I’ve been sued 17 straight years for a car crash my ex did out of revenge. I refuse to pay this debt. They’ve taken my state taxes 17 years. I’m 53 and filing disability now.
HI Marge and thanks for the comment- yes you are correct. Each state has its own rules but some are the same across multiple states. We are putting together state guides - look for them soon on finelyrevealed.com
I have heard story's about people who have not responded to or payed a judgement being arrested for contempt of court. For example if someone had a default judgment placed upon them and the court serves them with paperwork to be filled out about their info and finance and the debtor fails to do so that can be labeled as contempt. Bail is also usually set for the amount of the debt owed.
A quick question. I'm being sued by a Car loan company CNAC who does illegal business dealings and high interest rates. When covid was going on i was sick in the hospital and contacting them to get the covid relief deal where the payments is postponed due to being out of work. The reps for CNAC refused to work with me and kept saying make your payments. This is before the account got behind. I still struggled to make payments and they couldn't get one payment but the rest after that one missed one came out on timeas i had to use all my remaining funds to pay for my mons funeral out of pocket and later when the insurance payment was received this was after the car was repoed and sold. I had to use it to pay off her debts. They are now sueing me two years later and now i have a trial in 2 days. I was served by a servicer who came to my home breaking building policies which is secured entry by front desk concierge which my building management is filing a tresspassing order against the servicer. ive been trying to call the debt collection attorney to work out payment arrangements but all calls and messages by emails and phone have been ignored, He filed the lawsuit without sending me any communication and he did it in a court where he knows all the judges and staff. Is there anything i can do?
Each state has different rules on a home. Fla, Tx and KS people cannot have their homes taken from them if they are paid off. The rest have an assigned value. Usually there's just a lien. Will do another video on the homestead allowances- too long to write here.
Defendants pulled there money out of bank before garnishment & opened another bank somewhere else/ depositing there money with family members account - what can we/someone do to collect, thank you
HI @AR Different states have different rules on what collection activities can be pursued. Some counsel will take these cases on a contingency- no charge until they recover. You might reach out for assistance locally.
Hi@Brandon yes- bank accounts can be garnished which means they are attached and the funds can be taken - but this is AFTER a judgment has been entered and not before.
You think your credit profile is bad, mine was terrible. A friend of mine introduced me to a Tech expert called Michael Gibbs then I get in touch with him, To my surprise he fixed my credit profile within a few days. He helped me increase my credit score to 790 excellent score and deleted all bad negative items on my credit profile within 96 hours. He also helped me increase my credit card limit to $50k, I'll advise you contact him for your credit repair on his regular email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com]and thank me later.
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
Hi from California. A collection company placed a judgement against me which I was unaware of for a credit card. They garnished the full amount from my bank. My credit report now states paid after charge off. Recently, I got a letter from the same collection agency trying to collect on the same debt. What can I do for my situation?
Send a copy of the satisfaction of judgment and if not filed then demand that they do that and send you a copy. You may also want to check with a local attorney to see if this violates the fair debt collection practices act.
I have four small amount judgments against my home (homestead state of Tx). I was advised to not pay the collection agencies on credit card debts all the way thru trial. I plan on keeping my home forever. I was told to just watch and see if the collection agencies will renew the judgments or not. I have nothing to lose, unless I need to borrow against my equity. So was this wise? I just didn't trust the process of being beholden to collection agencies for debt that was sold off 4 years prior.
HI Elle - you made a decision the best you could based on information you had. No fault in that. One thing people need to be aware of is that if you have a mortgage loan on the property those documents usually have a provision that if you get judgments against the property they can call a default. If the amounts are truly small then it is unlikely that it would cause an issue - just keep checking to see if they 'fall off' over time.
Hello. I know this is an old post but im hoping you will see my question. I have an expired judgement from 2005. The creditor never attempted collection. In my state of Louisiana the SOL on judgements is 10 years. It has never been renewed. My question is how do i get it released since it is expired. I am hoping to purchase a home this year and know this is a road block to home ownership. This was a large medical debt from when my son was born prematurely in 2004. There was no way i could have paid it which is why i think they never attempted collection. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Just got the same thing judgement on credit card debt...here in Louisiana I talk to an attorney about what needed to be done. I work in the oil and gas industry and at times work gets slow here for about 2 to 3 yrs at a time called the credit card company and explained my situation ask them to close the card for no further interest charges they didn't agree with that but agreed with a 120.00 a month payment for 1 yr and it didn't help me just further in the hole interest piled up I had a 12,000 credit limit and used 6,800.00 in credit that I used my judgement is for 14,895.00 just got my judgement delivered yesterday from the sheriff any opinions or options that I can try
They tried to serve papers at my former residence in Oklahoma. My mom took the paper and they consider that as me being served. I've never seen the papers. Now I have this default judgement against me. I have no job and no assets. I have an empty bank account, no expensive jewelry and no car. But what if a year from now I am finally making money? I read that they only have 180 days. Does that mean in 6 months they won't be trying to get into my accounts?
If there is a judgment lien against your "real property " in Kentucky, and you don't own a home, what can they do other than garnishment? They cannot take what is considered "real property " (car, jewelry....), is that correct?
Hi Tonya. Each state has a scheduled list of property or an amount or value of certain property that is called 'exempt'. That means that it is exempt or not eligible to being taken by a creditor. A creditor only needs to have a judgment against you to be able to 'take' property. In Kentucky up to $3,000 of your car equity is exempt and $3,000 of the combination of personal clothing, jewelry and household furnishings all together is exempt. Watch for a new video on this.
What if you get a judgement and then settle with the plaintiff for a lesser amount to pay off your debt. Will the judgement still stay on your credit report? Also I'm being sued in small claims court by an original creditor for 3 separate credit cards, they recently served me for 2 of the credit cards but not for the third one, i'm going give an answer those 2 but should I answer for all 3 even though I was only served for two? I want to play it safe in case they say we served you for all 3, but will this cause any problems if later I claim they never served me for one, will they say well why did you answer if you weren't served?
Service is required for each individual lawsuit. If a creditor has three different cases against you then you must be served for each separate case. A single lawsuit may contain different claims against you but service for the entire suit one time is all that is needed. If you ahve multiple suits pending but have only been served in one and you want to and are able to deal with them all simultaneously then you can voluntarily enter your appearance and then they won't have to serve you. Any settlement should be via a written agreement that clearly states what each side will do. If the plaintiff agrees to take a lesser sum in satisfaction of the entire claim then the case must be dismissed with prejudice. Hope that helps.
Where is the link to the State-by-State … EXCEPTIONS that you referred to near the beginning of this video? Looked High & Low including your webpage.... didn't see the link …. Also from your CONTACT US form on your webpage.... the SUBMIT button doesn't work.
What about stocks? Can you sell them and cash out the money, then say it was used to pay for living expenses, other cash debts with family and friends...?
HI @manu These provisions are to preserve tax free benefits of retirement accounts. So it covers investments of all types within those types of accounts. The regular rules on capital gains would apply for use of after tax investments.
hello thank you for all ur info. i have a question , im being sued by capital one for credit card debt $3400 i think im judgement proof, my wages & bank accounts cant be garnished because they are from social security disability my 2 vehicles are under the feral exemption amount my home's equity is below the federal exemption amount. my question is, should i attend the judgement hearing & tell the judge mu assets are exempt? thankyou for your help
Hi Rosie. The Judge doesn't care about the status of your assets and that is not an issue in the case until after judgment. The matter before the court is whether or not you owe the money- if the charges are yours or were made on your account with your permission and if you have paid as agreed and if the amount they are claiming is due is the amount due and whether and in what amount the creditor can recover attorney fees against you in addition to the amount they claim due on the account. You have not included in the information where you live - you should seek the advice of an attorney in your state to review your situation and give you guidance on the options available to you in your specific circumstance. Based upon the state law where you are, the exemptions provided by that state's law (federal exemptions apply for when the government is executing on a judgment and if you are in bankruptcy) and your situation your attorney will advise you to ignore it, defend it or attempt to settle it. Good luck!
Hi. Please Help. I had a loan with BBT and foreclosed the original loan was castle mortgage. Castle mortgage and Dyck O’Neal sued me 2014 and I now have a Judgment. I disputed it with Equifax 2019 and they Closed and are removing castle mortgage. Do i still owe the judgement? Do I owe Dyck O’Neal when never having a loan with him? I have excellent credit besides that account and don’t want to file bankruptcy. Unless I have to. I am going to inherit a house payed in full.
@Barbara please seek legal counsel in your area - do not delay. Judgments entered by a court of record attach to real estate and their legal impact is separate from what is on your credit report. We are working on some new videos on this subject.
Hi @Jhoseph sorry to hear that- yes you can always negotiate and for other help watch our other videos for suggestions that may apply to you- every situation is different.
I live in Texas and I’m being sued by a creditor. I’m living with relatives, I’m on disability and only own one vehicle. I have no assets they can take or bank accounts they can freeze. Can they send me too jail or do something else?
HI @Jesse. Check with a local bankruptcy attorney for exact information for your situation. In the US people cannot be put in jail for nonpayment of a debt in a civil matter.
I have a question about the information about judgment any number I can call you to discuss with you if you can help me up some of what’s the judgment against me
I have a concern... I use to live with roommates that unfortunately ended us behind on our rent for 2 months. We did have to make an appearance in court before the sheriff could come serve us. We paid the amount of rent due in full. now when I search for an apartment it comes up as an eviction. the court gave me a copy of my judgement. will this proof be in my favor moving forward to get approved for an apartment?
HI @Nivea - I can't tell if the report shows an eviction was filed or if a judgment was entered. If there was a judgment for money and you paid it after the judgment then there should also be a paper filed called a Satisfaction of Judgment. That is the best thing to have to show that the situation was resolved. If you paid the amount after the case was filed and then it was dismissed then there should be a dismissal and that is even better. Hope this helps.
FinelyRevealed yes thank you so much!! I contacted the courthouse and they asked for the ledger stating that it was paid with satisfaction and to get it notarized and then they will process on there end to dismiss it!!
So I recently got a letter in the mail for a judgement against me. I own a small portion of land can I turn this land over in somebody else's name before I have to go to court so that I don't lose it, can I legally do that?
Judgment against me about 2 weeks ago. They just attached to my bank account for a large amount of money. Filing Chapter 7. Have no real estate and no real assets..will Ch.7 remove judgment and also, how can I remove judgement from public record after bankruptcy?
My mother was sued and now has to pay 600/month for 3-4 yrs. she told my dad she got a lawyer but I don’t think she did. Is there anything to be done or is this final? She won’t talk to anyone about it and my dad barely found out because he read the mail.
If there is a lawsuit it is public record and you can get a copy from the court. The papers would be signed by her lawyer if she had one. The only way someone 'has to pay' is when they made an agreement to voluntarily pay the creditor- usually that is documented (or should be ) so that when it has been fulfilled the debtor (person who was sued) can confirm it is over. If she made a deal then there may not be a judgment. If she is an adult and no one else is involved- she may want to keep it that way and handle it herself.
Hi Jack- it is possible but the standard answer is 'it depends' - on whether it was a money only judgment or some performance (action) was also ordered - was the judgment registered in another state during the time (which then makes it 'live' under that state's laws), whether it has been renewed most states have renewal provisions that allow the original time period to be extended before it expires and also sometimes reactivated, whether there was a bankruptcy (by you) that suspended its enforcement. To be safe - talk with a Wisconsin attorney and get their opinion and advice.
I'm NOT an attorney! But, I am in the same boat. I have a judgement from one of these pay-pennies-on-the-dollar collection agencies that Dave Ramsey talks about all the time on some medical bills I have that predate the ACA (Obama Care). It is different in each state. Find out what the statute of limitations on collection of a judgement in your state. Some states it is 10 years... some it is 15. Even some states it is as little as 5. But, in most that is if they do not take you back to court before the limitations runs out. I haven't heard from mine in about 12 or 13 years. My state is a 15 year state. I'm betting these boiler-room collection agencies are not coming after you for a 12 year-old debt....? But, I will see when the 15 yrs. are up.
I have received a notice of case filing and assignment and received a notice of default judgement. I have not be given a court date yet. I am on SSID and want to know what I can do to stop this? Thx
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
When a grantor dies and the trust becomes irrevocable, would any liability on the grantor when he/she was alive trickle to the trust and its asset? Assuming the trustee and beneficiary are different people here. Thx
The specifics of your situation would need to be reviewed with the actual documents to give you an answer. Will do a video on spendthrift provisions- those are the sections which exclude assets from creditors and might help you.
So, I have a question. What if the creditor sues you and the court gives you a date to show up to court, you want to pay off the judgement before the show up date, is it possible to get something done before? Currently I'm being sued for small claims on my son's medical bill. I know I have been behind on it and willing to pay. Is it also possible not to get your wage garnished but rather then pay through the bank since I have the amount being sued saved up?
Good question @rising Star! Contact the other party and make your arrangements before the court date or if you need more time then both of you contact hte court and move the date back. If you are paying you need to document that - don't use cash- and have them confirm in writing that this resolves the matter by including the case number on their receipt to you.
Hi @Korenski23 this video could help: ruclips.net/video/FzO_loX_Xko/видео.html There are others that are similar in the same playlist. If you still have questions let me know
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
Thank you so much for that detailed information. My bank never summoned me to court. They just obtained a judgment after i gave them back the car. Is it poasible that i waivered my right to be aued in court in the contract that i signed for purchasing the car? New York case.
HI @Armandine Yes- there are states who allow the contrat to provide that the borrower gives the rights to the creditor to proceed without them in court. If you ahve a copy of your contract you should read it and see. Many courts are online so you can check on the website and find your case by searching your name and see the status etc.
Nice one. Maybe a silly question: if the trustee gets involved in a personal lawsuit due to negligence on the road for example, would a judge/plaintiff find out that he is trustee for 2 or 3 irrevocable trusts and hence ask him to exercise the exclusive power to change the beneficiary to the creditor -- even though the grantor and beneficiary had nothing to do with the incident?! I hope not :)
Hi @SRed Trustee's have a fiduciary duty to look out for the beneficiaries under the trust- and what you describe would be considered 'self-dealing' which is not allowed. The terms of the Trust document and state law should be reviewed.
I had a medical judgment against me 2009 in Texas is there any website I can check to see if it’s still active they never garnished my banking account for my tax return they did not do any action Thank you for your video
You can check with the court - usually online by a search of your name or he case number to see if anything has been done since 2009- activity after that could extend the time for execution. Looks like Texas judgments may go dormant after 10 years.
Hello, from California... When someone sues me and I did not show up to court and court from LA county but their business is in alameda county, LA county for some reason took money directly from my business checking account without any notice. Can I still get my money back, what are the chances and should I sue the person who sued me because he is in the wrong doing also. Please help me. Thank you!
Sorry for your troubles Jackson. Please seek legal counsel in your area- contact the bar association for your county and they should be able to make a referral for you. The attorney will help you protect your funds and get to court to address the situation. Do not delay. Good luck.
Can i ask the collection agency how much they paid my account? In 2008 i got repo. The car loan was though a credit union bank. They sold my debt to Kass Shuler pa. A collection law firm in FL.They are after me for 17k but on the letter i got it says 13k. They are now getting more aggressive on finding where i work. Do you think i can settle for way less then that?
Hi @Javier Watch these two videos and they should help you on the amount of the debt etc. Info the collector has to give you ruclips.net/video/ZcJnqjoCHwU/видео.html and basics of the fair debt collection practices act ruclips.net/video/3ieo0y0WgWw/видео.html Dispute the debt and the amount and request all documents. I'll do another video on what should happen in a repo - you should have received a notice then on the results of the sale and how much they got for the car and applied to the debt. How long the debt remains available to be collected depends on your local state law. The time to sue you runs from the date of default. Hope this helps!
I am in this situation i did not pay after judjement,i have not making any money to pay back.now i am behind on my house payement behind one month and recived a letter they are coming after my assest.please let me know what to do.
Hi @syed you need assistance- for home owners there are programs to catch up before you go seriously in default. If you are not comfortable dealing with this on your own contact an attorney.
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
Says right in letter you do not have to appear in person... return receipt their letter, ask for cease and desist on phone calls, all further correspondence to settle only in writing. If they really want to sue they will go after the plus 10 to 20k a card debtors out there. Looooot of bad debt out there.... they ain't going after assets you already own free and clear.. let them try to take the car lol.. I would put in brother in laws name
I never failed to pay a bill. The real estate company I used sued me for full commission even though they never sold my home. They managed to get a judgment against me for commission. This makes no sense as no "credit was extended to me" so can they legally collect on a judgment?
FinelyRevealed I watched the new video you did. They did not get a default judgment. They got a motion for summary judgment. My attorney will probably appeal as real estate company wants a full $20,000 commission even though they didn’t even sell my home. The only reason they won their motion was because the real estate agent lied all throughout his affidavit. Everyone I talk to even other real estate agents think it’s absurd to get a full commission for not selling someone’s house.
Oh I am sorry @Renee - Because you stated a factual statement in your first comment as a basis for fighting the suit it seemed like you were not participating in the case and did not have a chance to tell your side- but it now appears you did. The key to this is in the broker/listing agreement and the law in your state. In most places if there is a no sale during the time of the agreement or afterward that can be traced back to a contact made during the term of the agreement then no commission is due.. The way to block a summary judgment motion is to show a genuine dispute as to a material fact. That is usually done through dueling affidavits. The standard for overturning a ruling on appeal when attacking the court's interpretation of evidence or testimony is usually an abuse of discretion which can be hard to prove. Good luck!
FinelyRevealed thanks for the info. I filed my own affidavit disputing the real estate agents lies. The judge said my affidavit was hearsay and speculation yet she took real estate agents affidavit full of lies at face value. Unbelievable! And get this.... I already got the real estate agent in trouble with the Ohio department of licensing. He received a citation. He also has to go through a hearing with the board of realtors. They read my complaint and believe he should have to go through hearing. So if a panel of experienced real estate agents believe the agent should have to go through hearing how can a judge act like this agent did nothing wrong.
We live in texas and my sister is being sued for credit card debt, her paychecks from her job are direct deposited bi-weekly into my bank account. Her name is not on the bank account at all. If they get a judgement against her, can they still take money from that account even though her name is not on it? thanks
Hi Rene- Cannot give specific legal advice but can tell you that Texas does not have wage garnishment but I believe that bank accounts are subject to attachment. The name on the account is one factor - the funds in the account and to whom they belong is another. For accurate information on your sister's situation she should seek legal counsel in your area.
HI @1515 That is a filing that the attorneys make (in some states) on what costs were incurred that are recoverable and can be 'added' to the judgment. They can include filing fees, service fees, some subpoena charges and deposition or other court reporter or copy charges.
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
If you won a claim in small claims court and the loosing party has not paid up, then you can file what is called a writ of execution. This is to gain access to the company's bank account to seize what is owed on the debt.
@@FinelyRevealed Got it. Here in California, I have to wait 30 days before I can file an EJ 130 writ of execution form. So, I'm still waiting on 30 days to lapse
Hi I am Kari I have a paid day loan they are trying to collect I do not have anything they can take all I have is social security and that was stopped for a reason social security said it was wrote up wrong I will get it back but is only 300.00 dollars and I live with my daughter I had a stroke and I have a little memory lost can they take the little money I make and what can I do
He is not a scammer I have met him on to account he is a very good man and comes from a very good family but over in Nigeria if you haven't got work and you cannot pay something on time they come and arrest you
Well you may have to accept that you helped when you could and now he will find another solution. Sounds like you are a good person @antoinette and kind to provide what assistance you could.
There are differences in states. I wish these type of videos would address just a couple of states' laws because they can vary. I live in Texas & I'm being sued for a $1000 credit card. I can't believe it's worth it because as she said, they can't touch real estate or garnish wages in Texas. I understand bank accounts can be affected, but do they go around looking for bank accounts to get $1000. If they do, they need a better collection business model.
Hi @Cynthia and thanks for the comment. Usually when there are smaller amounts they are bundled and assigned to counsel to pursue in batches. The collection attorneys who take the cases do so on a contingency- so they only get paid if something is collected. Because they take many accounts in together they payment they get on some efforts make up for those where there is no recovery. With your small amount they think that you will not want your credit harmed and so will either pay the full thing or some of it.
Hi @JiimmyJames - go to our channel page and click on playlists and scroll through the videos on money and finance - if you still have questions come back and ask !
I have a question My sister put an apartment in her name for her daughter. Her daughter did not show up for court and a judgment was entered for a little over $2,000. It showed up on my sisters credit report under collections. Not a public record Does my sister have to pay this collection or can she dispute this to have it removed from her credit report. She lives in GA
Hi @Iamlolitamarie Anyone can dispute anything- that may seem vague but it all depends on the circumstances of each case. The places to check are the contract and the court files. Judgments can only be reported as against the people who are sued. Hoping this helps you!
Actually who the hell cares about civil judgements if you are self employed and rent all your life ??? Houses are just not worth buying no more . I had a farm and cost me a fortune to live on and now I rent a house and leave the worrying to someone else. I have peace of mind actually having the judgement and not paying no more credit cards. I go out to eat and on vacation twice every year . I had over $120,000 in just credit card debt. If your going to burn them burn them good cause it makes no difference
Ralphie Boy if they have a judgment lien against you for your real property, they can only take your real estate and not your "real property"...like your car and jewelry????
Hi I may have a judgment against me from credit card company, is my brokerage account where I day trade stocks exempt and also my bank account? Thank you
It sounds like there is already a judgment against you and they are coming to enforce it. Enforcement means they will attach bank accounts, take nonexempt assets and garnish wages among other things - if those are allowed in NC. If you have assets at risk you should seek legal counsel immediately to learn your specific rights in this situation which may include a dispute of the judgment or relief such as filing a bankruptcy if you do not want to or cannot try to settle the debt.
@@FinelyRevealed What's kinda assets can they take? I really don't own anything. I don't have a job at the moment. What will happen if they can't Get anything from me?
I got a complaint filed against me so I contact the law firm before the court date and negotiated a payment plan with them. They sent me a stipulation letter for judgment upon default of the stipulation. I signed it and faxed it to them and they said that they filed a continuance so that they could file the stipulation letter with the court. I just got letter from the court that there was default judgment found against me even though I’ve been paying the creditors attorneys $250 every week for the past 2.5 months. I’m fricken pissed.
Sorry to hear this Syz! Please reach out and get counsel asap! Take a copy of all correspondence and give them the case number etc to get the court info. Time limits apply but you should be able to get this fixed and there may be a contempt avenue for you to get your attorney fees paid. Good luck!
What about a boat? Can a creditor have a person's boat confiscated for auction to satisfy part of a debt in New York? This person has no job on the books and no money in the bank so that's not an option. I'm 99% sure that the boat and trailer are registered through DMV and titled to my debtor. If he owns a car, it's probably not worth a fraction of what the boat is.
HI @Sandra Any property that is not exempt can be sold to satisfy a debt (if pledged to another creditor they need notice and will be paid first). I am unaware of any state which gives an exemption for a boat.
Hi Mike - in some states there is an action called malicious prosecution. In those states if the case was resolved by the court (not that someone voluntarily dropped the case or withdrew it) and thrown out- then a new action could be brought against the original filer for damages incurred in connection with the first case. There could also be other possible claims such as defamation. Could be limits to the recovery as well. You should check with someone in your state to see if it is worth your effort or if you should just move on.
Golden Stone- it is on the about page - there is a button to push for business inquiries then if you show you are not a robot it will then show you the email address. Sorry- have to do this to avoid getting auto generated messages.
Money in an account belongs to the account owner(s) to do with what they choose. The only thing that could prevent that would be a court order such as an injunction or asset freeze or garnishment.
@@FinelyRevealed will my bank give me a notice about a freeze or a wage garnishment before it happens? I’m in Texas so I’m Curious and can’t get a good answer on google
My friend I sent him money in Nigeria and put it into his bank account they have frozen his bank account I did it by internet banking I know this person and I Have Nothing But problem from the fraud team which I've done nothing wrong it's only very little money that I send every fortnight to him and they're saying to me prove that you know him I have not reported any Ford whatsoever and they've stopped my internet banking
HI @antoinette it sounds like this person has been reported as a scammer. There are various signs they look for including transfers between countries and obviously the big scams involving Nigerian accounts is probably the reason.
In Nigeria if you do not have a job and you cannot pay something they arrest you and take you to court how can you pay something when you haven't got any money that is the reason he is not a scammer I have met him on two accounts and he's a very decent person and he did front up to court
Antoinette you are a Nigerian you write like one same speech pattern. I know I lived in Nigerian & am sick & tired of you yahoo boys people on RUclips trying to scam Chai you my friend got caught
Hi @jhi1947 no- not every time. If you can't pay something you need to speak up and make contact- the worst thing that can be done is to go into denial and avoid the situation. Ignoring these types of situations doesn't make them go away.
Hi Audio - Yes - you can file at any time as long as you are eligible (has been more than 7 years since a prior bankruptcy and your debts exceed your assets). Watch for another video.
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
The back to camera and chair spin at the begining was very graceful :)
I’ve been sued 17 straight years for a car crash my ex did out of revenge. I refuse to pay this debt. They’ve taken my state taxes 17 years. I’m 53 and filing disability now.
Wow really? Have they ever tried to garnish your wages or freeze money from your bank account
Ask yourself if they can take it from you do you really own it
If I have nothing they can’t take anything. Also, there are other states like PA and Florida as well as Texas where they cannot garnish wages.
HI Marge and thanks for the comment- yes you are correct. Each state has its own rules but some are the same across multiple states. We are putting together state guides - look for them soon on finelyrevealed.com
People can to take your personal belongings or take your tax refund or put a lien on you
I have heard story's about people who have not responded to or payed a judgement being arrested for contempt of court. For example if someone had a default judgment placed upon them and the court serves them with paperwork to be filled out about their info and finance and the debtor fails to do so that can be labeled as contempt. Bail is also usually set for the amount of the debt owed.
Hi @Hunter yes those contempt citations are not for not paying a debt but rather for not appearing when summoned for court.
Debtor's jail is not allowed in this country, with the exception of the child support scam.
A quick question. I'm being sued by a Car loan company CNAC who does illegal business dealings and high interest rates. When covid was going on i was sick in the hospital and contacting them to get the covid relief deal where the payments is postponed due to being out of work. The reps for CNAC refused to work with me and kept saying make your payments. This is before the account got behind. I still struggled to make payments and they couldn't get one payment but the rest after that one missed one came out on timeas i had to use all my remaining funds to pay for my mons funeral out of pocket and later when the insurance payment was received this was after the car was repoed and sold. I had to use it to pay off her debts. They are now sueing me two years later and now i have a trial in 2 days. I was served by a servicer who came to my home breaking building policies which is secured entry by front desk concierge which my building management is filing a tresspassing order against the servicer. ive been trying to call the debt collection attorney to work out payment arrangements but all calls and messages by emails and phone have been ignored, He filed the lawsuit without sending me any communication and he did it in a court where he knows all the judges and staff. Is there anything i can do?
So the government can take “everything” meaning your house too or just put a lien towards it?
Each state has different rules on a home. Fla, Tx and KS people cannot have their homes taken from them if they are paid off. The rest have an assigned value. Usually there's just a lien. Will do another video on the homestead allowances- too long to write here.
Defendants pulled there money out of bank before garnishment & opened another bank somewhere else/ depositing there money with family members account - what can we/someone do to collect, thank you
HI @AR Different states have different rules on what collection activities can be pursued. Some counsel will take these cases on a contingency- no charge until they recover. You might reach out for assistance locally.
What if you're self employed with no assets and you don't pay? Can they touch your bank accounts?
Hi@Brandon yes- bank accounts can be garnished which means they are attached and the funds can be taken - but this is AFTER a judgment has been entered and not before.
@@FinelyRevealed thank you
You think your credit profile is bad, mine was terrible. A friend of mine introduced me to a Tech expert called Michael Gibbs then I get in touch with him, To my surprise he fixed my credit profile within a few days. He helped me increase my credit score to 790 excellent score and deleted all bad negative items on my credit profile within 96 hours. He also helped me increase my credit card limit to $50k, I'll advise you contact him for your credit repair on his regular email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com]and thank me later.
What happens if you have a judgment against you and need to travel abroad to another country ? Will they stop you ?
Hi @Kevin - not for a simple civil money judgment.
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
Hi from California. A collection company placed a judgement against me which I was unaware of for a credit card. They garnished the full amount from my bank. My credit report now states paid after charge off. Recently, I got a letter from the same collection agency trying to collect on the same debt. What can I do for my situation?
Send a copy of the satisfaction of judgment and if not filed then demand that they do that and send you a copy. You may also want to check with a local attorney to see if this violates the fair debt collection practices act.
I have four small amount judgments against my home (homestead state of Tx). I was advised to not pay the collection agencies on credit card debts all the way thru trial. I plan on keeping my home forever. I was told to just watch and see if the collection agencies will renew the judgments or not. I have nothing to lose, unless I need to borrow against my equity. So was this wise? I just didn't trust the process of being beholden to collection agencies for debt that was sold off 4 years prior.
HI Elle - you made a decision the best you could based on information you had. No fault in that. One thing people need to be aware of is that if you have a mortgage loan on the property those documents usually have a provision that if you get judgments against the property they can call a default. If the amounts are truly small then it is unlikely that it would cause an issue - just keep checking to see if they 'fall off' over time.
Did the creditors ever touch your bank account
Hello. I know this is an old post but im hoping you will see my question. I have an expired judgement from 2005. The creditor never attempted collection. In my state of Louisiana the SOL on judgements is 10 years. It has never been renewed. My question is how do i get it released since it is expired. I am hoping to purchase a home this year and know this is a road block to home ownership. This was a large medical debt from when my son was born prematurely in 2004. There was no way i could have paid it which is why i think they never attempted collection. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Great question @Fredericka - watch for a new video this week. I will come back here and give you the link.
@@FinelyRevealed Great! Thank You!
HI @Fredericka Kirt - see if this video helps you: ruclips.net/video/WajUD1ZiA1M/видео.html
Just got the same thing judgement on credit card debt...here in Louisiana
I talk to an attorney about what needed to be done. I work in the oil and gas industry and at times work gets slow here for about 2 to 3 yrs at a time called the credit card company and explained my situation ask them to close the card for no further interest charges they didn't agree with that but agreed with a 120.00 a month payment for 1 yr and it didn't help me just further in the hole interest piled up I had a 12,000 credit limit and used 6,800.00 in credit that I used my judgement is for 14,895.00 just got my judgement delivered yesterday from the sheriff any opinions or options that I can try
They tried to serve papers at my former residence in Oklahoma. My mom took the paper and they consider that as me being served. I've never seen the papers. Now I have this default judgement against me. I have no job and no assets. I have an empty bank account, no expensive jewelry and no car. But what if a year from now I am finally making money? I read that they only have 180 days. Does that mean in 6 months they won't be trying to get into my accounts?
HI @Brina - sorry this happened. The answer is too long to write. I will make a video and come back here and drop the link for you.
@@FinelyRevealed Thank you
If there is a judgment lien against your "real property " in Kentucky, and you don't own a home, what can they do other than garnishment? They cannot take what is considered "real property " (car, jewelry....), is that correct?
Hi Tonya. Each state has a scheduled list of property or an amount or value of certain property that is called 'exempt'. That means that it is exempt or not eligible to being taken by a creditor. A creditor only needs to have a judgment against you to be able to 'take' property. In Kentucky up to $3,000 of your car equity is exempt and $3,000 of the combination of personal clothing, jewelry and household furnishings all together is exempt. Watch for a new video on this.
What if you get a judgement and then settle with the plaintiff for a lesser amount to pay off your debt. Will the judgement still stay on your credit report? Also I'm being sued in small claims court by an original creditor for 3 separate credit cards, they recently served me for 2 of the credit cards but not for the third one, i'm going give an answer those 2 but should I answer for all 3 even though I was only served for two? I want to play it safe in case they say we served you for all 3, but will this cause any problems if later I claim they never served me for one, will they say well why did you answer if you weren't served?
Service is required for each individual lawsuit. If a creditor has three different cases against you then you must be served for each separate case. A single lawsuit may contain different claims against you but service for the entire suit one time is all that is needed. If you ahve multiple suits pending but have only been served in one and you want to and are able to deal with them all simultaneously then you can voluntarily enter your appearance and then they won't have to serve you.
Any settlement should be via a written agreement that clearly states what each side will do. If the plaintiff agrees to take a lesser sum in satisfaction of the entire claim then the case must be dismissed with prejudice. Hope that helps.
Where is the link to the State-by-State … EXCEPTIONS that you referred to near the beginning of this video? Looked High & Low including your webpage.... didn't see the link ….
Also from your CONTACT US form on your webpage.... the SUBMIT button doesn't work.
Thanks for hte info @irProteus we will get those fixed and send you the link!
There is also an email link on the
About section of this channel and we are on facebook - sorry for the trouble!
What about stocks? Can you sell them and cash out the money, then say it was used to pay for living expenses, other cash debts with family and friends...?
HI @manu These provisions are to preserve tax free benefits of retirement accounts. So it covers investments of all types within those types of accounts. The regular rules on capital gains would apply for use of after tax investments.
hello thank you for all ur info. i have a question , im being sued by capital one for credit card debt $3400
i think im judgement proof, my wages & bank accounts cant be garnished because they are from social security disability
my 2 vehicles are under the feral exemption amount
my home's equity is below the federal exemption amount.
my question is, should i attend the judgement hearing & tell the judge mu assets are exempt?
thankyou for your help
Hi Rosie. The Judge doesn't care about the status of your assets and that is not an issue in the case until after judgment. The matter before the court is whether or not you owe the money- if the charges are yours or were made on your account with your permission and if you have paid as agreed and if the amount they are claiming is due is the amount due and whether and in what amount the creditor can recover attorney fees against you in addition to the amount they claim due on the account. You have not included in the information where you live - you should seek the advice of an attorney in your state to review your situation and give you guidance on the options available to you in your specific circumstance. Based upon the state law where you are, the exemptions provided by that state's law (federal exemptions apply for when the government is executing on a judgment and if you are in bankruptcy) and your situation your attorney will advise you to ignore it, defend it or attempt to settle it. Good luck!
Hi. Please Help. I had a loan with BBT and foreclosed the original loan was castle mortgage. Castle mortgage and Dyck O’Neal sued me 2014 and I now have a Judgment. I disputed it with Equifax 2019 and they Closed and are removing castle mortgage. Do i still owe the judgement? Do I owe Dyck O’Neal when never having a loan with him? I have excellent credit besides that account and don’t want to file bankruptcy. Unless I have to. I am going to inherit a house payed in full.
@Barbara please seek legal counsel in your area - do not delay. Judgments entered by a court of record attach to real estate and their legal impact is separate from what is on your credit report. We are working on some new videos on this subject.
A Bank has a judgement against me
Is their a way I can get put of it or negotiate with them
Hi @Jhoseph sorry to hear that- yes you can always negotiate and for other help watch our other videos for suggestions that may apply to you- every situation is different.
Living in fear i God Bless America
I live in Texas and I’m being sued by a creditor. I’m living with relatives, I’m on disability and only own one vehicle. I have no assets they can take or bank accounts they can freeze. Can they send me too jail or do something else?
HI @Jesse. Check with a local bankruptcy attorney for exact information for your situation. In the US people cannot be put in jail for nonpayment of a debt in a civil matter.
I have a question about the information about judgment any number I can call you to discuss with you if you can help me up some of what’s the judgment against me
HI Emile - if you can phrase it as a general question you can write it here.
I have a concern... I use to live with roommates that unfortunately ended us behind on our rent for 2 months. We did have to make an appearance in court before the sheriff could come serve us. We paid the amount of rent due in full. now when I search for an apartment it comes up as an eviction. the court gave me a copy of my judgement. will this proof be in my favor moving forward to get approved for an apartment?
HI @Nivea - I can't tell if the report shows an eviction was filed or if a judgment was entered. If there was a judgment for money and you paid it after the judgment then there should also be a paper filed called a Satisfaction of Judgment. That is the best thing to have to show that the situation was resolved. If you paid the amount after the case was filed and then it was dismissed then there should be a dismissal and that is even better. Hope this helps.
FinelyRevealed yes thank you so much!! I contacted the courthouse and they asked for the ledger stating that it was paid with satisfaction and to get it notarized and then they will process on there end to dismiss it!!
So I recently got a letter in the mail for a judgement against me. I own a small portion of land can I turn this land over in somebody else's name before I have to go to court so that I don't lose it, can I legally do that?
Hi @Shayne - it depends upon timing and where the property is located. We will do a video that might help-
See if this helps ruclips.net/video/EYBMn4TOStc/видео.html
Judgment against me about 2 weeks ago. They just attached to my bank account for a large amount of money. Filing Chapter 7. Have no real estate and no real assets..will Ch.7 remove judgment and also, how can I remove judgement from public record after bankruptcy?
HI @Dream Vision Your bankruptcy attorney can help you with all of this.
My mother was sued and now has to pay 600/month for 3-4 yrs. she told my dad she got a lawyer but I don’t think she did. Is there anything to be done or is this final? She won’t talk to anyone about it and my dad barely found out because he read the mail.
If there is a lawsuit it is public record and you can get a copy from the court. The papers would be signed by her lawyer if she had one. The only way someone 'has to pay' is when they made an agreement to voluntarily pay the creditor- usually that is documented (or should be ) so that when it has been fulfilled the debtor (person who was sued) can confirm it is over. If she made a deal then there may not be a judgment. If she is an adult and no one else is involved- she may want to keep it that way and handle it herself.
I have a judgment that is about 10 years old after 10 years is it no longer collectible ? i live in WI
Hi Jack- it is possible but the standard answer is 'it depends' - on whether it was a money only judgment or some performance (action) was also ordered - was the judgment registered in another state during the time (which then makes it 'live' under that state's laws), whether it has been renewed most states have renewal provisions that allow the original time period to be extended before it expires and also sometimes reactivated, whether there was a bankruptcy (by you) that suspended its enforcement. To be safe - talk with a Wisconsin attorney and get their opinion and advice.
I'm NOT an attorney! But, I am in the same boat. I have a judgement from one of these pay-pennies-on-the-dollar collection agencies that Dave Ramsey talks about all the time on some medical bills I have that predate the ACA (Obama Care). It is different in each state. Find out what the statute of limitations on collection of a judgement in your state. Some states it is 10 years... some it is 15. Even some states it is as little as 5. But, in most that is if they do not take you back to court before the limitations runs out. I haven't heard from mine in about 12 or 13 years. My state is a 15 year state. I'm betting these boiler-room collection agencies are not coming after you for a 12 year-old debt....? But, I will see when the 15 yrs. are up.
What you own ends up on you
I have received a notice of case filing and assignment and received a notice of default judgement. I have not be given a court date yet. I am on SSID and want to know what I can do to stop this? Thx
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
When a grantor dies and the trust becomes irrevocable, would any liability on the grantor when he/she was alive trickle to the trust and its asset? Assuming the trustee and beneficiary are different people here. Thx
The specifics of your situation would need to be reviewed with the actual documents to give you an answer. Will do a video on spendthrift provisions- those are the sections which exclude assets from creditors and might help you.
So, I have a question. What if the creditor sues you and the court gives you a date to show up to court, you want to pay off the judgement before the show up date, is it possible to get something done before? Currently I'm being sued for small claims on my son's medical bill. I know I have been behind on it and willing to pay. Is it also possible not to get your wage garnished but rather then pay through the bank since I have the amount being sued saved up?
Good question @rising Star! Contact the other party and make your arrangements before the court date or if you need more time then both of you contact hte court and move the date back. If you are paying you need to document that - don't use cash- and have them confirm in writing that this resolves the matter by including the case number on their receipt to you.
What if you never saw the summons and now they are garnishing ? Not sure if they mailed it or what. Can we fight it ?
Hi @Korenski23 this video could help: ruclips.net/video/FzO_loX_Xko/видео.html
There are others that are similar in the same playlist. If you still have questions let me know
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
Thank you so much for that detailed information. My bank never summoned me to court. They just obtained a judgment after i gave them back the car. Is it poasible that i waivered my right to be aued in court in the contract that i signed for purchasing the car? New York case.
HI @Armandine Yes- there are states who allow the contrat to provide that the borrower gives the rights to the creditor to proceed without them in court. If you ahve a copy of your contract you should read it and see. Many courts are online so you can check on the website and find your case by searching your name and see the status etc.
Nice one. Maybe a silly question: if the trustee gets involved in a personal lawsuit due to negligence on the road for example, would a judge/plaintiff find out that he is trustee for 2 or 3 irrevocable trusts and hence ask him to exercise the exclusive power to change the beneficiary to the creditor -- even though the grantor and beneficiary had nothing to do with the incident?! I hope not :)
Hi @SRed Trustee's have a fiduciary duty to look out for the beneficiaries under the trust- and what you describe would be considered 'self-dealing' which is not allowed. The terms of the Trust document and state law should be reviewed.
@@FinelyRevealed Makes sense. Otherwise nobody would take a 3rd party trustee ever, isnt it. That was silly of me! Thx
I had a medical judgment against me 2009 in Texas is there any website I can check to see if it’s still active they never garnished my banking account for my tax return they did not do any action Thank you for your video
You can check with the court - usually online by a search of your name or he case number to see if anything has been done since 2009- activity after that could extend the time for execution. Looks like Texas judgments may go dormant after 10 years.
Hello, from California...
When someone sues me and I did not show up to court and court from LA county but their business is in alameda county, LA county for some reason took money directly from my business checking account without any notice. Can I still get my money back, what are the chances and should I sue the person who sued me because he is in the wrong doing also. Please help me. Thank you!
Sorry for your troubles Jackson. Please seek legal counsel in your area- contact the bar association for your county and they should be able to make a referral for you. The attorney will help you protect your funds and get to court to address the situation. Do not delay. Good luck.
Can they issue a Writ of garnishment in Texas to banks to freeze your bank accounts once a judgment has been won on the creditors behalf?
HI @Ihawkins40 yes bank account garnishment is a tool that creditors have in Texas.
Just go withdrawal all of your money from the bank and they have nothing to garnish.
Can i ask the collection agency how much they paid my account? In 2008 i got repo. The car loan was though a credit union bank. They sold my debt to Kass Shuler pa. A collection law firm in FL.They are after me for 17k but on the letter i got it says 13k. They are now getting more aggressive on finding where i work. Do you think i can settle for way less then that?
Hi @Javier Watch these two videos and they should help you on the amount of the debt etc. Info the collector has to give you ruclips.net/video/ZcJnqjoCHwU/видео.html and basics of the fair debt collection practices act ruclips.net/video/3ieo0y0WgWw/видео.html
Dispute the debt and the amount and request all documents. I'll do another video on what should happen in a repo - you should have received a notice then on the results of the sale and how much they got for the car and applied to the debt. How long the debt remains available to be collected depends on your local state law. The time to sue you runs from the date of default. Hope this helps!
I am in this situation i did not pay after judjement,i have not making any money to pay back.now i am behind on my house payement behind one month and recived a letter they are coming after my assest.please let me know what to do.
Hi @syed you need assistance- for home owners there are programs to catch up before you go seriously in default. If you are not comfortable dealing with this on your own contact an attorney.
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
So basically it's best to answer to the served papers and appear in court or have an attorney represent you? 🤔.
Says right in letter you do not have to appear in person... return receipt their letter, ask for cease and desist on phone calls, all further correspondence to settle only in writing.
If they really want to sue they will go after the plus 10 to 20k a card debtors out there.
Looooot of bad debt out there.... they ain't going after assets you already own free and clear.. let them try to take the car lol.. I would put in brother in laws name
Great information. I have a similar problem myself, and I would like to hear what advice you might have for me.
Thanks @Joey
@@FinelyRevealed if you would like I can give you my email address to give you information on my situation.
Sorry can't give individual advice but can answer any general question that might help you.
I never failed to pay a bill. The real estate company I used sued me for full commission even though they never sold my home. They managed to get a judgment against me for commission. This makes no sense as no "credit was extended to me" so can they legally collect on a judgment?
Watch for a new video on this @Renee - will come out on Tuesday. Short answer is yes but depends on you.
FinelyRevealed I watched the new video you did. They did not get a default judgment. They got a motion for summary judgment. My attorney will probably appeal as real estate company wants a full $20,000 commission even though they didn’t even sell my home. The only reason they won their motion was because the real estate agent lied all throughout his affidavit. Everyone I talk to even other real estate agents think it’s absurd to get a full commission for not selling someone’s house.
Oh I am sorry @Renee - Because you stated a factual statement in your first comment as a basis for fighting the suit it seemed like you were not participating in the case and did not have a chance to tell your side- but it now appears you did. The key to this is in the broker/listing agreement and the law in your state. In most places if there is a no sale during the time of the agreement or afterward that can be traced back to a contact made during the term of the agreement then no commission is due.. The way to block a summary judgment motion is to show a genuine dispute as to a material fact. That is usually done through dueling affidavits. The standard for overturning a ruling on appeal when attacking the court's interpretation of evidence or testimony is usually an abuse of discretion which can be hard to prove. Good luck!
FinelyRevealed thanks for the info. I filed my own affidavit disputing the real estate agents lies. The judge said my affidavit was hearsay and speculation yet she took real estate agents affidavit full of lies at face value. Unbelievable! And get this.... I already got the real estate agent in trouble with the Ohio department of licensing. He received a citation. He also has to go through a hearing with the board of realtors. They read my complaint and believe he should have to go through hearing. So if a panel of experienced real estate agents believe the agent should have to go through hearing how can a judge act like this agent did nothing wrong.
We live in texas and my sister is being sued for credit card debt, her paychecks from her job are direct deposited bi-weekly into my bank account. Her name is not on the bank account at all. If they get a judgement against her, can they still take money from that account even though her name is not on it? thanks
Hi Rene- Cannot give specific legal advice but can tell you that Texas does not have wage garnishment but I believe that bank accounts are subject to attachment. The name on the account is one factor - the funds in the account and to whom they belong is another. For accurate information on your sister's situation she should seek legal counsel in your area.
What is a memorandum of costs after judgment
HI @1515 That is a filing that the attorneys make (in some states) on what costs were incurred that are recoverable and can be 'added' to the judgment. They can include filing fees, service fees, some subpoena charges and deposition or other court reporter or copy charges.
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.
If you won a claim in small claims court and the loosing party has not paid up, then you can file what is called a writ of execution. This is to gain access to the company's bank account to seize what is owed on the debt.
Yes Anti - there are various means. Here's another video that may help ruclips.net/video/XaIC8mkvcCM/видео.html
@@FinelyRevealed Got it. Here in California, I have to wait 30 days before I can file an EJ 130 writ of execution form. So, I'm still waiting on 30 days to lapse
Hi I am Kari I have a paid day loan they are trying to collect I do not have anything they can take all I have is social security and that was stopped for a reason social security said it was wrote up wrong I will get it back but is only 300.00 dollars and I live with my daughter I had a stroke and I have a little memory lost can they take the little money I make and what can I do
Sorry for your troubles Kari. We are putting up another video this week. Check back and let us know if it helped.
He is not a scammer I have met him on to account he is a very good man and comes from a very good family but over in Nigeria if you haven't got work and you cannot pay something on time they come and arrest you
Also my friend he turned up for the court
Well you may have to accept that you helped when you could and now he will find another solution. Sounds like you are a good person @antoinette and kind to provide what assistance you could.
Nigerian posing as White Lady
There are differences in states. I wish these type of videos would address just a couple of states' laws because they can vary. I live in Texas & I'm being sued for a $1000 credit card. I can't believe it's worth it because as she said, they can't touch real estate or garnish wages in Texas. I understand bank accounts can be affected, but do they go around looking for bank accounts to get $1000. If they do, they need a better collection business model.
Hi @Cynthia and thanks for the comment. Usually when there are smaller amounts they are bundled and assigned to counsel to pursue in batches. The collection attorneys who take the cases do so on a contingency- so they only get paid if something is collected. Because they take many accounts in together they payment they get on some efforts make up for those where there is no recovery. With your small amount they think that you will not want your credit harmed and so will either pay the full thing or some of it.
I am being sued for a credit card.. I live in NC.. what consequences can I face?
Hi @JiimmyJames - go to our channel page and click on playlists and scroll through the videos on money and finance - if you still have questions come back and ask !
I have a question
My sister put an apartment in her name for her daughter. Her daughter did not show up for court and a judgment was entered for a little over $2,000. It showed up on my sisters credit report under collections. Not a public record
Does my sister have to pay this collection or can she dispute this to have it removed from her credit report. She lives in GA
Hi @Iamlolitamarie Anyone can dispute anything- that may seem vague but it all depends on the circumstances of each case. The places to check are the contract and the court files. Judgments can only be reported as against the people who are sued. Hoping this helps you!
Actually who the hell cares about civil judgements if you are self employed and rent all your life ??? Houses are just not worth buying no more . I had a farm and cost me a fortune to live on and now I rent a house and leave the worrying to someone else. I have peace of mind actually having the judgement and not paying no more credit cards. I go out to eat and on vacation twice every year . I had over $120,000 in just credit card debt. If your going to burn them burn them good cause it makes no difference
Hi Ralphie - glad you have a system that works! Thanks so much for sharing.
Ralphie Boy if they have a judgment lien against you for your real property, they can only take your real estate and not your "real property"...like your car and jewelry????
Hi I may have a judgment against me from credit card company, is my brokerage account where I day trade stocks exempt and also my bank account? Thank you
All bank accounts are 'fair game' except for investment accounts. Great question @Firas !
I have judgment in New York I never live in New York and I am in levy in my account inTEXAS idk how but they do it way illegal way
I just Got a letter in the mail about this could you help me with it. I end up 2 days past may 3rd. Thanks
What is your question?
I Got a "order of execution of judgment" letter from Midland debt collector! I'm in NC. How do I fight this lawsuit? I don't want to pay. Thanks
It sounds like there is already a judgment against you and they are coming to enforce it. Enforcement means they will attach bank accounts, take nonexempt assets and garnish wages among other things - if those are allowed in NC. If you have assets at risk you should seek legal counsel immediately to learn your specific rights in this situation which may include a dispute of the judgment or relief such as filing a bankruptcy if you do not want to or cannot try to settle the debt.
@@FinelyRevealed What's kinda assets can they take? I really don't own anything. I don't have a job at the moment. What will happen if they can't Get anything from me?
I got a complaint filed against me so I contact the law firm before the court date and negotiated a payment plan with them. They sent me a stipulation letter for judgment upon default of the stipulation. I signed it and faxed it to them and they said that they filed a continuance so that they could file the stipulation letter with the court. I just got letter from the court that there was default judgment found against me even though I’ve been paying the creditors attorneys $250 every week for the past 2.5 months. I’m fricken pissed.
Sorry to hear this Syz! Please reach out and get counsel asap! Take a copy of all correspondence and give them the case number etc to get the court info. Time limits apply but you should be able to get this fixed and there may be a contempt avenue for you to get your attorney fees paid. Good luck!
What about a boat? Can a creditor have a person's boat confiscated for auction to satisfy part of a debt in New York? This person has no job on the books and no money in the bank so that's not an option. I'm 99% sure that the boat and trailer are registered through DMV and titled to my debtor. If he owns a car, it's probably not worth a fraction of what the boat is.
HI @Sandra Any property that is not exempt can be sold to satisfy a debt (if pledged to another creditor they need notice and will be paid first). I am unaware of any state which gives an exemption for a boat.
@@FinelyRevealed Thank you. 👍🏻
how about 3 rd party that sued you past sol can you go after them and sue the crap out of them thanks
Hi Mike - in some states there is an action called malicious prosecution. In those states if the case was resolved by the court (not that someone voluntarily dropped the case or withdrew it) and thrown out- then a new action could be brought against the original filer for damages incurred in connection with the first case. There could also be other possible claims such as defamation. Could be limits to the recovery as well. You should check with someone in your state to see if it is worth your effort or if you should just move on.
i cant found it
please send thanks
Golden Stone- it is on the about page - there is a button to push for business inquiries then if you show you are not a robot it will then show you the email address. Sorry- have to do this to avoid getting auto generated messages.
Can I pull my money out of my bank before court?
Money in an account belongs to the account owner(s) to do with what they choose. The only thing that could prevent that would be a court order such as an injunction or asset freeze or garnishment.
@@FinelyRevealed will my bank give me a notice about a freeze or a wage garnishment before it happens? I’m in Texas so I’m Curious and can’t get a good answer on google
@@Yahawadahhh If you were in Texas I don’t believe they can garnish your wages anyway, And that’s what Dave Ramsey says
My friend I sent him money in Nigeria and put it into his bank account they have frozen his bank account I did it by internet banking I know this person and I Have Nothing But problem from the fraud team which I've done nothing wrong it's only very little money that I send every fortnight to him and they're saying to me prove that you know him I have not reported any Ford whatsoever and they've stopped my internet banking
HI @antoinette it sounds like this person has been reported as a scammer. There are various signs they look for including transfers between countries and obviously the big scams involving Nigerian accounts is probably the reason.
In Nigeria if you do not have a job and you cannot pay something they arrest you and take you to court how can you pay something when you haven't got any money that is the reason he is not a scammer I have met him on two accounts and he's a very decent person and he did front up to court
Antoinette you are a Nigerian you write like one same speech pattern. I know I lived in Nigerian & am sick & tired of you yahoo boys people on RUclips trying to scam Chai you my friend got caught
@finelyrevealed....long story short is debtor is fooked every time....right finelyrevealed?
Hi @jhi1947 no- not every time. If you can't pay something you need to speak up and make contact- the worst thing that can be done is to go into denial and avoid the situation. Ignoring these types of situations doesn't make them go away.
Can you file bankruptcy after a Judgement?
Hi Audio - Yes - you can file at any time as long as you are eligible (has been more than 7 years since a prior bankruptcy and your debts exceed your assets). Watch for another video.
Never filed bankruptcy in my life,thank you
Can a lien caused by a judgment be cleared in a bankruptcy chapter 7?
Hi @Sandra Yes there is a procedure for this. We will do another video.
@@FinelyRevealed thank you.
I recommend a very good specialist Michael Gibbs [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] who helped me so much to improve my credit score and removed all negative items that I didn’t want. My score was 510 and after 9 days it was boosted to 790. I was very pleased and desire to share this with the world. I was not sure he would actually do it because I have been scammed twice. He told me all I need to do which I humbly did without hesitating in less than a week I saw the miraculous job, I couldn’t believe it. And I got a mail from credit bureau confirming the good job he did. Contact email [Gibbs@creditpatchup.com] Cheers.