In 1942 the Krasnyi Army succeeded in keeping ahold of some land right of the Don; the large bridgehead in the Serafimovich region was where several Soviet armies were concealed. They attacked on November 19th in a huge offensive that would, with armies also springing from the Kletskaya bridgehead and by Ozero Tsatsa, complete the envelopment of the German forces at Stalingrad.
Небольшой город,но мне он нравится своей стариной,часто проезжаю через него, несколько раз был в монастыре,красивые места
In 1942 the Krasnyi Army succeeded in keeping ahold of some land right of the Don; the large bridgehead in the Serafimovich region was where several Soviet armies were concealed. They attacked on November 19th in a huge offensive that would, with armies also springing from the Kletskaya bridgehead and by Ozero Tsatsa, complete the envelopment of the German forces at Stalingrad.