Milestones are so important! Ten years ago I had a solo art show in old town Scottsdale, on the same street as an American art gallery featuring a few of my favorite artists! Popped up in my Facebook memories today! Keep track of big and small milestones!
It's so easy to get discouraged when you compare yourself to others, or compare where you are to where you want to be. It can seem like it's taking a long time. So, you're right, doing a little inventory to see how far you've come can make a huge difference. Thanks, Andrea.
Milestones are so important! Ten years ago I had a solo art show in old town Scottsdale, on the same street as an American art gallery featuring a few of my favorite artists! Popped up in my Facebook memories today! Keep track of big and small milestones!
Yes! Definitely - love this Judy! And I love celebrating all the milestones
Nice words of wisdom!
It's so easy to get discouraged when you compare yourself to others, or compare where you are to where you want to be. It can seem like it's taking a long time. So, you're right, doing a little inventory to see how far you've come can make a huge difference. Thanks, Andrea.
Yes, so true! I love looking back to see how far we've come!
Very encouraging! Thanks for the reminder!
Thanks for watching - glad you like it!