to write it. All the main characters in the bible were all Black people...Paul, Peter, John, Matthew, Moses, Abraham, Daniels, etc.,.

    • @blounk
      @blounk 23 дня назад +4

      Amen, that is a fact, even God himself is Black, Revelation 4:1 - 3, for homework, look up the colour of Jasper and Sardius stone.

    • @lionofjudah6763
      @lionofjudah6763 23 дня назад +3

      @@blounk I will do that. Thanks my brother.

    • @IsraelEmmanuel475
      @IsraelEmmanuel475 23 дня назад +2

      I’ll go one step further….The Bible was written by Black folks, for Black folks, about Black folks!!!😳

    • @excellentreport8751
      @excellentreport8751 22 дня назад +3

      @lionofjudah my thoughts exactly!

    • @cooka.s2817
      @cooka.s2817 22 дня назад +2

      That is correct. Because according to science and genetics studies, you'd see that white people are neanderthals with RH rhesus bloodtype, was the last form of half humans that existed, which is why they're called (a kind of man, sub-humans, or man kind). This is why the Sun's UV rays gives them and many none black people around the world skin cancer. Black people only get skin cancer from man made chemicals. Not the Sun. Science also shows that white people are only 4,000 yrs old which is very recent compared to other races. Black people indeed were the first humans ever existed. Russian president Putin just made another video proving that black people are the true children of Israel and that our savior JESUS CHRIST and our HEAVENLY FATHER is black. Look it up or I'll send you the link.

  • @Rockesha
    @Rockesha 22 дня назад +7

    Christianity was forced upon our ancestors through slavery and colonisation…we have to find the truth for ourselves. I’m discovering that we as black people have always been spiritual people.

    • @grannysword
      @grannysword 22 дня назад +1

      .....Hey y'all
      I do not claim to be without sin and fault. My lengthy comment is not intended to attack, offend, condemn or judge anyone. I am just sharing an emergency truth of God. God may allow a "commandment test" before the second gathering of His people. Please give ear.
      Do you all know that today, there are "Sabbath Laws/Sunday Blue Laws" on government books? There are organizations working hard to bring these laws to the forefront once again.
      The United States Of America "legislated Sabbaths" are calculated by man's time, namely, The Famous Gregorian Calendar. I was told, the state I live in, acknowledges "Sunday" as the Sabbath.
      Do you also know that God ordained a Time/Calendar in the beginning of creation? Yes, yes He did!
      Genesis 1:14, the lights in heaven, the sun, moon and stars are true time. It is by these lights that days and years are determined and calculated.
      ALL days are calculated by the sun, moon and stars . This includes the Sabbath day.
      God gave us His "Time" before He gave us the commandment to keep the seventh day Sabbath holy. Therefore, It is very clear that it is in God's will that we use His "Time" to keep His "Sabbath", etc.
      Research!!! God may allow The Powers To Be, again, to enforce some type of "Sabbath Law", to see if we will keep His Commands or no. God uses nations to test His people. Take notice of one example in Judges 2:20-23 to 3:1-4.
      If this be so, knowing God's true Calendar in Genesis 1:14, will be essential to calculate the true Sabbath, so none will be found on the wrong side and serving the Beasts in Revelations 13 and 14.
      Man can change their time/calendars, but they cannot change the true Time/Calendar in heaven.
      An hundred plus, nations' weeks, start with Monday as the first day. I think a little less than seventy nations start their weeks on Sunday.
      If...If Monday is made the first day of the week worldwide, then Sunday will be the seventh day universally. In return, today's "Saturday Sabbath Keepers", will tomorrow, be aligned on Sunday the seventh day.
      This is why, it is very crucial as to what calendar we use to calculate and keep Sabbath, etc.
      There is an interesting article on Google written by Steve H. Hanke concerning a President Donald J. Trump calendar. The article is entitled, " A Trump Calendar, Forever?" Look at the format on that proposed calendar. Monday is the first day of week. Research, read and enjoy....
      Romans 6:16 reads, "...whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey..."
      Servants, serve....
      If any honor a "false Sabbath" calculated by man's time ABOVE the true Sabbath calculated by God's Time, they will be serving man and not The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
      Mother Eve failed her test. She was given a simple command to not eat from a particular tree. She did not trust and obey The God that walked in the garden in the cool of the day. She obeyed, trusted and served Satan.
      Who we obey is who we serve.
      Also, research "The Seven Noahide Laws" and "Project 2025." Will these laws be enforced upon mankind one day?
      This is how I keep the Sabbath day by the lights in heaven. But do your own research for the truth.
      Imagine being in the wilderness without a Gregorian calendar or any other man made time in your pocket. And, all you have for "time" are the the lights that overshadow you.
      When you see the first light that appears on the moon, the sliver, this is the New Moon Day, the first day of the month, the beginning of the month. This is how I start.
      Some start the first day of the month on the day before the first light appears on the moon, this is called the "dark phase New Moon Day."
      All of us who believe this truth are not on the same page, and we do not fully understand every detail about God's "Time", but that is okay.
      We, who keep Sabbath by the command in Genesis 1:14, believe that all things will work out for good.
      We believe God's word that says, "we know in part" and "...the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
      We do not stress about the additional knowledge needed on how to keep His calendar perfectly, because we know God will help us to understand more, in His timing. But one thing, we do acknowledge, is that, this message is truth!!!!!
      We believe, therefore we speak.
      During the Exodus, the children of Israel was compassed between the sea and Pharaoh's army. They did not see how they were going to make it. They said, "...let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians, for it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians..."
      Like this message, some know that it is truth, but they do not understand it fully and cannot see how they will make it if they take a hold of it. They say, in a sense, "let us alone, we will continue to serve man and keep his method of calculation for Sabbaths, etc."
      What people need to be asking themselves is, "Is this message truth?" And, if Truth, walk in it by faith and by the grace and power of God.
      God has three category of days, the New Moon Day, the Six Work Days and the Sabbath day. They never overlaps each other on God's Time, never!
      After the New Moon Day, count Six Work Days and then the Sabbath. This is how the first week looks on all of God's months.
      Week 2, count Six Work days and then the Sabbath. Weeks 3 and 4, follow the same suit. The next month this wonderful process starts over again. A good example of the months resetting is written in Luke 6:1. In this verse of scripture, was this the "second Sabbath" after Adam was created? No No and No!
      Remember, there is never, ever, ever 5 weeks in God's months as there is in the Gregorian Calendar.
      Take heed to this message, look around, observe the times, take notice of the conditions of this world, how the kingdoms are falling.
      God's Kingdom is at hand. Isaiah 66 says that "from one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me:"
      There ain't gonna be no Gregorian calendar or any other man-made time to calculate the New Moon day or the Sabbath day in God's Kingdom. Isaiah will testify to this!!
      I believe the woman in Revelation 12 represents the "Israelites indeed", who keep Sabbath by the sun, moon and stars and people that have join them. The Sabbath is a sign between God and His people. The lights are for "signs" as stated in Genesis 1:14. Make the connection.
      I could be wrong, but, I also believe that this message will keep people from being deceive by Satan to receive the mark of the Beast. There is a section written about the Sabbath in the "Project 2025" document. Research it,
      Sorry so long, but important. Thanks for reading❤️
      May the God of our Father Jacob richly bless every reader and theirs and may He count us worthy to escape the things that are coming upon earth. PEACE

    • @kristianwilliamson7673
      @kristianwilliamson7673 21 день назад +3

      This is our history too but it’s not really called Christianity and you are also right too.

    • @PrioryCampion
      @PrioryCampion 20 дней назад

      Where did you find that information? Christianity was in African long before the white man went to the continent of Africa. The oldest Ethiopian Bible is the oldest and complete bible on earth. The Bible was only translated by King James Version called KJV because it is the most accurate translation we have the Bible was written by black peoples. I think a lot of us don’t research it for ourselves instead listen and pass on inaccurate information. This is how the wrong information pass down not learning to read and write down information.
      Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch from the Bible. This account is found in Acts 8:26-40. Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples, was guided by an angel to meet an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of the treasury of the Queen of the Ethiopians12.
      The eunuch was reading the Book of Isaiah but didn’t understand it. Philip approached him and asked if he understood what he was reading. The eunuch replied, “How can I, unless someone explains it to me?” Philip then explained the passage and shared the good news about Jesus. Eventually, the eunuch was baptized by Philip12.

    • @PrioryCampion
      @PrioryCampion 20 дней назад +2

      No it wasn’t have you ever read the book of Isaiah? The Ethiopian
      The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch from the Bible. This account is found in Acts 8:26-40. Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples, was guided by an angel to meet an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of the treasury of the Queen of the Ethiopians.
      The eunuch was reading the Book of Isaiah but didn’t understand it. Philip approached him and asked if he understood what he was reading. The eunuch replied, “How can I, unless someone explains it to me?” Philip then explained the passage and shared the good news about Jesus. Eventually, the eunuch was baptized by Philip.

    • @PrioryCampion
      @PrioryCampion 20 дней назад

      @@kristianwilliamson7673 The Ethiopian
      The story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch from the Bible. This account is found in Acts 8:26-40. Philip, one of Jesus’ disciples, was guided by an angel to meet an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of the treasury of the Queen of the Ethiopians.
      The eunuch was reading the Book of Isaiah but didn’t understand it. Philip approached him and asked if he understood what he was reading. The eunuch replied, “How can I, unless someone explains it to me?” Philip then explained the passage and shared the good news about Jesus. Eventually, the eunuch was baptized by Philip.

  • @banyamyanyasharahla3141
    @banyamyanyasharahla3141 23 дня назад +6

    Not only zephaniah but the entire book, the Hebrew Israelites. And zephaniah was not a Ethiopian, he was and is a Hebrew from the tribe of Judah. Cush in this instance doesn't mean. Ethiopian , but simply characterizes a black man or person. The word Cush means burnt face or of black complexion. His genealogy can't be a Cushite(Chamite/Hamite and then be an Hebrew Israelite, from the tribe of Judah . A Shemite . Father Abraham was a Shemite from the sons of Shem. Israelites descended from Eber son of Shem ,and so did all Judahites, David is a descendant of Shem , who also is black. So we are dealing with with one group or nation of people of a specific tribe. The sons of Judah. Judah is a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Judah is not a descendant of Cush a son of Ham.

    • @andrewright7556
      @andrewright7556 23 дня назад +1

      Yes, I thoght I heard the word Israelite mentioned in reference to Cushi in the Strong Concordance. Have to replay. Yes, Cushi could also be an Israelite in this identification, and most certainly is. I agree that Zephaniah was an Israelite, not a Hamite, but as in Amos 9:7 verse, like unto an Ethiopian.

    • @yawos9024
      @yawos9024 11 часов назад

      The Greeks translated Cush to Ethiopian because of Athiops a black man who fought for them.

  • @michaelwalsh8868
    @michaelwalsh8868 18 дней назад

    Give it time they Will see the Messiah when he crack that sky

  • @yawos9024
    @yawos9024 День назад +1

    Enoch was a black man!

  • @michaelsimpson5116
    @michaelsimpson5116 21 день назад +1

    Men like price is apologizing for preaching it so long

  • @michaelsimpson5116
    @michaelsimpson5116 21 день назад +1

    This me again,,Don't forget and full of properga

  • @dgreen6275
    @dgreen6275 23 дня назад +4

    Everyone profit in the bible were black, the bible is not a religious book, it is a black ancient history book.

    • @raymondchadman2141
      @raymondchadman2141 23 дня назад +1

      The New testament was put there by Europeans , the names of the characters

    • @grannysword
      @grannysword 22 дня назад +1

      ....Hey y'all
      I do not claim to be without sin and fault. My lengthy comment is not intended to attack, offend, condemn or judge anyone. I am just sharing an emergency truth of God. God may allow a "commandment test" before the second gathering of His people. Please give ear.
      Do you all know that today, there are "Sabbath Laws/Sunday Blue Laws" on government books? There are organizations working hard to bring these laws to the forefront once again.
      The United States Of America "legislated Sabbaths" are calculated by man's time, namely, The Famous Gregorian Calendar. I was told, the state I live in, acknowledges "Sunday" as the Sabbath.
      Do you also know that God ordained a Time/Calendar in the beginning of creation? Yes, yes He did!
      Genesis 1:14, the lights in heaven, the sun, moon and stars are true time. It is by these lights that days and years are determined and calculated.
      ALL days are calculated by the sun, moon and stars . This includes the Sabbath day.
      God gave us His "Time" before He gave us the commandment to keep the seventh day Sabbath holy. Therefore, It is very clear that it is in God's will that we use His "Time" to keep His "Sabbath", etc.
      Research!!! God may allow The Powers To Be, again, to enforce some type of "Sabbath Law", to see if we will keep His Commands or no. God uses nations to test His people. Take notice of one example in Judges 2:20-23 to 3:1-4.
      If this be so, knowing God's true Calendar in Genesis 1:14, will be essential to calculate the true Sabbath, so none will be found on the wrong side and serving the Beasts in Revelations 13 and 14.
      Man can change their time/calendars, but they cannot change the true Time/Calendar in heaven.
      An hundred plus, nations' weeks, start with Monday as the first day. I think a little less than seventy nations start their weeks on Sunday.
      If...If Monday is made the first day of the week worldwide, then Sunday will be the seventh day universally. In return, today's "Saturday Sabbath Keepers", will tomorrow, be aligned on Sunday the seventh day.
      This is why, it is very crucial as to what calendar we use to calculate and keep Sabbath, etc.
      There is an interesting article on Google written by Steve H. Hanke concerning a President Donald J. Trump calendar. The article is entitled, " A Trump Calendar, Forever?" Look at the format on that proposed calendar. Monday is the first day of week. Research, read and enjoy....
      Romans 6:16 reads, "...whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey..."
      Servants, serve....
      If any honor a "false Sabbath" calculated by man's time ABOVE the true Sabbath calculated by God's Time, they will be serving man and not The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.
      Mother Eve failed her test. She was given a simple command to not eat from a particular tree. She did not trust and obey The God that walked in the garden in the cool of the day. She obeyed, trusted and served Satan.
      Who we obey is who we serve.
      Also, research "The Seven Noahide Laws" and "Project 2025." Will these laws be enforced upon mankind one day?
      This is how I keep the Sabbath day by the lights in heaven. But do your own research for the truth.
      Imagine being in the wilderness without a Gregorian calendar or any other man made time in your pocket. And, all you have for "time" are the the lights that overshadow you.
      When you see the first light that appears on the moon, the sliver, this is the New Moon Day, the first day of the month, the beginning of the month. This is how I start.
      Some start the first day of the month on the day before the first light appears on the moon, this is called the "dark phase New Moon Day."
      All of us who believe this truth are not on the same page, and we do not fully understand every detail about God's "Time", but that is okay.
      We, who keep Sabbath by the command in Genesis 1:14, believe that all things will work out for good.
      We believe God's word that says, "we know in part" and "...the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
      We do not stress about the additional knowledge needed on how to keep His calendar perfectly, because we know God will help us to understand more, in His timing. But one thing, we do acknowledge, is that, this message is truth!!!!!
      We believe, therefore we speak.
      During the Exodus, the children of Israel was compassed between the sea and Pharaoh's army. They did not see how they were going to make it. They said, "...let us alone that we may serve the Egyptians, for it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians..."
      Like this message, some know that it is truth, but they do not understand it fully and cannot see how they will make it if they take a hold of it. They say, in a sense, "let us alone, we will continue to serve man and keep his method of calculation for Sabbaths, etc."
      What people need to be asking themselves is, "Is this message truth?" And, if Truth, walk in it by faith and by the grace and power of God.
      God has three category of days, the New Moon Day, the Six Work Days and the Sabbath day. They never overlaps each other on God's Time, never!
      After the New Moon Day, count Six Work Days and then the Sabbath. This is how the first week looks on all of God's months.
      Week 2, count Six Work days and then the Sabbath. Weeks 3 and 4, follow the same suit. The next month this wonderful process starts over again. A good example of the months resetting is written in Luke 6:1. In this verse of scripture, was this the "second Sabbath" after Adam was created? No No and No!
      Remember, there is never, ever, ever 5 weeks in God's months as there is in the Gregorian Calendar.
      Take heed to this message, look around, observe the times, take notice of the conditions of this world, how the kingdoms are falling.
      God's Kingdom is at hand. Isaiah 66 says that "from one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me:"
      There ain't gonna be no Gregorian calendar or any other man-made time to calculate the New Moon day or the Sabbath day in God's Kingdom. Isaiah will testify to this!!
      I believe the woman in Revelation 12 represents the "Israelites indeed", who keep Sabbath by the sun, moon and stars and people that have join them. The Sabbath is a sign between God and His people. The lights are for "signs" as stated in Genesis 1:14. Make the connection.
      I could be wrong, but, I also believe that this message will keep people from being deceive by Satan to receive the mark of the Beast. There is a section written about the Sabbath in the "Project 2025" document. Research it,
      Sorry so long, but important. Thanks for reading❤️
      May the God of our Father Jacob richly bless every reader and theirs and may He count us worthy to escape the things that are coming upon earth. PEACE

  • @michaelsimpson5116
    @michaelsimpson5116 21 день назад +1

    There is not a African dead or alive that wrote the bible.The first language was Latin.So how could it be.My teacher Dr Clarke says that the bible is the greatest piece of folklore ever written.The number the European did on himself and the world with the bible is beyond words.These tyrants posing as Christian..... I will stop right there???,???

    • @PrioryCampion
      @PrioryCampion 20 дней назад +1

      Your teacher has conned you he has not been true to you all he has done is get you listen 👂🏽 to his fables. Don’t allow anyone to pass there beliefs on you search the scripture like the Beraian did in Thessalonica did after hearing the sermon they check for themselves to see if it was so. Acts 17:11-12
      King James Version
      11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
      12 Therefore many of them believed; also of honourable women which were Greeks, and of men, not a few.

  • @maximillianphoenix9374
    @maximillianphoenix9374 23 дня назад +3

    The reason they didn’t know that is because it never happened 🤔

  • @user-ut4ht8fn2s
    @user-ut4ht8fn2s 22 дня назад +1

    The Bible was mostly written by whites,but the original scriptures which is the Torah, would have been written by blacks, because Bible,is book Torah is law,so the Bible was from the Writings of the Torah.

  • @michaelbentley-jy5rr
    @michaelbentley-jy5rr 22 дня назад +1

    The bible dictated by God.

  • @revellhorton9002
    @revellhorton9002 20 дней назад +1

    Its so stupid, that whole book is about them especially the blacks in the united States. That is who that book is about Yeshua and his people