The Gospel | Romans

  • Опубликовано: 7 авг 2023
  • ‪@gracebiblechurchmarysville‬ Grace Bible Church of Marysville, WA
    Guest speaker Paul Washer's morning teaching from July 23, 2023, on the topic of "The Gospel" from Romans 3, verses 21-28. Paul is the Founder & Missions Director of HeartCry Missionary Society, which supports indigenous missionaries throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Eurasia, North America, and Latin America. You can watch or listen to other biblical, expositional teaching from God's Word via our GBC website. Join us!
    About Grace Bible Church of Marysville, WA
    We exist to bring glory to God. Our head is the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible is our ultimate authority. Recognizing that the Bible is the very word of the living God and understanding the priority of knowing and obeying its truths, we are deeply committed to studying and teaching the Scripture with diligence and authority. We equip the Saints for the work of ministry by training all believers to fulfill their biblical roles and effectively exercise their spiritual giftedness. The ministries of Grace exist for the purpose of equipping people and glorifying God. Grace is a church of people ministering to people.
    Grace is a teaching church, first and foremost committed to the Bible and a firm belief in its authority for our lives. All our ministries are intended to increase the knowledge and application of God’s Word in the lives of His people and lead others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ so that they can live to the glory of God.

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