27-Art: Intersubjectivity and Social Media

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @mindfullymystic8650
    @mindfullymystic8650 4 года назад

    Well, there was a lot discussed here. I’ll do my best to address what I feel at this time is the most valuable. That being our connection and relationship through technology, digital technology, more specifically. Yes, there is a value to analog in that it shows us our evolution. It’s nostalgic. Just as looking at the old black and white photos where the people had to keep a straight face (no smile) because the camera took so long to capture the image was for us 20 years ago. It shows us our history and evolution. Just as looking at old cave drawings still is. They all hold merit and value. But that’s not to say that their merit and value are surpassed or supplanted by digital works. (I will address the Pavlovian aspects of social media later). But the digital work, in and of itself allows us to process life, art, meaning, connection, in more (not less) substantive ways because we are able to revisit the moment and view it from multiple angles that the limitations of our human eye and perceptive technology do not allow. Ever seen a slow motion video? How much more of life, people, nature, the moment, are you able to take in, in comparison to what you perceived in real time? Digital works, in my opinion, allow us to digest and metabolize input in ways that our limited human technological processes do not allow. Take a slow motion video of a light. Just a regular light in your home. Then watch it. And observe how many times the light is actually appearing and reappearing, but to the normal human sense perception in real time, it appears as though it is a constant stream of light. Why and how is that so? Then ask yourself, if that seemingly constant stream of light, that appears solid, is actually appearing and reappearing millions of times per second, how many times are you or anything you receive from your limited perspective of reality, a seemingly constant and solid object, are actually appearing and reappearing.

    • @mindfullymystic8650
      @mindfullymystic8650 4 года назад

      It may be true that, for the most part, people do not return to revisit and re-evaluate their digital photos and videos. However, that is, again, a limitation of the human technological process. Our limitations, in terms of how we conduct ourselves, should not take away from the value and the merit of the digital technology itself. It’s just that we remain ignorant to its true value to our analysis and further development, because we are so quickly looking for the next best thing. However, if I gave a telephone or a light or a car to an indigenous/tribal person who had no access to these type of modern technological advancements and they didn’t know how to maximize its use and potential, you wouldn’t say the telephone, the light or the vehicle are flawed. You would say that the person hasn’t learned how to use the technology. It is the same with most humans and the potentially of digital content. Most people are not interested in revisiting or analyzing anything about others, let alone themselves. They are looking outward for fulfillment and reinforcement (again, more on this later - another benefit of this digital technology I use to communicate with you now; I can come back to it, minutes, hours, days, months, years later and further the conversation - if I’m so inclined, and I am). However, although I am inclined to greater analysis of social phenomenon, and the various levels of reality in which those phenomena exist, I also realize that not everyone is so inclined. But their ignorance (lack of understanding) of the potentialities does not detract from the potentiality.

    • @cod_pratyus125
      @cod_pratyus125 2 года назад

      Pls tell me what is the relationship between intersubjectivity and social media , will it strengthens our intersubjectivity or weaken it ?