「智慧的探索」公開講座 | 蒙美玲教授主講 | 懂聽懂說的人工智能如何改善人類的學習及生活
- Опубликовано: 30 янв 2025
- 「人工智能會搶去人類工作嗎?」「答案是會的,因此我們更要積極裝備自己!」
中大工程學院蒙美玲教授2019年6月3日主講55周年校慶「智慧的探索」公開講座系列,主題為「懂聽懂說的人工智能如何改善人類的學習及生活」。蒙教授即席暢談她多年來研究人工智能技術的歷程,揭秘 A.I.技術是如何懂聽懂說,更是如何幫助中風、腦癱等病的患者。
‘Could Artificial Intelligence make people lose their jobs?’ ‘Yes, that's why we need to re-skill ourselves.’
Prof. Helen Meng of CUHK Faculty of Engineering gave her lecture in ‘The Pursuit of Wisdom’ Public Lecture Series on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence in Speaking and Listening for Learning and Well-Being” on 3 June 2019. She unfolded her years of experience in studying artificial intelligence and explained how A.I. managed to listen, talk and even help patients with strokes and cerebral palsy. The full video of Prof. Meng’s public lecture will be uploaded to the internet.
Register for other CUHK 55th anniversary “The Pursuit of Wisdom” Public Lectures: bit.ly/2Rjxqx8