Enjoyed the video. Just one minor issue @9:22 - Henry Pottinger was not the Governor of HK in January 1841. Captain Charles Elliot, R.N., the British Plenipotentiary and Superintendent of Trade (Far East) as well as Commander of the British Fleet that defeated the Chinese junks in the 1st Opium War, was the Administrator (equivalent to Governor) of HK during January-August of 1941. As punishment for taking a barren rock called HK instead of a larger and more strategic Chusan Island near Shanghai, he was recalled by the UK Parliament back to London, and replaced by Pottinger, who became HK Administrator in August 1841 and officially named HK Governor in June 1843.
Easy on me where I picked tonight up as my written commitment for my future study wheperiodo solemnly News myself you know me sick are you taking my thingy I know it's so funny
The reason why Elliot and Pottinger were both called 'Administrator' instead of 'Governor' of HK between Jan. 1841 and June 1843 was because a lot of people in the UK Government at that time had the same negative opinion on HK as Mr. Robert M. Martin (@13:12). They were hoping to exchange HK for a better piece of real estate further up the Chinese coast. They saw possession of HK as temporary and so the place did not deserve a 'Governor'. However, through the tireless efforts of Elliot, and later in his absence, his deputy Mr. Alexander Johnston (@9:33), a nice infrastructure of a small town, e.g. barracks, hospitals, storage facilities, shops and residences, and a nearly 4-mile stretch of Queen's Road, sprang up along the waterfront within a year. The British government was thus presented with a fait accompli. By 1842 when the Treaty of Nanking was signed, there was no turning back, so they upgraded Pottinger's title to 'Governor' in 1843.
睇完之後,有好多感慨,知道原來歷史上面,原來香港對咁多過客,又咁多影響,有寂寂無名嘅人,都有顯赫出名嘅文學家,政治家,思想家。 每個人根據佢哋自己的人生觀和價值觀,喺香港加深咗佢哋对自己嘅夢想嘅追求。追求權力嘅人,就係香港经歷得到啟發,要繼續向西方學習進步,追求權力,不理什么仁慈公理;追求改進嘅革命思想家,在香港裏面得到改進嘅熱誠,繼續為自己理想而奮鬥;負面嘅文學家,就喺香港裏面得到啟發,更加負面;最後尾,「丁新豹」教授,用一個不幸嘅執政者,英国派來的輔政司「詹遜」去作總結,喺監獄出嚟,為香港作出貢獻後,離開香港之時:「期望所有嘅為香港貢獻嘅草根階層,應該得到好嘅待遇」,我最鍾意呢一個。
很偶然 聽到 丁教授 這一個令人悲哀的一課! 那些時候 我們 中國平民 真的 過得很苦! 😢😢😢😢
謝謝教授分享 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
從來並不很喜歡 讀歷史, 怕考試要記很多東西 年份, 但從這裏 聽到香港的故事歷史 很有趣 很有感 ,未來我們的歷史又將如何? 公道自在人心🙃
Enjoyed the video. Just one minor issue @9:22 - Henry Pottinger was not the Governor of HK in January 1841. Captain Charles Elliot, R.N., the British Plenipotentiary and Superintendent of Trade (Far East) as well as Commander of the British Fleet that defeated the Chinese junks in the 1st Opium War, was the Administrator (equivalent to Governor) of HK during January-August of 1941. As punishment for taking a barren rock called HK instead of a larger and more strategic Chusan Island near Shanghai, he was recalled by the UK Parliament back to London, and replaced by Pottinger, who became HK Administrator in August 1841 and officially named HK Governor in June 1843.
Easy on me where I picked tonight up as my written commitment for my future study wheperiodo solemnly News myself you know me sick are you taking my thingy I know it's so funny
The reason why Elliot and Pottinger were both called 'Administrator' instead of 'Governor' of HK between Jan. 1841 and June 1843 was because a lot of people in the UK Government at that time had the same negative opinion on HK as Mr. Robert M. Martin (@13:12). They were hoping to exchange HK for a better piece of real estate further up the Chinese coast. They saw possession of HK as temporary and so the place did not deserve a 'Governor'. However, through the tireless efforts of Elliot, and later in his absence, his deputy Mr. Alexander Johnston (@9:33), a nice infrastructure of a small town, e.g. barracks, hospitals, storage facilities, shops and residences, and a nearly 4-mile stretch of Queen's Road, sprang up along the waterfront within a year. The British government was thus presented with a fait accompli. By 1842 when the Treaty of Nanking was signed, there was no turning back, so they upgraded Pottinger's title to 'Governor' in 1843.
👍🏽fait accompli👍🏽
@@Avacado721 "The rice was already cooked.", as a Cantonese would say.
@@hkhistoryw5062 Or “Rice already blown” 😂
好好聽的歷史, 多謝丁教授!
Very interesting and enjoyable to see different perspectives of HK history
1841, 1.26 才是香港開埠日
summit 是山峰,而非山谷。
想知道同期的日本人是否也留長辮? 我們中國人留長辫已有多長時間? 外國人可能會研究,到底留長辫的中國人是否與Samson有渊源? 聖經有記載一些虔誠基督徒,-部落有留長辮的文化,留胡子的習俗。圓明圓的局格又可能與聖經描述的相似,以至心起炉火焚燒,都不保留日後自己备用?不是說過有外洋傳教士懂建築?
@@you_reap_what_you_sow 為講大話而驕傲,真奇芭!
@@serlancerlot315 問題係 你有身為被殖民而嬌傲呀!! 閱讀能力咁低,睇你中學都未畢到業!
@Ser lancerlot 你讀吓聯合國史料啦,聯合國幾十年前已正式文件通過,宣布香港不是英國殖民地,只是被英國殖民統治中。
Remember 大潭x to visit 小學生/// 有什麼都有\......旅行......完全是教育電視......in 7x/ to 80/ to90///
这位教授,口材不錯,解释很好,但是,在下提议阁下,为什么不先剪头发, 打扮一下, 才作演讲?远看是个傻子…